ITEM 12: “J.K. Rowling Won't Forgive Daniel Radcliffe And Emma Watson . . ."

Who cares what these actors think?

Rowling is a producer and builds things while Radcliffe and Watson are barely known actors who read from someone else's written script. The careers of Radcliffe and Watson seem to be on empty since Harry Potter while Rowling's is "rolling" along quite nicely.

I am glad to see Rowling sticking to her guns and refusing to submit to CCP Hollywood.

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Many, many, child actors become sad, sorry excuses for adults.

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Many of them are abused as children.

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…and many by those of the very pedo empire they aspire so desperately to belong to!

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Abused by being forced to follow the parents dreams, rather than their own.

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Which may explain Hunter Biden.

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She ought to write a sequel and exclude them

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They live in a bubble. They go along to get along. Most people do. It's Rowling that's stirring the pot. They would have been better served just to remain quiet.

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Transgenderism is a weaponized issue for which the pot should be stirred. Every tranny event I have read about involved scantily clad crossed dressed men gyrating sexually in front of children. This is done in public, often sponsored by some publicly-funded institution (school or library) with the only objective to sexualize children.

What's next? Sacrificing living children on a stone alter like the Aztecs did? Until that time, they always have baby killing up to and after live delivery - we call it abortion to make it more palatable - promoted as essential "healthcare".

I say get the “Tool Time” turbo-charged mixer out and churn this issue into oblivion.

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Hear hear!! 👏👏👏👍

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She’s been a relentless rock star on the issue!

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20. Planet Fitness gets the Pluto treatment. It’s not fit to be a planet.

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Because Trans-women want to land on Uranus...

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Which one fits better? FAFO, Shadenfrueda or Go Woke Go Broke? Incredible stupidity is still hard to comprehend......

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How to know when to use affect and effect :



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"I eat plant-based meat from a lab every day." My Lab retrieves ducks for me. Does that count?

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Ha!! 👍

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Eating Chinese?

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I saw a montage of about 10 minutes of O.J. jokes by MacDonald. So funny! They reminded me of the olden days, when SNL was edgy and very funny, plus innovative. Like everything else the Left takes over, it's been destroyed. (Saw the original Blues Brothers skit, too. They couldn't do a cultural appropriated one like that now).

Thanks for the great weekly summary. My guess is you are probably being surveilled now (as are all your readers). And I just want to say, for all to know, that I do not read Mr. Surber because I enjoy or agree with his right think, but rather, I am investigating right roaders and those who don't believe our Glorious Leaders and who seek to undermine the State and all its wonderful policies, developed by our selfless comrades, for the good of the People, and of course, the Environment.

Danny Huckabee

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Sad but true. We are all being monitored and they don't need a warrant. Thanks Republicans...

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Yep, with Republicans like this, who needs Democrats?

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So that's where all the high school hall monitors went...

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It’s a pretty sick country when one sides only plan for election victory is to allow a woman to kill a baby to be anytime she wants. Sure, if her life is in danger-rare but it happens- but just because she wants to or doesn’t want the “burden” of being an adult and raising what she started 9 months earlier?

Maybe with that thought process we could reclassify any murder as just a late term abortion. I hope not but one side keeps coming up with new and bizarre ideas.

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Difficult issue William. When a large majority of the populous is either brainwashed or made up of crazy middle-aged white women (oxymoron), who believe that this practice is a God-given, right (it isnt), A politician is put into a difficult position of either losing the election and having abortion, codified or tacitly, supporting abortion and winning the election and affecting conservative change. The Devil is at work here.

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Canada has already legalized the state assisted killing of any of their citizens who so choose, even recommending it to people they deem hopeless causes.

What planet are we on?

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Planet Fittness

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Ha! Ugh.

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ITEM 6: National Review is outraged that anyone wants the FBI to have a warrant to spy on Americans

I'm not sure when it happened but NR has gone from "standing athwart history and shouting 'stop'" and just standing by the side of the road muttering "slow down I can't keep up.:"

ITEM 29: Joey Politano tweeted, “The share of all U.S. tech-industry jobs that are located in California has now fallen to some of the lowest levels in a decade ...

We know all too well what Rust-Belt abandoned factories and industrial waste sites look like. Let's see what places like Silicon Valley leave behind.

I love the round-up, Don. Very appreciated.

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The Democrats and the RINOS teed up the GOP to look bad. The political reality ( not saying I’m in favor of abortion) is that the stance of the 1864 law is not going to help the GOP win in AZ. The Dems have an unlimited abortion proposal on the ballot in November here. What the GOP leadership should have done months ago is put a countermeasure on the ballot allowing abortion up to 15 weeks ( again not ideal, but better than legalized abortion of term infants). The GOP - Once again caught with their thumb up their posteriors, while the Dems outplay them with the help of traitor RiNOs. We are always making excuses for the party of coming in second. The Dems understand one thing that the GOP should have already learned- it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission. You have to win to change things.

As far as the FISA thing - are you freaking kidding me? The Republican Speaker pushed this warrantless spying bill through. The GOP stands for nothing. Beyond disappointing, but not a surprise.

Being a Zionist is now a bad thing for the bigots on the Left. They love to pretend that they care about indigenous peoples and spout stupid land stealing apologies before making speeches. If Jews aren’t the indigenous people of Israel, who is? All the historical records of every culture in the ME attest to Jews being in Israel for thousands of years. . All the archeological artifacts and genetic analysis of Jews do as well. If Jews aren’t from Israel where are they from? The nutjobs will tell you that they are from outer space or are “Khazars”. Same recycled lies, new bigots. If Jews run the world, why is it that they aren’t allowed to finish off the terrorists who attacked them on October 7? How much more proof does one need to understand that bloodlust of Arab terrorists and Arab and Iranian oil money is really controlling the agenda, not secret Jew cabals that don’t exist? If the terrorists win, it’s a matter of a few years until the Christians and West get the full brunt of their Islamofascist ideology. Look at Sweden now - from most peaceful country in Europe to bombings and shootings by Arab gangs nearly every day. Brought to you by Barack Obama and the Commies at Harvard.

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Amen to all!!

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Well said Tanto !!

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There is a portion of voters on the right who don’t care if they win elections as long as they can show they are principled kamikazes. The notion that Kari Lake could win in Arizona by endorsing an abortion ban is absurd. See in this regard the Ohio referendum on abortion and the recent Wisconsin Supreme court election of Janet Protasiewicz. If your view is that you will be happy to lose by taking your principled abortion stance, then the Democrats love you because they will be happy to win.

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Republicans love poison pills.

Not to give but to take.

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ITEM 13: The Hill reported, “USPS wants to hike stamp prices for 2nd time in 6 months.”

That's how the USPS generates sales in their "forever" stamps.

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Gold- 27 ‘take their lack of balls home’

Silver- 18 ‘man, woman & retards’ (homos subsumed under all 3

Bronze- 9 ‘Santa Clause gov’t’

Norm MacDonald Award- 30 ‘-not named Joe Biden

Things That Make You Go ‘Huh?’ Award- 24 Great argument FOR the Replacement theory

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re: Einsteins commenting on climate change. .... and then there is the estimable genius, Shelia Jackson Lee, graduate of Yale, then UVA Law:


After she was called out, her explanation was .... wait for it .... racism. I don't know whether she or the Supreme court's current Clarence Darrow, Ketanji-I-don't-know-what-a-woman-is Jackson is the best poster child for why DEI must DIE.


re: Kari Lake imitates Linda Blair.

When the world was new, I was foolish enough to run for - and unlucky enough to win - a spot on the Raleigh County school board. My lawyer, the estimable Tom Ciccarello of Charleston (peace be upon him) called me daily, and it usually began in his inimitable southern drawl, "Jim, this is youah lawyah. I saw youah name in the newspapah again today. I want you to resign from thahhht God damn school boahd." He told me that he'd been trying to hit a good lick, too, and had been in a local police review board, but when he decided one way, he p-o'ed half the people, and then trying to be fair had decided a different way on a different case, he pissed off the other half. Yup, he was right. No good deed goes unpunished.


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Regarding the poll, when a billionaire dies, who inherits his senators?

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Can we just say they get buried with him?

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I wish!

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Dang DAWG !

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"a Netflix remake of Gone With the Wind with Beyoncé as Scarlett O’Hara."

I mean, LOL for sure, but damn, Don, don't go giving them more bad ideas. I reckon they're doing fine on their own ;-)

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ITEM 23: “The U.S. has moved more forces into the Middle East to prepare for what officials believe could be an imminent strike by Iran on Israel that could spark a full-scale war.”

It seems Ukraine must be losing steam for the military industrial complex so they are moving their war games to include Israel and Iran, who they know will get a higher approval for support from conservatives. They can leverage sympathy for funding with reminders of Oct 7th.

Who will Biden support? Satan's side, of course. This whole thing is beginning to sound like an "end times" event that was prophesied in the Bible.

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1. More likely it is how much the South Koreans can accomplish without OSHA and without supporting a massive military/government and civilian administrative infrastructure for shipbuilding. And we still can't get it right, e.g. the billions squandered on the useless Littoral Combat Ships, where the R&D and construction could have paid for two squadrons of frigates or destroyers. Of course, manning those ships with today's recruiting woes would likely see them moored to the pier.

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With the way the Ukranians are taking out Russian ships with drones, more ships might not be the best or safest investment. Taiwan is watching the current conflict with increased interest and so are we.

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And one wonders what else might the South Koreans possess that enables such marvels in industrial design and production? Could it be a case of addition by subtraction? To be clear: there is nothing like DEI in that country and its border is sancrosanct. Does the term "Demilitarized Zone" ring a bell? No--and I mean NObody enters South Korea without stringent vetting. Seems like we could take a page from their book on national self-preservation.

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Amen Steve !

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26. I’m having a Krispy Kreme doughnut with my coffee.

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Lucky you. I live so deep in fly-over country, the closest Krispy Items is 130 miles away. We have to make due with Little Debbie.

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