You may be missing the point, Don. What's going on is FJB's death scene. A crummy McBeth-type ending to a stinking, public life of lies, deception and theft. The fat lady is warming up her voice. She's ready to yodel and will be singing in a matter of days. So long, Joe, it's been nice knowing you. May you fall through your ass and hang yourself!

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From your keyboard to God’s ears!

That frozen minute at the Juneteenth “celebration” the other day is a clear indication that he’s getting worse by the minute. One day he’s simply going to topple over and his handlers will have to carry him off like a sack of potatoes.

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Won't get into it here, but they have been using a "double" for Joe for public appearances such as the one you mention. That is, until recently. Some believe the "string pullers" need a reason to remove Joe from the Dem ticket so they are now showcasing his demented state.

Will Joe (and Kamala?) make it through the Convention? I don't think so.

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Do you have any proof of the "double"? Like a visual or voice record?

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There have been numerous photos comparing Joe’s earlobes to his double’s. Joe has detached earlobes but his double has attached earlobes. Don’t know it that’s proof but it could be. Just search Joe’s name and do a comparison on the numerous photos which appear.

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A body-double for a President would be hard to pull off--it seems there would be too many people in the loop to keep it secret. But I admit I did have a passing thought that wondered if the demand to have Joe Biden sit at a table instead of stand for the debate with Trump is not just because Biden has less endurance to stand, but to disguise that a supposed "body double" is not the same height as Joe Biden.

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Even if that’s done, I’m having trouble believing that a double could effectively mimic FJB’s voice and mannerisms. Especially his voice.

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The doubles are good, but not perfect as one would expect. Then, just how closely do people pay attention?

Here is a classic test of how selective attention is managed. It is a fun experiment to show how humans don't see what is in front of their faces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfA3ivLK_tE

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Hard to pull off really. How many people know about his decline? He's sharp as a tack, or so we're told. I wanted to see for myself, but they don't announce where he'll be until the last minute. But, then again I live in Michigan, and they don't want the hamasholes getting him off track. So, I have to watch his incoherent ranting at events, and decide.

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There are several compilation videos on Twitter--one is 3 hours long, that shows numerous Biden gaffes.

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Some video coverage is quite clear.... wrong ear lobes, wrong hair, wrong facial structure. Those body doubles need to be very careful as they are expendable. ... for political reasons, none of which are honorable, in this situation.

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There are no good (substantive) sources with valid proof, but there are lots of circumstantial sources from people. It makes sense the secret service wouldn't want this to be verified despite it probably being a longtime practice. If you think about it, having a double is a smart thing - better for security and helps with tough schedules. Of course, it also hides a man's declining mental fitness.

The day they shoved Hillary into a black van - when she was basically catatonic and couldn't move her limbs - suddenly appeared hours later looking like she was out for an afternoon shopping trip smiling, bright, and fresh. THAT was a body double.

Most of the search links you will get are from Snopes and Politifact debunking the notion there are body doubles. I don't believe the debunkers.

I posted a link about a week ago but can't find it.

Here's a post on X: https://x.com/FiveTimesAugust/status/1552066481931915267?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1552124554918727681%7Ctwgr%5E7e11299cc1b7bff33dd5c75b236ed1bca26dd1a2%7Ctwcon%5Es2_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vice.com%2Fen%2Farticle%2Fwxnn54%2Fis-joe-biden-dead-replaced-by-10-different-deepfake-body-doubles-an-investigation

And another: https://x.com/GPrime85/status/1552331245123735553?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1552331245123735553%7Ctwgr%5E7e11299cc1b7bff33dd5c75b236ed1bca26dd1a2%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vice.com%2Fen%2Farticle%2Fwxnn54%2Fis-joe-biden-dead-replaced-by-10-different-deepfake-body-doubles-an-investigation

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I also remember that when Hillary reappeared there was no Secret Service with her on a street in NYC. How does that work?

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It's government magic. With CGI and AI, we soon won't know fantasy from reality.

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On the first one, the eyes have a different shape but the ears and the nose are the same, like one attached and one more loose. A difference in skin tone can just be due to different lighting. But on the second one the rounder eyes stay wide open without blinking. That's kind of odd.

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The voices are different, the hair is different, the eyes are different, and the ear lobes are different if you can even see them closely.

The X poster thought they used CGI to morph Biden's face on to another model so some of the features may not appear to be different as they are in other videos. There are clear videos in the past that show different physical facial features but unless you see them side by side people don't notice.

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Yes, let's see if that conspiracy theory is true. Not sure.

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The Babylon Bee will confirm for us if Joe Biden has a body double!

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LOL. I thought they photoshopped a mannequin replacement for public viewing in the frozen shot.

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Read Mark Steyn's "The Prisoner of Windsor" to see how it can work. A great novel.

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My Fingers are Crossed that this will happen, but a GITMO Hanging is reallly in order. I believe we would have God's approval. HE has helped many nations to KILL OFF ENEMIES over thousands of years..... says so in The Bible.

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Like Hillary, during the 9/11 ceremony.

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PS: May they lug you off in an electric hearse delayed by recharging stops on the way to your final planting

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Don't we have any leftover CIVIL WAR CANNONS that would be cheaper, simpler, faster, and less noticeable than a Hearse? I do not want this poisonous garbage to be buried in my Earth.

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Perhaps that's been the plan all along. Let Joe go naturally and then use it to to get the sympathy vote. Poor Joe, don't let him die in vain!

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That's when we pull out all the stops on his repulsive penchant for sniffing little girls. He is a pedophile. There is no sympathy for one who does that.

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Not sure it's just little girls. His disgusting display of "affection" for Hunter's little boy on the tarmac yesterday was unwatchable. Or maybe he thought it was a little girl because of Beau's long blond hair.

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This seems to be a FAMILY WITHOUT MORALS. ANYTHING GOES. Good Riddance.

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I support the DEATH PENALTY for PEDOPHILES. Quick and Easy, DONE. love, grandma

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The Democrats have experience in trying to politicize the death of a politician. In 2002 they tried to turn the Paul Wellstone memorial in Minneapolis into a partisan rally, insulted the several Republican House members who attended to show their respect in the process, and managed to flip the seat to Republican Norm Coleman in deep blue Minnesota.

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Same crowd that elected Al ‘Airman Hands’ as Sen’tor…T/b followed up withthe kid-sniffer in Chief…

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“Think about the children that haven’t been sniffed!”

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HAHAHAHAHAHA Any burial place would have to be Blown to Bits to keep citizens from setting it on fire, digging him up, just the 'daily cleanup' of the area is not worth the cost. Let him go, old Cannon, dump into the ocean from a small boat, oops, Hunter fell in, trying to say goodbye to his Daddy!

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Hope so, really, but I am not yet convinced. Bidet has always managed to skate.

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FJB is a nasty human being. The sainted oldest son, Beau, was just as corrupt as his dad, but he was guided into positions to maintain his political viability. Hunter, the second son, got tapped as the bagman for the family. He’s taken all the hits for the family and it’s probably one of the drivers of his addictive personality. For me, pardoning Hunter is the ultimate test for FJB as a father. If he waits to pardon Hunter when it is most politically expedient for the Democrats instead of what is best for his son, then FJB is an even bigger piece of s*** than I thought.

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If Pedo Joe wanted to do what’s best for his son, he would let him do the jail time. Hunter is the piece of vermin excrement that he is today because Joe always bailed him out and Hunter never had to suffer the consequences of his actions. Some tough love several decades ago would have made a huge difference.

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I tend to agree. Hunter is an adult and solely responsible for his actions. But FJB has never had to suffer the consequences of his actions, which is where Hunter and his siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews learned it. FJB set his son up to be the patsy for the family. It’s a Shakespearean tragedy of a mediocre cast of slimeballs, harridans and shrews in a socially striving family with a lust for power and a cheap buck with some sexual perversion and treason thrown in as an afterthought. The Bidens almost pulled it off, but the patriarch flew too close to the sun.

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You are too kind.

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I won’t be singing “Happy trails to yewww” bc I hope we never meet again. That goes for your rotten family and the Obama cartel.

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They will never admit Biden has died. They will simply always have him on a video link and use AI to deepfake him saying whatever the puppeteers want. It will even appear that he recovered from his dementia. It might even be a partial fulfillment of Rev 13:3 "One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast."

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Hey! Do you mean FJB could be dead already????? WHAT A HAPPY THOUGHT TO START THE DAY! Congress should ask for a DNA test.... or a doctor to listen for actual breathing! Thank You, David Thompson, for a great MOOD LIFTER!

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Thank You, Defiant Jester, for this VOTE of CONFIDENCE that We the People will finally SCORE ONE for the citizens who actually OBEY our Laws as a matter of normalcy in American life. I hope you are RIGHT ON POINT WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT!

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my your father have harry b. spindler stamped on his forehead just before he's buried.

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harry b spindler, the Wild Animal Collector????

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one and the same.

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The real issue will be Hunter's sentence. He may have to take one for the team and do some time so they can justify forcing Trump to do time also. We'll see. They're so desperate, perhaps they're not thinking straight. Their bag of tricks ain't workin' like before. Increasing numbers of us Deplorables are catching on.

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The sentence is a critical step in their ruse that justice is blind. He will get a sentence, but I'll bet it will be to a treatment facility for recovering drug addicts - top shelf conditions - and of course, room for secret service protection.

Just as Joe couldn't be charged with keeping top secret documents in his garage because he was an old man with memory problems, poor Hunter was under the influence of drugs and couldn't make a reasoned decision when buying a firearm.

In case my sarcasm isn't obvious - both are bullsh*t.

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That’s right. If anything, Hunter will be sentenced to Club Fed. But I still think that the appeal process will drag on long enough for FJB to pardon him after the election. Just my opinion.

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Hunter, will not spend time behind bars. He'll probably get a fine and probation. Hopefully one of the conditions of probation includes drug testing.

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Trump will pardon Hunter. Probably first day.

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Some others have said this too, but I disagree. Why would he do that if he wants to stand for justice? Most of America knows Hunter is guilty as sin, and for more than he was charged.

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Don't ever think for a New York second that this "conviction" is not part of a bigger plan. Despite their name, Dimocrats are smart - very smart - and they have every tool at their disposal. They operate the levers of our government, the Deep State, and the Fifth Column like the Wizard of Oz - and like the Wiz, do it behind a curtain of secrecy. Combine that with an absolute commitment to power At Any Cost and you have an enemy equivalent to Beelzebub hisownself.

My brother in West Virginia and I exchanged daily phone calls during the runup to the 2020 Steal. He was delighted that, clearly, Trump was going to be reelected. I remember telling him, "No - there's something wrong. Trump is crossing the nation, hosting three - sometimes four - rallies every day of tens of thousands; Biden is hiding in his basement, and when he does deign to poke his head out, he can't get two men, a boy, and a dog to listen to him without a pork chop around his neck for the dog. Yet the Democrats are supremely confident. It's not an act; they know something we don't."

Turned out my spidey-sense was better than I thought.

Never underestimate these people. "Make The Vote Too Big To Rig" is not just a campaign slogan; it is essential to saving this great nation. They can't win unless they cheat because the Unwashed Masses that fuel this country despise their policies - and we know that they are going to cheat. The only question is, can they cheat enough? They don't care if they really win; they just want to be able to CLAIM they won and shove it by force down our throats and up our ... well....

I ain't a praying man, but between now and November, I may reconsider. Everything that matters - everything - is at stake.

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Well said, Jim Wills.

The only point I disagree with you on is that "Democrats are smart--very smart." Yes, I understand that they have employed their human intelligence to be diabolically clever in pursuing their sordid goal of power.

But they are not REALLY smart-- in that they have all misjudged Life and Reality to buy into the destructive premises of Marxism and progressivism. They have also failed to exercise a fundamental premise of intelligence--being able to perceive things in perspective. They have fallen into a knee-jerk rejection of America's goodness, and for some reason can not perceive how blessed they are to live in the incredible freedom, prosperity, and marvelous opportunity of America rather than practically any other country on earth.

Anyone that makes a "mountain" over the "molehills" of spots where America falls short, is just not smart. And it is really stupid to believe that America's failings are solely due to a vague, supposed racism, rather than to the obvious reason of a segment of the population not growing up in two parent families that value education and personal effort and responsibility.

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The democrats use of the race card is simply because of the obvious black vs white; therefore, projecting all of their failed policies onto white people. This also fits neatly into the DEI & CRT ideologies.

During segregation, the democrats identified various ethnicities as "colored"; up to 32, in fact. This was to maintain the idea of white superiority. The democrats have done a 180, and have taken themselves out of the equation, so to speak, via their double standards.

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I’ve said this before…the amount of “fortification” that the Democrats will bring to the election will be visible from the ISS.

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"Mr. Biden does better on personal likability and being viewed as compassionate." - how is this possible??? Are people not seeing what a repugnant, bitter man "Lunchbox Joe" is every time he opens his drooling pie hole???

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They see their own reflection in him, complete with the snark and malice, just like the wicked witch who thinks she’s the “fairest in all the land”, that is until Sleeping Beauty appears on the scene to “Trump” her.

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isn't that the definition of MORON?

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He's perpetually angry & - during his attempted teleprompter recitations - screams at people. He's always been an unhinged imbecile.

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Joe has always been a vicious blowhard grifter. Never much nice about him, ever.

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Everything that I needed to know about Pedo Joe’s personality, I learned during the Clarence Thomas hearings in 1991.

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You're exactly right, CosmicPatriot-- "Are people not seeing...?"--it's true, people who consume only Left Media are NOT seeing what we're seeing about Joe Biden, because for years the Left media has had a "blackout" on any news that makes the Left look bad or challenges their narrative. The Left media only shows the "noble aspirations" of Democrats.

I remember noticing clearly that the "Joe Biden is compassionate" line was first presented and then heavily promoted during the 2020 Presidential election. It was supposed to show Joe as a contrast to Trump's supposed "mean and nasty" persona. I thought it was a laughable attempt, but many Dems bought it hook, line, and sinker.

And yet Dems think they are "smarter" than the "stupid and racist" Right.

The Dems have proven themselves to be quite stupid-- because they failed to realize the principle that It Is Never Smart To Shut Yourself Off From Information. They allowed themselves (like stupid cult members), to be persuaded to almost never look at "alternate media" (i.e., any Right-leaning media) but dismiss it out of hand as "conspiracy theory". By doing so, they do not realize how out-of-touch with reality they have become.

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Well said, TPG.

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It is reminiscent of the obligatory “while I don’t like Trump” preface coming out of the so-called ‘I am a classical liberal’ types.

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The people he calls "roaches" continue to vote for him..... what is sicker than that?

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The left's pathetic stage play just finished Act ?? in stealing all that is America while the country watches in various states of consciousness. Their desperate acts of covering up the truth are absurd.

If we get through this election with Trump victorious, I hope someone goes back to provide all the evidence in this twisted tale of how America was almost stolen without firing a shot while the country watched it happen.

Don, I think you are the man for the job. All but the last chapter or two can be in the tank before the election, which would be the last chapter. Trump the Constitution.

When Trump wins in November, the judicial system will never expose all the corruption and filth of the Obama/Biden/Clinton regimes so it will be up to the writers of history to set the record straight so it never happens again.

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“If his name was Joe Schmoe, he would not have been charged.” This. THIS. Is what I find infuriating about the entire charade. This is a throw-away sham of a trial, intended to show the rubes that Justice is truly blind, no one is above the law, yada, yada, yada. Even if they make a reservation for Hunter at the Graybar Hotel, daddy’s gonna have to cancel that “cause he’s a good father. This dog and pony show is a distraction for what’s REALLY going on in the country. Those of us with discernment will see it for what it is and not be fooled. I predict, that if Hunter is given jail time, that FJB will pardon him sometime after the election, but before FJB (finally) leaves the WH. I also predict that FJB will pardon not only himself, but the entire Biden family wake. As FJB has so eloquently stated, “Watch me”.

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I can’t verify it but I’ve read that there are a lot of Joe Schmoe’s sitting in prison for doing what Hunter did. Also, not being prosecuted for not passing a background check is completely different from lying on a government form.

I fully support the second amendment but I’m not comfortable with the idea of junkies running around with guns. We see the results of that every weekend in demonicrat run inner cities.

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BUT…none of them have the BIDEN surname. Hunter will, IMHO, never see a day in jail.

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If Hunter does not get a prison sentence, THIS WILL INSURE THE END OF THE BIDEN/OBAMA REGIME. THEY ARE ON THIER LAST LEG, ALL ARE ABOMINABLE LIARS, CHEATS, LAW BREAKERS AND KILLERS OF FREEDOM. BIDEN IS THE PUPPET, OBAMA IS THE LEADER. We, the VOTERS, can bring this to an end. Let's Do It! Lets bring our Constitution and God's Word back into our GREAT NATION!

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From my 18 month paid vacation in a FPC , (fed prison camp), I can tell you you’re correct Ms PWN. Esp’ly bullshit charges like this are common ways to put ex-felons back inside. (Hey, DOJ, we got some beds that need refilled.)

One GA farmboy I knew was caught in a tree stand deer hunting with a rifle, who had a drug charge, 20 yrs before.

This is why I called Tom Cotton a grifter. After 2016, he tried to position himself as more law and order than Trump, for a 2020 run. While inside I read a WSJ op-ed by him making the bullshit claim that most recidivists go back for worse crimes than they first committed. Wasn’t true of any I knew inside.

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God Bless You, steve Boggs, I am thinking of you and praying for your safety. Be of great courage, we will welcome you home! Please keep us updated, STAY SAFE AND SMART, tha nk you for your message, we hear you. love, grandma

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You’re very sweet Gayle, but I’ve been home for 4 yrs now, and all is well. God has indeed blessed me & my dear wife & family throut this ‘adventure’. It’s something you have to experience to get the education.

From time to time it seems appropriate to share stuff most people wouldn’t know about otherwise.

It’s all good.

An old friend told me, when I was going away, not to worry because “they can kill ya but they can’t eat ya”.

Never figured out what he meant but I suppose he was right.

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Thank You for this wonderful update. I am so happy for you and your family. I wish I could believe you are safe from further illegal actions and persections. You have sacrificed greatly, that is a travesty. I may have already known this, but a recent stroke keeps me at a slower mental pace these days. Not complaining, I am blessed to still be here!

I just heard on Rumble that Canada has been taken over by China and India. the signs have been readily apparent that Fidel Castro's son was wooing these countries and pandering to their every desire. So, now it has apparently happened. We, in the US, are in very deep waters right now. I am hopeful about the upcoming election, but know that there are plans to undermine the process. Wemust be prepared for negative changes from all directions. God Bless all of you, We will survive all of this.

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I think it meant the conviction can kill your viable life (for most it does) but “they can’t eat ya” means they’ll let you return home to try again.

Many never recover because their record destroys their chances.

My dad is an example that I lived through and saw firsthand, not unlike your experience. It most often destroys the family. Wife and kids.

I am very glad you have done well.

Blessings and cheers!

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That’s brilliant! I like that.

A felony certainly is the gift that keeps on giving.

An example: when I turned 70 I had to renegotiate term life insurance. The age of course doubles it, but a felony triples it, and nobody I found would write it til you’d been off probabtion for 3-5 yrs.

Losing gun rights makes you more vulnerable (in a worldly sense), esp’y when you’re older, and living in Biden’s America.

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Emily Companio said on Gutfeld last night that 157,000 people are in jail for that same crime 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏾🤷🏼‍♂️

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We will have to Watch and Pray for the END OF THIS OBAMA/BIDEN REGIME. We are a BLESSED NATION, with GOD's Help, WE WILL SURVIVE ALL OF THIS, and will be given the chance to make the neccessary changes in our government to insure all of us of our Freedoms and Powers to Keep Our Nation Constitutional and Law Abiding.

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I bet it was secondary to a drug conviction.

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The persecution of DJT was the worst thing these geniuses could have done. Now they double down with this stupidity. The MSM can tow the "no one is above the law" UniParty line all they want -- but the only ones who believe this are the ones sipping in their lattes while reading WaPo, NYT's or watching CNN. The veil has spectacularly fallen.

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Their biggest mistake was thinking that Trump was like all the other Republicans. Put a little pressure on him and he would fold. Trump didn't get where he is by bending over and taking what what they give. He got where he is by hitting back harder.

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There’s actually a Constitutional question at stake in Hunter’s conviction (and those like it), for anyone who believes in the 2nd Amendment:

“… the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Even requiring a background check at all is an infringement upon one’s right to bear arms.

Of course no one wants drug addicts to possess guns, but we either stand by that declaration, or we don’t, and continue to erode our rights piece by piece, until they barely exist at all.

I don’t know if such a case has ever been argued before the SCOTUS, but wouldn’t it beyond irony of this case was one to do so?

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Suzie, I believe you are correct. The problem here is not guns or the 2nd Amendment. We have this issue because drug laws are not adequately being enforced. I'd say a death penalty for drug dealers would put a dent in it.

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The title of "Criminal" derives from an individual who knowingly breaks the law. Making another law to stop them is illogical since they already ignore laws.

As you suggest, the limits our feds add to getting a gun only erodes the constitutional rights of the NON-criminal citizen. That is their intent, I believe. They really don't care about drug addicts running around with guns. They only want to restrict 99% of the rest of society from being able to do so.

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As Ben Franklin famously said,

“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

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You are so right. The founders could never have figured designer drugs.

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are we missing something here?

the reason for the guilty charge for possession of a firearm is just a poke at 2A defenders from the left in a "round about" way

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The question of dementia or natural stupidity is fairly simple. The answer is both. The signs of dementia are obvious everyday. He doesn't know where he is and has to be guided and also often stops when speaking while in mid-sentence. His lack of intelligence has been known since at least his college days when he had to cheat and plagiarize just to be ranked 76th out of 85 law school graduates. It's quite sad he ever became President. It's a black eye on our country.

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But it’s a heck of a win for Didn’t Earn It, amirite?

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Thank you Jesus for the Don's... Don Surber to brighten my day and Donald J Trump to save our nation.

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And Don Quixote to tilt at windmills.

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Well as soon as he gets his tooth brush and personalized bar of soap, we need to start looking at charges of Treason too.

I mean it’s not like he can skip at that point,right?

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not registering as a foreign agent? AKA Gen Flynn episode...

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That FJB is constitutionally incapable of stopping the lying it shown AGAIN by these parts of his statement about Hunter:

(1:) “Jill and I love our son ..." (He is not Jill's son);

(2:) "... we are so proud of the man he is today ...." How in the name of FJB can anybody be proud of such a corrupt, greedy, treasonous, lecherous drug addict? Besides, FJB has never acknowledged Hunter's daughter by the stripper;

And (3:) "[we] will continue to respect the judicial process ..." You mean, as in siccing the federal Injustice Department on Trump and his supporters, keeping some locked up for years without resolution? Oops, my bad: several have been charged with "conspiring to obstruct or impede an official proceeding". But when a black Dem congressman pulls the fire alarm to do just that, he gets a pass.

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Now now,Wim rules for thee but not for me is the rule.

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Joe Bidung is an illegitimate president. End of discussion.

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Nothing happens in Delaware by chance.. nothing. Expect a sentence to start after 11/5. Expect a pardon 11/6. If Trump wins… Hunter pardoned. If Biden wins… pardon Hunter. There were no substantive charges like treason espionage etc to tie Joe to a criminal enterprise. It’s all a game. FJB

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Yes, leaving out the more obvious charges that would implicate Joe was by nefarious design.

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Why on earth would Trump pardon Hunter? Unless it was because--as folks have stated above-- to protect infringement on the 2nd Amendment--AND, because true charges against Hunter on the serious treasonous offenses were being simultaneous filed instead, for which there would be no pardon from Trump.

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If Trump wins Biden pardons Hunter :)

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Damn the torpedoes AND the mail-in ballots. FULL SPEED AHEAD!

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Like Don, I never expected a guilty verdict. I thought, given in Delaware venue, someone on the jury would vote for innocence despite the overwhelming evidence of guilt resulting in a hung jury. Perhaps Hunter was thrown under the bus by Dear Old Dad, or perhaps the wheels of the No Malarkey Bus are starting to go flat (two bus metaphors in the same sentence, yikes). The finish line is not too far away, but FJB is really struggling as his performance, or rather non-performance in France highly illustrates. It's going to be an interesting few months as we have debates and conventions coming up. I am still not convinced Joe will make it, but Dr. Jill will try as hard as she can to drag this cadaver-like person to the finish no matter what the outcome.

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