I might respectfully beg to differ and submit (with the proviso that I may mistaken) that it was Peter, or possibly Paul - not sure which was killed last.
I might respectfully beg to differ and submit (with the proviso that I may mistaken) that it was Peter, or possibly Paul - not sure which was killed last.
Of course youтАЩre right NFT, but I have to invoke a dramatic license Lol. Only a meathead (Rob Reiner et al) would take a meathead (Rob Reiner) seriously.
I might respectfully beg to differ and submit (with the proviso that I may mistaken) that it was Peter, or possibly Paul - not sure which was killed last.
Of course youтАЩre right NFT, but I have to invoke a dramatic license Lol. Only a meathead (Rob Reiner et al) would take a meathead (Rob Reiner) seriously.
Tradition hold they were executed on the same day. Paul by beheading and Peter by crucifixion. The feast of St Peter and Paul is held on June 29.