I predict that November 3, 2024, will be one of longest days of my life.

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From a report of the Daniel Penny trial.

“That question has now been answered thanks to newly released bodycam footage. Not only was Neely breathing when the police arrived, but they refused to give him mouth-to-mouth, instead sticking him with Narcan assuming a drug overdose was involved. “


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Nothing stopped them from lying about George Floyd. Don’t forget

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Amen J.K. !

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What I find amazing is 40 yrs ago, they had a device that was a CPR mask. It let you breathe for the person while keeping you safe. We had them as EMTs. Since usually Narcon is given to people in distress, why in the ever living <<<< did they not have a CPR mask in the kit with the Narcon? This is like having a defibrillator with no pads.

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It was my understanding that you don’t do CPR on someone who is breathing

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You dont but after giving NARCON to someone who may or maynot have been ODing. Im sure he was high. NARCON has a mixed effect. Yes it can stop someone from ODing, but a lot of times, they stop breathing and lose their heart beat. You can do CPR all day long on someone but if you dont breathe for them, it is useless. Lungs need fresh O2 to circulate with the compressions.

My understanding is he had a pulse when police arrived. They administered NARCON. After that he quit breathing and his heart stopped. They did CPR but didnt breathe for him.

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Those details seem important for some reason.

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Yeah and the news arent reporting them for some reason....

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Doesn't keep junkie puke out of your mouth if they convulse and let out a hard puke. Right call by the guy in charge.

Junkie made a life choice. Life ended.

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Presumably they have emergency equipment

In the subway stations. An Ambu Bag allows you to ventilate a patient without putting your mouth on their mouth. Been around for decades, and provide better ventilation than mouth to mouth. M. Cost 15-20 bucks for a single use kit. Total cluster in NYC- as usual.

The whole thing never should have happened because the lunatic shouldn’t have been on the train in the first place.

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I agree. And time will stop at 2 am on the 4th and then we will wake to a nightmare. Lord, I hope I am wrong.

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I expect mostly peaceful weather through January 19th with the occasional riot. Plenty of time for reflection and prayer before hard decisions on both sides. Who knows, perhaps God will have mercy on us.

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That made me realize I learned CPR before Narcan was a thing.

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God forbid - Don’t even think it. Think getbehindmeSatan!

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That was a reply to th

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I pray not but I am having flashbacks today.

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Nov 2
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Thank you. I am just having flashbacks today.

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Followed by a lot of longest days until January 20th.

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Nov 3? Election on Nov 5! Oh wait you listened to Jimmy Kimmel.

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Maybe he was talking about the change from daylight saving to regular time?

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It’s always good to start the day with a Dad Joke.

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Agreed. One more hour to air political ads. *shudder*

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Jimmy boy should be up on Criminal charges since the Meme guy did prison time for the exact same thing.

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It will be a new Triduum.

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My birthday sucked in 2020, but I love when it gets an extra hour this year!.

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My 50th birthday was one of the longest days of my life and I have been making this Dad Joke ever since.

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Happy Birthday to you both! Better the 3rd than the 5th.

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Nov 2
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tem 23. Liz Cheney thinks MAGA means Make America Grimace Again.

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Her dad has an evil grimace

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A warm sneer.

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When I think of Liz Cheney and MAGA, it’s more like “Make America Gag Again.” Just my opinion.

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L O L Bubble .

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Hezbollah all of a sudden wants a cease fire. That’s a pretty good indication of who is going to win the election. I’m old enough to remember that the American hostages in Iran were released within minutes of Ronald Reagan being sworn in after 4 years of the pathetic Jimmy Carter.

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No, they don’t want a ceasefire. They want Israel to stop shooting.

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…Aaaand there it is!

That’s the entirety of this diplomatic kabuki theater charade in a nutshell.

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I noticed that too. Even our piercest enemies can't stand wimp roasted sissy fried Democrats.

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If Kamala gets elected, inflation will probably make Decillion dollar bills a real thing.

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Probably. I traveled for work back in 98-99. I was in Italy during one of their inflation cycles. It cost a million or a million and half lira for a hotel room for a week. They joined the EU to get it under control.

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I was in Israel in 1981 shortly after they had apparently devalued and reset their currency. At one point I was trying to pay for something with coins I had been given for change from another purchase, and the clerk told me, "those are nothing.... people throw them away." We'll get there.

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Italy must have had a lot of "inflation cycles". In the late 1950s I was charged 1000 lira for one beer.

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Italy has had several bouts of issues. I know they were on the wrong side of what is the Global EU fund? WEF? several times. They kept spending more money than they were allowed since WEF was trying to help them.

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And here I thought the economic major from BU had the answer. “Just make a bar of platinum and print 1 trillion on it and inflation is taken care of. Just to paraphrase AOC.

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. . .and a decillion dollars won't buy a candy bar.

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Unfortunately for Google, it will make an undecillion dollars worth a ruble, and the fine is in rubles. It will also leave the US unable to stop Russia from collecting.

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Deep. Charles! Very deep.

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The US Treasury will be minting coins in that denomination to fund big government.

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Actually they will be printing bills as the paper costs less than the metal in the coins.

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The decillion dollar coin will replace the half cent.

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The current US 1 dollar coin feels like a 1950 s nickel weight wise and quarter size wise.

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And spends like a penny purchase power wise..

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#4. A redneck walked into a bar. Business was slow, only one other customer, a woman. After ordering his drink the redneck told the barkeep to get one for the lady.

The woman raised her drink in thanks so the redneck moved over and sat next to her. The woman turned to him and said," don't bother, I'm a lesbian."

The redneck replied," that's awesome, how are things in Beirut?"

That said, I nominate Beirut for their conference.

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The way i heard it, the bartender saiid, "She's a Lesbian." The guy paid no attention to him, walked down to the girl, cozied up to her on the next stool, and said, "Hi there, Goldilocks. What part of Lesbia are you from?"

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Ack-shually, he said, “Hi, there, Goldilocks. You the one that invented the Lesbian Rule?”

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This joke deserves many more votes than it has at this point. It memes LGBTQ and the terrorists in one punch line. . . . and it didn't call anyone garbage!

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Is that a dad joke too?

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Well, I am a father.

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You got me there. Touché.

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Lmao 😂😂😂

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ITEM 11: The Jeff Bezos Post said, “Mike Johnson vows major changes to Affordable Care Act if Trump wins election.”

The GOP House really thinks we'll believe their second promise to end Obamacare? Mike Johnson is no more believable than Paul Ryan. How about the major change we need is for Trump to convince the House to eject Mike Johnson as Speaker and replace him with a MAGA Republican?

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Jim Jordan who skillfully evaded that very question on Fox last week.

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I lost about half my respect for Jordan when

1) He departed from the freedom caucus and backed McCarthy because he was promised a committee leadership position by McCarthy

2) Refused to run for the speakership when we needed him most and would have avoided Mike Johnson's appointment, and

3) Hasn't been vocal about most - or all - Trump issues MAGA cares about.

Jordan is either compromised or sold out on his DC easy-street role. I vote in Ohio but he is not in the district where I live or I'd let him know how I feel in his next campaign. I once tried to write him an email to his public website the government provides politicians, but if you don't live in his district they won't accept your email.

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Item One: Jimmy the Piimp.. Delete Pimp; insert Prick.

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He's such a fake, call him Jimmy the dildo.

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Thank you Poca-Man for my weekly smiles and chuckles. Your well aimed barbs should pop the bubbles the idiots inhabit but merely indicate a need for lances instead to get their attention. The beltway media have no sense of shame because this would require morals and the ability to admit evil is in residence in The District Of Columbia and holding power. The closer we get to electing PDJT a 3rd time the more I wonder how we lasted so long after ignoring the alarms of DDE an

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Item 1. What? No pictures of the FBI honeypot chicks? 😂

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They're probably both married to Democrat Congressmen or MSNBC anchors by now.

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Rachel Madcow, and Joy Reid.

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Sore winner any day. No apologies.

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Nov 2Edited

I want to be an arrogant winner. I want to rub their noses in it. I want to crush and jail their criminal enterprise leaders. I want to repeal the entire social service network and force everyone to fend for themselves.

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“Donald, what is best in life?”

“To crush your enemies on the left, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their aposematic women!”

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I can see it now.

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In Alex Jones’ lawyers defense, the trial was rigged from the start. OJ’s defense team would have lost when the judge orders a default verdict over nonexistent discovery that is impossible to obtain.

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After reading #10 reporting about a Supreme Court ruling, it reminded how far we have fallen as a country when we have to rely on the Supreme Court to permit the names of the dead and illegal to be removed from the voters rolls.

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Truly. Good God.

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I love the Saturday roundup, and today’s is great. I especially appreciate a couple of the links. The old Enten article was fun. And the press conference after the Baghdadi kill is spectacular; no way can one envision Biden or Harris in the leadership role Trump displayed.

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This week's round-up had my laughing all the way through.

Item 4 regarding the LGBTQ conference. I suggest they hold it in Gaza. This will make the "Queers for Palestine" happy, plus all the tall buildings that could have been used to toss their members off of, are now at ground level.

Item 15 video of Kamala angrily telling a heckler to shut up reminded me of the end of the poem "Casey at the Bat". Forgive my interpretation.

Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright,

The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;

And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout,

But there is no joy in Cackleville, cuz Kamala has struck out.

Regarding the Question of the Day. The outfit that Kamala is wearing reminded me of the poop emoji.

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Flawless.👍Sadly, now my young world has grown old, gone are the silver and gold.

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Item 5:

“ The Dodgers beat the Yankees 7-6 at Yankee Stadium and are scheduled to celebrate their victory on Friday morning with a ticketed event at Dodger Stadium and a parade in [THE CHARRED WRECKAGE OF WHATEVER REMAINS OF] Downtown Los Angeles.”

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#1 “Whistleblower: James Comey had FBI ‘honey pot’ spies infiltrate Trump’s 2016 campaign.”

Are you a total slut? Well, the FBI has a job for you.

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Hey, “(I)t’s not just a job…it’s an adventure.”

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