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I have a problem understanding how intelligent people can believe Trump would destroy democracy. Yet news media continues, along with the Biden’s administration and Dems spewing this garbage. I know of people who were intelligent in the past who have been transformed into idiots

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Almost as long as I've been alive, the Middle East has been in absolute turmoil with the Israel situation. Politicians feined anguish, as they manipulated and aggrivated the situation, the milltary industrial complex being what it is. Trump gets elected and, with a wave of his hand, there is peace there. He solved the problem by selling the idea how profitable it would be for the parties to work together. The military boys didn't like that. Biden gets "elected" and quicly tosses a big turd in middle of everything and the fighting starts again. I don't know how that lesson can be any clearer.

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Enough of a turd, the entire middle east is now on fire.

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Been reading about that conflict in Genesis and Exodus these last few weeks….

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The just retribution dealt out by Israel in the past three months is everything I've ever imagined Armageddon to be.

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Similarly, I don’t understand how Americans can be working to destroy this country. I realize it is a deadly mix of greed and power, however, None of Don’s readers are wired this way. Not being wired like this, the answer is known, but it is still hard to comprehend.

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It really is. I am sure 'they' think they will be safe in their enclaves, and nothing will touch them. However, if DEI comes to all industries including electric, and others, how will 'they' survive? Plus, criminals will find them if they are the only ones that still have 'stuff'. Plus how do they think they will get food? cuz, none of them have seen a field or a live cow.

Also, if China invades (and they are sending military aged men for Biden to let in), who do they think China will kill first? China hates traitors as much as anyone.

It boggles the mind.

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Well, yes, I think without a doubt, 'they' assume they will remain untouched by the evil they are calling forth. But beyond that, I think THEY think that what they are doing is GOOD for "the people". That theory makes Trump's safety all the more precarious since they think he's Public Enemy #1.

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I think the military aged ‘refugees’ would be used like Cuban troops were used - hired soldiers/mercenaries/police to use force against US citizens. Like CA was talking about letting non-citizens become police officers….

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The common denominator is time spent in a college classroom. The people teaching are insulated from realities of the real world , and the people in the seats have often not been confronted by the realities of the real world.

People in the service industry for a couple years learns more about society and economy than people holding graduate degrees from Ivy League institutions.

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Charles,as one who used the serviice industry for college funding and educationin the business world I feel this should be required in el-hi as a training course.

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I agree - I've often thought that a required H.S. course should be working either in non-designer retail (such as Walmart) or working as a waiter or busboy for a semester.

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If I may comment, the group that has greatest work ethic, the best survival skills, and as James noted, the strongest faith are unfortunately those that are the most despised, which is the poor.

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The poor, and the rural workers. Both are classes that are looked down on by the elites.

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At their own peril. Karma is real.

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bill o'reilly it nailed a week ago.....called them all morons (and yes he was referring to those who want trump to go away.) pretty harsh but on the money.

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That is a good question to answer for all of us as we fight to survive in this crazy Biden jungle. I suggest there is not one cause. Some people choose to become morons because they are loyal to something that is "paying" them to do so (i.e. teacher's union). In addition. don't forget the work of Jeffrey Epstein was to get dirt on as many world and business leaders as possible so they could be blackmailed into submission. I believe he had a vast network of loyal, controlled robots who were controlled by blackmail. Hello, John Roberts? Then there is the media and Psyops. This is not science fiction. The power of the media is their constant consistent brainwashing messaging;. It is hypnotic. The average person today (Not us Surberites) isn't really paying attention to world issues. They are lazy and wait to be told what is happening. That "being told what is happening" is where the media pulls off the psyop. Look at the shifting support for Ukraine. Any well-informed person probably never supported the war, but millions jumped on the bandwagon and flew Ukrainian flags at the homes. The average person doesn't think, doesn't research, doesn't reason. They just repeat what they are told by media.

It's amazing to me that the lunatic leftist strategy of blaming your opponent for what you (the leftists) are guilty of is still used and still works. Trump the dictator? Trump destroying democracy? How do people come to believe this trash? It works because, despite being an obvious unsubstantiated lie, the average person absorbs the media message and it moderates their attitudes, opinions, and beliefs.

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Epstein wasn't killed because of the names on the list. He was killed because of who he made that list for.

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yep, they dont want to let that sweet blackmail gig go. Makes the best lil whore house in VA run by our enemies look amateurish.

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"How do people come to believe this trash ?"

Answer: Public schools

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There's your answer. People have truly lost their minds.

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All I can tell ya is...I’m rewatching the original “Red Dawn” and treating it as a “How To” movie. Wolverines!

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There won't be Cubans dropping from the sky. Instead they marched brigades of blood thirsty barbarians up through Mexico.

We won't see them dropping and vulnerable. They are already inside the gate. Keep prepping and be careful whom you trust.

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just watch the vids from along the border. It aint families coming across. It is military aged men. Almost all of them, for the last 3 yrs. So they disappeared into the country and NO ONE is tracking them. And the Chinese caught are up over 1000% over last year, and that is just who is caught.

Lord I have gotten so cynical ~ I hate I sound like a conspiracy theorist.

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Does TJ stand for Told Ja? Because that's what you're going to be saying people and probably sooner than later. Be safe and keep your head on a swivel.

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I am among the many who think that TDS is TRULY an actual mental disorder from which there seems to be no cure and no return to normalcy.

The worm is eating their brains so that they are incapable of discerning fact from fiction, no matter how much proof is right in front of them.

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