Item 11

I think I have posted this before. Recall Milley to active duty, court-martial him, find him guilty, strip him of medals and awards, bust him to buck private, dishonorable discharge. That will remove his pension and all other benefits.

Serve him right, and make a good example to others. As Gladstone (I think) once quipped, "It is good to shoot an admiral from time to time as an example to the rest."

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... similar to the quote that, "In Europe they cut the king's head off from time to time - to show that the law applies to everybody." If Trump is elected, there are a whole lot of people who have a whole lot to fear from the Long Arm of the Law.

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One can only hope. The whole Intel bunch in all the alphabet agencies have got to go. Thats thousands of people. Then there’s the DoEd and DoEnergy and EPA. Thousands and thousands. Makes my heard hurt thinking about how many of those parasites live on my dime(s) and quarters.

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EODMom - and dollars and our retirement funds. I hope that the Trumpeter comes in with several new brooms and shovels to sweep the swamp clean

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I think DJT will need a front end loader to clean them all out.

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A long stick excavator, the corruption runs deep.

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If you are working hydraulic equipment in government buildings to scrape out the human garbage, you need one that works with low overhead clearance like a Gradall. It’ll reach through the door and scoop out these gub’mint lard asses quite efficiently.

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Don't forget USPS. Raise their rates for junk mail, and USPS will show a profit. 'Aug 22, 2023 — The U.S. Postal Service recently announced quarterly financial losses of $1.7 billion, as well as declines in the volume of First-Class Mail ...'. Hat tip to email and texting.

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Praying that Elon actually does reduce gvt agencies down to 99. Would prefer 3 or 4 max. Gitter done!

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I’m no fan of the gov’t’s version of deterrence (having been on the wrong end of it), but agree it needs done to Milley to send the message to all other power-hungry and woke generals.

On the subject of deterrence, our friend the Christian baker would serve us all if he would go after his persecutor with a malicious litigation lawsuit. FAFO!

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The Bible in unfavorably disposed towards lawsuits. Correction: that is, among believers.

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I heartily agree Steve ,he needs to sue !

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Amen. And he will deserve every million of it.

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We are as one.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12

At the very least letters should go out on day one revoking any security clearances, employment or contractual relationships with the 51 signers of the "Hunter's laptop is Russian Fakery" letter. Send out a press release announcing it. These were the Bozos in charge when Aldrich Ames sold out our entire Eastern Bloc intelligence network. The clown was living high on the hog - way above the means that his salary would have supported - right under the CIA's nose. Our intelligence community needs a major housecleaning. When in doubt, fire 'em. Better to have nobody than the seat warmers now in our employ.

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Marie Antoinette, call your office. Your new powdered wig is available at 2,024 euros.

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Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

If the description posted above is accurate regarding Miley’s actions, then I absolutely think DJT SHOULD call him back up to active duty for him to be tried for TREASON, punishable by death!!

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I couldn't agree more. My addition to that process includes a methodical rollout of each and every treasonous action Miley took, published on media sites that will properly cover the facts to slowly educate the other half of the voting population that the Biden/Obama government leviathan was real. And, they should see it prosecuted and dismantled one piece at a time.

We must get the Military back to being the strongest one on the planet for the alliance and protection of all countries that subscribe to individual liberty.

Miley is as big a traitor as Barack Obama.

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Close, but the Lightbringer did far more damage..

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Far more than Milkey deserve “justice”. The people will not be satisfied until all these traitors are “exorcised”.

Additionally, all flag officers and Senior executives should be barred from working or serving in any capacity for a contractor or non profit supporting the federal government directly or indirectly. You’re retired. Now go away.

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Yes, and may I add: You’re retired. Now go away and Walmart is hiring greeters. So are funeral parlors. My dad called people like Milley crepe hangers.

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That would clean out the trash quick. They get paid more than their retirement in a lot of cases.

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WE deserve the general having his day in court.

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As well as Comey ,Wray ,and the 51 intel asshats.

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And the people replied, "Amen!"

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I've observed over time that if you try to get too much you don't get much of anything... Reparations and punishment should be meted out judiciously else the usual suspects will use the MSM and the dark money globalists to instill fear in the general population. Low information voters and Democrats in general will unite to combat the threat and we'll end up right back where we started. So the question is, "who do we hang?" I vote for Hillary.

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It was British Admiral Byng that was executed and Voltaire that immortalized the execution (see what I did there )

Byng's execution was satirised by Voltaire in his novel Candide. In Portsmouth, Candide witnesses the execution of an officer by firing squad and is told that "in this country, it is good to kill an admiral from time to time to encourage the others" (Dans ce pays-ci, il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un amiral pour encourager les autres).[40]

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Thank you for explaining the origin of that classic expression, "pour encourager les autres". But I do think Milley must be made an example. It was outrageous not only for him to collude with the Chinese, but to publicly brag about it showed he had no understanding of Treason. But then, neither do Biden/Harris, because facilitating a foreign invasion is nothing less.

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Oct 12·edited 21 hrs ago

10/12/24: You would very much enjoy reading the one-volume biography of Napoleon by Alan Schom (Harper Collins 1997. Splurge. Get a good used hardcover edition).

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Thanks for the tip. Most of what I know of the murderous tyrant Napoleon comes from the fictional Richard Sharpe.

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Thank you. I can learn a new fact, but often must let go of an old fact: birthdays, names of people I see every day, what I had for breakfast and how much is left in savings.

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I think that’s what he’s gonna hire musk for

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Would it not be less expensive and time consuming to hang him for treason after a fair trial? It would also boost morale, mine in particular.

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Prefer a firing squad in the Cotton Bowl-Proceeds to families of those who died protecting us.

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End security clearances for many with DTS

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Be still my heart! I long for justice for the trans-General. I can’t think of any more deserving and he knows it.

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10/12/24: "Kamala has Liz Cheney. Trump has Biden."

November 3rd: Biden endorses Trump.

--- Eric Trump tweeted, “Honored to have 275 incredible linemen from FPL..."

The only linemen who don't crash cars after football games.

--- 40% of "Dudes For Kamala Answer to 'Miss'

Agreed. The worst political promo since Dukakis in the Army tank wearing a helmet three sizes too large for his head.

--- “Disgraced General Mark Milley ... worries that he will be recalled to active duty to face court martial..."

INNOCENT military officers request --- even demand --- CMs to clear their names.

Milley does have a good reason to be worried --- if convicted, he will be sentenced to a lifetime of acting in "Dudes for Kamala" TV ads.

--- "Kamala went on 60 Minutes... I don’t think she wants to win."

We must give her credit for improvising on the Fake Presidential Campaign routine, where a politician declares he's running, collects $10M, spends $2m, zero traction ("oh darn")/drops out ("so sorry") long before election day, keeps the $8M, and avoids having to actually serve in office.

How much of the unspent money does she get to keep after she stays in the race to the end with the intention of losing?

(Meanwhile, Quisling Pence is drowning in debt from his "presidential" run. Apparently, he spent what he took in, or borrowed against what he ended up not taking in.)

--- “ 'Kamala Harris has raised $1 billion since launching presidential campaign.'

What tricks did she turn to get the money?"

They paid her off to STAY AWAY.

--- "Please sob."


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Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

This weeks highlights are superb. I mean every single one is in the crosshairs. I intended to highlight my favorite one or two but the list got too long too quick. So here's the biggest jokes with quick comments. Obama calling black dudes not endorsing H-w sexists. He missed the mark SOO bad. The black lesbian may be of interest to the population control, Gates Foundation, big farma and WEF freaks for possible research and a new vaccine to thin the gene pool. If no one has done so yet, I think and would like to nominate you Sir for a Mark Twain award for excellence. You are the Sam Clemens for the 21st century.

God Bless America.

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Absolutely, no doubt, Mark Twain award!!!!

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Bingo! Our Rush/Mark Twain.

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Thank you.

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Thank you.

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UR blue button is the cherry on top. Don's worth it. a giant among pygmies.

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They have already developed and used that vaccine extensively - we call it The Clot Shot.

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Mega dittos on the Sam Clemens write-alike.

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You're good, W. Recommend. Knew one other, first name George😁

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Thanks PM. W is William but Bill for short and is fine. Thx x2.

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Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

Item 29. Come November 5th, Donald Trump will have beaten 2 women. Far less than the number Doug Emhoff has beaten. FJB

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What if the Democrats give up? We will have the greatest landslide in the history of the country., despite Kommila's billion dollar stash.

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She takes the money and runs. Another successful politician.

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I’d be HAPPY if she just took the money and LEFT NOW.

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THEN NEXT drum up some phony charges, go to trial and convict. Restitution = $1 B. Turnaround is fair play.

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I won't whine if she truly loses, and captures a billion--hope she and slaphappy hubby go away and buy and island somewhere off shore, like in the Bermuda Triangle

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Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

Indiana Jones and the Lost Treasure of Gaza coming to Theaters in 2026 (from Disney because they are the experts at setting huge piles of cash on fire)

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Actually that was hezbollah in Beirut. Same point minor difference in geography. I’ve been thinking; 2000lbs x 16 oz x $2000/oz =? 6.4 billions? Or 64b

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Gold is usually measured in Troy ounces (OZT) rather regular or avoirdupois ounces. 1 OZT Is 1/12 of a pound.

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OK finish the calculation

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And experts at setting alternate realities to film--Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. By Quinten Tarantino (rhymes with weirdo)

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Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

re: “The Colorado Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit filed against Jack Phillips after he refused to bake a cake celebrating a gender transition.” Thank God at least SOMEBODY knows some science. Gender transition is currently impossible. As I always say, cutting off your crank and wearing makeup and a dress does not make you a girl - in the same way that cutting off your arm, wearing a hook, and saying "ARRRRRRHHH" does not make you a pirate.

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The Colorado Supreme Court didn’t reach the merits of the case. They dismissed the case because the Claimant brought the case late. But as we say, a win is a win.

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Good thing we didn’t act on that “pirate“ phase when we were kids.

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'Gender transition is currently impossible. As it was, is, and always will be. FWIW, I identify as John Wayne.

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If so, that doesn't make you a very good actor. I mean, a versatile one. John Wayne was always John Wayne.

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Yep but he always played the beatem up, good guys win. hero who was usually beaten up as well I enjoyed all his movies.

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Well, each to his own, as the Irish say.

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I don’t know how many of you saw the video of the Blackhawk “destroying” a flood relief supply center with its rotor wash. It appeared that it was intentional. Yesterday the North Carolina National Guard took responsibility for the action. The Blackhawk was landing to drop off a generator, saw that there wasn’t enough room to land, and applied power to leave the area, creating a rotor wash that made a mess on the ground below. The general stated that the NG took full responsibility for the incident, and the crew had been grounded pending an investigation. Props to the North Carolina NG for admitting their mistake. A lot of people were upset when they saw the video.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

I saw the video when first reported as well as the follow-up that they "grounded" the crew. Sorry, I don't believe their story. They intended to cause destruction to the site and their "grounding" is just a political move to make it go away (as the lunatic left always does to hide their evil)

1. The helicopter had no tail markings or numbers. I'm no expert but that isn't allowed by anyone. It may have been a privately owned Blackhawk (yes, you can buy one).

2. The site was known as a distribution center only which means it had no landing site. I don't believe the National Guard didn't know that.

3. The people on the ground ran to the copter and crossed their arms (making an X) signifying there was no landing site and they couldn't land. That's standard sign language for copter pilots. They had no business being that low to the ground.

4. Experienced helicopter pilots have stated the action the copter took (I don't know the technical terms they use) to dip forward and then backward IS THE WAY a helicopter does a wash, which is a tactic that can be used for various purposes.

5. FAA laws say an aircraft can't be lower than 500 feet. Even if they were looking for a landing spot, they never should have been lower than 500 feet - unless they were landing - which they weren't.

They're lying and covering up their intent to inhibit life-saving support. I hope it is exposed fully in the days ahead.

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Agreed. 100%.

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Sorry, gotta disagree on this one.

1. Of course there were markings on the aircraft. But the markings are painted on the fuselage in flat black, which would be very difficult to discern on an aircraft that high.

2. The stated mission was to deliver a load of generators to a supply center to provide electrical power for the site, at the request of the civilian organization on the ground.

3. If the pilot and the ground folks were not in communication with each other then use of the “X” signal would have warned the pilot not to land. Which he didn’t.

4. Experienced folks can look at a video and make snap decisions about intent. That may or may not be valid for the situation.

5. The Blackhawk was well above 500’ before making the landing approach to the area.

I agree that cooperation between the military and civilian responders got off to a rocky start…thank you FJB and Momala. The federal government has acted irresponsibly on recovery efforts. But I just don’t believe that this incident was intentional. I think that it was a series of cascading events and misconceptions on both sides. I’m giving the NG the benefit of the doubt on this one.

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Yep, you explained it much better than me.

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Oops. Thats a bummer. Sh*t happens.

I hope the NG pilot isn’t dinged too hard.

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From the initial video I saw and the guy who was narrating it, I fully believe that what they did was intentional, especially with the 2 black SUV's that made a slow roll onto to the distribution site just prior to the helicopter stunt

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They didnt have much choice. They were close to be revealed. Backlash would have been even more if they hadnt fessed up.

Also, where was the generator? If it was a big one, they would have been hauling it outside. If it was a small one, there would have been several. I think it was deliberate and that was convent excuse. NC Dems and guard were being shown up as a cluster by regular people helping.

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As I said in my rebuttal, the cargo was multiple generators being delivered. Sorry for the initial confusion. I suppose that we will just have to agree to disagree. While I think that the FedGov and FEMA might order the Army to do it, I don’t believe that the NG would intentionally do it.

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ok, no worries. Every article I referenced said generator as in singular. If it was multiple smaller ones, my bad.

I would really really hope that it wasnt done on purpose but I have become very cynical these days. I used to be an optimist but that has been downgraded by my interactions with others. I will give them the benefit of your doubt. You are kinder than I am at the moment.

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Retribution should be assured; and when we least expect it.

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Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

“Biology Explains Why People Normalize Trump.” Psychiatry explains why people demonize Trump.” But no one can explain why any Guy would support Kamala.

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Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

if you know a man who supports harris/waltz...you know a weak-minded useless enabling zero. shed that cretin from your posse. i had two and let them go to drift in the abyss of ignorance.

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Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

Welcome back, Don, but I don't see a blue button. Be better, Mr "Welch".

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10/12/24: "Kamala has Liz Cheney. Trump has Biden."

November 3rd: Biden endorses Trump.

--- Eric Trump tweeted, “Honored to have 275 incredible linemen from FPL..."

The only linemen who don't crash cars after football games.

--- 40% of "Dudes For Kamala Answer to 'Miss'

Agreed. The worst political promo since Dukakis in the Army tank wearing a helmet three sizes too large for his head.

--- “Disgraced General Mark Milley ... worries that he will be recalled to active duty to face court martial..."

INNOCENT military officers request --- even demand --- CMs to clear their names.

Milley does have a good reason to be worried --- if convicted, he will be sentenced to a lifetime of acting in "Dudes for Kamala" TV ads.

--- "Kamala went on 60 Minutes... I don’t think she wants to win."

We must give her credit for improvising on the Fake Presidential Campaign routine, where a politician declares he's running, collects $10M, spends $2m, zero traction ("oh darn")/drops out ("so sorry") long before election day, keeps the $8M, and avoids having to actually serve in office.

How much of the unspent money does she get to keep after she stays in the race to the end with the intention of losing?

(Meanwhile, Quisling Pence is drowning in debt from his "presidential" run. Apparently, he spent what he took in, or borrowed against what he ended up not taking in.)

--- “ 'Kamala Harris has raised $1 billion since launching presidential campaign.'

What tricks did she turn to get the money?"

They paid her off to STAY AWAY.

--- "Please sob."


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If Whitaker were knowledgeable, he should’ve asked her what color the safety off indicator is on that Glock ;)

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That may be, but Whitaker conducted a serious interview even if Kamala was unserious -- as always.

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Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

On the pop quiz if useful idiot was a choice I think it would have won hands down.

Item 10. Another phony Harris ad. Those guys seemed strange when I saw the commercial. Now I know my sixth sense was right again.

Also nice to see Israel blew up a lot of Hezbollah cash and fold. Will Beirut be the next gold rush?

Another great post. Maybe the kids energized you.

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The ad is totally cringe worthy, as are the actors pretending to be "men supporting Kamala". Lots of idiocy in the script as well...iirc "I eat carburetors for breakfast"...what? So stupid. And "I cry at Love Actually'...ridiculous.

Honestly NO NORMAL WOMAN wants a guy that cries at a Rom com...

With all the $$ the Democrats have, they clearly can't find anyone that knows authentic men to write about--speaks volumes on their understanding of any real human being.

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Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

#2. If nominated I will run for my life....

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The funniest yet, I knew it was Greta but she needs a diet, too. Your vacay really "ramped" you up along with some healthy greens (guessing); the Satan visual could be the most hilarious, yet but there are so many! Thank you, thank you!!!

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Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

"New rule: any gun the government bans, the government cannot have."

That's a start!

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Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

I figure the $1 billion raised is a form of $ redistribution. It comes from the gullible and goes out to film makers, influencers (?), teleprompter operators, and poor actors. Lots and lots of poor actors. Not just those in that cringe worthy ad, but those paid to attend Harris' rallies.

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A modest proposal. Use the $1B to pay reparations to those demanding them.

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Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

'Kamala Harris Campaign Groups Raise $1 Billion as Finish Line Looms'. When they tell you it's not about the money, it's about the money.

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Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

Welcome back! It's obvious your time off playing with those babies made you sharper than ever even though they wore you out, but in a good way!

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Oct 12Liked by Don Surber

Wow. Don is back in the saddle again. Great round up of the fading Kamala campaign.

Item 2. "If nominated I will not service. If elected, I will not live" is brilliant.

Item 10. 'Men for Kamala' is a microcosm of her faux campaign. Just like paying people to attend her rallies and using a teleprompter to give her speeches. She is the phoniest politician in a world full of phony politicians.

On the Pop Quiz, we all knew it was Greta T, but I liked the answer Before Diet Photo better because this twit looks like she is on track to become the Swedish Lizzo.

Item 22. Tax write-off for car loans just won Michigan for Trump. Sorry about the Bentley, but it would have made it a lot less expensive.

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10/12/24: The Swedish Lizzo!!!!!

--- "Kamala has Liz Cheney. Trump has Biden."

November 3rd: Biden endorses Trump.

--- Eric Trump tweeted, “Honored to have 275 incredible linemen from FPL..."

The only linemen who don't crash cars after football games.

--- 40% of "Dudes For Kamala Answer to 'Miss'

Agreed. The worst political promo since Dukakis in the Army tank wearing a helmet three sizes too large for his head.

--- “Disgraced General Mark Milley ... worries that he will be recalled to active duty to face court martial..."

INNOCENT military officers request --- even demand --- CMs to clear their names.

Milley does have a good reason to be worried --- if convicted, he will be sentenced to a lifetime of acting in "Dudes for Kamala" TV ads.

--- "Kamala went on 60 Minutes... I don’t think she wants to win."

We must give her credit for improvising on the Fake Presidential Campaign routine, where a politician declares he's running, collects $10M, spends $2m, zero traction ("oh darn")/drops out ("so sorry") long before election day, keeps the $8M, and avoids having to actually serve in office.

How much of the unspent money does she get to keep after she stays in the race to the end with the intention of losing?

(Meanwhile, Quisling Pence is drowning in debt from his "presidential" run. Apparently, he spent what he took in, or borrowed against what he ended up not taking in.)

--- “ 'Kamala Harris has raised $1 billion since launching presidential campaign.'

What tricks did she turn to get the money?"

They paid her off to STAY AWAY.

--- "Please sob."


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I read a few years ago that politicians get to keep whatever is left over of their campaign funds.

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10/12/24: That is my understanding. Which is a massive incentive to fail and keep the dough.

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