If I might take the liberty to add one highlight today, as Item 44: The Times of Israel reports: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-june-08-2024/

“IDF rescues 4 Gaza hostages: Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv” - a cause for jubilation in Israel and around the world!

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Noa's mother is dying from cancer. It is truly a blessing that she is reunited with her daughter. GOD answers prayers.

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Amen ~ miraculous!

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Guess IDF will get more hostages from fighting than from negotiations

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You forgot the punchline.

IDF also rescues 4 bodies.

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What are you referring to?

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I belive they have brought home more dead than live hostages

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ITEM 17: The trial of Sen. Bob Menendez and Nadine, his partner, had better trigger a widespread investigation of every single Washington politician. Why? Because it is the tip of the iceberg, and serves as a warning that this is the way politicians get rich. Menendez is a criminal. He amassed a secret trove of gold bars and thousands of piles ofcash for "making bad things go away" during his term as a US senator. The process runs rampant in congress. We'd better get to the bottom of it, because our lawmakers are rife with politicians who create massive, corrupt personal wealth under the table. This case is a giant red flag for honest, highly qualified citizens, who would be a credit to our country by serving at its highest level. And here's the kicker: While Menendez is on trial, he is running for another term in the senate. God help our country!

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Here’s another kicker: members of Congress are allowed to work (consult) for the very industries they may regulate or impact through legislation. Need cash fast? Pick a healthy industry, propose onerous laws, begin consulting. Don’t get knocked down by the flash as your Congress races to fix this travesty.

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Congress needs pressure applied that forces them to change their ways. For example: voters have to replace life-long incumbents. 80-year olds running for reelection is a travesty. Thin the herd of those over 50 years of age. Dump politicians who have never held a job in their lives. When electing new, younger senators and reps becomes a trend, highly qualified people who never held office will run for congress. Also, a surge of investigations triggered by the Menendez trial is in order. We know damn well that many are on the take...and in more ways than one. expose them, prosecute them, and expel them from congress. Finally, dig into the slush funds that the senate and house use to coverup corruption. How dare they use our tax dollars as payoffs.

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DJT Should have his new AG bring a RICO indictment against Congress for colluding to steal taxpayer money.

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Talk about opening a can of worms. If taxpayers could get back what politicians stole, we could pave the streets with gold.

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The ATM in action Dennis,

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Money printer go BRRRRRRR…

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…or build a great big f’n wall around the entire country!

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Always liked the Monroe Doctrine. Here’s another point to ponder: There’s a reason our planet has oceans.

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Start with Pelosi

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Pelosi has enough corrupt baggage to keep her in court for a century. HOWEVER, like it or not, she got things done...unlike Mike Johnson, today's bible-thumping wimp.

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Pelosi's blind trust has

20 20 vision.

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…and can see around corners.

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And like all evil witches she has a crystal ball.

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She does have balls.

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ALL of todays Highloghts were especially excellent, and two stand out in particular to me.

First is Item #28 - Musk winning the ongoing Battle for Free Speech AGAIN against the fascists in Australia. Three cheers for Elon Musk dauntless fight to keep us Free!!

Second - and not at all cheerful - is

Item #41 - Biden crapping on one of the most momentous experiences in young kids lives by preventing them from performing at the D Day ceremony, for which they’d practiced for a year!. Despicable doesn’t come close to describing such an act.

When you think you couldn’t hate this administration more, it’s tomorrow and oh yes, you can.

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The item about the 2,000 students, plus their families, who practiced and traveled and paid for their travel to perform at the D-Day ceremonies is just another example of how the Left keeps alienating a new block of Americans every day.

They've got 135 days til Nov. 5th-- coming soon-- the alienation of 135 more voter blocks.

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I call foul. Your poll is rigged. Joe Biden is the biggest loser every week.

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Thing is he IS the biggest loser every week...so it's just getting old.

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Maybe Don's cat should be asking for #2

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I know you believed it was impossible to embarrass a Democrat. I thought so, too. But FJB is such an embarrassment that I heard a Democrat deny he was a Democrat. The Democrat in question is a veteran who had WW II veterans in his family. The trigger was the obviously confused Poopy Pants fumbling, stumbling delivery of a D-Day speech plagiarized from Reagan.

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You have described a nation without rules. Thank you for this lesson in what anarchy brings to a nation. We are witnessing a societal breakdown of the first order designed and executed by Democrats in collusion with and financially supported by our foreign enemies. Our federal (and many state) government and education institutions and major corporations are now run by terrorists, tyrants, thieves and pedophiles. The craziest and meanest inmates have been released from the asylum to take charge of our nation's destruction. Donald Trump is our only hope for restoring order and legitimate government.

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...with increasing support from his 100 million outlaw followers.

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You’re on a roll this morning, Don. Thanks! Nothing better than coffee and Surber first thing in the morning!

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Jennifer Rubin the former "conservative" writer who was "ruined" by pro-Trump conservatives? That Jennifer Rubin? What a bimbo. And btw, shouldn't DJT be able to use this $400 mil to pay off the two civil cases where he was fined the same amount? After all, they are campaign expenses, no?

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Orange man is the new black. That’s gold, Don.

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Saturdays with Surber. Life doesn't get much better.

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Thanks. My wife likes Sunday when I make waffles

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Sorry Don…you’re still not getting the Bentley.

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Mmm, waffles...

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What a man !

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"Methodists are catching up with Baptists in the number of their denominations."

Don't worry. Now that they've gone totally Woke (and Insane), the United Methodist Church will only be around for about 5-10 more years. (I say this as a former UM pastor who left with so many others last year.)

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EUB or go home

Grew up EUB

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...sounds like the church of the Sanctified Brethren in Lake Wobegone, Minnesota - a sect so tiny only they and God knew of their existence.

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Item 16

Confucius say, “The beginning of knowledge is to call things by their proper names.”

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ITEM 29: NASA allowed the Boeing Starliner to launch with a known problem. One of the helium leaks had been identified and discussed, with a “management plan” that allowed the go-ahead. The NASA that I grew up with would NEVER allow a spacecraft to launch with a known defect. That’s why a comprehensive systems check was performed, with the slightest problem scrubbing the launch. I’ve seen this movie before, and it didn’t turn out OK for the crew. In addition, two additional helium leaks were identified when the spacecraft was in orbit. Problem solved, but it speaks volumes about quality control at Boeing. Once a justifiably proud aircraft manufacturer run by engineers, Boeing is becoming somewhat of a joke. But, I suppose that in space, no one can hear you laugh.

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It's not a joke when you glance up and see one descending directly towards you with parts flying off.

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Or scream.

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#11 - "They noticed this when the astronauts began speaking in really, really high voices."

Don, that's really funny.

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Item 43: 4 beautiful humans were rescued from the barbarians today and reunited with their families. God is smiling.FJB

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ITEM 12: Wow! Sen McClaskill got it right for once! FTR - I support gun control- for both State & Fed Govts. Outside of the military & police, govt should be the ultimate “gun free zone”: Guns for The People, Never The State.

ITEM 17: High time to dissolve the Bureau of Falsify, Bully, & Intimidate. Learn to code bitches.

ITEM 24: Time to put the old crone out to pasture. She’s morphed into Eleanor Clift.

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#17. They need to learn to make licence plates.

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Amen JR.

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