I think Suzie's comment from this weekend's Highlights really nails this situation of the illegal burning a woman on the subway to death, and bears repeating today: (Hope you don't mind, Suzie!)


Item 10: just imagine that!! The NY Subway needs the National Guard to patrol it, and they just tried to convict a man for protecting other riders!!

You can’t make this crap up."

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Kathy Hochul makes FJB look like a candidate for Mt. Rushmore.

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Well, FJB has the excuse of being the empty shell of a once demented old thief. Hochul does this stuff intentionally. I’ll go along with β€œYikes!”

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Kathy Holchul is Lovey Howell crossed with Peg Bundy

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Kathy Holchul is Gretchen Whitmers twin sister.

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From what I’ve read, the NY National Guard is only at subway stations to randomly check peoples’ purses, briefcases, etc with no authority to arrest or engage with anyone committing a crime. Are they now going to ban cigarette lighters on subway trains like they do on airplanes?

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No, they are so far gone they are going to ban fire extinguishers.

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Death to Co2!!!


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In that regard, they’re kinda like the UN Peacekeeping forces wherever they’re stationed. Just there for show, and totally useless, if not actually complicit with whoever they’re supposed to be watching out for.

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Your rose covered glasses view of the UN-peacekeeping made me chuckle. The UN missions in Gaza helped hamas with their crimes. In Africa UN-PEACEKEEPERS comitted rape and helped enslave children.

Just remember to insert a dash after UN anything because they are UN-helpful UN-civilized, and UN-successful in their mission. Which is why we should UN-support them.

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Yeah - that’s what the β€œcomplicit” part of my comment referred to, without going into detail.

The UN is a den of incomprehensible evil.

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Aside from having no authority, there are reportedly 250 guardsmen on duty. When you spread that over 3 work shifts a day plus off duty time that amounts to somewhere between 50 and 60 extra bodies to guard the entire subway system. There are already over 30,000 NYPD personnel. NYers will be unlikely to even see a guardsman. The criminals are laughing.

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hmmm ...

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Off topic today. Couple things bugging me. Number 1: If Biden is officially non compos mentis, how can he legally sign anything. If it can be proven that he's been this bad for years, has every thing he signed now null and void?? His commutations and pardons shouldn't be legal.

Number 2: If the Trumpster commutes all of the J-6 prisoners, the Dems better not say a damn thing.

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Right, Jake, and a hot stove won't burn you. You will hear the wailing all the way to Texas. It's how they swing.

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Just a minute ago I read where Tom Cotton raised this issue. The reply to him was it's not a legal transaction as such. It's a constitutional action that can't be reversed.

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Plus, the chances of SCOTUS ever taking it up would be slim to none.

A case could be made, however, that members inside and out of the administration, together, and in full and active knowledge that the president was not of sound mind, worked intentionally, deliberately and knowingly to manipulate and circumvent Biden’s regular presidential duties in order to consciously and knowingly cover-up his infirmity. And by so doing, willfully and knowingly orchestrated a coup of sorts, whereby all normal responsibilities and duties belonging to the president, were unconstitutionally delegated to unknown, unelected, and unaccountable individuals to the electorate.

That’s what happened. But as to whether the case could ever be brought into a court is highly doubtful.

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During the middle of the night of the 2020 election, I posted that we are seeing a Marxist Coup occur before our eyes. I DO believe cases can and will be brought against those who conspired and colluded in this treason.

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We’re on the way. God moved Trump to dodge a bullet and opened the eyes of enough Americans to win back our country. Now we just have to win back the RINOS.


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I have heard of this RINO virus. I believe it requires "primary" care to get rid of it.

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Kathy Horses++t (I really don't want to offended any of the great-confused-public out there) is full of it. The subways are not safe as long as bad people are out there. Start deporting. I grew up back there in NJ and went to "The City" hundreds of time and road the subways. They were safe then and they were fun. My dad (who commuted from NJ to Manhattan every day) always told us, "never stand up front on the platform; get your back up against a pillar or stand way in the back of the crowd and use the funnel method to get on the train"... the best advice ever. I passed it along to our family. Sorry folks. I have lived out west my entire adult life in Wyoming, Colorado, and Arizona and that is by choice. But I have very fond memories when NY City was a fine place; a wonderful place to visit and to enjoy the culture, the food, and the people. I don't see that returning in my lifetime no matter what Kathy Horses++t says. She is totally full of it.

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Did the same in Chicago. Live in NC now, but I wouldn’t take the train or any public transportation unless I was with a standing army. It’s a shame, yet my daughter has moved to Brooklyn. I worry about her as I did when she was in Chicago.

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Although I am not of, from or in the City of New York, I am pleased for those poor unfortunates who are thusly situated that Her Highness The Governor made the subways safer. Can you imagine the carnage that would be unfolding right now had she not done so? Dodged a bullet, for sure! Probably would have seen dozens, maybe hundreds more cases of spontaneous human combustion 'cept for the world of good that Governor Hochul did there. That's what the democrat party is all about, amirite? Public safety and clean, safe and efficient public transportation, like what they have in San Franshitsco. And really good public schools, too, can't forget those public schools. But it's not just here in the Good Ole US of A that our politicians have made us all safer. Those German pols have really done their constituents a favor by bringing in all those middle eastern truck and car drivers who seem to have the misfortune of driving through crowds of native-born Germans attending patriarchal and transphobic Christmas celebrations. Serves 'em right, though for being so anti-immigrant and nativist.

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Apparently, cars drive into crowds in Germany, especially Christmas markets.

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The Vehicles Are at It Again!’ Driver Plowed Through a Christmas Market and the AP Does Their Thing. The driver, Joe Smith,πŸ™ƒ was protected by the steering wheel. Kinda like a gun killed the Healthcare CEO., and the lady who mysteriously caught fire, while the police watched.

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Merry Christmas Eve!

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I haven’t heard or seen much about the drone in the last few days.

Did they go away?

Were they all shot down?

Or is any news about them and what they are doing just not on the PMSNBC website so it’s not news anymore?

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By "drone", do you mean Hochul? Or Whitmer? Pritzker, maybe? Nuisance, perhaps?

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Christmas and New Year break. Feds get time of too .

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Just as the Democrat party used COVID to institute mass mail-in balloting to make stealing elections easier, they opened the floodgates at the border at the same time the Census bureau is now allowing illegal immigrants to be counted. Their scheme is to distort Congressional districting in order to add a larger share of Democrat representatives in various states.

Everything they do, literally everything, is about amassing more power to them and thus the State, over you and your life.

And the consequences be damned.

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The Census has been including illegals in the every-10-year-census for least the last 2, 3 or 4 censuses--maybe longer. And absolutely it has distorted Congressional districting and fraudulently pumped up the Blue States number of electoral votes.

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Mr. Zapeta should be deported immediately, flown back to his home country of Guatemala, and shown the door at 20,000 feet. AMF.

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The Daily News is still around? I try to forget about that hard-left rag.

Fat Albert - sorry, I meant Alvin Bragg - is emblematic of the danger presented by an otherwise useless politician. Between his prosecution of PDJT and Daniel Penny he is perhaps one person most responsible for driving NYFC’s reputation deeper into the ground. And Kathy Hochul, the Accidental Governor - a title previously and briefly held by David Patterson, possibly the only decent NY governor of the 21st century- strikes me as a clueless moron. Not as evil as Whitmer, old Kathy has to make it by relying on Teh Stupid which she has in abundance. She’s managed to do the impossible, namely make me appreciate the thuggish charisma of the former Emperor of Cuomostan. Wouldn’t be at all surprised to see her win reelection thanks to completely indifferent non-voters and other morons that vote for anything with a β€œD” next to their names.

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Has the identity of the woman murdered on that subway train been discovered?

I’ve heard little to nothing about her, who she was - crickets.

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She was a student and not homeless, from what I have read. How very sad. This kind of stuff has to start affecting voters. It's beyond tragic.

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There was a meme somewhere that said "This can turn a Blue state Red." Hope it does.

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Public hangings served as a permanent solution to at least one problem not to mention a fairly affective deterrent to others. I wonder what King Solomon would advise for this cigarette lighter illegal.

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There are some crimes that deserve immediate and public execution, Wild West justice. The NY subway illegal is one. The two gay guys in Georgia who brutalized their two adopted little boys is another. Firing squad, hanging, drawn & quartered, or kill them the way they killed-set them on fire/brutalize them to death. The evil needs to be met.

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Liberalism has become synonymous with moral decay.

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No death penalty in New York.

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Another grandchild was an easy call for me, I only have one and would love to have twenty. Merry Christmas, Don and friends!

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Hope your wish comes true

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almost 77 and no grandchildren. not a one and no possibility of ever having any.

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I’m very sorry to hear it, Don; I hope this comment does not violate Substack’s rules with its length, and that it won’t increase your regret – but here is my side, hopefully for the benefit of all.

Iβ€˜m 83 and have 3 grandkids, the youngest just one month old, and I don't say this to brag, since personally I had no hand in it.

But your situation made a truth dawn on me, about the incredible value of generational relationships; and of course I'm generalizing, because there are exceptions to every thing human.

I think that as long as the next generation has no children it has little more than a vague understanding of the human wish for those, even less for grandchildren, and it seems that such folks have been multiplying – the ideological kind of multiplying. Having kids is too far off, it’s too old-fashioned, it will be too much trouble, housing is unaffordable, we need to save the Earth first … All those excuses contain a smidgen of truth except the last one, which is no more than a cover for self-worship.

But all that changes once that generation has a child or two, but in my experience the most intense love of children is found at the grandparents' level. And it’s most intense when the grandkids reciprocate, which is easy if they are geographically close.

Growing up I had that advantage, even though it was one-sided because my dad’s father, although he lived in the same small town, was just too busy. Before his wife, of whom he had only one photo, died at 42 they’d had a dozen children, now most with offspring themselves except for a couple who were physically disabled and still living with him, so he had his hands full. But what more than made up for that were my mother’s parents; they lived only a few blocks away so I could walk or bike there, and I was always welcome. My grandpa took me along to β€œdo things”, like tending the little garden plot he had rented to grow some vegetables, shortly after the war when everything was in short supply, and to help β€œglean” off a farmer’s just harvested field, because farmers obeyed the biblical command to leave some for the gleaners; they still do today. But imagine: having been a baker himself, he traded that gleaned wheat for bread. Even so, when I brought my report card from school he always pulled a silver coin from his vest pocket for me, his β€œstudentje”. Fortunately, two decades later I was able to make it to his deathbed: β€œWim, wa’ he’k schik da’k joe nog zie!” he gasped in his Twents dialect – β€œWhat fun I have to still see you!” All while going through whole-body spasms until he went rigid and breathed his last, just 20 minutes later.

By that time they had been persuaded to move into a β€œrest home”, a dreadful place, but at their house they’d had puzzles and books for us kids. Those were old and worn, nothing like the abundance we have now, but that must be how I acquired my love for books and languages. β€œOma, lees!” – I would demand – β€œGramma, read!”, well before I read myself so I would not need Oma. And read she did, until the room was completely dark and she could no longer see; only then Opa would get up to turn on one light. The war had ruined the safe retirement they had worked so hard to accumulate, and everything cost too much including electricity.

There is more -- but I’ve done enough involuntary crying.

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Thanks for sharing this story Wim. Very touching.

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