I live fairly close to the Commie Cluck in Lexington. On my way to visit family in West Virginia a few months ago, just for fun I stopped in Lexington around lunchtime and located same. As they were seating me I said to the hostess, "Wait a minute! Aren't you the people who abused Sarah Sanders?"

And then walked out. Had lunch across town. Hillbillies can be such a-holes. Glad to hear about their good fortune.

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Thank you!

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Thanks. Kind of poorly-written, but I guess I got the point across.

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If you are ever in Freeport FL LMK and drinks are on me!! 🤣

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I'll take you up on that.

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When you do not have a voice, you get the Dublin riots. When white men have no say in their country’s immigration policy that is bringing in mostly lazy immigrants who don’t want to assimilate into Irish culture and who stab their kids the reaction is not surprising. Why are only white countries supposed to take in these people? I don’t see any going to China India Japan. Africa etc?

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I cant name one person who said unrestricted immigration would make the world a better place. The people pushing it knew this. It is happening by design. Just wait until they try to deport all the invaders. Going to make WWII seem peaceful by comparison.

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It won't be easy but I long for that day. I recommend a large CAT front-end loader with a huge bucket. Scoop 'em up and dump them over the wall.

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I say the scoop should include all those that made this illegal invasion possible. Hint: Most of those are in DC.

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I don't think they make a Cat fel big enough to dump over the wall I envision. How about a trebuchet instead?

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That’s a better idea! We’ll fling them one at a time over the wall - and probably over the Rio Grande too. Reminds me of the Monty Python movie where they flung a cow over the castle wall.

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Let's not do it close to the Rio, only the EPA is allowed to pollute rivers.

Then again, maybe put them in charge since technically they would be protecting the environment.

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This is what happens when good people put their heads together to solve a common problem. Great ideas come from these moments.

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I like that out of the box thinking:)

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The Cats and Cummings engines are going electric. You will have to charge between every scope.

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Hadn't heard that. Hard to believe they would do that but the world has gone crazy. Will make many remote construction jobs really difficult for recharging. Of course, CAT can just send along one of its large generators . . . that runs on diesel. What a joke the EV craze is.

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I was mostly being sarcastic but.

The Pentagon wants to make EV tanks...... Yeah, Not sure what DEI candidate thought that up.

I truly dont know about Cat but Cummings is trying to go Hydrogen and they looked at EV hard. I figure someone is trying because Buttrige was touting the EV 18 wheelers a few months ago, and Commiefornia I think just outlawed diesel trucks starting in 2030? They have the same issue as the pickup trucks, cant haul for 100 miles without charging.

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If someone can figure out Hydrogen, I'm all for it. It would be sustainable and non-polluting (to be clear, I don't think ANY carbon-based fuel is causing global warming). I'd also add cheap, but I don't trust the developers to not skim the pricing of it.

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Daimler [nee Freightliner}here in Or is rolling out electric delivery vehicles as we speak.Left coast lunacy on parade.

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Only problem is that hydrogen is highly flammable. That’s why the Hindenburg blew up, leading to some great rock album art, and we used inert helium in our airships.

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Thank the Good Lord I retired before electric trucks drove me to liberalism !!!

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I have been on record as volunteering my services to run that loader. I'd even pay if they allowed me to do so.

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OK. I'll take second shift.

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The Democrats are not thinking this thing through to its logical conclusion. They see al these "migrants" as future -- perhaps present -- Democrat voters. What happens when these imported Democrat voters realize they don't have to elect the old, establishment Democrat windbags, but can elect one of their own?

Buh-bye, Gavin. Buh-bye Adam. Buh-bye Nancy. Buh-bye Maxine.

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Richard, I doubt they think at all. They have an ultra-small leadership that tells them what to do or say and they just blindly follow orders. Can't ask a question, nope, just follow orders because the party knows best. Another way of saying this is "they are sheep" and follow the leader, even if the leader falls off the cliff. It actually happens too. By the time they wake up and realize they have been habitually lied to it is too late for them and maybe the rest of us. I agree about Gavin and Nancy. It is not unreasonable to say that Democrats might be on the verge of going a different direction. Ther latest edition of the Kennedy dynasty just might change their direction. He gets a little out there in the weeds but he is far more moderate and less divisive than the old leadership in place right now. So let's hope they wake up soon. Hard to believe but the Dems are more screwed up than the GOP is right now.

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I think they know the Japanese know how to use swords better than they do.

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Agreed. There is also the problem that the nearest land for launching a boat invasion fleet would be from China or North Korea.

Lil Kim would kill them thinking they were spies and Panda would have them making shoes.

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The woke billionaire-Bolshevik cynical suicide of the West continues in Ireland. The stabbing attack that happened in Dublin is terrible. I understand the reaction of the Irish. When you don’t feel you can get a fair hearing through the channels of government, this is what happens. The Government here should take note. The attack in Dublin or its equivalent is happening nearly every day in Western Europe. France is a nightmare. It’s usually knives, but the purpose is terror.

Islamist fundamentalists divide the world into two: the world of Islam and the world of war.


“...the idea of perpetual war between Muslims and non-Muslims is held by Jihadists, who commit acts of terrorism in the name of Jihadi ideology.[7] In the Jihadists’ mind, Dar al-Islam refers to a territory ruled by a Muslim ruler and the Shari’ah is held as the rule of the land.[7] In contrast, a territory is considered as Dar al-Harb when it is ruled by non-Muslims or when the Shari’ah is not recognised as the rule of the land.[7]”

Any land not under Muslim rule with Sharia law is an enemy land in their minds.

I’m reading an interesting book that explores what’s going on culturally and psychologically with the wokesters, including their affinity for causes that actually despise them, like fundamental Islam. It’s called “The Parasitic Mind”, by Professor Gad Saad, a Lebanese Jewish psychologist and mathematician who lives in Montreal. Check it out.

There is no legitimate rationale that serves the national interest for any country to hastily import massive numbers of economically indigent migrants who are culturally, linguistically, and financially unable and/or unwilling to integrate into society. It’s a nefarious undertaking with ulterior motives, illegal at least in the way the United States Government is doing it, and causes huge problems in society. The people doing this don’t care or want to damage the country. And the citizens are paying for it, both economically and with their lives. And never forget the RINOs love it. They are getting paid off.

I like seeing the nationalists winning elections. Let’s see if Italy, Argentina and Holland can show America how to run an election. Maybe Ireland, France, and the rest of Europe can get some inspiration as well. There have been some major wins in Sweden and Germany which presage further gains.

Separately, the Ukraine war is surely profitable for the military-industrial complex, but there’s something else going on here. There’s a panic about what might come to light. Whether it’s money laundering, bribery, and embezzling, or bio weapons labs doing things they shouldn’t be doing or something else or all of the above, something is way off here. Another sad exercise in futility that costs many people their lives.

Trump 2024. Crush the Commies.

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Agree with you--there very definitely does seem to be something else going on in Ukraine--"a panic about what might come to light". The Bible says "there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed". This feels like an inexorable law to me.

And it's nearly certainly something really bad for the Democrats. From the beginning it was so very suspicious how all the Democratic office holders and all the Democratic Media went whole-hog in on Ukraine. There is something there--and it's bad.

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The whole uniparty was in on it...so it definitely smells.

Anytime Lindsey Graham is 100% in on something, it's definitely a red flag.

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Pretty much.

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Could it smell like Teen Spirit? Just thought I'd ask. (Nirvana, Kurt Cobain.) Dangerous odor.

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That is Miss Lindsay !!

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It’s always something really bad for democrats. Thanks to their allies in the media, much never sees the light of day.

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Couple of things, Dar al-Harb to a Sunni includes land ruled by Shiites and vice versa as well as other cults of this particular stain of Satanism.

As for the leaders advocating this suicide, follow the money, the trail leads back to the WEF. Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and their crowd want the world population reduced to under 1 billion. When you look through that lense, it focuses better.

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Maybe they do. I’m not sure how they make money by eliminating most of the world’s population, but there is definitely a population reduction agenda in that stratum of society.

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The objective isn't to make [more] money - the objective is control.

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Control and they make money off chaos. Plus, they dont think it will end up affecting them. Well if you kill off all the farmers, and use the farmland for other stuff. Eventually it will come back and bite them in the butt. Unfortunately it will be their children s butts, not theirs.

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They won't get rid of all the farmers, they will replace white farmers with darker ones. I guess they don't understand what happened with Rhodesia.

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As NfT noted, they want to own the world and by extension that means enslaving everyone else. They understand that European and American culture doesn't tolerate oppression for long that's why they want to replace us with the poor who don't know freedom.

Their accomplices, our elected burro craps don't understand that they will be executed once they have no further need of them. Just like Randkowski at Ludz.

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I just looked at that article about Bill & Melinda Gates funding the Chinese experiment for population control involving some other billionaires. I always believed that was was Cv-19 was all about.

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I think Lil' Z has the goods on the Dems and Uni Party. Hence all the ring kissing, and trips to the 'war' zone. We are paying for their entire government to function by borrowing from China. We cant pay for our retirees but we can pay for the Ukraines. The interest alone the government pays is a Trillion dollars a DAY.

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Financing Zs fraud and retirement for his cohorts is what really pisses me compared to treatment of our Vets and retirees.

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"It’s usually knives . . ."

I'm glad I live it Texas, where even liberals know that it's not wise to bring a knife to a gunfight. Maybe that's why we have so little of that nonsense here.

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Don, I will never understand a business that turns people away simply for a political or ideological belief. That is just utter nonsense. We have crossed the rubicon in our journey thru “you must agree with me or you are scum”. People destroying their businesses and lives like this cannot end well for humanity. The world is truly upside down. The things going on today on the US are the same things we read about happening in every third world country on earth a couple decades ago. If America falls, so does the rest of the world. That isn’t being arrogant, thats reality.

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Forest Gump explained the phenomenon perfectly. "Stupid is as stupid does.." We are free to do stupid things in America. The hard part for the stupid is accepting the consequences. I personally enjoy all the schadenfreude.

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The problem is the leftists so far have been really really insulated against their stupid consequences. The consequences are finally beginning to break through. Thank God.

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When Trump said you'll get tired of winning, he misread his notes. He was supposed to say " you'll get tired of their whinning."

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It is fun to watch sometimes but I for one am just sick and tired of this Hula Hoop political cycle we are in where nothing gets better. Bad things happen when people don't think life is improving and they hear the same old thing everyday. The GOP has been making some changes that may or may not prove beneficial down the road but it better start happening pretty soon because 2024 is going to be a year of turmoil the likes of which we have never seen before.

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As bad as the election of 1876-7?

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#6 My boating accident still haunts me to this day.

#16 This pro Palestinian thing is getting really dangerous. Too bad there wasn't a float blaring Ray Stevens' Ahab the Arab"

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#6 all those guns

Lemme get my bugle and play TAPS

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I was thinking SCUBA gear but the water is really deep.

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People always asked why I carried large amounts of weapons on every boat ride, as clumsy as I am. Somali pirates I would reply. They could be anywhere and one must be prepared. Looking back, I never was accosted by any pirates but lost a lot of weapons. It haunts me to this very day.

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lol, I just told Subvet, he should commiserate with you. And me, and all the other visitors you gave boat rides too.

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It was a very large boat. Lots and lots of undocumented passengers. All prepared to fend off the Somali pirates.

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You should commiserate with SL, he had a bunch of boating accidents. Alas, I went with him a few times. My guns joined his in the boating accident.

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One of my dear 1960 HS friends signs off his e-mails with "There are two types of ships, submarines and targets. Pride runs Deep."

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I was going to put that in my post but decided not to.

Sub guys are a very small and tight fraternity. If we see dolphins we always stop and ask, "What boat"

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Hubby and I saw Hall and Oates in concert a couple of years ago. They were so bad that we left halfway through. Some of these old rockers need to retire - they ain’t The Rolling Stones.

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Never been a fan. Wife however adores them. We must listen to them on long car trips. Not a hill I want to die on so I don't argue. I just turn down my hearing aids.

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Same here...Ugh!

("Your kiss, your kiss is on my ...")

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"Subvet", as in "bubblehead"?

Asking for a friend.

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Yes Sir!

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Carrier sailor here. USS Constellation (CVA-64), 1972 - '74.

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Knowing when to quit is one of the hardest things. Think about Mohammed Ali. Had his brains beaten out after staging a "comeback." Some comeback.

OTOH, think about The Beatles. Quit at the top. Or Captain Sullenberger. All will have their place in history.

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The Rolling Stones aren't The Rolling Stones anymore, either.

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I just saw an ad for discounted Stones tickets thru AARP. I had to laugh.

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They ain't The Rolling Stones...I saw the Stones in 2021 and they ain't The Rolling Stones you may remember. Having seen them in the 70s and in the 80s, I was shocked they got OLD! Sure glad that didn't happen to me lol.

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Who are these "Hall and Oates" people of whom you speak?

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I ‘came out’ here recently as a felon, so let me tell you how absolutely stupid and juvenile the whole mackerel haircutgate reporting is.

Not all prisons are hellholes, though they’re still prison (with some of the worst of society guarding some of the worst of society).

You have money two ways (at least in my cub scout federal experience). Most have jobs that are paid by prison into your account (between $15-50/mth), and also your friends/family can via the internet deposit money for you.

Certain amenities like phone calls and emails (no internet access) are taken from your account by the prison. Other amenities like haircuts, having someone else take, fold & return your laundry, etc, are purchased from inmates- either by giving them the particular currency of that prison (postage stamps, certain food items purchased from the commisary [small packets of preserved fish being another], or by buying from the commisary the items you’re ‘contractor’ specified. My barber liked mozzarella cheese or powdered green apple drink.

The reason this works is that you’re allowed to have these things in your locker, and so they’re not like to be confiscated as contraband by guards when they do shakedowns.

So, the media, as per usual, are making much ado about nothing.

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Hoping you get a decent shake (a fair shake is a relic of the past, unfortunately), now that you've served your time, though as Jean Valjean learned, you may be paying for whatever crime of which you were convicted (but not necessarily guilty), the rest of your life.

Here's to a new beginning, for you.

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I really appreciate your sharing this info.

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ITEM 6: Mini-Mike Bloomberg is a narcissist control freak, a skill one must have to hold office in New York City. In addition to gun control, does anyone recall his ridiculous attempt to ban large sugary drinks to help reduce the obesity problem? Who do these people think they are?

Unfortunately, my home state of Ohio has its own mini-Mike problem. Mini-Mike DeWine.

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Instead of MAGA-Mike (Johnson), Mini-Mike DeWhiner... I like that.

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Item 5; The religion of the state is secular progressive humanism. You might even call it Satanism due to it's reactionary kneejerk hatred of anything Judeo-Christian. Or maybe Jacobin due to it's hatred of anything traditional and all that is good, wholesome or normal. It's definitely all based on hatred. Maybe it's time to start the separation of church and state lawsuits against the schools like the left did in the 50s and 60s. The libtards absolutely believe in their idiotic worldview with a religious zeal and are actively proselytizing to our children in our schools and to the rest of us in all manner possible.

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Face toward Mecca

Strap on your bomb

Scream allah akbar

BOOM! You're gone.

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I like that better

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Les Miserables was the very first book I threw myself into (besides my Bible) in prison. Even before that, I always referred to my prosecutor as Valjean.

A felony is the gift that keeps on giving (turned 70 this year, which means life insurance doubles, but no one will write it for 3-5 years after end of probation).

Thx for the kind thoughts. Life in Christ is a wonderful thing, as is the love of a good woman who patiently endures.

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Life insurance doubles at 70 for us all but I do hope your blessings add up.

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The attorneys I wrangled were my bosses at TDOC-Legal Svc, the 25 years I worked there. I had 2 inmate ladies that worked on our unit. When I went for knee surgery, they asked could they pray for me. When I returned to work, they had added a couple more ladies to our crew; all were professing Christians. I was blessed.

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I have a hard time with Dolly since her using her celebrity voice to push the jab. She was paid and did her job but she lost a little luster for me. I think she’s a great entertainer but I also believe if ANYONE would be prone to admit her mistake I believe she would. But: crickets.

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I think she was just trying to help and got taken in by the drug-industrial cartel. Look at Dollywood - which she risked building when she could have just put her money in an index fund and sat back and enjoyed life, or what she did when Gatlinburg went up in flames. She's not perfect, I'm sure, but she is certainly good people.

And as a Hillbilly, I appreciate another Hillbilly who's done well and never let it go to her head. I still laugh when I think about her saying that her father told her to never put fifty pounds of potatoes in a twenty-pound sack.

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You’re right and I feel the same way. I won’t stop listening but I’ve become a little over-sensitive these days with all celebrities. But I just file things away for future reference. Glad you called me out though. I really don’t want to get too cynical.

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Oh, I wasn't calling you out. It's something I had thought about quite a bit and realized that when somebody does something that makes no sense to me, I usually just said, "Well, he's an a-hole," but when I eventually find out what they were thinking, there's usually some reason other than their suddenly changing from a lifetime of being a good guy.

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Its too late for me, I am way cynical. Now I look first to see who profits. Which is why Disney really really hurts my head. Those LBGQTWTF dont have enough money to make up for the 3/4ths of the country that doesnt want it shoved at our children or down our throats. Disney's latest 10-K shows they are going whole hog woke with no intention of trying to fix anything.

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There is a lot of wealthier than Midas types in lbgtqrxxxx.

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I agree, Jim. Just because someone is a talented entertainer and smart business person doesn't mean they don't still have a blind spot or two.

Trump, anyone? (I'm still not voting for him all the way!)

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