He also said "Now remember when things look bad and it looks like you're not going to make it, then ya gotta get mean, I mean plum mad dog mean. Because if you lose your head and give up you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is."
Gene Hackman was sooo good. I read recently that Gene turned down the role (Little Bill) initially because he thought it was too violent. Clint talked him into it and after filmed Gene said it was one of the best directed(By Clint) films he had ever worked on. He won an Academy Award for best supporting actor. It is violent.
“The Italian Job”(1969 with Michael Caine), “The Seven Ups”(1973), “The Laughing Policeman”(1973), “Charley Verrick”(1973), “The Driver”(1978), “Cross of Iron”(1977), “Lord Jim”(1965), “The Beast”(1988), “Emperor of the North”(1973), Sergio Leone’s “Dollars” Trilogy (1964-1966), “My Name is Nobody”(1973)…I can keep going…;<)
Almost opera-like in its scope. A terrific film such as TGTB&TU bears repeated viewings; can’t count the times I’ve seen it & it never gets old or dated. It’s so well crafted. Sad to say anymore the industry lacks filmmakers of Sergio Leone’s/Sam Peckinpah’s/Don Siegel’s/Walter Hill’s (et al) caliber.
If you're watching with the Mrs, some x-rated spice might rekindle into a romantic evening. You never know. Just trying to help. A suggestion NOT a recommendation. You're welcome.
All these pusillanimous Republicans taking the "high" road letting bygones be bygones I guess do not know how cyclical politics is. Incredibly stupid because when Dems get back in power these pussies will be the first ones thrown in jail.
Yeah, I know. Have some patience. Yadda yadda yadda. Maybe after Pam Bondi takes a break from getting all gussied up to go on FOX every night boasting about how tough she is maybe she will actually do something. But I ain't holding my breath for more than two seconds.
Let her take her time and do it right. These same law firms will take advantage of every little crack in the cases. Look for some grand juries before the midterms. Trumps got the Dems on their heels and the start of prosecutions will keep them there for a long time.
I don’t think so Jake. If there is actual evidence they broke a law then okay. But if not this will look like Trump is going after his enemies with no grounds to do so. The left will campaign on it and get the House back in two years. Is it right? Who knows where politics ends and criminal activity begins. I would much rather see Trump and Bondi go after the crooks in the federal government first. Sam Power should be the first. She wont go down without taking a bunch of others with her. Thats how you get real transparency in government. The left is a house of cards that can be destroyed easily by going after a link or two.
Another good reason to drastically cut federal workers (who are 90%+ Democratic) and encourage them to start a new life elsewhere. It is sick that DC is so dominated by one party.
OK, the jury is still out on Bondi but I think it is too early to judge.
She talks big but so did Kash Patel (Government Gangsters) and we haven't seen anything earth shattering or tangible from him yet either. They both need to perform biggly and they know it. We are their peer pressure and I believe they can feel it in DC.
Bondi was confirmed Feb 4, Patel on Feb 20. Bondi has had 5 weeks on the job.
If law was as easy as signing an Executive Order instead of building, arguing, and winning a case, she'd be a homerun hero.
Winning many of these deep state retribution cases is more akin to brain surgery. And, we need our own version of Perkins Coie.
Can anyone even possibly imagine the length, depth and breadth of documents and evidence that must be poured through in or der to build iron clad cases against a plethora of the criminals and criminal acts which have been perpetrated against this country in just the last four years, and then throw in the last 12!? It is a Herculean task and in order to be done well and not blow up in our faces will take considerable time, and an army of lawyers and investigators.
And that is to say nothing of the job of still needing to root out the subversives still lurking in the shadows of both the FBI and the DOJ. These are tasks of monumental importance and must be executed with above and beyond skill and wisdom.
Are Bondi and Patel up to the task? Only time will tell. But in the meantime, it is incumbent on We, the People, to be as supportive and Patient as humanly possible if this great effort at righting the US Ship of State is to be a success. We must pray much, and exercise faith and trust with the patience of the saints. “Thu Will,Oh Lord, be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
"Can anyone even possibly imagine the length, depth and breadth of documents and evidence that must be poured through in or der to build iron clad cases against a plethora of the criminals and criminal acts which have been perpetrated against this country in just the last four years, . . . "
Yes, great point. If we take one of these and fail, the inertia to crumble the criminals will lose a lot of steam. Also, how much evidence was destroyed by them before inauguration, never to be found again? If they were devious enough to perpetrate lawfare against Trump, they are smart (and devious) enough to destroy evidence or create fake evidence that even defends them in some way.
This is why four years of Trump won't be enough to address the majority of criminality. We need two terms after Trump with equal commitment to prosecute.
This where JD n comes in Shrugged and then either DeSantis or maybe our current press secretary who is well informed and purely fearless. Our bench appears deep with ladies and gents unlike dem creatures.
Amen and amen to "build iron clad cases against a plethora of the criminals and criminal acts which have been perpetrated against this country." When I worked in the real world, it was always for attorneys. I still hate how they are demeaned and mistrusted, even to this good day.
We all need to back off and be patient. This will take time. What we all can do is put pressure on our reps in congress to get their act together and clean up their members. Start now. Collins, Murkowski and some others need to be primaried by real conservatives and the party needs to support them with $$$. Get McConnell out of there. But first, someone needs to tell Bondi that we have a WH spokesperson and to get back to her office and start working.
Political rhetoric and Exords are easy. Actual lawfare takes time to set the conditions for action. The lawyer Bondi and Patel are getting their ducks in a row. Patience. It will come.
If it doesn’t, this soft Revolution will take a hard turn. The people have had enough.
If by Justice, you mean someone going to jail, you’re just going to have to have patience.
Do you not think that Trump wants that even more than you do?
If we rush this, or overplay our hand, it would be devastating to our cause. We either do this right, and in strict adherence to the Rule of Law, or we will blow this miraculous opportunity God has given as our very last chance to save this country from ruin.
Dittos on Trump wants that even more than you do. But like fine works of art, it must be done right the first time since there will not be time for a do-over.
They did remove a bunch of people (agents?) In NY over refusing to turn over Epstein files; I suppose that's a start. But I also want to see serious charges, convictions and prison sentences at the very least! A few hangings/executions would be better - and I include wayward Rinos in my scopes sights...
White noise, it doesn't matter. Nothing will happen to anyone on the list. Its the red herring, the shiny thing designed to grab all the news. Did Hunter Bidens laptop bring anyone down?
The worm has turned. In fact it's spinning like a pinwheel.Trump's enemies are now targeted as enemies of America. They will pay, dearly. The Democrats who built a wall-to-wall slimy money skimming operation have their tails between their legs. They will be unemployed in short order, the skimming will end and their ranks will be whittled down to a fraction of what it has been. Hail to Trump, to Musk, and to the cadre of cabinet members whose job it now is to scrub the filth from America's government. Want to whittle down the national debt? Musk estimates that his army of auditors and snoops will save more than a trillion dollars. By God, there is sunrise in DC and will flush the Democratic party's entire underground pipeline to wealth down the sewer, and restore honesty (a word never before attached to the federal government. Open the prison doors wide, prepare for an abundance of new residents. Fight, fight, fight, as Trump said when his ear was almost torn off by a bullet. And fight to the finish.
"The Democrats who built a wall-to-wall slimy money skimming operation have their tails between their legs."
Hopefully, they will be scared enough to turn against their fellow conspirators and provide rich testimony to prosecute and remove this filth from our government. Prison time for all.
I applaud your enthusiasm but the real story is the money laundering operation perpetrated thru USAID and the CIA. They were using our tax dollars to fund a political party and overthrow any political opposition. It will turn out to be the biggest scandal in US history. Lets see if the GOP has the guts to go after it.
Absolutely--this is huge and historical. And the MAGNITUDE of money going to push DEI--CFP reports today TRILLIONS during Biden's Admin to so far 460 programs across 24 Agencies.
There is supposed to be "separation of church and state". We already know Critical Race Theory/DEI/etc. is Marxism, but it also is a type of religion--actually, there was a Supreme Court case where this ideology / philosophy / belief system was acknowledged to be a defacto religion. (I don't recall the details of the court case, but it was written up in the body of a bill put forward in the West Virginia Legislature 2 years ago which was focused on getting rid of DEI.)
Essentially, the Marxists have been using American taxpayer money to heavily promote their religion/ideology through all these DEI/CRT programs. AND, they turned 90% of our university system into CRT/DEI indoctrination centers--"Leftist seminaries" as some have said. AND--AND!!!--they used American taxpayer money to PAY FOR students to attend these "seminaries"--through forgiving of student loans.
The Democratic party, and every piece of the government bureaucracy they controlled, has become purely a Marxist (which IS Communist) promotion machine.
Or that We The People were the ones paying for all of it! Leave it to the Dems; they ALWAYS use other people's money, NEVER their own (of course, they don't work, so they don't really have any money of their own)!
Back in my youth, I worked for a local banker who had once been a "fed." I learned from him the phrase, "Good enough for government work." It was not a compliment then, either.
The SCOTUS will do that better than anyone thru opinions. I already see judges reluctant to get involved in these frivolous lawsuits because they know they have no grounds. We need to change the way judges are selected and do away with lifetime appointments.
The Left is a specialist in hard ball. No rules in its game. It make the rules as as the game is played to protect its democracy. And no one is above the law except members of the Trotskyist Left. Trump understands the game without reservation. The Left tried everything it had during his first term and the subsequent Trotskyist four years of diapered demented Joe.
47 and his team have clarity on the game.
The intent is clear. Challenge the Trotskyist cabal and the Pavlovian lap dog legacy media. MAGA. AMERICA FIRST.
My singular reservation, Don, is the USA present SCOTUS composition. Scalia's death was a tremendous loss of conscience.
My old fashioned grandpa would say, "We shoulda never let them vote!" Meaning women. He didn't live to see any other minority granted the right. He'd freak out over women in uniform or judicial robes. Poor Papa!
“ most of the work is pro bono…” Are you kidding me?! Lawyers never never ever ever work for nothing. They had security clearance and NSA and FBI database access. What’s that old Mastercard (I think) saying? Priceless. They just took it in trade, like another oldest profession.
Trump is playing long ball and he has the public on his side. Swearing Democrats and wasted tax money on transvestites isn’t going to win over any new converts but will probably disenfranchise many reasonable voters who have supported Dems in the past.
Hopefully more Republicans will see the long view instead of the next election cycle but that is just hope at this point.
Sadly there will be Republicans caught up in the grift as well as Democrats. I suspect that is why they never fought too hard or actually did anything but talk. Kelsey is probably as dirty as the rest of them. He has made it an art form to talk tough but never actually do anything. Trump and Elon are doers.....
Thank you sir for another great post and boy is this action overdue !! Perkins Coie is a good start but I want to see the SLPC fileted and hanging on the wall of the SCOTUS. The ACLU has some very iffy lawyers but occasionally get it morally right something the SLPC has forgotten. Ho Ho Ho on a very good poll,this is why I subscribe .
The Roman jurisprudence concept of lex talianis is appropriate and Trump and his team will do a great service employing. As you point out, the "D's ", most of whom are anarchists, communists, or just plain old gangsters, have no compunction of destroying others with the "law", with the help of corrupt "judges". The coup de etat of Nixon was the most effective one, as we know now.
Henry Ford is proported to have said "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." MAGA is a new beginning for the US and the world. Trump has made adjustments, improvised, adapted, and now is overcoming. (again) This is a new beginning within THE new beginning. I believe we are witnessing the providence of God in front of our eyes. We all should be so thankful to GOD for providing us with the leader of Donald J. Trump.
I pray that we can retain control of the House and Senate in the 2026 midterms. I know that historically the opposition party usually wins one or both. But these are unusual times and we MUST do all we can to prevent losing either. Sadly, the wishy washy independents are often the primary culprits. Keeping both houses is absolutely essential to do a thorough deforestation of the evil we have lived under.
Patience will be required here. It’s good that the low hanging fruit is plucked quickly, like the removal of the Perkins Coie SCIF along with the security clearances of the white shoe Brownshirts of the loyal Democrats digging up dirt, real or imagined, on the opposition of their employers. It’s going to take a thorough disassembly of the entire traitorous mass, along with punishments worthy of the corruption Elon and his Doge Boys are likely uncovering, to have a Republic saving impact. I hope Trump’s administration goes HARD. I’m talking going long lumber and hemp futures HARD. Going to have to import lumber from Snow Mexico after all…
I like the enthusiasm, but don't get too cocky. What the commicrats have been doing for years is unethical and illegal. Let's not slip into an orgy of revenge. Remember what The Lord said: "Revenge is mine, I will repay".
Sue, Grabbit and Runne!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣but admit that Dewey, Cheatem and Howe was also stellar. You’re on fire Don! To see Perkins Coie be humiliated is so sweet. Hope they skewered Marc Elias.
Dewey, Cheatem and Howe has been a law firm joke name for as long as I’ve been alive and I’m 72. Don’t know who coined it originally, but Don’s use of it here was perfect.
Like any war, Trump's campaign for freedom includes many skirmishes ending in small wins and losses. All that matters in the end is that he prevails. Along the way, every win will weaken the enemy. Every loss will strengthen Trump's considerable resolve. Let us celebrate this injury inflicted on the Left's Big Law. It is a significant blow. Why? "Knowledge is Power," said Francis Bacon but in the political arena, Knowledge is weak without the company of Access. By reducing Big Law's access, Trump has reduced our enemy's power.
“…politics is a game of adjustments. Trump adjusted.”
Like Clint Eastwood said in HEARTBREAK RIDGE: “Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome”
My wife and I need more movie recommendations. Give me more.
The Unforgiven.
The Outlaw Josie Wales. "Get ready little lady. Hell is coming to breakfast" (Lone Waddie). Replace Little Lady with "Dem Law Firms".
He also said "Now remember when things look bad and it looks like you're not going to make it, then ya gotta get mean, I mean plum mad dog mean. Because if you lose your head and give up you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is."
Pale Rider ?
Josie Wales.
Gene Hackman was sooo good. I read recently that Gene turned down the role (Little Bill) initially because he thought it was too violent. Clint talked him into it and after filmed Gene said it was one of the best directed(By Clint) films he had ever worked on. He won an Academy Award for best supporting actor. It is violent.
“The Italian Job”(1969 with Michael Caine), “The Seven Ups”(1973), “The Laughing Policeman”(1973), “Charley Verrick”(1973), “The Driver”(1978), “Cross of Iron”(1977), “Lord Jim”(1965), “The Beast”(1988), “Emperor of the North”(1973), Sergio Leone’s “Dollars” Trilogy (1964-1966), “My Name is Nobody”(1973)…I can keep going…;<)
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is the best Western film ever made. By far.
Almost opera-like in its scope. A terrific film such as TGTB&TU bears repeated viewings; can’t count the times I’ve seen it & it never gets old or dated. It’s so well crafted. Sad to say anymore the industry lacks filmmakers of Sergio Leone’s/Sam Peckinpah’s/Don Siegel’s/Walter Hill’s (et al) caliber.
Hands down!
Debby Does Dallas, or better yet, Trump Does DC.
I dunno, one of those sounds x-rated.
They’re both X-rated. By the time his term is over, Trump will have hopefully schlonged the District of Criminals but good.
The better word is shtupted, but the point came across.
Just channeling PDJT
If you're watching with the Mrs, some x-rated spice might rekindle into a romantic evening. You never know. Just trying to help. A suggestion NOT a recommendation. You're welcome.
one of my life long favorite memories with my ex.
one night.. memorable for life..
I feel I need not explain nor shame for actions between married couples
Exactamundo. Avoid such tmi. Glad no offense taken. NOT the intent. WS
Thanks for not sharing.
The Notebook- The story of my life. or not?
The good the bad and the ugly, a fist full of dollars. A few dollars more.
or in Dirty Harry..do you feel lucky today...punk?
Or, speak softly and carry a bigger stick! Wear gloves.
All these pusillanimous Republicans taking the "high" road letting bygones be bygones I guess do not know how cyclical politics is. Incredibly stupid because when Dems get back in power these pussies will be the first ones thrown in jail.
Yeah, I know. Have some patience. Yadda yadda yadda. Maybe after Pam Bondi takes a break from getting all gussied up to go on FOX every night boasting about how tough she is maybe she will actually do something. But I ain't holding my breath for more than two seconds.
Let her take her time and do it right. These same law firms will take advantage of every little crack in the cases. Look for some grand juries before the midterms. Trumps got the Dems on their heels and the start of prosecutions will keep them there for a long time.
I don’t think so Jake. If there is actual evidence they broke a law then okay. But if not this will look like Trump is going after his enemies with no grounds to do so. The left will campaign on it and get the House back in two years. Is it right? Who knows where politics ends and criminal activity begins. I would much rather see Trump and Bondi go after the crooks in the federal government first. Sam Power should be the first. She wont go down without taking a bunch of others with her. Thats how you get real transparency in government. The left is a house of cards that can be destroyed easily by going after a link or two.
An honest Grand Jury in DC?
I got a bridge to sell ya if your in the market...
Another good reason to drastically cut federal workers (who are 90%+ Democratic) and encourage them to start a new life elsewhere. It is sick that DC is so dominated by one party.
We can fix that ; ban permanent residency in the District of Columbia. Cede the northern suburbs back to Maryland.
OK, the jury is still out on Bondi but I think it is too early to judge.
She talks big but so did Kash Patel (Government Gangsters) and we haven't seen anything earth shattering or tangible from him yet either. They both need to perform biggly and they know it. We are their peer pressure and I believe they can feel it in DC.
Bondi was confirmed Feb 4, Patel on Feb 20. Bondi has had 5 weeks on the job.
If law was as easy as signing an Executive Order instead of building, arguing, and winning a case, she'd be a homerun hero.
Winning many of these deep state retribution cases is more akin to brain surgery. And, we need our own version of Perkins Coie.
Can anyone even possibly imagine the length, depth and breadth of documents and evidence that must be poured through in or der to build iron clad cases against a plethora of the criminals and criminal acts which have been perpetrated against this country in just the last four years, and then throw in the last 12!? It is a Herculean task and in order to be done well and not blow up in our faces will take considerable time, and an army of lawyers and investigators.
And that is to say nothing of the job of still needing to root out the subversives still lurking in the shadows of both the FBI and the DOJ. These are tasks of monumental importance and must be executed with above and beyond skill and wisdom.
Are Bondi and Patel up to the task? Only time will tell. But in the meantime, it is incumbent on We, the People, to be as supportive and Patient as humanly possible if this great effort at righting the US Ship of State is to be a success. We must pray much, and exercise faith and trust with the patience of the saints. “Thu Will,Oh Lord, be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
And Trump needs to add more Deputy Attorney Generals to help with the gigantic workload.
"Can anyone even possibly imagine the length, depth and breadth of documents and evidence that must be poured through in or der to build iron clad cases against a plethora of the criminals and criminal acts which have been perpetrated against this country in just the last four years, . . . "
Yes, great point. If we take one of these and fail, the inertia to crumble the criminals will lose a lot of steam. Also, how much evidence was destroyed by them before inauguration, never to be found again? If they were devious enough to perpetrate lawfare against Trump, they are smart (and devious) enough to destroy evidence or create fake evidence that even defends them in some way.
This is why four years of Trump won't be enough to address the majority of criminality. We need two terms after Trump with equal commitment to prosecute.
This where JD n comes in Shrugged and then either DeSantis or maybe our current press secretary who is well informed and purely fearless. Our bench appears deep with ladies and gents unlike dem creatures.
Amen and amen to "build iron clad cases against a plethora of the criminals and criminal acts which have been perpetrated against this country." When I worked in the real world, it was always for attorneys. I still hate how they are demeaned and mistrusted, even to this good day.
Bondi/Kash could sure use a talented AI algorithm programmer to weed out the noise
We all need to back off and be patient. This will take time. What we all can do is put pressure on our reps in congress to get their act together and clean up their members. Start now. Collins, Murkowski and some others need to be primaried by real conservatives and the party needs to support them with $$$. Get McConnell out of there. But first, someone needs to tell Bondi that we have a WH spokesperson and to get back to her office and start working.
Political rhetoric and Exords are easy. Actual lawfare takes time to set the conditions for action. The lawyer Bondi and Patel are getting their ducks in a row. Patience. It will come.
If it doesn’t, this soft Revolution will take a hard turn. The people have had enough.
"Get McConnell out of there" but first you have to un-embalm him.
McConnel is retiring at end of current term.
Learned about the first grade [ haste makes waste ] and still use the guide line at 79+.
I would so like to believe this. But I don't. Where is even the talk of justice?
If by Justice, you mean someone going to jail, you’re just going to have to have patience.
Do you not think that Trump wants that even more than you do?
If we rush this, or overplay our hand, it would be devastating to our cause. We either do this right, and in strict adherence to the Rule of Law, or we will blow this miraculous opportunity God has given as our very last chance to save this country from ruin.
Dittos on Trump wants that even more than you do. But like fine works of art, it must be done right the first time since there will not be time for a do-over.
Bongino starts Monday.. he will help with the flack.. 2 targets half the hits
Pam Bondi will take time for reasons you articulate. I don't think internal changes and firings will be as public for FBI.
They did remove a bunch of people (agents?) In NY over refusing to turn over Epstein files; I suppose that's a start. But I also want to see serious charges, convictions and prison sentences at the very least! A few hangings/executions would be better - and I include wayward Rinos in my scopes sights...
Vengeance is mine saithe the Lord.
One word, uniparty.
Amen. Where’s the Epstein List?
White noise, it doesn't matter. Nothing will happen to anyone on the list. Its the red herring, the shiny thing designed to grab all the news. Did Hunter Bidens laptop bring anyone down?
True. I can "just see" somebody trying to go after whichever son of the late Q of E is involved.
The worm has turned. In fact it's spinning like a pinwheel.Trump's enemies are now targeted as enemies of America. They will pay, dearly. The Democrats who built a wall-to-wall slimy money skimming operation have their tails between their legs. They will be unemployed in short order, the skimming will end and their ranks will be whittled down to a fraction of what it has been. Hail to Trump, to Musk, and to the cadre of cabinet members whose job it now is to scrub the filth from America's government. Want to whittle down the national debt? Musk estimates that his army of auditors and snoops will save more than a trillion dollars. By God, there is sunrise in DC and will flush the Democratic party's entire underground pipeline to wealth down the sewer, and restore honesty (a word never before attached to the federal government. Open the prison doors wide, prepare for an abundance of new residents. Fight, fight, fight, as Trump said when his ear was almost torn off by a bullet. And fight to the finish.
"The Democrats who built a wall-to-wall slimy money skimming operation have their tails between their legs."
Hopefully, they will be scared enough to turn against their fellow conspirators and provide rich testimony to prosecute and remove this filth from our government. Prison time for all.
Perhaps the real story is how the GOP likely knew at least some of it and didn’t do anything about it. We’ll see.
I applaud your enthusiasm but the real story is the money laundering operation perpetrated thru USAID and the CIA. They were using our tax dollars to fund a political party and overthrow any political opposition. It will turn out to be the biggest scandal in US history. Lets see if the GOP has the guts to go after it.
Absolutely--this is huge and historical. And the MAGNITUDE of money going to push DEI--CFP reports today TRILLIONS during Biden's Admin to so far 460 programs across 24 Agencies.
There is supposed to be "separation of church and state". We already know Critical Race Theory/DEI/etc. is Marxism, but it also is a type of religion--actually, there was a Supreme Court case where this ideology / philosophy / belief system was acknowledged to be a defacto religion. (I don't recall the details of the court case, but it was written up in the body of a bill put forward in the West Virginia Legislature 2 years ago which was focused on getting rid of DEI.)
Essentially, the Marxists have been using American taxpayer money to heavily promote their religion/ideology through all these DEI/CRT programs. AND, they turned 90% of our university system into CRT/DEI indoctrination centers--"Leftist seminaries" as some have said. AND--AND!!!--they used American taxpayer money to PAY FOR students to attend these "seminaries"--through forgiving of student loans.
The Democratic party, and every piece of the government bureaucracy they controlled, has become purely a Marxist (which IS Communist) promotion machine.
Yet another example of the abject evil of whoever was operating FJB's auto-pen
Remember bidets boast that he and ozero had built the best fraud system to win elections ever//and it would work forever.
That may be the straw that breaks the camel's back ; that is clearly treason .
So well said--"...built a wall-to-wall slimy money skimming operation".
We knew it was bad, but no one realized how massive the grift was.
Or that We The People were the ones paying for all of it! Leave it to the Dems; they ALWAYS use other people's money, NEVER their own (of course, they don't work, so they don't really have any money of their own)!
Back in my youth, I worked for a local banker who had once been a "fed." I learned from him the phrase, "Good enough for government work." It was not a compliment then, either.
also the "not in my backyard" endless hypocrisy (NIMBY)
Now, let’s impeach all the leftist judges participating in these specious lawsuits against everything Trump does. And Howe!
The SCOTUS will do that better than anyone thru opinions. I already see judges reluctant to get involved in these frivolous lawsuits because they know they have no grounds. We need to change the way judges are selected and do away with lifetime appointments.
The Left is a specialist in hard ball. No rules in its game. It make the rules as as the game is played to protect its democracy. And no one is above the law except members of the Trotskyist Left. Trump understands the game without reservation. The Left tried everything it had during his first term and the subsequent Trotskyist four years of diapered demented Joe.
47 and his team have clarity on the game.
The intent is clear. Challenge the Trotskyist cabal and the Pavlovian lap dog legacy media. MAGA. AMERICA FIRST.
My singular reservation, Don, is the USA present SCOTUS composition. Scalia's death was a tremendous loss of conscience.
"Scalia's death was a tremendous loss of conscience."
Yes. And tremendously convenient timing for the Dems in that age of Arkancide, but we'll never know for sure.
One thing I DO know is it will happen to Justice Thomas or Alito before it happens to Coney-Barrett.
Not a fan of ACB and an enemy of Roberts, but actually all that happened was they kicked it back to the lower court.. to be revisited.
it will return
My old fashioned grandpa would say, "We shoulda never let them vote!" Meaning women. He didn't live to see any other minority granted the right. He'd freak out over women in uniform or judicial robes. Poor Papa!
…..Rules??…..in a Knife fight????
“ most of the work is pro bono…” Are you kidding me?! Lawyers never never ever ever work for nothing. They had security clearance and NSA and FBI database access. What’s that old Mastercard (I think) saying? Priceless. They just took it in trade, like another oldest profession.
Trump is playing long ball and he has the public on his side. Swearing Democrats and wasted tax money on transvestites isn’t going to win over any new converts but will probably disenfranchise many reasonable voters who have supported Dems in the past.
Hopefully more Republicans will see the long view instead of the next election cycle but that is just hope at this point.
Sadly there will be Republicans caught up in the grift as well as Democrats. I suspect that is why they never fought too hard or actually did anything but talk. Kelsey is probably as dirty as the rest of them. He has made it an art form to talk tough but never actually do anything. Trump and Elon are doers.....
you would think they would get writer's cramp by now
Thank you sir for another great post and boy is this action overdue !! Perkins Coie is a good start but I want to see the SLPC fileted and hanging on the wall of the SCOTUS. The ACLU has some very iffy lawyers but occasionally get it morally right something the SLPC has forgotten. Ho Ho Ho on a very good poll,this is why I subscribe .
The Roman jurisprudence concept of lex talianis is appropriate and Trump and his team will do a great service employing. As you point out, the "D's ", most of whom are anarchists, communists, or just plain old gangsters, have no compunction of destroying others with the "law", with the help of corrupt "judges". The coup de etat of Nixon was the most effective one, as we know now.
Danny Huckabee
Had to look that up-- basically 'an eye for an eye'.
Henry Ford is proported to have said "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." MAGA is a new beginning for the US and the world. Trump has made adjustments, improvised, adapted, and now is overcoming. (again) This is a new beginning within THE new beginning. I believe we are witnessing the providence of God in front of our eyes. We all should be so thankful to GOD for providing us with the leader of Donald J. Trump.
Ford was his third car company
Don, Canadians & Michiganders pronounce it FORDS. lol
And, he still produced the Edsel under that Ford nameplate, the car model named after Henry Ford's son.
Amen. “If we can keep it”
I pray that we can retain control of the House and Senate in the 2026 midterms. I know that historically the opposition party usually wins one or both. But these are unusual times and we MUST do all we can to prevent losing either. Sadly, the wishy washy independents are often the primary culprits. Keeping both houses is absolutely essential to do a thorough deforestation of the evil we have lived under.
Amen and Amen! 🙏🙏🙏
Direct and correct ROE.
Patience will be required here. It’s good that the low hanging fruit is plucked quickly, like the removal of the Perkins Coie SCIF along with the security clearances of the white shoe Brownshirts of the loyal Democrats digging up dirt, real or imagined, on the opposition of their employers. It’s going to take a thorough disassembly of the entire traitorous mass, along with punishments worthy of the corruption Elon and his Doge Boys are likely uncovering, to have a Republic saving impact. I hope Trump’s administration goes HARD. I’m talking going long lumber and hemp futures HARD. Going to have to import lumber from Snow Mexico after all…
we have plenty of lumber WA/OR/CA/ME/VT/GA/TN/KY just get the owl freaks out of the way
I like the enthusiasm, but don't get too cocky. What the commicrats have been doing for years is unethical and illegal. Let's not slip into an orgy of revenge. Remember what The Lord said: "Revenge is mine, I will repay".
we are an impatient lot.. our "3 score and 10" makes the Biblical "soon" painful
Sue, Grabbit and Runne!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣but admit that Dewey, Cheatem and Howe was also stellar. You’re on fire Don! To see Perkins Coie be humiliated is so sweet. Hope they skewered Marc Elias.
Dewey, Cheatem and Howe has been a law firm joke name for as long as I’ve been alive and I’m 72. Don’t know who coined it originally, but Don’s use of it here was perfect.
My memory recalls that law firm name (D,C,&H) being used in old "Three Stooges" shorts from the 30s or 40s.
And the divorce attorneys were "Ditcher, Quick, & Hyde".
Ah, the things we remember!
Car Talk was the source for Dewey, Cheatem and Howe when I heard of them.
That was my choice also, Alice
Dewey, Cheatem & Howe- because aka Car Talk
Don, woah man, you’re a heavy dude! Breakfast with you is bound to make me smarter. That was a slow read cuz you made me hafta think.
Going back to bed now.
wasn't that a line from Groucho Marx first?
Good idea. Get some rest. A new day awaits.
Like any war, Trump's campaign for freedom includes many skirmishes ending in small wins and losses. All that matters in the end is that he prevails. Along the way, every win will weaken the enemy. Every loss will strengthen Trump's considerable resolve. Let us celebrate this injury inflicted on the Left's Big Law. It is a significant blow. Why? "Knowledge is Power," said Francis Bacon but in the political arena, Knowledge is weak without the company of Access. By reducing Big Law's access, Trump has reduced our enemy's power.