#10 - the left came up with the phrase “being woke” and I believe that the first time I heard it, it dribbled off the lips of one Michelle 0bama. They sure don’t like it when their own idiocy is used against them.
Someone just plunged a $750,000 dagger into the heart of a Presidential hopeful. All the news that's fit to print? Democracy dies in darkness? Nah, the Daily Mail UK. But I believe the real question is: who authorized it? Any answers, Surbs? Giggle: crickets-DuckDuck: 45 articles, but no answer. I liked this one best:
Michelle Obama got $750,000 for a single speech in Munich - American Thinker
Remember Soros or similar set up a speach/free rock concert in Berlin for Ozero during his first campaign. Allowed the MSM here to portray Ozero as immensely popular in Europe.
The prog-left invents terms of self-aggrandizement that are lathered in irony.
To be "woke" is to be narrowly informed of one's cultural legacy (when not actively rejecting it), while wearing blinders to reality, and compliant with the latest fads and momentary fashions invented by navel-gazers. In other words, slumbering (not awake) to the world around them.
So-called virtue-signaling is its exact opposite. It is a preening, display of vanity--a theatrical performance of narcissism, a trait possibly furthest from virtuous behavior. You might say a tautology of irony.
#29. If RFK Jr is not shot by the deep state like they did with his uncle and dad, then he will take so many votes from Biden, that the printing press for fake votes will be in overdrive, for this idiot, to win
Maybe. Maybe not. RFK will take a significant number of moderates which means both parties will be adversely affected. He won't take any at the extremes of left or right. At best, it will be about equal and not give either party candidate an advantage.
Possibly - but Biden has no base. There is no loyalty there. In spite of the degenerate thieves running the GOP and their pet RINOs , Trump has a massive base, which is getting bigger, not smaller. Kennedy is right on free speech and the vaccines, but the rest of his stuff is dumb and hard Left. I think the Dems have more to lose than Trump. At this point in time, being a “moderate” means you are for all intents and purposes, a Democrat. Because the majority of Republicans in Washington are effectively Democrats on the critical issues.
Tanto. Mr. Magoo has no base. RFK Jr will grab 30% of the democratic vote. Like the Republicans who get stuck voting for imbeciles like McCain, Romney, and Bush, most Democrats want a choice that is more main stream. The DNC is trying to keep their power by nominating Geppetto‘s evil puppet. Even if they replace him with Newsom or Ms. Obama, they’ll split their own vote. In many ways, it explains why Biden is not giving him Secret Service protection. They’ve done the calculations also.
Theoretically, that's how it is supposed to work - but it seldom works that way in real life - John Anderson in 1980, Ralph Nader in 1996, 2000, 2004, and 2008 did his damage in 2000 siphoning votes from Algore.
I still believe that had Perot not supended his campaign in response to thinly veiled death threats to him and his family from the HW Bush campaign, he would have been the first third-party candidate to win.
There's a first time for everything, though - and who knows? This could be it!
He's not there to take votes, he's there to give the appearance that votes stolen from Trump by voter fraud were siphoned off by his moderate positions.
"ITEM 29: Mediaite reported, “2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. plans to announce he will run as an independent on October 9 in Pennsylvania.”
His mission is to siphon votes from Trump."
I disagree. I think he'll take more votes from Biden. Democrats are desperate to vote for someone else.
Speaking of the election (Why are we assuming that it WON'T BE rigged?!)...
I'm glad Mr. Surber remembers (item #2) what an ass Sabato was in 2016 (what follows).
OK, Don had Trump 37 states in 2020 (rigged!). And if Florida doesn't beat Kentucky today, Mr. Reed (moi) will make both election predictions look like Platinum Nostradamus!
"Top Pollster Trashes ABC/WaPo for Publishing ‘Laughable’ Poll Showing Trump Up 10: ‘Will Be a Lingering Embarrassment for You’ "
Who the hell is Sabato to try to shame pollsters?!
"The night before voting took place, Sabato appeared on [P]MSBNC and stated that Hillary Clinton would win 322 and Trump would win 216 electoral college votes; in fact, Trump won 304 and Clinton won 227. Sabato and his staff summarized the results in an article entitled 'Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa.' "
Good one! Bar probly clutched her 3-strand pearls over it. Hope so, anyhoo. Dubya's was the last time donated $ to a campaign. Until there was Trump. Couldn't help myself.
Y'know - I've seen photos of Bar as a young woman - and unless HW just had zero self-confidence, he had to have been paid - and handsomely - to marry that horse-faced harridan. She was as homely as a mud fence (apologies to mud fences, everywhere)!
Item #30 is the most interesting of the highlights. Rough justice isn't pretty but it's a consequence of what happens when the institutions of a society refuse to protect its members. I suspect we'll start seeing similar stories more frequently in this country.
When all civilized pushback against tyranny fails (stolen elections, corrupt judges, propaganda press), violence ultimately turns out to be a last-resort means of communication. They will not stop until they truly fear the people. A few bodies floating in the Potomac may help get the message across. We have learned one thing for sure...delivering fear works. I hear is it more blessed to give than to receive.
#22 Sean Delonas drew the best political cartoons for the NY Post during the Clinton years. (He always featured Slick with a chicken.) Here's a Dec 1992 cartoon featuring Slick, Jimmy Carter and a frig full of Billy Beer.
Yep, back when the FIB carried guns and ‘supposedly’ went after corrupt politicians….but upon reflection, was that all historical bull droppings? and they made examples of those that didn’t play along? Like Menendez now.
RICO is a completely perfect description - think of the Mafia with all spy tools and unlimited budget of the Federal government. The Italian Mafia must have been useful for things back in the day - they only got ‘spanked’ when they embarrassed Hoover, or the FIB needed raises.
This is along the lines of the Armed Forces funding from 9/11. Stupid Iraq got blamed for 9/11, Saudis not only got off free, the US taxpayer paid the Trillions for the 20 year ‘War’, not OPEC nations. Stupid Bushes didn’t even use the oil fields we ‘liberated’……. Now who spends proceeds from oilwells they gave away?
William, I respectfully disagree. If he indeed becomes an independent candidate, the votes will come from the Biden side. The people who are going to vote for Trump will still vote for him the DeSantis and never Trumper‘s will not go that direction. What it will do, will make it more unlikely to remove the meat head from the ticket. Governor hairdo, and Michelle Obama will not get the nod. They will have to wait until 28.
Gov. Brylcream?? What is going to be his rallying cry? "I destroyed the state of California, but I'll be good for the country." From a pedophile to a polysexual. May The Lord take me soon.
So, Washington DC is going to the "Cashless Society" now. In my previously stated opinion, I have said that when there is no more cash, there is no more freedoms. This article also pointed out about the many bribes and payoffs it takes to run Washington DC and gold is quite heavy. How is the pure evil that Washington DC is even operate or that the "Homeless" going to operate when there is NO MORE cash?? MeThinks this law will be quite short lived--at least for the time being while ALL politicians get their off shore accounts set up where there are NO reporting requirements.
I quite agree. What I am talking about are the actual CASH payments made to people with drug or alcohol "Disabilities" such as what they do in San Francisco. The junkies, such as they are, couldn't stand in line long enough to use a card or coupon.
I dont think it will go through. And our hobos now accept Venmo.... made my head hurt. I usually just say I dont carry cash when I dont use anything else but it usually getd them to go away.
Look at obama's "Free" phones. The media didn't say that along with those "Free" phones, the government (police agencies) could find you anytime they wanted. Now, what did I hate about those free phones?? The black women who got them NEVER shut up and talk quite loudly to boot. I used to use cell phone jammers, but now they are too expensive.
Most interesting thing to me is Surber’s analysis of town political bicycle Biden getting wire transfers (with his home address listed on them 😂😂😂) from Beijing in 2019. I think he’s right. The Chinese knew about him / pushed for him being the one placed in the White House. Otherwise, why pay him off again? It was coordinated between the CCP and the U.S. Deep State. As was the release of COVID.
About # 7. What is the big deal here? As long as man has existed, he has defended his realm (abode or territory) from invaders. Texas is being invaded by weapon carrying thugs, cities and citizens are under siege. Carrying guns to protect yourself is the natural and prudent response to the federal government's "No Borders" policy. Without a border, there is no Texas. Without borders, there is no country.
Historical note" The EU did away with borders between its members. Then Merkle allowed millions of military age men into the EU without limitation or verification of who they were. Those so-called refugees spread throughout the EU to the great distress of every country. Only now are the EU members attempting to reclaim their sovereignty. Too late.
I'm sure that Moose Limb taxi driver was so filled with remorse for his heinous act that he strung himself up that tree. Sure wish I could be on that jury....
#10 - the left came up with the phrase “being woke” and I believe that the first time I heard it, it dribbled off the lips of one Michelle 0bama. They sure don’t like it when their own idiocy is used against them.
Someone just plunged a $750,000 dagger into the heart of a Presidential hopeful. All the news that's fit to print? Democracy dies in darkness? Nah, the Daily Mail UK. But I believe the real question is: who authorized it? Any answers, Surbs? Giggle: crickets-DuckDuck: 45 articles, but no answer. I liked this one best:
Michelle Obama got $750,000 for a single speech in Munich - American Thinker
Remember Soros or similar set up a speach/free rock concert in Berlin for Ozero during his first campaign. Allowed the MSM here to portray Ozero as immensely popular in Europe.
I do-America, and probably the civilized world, would be a better place w/o him, his son, and his evil empire.
If you're not a Mcarthy fan: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/10/mccarthy-says-doesnt-want-part-republican-team-passing/
Ah want sum a mooshelles stash. Reparashuns! And a free mobile fone. Doncha kno
Derogatory? Hell yes-Racist? Only in the eyes of the woke, although that is a bit of an oxymoron.
The prog-left invents terms of self-aggrandizement that are lathered in irony.
To be "woke" is to be narrowly informed of one's cultural legacy (when not actively rejecting it), while wearing blinders to reality, and compliant with the latest fads and momentary fashions invented by navel-gazers. In other words, slumbering (not awake) to the world around them.
So-called virtue-signaling is its exact opposite. It is a preening, display of vanity--a theatrical performance of narcissism, a trait possibly furthest from virtuous behavior. You might say a tautology of irony.
#29. If RFK Jr is not shot by the deep state like they did with his uncle and dad, then he will take so many votes from Biden, that the printing press for fake votes will be in overdrive, for this idiot, to win
Maybe. Maybe not. RFK will take a significant number of moderates which means both parties will be adversely affected. He won't take any at the extremes of left or right. At best, it will be about equal and not give either party candidate an advantage.
Possibly - but Biden has no base. There is no loyalty there. In spite of the degenerate thieves running the GOP and their pet RINOs , Trump has a massive base, which is getting bigger, not smaller. Kennedy is right on free speech and the vaccines, but the rest of his stuff is dumb and hard Left. I think the Dems have more to lose than Trump. At this point in time, being a “moderate” means you are for all intents and purposes, a Democrat. Because the majority of Republicans in Washington are effectively Democrats on the critical issues.
Tanto. Mr. Magoo has no base. RFK Jr will grab 30% of the democratic vote. Like the Republicans who get stuck voting for imbeciles like McCain, Romney, and Bush, most Democrats want a choice that is more main stream. The DNC is trying to keep their power by nominating Geppetto‘s evil puppet. Even if they replace him with Newsom or Ms. Obama, they’ll split their own vote. In many ways, it explains why Biden is not giving him Secret Service protection. They’ve done the calculations also.
Correctamundo IMHO.
Theoretically, that's how it is supposed to work - but it seldom works that way in real life - John Anderson in 1980, Ralph Nader in 1996, 2000, 2004, and 2008 did his damage in 2000 siphoning votes from Algore.
I still believe that had Perot not supended his campaign in response to thinly veiled death threats to him and his family from the HW Bush campaign, he would have been the first third-party candidate to win.
There's a first time for everything, though - and who knows? This could be it!
09/30/23: What if he has no impact at all?
He's not there to take votes, he's there to give the appearance that votes stolen from Trump by voter fraud were siphoned off by his moderate positions.
Although it’s not the popular choice, Milley looks like a chauffeur. If he changes his name to Jeeves, he can do double-duty as the butler, also.
I always actually liked Jeeves so you are insulting real working men. Milley couldnt find his butt with both hands and a mirror.
Actually, all he'd have to do is look in the mirror.
I vote that we change this around to reflect his ability: "General Milley resigns from the French high command, May 28, 1940."
VDH took silly Milley to the outhouse.
Item 21. Don, The LBJ school produces as many Nobel laureates as George Floyd university.
...and George Floyd still can't breathe!
"ITEM 29: Mediaite reported, “2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. plans to announce he will run as an independent on October 9 in Pennsylvania.”
His mission is to siphon votes from Trump."
I disagree. I think he'll take more votes from Biden. Democrats are desperate to vote for someone else.
MAGA supporters are desperate to vote FOR TRUMP.
The election is not about actual votes. It is about a narrative to explain vote fraud. This is their narrative.
Speaking of the election (Why are we assuming that it WON'T BE rigged?!)...
I'm glad Mr. Surber remembers (item #2) what an ass Sabato was in 2016 (what follows).
OK, Don had Trump 37 states in 2020 (rigged!). And if Florida doesn't beat Kentucky today, Mr. Reed (moi) will make both election predictions look like Platinum Nostradamus!
"Top Pollster Trashes ABC/WaPo for Publishing ‘Laughable’ Poll Showing Trump Up 10: ‘Will Be a Lingering Embarrassment for You’ "
Joe DePaolo Mediaite 09/24/23 (copied 09/26/23).
Who the hell is Sabato to try to shame pollsters?!
"The night before voting took place, Sabato appeared on [P]MSBNC and stated that Hillary Clinton would win 322 and Trump would win 216 electoral college votes; in fact, Trump won 304 and Clinton won 227. Sabato and his staff summarized the results in an article entitled 'Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa.' "
The Late Great Rush always called Hillary "Everyman's ExWife."
A variation on the classic line as to why Bush senior lost the '92 election: "He painfully reminded female voters of their first husbands."
Good one! Bar probly clutched her 3-strand pearls over it. Hope so, anyhoo. Dubya's was the last time donated $ to a campaign. Until there was Trump. Couldn't help myself.
Y'know - I've seen photos of Bar as a young woman - and unless HW just had zero self-confidence, he had to have been paid - and handsomely - to marry that horse-faced harridan. She was as homely as a mud fence (apologies to mud fences, everywhere)!
She could have played in Eleanor and Franklin.
I thought that was McPain-in-the-Ass.
No, he was busy destroying aircraft carriers.
Item #30 is the most interesting of the highlights. Rough justice isn't pretty but it's a consequence of what happens when the institutions of a society refuse to protect its members. I suspect we'll start seeing similar stories more frequently in this country.
When all civilized pushback against tyranny fails (stolen elections, corrupt judges, propaganda press), violence ultimately turns out to be a last-resort means of communication. They will not stop until they truly fear the people. A few bodies floating in the Potomac may help get the message across. We have learned one thing for sure...delivering fear works. I hear is it more blessed to give than to receive.
We can only hope!
Milley shouldn't even be above ground. Treasonous asshole.
#22 Sean Delonas drew the best political cartoons for the NY Post during the Clinton years. (He always featured Slick with a chicken.) Here's a Dec 1992 cartoon featuring Slick, Jimmy Carter and a frig full of Billy Beer.
Awesome memories!!!!
Item #6 "The Bezos Post tweeted, “To live in Texas is to live surrounded by guns."
Joke: A perpetrator who pulled a gun and attempted to rob a convenience store in Texas was shot by every customer in the place.
So, yeah, I feel safer in Texas.
…’even my florist carries a gun’….
…’my ancestors were Quakers’…
Usually I don't get allusions, but think this one might be Miss Congeniality?
Yep, back when the FIB carried guns and ‘supposedly’ went after corrupt politicians….but upon reflection, was that all historical bull droppings? and they made examples of those that didn’t play along? Like Menendez now.
RICO is a completely perfect description - think of the Mafia with all spy tools and unlimited budget of the Federal government. The Italian Mafia must have been useful for things back in the day - they only got ‘spanked’ when they embarrassed Hoover, or the FIB needed raises.
This is along the lines of the Armed Forces funding from 9/11. Stupid Iraq got blamed for 9/11, Saudis not only got off free, the US taxpayer paid the Trillions for the 20 year ‘War’, not OPEC nations. Stupid Bushes didn’t even use the oil fields we ‘liberated’……. Now who spends proceeds from oilwells they gave away?
That actually happened, but it was in Wyoming except one guy supposedly missed according to the sheriff.
Item 29
Spot on.
His support will come from “independents “ and RINO’s who back Ron!
This seems to be a move to close that 10 point lead Trump has and put the election within the margin of cheat.
The match up seems to be Brylcream versus Orange Man bad. Slo ain’t going to get that far.
William, I respectfully disagree. If he indeed becomes an independent candidate, the votes will come from the Biden side. The people who are going to vote for Trump will still vote for him the DeSantis and never Trumper‘s will not go that direction. What it will do, will make it more unlikely to remove the meat head from the ticket. Governor hairdo, and Michelle Obama will not get the nod. They will have to wait until 28.
Gov. Brylcream?? What is going to be his rallying cry? "I destroyed the state of California, but I'll be good for the country." From a pedophile to a polysexual. May The Lord take me soon.
The next meeting of the U.S. Congress should take place in Sing Sing.
Or Gitmo.
Your guess is as good as mine.
He has destroyed Clownifornia and he is dyslexic as well. Takes him forever to read something to understand it.
A slogan for his campaign?
“I’m not Biden” is as good as any.
Hmmm, yeah he is Biden, only he is attracted to other males.
So, Washington DC is going to the "Cashless Society" now. In my previously stated opinion, I have said that when there is no more cash, there is no more freedoms. This article also pointed out about the many bribes and payoffs it takes to run Washington DC and gold is quite heavy. How is the pure evil that Washington DC is even operate or that the "Homeless" going to operate when there is NO MORE cash?? MeThinks this law will be quite short lived--at least for the time being while ALL politicians get their off shore accounts set up where there are NO reporting requirements.
EBT cards have been there a long time. Remember when there was actually a Book of food stamps…Or going back further ‘rationing cards’ in WW2?
I quite agree. What I am talking about are the actual CASH payments made to people with drug or alcohol "Disabilities" such as what they do in San Francisco. The junkies, such as they are, couldn't stand in line long enough to use a card or coupon.
They probably put the money on a debit card. I think the junkies and dealers would rob/kill whoever showed up with their monthly cash payments.
When my aunt died many years ago, I was given some old WW2 ration cards/coupons. Perhaps it is time to get them ready for use again.
we used to use green stamps to get stuff at Service Merchandise, does that count?
I dont think it will go through. And our hobos now accept Venmo.... made my head hurt. I usually just say I dont carry cash when I dont use anything else but it usually getd them to go away.
Stock up on the old Confederate currency! Just tell them that they're Euros.
Look at obama's "Free" phones. The media didn't say that along with those "Free" phones, the government (police agencies) could find you anytime they wanted. Now, what did I hate about those free phones?? The black women who got them NEVER shut up and talk quite loudly to boot. I used to use cell phone jammers, but now they are too expensive.
But, but, if cash goes away how will all those service workers in DC be able to receive tips?
Gold bits - they can ‘pan for gold’ around Capitol Hill…
I saw what you did with the last line of #9. Took me a couple of ticks longer than it should have but that’s age. LOL
Also #28; requiring super majority votes on all decisions is spot on. A side benefit would be less bullshit laws being passed.
Kangaroo court.
Never thought of that-well done.
Maybe cause you're not from Down Under
I am going to call them 8044 polls because it takes 22 years to figure how to answer
I went with Huawei
Most interesting thing to me is Surber’s analysis of town political bicycle Biden getting wire transfers (with his home address listed on them 😂😂😂) from Beijing in 2019. I think he’s right. The Chinese knew about him / pushed for him being the one placed in the White House. Otherwise, why pay him off again? It was coordinated between the CCP and the U.S. Deep State. As was the release of COVID.
About # 7. What is the big deal here? As long as man has existed, he has defended his realm (abode or territory) from invaders. Texas is being invaded by weapon carrying thugs, cities and citizens are under siege. Carrying guns to protect yourself is the natural and prudent response to the federal government's "No Borders" policy. Without a border, there is no Texas. Without borders, there is no country.
Historical note" The EU did away with borders between its members. Then Merkle allowed millions of military age men into the EU without limitation or verification of who they were. Those so-called refugees spread throughout the EU to the great distress of every country. Only now are the EU members attempting to reclaim their sovereignty. Too late.
I'm sure that Moose Limb taxi driver was so filled with remorse for his heinous act that he strung himself up that tree. Sure wish I could be on that jury....