Is it normal for this slobs wife to leave the window open at night so she can enjoy the smell of burning flesh? These people have sold their souls to the Devil in return for power, money and sexual deviancy. They are beyond pathetic.

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Tires. It was the smell of burning rubber in the morning that she loved. To her, it smelled like…victory. To enjoy the smell of burning flesh would just be…weird.

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I would bet that some flesh got burned during those riots. When you try to burn a city down, some folks are going to get singed at the very least. How many were injured? How many of those injuries were burns? I seem to remember some idiot setting himself on fire while attempting to burn an American flag, but that might have been a different demonicrat riot.

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Yeah, but that guy doesn’t count. That wasn’t the smell of burning flesh… It was the smell of burning poop.

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LOL. "Weird". This is how vacuous Dems have become. Using one word as the talking point of the month. They couldn't even put it with a cognizant thought.

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Remember Gravitas ??

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Yes, it sure seems that deep in the slippery, odorous bowels of the DNC there's an intestinal parasite that constantly emits new political jargon for immediate adoption by the lapdog media. "Weird" -- "Insurrection" --"Mostly peaceful" -- "Right-Wing" -- "Gentle Giant" -- "Fascist" -- "Our Democracy" --

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Hat tip to Wordsmithing as a second career.

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He's sent me to MacGoogle several times. No mas.

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It's their failed education system, they don't know what some words mean. That became evident when worthless Willie debated on what the meaning of is is.

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I hate to disagree, but the stuff they say and write shows they are quite aware of the meaning(s) of words. The fact that Willie said that "It all depends what the meaning if IS is" showed not ignorance but his knowledge of the meaning of verbiage.

As for the rest of the Left, at a bare minimum they know quite well which words will make Republicans and conservatives look bad. Take "Right-wing", "Far-Right", "Fascist", all of which carry ominous overtones of goose-stepping Nazis; and I would make a substantial bet that the word "Insurrection" was coined well before the Jan 6 riot; because that would inflate it far out of proportion from what it was, a riot. An Insurrection is an attempt to overthrow a government, which usually requires weapons -- which, as far as I know, none of the so-called insurrectionists had, and the only person killed was an unarmed woman who was shot in the throat by a Capitol policeman who was never prosecuted. BUT -- that term, Insurrection, smoothed the way for locking up all kinds of people who never would have been touched if they had rioted for leftist causes.

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BTW, thanks to the expertise of my immensely clever daughter-in-law I finally managed to get my newsletter back on track. Renamed "Wim's WWII Memories", I expect to post at least twice a week. Check it out

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I don't know what your expertise is, but I enjoy the unauthorized history of the Pacific war podcasts on YouTube. We are counting down on our veterans. So much history being lost.

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Yes, that's one big reason why I wrote my stories. Several of the people I wrote about and interviewed have died not long after.

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Please, won't you tell me how your daughter-in-law managed to get your newsletter back on track and I couldn't? Asking for a friend.

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I would like to, but I'm sure I'd lose my way again. She's fiendishly clever about this kind of stuff; it comes naturally to her, but not to me. However, she has promised to assist a few more times with future postings until I can stand on my own feet.

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Oh yes, I do, but then -- there have been Soooo many ...

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Was he that warrior guy in “Lord of the Rings”?

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What's weird is they have taken George Orwell's newspeak and turned it into psyop oxymorons. Even weirder, so many have been seduced by it. Possibly the best of the worst: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

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That's my personal favorite. (My former employment was Department of Correction, and I loved it -- the job and the people.)

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You were a grammar nazi?

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Yep. “Joy” and “weird”. The buzz words du jour to the Borg collective.

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You know else liked burning tires? Nelson mandala’s wife. She liked them around her opponent’s necks. Two more phony leftists

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That bunch is a petri dish of self- eating bacteria.

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I enjoy the smell of burning flesh! Nothing better than chicken beef or pork on the grill.

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I understand that burning tires smell like napalm!😂

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Napalm in the morning smells better

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Robin Williams, in Good Morning, Viet Nam!!

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Congrats-You knocked DJ out of 1st.

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Feels like the devil 😈 is about no?

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Is it normal to give speeches while drunk and/or high on drugs?

Is it normal to campaign on fixing problems only after you are re-elected?

Is it normal to provide free abortions in an RV parked in front of the convention?

Is it normal to campaign for the most important job in the world without doing a single interview?

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Cackling Kam should embellish the idea the drinking and/or drug rumors are true. This would provide some cover and excuse. If not...God help us all.

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In case you haven't found it yet, CFP has a wonderful Megan Kelly interview with Estii Palti, the Cackling Kam mimic - I hope you enjoy!

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Not that there is a lot of competition, but Palti is the best!

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Is it normal for an American election to show one candidate ahead in all counts and bellweather states until 2:00 AM, when counters are told to go home and those remaining find thousands of ballots skewed to the losing candidate?

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Wasn't that just ... weird?

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It was very odd to say the least - perhaps a machine error. What was weird was that nobody in a position of authority would step up to investigate it and no court would hear a case showing evidence of malfeasance. Authorities abdicated their responsibility and looked the other way. THAT was weird (and now, scary)

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Yep. And it won’t be the last time.

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No no silly, "weird" is now reserved for republicans.

C'mon man!

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I think that ourside has successfully co-opted the word “weird“. If you’ve noticed, they’re not using that word much anymore.

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Yeah, that wasn't going to work out well for them.

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And evil.

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Don’t forget about the water leak that somehow shut the voting down. Or don’t forget that those two women in Fulton Co were able to sue for defamation of character for news agencies/ people pointing out that it was odd that there was no one there monitoring and that votes were stashed under a covered roll away cabinet. Or that they kept inserting those votes over and over again. Strangest actions in a vote tabulation center I’ve ever seen. No one ever really explained it. I suspect it will all happen again.

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Tin foil hat much?///SARC

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And the new dystopian America is a direct result of the once vaunted “fourth estate” that was once the protector of the people from government overreach and malfeasance transitioning into this country’s most dangerous fifth column. This is due to the complete control of the media by the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party. At least the citizens of the former Soviet Union knew that Pravda was lying to them.

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This times 1000! The media's uncritical and unserious vaunting of Harris and Walz, just a few months after claiming Kamala was not well liked enough to carry the torch. How can ANYONE believe ANYTHING the lying MSM says/prints/promotes. Fake News is not a serious enough appellation for them.

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The Dems are so unglued that their only way to grab a headline above the fold is to be startlingly outrageous. For a good while, I thought that James Carville, who looks like the poster boy for a bottle of iodine, is as far fetched as they could get. Alas, that wasn't weird enough. So they resorted to running stories that make viewers and readers say, "You just can't make this shit up." Look how they succeeded.They let Hee Haw become the nominee without a vote of delegates. They let Pelosi, an 84-year old falling-over drunk, force their candidate Biden to withdraw from the race. And then, claim that a president who ran from his basement belongs on Mt. Rushmore. There is no reason to question the Walz selection That's chicken shit in comparison, It wasn't even the result of a raffle. But (standby for this), they have yet to slaughter Obama, so he must be next. Memo to Martha's Vineyard residents: put "for sale" signs in your front yard. The Dems next move will be to uproot all the residents so Limp Wrist and Mike no longer have to live among riffraff.

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I read this morning that according to Moochelle that the presidency is a "black" job - huh?

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Is it normal for Obama to think about President Trump's penis?

I ask because Obama made a not-so-subtle joke about it during his speech last night.

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Just in his imagination

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So Obama fantasizes about Trump's manhood.

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In Obama’s own words, he fantasizes every day about having sex with men. Google has probably suppressed this but you might try to find it. Obama wrote about it in his early years as an adult.

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Among others. Doubtlessly, many others.

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Come on, Man! ‘Bama had plenty of the real thing in the days before they shut down the baths in Chi-town. His main man was also shut down when he became a politician. Two sex partners from those days who wouldn’t shut up had fatal Clinton style accidents. Is that weird?

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Obama squats to pee.

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Yes, he identifies as the girl. I can’t get the picture out of my mind of BO with the goofy grin on the girl bike in mom jeans. Now Michelle makes more sense…pathetic substitute for an Alpha male.

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And wipes with his left hand

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Maybe an obsession? Not like we don't know he likes boys.

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Remember Joan Rivers.

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Ah, but to make up for his speeches' contents, he always pontificated with pouty preacher's lips.

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Why I call IT ozero Gail.

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Obama has always been a crass person. He's been photographed flipping the bird.


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I found this encouraging yesterday.

Played golf with my next door neighbor yesterday. He used to be a conservative, but his 3 daughters with Catholic school educations (great for going on to having lucrative careers, not so much for thinking straight about life) beat him down. Now he’s a RINO at best.

Anyway, asked his thoughts about upcoming election. He said he couldn’t see Trump beating Kamal because…. (all the usual lies about Trump).

He asked me. I said, “Well, I have a much higher view of Trump, plus as soon as Kamala’s made to debate, and is forced to give an intelligent answer to a simple question, people will know she’s an idiot.”

He seemed relieved to hear this, as if he knew it all along, but wasn’t free to think it.

I think this bodes well.

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I think the opposite. Young women today are the scourge of the western world. They are mouthy and opinionated. And without any knowledge. Too much Disney TV growing up with bratty little girls stamping their feet with wimpy fathers who never disciplined them. They are complete socialist locusts sucking everything out of the family budget. I know people still working to support their dead beat daughters.

They think their right to kill their babies is sacrosanct. They will not vote against it.

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If you can stand it for very long, watch @whatever on Youtube, it is just the BEST when Andrew Wilson is on! Socialist/COMMUNIST locusts are sucking everything out of our nation, and all our personal budgets....BY FORCE TAXATION -we are ALL paying for daddy's little princess'! At least with this delusional mindset, and young men wising up.....there will be less of their "little ones" being born, or CONceived.

Andrew Wilson's channel is: https://thecrucible.video/

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You’re a good, patient friend. Three daughters who apparently have stepped all over their malleable father for decades is a tough one to turn. Keep up the good work in validating his true beliefs.

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What Walz did to Minnesota he will do to our country. Install tattle-tale lines for neighbors to report neighbors. Paint ball armed security to enforce curfews. His affiliation with China is truly scary does anyone actually believe thr net financial worth he claims?

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I was going to say that. It is normal to report your parents/children/neighbors to the Stasi for not obeying the Party.

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Is it normal to submit a "report" to not charge a president with crimes against the country because he is too old and senile, and then literally no one raises hell for letting that criminal bastard remain in office?

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Democrats have very different definitions of "NORMAL". Haven't you noticed?

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I'd add that RINO's are in that same club, they abnormally refused to look at the over 3000 affidavits of election malfeasance

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I’m tellin’ ya, Walz has got that creepy Dennis Hastert vibe in my opinion…. The left only promotes people they have the dirt on so they know they’ll do what they’re told. (I know he was a Republican/Rino) Both of them coached high school kids and traveled with them….creepy

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The Dems are grooming him to run for President. He has all the qualities of Pedo Joe and he's young enough to be around for a while. Remember, Obama said of Ol Joe "don't underestimate the ability of Joe to F things up". The Dems still went ahead and elected a guy who they knew has the predilection to F things up. Seems to be a feature not a flaw in the Dem party.

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I just can’t believe Walz went to China 30 times and retained a TS clearance in the military. That would raise flags all over the place. I just don’t buy it.

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You don't buy that he went, or you don't buy the reporting?

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I’m not sure. But as a retired senior military officer, I know that an enlisted soldier who visited a communist country 30 times without a valid reason (married to a Chinese person - which in and of itself is suspect) would not get a clearance easily. And a Top Secret that he would need to be a senior leader in an artillery battalion would be way out of line. Either he didn’t travel that much, the stories are made up or someone in DOD was looking the other way. On purpose. Any way, it stinks.

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The Chinese are all over our education system. In engineering grad school all the students in my classes were either Chinese or from the middle east. They've invested heavily in infiltrating our college system. Walz was an easy mark. They treated him like he was special. Showed him only things they wanted him to see and then helped him bring students over for more indoctrination. He is a classic "elite capture".

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It might be helpful to observe that TS clearances are adjudicated by the FBI .

... 'nuff said?

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Another tour de force this morning, Don. You pulled together a list of 40 items that when seen together clearly reveal how far gone the Democratic Party is now.

The ray of light in the tunnel, though, is that at least 75% of liberals--if they were forced to read this list--WOULD feel rather disturbed and upset in their gut about this. This stuff is not what most Americans throughout our history would have ever called "normal".

The problem is, that most liberals DO NOT ENCOUNTER lists like this. Their Left media would never show them a list like this. And the corrupt Left media has refused to even REPORT many of these items--so most liberals do not even know that all this stuff is occurring. The Left Media has bent over backwards to not alarm the "normal" people still in the Democratic Party.

Plus, these things DO still generate a "disturbing gut turmoil" for the liberals who do hear about some of this, and the instinctive reaction of a human being is to recoil from things that give them a "disturbing gut turmoil". So these liberals compound the situation by developing a knee-jerk refusal to look at any Right media. This further isolates liberals in an out-of-touch artificial la-la land. Which increases their cognitive dissonance upon encountering reality. Which means even more "disturbing gut turmoil". Which results in even further shutting-out of real news. In other words, a vicious circle is in operation.

We need to do two things: (1) Continue to confront liberals as much as possible and force them to SEE and HEAR ABOUT things. And (2) Be kind and supportive towards them, because we understand that they are going thru "disturbing gut turmoil". We can hold out our hand to them--respecting them and ready to welcome them back to the real world with love. If you just approach them with anger and disdain, you will not play any role in healing America. These are (literally) our brothers and sisters, our family members. Keep building bridges and help them walk over them back to the real world.

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I believe it's called "Cognitive Dissonance", and you are quite right, that you must break the news gently, or their feelings of being "threatened" and "unsafe" will rise to insanity levels.

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Do not say MAGA or Trump until the 3/4 th conversation.

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Haha--good point! They're programmed to melt down whenever they hear MAGA or Trump!

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Yep, Wim, it is cognitive dissonance. I'm calling it "disturbing gut turmoil" here because that is what they visibly appear to be having when you talk to them.

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TPGal, this is the comment of the year!!!! I totally agree. We are all politics-followers, which automatically puts us in a position of knowing more details, nuances, dirt, allegiances, corruption and sausage-making than probably 75% of the country. Dems who still have a brain are jaw-dropped when they hear some of this, they have to fact-check. I know some who only woke up towards the end of Covid-----and then thought, where the hell did our country go? I consistently blame the media=corporations=govt grift-FBI/CIA/DOJ=anything that touches Obama.

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This is SO true, Alice. We who follow Surber are indeed politics junkies, who have usually been following politics closely for many years--which you so perfectly described as the "sausage-making"!!!

And we ARE quite frankly, better informed than a big chunk of the country--75% is probably right. I so often get blank stares from people when I mention an event or fact (for example, that EV lithium batteries can spontaneously explode, and that there was a freighter ship carrying EV's that sunk last year because of a fire onboard that spread among the EV's.) And these are smart people. But their reliance on Left media has made them truly very, very uninformed.

(As an aside, I think that is why many liberals clam up so quickly when you try to discuss politics with them-- right away, we make a point or give an example of an event that they never heard of, and they realize they are out of their depth, and to save face, they just shut down the conversation / run away / hide / or even bite at you.)

But you are right, many, many Dems DO still have a brain, and they can still wake up if they encounter evidence they weren't aware of (like videos, links to articles, etc.) Although some won't even open the links or look at the videos. They just feel really, really threatened by info that contradicts their narrative.

I think there is an important principle from all this:

It is never smart to close yourself off from information.

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Yes, which is why I read things I don't necessarily agree with but respect the writer enough to listen to their point and reasoning.

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Me too.

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Very good point, except I think the 75% is too low.

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Maybe we are better informed because a lot of us listened to El-Rushbo TPG.

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Please let me join the weird group if the dems/msm are normal.Nice list of moronic thoughts foisted upon a public where apx. 50%-will believe the crap in the msm.This a direct result of 50-60 years of mis-education and brainwashing pre k -college.McCarthy and DDE warned us but were ignored, then RWR warned us but GHWB backstabbed the voters setting up the downward spiral until 2016 when PDJT won despite the cheat.This is why we are now needing a PDJT/JDV victory with coattails and an ensuing 1-2 decades of MAGA thinkers and doers.Lead on Poca-Man and we shall over come !

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Agree Marlan. My wife and I stopped watching 60 Minutes decades ago. I hear my friends talk about it and I want to scream. Same with NPR and PBS - all garbage.

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I'm sorry, Marlan, but that's too many initials for me to follow your train of thought.

As to the MSM -- I recognize that one -- they are surviving on what little is left of their entitled credibility. Don't you remember watching Huntley-Brinkley or Walter Cronkite declaring, at the end of their pompous pontifications: "And that's the way it is!" ??? And obviously sensible people watching them repeating that mantra, without any objections?

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Is it normal for American politicians to prefer Red China over America?


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Regarding the survey: don't insult hyenas; they are quite family oriented.

Frankly, the last thing the party of idol worship and child sacrifice needs is a mascot. It would just encourage them to worship it, sacrifice it, or abuse it.

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I went with the kneepad which both represents how Kommie Kamala got her start in politics and how she will need it to take orders from Obama (or whoever is currently running the government) if she is elected. She, like FJB, is merely a sock puppet.

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This may be a little gross, but the weirdness of the Dems deserves this mascot: A used tampon.

Walz is proudly known as TamponTim. There is an avatar of him holding one over his head. Kamala uses tampons and supports putting them in boys bathrooms.

Just photoshop Walz's avatar of holding one over his head to be red, and hang used tampon earrings on Kamala. It's the only mascot idea that ties Harris and Walz together.

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Haha, Shrugged-- you guessed right--this one is a bit too gross!

Funny (EARRINGS???!!!!), but gross.

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Yes, it is gross to us normal people, but not a strong enough symbol of the Dem’s horrid policies of late-term abortion and open borders that fully enable child sex trafficing. Then, there’s their sexual addiction to grooming . . .

It is hard to believe this is our “opponent” in a national election in the last greatest country on earth. Weird.

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Couldn't we shorten that to Timpon?

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Aah, but with that silly, cackle of a laugh and habit of scavenging....plus the dirty deeds and utterly destructive behavior they were imbued with in "The Lion King", the hyena would be a suitably normal fit.

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You can substitute “healthy” for “normal” and not be even a little bit controversial. The most significant policy objectives are not healthy for bodies or souls. Or even a community’s education system or economy. It’s biblical in consequence.

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