Esquire lost a libel suit filed by Gore Vidal. They paid up. About thirty or so years later, Esquire thought it a good idea to publish an anthology of their best reporting, and since no one at the company (obviously) was there when Vidal got paid, they included the libel-suit article! And the Estate of G.V. sued and got paid twice.
Esquire lost a libel suit filed by Gore Vidal. They paid up. About thirty or so years later, Esquire thought it a good idea to publish an anthology of their best reporting, and since no one at the company (obviously) was there when Vidal got paid, they included the libel-suit article! And the Estate of G.V. sued and got paid twice.
Esquire lost a libel suit filed by Gore Vidal. They paid up. About thirty or so years later, Esquire thought it a good idea to publish an anthology of their best reporting, and since no one at the company (obviously) was there when Vidal got paid, they included the libel-suit article! And the Estate of G.V. sued and got paid twice.