Clooney has come to know the term useful idiot.

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He is one and I hope he feels it.

As I gaze at his manicured and partially manufactured Hollywood face, I am disgusted by the entire faux industry he represents.

The same for Obama.

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Ignore them. They are irrelevant. Always have been. They are part of the problem, not the fix.

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Clooney may well know some of what it feels like to be used. But “it ain’t in him” to know that he, the greatest actor, the hansomest and coolest celebrity since Cary Grant … could possibly be an overindulged, overpaid, over estimated … IDIOT … useful or otherwise.

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I concur.

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The infantilism that helps to define the left/democrats...


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I double concur.

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I doubt George has the candlepower to be that self-aware.

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If you read the NY Post and use the term "idiot" in a comment you get kicked out by AI. And as I have said before, there is still Miranda Devine writing there. She and Don Surber are my favorite opinion piece authors.

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Substitute ID10T and see what abominable ignorance does.

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Good idea; thank you. Have a good weekend.

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The NY Post is a good paper. Just be civil and all is good.

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Being from New Jersey, I have read them for years. However, now there use of AI is disturbing to me. Civil is correct; I am that; their intrusive use of AI needs to be scaled back; maybe then I will return. For now all I get from them is Miranda's newsletter/column. She is very good.

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Agreed, but like Breitbart, the ads are super annoying. And when I get annoyed, I tend to slap someone until they are not longer silly which sometimes is fatal because it's so hard to tell when they finally been cured.

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Is the term idiot not civil? Maybe uneducated, or misinformed, or incomplete data to make an informed decision, or not making a logical argument? Or low IQ statement....

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democrat might work

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Actually, I think Obama is the one to realize he was the useful idiot. He and Mooch will fall like Wylie Coyote walking off a cliff. My disdain for them has no bounds.

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Time for Obama to sell up in Washington DC and go back to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard.

He pioneered applying machine politics at the federal level. Lying, corrupt and a has been. And don't forget that he is equally rescued by the Hunter Biden pardon.

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I don't think he's learned a damned thing. He is still a know nothing actor who should keep his mouth shut.

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Did you notice how he never wondered why they lost, only that they got soundly beaten? They don't ever look at "why" only for someone to blame.

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Expecting celebrities to have self-awareness is a big ask. They live in a very tight bubble where they never get much input from the real world. Look at the ladies on The View for a prime example. That gaggle of harpies hasn't had a cogent thought in years.

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And, thanks to Obama, he is used up.

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Used idiot?

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Frankly, why stop at just one??? Let's Cheney all of them! McConnell and Graham are the most dangerous, but here in Texas, we despise Cornyn and would give him the boot tomorrow if it were possible. I have read where Ken Paxton may challenge him! Texans would welcome that. If not Paxton, how about Wesley Hunt?

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Yes—all of them. And add Ernst.

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The fact that Cornyn has held office as long as he has in Texas tells me all I need to know about Texas. And it doesn’t speak well of its vaunted conservatism or its IQ for that matter.

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that's how i feel about south carolina when contemplating haley and graham. i love the weather, beaches, ambiance, southern charm and all but these two grifting con artists stand out in stark contrast to all the rest.

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But speaks volumes about our election machine - no one here wants him either

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Thx for the compliment-I'm sure your senators are what every conservative dreams of.

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I live in a Blue Shithole. The best thing I can say about my senators is that Kristin Gillibrand infrequently shows up on the side of a milk carton. (Up)Chuck Schumer is a loathsome embarrassment to sentient life forms, but NYers are too stupid to notice and keep re-electing him. The last not completely useless senator from NYFS was Alfonse D’Amato, known for his responsiveness to any small thing a constituent asked for help with, and his (career) killer Judge Ito impersonation. I remember hearing that banger on Imus In The Morning at the time and laughing at the attempt and at the fact that Senator Al would not be a senator for much longer. Sad.

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i'm going on 77 and honestly don't remember when michigan had a good senator, let alone a conservative one.

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Please not Wesley - we just lucked out of booting Eyepatch and got the incredible Wesley - I want to keep him!

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The pie rat is gone? 1 down 534 to go. The problem with Congress is that no matter how good a person we send, the swamp destroys their moral character.

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not defending the swamp but most of these sewer rats come with (hidden) baggage they are careful to conceal when running for office.

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I don't disagree, most of them started out as lowlifes. They get picked because the people who control the selection process want controllable people. Truly good people have an uphill battle and can't beat the money thrown about to secure a scumbag

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eye patch is history? outstanding! i missed that good news. thanks for the update jewel.

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sorry, don, but eyepatch got redistricted elsewhere, unfortunately still whimpering in congress

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Wesley was great on the Ruthless variety progrum yesterday (yes it is "progrum"). It is a great listen.

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how do i get to that?

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Any podcast app and search for Ruthless Variety Progrum

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Hasn’t McConnell already said this is his last term?

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yes he has.,,,at least i thought he had. perhaps it was wishful thinking on our parts joe.

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The party that now stands for the “transitioning” of young children to a gender not consistent with their DNA has itself been transitioned by its leadership into the freakish disaster that is now the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party whose original “DNA” was Jeffersonian. Thank God for DJT!

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I'm starting to like calling them the "Bud Light Party". It's shorter and brings vivid negative pictures to mind.

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Nothing like a stale, flat, warm beer to cheer their voters . . . /s/

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They are too old for Botox to hide the reality of their depravity.

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Sure wish those darn Republican senators realized it was a landslide too.

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The Trump team will have a "Come to Jesus" meeting soon with the habitual offenders. It's the Trumpsters party now. They haven't accepted it yet. He needs to lop one head off publicly. The others will fall in line.

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I agree Jake. Start with Ernst and her treatment of the DOD pick. I just hate what she is doing to Pete. Hopefully he wins out on this.

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Start with Graham. He is the slimiest two-faced dud ever to inhabit the Senate.

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They don’t at their political peril. They need to be reminded by the people.

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Charlie Kirk is making a list and checking it twice! Ernst isn't the only one on his list either - just sayin'

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Or otherwise know as the Fourth Branch of the Government. ...and of all the branches it is the Fourth Branch that has been sitting on it's duff.

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It seems that their numbers are fewer, but some of the names, unfortunately, are also new. The role of the majority leader will certainly be something to watch.

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Meanwhile I think I’ll call some senators tell them to quit acting the buffoon for the Dems and commit to confirming Hegseth. And the rest of the nominees. The posturing and front stabbing and attempting to bushwhack Trump is old and tiresome and so foolishly destructive. It’s maddening.

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It’s worse than maddening.

It is malignant, petty, arrogant and insulting to every voter in the country, most especially their own constituents, Republicans, and their duly elected Republican President. Disgraceful and reprehensible.

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What EODMom said!

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Yes!!!!! Bravo, need lots of people calling.

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This may be a simple and unsophisticated analysis, but the loss for the Democrats started when they stopped listening to and supporting the vast majority of voters - the lower, middle, and upper middle class of society. When Trump made populism the North Star for the democrat-abandoned middle class in 2016, the beleaguered middle class workers switched lanes and raced to Trump. Not only did he expose the Dem's hypocrisy, he delivered felt-results of a much better life to 75% of America.

Money isn't everything, but a little extra makes things a lot easier and the majority of voters support those policies over sex change operations for six-year-olds.

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I think that's spot-on. What I find remarkable and gratifying is that the election also seems to be a repudiation of identitarianism. I hope identitarianism stays repudiated.

Harris self-destructed by being inane, but it's nice to know that there weren't enough Good White People™ this time casting "historic" ballots for the First Woman President Who Is Also Black.

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It is good that identity politics have been completely worn out by the incessant Dem harangue. When they changed from Black or women issues to cutting the testicles off of little boys, people were mostly repulsed. People stopped listening.

Their narratives are as comforting as tear gas at an ANTIFA riot.

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12/06/24: We will eventually learn about the Kamala Campaign's schemes.

Don Surber: "Then there is Willie Brown’s former belly warmer." [!!!]

"Ambulance chaser ... John Morgan gave Chris Cuomo an earful over the billion-plus Kamala Harris blew ... When Biden quit, big donors dumped money [and] Kamala’s campaign went on a spending spree."

[What follows written when the number was "one billion." Now it's "$2.5 billion." These are all estimates. And that's all they're ever going to be because the Harris "campaign" book-keeping reminds me of Sam Bankman-Fried's bust-out operation in the Bahamas. "What book-keeping? Just grab the cash!" SBF --- having lost all of his Democrat "friends" --- is now serving time.]


Why win and then have to work for four years when you can get paid with the kickbacks from a billion dollars spent and then relax?

Their own polls told them they had no chance.

Option B? They ran what the Mafia calls a "bust-out."

1) Acquire the company (usually by nefarious means. Ousting Biden? Check).

2) Drain it of its cash ("HELLO, OPRAH!" Check).

3) Throw the carcass on the trash heap. Vanish.

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Yes, and since you mentioned the Bankman-Freid … The way that scam worked, distilled, is Congress & Biden sent gobs of aid, courtesy of US tax payers, to Ukraine. The govt of Ukraine and select Ukrainian oligarchs then bought gobs of shares in FTX, for about 1/3 to half the aid money value. Then Bankman-Fried and his brains-bereft gf donated the bulk of it back to specific Dem campaigns and the DNC. Money laundering so obvious that “even a caveman could figure it out!”

But the real story, I’ll bet, is that someone a lot brighter than B-F & gf, set it all up, and made those poor fools the apparent “too goofy not to be geniuses” (except they were just goofy) the head-fake head of the scam. I hope Kash Patel gets to the bottom of that, before another outbreak of Arkancide. Big names could be name tags on orange jump suits.

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12/06/24: I am looking forward to seeing this money-laundering exposed and its alleged perpetrators indicted. Thank you for the info!

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re: Capito. The Red Pill Movement's best argument for repeal of the Nineteenth Amendment.

Well maybe ... it would be a footrace with Murkowski, Susan Collins, Sandy Occasional-Cortex, Joni Ernst, and the now-defunct Liz-the-Frowner Cheney.

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Now that I've retired in Iowa, I want Ernst to get the Cheney treatment. What a despicable Rino!

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Yes. I'm an Iowan since '95. I have been very happy about this state going from blue to purple to solid red during my 30 years here. Both senators and all 4 congresscritters are Rs, the state legislature is majority R, the guv is R, and the state votes R by a large margin.

Stolen-valor corruptocrat Senator Tom Harkin is a dim memory, and I had high hopes for Joni, who is now exhibiting signs of squishfulness.

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Texas has been 'red' since the the late 70s, and only grown more so.

But being all 'red' has been infested with Bush adherents that really are not conservative, and hide by 'reaching across the aisle' and allowing democrats to have chairmanships of committees in the House...and letting democrats swing the vote for a liberal 'red' House Chairman. Everyone one Wins! Property values go up, tax revenues go up and the Texas Legislature gets to spend, spend, spend. Lazy Texas voters are not upset that property taxes are 4x higher than 30 years ago.... Not sure when the pitchforks will come out in Texas....

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Me Too Iowan. I don’t see a strong pool of Republicans to replace Ernst, or Reynolds (who I suspect won’t run for governor again). Two of our congressional representatives have a very fragile hold on their seats. We could flip to blue pretty quickly.

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Yeah, I hate it when the lies roll out as smooth as silk. I had high hopes for her.

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Agree, my first thought in the poll, was that Ernst was conspicuously absent.

When we look at the number of Senate RINOs & corrupticrats … and take an objective count … we should all feel a lil less giddy about 11/5, and little more like suiting up and putting on our fiercest game face, war paint and all.

The war (euphemistically speaking, all you secret Fe’ral gubmint monitors!) is just beginning.

Ernst’s new position among the power brokers, and her inflated view of herself as a military expert & heroine from her National Guard service, is setting her up for a fall. She needs to study the word, “hubris” and reflect on how many have been brought low for failure to be wary of it.

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I wholeheartedly concur- especially the “war paint” part!

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Speaking of war paint - we watched Tucker's interview with Lavrov last night - very enlightening and alarming. Biden and his handlers have put the US in a very precarious position with Russia and according to one of Lavrov's comments, there are some people at the Pentagon who are of the mistaken impression that a little nuke incident wouldn't have any impact on us here in the good old USA - talk about hubris!

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Well said.

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Call her out, esp over her passive aggressive treatment of Hegseth. She initially campaigned as a "pork cutter", memorably posed with a hog on her farm.

Remind her of what her promises are...clearly and politely, in phone calls,

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Let's go to Washington and "Make her squeal"..

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Sandy Occasional-Cortex!! Luv that as much as Don’s Ambiguously Black Duo

My day’s off to a good start

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So many Cheney clowns … uh, I mean, clones, … yet, so little time.

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The donks care about horizontal Harris' campaign debt because it is owed to legacy media. Had she won they could have funneled federal cash to bail out the propaganda arm, but now face two years of budget woes. They have a serious problem. If any of the big networks, faux included, fall into the hands of a conservative, their ability to control the flow of information is in jeopardy.

We have several truly conservative networks, but they have limited reach. If dish, direct, and cox don't include you in the basic package with a low channel number, you don't get seen.

CNN, broadcast to every empty airport doesn't make bank for two years and that is their worst nightmare.

Two years of carrying debts could cause a see change in all media. This hit may be the biggest win of 2024.

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“Ambiguously black duo.”


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Yes... a classic comment. Don Style.

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45 looting days till the apocalypse for the Deep State.

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I still don't consider the election result to be a landslide. For some reason, landslide means 55%+ of the vote to me. The election result to me was a "mandate trend"--- a sweeping nationwide endorsement (albeit a narrow one) of a platform that makes sense-- aka it is logical; one headed by the right person at the right time. Those who voted the other way are sad little robots lacking the mental acuity and ability to sort out right from wrong in so many ways. January 20th cannot arrive quick enough.

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Because of 2020, I don't trust the 2024 vote tallies. I bet there were millions of manufactured ballots for Harris, because all that black-ops infrastructure was still in place. It wouldn't surprise me if Trump did get something close to 55% if the election had been clean.

The ease with which people can cheat at large scale bugs me more than just about anything—even more than Autotune™ vocal tracks. If I could magically change one thing in this country, it would be to clean up elections. One day, in-person, voter ID and all voters registered at least 30 days prior, paper ballots. Absentee ballots only for overseas military.

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Good comments; well written; I agree with them. I would add a second item to your list of things we could "magically change" in this country- adding term limits to Congress. Elon Musk ought to fund that; state by state; I would if I had his dough. Third thing- revamp this whole "Presidential Pardon" horseshit. It is out of control in my humble opinion. We need balance; this is not balance.

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And one more: Compensation of Congress members should be the sole prerogative of the respective state legislatures, of the states they represent. This would do a lot to end the graft, make Congress responsive to the people’s interests, stop the Federal government’s abuse of states (e.g., the border assault) and remove all the hidden perks. In short, make us more of a federated Republic than a centrally controlled autocracy of special interests. Besides, no business allows its employees to decide their own compensation with zero practicable oversight.

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Hellz yeah

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Yeah the pardon thing makes zero sense to me. I don't understand why the executive branch gets to subvert the judicial branch. The only way it makes any sense is if somehow pardons could be limited to people who have been unfairly convicted/imprisoned. But how could that ever be determined?

And look how Biden has abused the privilege here, to save himself from being exposed. That's not just a favor bestowed, it's self-dealing.

I used to be ambivalent about term limits, on the principle that people should always be able to vote for whoever they want. But witnessing how incumbency actually works, for corruptocrats like Joe Biden and Pelosi (as well as for countless Rs), I now favor them, like you. It would really stir up the swamp if you could nix the lifers.

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Right on !!! Have a good weekend.

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If our President Trump’s popularity has been launched into the stratosphere by hunter’s pardon, it will soon be jettisoned to Mars and beyond (long before Elon’s dreams) if the rumblings of “pre-emptive pardons” (is that even legal??) by obiden come to pass. Like rats backed into a corner, they are all scrambling to somehow escape their grievous blunders.

Besides looking forward to reading daily Surber wisdom, I actually look forward to what the daily headlines have to say. I’m never disappointed these days.

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I wonder about the legality or Constitutionality of such blanket pardons as well.

I don’t know what the specific guidelines for pardoning are, if any, but I’d assumed they were for persons who, at the very least, had been charged with some crime.

I do not see how he could get away with “Just in case” pardons, but I suppose that’s what these folks, who are now feverishly scouring (and twisting) the legal texts, are attempting to manufacture.

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If the pre-emptive pardons are issued, SCOTUS could well hold that the president’s pardon power only extends to present and past criminal judicial proceedings. (The broad Nixon pardon was never adjudicated). To be meet standing requirements, it will be necessary to actually prosecute one of the pardonees, who will raise the threshold defense of the pardons. That creates a case and controversy that is justiciable. Mark Levin insightfully characterizes the pre-emptive pardons as grants of immunity, particularly hypocritical after the hysterical reactions to Supreme Courts Jack Smith 1/6 case.

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Exactly! It was not designed to be a “Get out of jail free” card.

Pardoning people who haven’t even been indicted, much less convicted, is more a granting of amnesty, rather than a pardon, in other words, the President cannot pardon by “anticipation”, or he would be invested with the power to dispense with the laws themselves, like a king or dictator, and those would be the cases to pursue to get to SCOTUS.

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My favorite line today “Al Capone said the same thing about Eliot Ness.”

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"We have gone from NFL players kneeling during the national anthem to doing the Trump Dance."

Says a lot, thank G-D.

Trump removed the Bush's, Cheney's, McCain's, and hopefully McConnell's from public life. Enjoy it. Do not forget that McCain was besties with George Soros and his wife regularly meets with son Alex Soros. Disgusting.

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Don Surber is now my must-read-first of the morning. Always an interesting take, always suffused with humor. I didn't do any paywalls for years, but now have splurged on DS. I call that a bargain, the best I ever had. The best I ever had!

All my favorite political writers are happy warriors.

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The post WWII global order is collapsing because there is no longer any justification for it. Those whose power and wealth rely upon it are of course doing everything they can to stop the collapse. It is happening all over Europe as well - the global lefties are also about to get clobbered in Canada. The governments in Germany and France have fallen, and the UK is about to be forced to call early elections because the ruling labor party has lost all favor with the electorate.

Welcome to the fall of the elites.

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🎉🎉🎉🎉 and one of my favorite parts of this, besides Trump winning and upsetting the DC applecart, is that Obama is being blamed. Ahhhh, the joy .

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Yeah, I have pretty much said Obama is done. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy - or a more disgusting political movement.

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Good Riddance!!

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