Item 1: AOC proves once again Mark Twain’s brilliant quote: “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
Know what you mean--he seems like a "good-natured kid". But it's time for him to grow up and think a little deeper about things, than just drift with "the cool crowd".
I dunno. I took her advice and put a splash of triple sec in margaritas, and thought it improved them. (She says it gives it a little “stank” whatever the hell that means).
Now if I expected brilliant conversation from my bartenders, you’d be right. 😊
What's going on in South Africa was easy to predict -- I predicted it back in the 1980s. And of course I was vilified for it. But the standard process is this: the American Left screams about "democracy", everybody jumps, and Presto! We've got democracy! Except that the new crowd in charge only knows about living high on the hog, nothing about maintaining law & order and power plants and water systems and other amenities that keep a country livable and civilized. As Donald Trump might say: "SAD!"
You put your finger on it. Wherever the left takes over, everything turn into excrement. I happen to live in Oregon, and in the seventies and eighties that was still a very livable place, with a fairly balanced government. And it still is livable, in most of the state's small towns. But statewide politics have become a 1-party affair, ever since they got the voters to approve universal mail-in voting -- Hmmm -- might there be a connection? Anyway, Portland used to be a pleasant city to visit. Not any more, not since it's been run by clueless liberals.
I lived there all my life until 2000. I no longer recognize the valley. They are slowly corrupting the east aide now. The fix is right in front of us. No more Democrats in any position of control.
I meant, or tried to say that when they got voting privileges, or democracy, they voted in Hamas, which eventually led to the total destruction of their country
Wim, you name is very Dutch. Are you originally from RSA? If so, you would have a great insight into the woes of the country today. When the ANC took over, you could see it becoming Zimbabwe in slow motion.
I was in my twenties when I came to this country -- from the Netherlands. But around 1960 I met a group of South African farmers at a camping site in Spain -- not Afrikaans-speaking but English. Very nice and hospitable -- and they tried to interest me in moving to SA. I never seriously considered it; I suppose I had an inkling of what was coming, as did they. And if you want to know what's been happening over there since "Liberation", google "Plaasmoorde", which means Farm Murders. Roving bands of feral black youth have been invading farms, robbing and massacring the residents. It's the process of creating, as Donald Trump puts it so charitably, "shithole" countries.
By the way, it's not just American liberals that were instrumental in facilitating mass-murder in SA, and it was not the first time, either. When the British wanted to take over all of South Africa, around the year 1900, and lost many battles to the Boers, who had become expert guerillas, they created history's first concentration camps to hold the families of the fighting Afrikaans farmers, so they would no longer have a support base. Conditions were abysmal, and tens of thousands died in those camps -- and for what?
#23 While DEI is destroying large companies like Boeing and longstanding institutions like Harvard, it has also infiltrated our armed forces at a time when our country is being invaded by military aged men. In our history we have never experienced anything like this.
Dont forget the infiltration of medicine. As a retired doc, I am truely saddened. I had hoped the science and esp medicine would be exempt from the DEI foolishness. I am truely sorry for the next generation of patients
Most of the military was unprepared for WWII as well. Took a while to get rid of the trash leaders and elevate the warriors. We may not have the luxury of time, next time....
The Islamic terrorists are getting so bold they killed over 110 Russians in Moscow. Just watch what happens now when the ruthless adult in charge of Russia retaliates. Hope Biden is watching how its done.
ITEM 24: End Wokeness tweeted, “Kraft Sports lists qualifications needed to be hired as sports management associate. The top requirement? You can’t be white. A blatant violation of the Civil Rights Act.”
I heard it was because things at Kraft's team massage parlor were getting out of hand.
Hilarious Don. One of your best poll questions of all time. I never laughed so hard at a) can’t count to 2 with her bra on & b) believes grape nuts is a type of VD. The other 3 were great & fit the dingbat AOC. Yet I have ex co-workers in the electrical trade who think she has a high IQ because she attended an Ivy League University. She was a DEI beneficiary before DEI was fabricated by the Marxists.
#8 Canceling the Florida primary. The Left's play book does not have a chapter titled Consequences. #10. Bentley. Your dream lives on for another day, Don. CEO's galore are discovering an ancient business precept: when a product reaches the market saturation point, sales decline rapidly. Market saturation is why all fads die. EV's are a fad that benefited from life extending government policies to keep it afloat this long. The electric grid cannot sustain the existing EV's and that is before the impact of AI is felt. AI requires warehouses of energy gobbling computer systems. What then Biden? Oh I forgot. No chapter on Consequences. #14. I will say it out loud. Carville is not alone. The Left wants Trump dead. God help us if they get their wish. #21 State Farm vs. California. The state's largest insurer stopped writing new policies nine months ago. The 72,000 is the tip of the iceberg. Like thousands of other companies fleeing the state, the company is reacting to bad government policies. Inflation, the onerous California regulatory environment, upgrade and environmental requirements imposed on repairs, rampant crime, increased wildfire threats generated by awful water policies and failure of PG&E to maintain its vast electrical system in the Sierra's. (See the once lovely community of Paradise.) #22. Sadly, South Africa has been turned into a cesspool. What is left of most infrastructure systems no longer works. Police departments openly operate as criminal gangs. China has moved in to run the country's vast natural resource treasures. White citizens trying to flee have their assets confiscated. Current leaders openly call for the killing of white citizens. Attacks on white farmers have made farming the most dangerous occupation in the country. Even national icon Gary Player sold and fled his vast farm. Private security with armored cars and automatic weapons is a lucrative growth industry. #26 Romney-McDaniel hasn't sold out. Selling out implies she was once on our side. Like her father, she has always been an incompetent Republican by convenience.
Yes AOC is a birdbrain. But the GOP is the newspaper on the bottom of the bird cage.
Sorry, but this is one of those days where I fear the country is toast. The minibus (or whatever this latest monstrosity is called) budget shenanigans facilitated by the so-called Republicans in the House is just more proof ( like we need more…) that Washington is broken. The only people who want fix it are normal American taxpayers and citizens, branded by the Administrative State as dangerous insurrectionists and radicals. We are way past bankrupt and we are spending more money than ever. It’s f-g nuts.
Mike Johnson is as useful and probably as corrupt as Kevin McCarthy - he’s a bum. Everything is just empty posturing. On top of that RINOs are resigning from Congress to damage any chance the Republicans have of doing anything constructive. Not that there’s much chance of that. I mean seriously, have you ever seen multiple Congressmen resigning at the same time to effectively stymie whatever impulse remains in their own pathetic party to try and do anything right? They are allies of the Marxist Democrats, Uniparty weasels. These people are trash, bought and paid for. Ronna McDaniel - more predictable trash. I predicted she’d do this backstabbing media routine, and she did not surprise to the upside. Zero party loyalty for the party she ran into the ground. There is no Republican platform. Open borders are ok. Profligate spending is ok. Abortion is ok.
Supporting a dangerous, unwinnable, stupid war in the Ukraine that we engineered is ok.
Americans getting killed off by fentanyl is ok.
Not paying your debts is ok. DEI is ok. Lawlessness is ok. Stolen elections, political prosecutions, all great.Everything is ok with DC Republicans. The Democrat platform of chaos is the Republican platform. Everybody can rejoice. There’s no debate. The GOP is passed out on the ground, covered in its own precious bodily fluids, and seemingly happy about it.The Government is a monolithic insane asylum run by a cabal with a demented pedophile crime boss frontman who is a puppet of a Communist Muslim America hater. Well that’s not true. Obama does like our beachfront real estate quite a bit.
We the people are nothing more than cannon fodder and milk cows for the ruling class at this point. They are methodically dismantling the greatest country in history. I didn’t say a perfect country. I said the best country you could get run by flawed human beings. The Swamp will stop at nothing to keep power. They will rob you, prosecute you unjustly, take your life with engineered viruses and fake poison vaccines. And there will undoubtedly be more subterfuge and dirty tricks aplenty before the election.
If you’re not at least a little bit of a prepper at this point, you just might be an AOC brain.
Depressing but accurate. Can't understand why a person who is not in the elite class would not feel all of the troubles you mentioned and still vote Democrat believing that things are ok. Is it battered wife syndrome? The elites will always be Dem because that's their team and they don't feel the pain we do. Gas could be 8 bucks a gallon and they wouldn't care. Some people who are feeling the pain are coming our way but will it be enough to beat the cheat?? Hope so.
You are right on, Tanto, but as bad as the Republicans are, the Democrats in the House are even more dangerous, so we can't afford to alienate and drive out any more Republicans, and we have to do everything we can to support Mike Johnson.
Because consider this horrible scenario: if just a couple more traitorous Republicans in the House leave their seats early, and Hakeem Jeffries becomes Speaker of the House, the Dems will have full control of the House, Senate, and Presidency. Next step-- they push through amnesty and legislate citizenship for all the illegals who have streamed across the border in the last 3 years. All these illegals then are expected to vote Democratic.
Trump has done incredibly, and if the election consists of American citizens only (with some built-in level of illegals voting illegally), Trump should indeed win pretty big in November. But if millions of illegals are given mass amnesty and voting rights by mid-summer--can THAT level of "formerly illegal but now citizens" voting be overcome?
Does anyone know why this could not happen? Maybe it would be easy to give amnesty, but harder to give citizenship. But Dems are already working hard to allow non-citizen voting.
Would the Democrats be that aggressive? I think they would. But would All of America recognize that as outright Treason and an Act of War, and would War be engaged, and what would happen, etc.? Am interested to hear what you all think about this.
In the meantime, the best we can do is nurture along the Republicans we DO HAVE in the House and help them keep their majority.
“Because consider this horrible scenario: if just a couple more traitorous Republicans in the House leave their seats early, and Hakeem Jeffries becomes Speaker of the House, the Dems will have full control of the House, Senate, and Presidency. Next step-- they push through amnesty and legislate citizenship for all the illegals who have streamed across the border in the last 3 years. All these illegals then are expected to vote Democratic.”
What makes you think that they won’t do this anyway? Who is getting these GOP Congressmen to resign and to do so in a way that prevents the election of a new GOP Congreesman like Mike Gallagher, POS, just did. It’s not people like me or you. If Mike Gallagher or Ken Buck cared about the country, they wouldn’t be doing what they’re doing. They would wait until the next election cycle and help the next Republican get elected. Mike Johnson couldn’t stop them apparently. I know you mean well. But this isn’t about what we think. This is about the swamp stabbing the country in the back.
And I just want to say, Greg Abbott needs to GET GOING and send more buses of illegals to blue places. Because this has been very successful in making The Border the #1 issue in America. If over the next several months, tons of cities that were before able to deny the consequences of the Open Border actually EXPERIENCE it, tons more of liberals and blue people will wake up enough to at least recognize that danger-- and it would lay the foundation for an even larger portion of America to rise in FURY if the Democrats try to push thru an amnesty and voting rights this summer for illegals.
We need to stoke this "awakening process" and get those buses of illegals into cities all over America NOW, and I mean NOW, so the ostriches REALIZE how devastating these illegals are.
And lastly, (sorry folks, one more thing), could we get some investigators to look in to the recent circumstances around all these Republicans who are oddly retiring NOW rather than waiting to fill out their term. I feel certain that bribes or threats are going on.
The Dems want CONTROL of the House--and one has to ask, what will they use that control for !!!!!!!!!!
Item 1: AOC proves once again Mark Twain’s brilliant quote: “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
Senator Kennedy reminded us when Kamala's IQ gets to 70 she should sell. Think AOC should sell at 60.
Senator Kennedy is a national gem. I start smiling when I see his name before I even watch his latest skewering of some hapless woke airhead.
Kennedy did climate change yesterday,what a hoot .
The “expert” on climate… the Olympic skier… cringeworthy… but hysterical!!
He's the 1st victim of Kennedy that I kinda felt sorry for.
Know what you mean--he seems like a "good-natured kid". But it's time for him to grow up and think a little deeper about things, than just drift with "the cool crowd".
Well put!
She doubles her holdings at 2. Why push her luck?
Name one person who would buy?
Her supporters in New York probably think she's a genius.
Compared to them, she may be.
I suspect she was a mediocre bartender too.
I dunno. I took her advice and put a splash of triple sec in margaritas, and thought it improved them. (She says it gives it a little “stank” whatever the hell that means).
Now if I expected brilliant conversation from my bartenders, you’d be right. 😊
Spiked her own drinks.
She could easily best Hank or Maxine.
That's a rather low bar, don't you think?
You could set the bar so low a submarine couldn't reach it and they would still do the limbo under it.
Don't forget Mazie.
I care. Stupid people deserve representation, but they are over represented.
Should Criminals get representation? No? Then why do they have 535 crooks in Congress?
Guess you would have to poll the inmates at Rikers Island to find out.
Today’s poll is PERFECT! The correct answer is : YES!
Item 26: Surbniak the Magnificent predicts future headlines:
You bought Carnac the Magnificent's turban?
ITEM 20: Campus Reform reported, “Harvard University has closed one of its libraries on campus, citing financial issues.”
The library was closed when they found a dictionary that said "N is for nowledge."
Yeah, but would they even Knotice?
Who noes?
Woe alreddy
What's going on in South Africa was easy to predict -- I predicted it back in the 1980s. And of course I was vilified for it. But the standard process is this: the American Left screams about "democracy", everybody jumps, and Presto! We've got democracy! Except that the new crowd in charge only knows about living high on the hog, nothing about maintaining law & order and power plants and water systems and other amenities that keep a country livable and civilized. As Donald Trump might say: "SAD!"
Doesn't seem to be a hell of a lot of difference between Dem run cities/states and South Africa.
You put your finger on it. Wherever the left takes over, everything turn into excrement. I happen to live in Oregon, and in the seventies and eighties that was still a very livable place, with a fairly balanced government. And it still is livable, in most of the state's small towns. But statewide politics have become a 1-party affair, ever since they got the voters to approve universal mail-in voting -- Hmmm -- might there be a connection? Anyway, Portland used to be a pleasant city to visit. Not any more, not since it's been run by clueless liberals.
I lived there all my life until 2000. I no longer recognize the valley. They are slowly corrupting the east aide now. The fix is right in front of us. No more Democrats in any position of control.
see what democracy got Gaza??
I don’t think Gaza was ready for democracy, but that’s not the problem- its incurable, terminal Jew-hatred.
Well, maybe -- I'm not sure I understand your comparison, so it depends what you mean by that.
I meant, or tried to say that when they got voting privileges, or democracy, they voted in Hamas, which eventually led to the total destruction of their country
Agreed, although I wonder how clean their election was.
As clean as Oregon 2020 election.
Do you live in Oregon too?
Wim, you name is very Dutch. Are you originally from RSA? If so, you would have a great insight into the woes of the country today. When the ANC took over, you could see it becoming Zimbabwe in slow motion.
I was in my twenties when I came to this country -- from the Netherlands. But around 1960 I met a group of South African farmers at a camping site in Spain -- not Afrikaans-speaking but English. Very nice and hospitable -- and they tried to interest me in moving to SA. I never seriously considered it; I suppose I had an inkling of what was coming, as did they. And if you want to know what's been happening over there since "Liberation", google "Plaasmoorde", which means Farm Murders. Roving bands of feral black youth have been invading farms, robbing and massacring the residents. It's the process of creating, as Donald Trump puts it so charitably, "shithole" countries.
By the way, it's not just American liberals that were instrumental in facilitating mass-murder in SA, and it was not the first time, either. When the British wanted to take over all of South Africa, around the year 1900, and lost many battles to the Boers, who had become expert guerillas, they created history's first concentration camps to hold the families of the fighting Afrikaans farmers, so they would no longer have a support base. Conditions were abysmal, and tens of thousands died in those camps -- and for what?
Where the hell is Paul Simon and the rest of the Anti Apartheid crowd..
The tire necklaces would look great at a night concert.
O yeah, one of the biggest mistakes to be made is entrusting politics to hippie song-singers.
#23 While DEI is destroying large companies like Boeing and longstanding institutions like Harvard, it has also infiltrated our armed forces at a time when our country is being invaded by military aged men. In our history we have never experienced anything like this.
Dont forget the infiltration of medicine. As a retired doc, I am truely saddened. I had hoped the science and esp medicine would be exempt from the DEI foolishness. I am truely sorry for the next generation of patients
Excellent point!
How can it be an invasion when they're being "recruited" by the Biden cabal?
Most of the military was unprepared for WWII as well. Took a while to get rid of the trash leaders and elevate the warriors. We may not have the luxury of time, next time....
This battle will be in our own backyards. I fear it will be swift and without warning which is the way terrorists operate.
The Islamic terrorists are getting so bold they killed over 110 Russians in Moscow. Just watch what happens now when the ruthless adult in charge of Russia retaliates. Hope Biden is watching how its done.
military was taken over when Obama spent 8 yrs raising all the Silley Milley crowd. Until they get rid of all the DEIs at the top, it wont improve.
Too many general officers to fix this mess fast. Time to clone Ike and Patton and turn them loose.
And made them get vaccinated or leave.'s racist to not allow cash and for two reasons.
1....blacks won't be able to use the park because they can't get id's to vote and you need id to have a credit card.
2...fanny willis won't be able to enter. i guess that makes her a twofer.
The Rona now with MSNBC. Folks ya just can't make this s--t up.
It seems that MSDNC is the retirement home for ex-RNC chairs. She is following in the foot steps of another ex-RNC chair and RINO, Michael Steele.
ITEM 24: End Wokeness tweeted, “Kraft Sports lists qualifications needed to be hired as sports management associate. The top requirement? You can’t be white. A blatant violation of the Civil Rights Act.”
I heard it was because things at Kraft's team massage parlor were getting out of hand.
Item 12: "Nikki should thank Epstein Island visitor Reid Hoffman for his support. Too bad her kids are too old for him to babysit."
Telll Nikki not to lick her fingers when she counts the money.
Ouch !
I hate LinkedIn and closed my account because of this evil man. I hope he loses everything he has in life and business.
Hilarious Don. One of your best poll questions of all time. I never laughed so hard at a) can’t count to 2 with her bra on & b) believes grape nuts is a type of VD. The other 3 were great & fit the dingbat AOC. Yet I have ex co-workers in the electrical trade who think she has a high IQ because she attended an Ivy League University. She was a DEI beneficiary before DEI was fabricated by the Marxists.
she just paid a lot of money, to get in, to finish. Ivy League has been gone a long time.
TJ, I think 95% of universities & colleges are gone.
Wouldnt surprise me in the least. The ones that might not are the STEM degrees but even they are being DEIed.
What is thirteen? AOC trying to order a Seven and Seven.
I have an idea! Let's tell Hinckley that Alleged President Joe Stolen's been boinking Jodie Foster.
He probably sniffed her when she was a little girl...
#8 Canceling the Florida primary. The Left's play book does not have a chapter titled Consequences. #10. Bentley. Your dream lives on for another day, Don. CEO's galore are discovering an ancient business precept: when a product reaches the market saturation point, sales decline rapidly. Market saturation is why all fads die. EV's are a fad that benefited from life extending government policies to keep it afloat this long. The electric grid cannot sustain the existing EV's and that is before the impact of AI is felt. AI requires warehouses of energy gobbling computer systems. What then Biden? Oh I forgot. No chapter on Consequences. #14. I will say it out loud. Carville is not alone. The Left wants Trump dead. God help us if they get their wish. #21 State Farm vs. California. The state's largest insurer stopped writing new policies nine months ago. The 72,000 is the tip of the iceberg. Like thousands of other companies fleeing the state, the company is reacting to bad government policies. Inflation, the onerous California regulatory environment, upgrade and environmental requirements imposed on repairs, rampant crime, increased wildfire threats generated by awful water policies and failure of PG&E to maintain its vast electrical system in the Sierra's. (See the once lovely community of Paradise.) #22. Sadly, South Africa has been turned into a cesspool. What is left of most infrastructure systems no longer works. Police departments openly operate as criminal gangs. China has moved in to run the country's vast natural resource treasures. White citizens trying to flee have their assets confiscated. Current leaders openly call for the killing of white citizens. Attacks on white farmers have made farming the most dangerous occupation in the country. Even national icon Gary Player sold and fled his vast farm. Private security with armored cars and automatic weapons is a lucrative growth industry. #26 Romney-McDaniel hasn't sold out. Selling out implies she was once on our side. Like her father, she has always been an incompetent Republican by convenience.
Cheese comes from milk. Milk comes from cows. Cows eat grass. Ergo cheese is vegan. Cows eat grass. Meat is dead cow. Ergo meat is vegan.
Yes AOC is a birdbrain. But the GOP is the newspaper on the bottom of the bird cage.
Sorry, but this is one of those days where I fear the country is toast. The minibus (or whatever this latest monstrosity is called) budget shenanigans facilitated by the so-called Republicans in the House is just more proof ( like we need more…) that Washington is broken. The only people who want fix it are normal American taxpayers and citizens, branded by the Administrative State as dangerous insurrectionists and radicals. We are way past bankrupt and we are spending more money than ever. It’s f-g nuts.
Mike Johnson is as useful and probably as corrupt as Kevin McCarthy - he’s a bum. Everything is just empty posturing. On top of that RINOs are resigning from Congress to damage any chance the Republicans have of doing anything constructive. Not that there’s much chance of that. I mean seriously, have you ever seen multiple Congressmen resigning at the same time to effectively stymie whatever impulse remains in their own pathetic party to try and do anything right? They are allies of the Marxist Democrats, Uniparty weasels. These people are trash, bought and paid for. Ronna McDaniel - more predictable trash. I predicted she’d do this backstabbing media routine, and she did not surprise to the upside. Zero party loyalty for the party she ran into the ground. There is no Republican platform. Open borders are ok. Profligate spending is ok. Abortion is ok.
Supporting a dangerous, unwinnable, stupid war in the Ukraine that we engineered is ok.
Americans getting killed off by fentanyl is ok.
Not paying your debts is ok. DEI is ok. Lawlessness is ok. Stolen elections, political prosecutions, all great.Everything is ok with DC Republicans. The Democrat platform of chaos is the Republican platform. Everybody can rejoice. There’s no debate. The GOP is passed out on the ground, covered in its own precious bodily fluids, and seemingly happy about it.The Government is a monolithic insane asylum run by a cabal with a demented pedophile crime boss frontman who is a puppet of a Communist Muslim America hater. Well that’s not true. Obama does like our beachfront real estate quite a bit.
We the people are nothing more than cannon fodder and milk cows for the ruling class at this point. They are methodically dismantling the greatest country in history. I didn’t say a perfect country. I said the best country you could get run by flawed human beings. The Swamp will stop at nothing to keep power. They will rob you, prosecute you unjustly, take your life with engineered viruses and fake poison vaccines. And there will undoubtedly be more subterfuge and dirty tricks aplenty before the election.
If you’re not at least a little bit of a prepper at this point, you just might be an AOC brain.
Trump 2024
What else is there?
Depressing but accurate. Can't understand why a person who is not in the elite class would not feel all of the troubles you mentioned and still vote Democrat believing that things are ok. Is it battered wife syndrome? The elites will always be Dem because that's their team and they don't feel the pain we do. Gas could be 8 bucks a gallon and they wouldn't care. Some people who are feeling the pain are coming our way but will it be enough to beat the cheat?? Hope so.
Apt description of where we are and it should really piss people off except they don't have time to care right now.MAGA 2024 Tanto.
They’ll have time to think about it when they are selling pencils on the corner so they can buy an apple to eat.
Pencils . . Two for five . . .
Except nobody will need pencils
You are right on, Tanto, but as bad as the Republicans are, the Democrats in the House are even more dangerous, so we can't afford to alienate and drive out any more Republicans, and we have to do everything we can to support Mike Johnson.
Because consider this horrible scenario: if just a couple more traitorous Republicans in the House leave their seats early, and Hakeem Jeffries becomes Speaker of the House, the Dems will have full control of the House, Senate, and Presidency. Next step-- they push through amnesty and legislate citizenship for all the illegals who have streamed across the border in the last 3 years. All these illegals then are expected to vote Democratic.
Trump has done incredibly, and if the election consists of American citizens only (with some built-in level of illegals voting illegally), Trump should indeed win pretty big in November. But if millions of illegals are given mass amnesty and voting rights by mid-summer--can THAT level of "formerly illegal but now citizens" voting be overcome?
Does anyone know why this could not happen? Maybe it would be easy to give amnesty, but harder to give citizenship. But Dems are already working hard to allow non-citizen voting.
Would the Democrats be that aggressive? I think they would. But would All of America recognize that as outright Treason and an Act of War, and would War be engaged, and what would happen, etc.? Am interested to hear what you all think about this.
In the meantime, the best we can do is nurture along the Republicans we DO HAVE in the House and help them keep their majority.
“Because consider this horrible scenario: if just a couple more traitorous Republicans in the House leave their seats early, and Hakeem Jeffries becomes Speaker of the House, the Dems will have full control of the House, Senate, and Presidency. Next step-- they push through amnesty and legislate citizenship for all the illegals who have streamed across the border in the last 3 years. All these illegals then are expected to vote Democratic.”
What makes you think that they won’t do this anyway? Who is getting these GOP Congressmen to resign and to do so in a way that prevents the election of a new GOP Congreesman like Mike Gallagher, POS, just did. It’s not people like me or you. If Mike Gallagher or Ken Buck cared about the country, they wouldn’t be doing what they’re doing. They would wait until the next election cycle and help the next Republican get elected. Mike Johnson couldn’t stop them apparently. I know you mean well. But this isn’t about what we think. This is about the swamp stabbing the country in the back.
And I just want to say, Greg Abbott needs to GET GOING and send more buses of illegals to blue places. Because this has been very successful in making The Border the #1 issue in America. If over the next several months, tons of cities that were before able to deny the consequences of the Open Border actually EXPERIENCE it, tons more of liberals and blue people will wake up enough to at least recognize that danger-- and it would lay the foundation for an even larger portion of America to rise in FURY if the Democrats try to push thru an amnesty and voting rights this summer for illegals.
We need to stoke this "awakening process" and get those buses of illegals into cities all over America NOW, and I mean NOW, so the ostriches REALIZE how devastating these illegals are.
And lastly, (sorry folks, one more thing), could we get some investigators to look in to the recent circumstances around all these Republicans who are oddly retiring NOW rather than waiting to fill out their term. I feel certain that bribes or threats are going on.
The Dems want CONTROL of the House--and one has to ask, what will they use that control for !!!!!!!!!!
Pretty grim assessment TPG but I guess even weak tea prevents death by dehydration.Pray for sanity to prevail.
Re Poll: you didn't give the option "All of the above".....
so: All of the above.