Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

Item 32- I nominate Pete Rose to accept MLB’s apology on behalf of Willie Mays.

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Why not make Pete Rose Baseball Commissioner? There were so many "Bet MGM" commercials during the Diamondbacks/Phillies game yesterday that I joined Gamblers Anonymus in the seventh inning.

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

#3 about Fr Reidy. Reading the sour po-faced comments to the announcement in the Registry makes me sigh. The many agitated and self-righteous remarks by presumed Catholics against a brilliant and faithful cleric bringing his rare talents to the Supreme Court makes me weary. This is a brilliant man with God given exceptional skills in law scholarship and teaching. I wonder how those against him serving as clerk to Kavanaugh live their own faith. I want happy faithful Christians living the Gospel through their public lives, not people apologizing for their talents and inviting drag men into their sanctuaries in order to fill the pews.

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

Now I’m envisioning Fr. Reidy completing his clerkship and then Pres. Trump nominating him for the next vacancy on the Sup. Ct.

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Yes! What a happy vision. And we would never have known about this man without Fr Don’s weekly summary.

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Very true! On further reflection I recalled that some years ago the Vatican prohibited priests running for elective office, but I don’t know if that included appointed judgeships. So my vision will have to be paused pending further developments. 😉

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Double dittos.

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Slow down; how about some DEI? 6 or the 9 Justices are already Catholics, and another one used to be.

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Nah! I don’t care about DEI I’m loving a vision of Dem heads exploding.

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Wear your boots! It'll get deeper, soon.

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Can I like this comment 10 times? We'll said. Thank you and God bless you.

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Sad but not unexpected response from CINOs. They're as Catholic as the pope.

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

Thew video of Obama escorting Joetato off the stage illustrated for all to see who's really been calling the shots.

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Yes that one moment may yet turn the tide of Dems voting blindly for him. It couldn’t have been more effective if produced by the RNC.

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Item #5. When are these candy-assed No Oil buffoons going to go right to the source and start vandalizing mosques? After all, those big oil producing countries in the Middle East are all Muslim countries. (Rhetorical question - we all know that they don’t have the cojones to get in Islam’s face.)

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

Item 4: You wonder why New York is such a shit hole. Why waste time going after people that are actually guilty when you can spend your money going after somebody who is innocent. One realizes that when you have Alvin, you have nothing to Bragg about.

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Ouch !

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

Item 29- This is what happens when DEI invades Veterinary schools.

Do they have a shortage of pythons or beach towels in Australia? I could have done the job with my bare hatchet.

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Paul Hogan took their only allowed knife outta the country…

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Crikee. Too soon?

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

Item 12

"It’s as if people whose only identity is their sex — real or imaginary — have a hangup."

I see that I am not the only person who noticed that.

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

My own addition to this week's highlights: Pedo Joe, aka FJB taking refuge at Camp David for 7 days to prepare for next week's debate - the actual preparation is to perfect his chemical cocktail so he can fool the masses and appear to be a sentient being for 90 minutes

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The more he is out of the oval Office, the better off we are

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

Does it really make a difference?

He’s not there when he’s there.

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Definitely that, but also so he can memorize his answers (as he will not be allowed cards to refer to) to the questions that will be asked, all thoughtfully pre-provided to him by CNN.

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He will say (corn-pop) needs to pull out of Ukraine.

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HAHAHAHA... the dems will love him for that comment.... oh that corn pop, what a character, again, made up by FJB and carried on into perpetuity. It will surely be engraved on his tiny tombstone.

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Will he have an EAR PIECE to tell him when to answer and when to STFU?

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

18-19 yesterday Elon Musk liked one of my tweets and followed me and I am giddy as a school girl. (No l am not gonna check too closely because it might be an imposter)

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

"Elon" will probably soon offer you free bitcoin if only you provide access to your digital wallet. 😉

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I just got an offer from Starlink to buy a Starlink mini to use away from home. I so want one but have no use for it. I am a Starlink subscriber so I think the offer is legit and unrelated. (It gives me the excuse to casually mention that I am a Starlink user, don’t worry I’m not a vegan and I don’t do CrossFit) if Don was a Starlink user he could get one for his convertible.

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Now that it has laser interlinks between satellites, all that SkyNet is missing is sharks or perhaps killer humanoid robots that talk like the Arnoldator. Speaking of Arnold, it is sad to see how far he has fallen. Looks like he's been to Eppstein's Blackmail Island a few times given the company he's keeping now.

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This gives an opportunity to mention that my step-son works for delivery by drone company that has technology that could easily be repurposed by Skynet. The FAA is giving him the greatest challenge right now.

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I notice you perk up when you get a like from Don Surber Too

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I’m such a fanboy.

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And I loved it when I got a like from dear Schlongtavious Lardmaster

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#1: I can't help but wonder if that's because the Democrat party in WV doesn't have to matter, anymore - the state's Republican party welcomed Jim Justice with open arms - is the party organization really necessary when their candidates can just become RINOs?

#4: Of course, he did.

#7: Indeed - they are made for each other.

#8: Helen "H.R. Pufnstuff" Thomas

#9: He should have stuck with being half of Tenacious D.

#14: My former home city is lost. It is dead.

#15: When Harvard's endowment has been drawn down and it is no longer a haven for leftists having been abandoned by its faculty and leaving only administrators to manage the vacant buildings - then, I'll rejoice!

#18: Not at all.

#19: "Which is the real reason Corporate America hates it. There is too much news floating around that corporations and the government cannot control."


#20: Brother Don, you must be the only person remaining who reads National Review.

#22: "Our government gets dumber by the day."

By the day?!?! By the hour.

#25: President Trump ought to declare open season on every illegal alien - and Mayorkas ought to be hanged.

#26: Next, he should disappear completely.

#28: "The future chief justice of the Supreme Court..."

We can only hope.

#32: The commissioner's office of any given professional sports league must be reserved for the incompetent who can't cut it in congress.

Mays deserved so much better - as does Pete Rose.

It's a five-way tie.

Thank you, Brother Don - your writing had kept me from crying, yet another week.

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Justice ran as a Trump Democrat. He only supported him. Justice's Republican ,braced Trump like he was a cactus

Trump was there when Justice flipped parties

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

ooohh I hope the Missouri Atty Gen has started a trend.

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

Item 30

"Democrats won’t worry. Biden still has a $6 trillion federal budget to buy votes."

Plus, a whole basketful of tried-and-true techniques to . . . well, you know.

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

To "advance the cause" so to speak?

That's why I don't believe any Democrat or lefty media outlet when they claim to be worried about a Biden loss/Trump win. They already know the voting machines and millions of extra printed ballots will pull Biden's sorry corpse over the finish line.

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They would have to print 330000001 votes for this dunce to win.

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When they run out of paper to make ballots, they simply print out some new money to buy more.

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Read “The Big Story” in this edition of The Scroll, about the Dominion machine manipulations of the Puerto Rican elections.

They literally just alter the votes to the desired outcome.

What’s been done about these machines since 2020? Zero, zip, nada.

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

Alberto VO5….hahaha!

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

As soon as Alberto made landfall in Texas it registered as a democrat.

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber



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That's a good one, but you got that from the Babylon Bee. Remember what happens to people who plagiarize.

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Did not read this in the Bee but know Seth Dillons humor so projected my take of his coming take ,Okay?

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My child, you are Forgiven. With a BIG F.

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in each county where the wind took it

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That’s funny!!!

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

Item 8: I think Helen Thomas convinced me the DC and big city media was actually driving the news, not just reporting it. They evolved into a sort of quasi political party of liberal elites who, for the right money, would promote the coming of the Fourth Reich as a good thing for America. What I have always found repulsive of this group and their wannabes’s rookies and sycophants is that they never ever question the results of their ideology and its policies. No critiques, no analysis, nothing, they just move on as if their initiatives always result in positive outcomes. That is the definition of true arrogance. Helen Thomas was not a reporter or journalist, she was more like a queen bee spawning more who wanted to be just like her. Some may see her as a ground-breaking female in a profession dominated by men. I saw her as part of the growing takeover of elites.

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I saw a VERY nasty witch Reddog.

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My wife said I have been too blunt and hard on people so I tried to be more objective. It doesnt suit me well.

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

Thanks for a new issue of smiles Don and of course Manzullo is an example of faith and aspirations.Poll seems to be getting easier as we zoom in on making this a MAGA 2024 win too big to rig.Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and may you get to be immodest.

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Jun 22Liked by Don Surber

Item 20: the money quote is… “the court found that a U.S. citizen “does not have a fundamental liberty interest in her noncitizen spouse being admitted to the country.””

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