You surprised me Don. I thought today's headline would be "Kamala’s best hope now would appear to be laryngitis."

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So many Easter eggs; so little time!

re: Glenn Youngkin. From a Hillbilly expat living in Virginia: almost nobody here understands how important this man is. He has singlehandledly kept the Socialist Democrat majority in the Virginia General Assembly from turning nearly fifty anti-Second-Amendment bills into law. The pantywaists in the "Republican" party here are helping them. And that is not even close to his other accomplishments.

re: Heels-up Harris. For good reason, I have never taken her seriously, but now that she's the candidate, the Machine is beginning to turn, and She Could Win. I can't imagine a bigger disaster. It is said that The People get the government they deserve, but for God's sake .... Someone yesterday said that "slut shaming" wasn't appropriate - maybe not, and Trump was no choirboy either, but for him it was entertainment. For her it was a career path. He built skyscrapers; she banged her way to the top.

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We were 3-year VA (Loudoun Co) residents before we completed our political refugee flight to FL. But I was disappointed that Youngkin failed to win even a slim majority in the Legislature despite his seeming to put a lot of effort into it. I sure hope Winsome Sears does better.

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I really like Winsome Sears. I hope you are right. I think Youngkin had some RINOs working against him.

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You KNOW he did.

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Remember the song "Rich Men North of Richmond"? QED.

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Maybe he was undermined by RINOs. Sure wouldn't be the first time. 🫤

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I agree with Navarro, but we don't ALL need to stop slut shaming. It needs to be a little voice in the background.

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Read the 'Parasitic Mind' -Gad Saad

Seems to me that Lady Kamala was well paid for 'services' rendered. And I betcha Vogue model, "Dr." Jill even tried to pay her to leave. Bless her heart.

These criminal cons can keep their 'free' bread at this FREAK SHOW circus. I am SO "WEIRD" I prefer Red Meat delivered by the likes of 'GLADIATOR' MAXIMUS(as in the fit version of Russell Crowe)!

Kamala's 'mentors' have some personal experience stories about her 'job' CV to tell. I know, I know...it is all likely 'disinformation" but fellow travelers, do have some fun and watch it while you still can- this 'side chick' had the receipts on all of the men who HAVE to pay or trade to get a thrill. As a famous billionaire once said, when you are wealthy THEY LET you grab their....! Politicians, oops-CIVIL SERVANTS -can only trade in whorish grifting on the casting couch. Or with your tax dollars.


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Will this give Kalcula the women's sympathy vote?' Kamala Harris’s husband’s first marriage ended after he got his children’s nanny pregnant, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal. Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff cheated on his first wife Kerstin with the blonde nanny, who also taught at their children’s pricey private school. The woman, Najen Naylor, 47, did not deny the story when approached by DailyMail.com at her home in the New York millionaires’ playground, The Hamptons. She would not comment, except to say, ‘I’m kind of freaked out right now.'

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"The Olympics opened this week." A better headline would be "Unfair competition, a schmuck who knelt during the national anthem carried the American flag, and a depiction of the Last Supper that made everyone upchuck, debuted this week." The only thing they missed was decorating the Eiffel Tower to look like Paris giving the world the middle finger." There, I fixed it for you.

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“Johnny Cash Will Get Statue In US Capitol Building.” Not surprising. Everything the politicians do is about cash.

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I love how you think, Defiant.

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harris won't take questions. well now...who could have seen that coming? this is how tyranny destroys countries. leadership won't answer questions and the public isn't even allowed to ask anyway.

ask yourself this....when was the last time iran, north korea, china or america leadership held a q&a with honest journalists live and uncensored?

all my neighbors want to talk about is the deer eating flowers and michigan weather.

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Donald, the same playbook is being used again as in 2020. Run a puppet candidate. Keep him/her out of public eye, give talking points to media conspirators, promote fake polls, rig elections, afterward call individuals who questions obvious inconsistencies as conspiracy nuts, use complicit media to silence critics, imprison objectors.

There is no where in this world to go to. Without Trump the world will be on fire.

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i thought about burmuda but it's probably just as bad.

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If I were younger I would seriously consider Hungary.

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the world could use 100 more like victor orban and the people are great.

that said, their weather mostly sucks.

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There is no good place to go.

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It appears that Coconut Kamala is going to campaign using the “Joe Biden’s Basement” strategy. It will be interesting to see if she actually agrees to debate Trump, or holds any interviews between now and the DNC convention in Chicago (which is gonna be LIT!)

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I suspect they're hoping to keep her so-called campaign intact until the convention, at which time they'll swap her out for Michelle. This target-switching strategy could be their only way to keep the RNC on its back foot, since it refuses to campaign against Democrat policies instead of Democrat personalities. When will they see the light? Being a betrayed conservative for decades is wearing me out.

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What?! You mean none of your neighbors are complaining about people not picking up after their dogs?! /sarc

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they're selling their house and traveling the country. bought a $300k travel home.

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I LOVE that he pisses people off but I sincerely want him to Make America Everything Again....or we are doomed as a nation. Really. If any demoncrat is elected; the party is over.

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You are right, not sure we can survive another Demorat Pres.

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Vicki, that was my vote also!

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#10--it wasn't the DOJ in charge of their prosecution. Since they were taken prisoner in military operations, it was the DOD's legal staff in charge of it, and that is under Austin's authority.

#17--Most people don't know this, but looking people in the eye is a Western (European and American) cultural thing. It is not done in Oriental cultures, and they get offended by it. Culturally, Harris is East Indian, like her mother's family. Which is why her posing as Black is just that--a pose for political reasons, not how she actually thinks and lives.

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All my life I have not trusted people who won’t look me in the eye. It makes me wonder what they are hiding.

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Years in the military have conditioned me to always be looking around. You aren't a threat until you become one. Threats can be anywhere near or far.

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That's a very common thing--in Western cultures. In Oriental cultures, eye contact is considered offensive. It is also a problem for people on the autism spectrum--a lot of us don't automatically do it, which creates trust problems with folks like you. We are not trying to hide something; we just are a little bit different. Research has shown that our brains are wired differently than other people (Book: "The Autistic Brain" by Temple Grandin) At age 74, I have learned to do it more than I used to, but I have to think about it, and I sometimes forget.

I learned about this being a cultural thing when I took a course in Interpersonal Communications at an Ivy Tech campus in Indianapolis 5 years ago. Parts of the course dealt with non-verbal communications, and parts with cultural differences in communications.

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I learned it traveling the world. The preference for direct and truthful communication is a Western cultural value. Another reason to be cautious with those not raised in our traditions.

Diversity is NOT our strength, multiculturalism is a recipe for disintegration. Not talking about skin color, instead referring to what people value and how they interact in the world. Honesty, integrity, muscularity, willingness to think outside the box. The first three are Western, the last is uniquely American.

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It was surprising to me when, many years ago, a very good friend revealed an interesting phenomenon from her culture. She came to this country at the age of 11 from South Korea. She said children are NOT to look their elders in the eyes as it is a sign of great disrespect. There are so many things to learn in this world and so many we’ll never know.

She is an American today, through and through.

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Worked for Samsung - never smile - you are an idiot. Never put a business card in your back pocket. Check the office bun-igi when coming in to work.... What things appear in the office are not what they are. Knowing the how they do business is essential to knowing how to do business with them.... Drinking Saki or Soju at the restaurants after work is where business is conducted....

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Imposter syndrome can cause that as well.

Many over achievers have imposter syndrome.

You need to put that in your calculations.

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I seriously doubt she thinks.

Could be wrong.

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My first roar of laughter 🤣. No reflection on the great Don Surber. Reading Don's blog is a great way to wake up my brain, even better than coffee. Speaking of which... Time to excuse myself and make myself a cup of coffee.

POOF! I'm a cup of coffee. That reminds me. My dear departed wife used to say that and today is her one year heavenly birthday.

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Those anniversaries are tough. This October will mark twenty years since my younger daughter died. Trust me, they don't get easier soon.

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Sorry to hear that sir. I’m sure this will be a tough day. I’m glad you’re handling with humor as it sounds like she would want you to. God bless her and you.

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Oh so sorry revmaddog. Hope you are reminded of wonderful memories today.

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Culturally, schmulturally.

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13. “He would have attended the National Association of White Journalists convention, too, but it doesn’t exist.“

I have never understood why it is ok to have groups or names like:

Association of Black journalist


Black Girl Wine (yes, there is such a thing)

Black Lives Matter


I could go on but there are too many. Yet can you imagine if we have


White Girls Wine

White Lives Matter

Normie month (I am not a normie)

We will never undo the past nor should we. We cannot fix what has occurred by elevating one group over another in the present. We are all Americans. That is all we need to celebrate and empower.

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Pass the word: Tip your waiter/waitress in cash instead of putting it on your credit card. This bypasses the collection mechanism for taxes on tips. Remind your server that Trump promises to eliminate the tax on tips. Leave a note or write on one of the bills if an actual conversation isn't possible.

Give these low propensity voters a reason to come out and vote the right way.

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Yep! EVERY credit card charge that requires my signature and allows for a tip I write on the bill "VOTE TRUMP for NO TAX ON TIPS!" None of them have heard about it yet!!

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Not entirely true - an IRS reg requires imputed taxes. If not tip they are taxed regardless. Can add some cash as well tho.

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Even more reason. IRS gets a cut even if patrons stiff you. I still believe the message will resonate. Follow my advice and tip in cash.

I suspect that restaurant operators aren't keen on being the tax collectors either.

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Everyone likes cash in the pocket. And restaurants have hated the Reg since first implemented. (I don’t remember when) And the additional reported income is included in both employer and employee Medicare and FICA tax. So Trump calling to cut it affects both sides, employees and employers to the good.

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They've been tax collectors for a long time already.

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Great idea!

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The sad truth will be, as soon as there aren't taxes on tips people won't tip as much and employers won't pay as much.

The market always seeks level ground.

It's a good way to pander, just like no taxes on SS.

But it's the good kind of pandering, it's pandering to me, which doesn't happen very often.

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I doubt most restaurant patrons are aware of the tax treatment of tips.

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'as soon as there aren't taxes on tips people won't tip as much 'Why?

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FYI, IRS regulations clearly make debt forgiveness a taxable event, and declare that the amount forgiven is taxable as ordinary income and must be reported as such on one's tax return. So for all the stupid and uninformed types cheering on this unconstitutional and illegal debt forgiveness scam, don't forget to pay your tax or you may find yourself following in Hunter Biden's footsteps into tax evasion charges.

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28% I do believe.

Which means Biden is getting money back.

Kamala should run on that.

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According to the IRS, student loan amounts forgiven under PSLF are not considered income for tax purposes. Learn more about the PSLF process. You won't be taxed by the federal government, but your state may tax you. Any debt forgiven as a result of PSLF won't create a federal tax liability for you. 28%? I don't believe-Give it a rest

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According to the IRS, student loan amounts forgiven under PSLF are not considered income for tax purposes. Learn more about the PSLF process. You won't be taxed by the federal government, but your state may tax you. Any debt forgiven as a result of PSLF won't create a federal tax liability for you. 28%?

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Erick Erickson is a Never Trumper dipshit. He clearly does understand how or why DJT plays four dimensional chess with the media and the Dems. I value his opinion at somewhere around zero.

I will bet dollars to donuts that the sudden reversal on the KSM plea deal was a political decision given the outrage that it sparked. If this had been a non-election year, the deal would have been upheld despite the major backlash. Remember when Bo Bergdahl was swapped for five big time terrorists? Bergdahl, the deserter, wasn't worth swapping for a jaywalker and/or a parking ticket scofflaw much less five badass terrorists.

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Kamrade-ala got the big PR putsch from the DNC machine after Obama took out his frenemy Wanderin’ Joe Biden, The Hair Whisperer. I doubt think she can get away with hiding. There is no COVID scam cover to hide behind.

There is no way that she’s ahead of Trump. Still Trump needs to not fall into the traps that they are laying. Trump is the Israel of political candidates, by which I mean to say that no matter what he does, it’s always going to be wrong for the people who hate him. He’s going to do best if he’s just telling the truth and being himself. She has a lot of bad policy results that can be thrown in her face. She’ll call him a racist. He already knows that. He’s already shown us in part how he’ll deal with it. Which race is Kamala today? Is she Black or Indian?

She’s never just an American. The rumor is that she’ll pick Josh Shapiro to be her VP. I hate to see that, but the Dems don’t want to lose the Jewish vote. They are going to make the Jew justify their support of the Iran deal and Hezbollah and Hamas? Typical Commie 💩.

It will be interesting to see how the Hamas wing of the party deals with that.

This all comes down to cheating and RINOS helping the steal. What, if anything, will be different this time around? If the Democrats steal the election, we are basically going to become Socialist like Europe, but with 35 trillion dollars in debt, a target in our back from every bad actor on the planet, a growing Islamist presence and a bunch of angry voters. Becoming Europe again would take us back to where we were before 1776. Maybe that’s what has to happen to foment change or maybe people just are ready to roll over. We shall see shortly.

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Not to pile on, but...our debt to GDP is now iirc 135%. Highest ever. No way to improve unless we can get the economy growing again, which from recent data (job "growth) is unlikely under Dems.

We need to corral everyone we know to vote R. Especially those that have lost the habit of voting. New neighbors can register at tpusa.com. (not affiliated with Kirk, though I do like what his org is doing).

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Perfect open and close when referring to msm/deepstate propaganda fed to the masses.Read this a.m. the Wash.Compost has a new hit piece out on PDJT pushed by the CIA 51 signees of Hoovers laptop fame so one knows the value of the article.Great recap and superb poll to cap a crazy week but Poca-Man does the job expertly .Lead on as we roll to a deserved MAGA 2024 win with help from above to steel the timid and meek.

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Number 10 is just a sign of just how psychotic the Dems are going to get as we approach the election. Their "coalition" never seemed stable to me in the first place. They've lost the BLue Collar vote and the rabble that's replaced them hates one another.

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Hey Don, how about an item about the MSM's election coverage? Title it "The Glorification Of A Jackass."

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Not news :)

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This is my reminder to you that Democrat hero, King Kamehameha I, a murderous tyrant that waged aggressive war against his neighbors (a Bronze Age culture) using Western weapons is in Statuary Hall holding a spear. He invaded Maui, who does that? Democrats.

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Well, “here today, gone to Maui.”

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Glad I had finished my coffee.....

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That one has whiskers on it, BP

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Thank you for making chuckle loudly, Bubble.

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De nada, my friend.

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The lowest form of humor, but the highest form of intelligence😊

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Well, “I’ve got friends in low places”

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It looks like the "investigation" into the attempted murder of Trump will go the way of the fake investigation into the Maui fire.

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No I think House is bringing back Trey Gowdy to bring the hammer down on the perps....

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