"Biden" does this. "Biden" does that. For the love of Pete, people, stop saying, writing or believing that Biden is doing, has done or plans to do ANYTHING! "He" is not home; his train has left the station; his deck contains less than fifty-two cards, etc., etc., etc. He hasn't been "president" for at least the past three years, and prior to that, all he did was take orders from the Obama cabal who remained in the actual seat of power despite Obama's personal absence. Have you not read the WSJ article? Have you not seen or heard the "insider stories" that portray Biden as a mere shell, whose only accomplishments were mouthing words he was told to say and signing bills and executive orders that were shoved under his doddering, dementia-riddled nose? As the Pythons once comically told us, "He is an ex-parrot!"

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Think this is all pretty much assumed by most sentient beings.

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And those are his good points.

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Great comment Steve.

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I watched that Monty Python skit several times yesterday, like pun-ishment is good for the soul.

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This is an ex-parrot!

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It is, and I loved Monty Python.

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Dec. 25th is my Christmas but Jan. 20th will be a celebration like I imagine VJ Day was in 1945. Victory over Democrats and Rinos. Or at least a major step forward in the battle.

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Most people don't know when "VJ Day" is celebrated. It is August 14th; my birthday. Dad came home from WWII from his ship that he commanded (an LST) which was in Tokyo Bay. He arrived home on November 14th and I was born the next August 14th. Do the math.

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Leaving a string of clothes from the front door to the bedroom.

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That math is correct. LOL.

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12/22/24: Nine minutes later?!?!

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Sooo...If Victory over Japan was VJ day, Victory in Europe was VE day, would Victory over Democrats be VD day?

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Ed Zackery! (an old leftover from another site).

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Yep, Dec. 25. That's my day of the Christ Mass. But they all are good. Every day has a mass, and it's always about Jesus.

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Amy, great minds... I picked Jan 20 as Easter Sunday which is the day Christ was resurrected. Same idea, just a different victory.

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Why not both? Each is Devine.

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Item 10: just imagine that!! The NY Subway needs the National Guard to patrol it, and they just tried to convict a man for protecting other riders!!

You can’t make this crap up.

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excellent get straight up suzie q.

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Just wait. DA Bragg will charge the first NG who does anything to protect riders.

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12/22/24: 250 soliders to guard 472 stations. And guaranetted, they won't be issued live ammunition.

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Wondering if one will be assaulted. Hoping not. And for the love of Pete Hegseth, DON'T SEND WOMEN!

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That is ok, NY Gov, the idiot, announced it after some illegal set a sleeping woman on FIRE and killed her. No one helped her at all. Like same day announced she made the subways safer.

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'ITEM 23: Nancy Pelosi called Trump the puppet of Elon Musk.

"I thought he was Putin’s puppet."'

I thought he was a dictator - Literally Hitler - and everybody else was HIS puppet. I'm so confused.

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I thought Obama was the dicktaster.

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Okay, that one got an audible chuckle.

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It is hard to keep up.

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News gets reported so fast these days it wont be too long and they will just take the news reader middleman out of it and perps and pols will start reporting it as it happens.

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I thought Mrs. Pelosi was in a hospital due to her fractured hip? How is she able to insult Trump while incapacitated?

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With the exception of her jaw, she's been paralyzed from the neck up for at least 40 years. An animated Terry Schaivo if you will, but Terry was a lot smarter.

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And more effective.

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Dr. Lawsy prescribes laying off reading the news for a few days.

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Guess we all need a wire diagram to keep track now.

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Item 3: that MA Democrat’s statement says absolutely all you need to know about our so-called Representatives in Congress. They can’t stand us. We are nothing more than annoying pests to them.

Meanwhile, They’re clamoring on about Elon being a pretend President when they’ve had one for four years!!

All Elon did was open the floodgates for the voices of the people to be heard loud, strong and resoundingly clear.

THAT is what they hate.

Well, it’s a whole new ballgame now. Get with it, or get out.

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Indeed. The Swamp needs to be reminded on an hourly basis that the doing of business as usual is unacceptable.

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I really dont think they care. Talking about it and doing are far apart. The only thing that will change that culture is action. I read this morning that there only three whistle blowers who came forward to talk to Jordans committee about FBI weaponization. Thats sad. Three out of thousands. I no longer believe the FBI rank and file are working for us. Tear it all down and remodel it.

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Saw a little (AP) blurb this morning that Elon Musk was spreading misinformation. You can't make this crap up. I use to get my chuckles from the comic strip section of the newspaper.

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Re #12 - if Kamela writes as clearly as she speaks whoever paid her $20M for a book deal was obviously making a contribution to her next campaign fund boondoggle

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It's how money is washed before reaching a politician's grubby hands. Old and well tested Democrat trick.

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12/22/24: We're looking at ten warehouses in Texas holding 40,000 unsold pre-printed copies of "I Blew It, HAHAHAHAHA!" And very quietly, having bribed the Democrats, these non-books gradually disappear.

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No, they will get $20 million worth of premium word salad to sell to people who like salads.

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". . . will of the Congress . . ." indeed!

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Another one of those 'fictions' that America loves so. There is freedom of speech as long as you please the little gremlin that is assigned you at registration or you you are someone that X can't ignore.

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Item 2: it is even worse than that! In his first administration Trump ordered all troops out of Syria, and the top brass defied him, and never told him.

If some big heads don’t roll during the next four years, I’m not going to be a happy camper.

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That's Hegseths mission. That's why they are fighting his nomination so hard. I wish Mattis and the Trumpster would reconcile. Mad Dog ain't called Mad Dog for nothing.

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Mathis’ reputation is partially of his own making and the rest is subjective. I was in the Army so maybe I didn't see it but he always seemed more bluster than message to me. His actions while in Trump 1 were not grand.

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Neither is Trump-the-Dog-Warden.

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As far as the poll goes: Christmas isn't about receiving gifts, it's about celebrating Jesus: God's gift to us. Jesus is who I put my faith in, not Trump or anyone else. And you should be careful not to fall into Satan's trap of hating the leftists so much that you make a false idol out of Trump, politics, vengeance, or any of the other snares of the world. As CS Lewis said:

He (the devil) always sends errors into the world in pairs – pairs of opposites... He relies on your extra dislike of one to draw you gradually into the opposite one. But do not let us be fooled. We have to keep our eyes on the goal and go straight through between both errors. We have no other concern than that with either of them.

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Good advice

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I was thinking the same thing this morning. A pendulum always goes fastest as is crosses the center, and we must guard against becoming exactly like those we claim to oppose. Given how this "administration" has resorted to show-trials, starchamber committees (The Unselect Committee, starring Liz Cheney), and the secret police (FBI and all the other 3-letter agencies), my first instinct would be revenge, but we can't do that. Retribution - a very different thing - and justice? Yes. And all necessary - but not revenge.

Having closely followed Trump's tribulations and eventual triumph, especially that ear-shot, has shaken the very foundation of my lifelong atheism. If there is a God, I wish He would stop f-ing around and letting The Greatest Country That Ever Was get to the very brink before intervening. My heart can't take much more of it.

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Donald Trump has stated that his revenge will be a successful Presidency. That is paraphrased but it is the essence of what he said.

That said, draining the swamp may be seen as vengeful but is is necessary.

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If we had started decades ago the fixes would have been easy. Now they may be insurmountable. The only people who can fix this are in government because we put them there. Time to demand they get busy regardless of whether or not it hurts their re-election plans. Some things are worth the sacrifice.

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Come on Red, Lao Tzu said; “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”. He wasn't wrong, because you won't get anywhere unless you start the journey.

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Well Jim, there is a God. We cannot comprehend his plans for us, we are not able. But you can be sure he will not give us more than we can handle. Paraphrasing - Be still, and know there is God. Peace be with you brother.

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He put us here to do the right thing and fix our mistakes. It’s our job to fix it, not his. He’s still waiting.

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I know it is painful to watch our country destroyed, but remember that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). The destruction is also an opportunity to serve God through kindness, even to your enemies (not by aiding them in doing evil but by providing them an opportunity to join you in doing what is right).

I hope you will fan the flames of your faith. Even our faith is a gift from God (so that none of us can boast about having more faith or coming to faith sooner), but we must choose to accept it or not.

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As to the Continuing Resolution, there was a clip of Jesse Waters interviewing Senator Mike Lee., who said there were 4 people behind the plan to pass the original draft of the CR--Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Hakeem Jeffries, and Mike Johnson. Mike Lee kept referring to those 4 as the "the Firm", the deciding (and colluding) players.

But the only person we on the MAGA side seem to be angry at is Mike Johnson. Mike Johnson is probably the most innocent of this poisonous foursome. First--why is Mitch McConnell still so involved? I see that John Thune doesn't take office as Republican Leader until January, but good grief, there McConnell still is right now calling the shots on the CR. Is Thune going to be 'his own man', or just a puppet for McConnell?

It also bothers me that we are so heavily focused on going after the RINO's, and yet we are doing NOTHING against Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer. I haven't heard a single report of any fire being launched directly at Schumer and Jeffries. Where is the outcry against these Democratic leaders? We seem to have just accepted that they are snakes and we leave them alone to do their damage.

Yes, of course we have to go after the RINO's, but it is way past time to also start a strong, strategic, and relentless public PR offensive against these poisonous Democratic leaders, and their second and third tier Congressional partners-in-crime--who get so little attention that I don't even know their names (except for Dick Durbin). They attack us relentlessly. When are we going to start putting the spotlight on Hakeem Jeffries and other specific Democrats, and take the fight to them?!?

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Hakeem is a big threat and someone to watch carefully along with the vicious women compadres in DC. They are scary. VERY scary and determined. Never underestimate a woman with hate as their motivation. Maybe after Jan. 20 we won't have to hear the word "racist" ever again. It has no actual meaning.

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We all need to start by calling people out when they assign a racist title to us. Otherwise they will keep doing it.

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It may be "rope-a-dope". Jefferies and Schumer are both from New York. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see very well funded republican running against Jefferies in 2026. He's a clone of the "Magic Negro".

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q..."When are we going to start putting the spotlight on Hakeem Jeffries and other specific Democrats, and take the fight to them?!?"

a...when the people demand it be so. at this time they're too busy watching football. after that it will be baseball and then it's....football again. so....

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Don't watch either. Overpaid men playing a child's game and wouldn't deign to piss on me if I was on fire.

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understandable but if you were to address the question...what would be your thoughts?

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Think any Republican going after Jeffries or Chucky is a waste of time. And yes, there was reservation of Thune being McConnell's butt-boy.

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It is not a waste of time because it sways the public. We need to be waking up the half of the country that voted Democratic. Going after their leaders may not change those leader's actions, but it WILL change the public perception of them.

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IDK... really don't know how you would get through to anyone who would vote for a Biden or Harris. Obama was good at what he did. He was a charlatan and a chameleon. So I could see how some would get easily fooled. But FJB and Cackles? These two were right there out in the open.

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Don't know how many but some surely vote for their team and their goals/agenda. I completely understand this because I'm a lifelong Vikings fan. They are having a typical Viking season. Get close and then flop, ripping my heart out and stomping on it.

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Ha...tied with a team in your own division with the second best record in the league. Tough deal but don't give up on them yet. Hey, could be worse. You could be a NY Jet fan like me!

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12/22/24: Update: Soto (Mets, signed by Cohen) will be Aaron Rodgers Roman Numeral Number Two.

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If you were sucking at the teat, you might understand.

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Still doesn't add up to 68 million...

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better than 81 million😇

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There are plenty who will just vote the party line regardless of the candidate - remember the old saying about one who would vote for a yellow dog as long as it was a democrat?

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Agree, Gal-why I asked Adorable to cut him a little slack.

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I think Don is right that Trump is a highly skilled strategist, and that we may indeed be seeing it in operation on the CR. And so long as Trump supports Mike Johnson, we should too.

A month or so ago Don made a comment about "John Barron"--whom I looked up on Google, and discovered that Trump has from to time over the years used a pseudonym to get points across in the media! That made me truly believe that Trump is indeed a 3-D Chess player.

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The odds are greater than zero that Johnson reported back to the Trumpster everything the firm was planning. If he gave that intel to Trump who gave it to Elon, that would partially explain why exposing what was in the bill was accomplished so fast.

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Another factor is that Ramaswamy actually read the bill. Let’s not leave him out of the kudos.

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Good catch. He probably got the draft CR before Congress did.

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I disagree on Johnson. He needs to go. Name one thing he has shown leadership on since getting appointed? He lies and tells one member one thing and another something else daily. He’s a manager, not a leader.

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Wouldn't it be lovely if Musk would primary the dem bigshots.

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12/22/24: With almost unlimited funds, the prospect is tantalizing.

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Starting in January, those Dems are inconsequential. What matters is the GOP getting behind a Speaker with some balls. Right now we don’t have one.

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I don't think those Dems are inconsequential at all. They are going to be aggressively pulling every shenanigan they can to obstruct Trump in Congress. And until their Marxist/DEI ideology is defanged, they will milk it for all they can.

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Those snakes will do anything and everything to mess with Trump and Vance and anything Republican or decent. A leopard never changes its spots and then there is a Trump snake story, don't forget that. 41% of people think the UHC ceo murder was justified...where have we gone wrong???

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Item 22: they are wrong. It has long been customary in times past, for Appointees from prior administrations to offer a letter of resignation, not according to law, but out of custom and consideration, and leave it to the incoming President whether to accept or reject it.

The rise of the weaponized bureaucratic state put a stop to that act of courtesy.

Of course they did.

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Damn good point

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Courtesy? Seems that is an unknown virtue to the Left.

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Oh, and by the way, they say "Happy Christmas" in the UK. We say "Merry Christmas" here. I like them both and am alternating saying them. Have a great Holiday Season everyone and a safe, happy, and prosperous 2025..... with Trump at the helm.

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They drink warm beer,

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True. I never understood that but I did develop a taste for Guinness right out of the tap. And the pubs were always a great place to hang out.

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It is because Lucas Electrics profuces their refrigerators. Ask a sports car guy.

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I used to have a set of "Lucas Lights"- brings back memories.

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and boil their meat.

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It's an acquired taste Don like Guiness. Gotta have iron taste buds to drink that crap.

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No, you just have to have a stronger alcohol tolerance than needed for American beer.

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12/22/24: As long as I never hear the word "holidaying" ever again, I'm good with all the rest.

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Actually, I agree... I bristle when that is what I hear. But, to each his own. I am comfortable in how I express myself and I easily sort out and ignore some of what others say and do. In other words, I am my own person.

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It may not have been Christmas, but November 5 was a pretty good day.

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Not sure Mike Johnson KNEW the monstrosity bill would crash and burn. Seems like this guy just wants to be loved by everyone. Doesn't work like that. Ask GWB, Romney, McCain and eye-patch boy. No matter how brown your nose becomes these people are still going to hate your guts.

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Cut him a bit of slack-did he and DJT collaborate to bury the shiv?

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Just don't think this is a time for ANY squishiness.

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The Dems got painted into a corner when the pork was exposed by Elon. They had to pass something or the voters back home would have burned them at the stake. Dems jumped the shark when they put themselves in for a big raise. That pissed everyone off. I think Johnson may have been in on the trap all along. Only the Trumpster really knows.

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I would like to think you're right. Before we crucify anyone perhaps we should let Trump become President. Coming up with two alternatives thatm quickly could mean they had a backup plan all along.

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#21 - the demonicrats may want to make her President Cackler but (Dr!) Jill is standing in the way. She is not going to give up her cushy life in the WH until noon on 1/20/25, especially for the likes of Commie-La whom she loathes. She also loathes all of those DC bigwigs who stabbed her husband in the back. Remember the solid red pants suit on Election Day? She’s out to get them too.

The only reason that the enemedia is now admitting what we’ve all known for four long years is that they’re trying to hang on to the iota of credibility that they have left and their multi-million dollar paychecks. Good luck with that.

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The Dems had their chance to '25th Amendment' Joe out of office a long time ago, but they chose to cover up his serious mental decline. Had they done so, perhaps the Kamala would have had a better chance in the last election as the incumbent. As a wise man once said, it's not the crime that gets you, it's the cover-up.

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Thank goodness they didn't can you imagine Cackle as President? Perish the thought. Let her go plagiarize a book and be done with her.

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12/22/24: Sounds like Jill would be delighted to turn state's evidence. Ah, pipedreams...

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Item 5: still waiting for that apology from Stephanopoulis.

Anyone seen it anywhere?

Buehler? Buehler?

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12/22/24: Is it possible that ABC-Pravda got its revenge by NOT firing The Little Wienie? Now, the next four years, everytime he reports on Trump, he's publically reminded that due to his own onstinate, reckless behavior, he had created a $16,000,000 campaign contribution for DJT's presidential library. Maybe they should name a wing after him ("The Wienie Wing"). At the very least, the ground floor men's room.

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Or he can get a special “Dishonorable Mention” plaque on the wall of the Fake News wing!

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Due to the sheer volume, the "Fake News wing" would have to be an entire museum all by itself. Why not flush all the rats out of their FBI HQ in WDC and dedicate the premises to that aim?

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Loved the fight over the CR. Dems say they beat Trump. He didn't get the debt ceiling lifted. Trump never cared about the debt ceiling. That was his starting point of making a deal. The Dems starting position was a lipsticked pig. The Trumpster and Elon exposed to the country how awful the bloated pig was. To get a new cleaner (not clean) CR they had to give up most of the pork. 1500 pages of pork to 118 pages. Now who won that fight???

The chances are greater than zero that the Trumpster knew a long time ago this was coming and let it happen because he knew he had the stronger hand. Johnson may have been in on it too. He called in Chip Roy and let him in on the secret. More fun to come.

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i want to believe speaker j is playing 3 d chess with trump but i confess that's a hard sell. i DO trust surber as a general rule so i will refrain from hopping on the band wagon for now and practice something i am always looking to improve on...exercising patience and listening closely.

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