“Palestinians have sealed their fate.” Beyond priceless.

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Sponge bomb, square seal.

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Oh NO, Mr. Bill! I may have to give up trying to earn my Wize Donkey Pun merit badge. I yield.

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He crossed the line, Schlong. Working on his eulogy. Didn't realize how easy it is to block someone. I'll have a comment to post in just a few moments.

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Item 5: Kamala Harris --- "The Israelis are using Sponge Bobs!"

Item 6: DS: "For every Israeli civilian killed, 10 Palestinians."

A 1000-1 ratio would be near-perfect.

Item 9: Powerline, "The rest of the world has moved on, but the [NY] Times is still trying to prove that Dreyfus was guilty after all."

I could not have said it better myself, but Kamala Harris (over there in the corner playing with her Sponge Bobs) no doubt will top it (if she can find a speechwriter who will work for her for longer than 15 minutes).

Speaking of which, Anderson Cooper spent 20 years being handed and reading "news-prose" written by actual writers.

"Well, how hard can this be?"

Voila! His embarrassingly bad book about his family, the Vandergrafts.

ITEM 10: "... 'Support for Bob Menendez has cratered since his indictment...' "

DS: "Why are they upset? He didn’t take cash for favors. He took gold bars."

I know my fellow New Jerseyians. They're mad because they didn't get their cut.

(And why does Menendez's wife look like Anderson Cooper after a sex change? Or does he look like her, after getting his?)

ITEM 22: ... “Internet access in Gaza is collapsing as ISPs fall offline.”

Quelle horreur! Now the Palestinian men will have to sleep with their actual wives...

ITEM 24: ... “RFK Jr. quietly changes stance on reparations after major blowback.”

He changed his mind after the surviving members of Mary Jo Kopechne's family (Chappaquiddick) sued him for reparations.

Item 28: "Taylor Swift..." I am looking forward to the day when she files for free agency and dumps him (it will be a blindside hit).

What in the world does he see in that skinny twit?

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What a stupid remark. Before you get your TDS going, I have blocked you and you will never again bother me. Take you and your cowardly remarks and shove it

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Off your meds again Tony? Come on get that dosage right

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Working on his eulogy. Didn't realize how easy it is to block someone. I'll have a comment to post in just a few moments. Bye, bye.

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Working on your eulogy. Didn't realize how easy it is to block someone. I'll have a comment to post in just a few moments. Bye, bye.

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"But on the other hand, it takes only 3 or 4 hours now to recharge an EV (battery operated car)."

You mean coal powered vehicles

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Offer applies only in West Virginia and a few other states. Sorry Texas

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DO NOT be sorry!

Earlier this year, Texas passed legislation that places a surcharge on the registration of and renewal of licenses for EVs.

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Coal? I thought the true believers demanded that their recharge come from renewable energy sources like wind. Cloudy still day? Put a stationary bike with a generator beside the charging station.

We need to convince them that electric powered airplanes should be their next demand.

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Yep. Let's start with Air Farce One and Air Farce Two. (It was rumored we own two such super new fangled airplanes. ) Wouldn't you love to see an electric only Biden Air Bus?

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At 10,000 feet, going down in flames, why, yes. I thought you'd never ask!

Item 5: Kamala Harris --- "The Israelis are using Sponge Bobs!"

Item 6: DS: "For every Israeli civilian killed, 10 Palestinians."

A 1000-1 ratio would be near-perfect.

Item 9: Powerline, "The rest of the world has moved on, but the [NY] Times is still trying to prove that Dreyfus was guilty after all."

I could not have said it better myself, but Kamala Harris (over there in the corner playing with her Sponge Bobs) no doubt will top it (if she can find a speechwriter who will work for her for longer than 15 minutes).

Speaking of which, Anderson Cooper spent 20 years being handed and reading "news-prose" written by actual writers.

"Well, how hard can this be?"

Voila! His embarrassingly bad book about his family, the Vandergrafts.

ITEM 10: "... 'Support for Bob Menendez has cratered since his indictment...' "

DS: "Why are they upset? He didn’t take cash for favors. He took gold bars."

I know my fellow New Jerseyans. They're mad because they didn't get their cut.

(And why does Menendez's wife look like Anderson Cooper after a sex change? Or does he look like her, after getting his?)

ITEM 22: ... “Internet access in Gaza is collapsing as ISPs fall offline.”

Quelle horreur! Now the Palestinian men will have to sleep with their actual wives...

ITEM 24: ... “RFK Jr. quietly changes stance on reparations after major blowback.”

He changed his mind after the surviving members of Mary Jo Kopechne's family (Chappaquiddick) sued him for reparations.

Item 28: "Taylor Swift..." I am looking forward to the day when she files for free agency and dumps him (it will be a blindside hit).

What in the world does he see in that skinny twit?

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They have to look past her plus-billion dollars; however most people equate what she does with talent, and what she earns with intelligence. Her folks are the trucking Swift family, not that you asked. Only thing TS did right in the beginning was ask her high schools friends to be in her first videos. That was nice. Probably.

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It warms the heart indeed to see her graduate to Buy-And-Rent-A-Friend (NY Stock Exchange symbol "BARF").

Did you ever look into buying a copy of Florence King's "STET, Damnit!"?

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No, but thank you so much for introducing us. Her grandmother sounds like a corker!

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Na the airline industry wants Hydrogen power - its very very expensive and aeroplanes so powered will have the range of the Douglas DC-2 of the 1930's..

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Go electric, get 'cuted'?

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It was a fry-by shooting.

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A shocking comment-watts up with that?

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"Iz you giving me the toid degree?!"

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White Flag.

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And now, back to current events.

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The cheapest most efficient form of renewable energy is hydroelectric. God save the fish!

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Item 1; I commented here a while ago that our insular low crime, clean and beautiful state of Maine could not go on forever being relatively free of the problems that plague other parts of the country. I sure didn't expect a psycho to commit as many murders at once as we usually have in a year. Even though Lewiston is a couple of hours away from me it still feels like it's part of my community as we have less people in our whole state than live in most cities in America. Biden, Jared Golden and stupid Susan Collins were already calling for gun bans before we even knew the names of all the victims which included a beloved elderly couple and a father and son. There is a common thread to most if not all of these horrific mass murders and it starts with the letter G, but it's not guns. It is government. Public school officials did nothing about disturbed students who had threatened others. Law enforcement officials did nothing about dangerous individuals that had been reported to them or that they were actively monitoring. Mental health agencies did nothing about warped individuals who were clearly coming unglued. Military officials did nothing about mentally unstable personnel and perhaps worst of all in some cases police officers literally ran away of hid in the hallway while kids were being gunned down by monsters. Rob Card should have been committed.

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Well said. Poetic.

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Thank you. This was such a big deal here that my son's school was closed for two days while the manhunt was underway even though I live about 80 miles away from Lewiston and personally figured the guy was already dead.

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Eloquent. And the terrible thing is that in the rest of the country, most people only considered this to be newsworthy because it happened where it was least expected to occur, in Maine.

Contrast: In the majority of U.S. states, these tragedies are now considered to be de facto normal events, along the lines of Caribbean hurricanes and Tulsa tornadoes.

I just obtained "The Maine Reader," an anthology of articles about the state and its people (copyright 1991). I anticipate finding absolutely nothing in its 511 pages that will even remotely correspond to what has just occurred in 2023.

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Most of Maine's problems are hidden. Alcoholism that morphed into opioid addiction as mills, logging and fishing failed. Domestic violence, child abuse and neglect like you wouldn't believe. (my brother is raising two foster children of drug addicted parents) Most of the murders in Maine are domestics. No mass shoplifting or muggings, but junkies will absolutely steal something out of an open car or garage to pawn. They will cut all the copper pipes out of a vacant house. They will, with some regularity knock over a c-store or a pharmacy. Portland is an absolute shithole full of druggies, homeless, mental cases, Somalis who hate us and worst of all left wing moonbats. I completely avoid it. What you will find in The Maine Reader is the old Maine when we were too busy with our New England Protestant work ethic, community and going to church on Sunday to engage in the unhealthy and trivial pursuits that we currently are engaged in. Still, overall this is a great place to live, I love it here and hope I don't get forced to move to a red state by the commies currently running our government. I'm a Mainer and I can't imagine living anywhere else.

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"Portland is an absolute shithole."

That what we discovered when we went there circa 2018. A miniature Berkeley California on the Atlantic coastline. Every thing you describe was staring us in the face. Never again.

After that, whenever we drove up to points north (Norway, Skowhegan, Deer Isle, Bar Harbor, etc.) and back, I made absolutely certain that we would be avoiding I-295, the Berlin Wall around Portland (designed in reverse, as it turned out decades after it was built, so to speak, to protect the people on the outside of it, not to imprison its lunatics).

I whipped up the maps for our best trip (sez me, not the missus) that touched down in Gorham NH, then went east on Route 2, where we saw first hand in Berlin, NH and Rumson ME what happens when the mills and the factories were nuked.

Rumson still had some moxie left. Berlin was absolutely kaput, with b*llsh*t "Empowerment" government posters plastered on everything that hadn't been tossed into the Mayflower vans when its residents got the hell out. They reminded of the death-wish Nazi propaganda posters in Berlin in April 1945.

Hand in hand with the opioid usage is the cell phone addiction. Yes, the disease found no insurmountable barriers as it spread throughout the country, like a sewer backup, with an equally unpleasant but much longer-lasting effect. Appleoid ODs.

My guess is that you must have read and been influenced by the clean, taut, sterling sentences crafted by E.B. White. True?

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New Hampshire didn't set up the overly generous welfare system that Maine did therefore it's residents had to move to more prosperous areas when the jobs dried up. Mainers could just lay about in their dead and dying (thanks Paul Simon) little town smoking butts, drinking Allen's Coffee Brandy, snorting oxys and collecting a check. Our welfare system which Governor Lepage attempted to reform is why all the illegals keep coming here.

The stupidest, cockiest and laziest mechanics who have worked for me are millennials. The best, by far, employee I ever had is also a millennial, probably because he grew up kind of poor in Gorham, NH. His father worked at the paper mill and moved to southern Maine when it closed.

Of course I read EB White growing up, Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little were practically required reading. John Steinbeck as well. In high school it was Stephen King who is a dweeb, but his graphic descriptiveness was second to none. I think We the Living, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged are what most shaped my political worldview, though I'm not an Atheist like Ayn Rand was. Now I like Don Surber and VDH.

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I've never read EBW's Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little. I understand that they're fine for adults, but my instinct to stay away from fiction has held sway for decades (besides, if you've read The Great Gatsby, everything else tends to be anti-climatic).

Steinbeck, pass. King, hard pass.

Any Rand when I was seventeen shot through me like a hurricane on Ex-Lax; many young readers have had this experience. Today she is avoided (after finding out out what she was personally like, plus other unsavory details).

Don Surber has been for me a fountain of intellectual rejuvenation.

What/what is VDH?

In no particular order are books that I've greatly enjoyed, so much so that I refuse to shelve them (they stand proudly on a table next to this desk).

All run long, and all confirm that if a book is superb, its length is immaterial (all others should stop exactly on page 300, if not sooner):

--- STET, Damnit! The Misanthrope's Corner, 1991 to 2002, The Complete, Unabridged Collection, Florence King [1936-2016], "Jacket and book design by Luba Myts"; National Review Books (2003 hardcover).

Superlative "grouchy humor," as she herself describes the texture of her magazine columns in this anthology. Her sense of honor and humor was second to none.

--- A Life In Movies, Michael Powell [1905-1990]; Alfred A. Knopf [William Heinemann Ltd London 1986]) (1986 hardcover)

Superb memoir. Strangely, I've never seen any new/used copies available on Internet book sellers' websites. Avoid the botched/DOA sequel, Million Dollar Movie (posthumously published. Exhibit A, movie directors/editors should stick to their craft. If they want to publish books, hire professional writers and editors).

--- Genius In Disguise, Harold Ross [1892-1951] of The New Yorker, Thomas Kunkel [1955- ]; Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc. (1995 hardcover)

A unique and irreplaceable biography of the co-founder and first editor of the magazine, back when adults were in charge of The New Yorker.

Ross: A fascinating man. Also highly recommended: Letters From The Editor, The New Yorker's Harold Ross [1892-1951], Thomas Kunkel [1955- ], Ed.; Random House (2000 hardcover TNY). Ross's sense of humor had me falling out of bed.

Fifteen years later, Kunkel ruined his reputation with his Man In Profile, an expensive, stupid and unforgivable biography of TNY writer Joe Mitchell. My theory is that between 2000-2015, as a college president, Kunkel's prolonged exposure to the moribund language of the bureaucratic regime-memos ruined his brain cells.

--- Laurie Lee [1914-1997], The Well-loved Stranger, Valerie Grove [a/k/a Valerie Jenkins; 1946- ]; Viking [The Penguin Group] (1999 hardcover)

The lives of Laurie Lee and Patrick Lee Fermor (both UK) are equally fascinating, if only to discover how irresistible personal charm allied with unmistakable talent can create artistic, personal masterpieces.

Avoid at all costs Artemis Cooper's coma-inducing PLF bio; likewise, a dweeb by the name of Sisman ruined the PLF "Letters" book. Grab a copy of In Tearing Haste, the letters exchange written by Deborah Devonshire and PLF to each other.

--- Finally, "Cause Unknown," The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022, Edward Dowd, Foreword by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. [1954- ]; Afterword by Gavin de Becker [1954- ]; Skyhorse Publishing, Inc. (2022 hardcover)

Mathematical / dispassionate proof --- impeccably sourced and thank God, written for laymen such as myself --- that the Pfizer et al vaccination regime has resulted in an endless, worldwide mass-murder program, designed solely for the glory of the Pfizer stock price (which has recently collapsed) and the salaries of their CEO (Bourla) and other executives, who will someday be brought to justice.

Be well!

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VDH is Victor Davis Hanson, he always has something historically literate and prescient to say. Misanthropes Corner was one of my favorite parts of NR before I stopped subscribing. I hope Pfizer goes down hard.

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I did not have “sponge bombs” on my 2023 bingo card.

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Look all I can think was “what drives the terrorists back to the sea? SPONGE BOMB SQUARE PANTS

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Better than my suggestion to flood them out.

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Item 5: Kamala Harris --- "The Israelis are using Sponge Bobs!"

Item 6: DS: "For every Israeli civilian killed, 10 Palestinians."

A 1000-1 ratio would be near-perfect.

Item 9: Powerline, "The rest of the world has moved on, but the [NY] Times is still trying to prove that Dreyfus was guilty after all."

I could not have said it better myself, but Kamala Harris (over there in the corner playing with her Sponge Bobs) no doubt will top it (if she can find a speechwriter who will work for her for longer than 15 minutes).

Speaking of which, Anderson Cooper spent 20 years being handed and reading "news-prose" written by actual writers.

"Well, how hard can this be?"

Voila! His embarrassingly bad book about his family, the Vandergrafts.

ITEM 10: "... 'Support for Bob Menendez has cratered since his indictment...' "

DS: "Why are they upset? He didn’t take cash for favors. He took gold bars."

I know my fellow New Jerseyians. They're mad because they didn't get their cut.

(And why does Menendez's wife look like Anderson Cooper after a sex change? Or does he look like her, after getting his?)

ITEM 22: ... “Internet access in Gaza is collapsing as ISPs fall offline.”

Quelle horreur! Now the Palestinian men will have to sleep with their actual wives...

ITEM 24: ... “RFK Jr. quietly changes stance on reparations after major blowback.”

He changed his mind after the surviving members of Mary Jo Kopechne's family (Chappaquiddick) sued him for reparations.

Item 28: "Taylor Swift..." I am looking forward to the day when she files for free agency and dumps him (it will be a blindside hit).

What in the world does he see in that skinny twit?

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Definitely electing the new speaker. Mr. Johnson may have testicles! Film at 11.

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I'm with you on going with electing a new speaker. I say this because I have high hopes for this one. He's not like the rest that we've had.

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And he will be needing our prayer support because the long knives and satanic forces will be out for him since he has principles.

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...give it time...

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Johnson's most defining moment was defending DJT from anti Trump zombies ie ATZ. Why the ATZ's didn't swarm the wall like WORLD WAR Z is a possible sign God is at work.

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I hear that NFT. Caught a report that Speaker Johnson was adamant about separating Ukraine aid from Israel aid. I hoped that the end of Ukraine aid was at hand. One meeting with McConnell later and Speaker Johnson started to parrot the turtle’s propaganda. The only change at hand, I think now, is that Speaker Johnson will experience intense arm twisting to adopt the uniparty’s narratives.

Idk. I could have misread the report.

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Former Sen. Jim De Mint has an oped today on the speakers fight.I feel a must read for perspective.

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I’ll read it later. I have read two accounts from different reps that McCarthy shivved candidates such as Jim Jordan and disrupted the process. His goal was to Muck things up so much that he would be elected speaker again. What a snake.

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Where would I find this oped?

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Town Hall should have it in 10/28 edition of guest columns.

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Thanks—found it at TownHall. I like Jim DeMint.

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#5 Read “Israel will use novel sponge bombs…” out loud. It sounds like Israel will use Sponge Bob.

Btw, those sponge bombs sound fantastic.

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The neighbor who installed my mailbox used foam to stiffen the dirt rather than use concrete


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As a gratuitous side note, my youngest daughter was the musical director for the highly successful SPONGEBOB THE MUSICAL. Both daughters were homeschooled. Allow me to give the heavy lifting credit to my first wife. God and I were the catalyst. I must decrease. Jesus must increase.

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Beautiful. Bravo!

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The IDF might consider using Expando chemical cracking agent. Ya drill a hole in rock, fill it with said product then sit back and wait as it slowly expands cracking all in its path.

The IDF could use it on captured terrorists as the equivalent of the Chinese death by a thousand cuts.

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Item #7 Perhaps middle and high school libraries should put this year's SI Swim Suit issue on the stand as an aid to the sex ed programs discussion of abstinence.

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The election was stolen, and January 6 was a psyop diversion. 'Stolen elections have consequences: Corrupted justice. Corrupted education. Corrupted military. Corrupted administration. Corrupted loyalties. Islamic fervor. Corrupted youth. Globalists. Climate-mongers. This is no longer the America we knew in our youth. There are so many forces at work beyond our control'. America is in a dark place now, but there are some rays of sunshine. Reaction to the atrocities in Israel has exposed the Democrat Party as soulless, without a moral compass. Maybe Trump's campaign will run the video of Jamaal in every black district in America and make him the new face of the Democrat Party.

“I don't know why this has gotten so much attention. I was literally just in a rush to go vote, man! That's all it was!” - Jamaal’s reply to a white supremacist racist (is that redundant?) Were the security cameras racist? If he was white and wearing a red cap, he would have been charged with a felony.

Here are some signs we may be heading in a new direction:

The Louisiana Republican’s campaign for the speakership was ‘through prayer, not politics,’: ‘I believe that each one of us has a huge responsibility today to use the gifts God has given us to serve the extraordinary people of this great nation, and they deserve it’. Godspeed, Mike Johnson.

The bifurcations are now complete, and all the players have been identified. Trump has split the Republican Party between rinos and MAGA. Israel has split the Democrat Party between liberals and communists.

At least 22 states have enacted laws banning or restricting gender-affirming care for minors, though most of the bans are being challenged in court.

A bipartisan group of 42 attorneys general is suing Meta, alleging features on Facebook and Instagram are addictive and are aimed at kids and teens.

North Carolina Republicans enacted election changes over a Democratic. Governor's veto.

Landry won the Louisiana governor’s race, getting almost twice as many votes as the Democrat.

The bill to prohibit Government censorship is not dead, just wounded.

Biden’s job approval rating among Democrats has tumbled 11 percentage points in the past month to 75%, the worst reading of his presidency from his own party.

At least 322 restrictive voting bills were introduced in 45 states. Of these, 35 bills are still moving through 10 state legislatures.

52% of Republicans want their Presidential debates cancelled.

50% of Republicans approved dumping McCarthy. Hopefully, the polls will show a marked increase in Republican favorability after we finally settled on a new speaker.

I used to marvel at how some of you guys could write so many words in such a short time. Then one magical day, I watched a sorceress speak into her phone, and the words appeared on the tiny screen. I felt a bit like Don Ameche and Forrest Gump combined. For less than 16 bucks, I have a typist and all I have to do is edit!


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Sponge Bomb Full Pants

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You talking about Biden?

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Well played!

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Item 5: Kamala Harris --- "The Israelis are using Sponge Bobs!"

Item 6: DS: "For every Israeli civilian killed, 10 Palestinians."

A 1000-1 ratio would be near-perfect.

Item 9: Powerline, "The rest of the world has moved on, but the [NY] Times is still trying to prove that Dreyfus was guilty after all."

I could not have said it better myself, but Kamala Harris (over there in the corner playing with her Sponge Bobs) no doubt will top it (if she can find a speechwriter who will work for her for longer than 15 minutes).

Speaking of which, Anderson Cooper spent 20 years being handed and reading "news-prose" written by actual writers.

"Well, how hard can this be?"

Voila! His embarrassingly bad book about his family, the Vandergrafts.

ITEM 10: "... 'Support for Bob Menendez has cratered since his indictment...' "

DS: "Why are they upset? He didn’t take cash for favors. He took gold bars."

I know my fellow New Jerseyians. They're mad because they didn't get their cut.

(And why does Menendez's wife look like Anderson Cooper after a sex change? Or does he look like her, after getting his?)

ITEM 22: ... “Internet access in Gaza is collapsing as ISPs fall offline.”

Quelle horreur! Now the Palestinian men will have to sleep with their actual wives...

ITEM 24: ... “RFK Jr. quietly changes stance on reparations after major blowback.”

He changed his mind after the surviving members of Mary Jo Kopechne's family (Chappaquiddick) sued him for reparations.

Item 28: "Taylor Swift..." I am looking forward to the day when she files for free agency and dumps him (it will be a blindside hit).

What in the world does he see in that skinny twit?

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#17 - The EV car - just a side note: You have to replace the batteries every 3-5 yrs. So just like your phone that they glued the battery in so you cant replace it, you have to get a new care every 3-5 yrs (or replace the batteries a $20k-30k replacement). So cars on a subscription plan.

This doesnt include the extra heavy vehicle or the huge increase in chance of fire in case of an accident.

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And if battery dies on the highway a diesel fueled towtruck comes to you with a gasoline powered generator to charge your EV.

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Yep and since he is on an hourly wage, I am sure it is quite expensive. There was a story about 5-6 months ago. In WV, someone driving an EV ran out of juice. There is a picture of several coal miners pushing the car to the mine so the EV could be recharged. That picture is priceless.

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Flabby Appleton is really good.

Makes me not want to go to the beach.

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Flabby Appleton (not the person shown) is a character who gave a bunch of Marines VD

That's right

Flabby Appleton was rotten to the corps

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But good to the calvary.

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Don, you have be really old to get that reference. Alas, I am pretty old.

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At first I thought it was Stacey Abrams in a swimsuit. Then I realized it was a beached brown hippo.

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I thought it was a bleached-blond hippo. Shows ya what I know.

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Have you been to a Florida beach lately? Some of them make you want to throw up. Of course then there are the others.......!!!!

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I heard Dana White quoted the Dean in Rodney Dangerfield's Back To School... "It was a really big check"

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Dean Martin!

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Hahaha. Yep! Good call. How could I forget that?

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With all the tunnels in Gaza, how will the IDF determine which are "sponge-worthy"?

Gov. Brylcreem is the Kardashian of politics: vapid, self-absorbed, slick "style" attractive only to shallow thinkers, no substance and offers nothing to enhance our quality of life. Xi's perfect pawn.

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Good morning, all.

Dear me, somebody get Swalwell a fire extinguisher...

Nice to see some of the nasties in Gaza are not foaming at the mouth anymore, but at their...portals... =D

Have a great weekend everyone.

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#6. Israel won't have peace as long as there is one Egyptian reject still alive claiming to be a palistidiot. They, like fleas, cockroaches and bedbugs, need to be exterminated.

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Always enjoy your writing.

Item#24 was the bomb!

Keep up the great truth-telling.

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If so, still can't understand why he had a negative 43% approval rating from the Democrats. Maybe it's improved since the reparations stance?

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