“Corruption so sweet you can Smollett” - this, Don, is why we love you so much!!!

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I never leave comments (well, almost never 😀) and I was logging on to say the same thing! It’s cracks like this that make Don a national treasure. When I was a kid, Saturday mornings were “cartoon time”… now it’s “Highlights” and coffee in the morning! Don’t quit, Don. We need ya!

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Surbs is the best way to start the day, with a cup of coffee.

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Only if you like it coming out your nose.

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I laugh very loudly and very long and thankfully had no coffee in my hand when I when I read your comment thank you

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I got lucky last week and my coffee was still brewing otherwise I would have had yet another new keyboard.

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your keyboard thanks you.. trust me

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I wish. Can only enjoy coffee scent now. It happens as you age but I still LOL with Don. So many zingers!

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Legally, it was the correct decision because of the BS plea deal. Now go after and disbar the corrupt DA that offered it.

Either way, he's done.

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Not a pundit but a fun pun twit Neera.

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--- Deport Smollett!

--- 11/23/24: The tragedy is the inability to motivate Nikki Haley to join Ellen DeGeneres in Londonistan (Item 20).

--- "ITEM 24 ... '2 years since MSNBC predicted that Elon’s Twitter was on the brink of collapse.' Now MSNBC is."

If I read this correctly, we need a correction. It was The Guardian who predicted in 2022 that Twitter was "on the brink of collapse" (00:29 Inset top left of the MSNBC video).

The MSNBC video with MSR (Media Sewer Rat) Hasan in the picture is dated 11/20/24.

The main point is gloriously correct (HUZZAH!): MSNBC is on the brink of collapse.

All rise in honor of Katy Tur's temper tantrum when she got home on the 20th of November, after attending the infamous post-election meeting in which Comcast told them, "Go fend for yourselves. You're BOX OFFICE POISON!"

--- "ITEM 31 ... 'Democrat Mayor of Denver, Mike Johnston, has challenged Trump ... saying he [will] would deploy the Denver City Police ... to use force against federal forces trying to deport illegals.' ”

ICE would be wise to back themselves up with Marine MP battalions. If the Denver police use force, shoot to kill.

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Nikki ran screaming into the burning building to prove what we all knew.

She's a twat. Duplicitous twat.

Seems like Trump is trolling and the fish are taking bait like it was a last meal.

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It's almost as if he's back in Japan, feeding the "fish." Haley will now end up on a cable TV show as the token "Republican." It's scary when people like this at an earlier moment in our lives look good.

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Aston-Martin ad, an oldie but goodie

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It never gets old… but I did!

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Must be a popular ad. The first time I saw it, BMW wanted your attention.

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I love the ad! And my gosh - now I understand why I never wanted a Jag! I guess I suspected it all along.

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Item 19: Matt Gaetz out as AG.

It is becoming more and more apparent by a number of statements from Senators, that the Republican Senate is going to be a major impediment to Trump’s agenda - AGAIN. They are no different now than they were during his first administration, with perhaps a few exceptions this time around, but some of the same usual suspects are even doubling down on their self-righteous and faux-principled, conniving anti-Trump BS, John Cornyn and Mitch McConnell in particular. These people are a literal threat to restoring this country. They need the fear of God to be thrust deep into their hearts.

That is what I am praying for. 🙏

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This is why things are different now. It is up to US, the People, to call our representatives when they act out against the People. Become a thorn in their side, because Trump and company can’t do it alone. We MUST get involved so they “need the fear of God to be thrust deep into their hearts.” Well said, Suzie.

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I wish that would work, but they seriously could care less what their constituents want. We are only an annoyance to them, and ignored.

Even the threat of being primaried doesn’t hold much weight, especially in McConnell’s case, as I doubt he’s even going to run again, if he even lives that long.

And we don’t have the luxury of two years to wait. We need to get in there and get the work started.

I don’t know how they can be brought to heel, but it is a must.

All I hope is that someone in Trump’s immediate orbit is working on THAT project right now, and putting these obstructionists feet painfully to the fire.

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Collins and Murkowski must GO AWAY also

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As well as Mittens replacement who was quick to declare as a RINO.

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This has certainly been my experience with my good for nothing senators and congressmen. Particularly so in Shelley Capito's case. She thinks she's too good to deal with common people. I heard some rumblings that Charlie Kirk is going to work on these establishment RINO's. I may jump on that bandwagon if it comes to fruition.

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Charlie Kirk needs a new mission now since he already did such a great job with getting the college age voters registered and involved - working on the RINO's sounds like something he'd be great doing

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Well, I sincerely hope he or someone is, and they come breathing fire.

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Any Congress critters that received campaign donations from corporations or individuals with foreign ties should be arrested for taking bribes.

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He doesnt care but he wants to stay married.

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The Trumpster has options but he's doing the normal thing first.

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A little OT, but take a moment to remember these brave men and women:

“It's been almost 40 years since the miracle landing of Trans American flight 209 in Chicago, IL. After the Boeing 707's takeoff from LAX, Captain Clarence Ovuer and First Officer Roger Murdock became incapacitated from acute food poisoning.

After flight attendant Elaine Dickinson stabilized the aircraft and activated the autopilot, passenger and ex- fighter pilot Ted Stryker was summoned to take command of the aircraft.

With the guidance from Chicago ATC specialist Steve McCroskey and Stryker's former commanding officer Rex Kramer, TA 209 landed safely with no fatalities.”

Bravo Zulu, people.

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Amazing story!

The plane represents this country.

The people have taken over the controls, and are now flying the plane.

Let us bring her in safely.

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That's no jive!

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Well, maybe just a little more jive. I'm off coffee for now and into Pepsi spurts with this airplane thread.

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“Hey, you know what they say – see a broad to get dat booty yak ‘em.”

“Leg ‘er down and smack ‘em yak ‘em!”

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11/23/24: "I KNEW this was the wrong week to stop sniffing airplane glue!"

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Airplane was a remake of an earlier 1957 movie, Zero Hour. You must find and watch Zero Hour.

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Ha ha ha! One of the best ever!

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It's doubtful the mayor of Denver would find an ally in the police department. The cops would be thrilled to hand over the troublemakers

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These Dem elected officials all talk tough, but when Homan's Heros (I just made that up) show up to remove the trash, we'll see how tough they really are.

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And the mayor himself.

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Hes walking back his statement about that.

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"If this means Joy Reid and Joe Scarborough are headed to Mars, so be it."

I heard it's a long, dark journey to Mars from Uranus, but there IS light at the end of the tunnel...

I'm sure they would choose their rocket based on the diversity of engineers and launch control personnel (also the most phallic shaped!).

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That would be Blue Origin.

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I can only imagine the conversations between these two preening narcissists...and stuck on a long flight! LMAO

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Pretty sure they would swap out on who is the stuck-er and who is the stuck-ee. Might get a little dicey passing through the hemorrhoid I mean asteroid belt...schtuff happens.

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Brilliant, especially Item 3. The Real Men of Florida concur.

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When discussing his appointment to be attorney general, Newsmax host Greg Kelly referenced the Florida Republican’s time holding the fort for shows on the network. “Matt Gaetz is a special guy. He’s incredibly smart, eloquent, bold, unafraid. He’s also the occasional fill-in host on this program. No kidding,” Kelly said, adding: “I am so honored that we gave him his start, didn’t we? No. Matt Gaetz flattered us with his services here at Newsmax, and he is unafraid. And he knows his stuff when he takes on the swamp.” I would argue Matt has better hair than Pam. Who looks at eyebrows??

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Matt has by far the best sneer. And what’s more important?

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Nov 23Edited

You cannot have too much sneer about the DC governing class. Love his smile while he's eviscerating some of the pedophiles and inside traders.

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11/23/24: Gaetz is by no means done yet. I am looking forward to seeing how Trump will turn this minor setback into something much more productive and revenge-achieving.

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I share your optimism. He's still one of my 4 horsemen.

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Item 15 - yes - start with eliminating unfilled, but funded, positions. This goes on in ALL public entities down to small towns and counties everywhere. And look at human services overlap - that is a major cost. (if you build it, it will come…and bring their whole family) Moving federal agencies out of DC sounds like it would be a fast fix but- the last thing red states need is federal employees bringing their naturally big-government voting patterns with them. Even hiring new employees from that state we think are reliable Conservative voters, within 3-5 years they will be voting for big-government again, it’s just human nature to protect your job and benefits. Maybe it’s best to leave the agencies in ugly DC, continue to eliminate positions and scope as fast as possible, and not send them out to metastasize in red states?

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I served in Joint Forces Command. All branches of the military chafed at having another four star headquarters give them orders and meddle in their affairs. When Odierno was given command he was there to shut it down. They eliminated it by shutting down complete staff sections that weren't needed and melded what they wanted to keep in other organizations. That's how you get it done without much fuss politically.

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Eliminate positions. Then they cant come back, litigate and get 2 mil for 'private' txts on a public work phone. Yes I know its different but that still burns my bacon hard.

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ITEM 17: Dennis Kucinich tweeted, “No President has the right to use unilateral executive authority to permit a U.S. missile strike against another nation. It invites a retaliatory attack."

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally. I have the legacy of the former mayor of Cleveland - Dennis Kucinich - indelibly linked to the Cleveland Browns' lifetime stats.

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ITEM 30: Mike Johnson’s full statement for context; “Let me be unequivocally clear. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. When a man loves a woman, can't keep his mind on nothin' else. He'll trade the world for the good thing he's found.”

“And a man cannot become a woman. Well, I'm not the world's most masculine man, but I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man. And so is Lola.”

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ITEM 11: I am offended by the blatant product placement of Jimmy Choo shoes in the ad. Have they no shame?

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Lucianne-Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) will chair the subcommittee tasked with working with Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy to slash wasteful spending throughout the federal government. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) will create the new Delivering on Government Efficiency (DOGE) subcommittee and tap Greene to lead it in January, Fox News Digital reported Thursday. WATCH — MTG Dunks on Democrat Meltdown over “Disinformation,” Project 2025, in FEMA Oversight Hearing. Musk and Ramaswamy were tasked by Trump to lead DOGE to displace the power of the federal bureaucracy and return it to the “people we elect [to] run the government,” Musk and Ramaswamy outlined.

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ITEM 11: "Jaguar may not know how to sell new cars, but Aston Martin knows how to sell used ones."

All I know is James Bond was never seen in a Jaguar. It was Aston Martin every time, except for Dr. No where he drove a Sunbeam (either a Tiger or Alpine). Some later James Bonds (Daniel Craig) may have had an occasional BMW, but NEVER a Jaguar.

If I can use a Pittsburgh term here . . . The speaker in the Jaguar ad is a jagoff.

For those not familiar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagoff

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For a second I thought you had misspelled jagoff. Perhaps I was thinking of the American spelling.

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# Arizona is a Narco State.

Trump should start the cartel cleanup right here.

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A lot of great highlights this week.

Item 15 regarding job elimination. This is not only the best way to reduce government headcount, but it is a time honored way to handle it quickly and without muss or fuss. The military uses the RIF process all the time. RIF, Reduce In Force, simply means you are no longer needed, thank you, and there is the door.

Item 18 regarding the CDC. My Phd. sister-in-law worked at the CDC in Atlanta for two or three years, but quit because of gridlock. There were so many layers of bureaucracy there nothing ever got done. It's no wonder the COVID response from the CDC and the FDA were so horribly mismanaged. I hope RFK jr with the help of Elon and Vivek, cleans house.

Item 26 regarding Chick-Fil-A in the Duluth hospital. They may not allow Chick-Fil-A to be served in this Minnesota hospital, but I'll bet they have tampons in the men's rooms there.

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Well it IS in Minnesota

The Duluth story triggered a hankering for Chick Fil A, which is quite a distance away. Been years since we did Chick Fil A because of the distance

Worth it

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