re: testosterone and trannies. For the record, I did NOT miss that day in medical school.

The day that a flood of testosterone starts uphill from testicle to brain begins a long and difficult slog for the testicle's owner, hopefully spurring his creative - and procreative - juices for a lifetime. Who designs and builds tall buildings, suspension bridges, aqueducts, and aeroplanes that go mach 5? Men. Who make up 95% of jail inmates, perpetrate 97% of murders, kill themselves at rates manifold that of the Opposite Sex? Also men.

This little T molecule is a powerhouse of creativity - and a powerhouse of violence and poor choice-making. It's a footrace whether it will kill you or make you Isaac Newton or James Clerk Maxwell. Handling it is a lifetime near thing for boys and men - people born with the bodies and DNA to handle it. Let a corrupt medico pour it into the body of some unfortunate girl confused by penis-envy and you have The Very Formula for a mass-shooter.

I recommend that we pass a new law requiring amputation of the hands of any surgeon who cuts off a child's perfectly-functioning tallywacker, tries to make a new one out of forearm muscle, or prescribes puberty-blockers or testosterone to any child. That should put the issue to bed.

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Amen! I don't know these Mengele surgeons can look at themselves in the mirror. This tranny travesty and the COVID hoax have totally destroyed the credibilty of most of the medical industry. The medical death rate has evolved from mistakes in hospitals to outnright genocide. Who do we see about that?

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Most of us should cancel our health insurance... after all, most of it goes to pay for the people who don't have it. As Walter Williams used to say, it's theft on a grand (governmental) scale.

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Very well said my friend. Your graphics are superb.

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You are too compassionate Jim. I would have recommended cutting off his tallywacker (or as autocorrect would say "tally Waker")-haven't heard that word in decades.

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Thanks. I keep trying to clean up my speech, but it seems that in Old Age I'm getting worse instead of better! If memory serves, the real word refers to part of a naval uniform. I sometimes refer to the male member as a "crank" - the favorite of an old classmate.

I used to do a little proofreading of racy women's novels (Both the novels and the writers were racy.). Women live in their heads - unlike men, who live in their cranks - and in general are FAR better writers. Bari Weiss is a monster; nobody can touch her. Ditto Mollie Hemingway. My ex was superb as well; men's work generally wasn't worth publishing. Don is a rare exception, and I enjoy his work immensely. Oh well, once a geek, always a geek.

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Your language might be getting 'worse' because the WORLD IS getting WORSE.

As to the difference btwn men and women writers, I find your observation very interesting because I prefer MEN writers over women almost all the time! I especially like current writers like Vince Flynn and Larry Correia.

'Classic' women artists like Jane Austin are excluded from this generalization. But I agree with you that Mollie Hemmingway and Bari Weiss are pretty good.

The main difference I find between M v F writers is that men usually get to the point faster and have more forward movement of the plot than women writers. I'm a very impatient reader who has been known to read the last 25 pages of a book FIRST to see how it all ends. 🤣

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Appreciate the POV. I'm a little prejudiced; my job was editing what I called Mommy Porn for my ex's business - now defunct, I think. Women always dominated (more than 90%!) as readers of that genre, but with the advent of the Kindle and iPad became able to read it in public without the tell-tale book cover in plain view - or more telling, a brown paper cover held on with tape. (!) The ability to order and consume Mommy Porn in private - even in public - has cause that genre to explode.

It's not really fair for me to compare men's and women's contributions to that oeuvre, since men's libidos are instant-on/instant-off whereas women's are more like a slow boil - which generally means male authors in that venue don't do much of a story buildup. In serious mainstream work, the men are Very Good. I'm reading Christopher Rufo's latest book now, and it's as good as I have ever seen.

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ITEM ONE: Pelosi not only skates, she screams that Trump led an insurrection. When the hell does the boom fall on her? She is as rotten as they come.

However, she still hasn't been appointed to her dream job as ambassador to Italy. So there is that. Better still, she should have a lifetime appointment as ambassador to a penitentiary.

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Being a low-down criminal is in Pelosi's DNA. Her daddy was one of the mobbed-up mayors of Baltimore.

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There's any other kind of mayor in Baltimore?

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Not that I know of but I'm an educator and I have to educate anyone that needs it.

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Shades of The Wire on HBO .

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A clear case of need for an AG who will prosecute wrongdoing as garland wont.We need PDJT stat.

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We need judges committed to uphold the constitution, as well.

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We need GOD.

Liberals kicked him out of school. They kicked him out of government. Now they want to remove him from our homes and families.

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As long as Trump doesn't pick the likes of Bill Barr again.

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He wont.

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Safire would have called Nancy a congenital investor. A natural talent for investing.😁

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Amen brother.

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Ambassador to hell.

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ITEM FOUR: My did was a broker, who avoided index funds in favor of buying his favorite stock, American Thermometer. He said, "It's selling at 29, but if you stick it up your ass it'll go to 98.6"

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30 - Smith figured it out. Our MAGA message will be in secret code. The third letter of every fifth word of every second paragraph, when put together in sentences will give us our orders.

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Hah! Yes, dog whistles are soo yesterday!!

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No no no. That’s the formula for how us Jews control all the banks!! Damn. Now you’ve gone and ruined it for us after all these centuries!!!

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Oy. I had a brain freeze!

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9 - After all of the evidence we’ve seen and heard, US intel is only confident that hospitals are used by the terrorists?!?!

Says a lot about the sad state of our intelligence agencies. They are too busy going after PDJT and the J6 walkers.

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they've always known s.l. their rhetoric is simply cover-up bs to keep the con going.

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Easy to understand. Hard to get evidence of actions from a spy satellite. Our old spy network retired and now work as contractors to the satellite industry. If you need hands-on intel, call the Israelis.

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Glad to see you out and about SL. Keep up the good fight.

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Now Garland may prosecute any one on the capitol grounds j6 in an effort to further dampen Trump backers campaigning.

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So besides the J-walkers, the J-standers are at risk! Garland is a real piece of $hit.

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as usual...you can skip the news all week and just read through surber's saturday morning compilations.

it's all bs woke garbage anyway. don surber delivers. good job my son.

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So, I was reading about the Alaska Airline 737 that lost a door in flight. What a poorly written article: took the audio out of sequence, added adverbs and unneeded adjectives to make it more dramatic. Injected their judgement on everything. Rather than reporting THE story, they told us A story. A Hollywood drama.

The other thing that glares from this story and most others: these “journalists” don’t know anything. Aside from many other points of ignorance about flight, this writer makes it sound so horrific and miraculous that no one was injured. Hey dummy, airplanes fly all the time without doors. And they go to 12,000 feet without injuries. People actually jump out of those planes with parachutes and only occasionally get injured or die. I know this because I’ve done both. No doors is Not as big as deal as they make it sound.

Think through your experience vs news stories and Hollywood nonsense.

It’s like a veteran watching a war movie or an LEO watching a crime drama or a trained musician listening to a high school choir. You just know it’s wrong and mostly unpalatable.

If you project this across the entire media and entertainment universe, you understand just how WRONG they truly are. About everything. Because they don’t know anything and are too lazy to research. The few that actually do research and are moral creatures are the only ones who create worthwhile products like Don.

You can see how much bullshit is reported. Without lies. Add politics, and it goes to a new level of bullshit. Then, take that concept and project it about J6 and Trump and it’s out of this world levels of BS.

Now you see why so many people don’t believe any of it. It’s so bad we don’t even believe the facts when they are presented.


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…and don’t forget their favorite “go to”: Fear.

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I have a ticket on Alaska Air 737 Max for February so I am very interested in this story. On two legs of my trip I will be flying Charleston SC to Seattle. I am comforted somewhat by the fact that this flight usually carries many Boing employees.

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They've grounded that type of plane for inspection of the fleet - will probably "take a few weeks" for all their 737 Max's to be back in service so you may well be flying on another type of aircraft

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"occasionally get injured or die. I know this because I’ve done both"

And you are here still commenting!!

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lol. I didn’t say I was a grammarian!

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On total display everywhere today. Don’t believe your own eyes and experience, trust the media and the government. Lol

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It’s like all reporting on guns for the past fifty years. Especially the fearsome ASSAULT RIFLE!

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re: Item 9. Gaza City is an underground military fort camouflaged above ground by hospitals, schools, mosques and AP.

I know where they got the idea: The ocean is a desert with its life underground and the perfect disguise above. Gaza? Same idea. So who said the Arabs never invent anything?

Oh wait, the Nobel committee says ...

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I have always wondered where they put all the dirt that came out of those tunnels? Weren't those piles visible? Millions of cubic yards from several hundred kilometers of tunnels, you'd think so.

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Great point!! I'd love to know the answer to this now too!!

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Construction going on all the time in every city in the world. Lots of excavation. This happened in Gaza not luft stalag 13. No need to hide it, add it to the stuff being taken from legitimate construction excavations.

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# 1, and I thought 'The chief suspect’s initials are F, B, and I.' hat tip to Don.

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Item 11. The video was fascinating. The defendant missed his opportunity to be an Olympian jumper and the assistant’s punching technique was priceless. Glad the judge is OK.

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Hand cuffs. How do they work?

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Cuffs and shackles in a courtroom are prejudicial against defendants doncha know.

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Yeah, that guy should train for the ling jump. He launched like a Malnois headed for the guy stealing his food bowl.

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And the guy’s excuse: he was having a bad day!

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An academic from Yale is calling Bill Ackman a bully for how he highlighted Gay’s plagiarism. That means a lot coming from Yale where everyone makes an ‘A.’

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Everyone gets an A at Harvard too, unless you don’t come to class don’t take the tests and don’t respond to the professor’s request to do the above. Then you get a B. Just ask Al Gore or Nobel Laureate Obama.

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Especially because Yale was founded by a slave trader. The left tears down statues of anyone who offends them but apparently they’re cool with Elihu Yale.

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and demands that places be renamed. But not their college. No. Hands off.

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Item 15. At least they're blocking roads for a more valid reason.!

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19&20 - not just the chief suspect, but the only suspect’s initials are F B and I.

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We will see that again.

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ITEM 11: My late friend Bob Rotatori, one of the best defense lawyers between New York and Chicago, was in court, waiting to be given a pro bono assignment, when a defendant didn't like the lawyer assigned to his case. He told the judge, "Your honor I want Mr. Rotatori." The judge said, "You're not getting Mr. Rotatori." The man replied, "Damn, my shit be looking dim."

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He can't be that dumb, he's bilingual.

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Banner - I remember how cool we thought we were when we said “let’s do Chuck”. Well now, we are close to being chucked.

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Do Chuck who? You can't mean Norris! Or maybe that guy from the series Chuck? Or a just a good chuch roast? (MMMM. Beef. It's what's really good. Costs like silver these days. )

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“The Name Game” was released in 1964. Chuck Connor’s’ series The Rifleman had just ended. He was a big man literally and figuratively. No one chucked with Chuck.

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Oh, the SONG!

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Flipper theme song- 😂

Kanekoa thread. Please read. Overwhelming evidence of overwhelming election fraud with citations.


If you’re a man who wants to be a woman, why do you then want to hit women in a boxing ring? I mean how crazy are these people? SMH

Ray Epps is the victim of a conspiracy? But now suddenly he’s going to get a token sentence. Why? Because the conspiracy is true and the DOJ thinks sentencing this turd will somehow prove he didn’t work for them. It’s a very short sentence and I’m sure he will get special treatment and not torture and abuse like the innocent people he duped into entering the Capitol, if he even goes to jail. Scumbags.

ISIS stated that they blew up the Iranians attending the dead terrorist’s ceremony. ISIS and Iran = dead American soldiers and dead Israelis. Excuse me if I’m not sad that they blow each other up.

The U.S. debt “doesn’t matter” until it does and then it’s going to be bad news. Don’t keep everything in dollar denominated assets, folks.

Congress is broken and the country is broke. Debt service is now a trillion dollars a year. For what? So they can destroy the dollar and the country.

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I'm banking on him being quietly released within 24 hours of his reporting to prison.

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The facts must not matter as the msm didn't cover the proof of fraud ./Sarc

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