Item 29: Heard a data scientist with the Heritage Foundation say yesterday that it takes about 24 private sector jobs to pay for one government job. Never realized how many people had to pay taxes to employ one fed. He also said, as Don noted here, that of those 303000 jobs added, about one third were permanent federal jobs and two thirds were lower paying private and part time jobs. Maybe there should be a federal policy that the government can only hire a new employee after 24 private sector permanent full time jobs are created. So lets fire all government workers and use that formula to hire back fed employees based on the private sectors health and expansion……….that would be American jobs, not China jobs.

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What the piece didn’t say is that the funding for those new government jobs is straight outta Congress and Biden’s money printing machine. The (almost certainly) now permanent jobs with builtin wage accelerators are helping fuel the inflation that’s drowning the actual working tax paying public. Those are jobs where nothing is produced and no new knowledge gained. More money laundering. How many of those jobs are “remote” no show jobs?

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wonder how long before the numbers are revised downward?

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No government workers ever lose their jobs.

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Unfortunately that premise, 24 to 1, is based on top paying manufacturing jobs. Xidenflation is destroying the purchase power of the dollar and with so many jobs being low pay, we're probably going to need a hundred workers to pay for each government leech.

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I seem to recall someone saying "never underestimate Biden's ability to f... anything up"

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I believe it was Michelle Obama's husband that said it.

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I say it every day. Con mucho gusto.

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Yep kind of like compound interest I guess. Dems destroy everything…….on purpose.

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I long ago wished that Heritage or some other wonk-ish outfit would calculate how many "average taxpayers" (whoever they might be) it would take to pay the salary, FICA (both halves, mind you), Worker's Comp, retirement, paper clips, toner, pro-rated air conditioning, etc. 24 sounds about right.

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Yes, and it points out that government jobs should NOT be counted with private company jobs for the purpose of unemployment data or jobs added to the economy. Government jobs do not add a dime to the GDP. They are “overhead” and a cost of doing business…….. allegedly.

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Just fire all fed employees

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Most of the jobs barring the government ones were part time. 95% of them went to illegal and legal immigrents. Not to American citizens.

Its buried in the fine print.

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And it really sucks.

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Got to be more than 24. How many of the private sector job holders actually pay any income taxes or get money back??

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Back in the good old days -- that is back in a time we were all thirteen, looked at the world then, and forever after have defined that is "Normal", things were -uh- different. One weak example: there were no airlines, and when such came along, there had to be some traffic lights up in heaven at some point. Somebody had to invent and then operate those traffic lights. Further, some airline managers began to maintain their planes like your meathead son in law maintains his wife's (your sweet baby daughter's) automobile. There needed to be some rules of behavior as to how often you changed the oil in those birds. Etc. Given human nature, somebody had to check such in the airlines' flybirds. Etc. At the other extreme, using another analogy.....in our school systems, we DO NOT need more administrators than classroom teachers.....Not even past a ratio or, say, one to thirty-five. That means we don't need a plethora of lower-end "universities" that -until recently- were named things like "Toadsuck Fairy Arkansas Normal School for School marms (and school Trannies)". Now such are named more in the realm of "Frogmore University of Woke Learning Arts." (and it even has evolved a Graduate School, and seriously contemplates how quickly they can introduce doctoral programs/launch a law school/launch a medical school. But, I ramble.

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I like your idea!

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1. The climate doomers are so desperate to prove their predictions are coming true that they are grasping at tranny hookers. (Their signs of doom are always somewhere far away and they don’t respond well when asked “How is the weather you see through your window?”)

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The entire Climate garbage is 100% a scam, to steal your money and amass total control over your everyday life.


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You don’t hear stories about the coal plants in China because it’s already communist.

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…never was.

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arent they starting up every week or so?

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Grasping a tranny hooker? Eeeewwwwww!

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Lave sus manos.

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Do they speak Spanish in Thailand now, too?

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One Hazmat suit, please. Thank you.

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I actually saw a list of 100 predictions that started in the late 50s/early 60s but I cant find the link.

For your entertainment though:


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Excellent!! 👍

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I used to have difficulty interpreting the terms "trans man" and "trans woman" until I realized the trick was to substitute the phrase, "not a" for "trans. Voila! All is clear. And if the skuttlebutt is accurate, those "not a" woman Asian trannies have artificial boobs but retain their original equipment down below. I guess that's a thing over there?

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I would be happy if they could just tell me what today’s weather will be.

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Did you ever notice that the TV weathermen never have a feature showing yesterday’s guesses compared to what actually happened? Did you ever keep track? By the time my kids were ten years old they knew it was all a joke.

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and *gasp it be right more than 4 hours out.....

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20. For some reason a picture of Pete Buttigieg milking a bull popped into my head when I read that.

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He's probably tried, and he didn't tug on the udder.

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lolol Id love to see a picture of Buttmunch tugging on a bull's 'utter' and the bull chasing him so far, we didnt have to worry about him no more.

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Great minds think alike.

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Don't give him any ideas...

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#1 - “Trans affected by climate change”

It sounds like Reuters and the Independent are trying to give the Babylon Bee a run for their money.

What in this hellish world are these people smoking?!

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ITEM 2: “Trumpenfreude in the morning

Trumpenfreude in the evening

Trumpenfreude at suppertime

Be my Never-Trumper

And I’ll mock you all the time”

May The McGuire Sisters forgive me.

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Well done Bubble.

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The story behind item 1 is so absurd I almost blew my morning coffee out my nose. Only Democrats could concoct that silly intersection and actually find the nerve to write it down publicly so other people can read it. Maybe if they found (or just made up) a trans Islamic one-armed little person sex worker, the story would be even MORE compelling! SMH....

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Right?! Oh dear God help us.

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The longer this goes on, I fear God is the only one who can help us because everyone knows the Republicans have clearly demonstrated they're entirely useless.

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"Well, they worried about how driving a 12-cylinder Bentley in Poca, West Virginia, affected the income of T-girl hookers on the other side of the world."

I had no idea that the Bentley of your dreams has twelve cylinders. Two fill ups and you would finish off Biden's drain the oil reserves project.

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Oh W-12 is the only reason I want one

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You would never get away from the pump.

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ITEM 3 ... “White House Cancels Annual Ramadan Dinner After Muslims Refuse to Attend.”

They said Halal No, we won’t go.


Which reminded me of...

NY Daily News (10/31/95): "Earl King, 68, an editor/writer at the NYDN for 35 years, died yesterday.

"Renowned for clever headlines - such as 'Hell No, We Won't Go' which topped the News' pan of the Broadway musical 'Miss Saigon,' and 'Gina Was Obscena on La Screena,' about Gina Lollobrigida - and for his gentlemanly demeanor, sympathetic ear and unfailing courtesy."

"ITEM 11 re Space X... Part of its mission is to have the first commercial spacewalk. That is so cool. I have one question: What will the astronaut do during the commercial?"

He'll be subjected to the Progressive Insurance wombat in the white uniform nagging him about insuring his trip in outer space.

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Prolly right.

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I spent 20 years in the news business and am now a recovering journalist. My mantra was always – “You can’t make this stuff up.” Don Surber proves that true again today.

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I'll guess that you would enjoy reading "My Times, Adventures In The News Trade," by John Corry [?-2022; G.P. Putnam & Sons (1993 hardcover).

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I will check it out! Thanks -

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Hi, Dennis. The Substack DM system failed (no way to hit "send" my response!), so this avenue of communication must suffice. May I respectfully decline? I've developed a downright phobia about listening to any sort of audio, into which category all "podcasts" fall (even telephone calls now give me the willies).

Also, the sports handicapping and book-reading projects chew up the remaining spare time. For instance, I'm about to commence handicapping the NFL 2024 season. Even with computer software, the time consumed in doing this is enormous, and I also hope to cover the SEC football season as well.

Finally, at the age of 72, my stamina is not what it once was. 20 years ago, perhaps. But today, having no choice, I must ration my time and say, thank you for inviting me, but I must pass.


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“California fast food workers stunned as restaurant closes without warning over $20 minimum wage: ‘Only the beginning.’”

Killing off the businesses that COVID failed to get. Hey, Callifornia Democrats...can you tell me your definition of success again? I'm sorry; I guess I just dont' get it. Oh, and I'm curious...where are you going for lunch today?

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Did you click on the ny post link and read the story? They were actually surprised. Then were quoted saying they would have been happy to have their jobs at the old rate. They just wanted and needed the jobs. Hey, we’re from the government and we’re here to help you!

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Probably overnight created 7-9,000 new Trump voters.

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When my brother got out of the Navy, his high security clearance had him working civic service for many years (till retirement).

He said most of the people he worked with could die at their desk and no one would notice for a month, so little was accomplished...

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Reminds me of the columnist who said something like, "If the Departmemf of Energy turned into a pumpkin and rolled away tomorrow, no one would notice."

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I get your point, but yeah, we would definitely notice that as we would finally be released from having to live under of its life-crushing yoke of insane and destructive policies.

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Item 5 I know the MSM will try to suppress the Ashley Biden diary given that she writes about her Dad taking showers with her. I can't wait to see how Jessica Tarlov tries to spin this one on The Five.

Item 19 The California minimum wage law only proves that Democrats have zero understanding of basic economics. Of course, when you realize that Paul Krugman and Janice Yellen are held up as great economists, it does seem obvious.

Item 20 Do diverse companies produce better earnings? Alissa Heinerscheid call your office...oh, never mind.

Item 27 By not reporting on child abuse by the Boston hospital, they are implicitly encouraging more child abuse. White guilt will kill more black children than structural racism. BTW, DEI and Affirmative Action are the two main pillars of systemic racism in America.

Don, thanks for another great highlights round-up and some good yuks.

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And what is sad, is the the Boston hospital is a REQUIRED reporter for child abuse. So where are all those kids going to go that their parents are given a free pass? a grave. We already have enough issues with CPS both abusing power and sending parents to jail that are really not abusing their kids. And CPS sending kids back to parents with serious abuse issues and those kids dying.

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Only republicans are required

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What a shame it is that Alissa has faded from public consciousness, when she --- not that twit-jackass pretending that he was enamoured with ButtLite --- was far more responsible for the Bud Lite KABOOM!-sales apocalypse. Warning: Once she gets her Fred Gwynne (Car 54) horseface plastically altered, she'll blend back into society and do something even more ridiculous.

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3. They probably refused to attend a White House Dinner because the White House cooks with gas. (It does)

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Actually the "real" reason they didn't attend was that Biden scheduled the Ramadan dinner at noon.

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On the WH menu: "... alcohol, pork, carrion, the meat of carnivores, and animals that died due to illness, injury, stunning, poisoning, or slaughtering not in the name of God."

Hey, no one's perfect.

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Now, that's funny.

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Everything you need to know about the scam known as climate change is in here and is presented in an entertaining and factually accurate way:


No Indonesian trannies were harmed in the making of the movie.

The Democrat strategy is simple - buy off your allies( with taxpayer printing press money), punish your enemies, lie continuously about your accomplishments, cover up your failures.

The Republican strategy is to fight your friends, suck up to your enemies, have no accomplishments, and come in second every time. Not hard to see why we are in our current position.

The Biden economy is great for the investor class (for the moment), terrible for working people, great for bums living off government handouts, especially government employees. Thus it mirrors Washington, DC.

Israel will have to stand alone. Nothing new here from the rest of history except that their army is tough and they have nukes. One way as an aid worker to avoid being killed in a war zone is to not be in a war zone. It’s dangerous to serve gourmet meals during battle. Who knew? While the unemployed, grifting Palestinian terrorist mob garners sympathy from brain dead Western libtards and the media, everybody seems to forget how war is waged. Only Jews have to wage a perfect war, whatever that means. Hamas, The US military, the Comanches, the CCP, can kill and mutilate whoever they see fit. When the Confederacy was stomped out, I’m sure the Union soldiers were careful not to ruin any flower beds. Then of course you have Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, fire bombing Tokyo, napalm incineration of Vietnamese villages, droning Arabs, etc.. The point should be obvious- war is hell and collateral damage happens. Why are Westerners sympathizing with murderous, apartheid, racist, homophobic, misogynist fascists who started a holy war because they want to wipe out the Jews? And they want to wipe out liberals too. The Left is bad news and so are moderates who allow themselves to be bullied by Commies. Grow a pair.

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Did you see the 45 minute video from Dr. Phil's new prime time program the other nite? You would love it. I think it was posted on citizenfreepress.com. Dr. Phil has been red-pilled big time. He had on the guy who was the son of the Hamas leader, but is now totally against Hamas and is speaking very bluntly and articulately against Hamas. Phil also had on some American airheads who are supporting Hamas, and wow did he demolish them. And the audience was all in with Dr. Phil.

I have heard folks comment here before that they don't like Dr. Phil, but I always have liked him--he has a solid head on his shoulders. I had hopes for him that he would be red-pilled, and now it's clear he truly has been. He is a powerful new advocate for our side, and his audience is huge, and he is bringing his audience along with him. Dr. Phil also has a new book out "We've Got Issues"-- and he is attacking the woke world head on.

Anyone who needs to feel encouraged should check out that video of Phil's Hamas show this week--pretty sure it's available at CFP, or YouTube. It is awesome.

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Watched and loved it !

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I saw some excerpts of that show.

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Ah...Tanto--I know you are reluctant to be optimistic. But you've got to admit now and then that there are some excellent things happening. The red-pilling of an extremely influential figure like Dr. Phil has to be something to celebrate, no?

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And Ronna McDaniel out at the RNC and Lara Trump in?

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16 WDC limo companies filed for bankruptcy.

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Took me a moment to get that! Clever!

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I think Phil probably is no dummy. He’s a successful guy. And now the alarm bells are finally going off and he’s decided that he’s willing to unmask himself a bit to stand up

For a few common sense issues because he is afraid of where we are going. So that’s good. But he also produces a lot of TV shows. One I enjoy is called, So Help Me, Todd. The writing is good, but it’s got all the woke stereotypes in it. It’s set in Portland. A lot of virtue signaling, although there is a subversive subtext poking fun at a lot of this. These days, I don’t trust anybody. So we shall see. I’m not so quick to believe these celebrities’ motives are pure. Some of it is just which way the wind is blowing, not courage.

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For anyone who's interested, did some research and discovered Dr. Phil has actually created his own new NETWORK--MeritStreetMedia.com. At that site you click "Try MeritPlus", and when you go to it you can sign up / create an account (with just your name, email, and set up a password), and then you have full access to everything--and it's completely free (though the programs are interrupted by commercials). He has programming 24/7 I believe, including Bear Grylls, Steve Harvey, Nancy Grace, etc. The network JUST launched April 2nd.

Tonight (Sat. April 6th) happened to be the Premiere of the Live new Dr. Phil Primetime Show, which looks to be most days Live at 10 pm Eastern. I was able to watch it on my computer at the meritplus.com website. Tonight's premiere episode was the full length interview with the son of the Hamas founder and the college kids.

I had heard last year that Dr. Phil was starting a new primetime show, but at the time it was going to be on NBC, which has carried the regular Dr. Phil Show. But something must have happened and Phil has gone out on his own-- so he is now a man free to say what he thinks and cover what he wants. (This coming Tuesday night (10pm Eastern) his program is going to be about DEI.)

Really, he's doing what Don Surber did--being freed from the Charleston Daily Mail and going out on his own as a blogger and now as a Substack writer--FREE to speak his mind. Major "Yay" for people who reach this wonderful stage of life where they are at the peak of the Maslow chart--Self Actualization!

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oh my, Dr Phils face..... Then he laid into them. I was shocked but happily so but oh my his face when they were spouting their non-sense,

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Great recap as always but do not let item one deter your dreams of a Bentley.As to item four may I suggest an asphalt recycling system prepping the perps for eternal hell.The cat must want a festive dinner to give a poll this obvious.Roll on Poca-Man as we gather steam for a MAGA 2024 win.Shout out to S.L. and Z if you are here.We miss them.

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Yes, indeed, a shout out to S.L. and Z, miss you much.

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#3 Muslims refuse to attend Ramadan dinner. There is a lesson in pandering here. You cannot keep competing groups happy with hypocritical pandering to both. Muslims will not support Biden 100% until he abandons Israel 100%. I am reminded here of the California Dims trying to pander to black and Asian voters. Asians are now in revolt because they are not getting their "due." Instead, the Dims are pushing for reparations to blacks in a state that never had slavery. *** #8. If the New York Giants and Jets can play in New Jersey's Meadowlands, the New York Marathon can be run there, too. *** #!2 The NY Post is shocked that a Dem suffers consequences for his actions. That isn't supposed to happen. No matter, voters will elect another Dim to replace him. *** #!4 Google is an object lesson for all to see. If people would simply look, they would see the face of totalitarianism on their computer and phone screens. Or, they could look at the squatters in the People's House for Lesson # 2. *** #19. I absolutely love California's $20/hr. minimum wage for fast food shops. It does not apply to all restaurants. High end restaurants, i.e., hose who charge high prices, are exempt as are Newsom campaign donors. Soon the fast food restaurants will charging high end prices and become exempt. #24 The Mouse has roared. Disney bosses have won the right to continue insulting their shrinking audience. #29. Are any of us shocked by government statistics? I'm sure Mark Twain settled that question a few decades ago. #30 You know the economy is in the dump when the Never Trumper crowd starts loving the insults.

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Climate Change - Real or Scam... listen to a Nobel Price physicist provide some factual regarding the topic... a must watch "Climate, The Movie": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3Tfxiuo-oM&list=WL&index=10

FYI - the last 10 min will make you angry if you are a companionate human!!!

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Totally exposes the scam for what it really is ( a total lie), and why they push it so relentlessly.

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