Item 12: How does one detonate a bomb after shooting themselves in the head? Better ask the CIA. This story is as ridiculous as the JFK government explanation. FJB

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Perhaps a "timer"-- just sayin

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How about this: He was put in the driverless car already shot, driven to Trump Tower and was remotely detonated? It’s getting crazy out there!

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Lee Harvey Oswald lone gunman makes more sense. Listen to Shawn Ryan blog: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DEYVTwexSEI/?igsh=Yzg1cWJqMmM5ODQx

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01/04/25) --- Speaking of lost credibility, ABC/NBC/CBS/NPR/CNN/MSNBC did such a great job of telling us that Biden was in great shape, maybe Jimmy Carter's still alive...

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See the link I just posted.

Veteran suicide.

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Have you seen the email from a friend, the reporting on said email ?

That makes more sense to me.

Gateway Pundit ran it.

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No, I haven't heard about that. Do you know anything about what it said??

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But of course, we all belive what we want.

1st step in psyops, sow confusion with competitive stories.

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The video interview doesn't appear to be up anymore, but Hoft's Gateway Pundit article is. The article alone is clear--Livelsberger was a whistle blower in the process of blowing the whistle on a current threat, who knew he was being tracked and planned to escape over the Mexican border. He doesn't sound at all suicidal, just working hard to get his info out in case he was silenced. Even the guy he gave the info to (Shawn Ryan) has had to take his family into hiding at the moment.

So JR's comment above appears to be the most likely description of what happened: "How about this: He was put in the driverless car already shot, driven to Trump Tower and was remotely detonated?"

The Tesla car and the Trump Tower site sound just like what some anti-Trump operative would have thought was 'clever'.

Geesh, it will take some very solid information to make me think anything other than the above is what happened.

Whistle-blowing is a rough path. After those TWO separate Boeing whistle-blowers were murdered some months back, there has been crickets about those cases. Absolutely no way either of them was suicide.

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All the released and accepted possible theories on subjects such as this all have small kernels of truth.

The liars and manipulators provide a little truth to bolster the subterfuge. One must pull those small kernels from all releases asemble them and produce a theory. (a conspiracy theory) The person pushing the closet theory, gets persecuted.

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I watched the Shawn Ryan interview with this guy. First I’d ever heard of Shawn Ryan. The interview was…interesting.

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WOW. My hubby and I are just about done listening to the interview. He is much more cynical than even I am so he's still a little questioning. I am also very skeptical but I am believing this. Thanks for sharing it.

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Same here!

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In addition, I don't know how Shawn Ryan has escaped my notice but I've never heard of him before now!! 😱

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There is an actual patent for the gravity propulsion.

Take a right turn like on a street at 5k mph, no heat signature, in or under water, no pilot on board, in the shape of a triangle, sound familiar?

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Very sad...

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The veteran suicide issue breaks my heart. 😢

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Think psyops. Easy to use PTSD on vet. Most if not all suicide bombers don’t shoot themselves if they’re about to explode: They are going to die anyway and they want to see their job completed.

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I saw that his wife kicked him out of the house the day after Christmas for infidelity. Anyone else see this?

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Yes. It was in the article that I posted.

He was suffering from PTSD.

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Yes it breaks my heart also. We lost our oldest son in 2014 who was a vet to suicide.

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Oh my God Houdini, I am so so sorry!!! 😢 😢 😢

I wish more (and more EFFECTIVE) action was being undertaken to stop this!!

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Thank you Gail, we tried to get him help several times, he decided he didn't need to take his meds. The biggest thing that pisses me off is that I took him to the closest VA clinic from us. After being seen by two doctors we were told that he qualified and they would transport him to the VA hospital that is about 200 miles away. About two hours later we got a call from a hospital in Tallahassee FL. and told our son was there and we could come pick him up as the VA transport left him there. When I got through to the VA clinic to find out what happened the VA hospital called the clinic and told the clinic that they had no room and just drop him at the closest public hospital. I will not get into the words that I used. Just better to not open that wound again.

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Prayers going out to you.

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Thank you MT.

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Who else was in the truck.

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A “dead man’s switch” would do it.

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I was thinking about that. Just use a piece of cannon fuse, light it, and blow your brains out. Used many a foot of it when I was in high school.

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No faith in the quality of his bomb? It might have been designed by the FBI or these guys.


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And why shoot yourself when you know you're going to be blown to smithereens? Was it a "just in case"move? Stymied......

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Idk, timers ?

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James Carville, the poster boy for an iodine bottle.

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He’s a sleazy operator. Used to be entertaining. Now I’m not exactly sure who or what he adds value to. Mostly spews hogwash.

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Hogwash? Wash your hogs in that and they will be the filthiest thing on the planet.

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He looks like he drank the iodine.

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If only...

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Absolutely. He could take on the lying liars of his own party, who for ex. manipulated the jobs numbers repeatedly during FJB's regime... Isn't the "overstatement" of jobs upwards of 840,000...that's a lot of jobs, not to mention that ALL the job growth that was real was for gov't jobs.

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I'm truly sick of the likes of James Carville and other parasites like him gaslighting about everything and calling me stupid because I don't buy their bullshit.

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Wasn't he the one that insulted women living in trailers when characterizing Bill Clinton's "bimbo eruptions"?

Carville shows his own poor breeding (not talking $$ but am referring to his lack of manners) every time he appears. A total sleeve bag

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Item 13. San Francisco values? She must be flying in on an electric plane flown by a transsexual blind Pygmy

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Or a broom.

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Broom is more likely, it has a longer range and flies better.

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The H-1B fight on X and the Speaker Johnson brouhaha have managed to reveal something we Americans, especially MAGA, need to be on guard against.

It’s all well and good to have strong feelings and opinions about such things, especially hot button issues, but for people to take a “my way or the highway” approach to such things is only going to splinter us into bits and paralyze any attempts to set this ship of state aright.

The H-1B program is both a good and valuable one, but also, fraught with corruption and abuse, serving to prove that both sides can be right about a thing, but throwing the baby out with the bath water is never the solution.

As for the Johnson election, pretty much everyone is well aware that he has been far from what we ever hoped for in a Speaker, and I believe Trump is just as aware as we are.

But timing is everything, and at this most critical juncture in the country’s history, with so very much at stake, and particularly when everyone knows it can be done at any time in the future, such a poorly planned exercise to oust him now, even before Trump’s certification and inauguration, was more than just pure folly, it was horribly stupid, if not worse.

In short, we really can’t afford “stupid” anymore. We’ve got to be at the top of our game, because the enemy is formidable and relentless.

We must head into this new administration with more wisdom, and be more circumspect in our considerations as we confront a plethora of issues and institutions that have been weaponized against everything we believe in.

We’re not going to get everything we want, certainly not right away, and what is coming will be painful and ugly in many ways.

But staying united has got to be the first order of business, or it will all be for naught.

“We all hang together, or we will surely all hang separately.”

~ Ben Franklin

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Amen, Suzie. Wisdom matters right now. We need to stay steady, patient, and firm.

And Bannon and Elon need to be alert to the Left media trying to stir up rivalry and division between them.

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I ain't nothing new from Bannon.

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Anything is better than Hakeem, did you see his hateful talk after the vote? I finally turned it off. I am sick of all the hate mongering and they will be more determined than ever. Especially those women....tacky and mean.

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You're right Suzie BUT you see, here's the reality, many of the R's who wanted Johnson gone (for whatever reasons, muh principles, blah, blah, blah), they are really NOT MAGA..

I know, I know, you are Shocked! AND very Perplexed!

Massie is a DeSantis fan and DeSantis was eyeing the presidency way back in 2018 when the whole gang gathered together, on Sea Island, to pray and plan their MAGA sabotage and dispense with President Trump in very short order..and they were part of the 2020 planning steal. Why even Georgia's own Chris Carr and Governor Kemp attended, right along with Mr. Patriot himself, Tom Cotton, from Arkansas, who happens to be the Chair for the 2025 Senate Intelligence Committee. Get the picture?

You know who got defeated on the 3rd in that House Speaker vote? Massie and DeSantis....now, pay attention to Cotton..

President Trump did a bang up job of beating the snot out of these Never-Trumpers.

And as for Johnson? I don't know BUT at least President Trump proved he can command and control the Republican caucus and get Johnson in line.

It had to be Johnson because Jordan couldn't get the votes at all...about 35 refused to vote for him.......

It was common sense and compromise that cut that deal.

MAGA all the way baby....whatever it takes.

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I agree to a point.

When everyone is in agreement is when people are most dangerous.

I think it all is working out well.

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Well said.

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Item 2. Our military doesn’t have enough Mike Flynns.

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6: The White House Kitchen cooks with gas

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You think that fancy French place Newsome snuck out to during the lock down he imposed doesn't use GAS? Freaking Hypocrites. As the saying goes, "If it weren't for double standards, the left would have none"

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Jan 4Edited

Once again Thanks for demonstrating that the world we live in and the society we belong to are chock full of nuts. Dead heat, photo finish or toss up between 11, 13 and 25. SF values indeed watch where you step coming to DC and the dyslexic FIB in another questionable sparkler. But with 25 you crossed the line denigrating and blasphemously taking a shot at the Lone Ranger. Didn't J Croce croon don't eff with the LR?

Count me officially and seriously offended.

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Thanks. More sound advice. Don't p into the wind. Did you play for the Chiefs?

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I did not.

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That was what immediately came to mind for me as well.

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#1: Huh...my mom's was, "If you can't say something nice about someone, come talk to me."

#4: It's Ohio State — what do you expect, really? Yes, I know the VP-elect is an alum, but sadly, that doesn't elevate its reputation in my eyes. I'll always root for any team playing against the Buckeyes — even Michigan.

#8: With all due respect, Brother Don, one need not be a graduate of any medical school to recognize the truth RFK, Jr. pointed out — his views on other political matters are ripe for ridicule, but for those in the purview of HHS, he's spot on.

In case you've not seen/heard this:


Thank you, Brother Don!

Looking forward to another year of wit & wisdom from the Oracle of Mar-a-Poca!

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Michigan over Ohio State??????? How dare you. Directions from Ohio State to Michigan: North till you smell it, west till you step in it.

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Those directions get you to Minnesota. The state I left 44 years ago.

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It 24 (Allstate’s CEO) For years they’ve been employing that damn Mayhem guy to fear you into buying their insurance. The guy’s a criminal psychopath. Arrest the summabitch!

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I’ve only now seen the parallel between Allstate’s use of fear thru mayhem to the Democrats’ governing philosophy.

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Sorry, over here my wife and I really like Dean Winters- he has a great gig. And, no, we do not purchase Allstate insurance.

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Got better when John Wick elimanted him

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Yeah, I know I misspelled eliminated.

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You can click on the three dots on the right and edit your posts.

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John Wick movies are great; loved them all; and glad to see Dean get some other roles.

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As to Kamala, some people become very upset when I call her a "whore" who advanced her career, not with positive accomplishment, but by courting and receiving the wanted sexual attention of powerful men and by Ther status. In my family I measure her by the accomplishments of three generations of woman who worked hard and earned their status and reward. They did not receive their status and reward with sexual favors. Thank God she did not win.

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Item 9: Vivek isn’t wrong in some ways, but he stepped in it with his comments. There are ways to say things and ways to say things. Vivek is an American born fellow and he’s entitled to his opinion. It doesn’t matter to me if his family comes from India. What I don’t like is anybody benefiting from our financial markets and rule of law to trash Americans. Make the problem better. If we have a work ethic problem in this country, and I think we do, then it’s a result of the culture that’s been manifested from the top down for decades. That culture has to be fixed and that means celebrating hard, honest work, and disdaining laziness and dependency. I’m not talking about disabled people or retired people. I’m taking about able bodied young people who are lazy and entitled. It’s a legitimate issue. So what I’d like to see is not hiring Indians, but training and motivating Americans first. If you have a problem in your business, fix it. Show your investment in the community.

The lazy solution, the sharp elbowed solution is what these tech guys are doing. And don’t worry in a generation or two it’s highly probable that Vivek’s descendants will be fat and lazy too. The smart immigrant works harder. They are hungrier and they know what they left behind and don’t want to return to. But excellence is usually not a permanent feature of a blood line.

The Indians aren’t all geniuses. They are smart enough, but they work really hard. That’s their “secret”. Hard work. Anybody can do it, not everybody will. Reinstalling pride in one’s work and one’s country would go a long way to fixing this. And you have to pay people for hard work. I don’t like cheap. If you succeed, your workers should be incentivized to succeed with you, not afraid of deportation. There are plenty of smart Americans who can do these jobs and these companies can still make a profit.

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Yes but. Of course hard work is the key. Weighting the scales in favor of one's fellow non-U.S. countrymen is not ok in my book. I saw this a lot in some of my corp gigs, and also did not necessarily experience the hard work over sharp elbows and sycophancy (the latter in particular).

Americans of any ethnicity need not be chumps, nor allow ourselves to be used and played for fools by exploiting some nonsense about colonialism, diversity ad nauseum.

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We have permitted ourselves to be gamed for far too long and for far too much. And that is because we have had greedy, amoral clowns leading the way.

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He and Musk quickly reverted to their Globalists roots.Trump is gna be sorry he brought them in.

Musk is socially retarded (When you own the room you don't need to read the room) and VR does not understand or appreciate American culture.

They were not are not and will not ever be MAGA. Compare them to real MAGA, JD Vance, then it's obvious.

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I think some of these guys are out of touch, yes. And they clearly are not 100% MAGA. At the same time they provide money and influence which helped Trump a lot in this cycle. The technology sector will continue to grow and drive the economy. We need those guys on our side. Musk will be a wild card, but I don’t see him going over to the Dems. Really smart people are not always the best at interpersonal relationships. Most people are not gifted in every way. We have to see with time how it works out. JD Vance is definitely MAGA, but he is also a tech guy and knows these guys and they like him.

As far as Globalism goes, I’ve been trying for a long time to figure out where all this garbage comes from, and I finally read a book that I think explains it better than anything else I’ve read. It’s a fascinating read. You think you know something and then you read something like this. Very well annotated.


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The book on the British and Communism looks far-fetched; but if we've all learned anything from recent years, a lot of genuinely outrageous and far-fetched things have been occurring. I will probably read it after my busy season. I think sometimes we are embarrassed to read things that sound far-fetched, but we can have more self-confidence than that. It only takes a few hours to get a feel for a new idea, and we are free to put it down if it is not compelling to us.

And if I've learned one thing from the past several years, it's that it is never smart to cut yourself off from information. The Democratic voters made a HUGE mistake by letting themselves be propagandized to look down their nose at and refuse to even look at the new Right media sources. They made themselves truly uninformed.

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I thought the same thing. Read the book. It’s not a difficult book. It’s very well annotated. I’d be surprised if you aren’t surprised. There’s more to this than you think. It gets more and more convincing the farther you get into it. It’s not that what you think you know is all wrong. But there’s another layer underneath it that nobody has really paid attention much attention. I’d be surprised if you dint have an “aha!” moment or two when reading it. It puts a lot of current nonsense into context.

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We do definitely know that there is alot beneath the surface that we are still not seeing. I will definitely read it in the spring.

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Musk will sell his soul to land on Mars.

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Item 25. The Lone Ranger had the mask over his eyes with holes cut out so he could see. You mean we were doing the mask thing all wrong during the SARS CoV 2 panic. All the time I wore the N95 fit tested mask over my nose and mouth should have been modified with two holes and worn higher on my face. Research showed it would have been almost as effective

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Item 8. Fauci went to the Dr. Mengele School of Medicine in Germany.

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15: Whatever happened to Mary Matalin? I can't remember the last time I saw her on television.

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She was on one of the Fox night news special show a week or two ago; hubby was watching.

She looks and sounds very old.

She is irrelevant and knows it, unlike her husband, Lurch, who will go to his grave believing he saved the Clinton Dems.

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Well, he may have saved Bill Clinton. Carville was one of the first of the mega-level aggressive pundits--and the most flat-out nastily aggressive. When I first saw him, I realized the distressing practice of "spin" in the news had now been superseded by a whole new level of attack. Because we weren't prepared for such raw aggression, I do believe he was effective early on.

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Ooh, I though John Kerry was Lurch. Maybe Kerry and Carville are secret twins? Lurch I and Lurch II? LOL

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You're right Kerry is Lurch...that is just the name that comes to mind when I see the old Carville.......

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She's happy being irrelevent - she was just a stooge for HW, anyway...

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I must have suddenly aged because there were a whole bunch of items in the highlights list today that I just did not get. I admit it. A partial statement I did like was about Baker Mayfield; a great quarterback who I went to see play at SOFI Stadium a few weeks ago in LA with my son and grandson. America is great. $250 each near-nose bleed (3rd) level seats each; $150 to park; and $100 for three lunches before the game. So we were out a grand before the game kicked off. Good to see Mayfield go wild in the second half and blow out the Chargers. Now if the Broncos can only beat KC tomorrow and make the playoffs. That would make my weekend. Don- I did not take either poll because, again, I didn't thoroughly understand the choices. Keep writing.

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Poll answers: which of the Marx brothers is Speaker Johnson? RINO. JD Vance’s successor in the Senate? Dave Chappelle, because he’s hilarious & doesn’t put up with BS. I would love it!

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KC will win tomorrow. Carson Wentz will put on a show. Wentz went to my daughters high school and then to my alma mater North Dakota State. He's like Sam Darnold in that he has been sorely abused by poor teams. He's finally got Mr Surbers Bentley to drive over the Broncos. This is a non paid political ad for Carson.....

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It would not surprise me if KC wins. I always liked Wentz. But being a WYO grad I still have one other team in the mix (in addition to the Broncos and the TB Rays) that I am rooting for-- The Buffalo Bills and Josh Allen who, if you don't know, is also a WYO grad. Ties to ND State go deep at Wyo from players to the former coach. NIL and the Portal are killing college football in my humble opinion- but that is a subject for another discussion. Good luck to your team in the Playoffs but NOT tomorrow. Oh, yeah, I root for TB too because we put a son through OU- and Baker was the QB there and won the Heisman Trophy. Another very good QB who has moved around a bit. I'd trade straight up for him in AZ for Kyler Murray (another OU grad and Heisman winner) right now. But, alas, I am not in the position to make that decision.

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Kyler Murray is a midget in a game of giants. Each NFL Sunday I feel like throwing a steam iron at the tv screen when he's running for his life and, more often than not, winds up on the bench sulking.

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When the Cardinals drafted him I simply said "too small for this game; should have gone to MLB"

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#17. When Tom Osborne was coaching at the University of No Learning, he gave credit to Jesus for a victory and they immediately cut to a commercial. Nothing new, Jesus told us we would be hated and persecuted for his name. Expect it, embrace it when it happens to you and know that Your reward is in heaven not on this earth.

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