Thanksgiving has always been my most favorite holiday celebration, mainly because it centers around three things of utmost value: faith, family and food. Doesn’t get better than that.

Also, the true history of the Pilgrims is one the most inspiring, embracing almost incomprehensible courage, faith, and fortitude. The strength and determination of those people, buoyed only by their faith in the One, True God is something we could all well learn now to embibe as we all in these present times most assuredly are heading into a long winter of much discontent (and I don’t mean just the season).

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Great story, Don. You're right about the revisionists wanting to get rid of the Pilgrims' devotion to God. Their collectivism almost killed them, but that's the story the revisionists would prefer to be the truth. But it was not to be, thankfully. An early Happy Thanksgiving to all. Despite the current gloom, there's so much to be grateful for in our world.

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Get rid of God, then you can get rid of our inalienable rights.

If your rights don't come from God, but the government, then the government controls what rights they allow you to have.

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Exactly what is going on in our schools today and for the past thirty or so years. When I was in school, back in the dark ages 1940’s-60, every day started with a prayer and and the pledge. I am Jewish and was in a totally Christian environment but I look back on that as schools providing the basis for a healthy education. Look at today’s children and you adults who have nothing to believe in. I would rather have heard a prayer that I knew didn’t quite fit my beliefs than hear nothing.

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Well, we do have one for that too:

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ‎

אֱלֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הַעוֹלָם‎

שֶׁהֶחֱיָנוּ וְקִיְּמָנוּ‎

וְהִגִּיעָנוּ לַזְּמַן הַזֶּה‎׃‎

Happy Thanksgiving

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Blessed are you

Our God is the King of the world

that we lived and stood

And we have reached this time

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Thanks for the Google Translate version, even if it misses a lot. This one is better:

"Blessed art thou, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has given us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this moment.:

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Thanks, appreciated.

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Wonderfully done. Thank you. Thanks also for pointing out that the Pilgrims were not the same as the Puritans. The Pilgrims were the real rebels, in a good and noble way. I've been to Plymouth Rock and found it very inspiring. The village and the actors there were wonderful. To sit for a few moments under the tree and listen as the villagers sang psalms from the Psalter was a real treat. Brave souls, totally sold out to our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. We owe much to them, but most to our common Savior. Christ was King then, and He Reigns now. Much of America hasn't figure it out yet. I pray for the day that this deficit will end soon.

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Great piece Don. Especially interesting to read as a direct descendent of William Bradford.

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The Pilgrims brought much needed diversity to that part of New England.

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Both sides of my family married Brewster’s. So as the Pilgrims are my ancestors too, I’ll have to say this is a fabulous telling using their detractors facts to show how tough and good they really were. Thanks so much!

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Thank you Don for an honest depiction of our forefathers and mothers. Socialists have been besmirching our true history with abandon! I remember arriving from Chile in 1964 and soon thereafter having 7th - 9th grade teachers in Chicago and Miami making fun of America and sadly the students laughing along! It shocked me! Our decay from within has been happening for a very long time!

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Thank you for the great story, unwillingly told by a people so destitute in spirit that even the prayers of us sinners would be a blessing to them – if only they could tolerate it.

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Thank you. I love true history. Thing is history is a script that humans follow over and over again. All things old are new again. And, the good sounding things that do not ever work, continue to fail us. Reminds me of the definition of stupid. Happy Thanksgiving!

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The Pilgrims were English. There was no such thing as “an American “ until the Revolutionary War came and not one of those Pilgrims was around b that point in time.

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I always learn from you, Don, and this piece is no exception. Thanks for making the distinction between the Pilgrims and Puritans, something I'll likely chew on for days.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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Very, very well done, Don.

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You did a good job making your case from your opponents' twisted screeds, always the sign of a good writer.

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I am a proud descendant of Robert Cushman, one of the two organizers of the Mayflower expeditions in Leiden Holland.

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Giving thanks.

Such is unacceptable for many today, sad to say.

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