A few days ago, I used a GIF of a little girl angrily shaking a hairbrush. It is an Internet legend. The full clip — from Look Who’s Talking Now — is funnier. The girl is Tabitha Lupien. The boy is David Gallagher who plays her older brother. The movie is 30 years old.
I have a suggestion; one of the choices for the poll should have been "Defund the FBI, along with the DOJ". That would have been the winner, winner, chicken dinner!
“ITEM 11: Oscar Meyer is losing its Weinermobile. It wants to be called the Frankmobile.
This transgender fad has gone too far!”
This is absolutely the wurst thing that could happen. Ditching years of tradition simply doesn’t cut the mustard in a shameless attempt to catch up to the competition
Speaking frankly here but without relish since I really don’t have a dog in this fight. ;<)
"ITEM 3: Gorsuch wrote “Since March 2020, we may have experienced the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country."
QUESTION - And will ANY Republican elected official(s) DO ANYTHING about it??? Is there anything legally or legislatively that CAN DO ?? 🤔 *sigh*
Likely, there is plenty - that isn't the problem, though. It's having the intestinal fortitude to act. No Republican in Washington, DC, posses it in sufficient quantity.
I am not aware of any recent (Clinton, Trump) example of 'impeachment' that does not INCREASE the 'impeached' president's favorability. I'm not in favor of increasing anything favorable about Biden.
However I'd be in favor of prosecuting him and the rest of the relevant family members AFTER he's OUT of office.
Clinton was made practically inept and it seems that you have also forgotten the republican's "CONTRACT WITH AMERICA" basically tying Mr. Clinton's hands for the last two years of his presidency. The republicans would be well advised to again come up with some kind of contract. The pure evil that marked the Clinton presidency, selling access to the presidency, is only matched by the greed of the Biden family. It makes me wonder what kind of evil has overcome those sworn to protect ands uphold the constitution. To the men and women who have sold out our country, may you BURN IN HELL FOR ETERNITY. Contrary to what Ms. Hilary has told you, no amount of money will bail you out. And to think Ms. Hilary said they were "Flat Broke" when they left the White House. BullShit !
As far as wait until Biden is out of office, I can guarantee you that this senile child molester will make NO new friends when the public sees just how despicable this whore really is with no teleprompter to read his lines.
Simon Ateba best be very cautious what he writes: some high officials of the USG might find out he has overstayed his visa or something, even if its not true, and send him back to Cameroun. He has already gotten into public disputes with Jen Psaki and Karine Jean-Pierre. I like his spirit.
As for Somalis getting into fights in Minnesota, I have observed Somali affairs from very close while I was stationed in neighboring Kenya. Even flew into Mogadishu on a USAF C-130 (it was, coincidentally, a Spectre gunship, but we were only using it for transportation) during one of those rare moments when it was safe to do so. I had a bad feeling when the USG began resettling large groups of so-callled refugees in groups around the USA. I thought a condition of that resettlement should be that any of those refugee families could not live within 100 miles of any other refugee family. They didn't play well together in their own country; what makes anyone think things will be different in Minnesota?
Living in outstate MN I couldn't agree with you more; the (Siamese) twin cities are ruining the state for the rest of us. We're all ready to secede and become East Dakota.
Too many things to comment on, Mr. Surber, so I will carve out my own little niche.
The ITEM 5: The Miami Herald reported, “A Florida Keys woman alleges that Island House, a decades-old resort in Key West’s Old Town, discriminates against cisgender women, transgender people and those who identify as non-binary by keeping a men-only policy for patrons.article says:
I say:
Would she rather have a house on Martha's Vineyard that was rented out to a film company that was producing homosexual porn films as what happened about three months ago? I don't know what the property owner did, but I would have burned the house to the ground.
As far as John Fetterman (D-PA) showing up in the senate chambers in a hoodie and shorts yesterday, I will say this: "Anyone who is not embarrassed by having this idiot around should really question if their life has any purpose." Even his wife wants nothing to do with him.
Just ONE house on M's V was used for such a nefarious purpose? I would think that the number of houses in M's V not used for such a venal venture would be smaller than the ones that were. Oh, and was this a AIRBNB fiasco?
I don't know about the Airbnb side of things. The City of Boston wanted to "regulate" them (ie. taxing them), but I don't believe anything has been done at the state level, but I may be wrong.
Thanks! I was just wondering who would be stupid enough to rent out a house to what had to be obviously sleezy people. On the other hand, the people owning the house might be sleazier than the "renters." One never knows do one?
Sorry Tony, I must gently disagree with your first conclusion.
While I am a rock solid conservative, that includes acknowledging "consenting" and "adults" to do what they choose to do - IN PRIVATE, with their PRIVATE parts. That's why they're called "private".
You can disagree with me all you want and I encourage it, but here are my thoughts. I never said anything about 'private' and I have never heard of a porn film, ESPECIALLY homosexual, being private anything. Homosexuals just love to show off and be the center of attention. As far as the property being "private" it most certainly is. I was commenting on what the owner of the property said about "If she had known what the property was going to be used for....." HA!!. I just love when liberal property owners complain. The owner was mad because of the exterior of the house being used for "Purposes she did not agree to."
Ok, I see the distinction of the hypocrisy of the leftist complaining about the use of the property. Point taken.
But if porn movies are legal (I believe, yes?) then I also support capitalism and the free market, again between 1. consenting and 2. adults for adults to freely consume legal entertainment as they choose.
If you want to advocate for changing laws to proscribe what entertainment people should and should not be allowed to consume, that begins a whole different discussion. Personally I am not into trying to control others any more than I want them to have power over controlling my choices.
Probably no different than the "Welcome" sign for illegal immigrants. I seem to recall Martha's Vineyard property owners earlier this year all in favor if illegals until they actually showed up. Fairy Barry Obama should have been waiting with open arms to greet all the illegals coming ashore. When has anyone ever heard of a liberal/homosexual/progressive actually practicing what they preach.
You are making gross generalizations here Tony. Are you aware, for example, that Trump appointed the first openly gay person at ambassador of a G7 country? (Ric Grennel. He is conservative by every metric as far as I'm aware.)
Also are you aware that it was a gay men's group (GOProud) who initially convinced to attend his first CPAC, apparently launching his path to run for president in 2016?
While I am neither gay nor have anyone close to me in my life who is,
I simply find it to be the confounding case that someone who hates (or condemns) a group (which has nothing to do with their own welfare or daily existence) says more about the person doing the hating than it does about the group.
I hate no one, but I do have lots of experience in dealing with homosexuals in cases you would rather not hear about. I spent 40+ years in the hospitality field. It is an area that is infested with at least 25% homosexual males and females. As a group, they are dishonest not only with their own sexuality, but as a general rule, thieves. Before you tell me I don't understand homosexuality, I not only lived with one, but he was my closest friend and business partner. I found out about his stealing from me from an unlikely source and I terminated our friendship and business dealings immediately.
Before you say "Not all homosexuals are like that." Maybe, but I haven't seen it. Or what about me getting sick at my ex-wifes "friends" Christmas party. Known as "Swishy Issey" even in homosexual circles, he tried to have sex with me as I was laying down because, and I believe it to this day, I was slipped something in my drink and was quite nauseous. Thankfully, I was just strong enough to snap his windpipe.
So, someone is conservative--so what. Almost half of Joe Biden's cabinet is homosexual. Someone's sexual preference has nothing to do with competence (OBVIOUSLY). If they happen to be good at their job, so be it. My point is that you are better off having nothing to do with them. If you want them as friends, so be it. I have learned my lesson.
Item 9. I did a spit take of my coffee this morning Don. Thank you for that reference but I might have to disagree. Gabby Johnson of blazing saddles fame is like Cicero, as a orator, compared to Senator Fetterman.
#6. These kinds of abuses will continue, and escalate until we start taking those who spy on us and feed them, feet first, through a wood chipper pointed into a hog feeder.
This is what we get for tolerating the intolerable.
They backed off when swill drinkers rebelled against Butt Light. Did we really win? Nope, they'll be back. They will just move slower. Feed us that crap sandwich in smaller bites.
Until I read this roundup, I didn't realize what an utterly infuriating week it has been and appreciate your humor.
Durham report showing egregious misdoing by the FBI, but nothing will happen to them. Justice Gorsuch reminding us how much all levels of government let the people down. And then there's the utterly stupid items I didn't know about: caps on red meat and the WHO warning about artificial sweetener (actually, they're about 20 years too late; many of us already figured that out, so why do we have them again?). I do enjoy the karma of "sanctuary" cities being flooded by "undocumented" immigrants.
They ain't undocumented. The gov knows where they are. How and why? They are getting government aid and you can be assured that Xiden knows where the money is being spent.
They are illegal aliens or to use the correct term, deportable aliens.
6 - the current disaster of a mayor in NYC is a vegetarian who sometimes eats fish. He is bragging about this program because how cutting meat out of his diet was such a great thing. As the British say, sod off. As Americans say, fuck off.
There are actually several problems with his 'new' plan. The amount of sheer government in your business that monitoring that meat cap would take is astronomical and lends itself to the gov knowing every breath and pi** you take. The government is already way too much in my business.
And the fact is humans need meat. Especially kids. There are a bunch of amino acids and other nutrients that you cant get from plants. Unless you are religious about getting the missing ingredients from supplements, then it seriously impacts your health. Now the idiot mayor is probably getting them but the avg person? Doubt it, especially since everything has skyrocketed. So the kids end up with malnutrition and the amino acids a lot of them are the base for neurological building blocks..... /rant off
As you say SL, F off to him, his horse and all the other Brandons.
#20. What do Kim Jong Un and Zou Xiden have in common? When Xi says jump they do so without question or hesitation. No pausing to ask "how high?" They leap for all they are worth then ask, "was that high enough?" Hint, it never is.
Look at reparations. It hasn't yet passed in California and now these black activist animals want it to be a national law. "Give them an inch and they will take a mile" was the saying about welfare recipients back in the '60's.
Yep TN. The slaves were already given reparations. 40 acres and a mule. Plus, unless reparations are made for every nationality going back thousands and thousands of yrs. I dont want to hear about it. They are not special. Slavery has been a blight on the human race since time began.
The blacks in Africa SOLD other tribes of blacks/their enemies to be brought here. Make the original sellers pay first. Nobody talks about that. Whites did not go into the interior and grab blacks. The slave sellers brought the slaves to the docks to sell. Again, this has been going on since the dawn of time and its been wrong the whole time.
Also, if they were serious, they would stop the slavery going on now and they dont say a word about it, esp about China. They just want money. And the sad thing is, if they ever got reparations it will never be enough, next week they will want more.
I posted several comments on the exact points you bring up. I also posted posted online that I would be on favor of reparations of they promised to stop stealing from Walmart. Considering where it was posted, you'd have thought a comment like that would have promoted all sorts of nasty rhetoric, but not a word. I guess even blacks know the truth.
Everyone here complains about the food deserts around. Its been going on decades. Why are there food deserts? Well, the groceries up and left those areas because of thief and robbery. Then they bitch there are no stores. What is the saying? You dont *mess in your neighborhood?
I agree. There was a special on not a week ago about this black woman giving a tour of an absolutely trashed Walmart and loudly questioned whether these terrorists knew if they knew who they were really hurting
By the end of May, I don't believe there will be an open Walmart within 20 miles of downtown Chicago.
What IS funny is that Biden wants the DNC to hold next year's convention there. For what purpose? To show the world the true face of liberalism?
At the rate the New Mayor is going, there wont be anything left. Even the Chicago Mercantile Exchange is talking about leaving. They are already positioned to, having sold all their physical holdings.
The New Mayor is going to levy a tax on all transactions. I dont remember if its only stocks etc or covers more. The CME would be hit with a huge tax bill in the millions since their business is only transactions. Amazing, I didnt think that ChiTown could get worse. Chicago, said to Bud Light, hold my beer.
I have a suggestion; one of the choices for the poll should have been "Defund the FBI, along with the DOJ". That would have been the winner, winner, chicken dinner!
I was kind of with you. Dismantle the FBI and CIA would be my choice.
Yes, disband both FBI, and CIA. not redo them or cut them back or any of the other things that would still leave them in any place or time
Disband the FBI, CIA, BATF, DHS, Dept. of Education...
“ITEM 11: Oscar Meyer is losing its Weinermobile. It wants to be called the Frankmobile.
This transgender fad has gone too far!”
This is absolutely the wurst thing that could happen. Ditching years of tradition simply doesn’t cut the mustard in a shameless attempt to catch up to the competition
Speaking frankly here but without relish since I really don’t have a dog in this fight. ;<)
You just slew them cold. It was a cole slaw
Just.Finished.My Coffee. You owe me a keyboard.🤣
Aint that the truth? I make sure to put the coffee down before I read Don or the comments especially on Sat. Plus I have windex for the monitor.
Smoked’em with a thorough grilling ;<)
Well played Dutch
A complaint must have been made by a sour kraut.
Yes - the complaint was a foot long & definitely from somebody inside the Ball Park but it’s still a pretty cheesy thing to do! ;<)
"ITEM 3: Gorsuch wrote “Since March 2020, we may have experienced the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country."
QUESTION - And will ANY Republican elected official(s) DO ANYTHING about it??? Is there anything legally or legislatively that CAN DO ?? 🤔 *sigh*
Likely, there is plenty - that isn't the problem, though. It's having the intestinal fortitude to act. No Republican in Washington, DC, posses it in sufficient quantity.
If it required a single cell sized piece of spine they couldn't manage to come up with it between the lot of them.
Sure there are. Impeaching Joe Biden would be an excellent start and the republicans and the military have excellent constitutional grounds to do so.
I am not aware of any recent (Clinton, Trump) example of 'impeachment' that does not INCREASE the 'impeached' president's favorability. I'm not in favor of increasing anything favorable about Biden.
However I'd be in favor of prosecuting him and the rest of the relevant family members AFTER he's OUT of office.
Clinton was made practically inept and it seems that you have also forgotten the republican's "CONTRACT WITH AMERICA" basically tying Mr. Clinton's hands for the last two years of his presidency. The republicans would be well advised to again come up with some kind of contract. The pure evil that marked the Clinton presidency, selling access to the presidency, is only matched by the greed of the Biden family. It makes me wonder what kind of evil has overcome those sworn to protect ands uphold the constitution. To the men and women who have sold out our country, may you BURN IN HELL FOR ETERNITY. Contrary to what Ms. Hilary has told you, no amount of money will bail you out. And to think Ms. Hilary said they were "Flat Broke" when they left the White House. BullShit !
As far as wait until Biden is out of office, I can guarantee you that this senile child molester will make NO new friends when the public sees just how despicable this whore really is with no teleprompter to read his lines.
But again, available options aren't the problem - it's having the will and determination to act.
Congressional Republicans just don't have it.
Sad but true. If they weren't so concerned about re-election, maybe they'd actually be concerned for what is in the best interests of the country.
Simon Ateba best be very cautious what he writes: some high officials of the USG might find out he has overstayed his visa or something, even if its not true, and send him back to Cameroun. He has already gotten into public disputes with Jen Psaki and Karine Jean-Pierre. I like his spirit.
As for Somalis getting into fights in Minnesota, I have observed Somali affairs from very close while I was stationed in neighboring Kenya. Even flew into Mogadishu on a USAF C-130 (it was, coincidentally, a Spectre gunship, but we were only using it for transportation) during one of those rare moments when it was safe to do so. I had a bad feeling when the USG began resettling large groups of so-callled refugees in groups around the USA. I thought a condition of that resettlement should be that any of those refugee families could not live within 100 miles of any other refugee family. They didn't play well together in their own country; what makes anyone think things will be different in Minnesota?
I'm not saying all Minnesotans deserve them, but most of the ones in Hennepin and Ramsey counties do.
Living in outstate MN I couldn't agree with you more; the (Siamese) twin cities are ruining the state for the rest of us. We're all ready to secede and become East Dakota.
I knew a Somali christian wh emigrated to the US.
He was a pre med now a Surgeon of note in Dallas.
He was furious the Lutheran and Catholic Charities brought in Somali Moslems -who were the problem.
Don't do that - cede Ramsey and Hennepin Counties to Wisconsin.
Amen bro.
Too many things to comment on, Mr. Surber, so I will carve out my own little niche.
The ITEM 5: The Miami Herald reported, “A Florida Keys woman alleges that Island House, a decades-old resort in Key West’s Old Town, discriminates against cisgender women, transgender people and those who identify as non-binary by keeping a men-only policy for patrons.article says:
I say:
Would she rather have a house on Martha's Vineyard that was rented out to a film company that was producing homosexual porn films as what happened about three months ago? I don't know what the property owner did, but I would have burned the house to the ground.
As far as John Fetterman (D-PA) showing up in the senate chambers in a hoodie and shorts yesterday, I will say this: "Anyone who is not embarrassed by having this idiot around should really question if their life has any purpose." Even his wife wants nothing to do with him.
Just ONE house on M's V was used for such a nefarious purpose? I would think that the number of houses in M's V not used for such a venal venture would be smaller than the ones that were. Oh, and was this a AIRBNB fiasco?
I don't know about the Airbnb side of things. The City of Boston wanted to "regulate" them (ie. taxing them), but I don't believe anything has been done at the state level, but I may be wrong.
Thanks! I was just wondering who would be stupid enough to rent out a house to what had to be obviously sleezy people. On the other hand, the people owning the house might be sleazier than the "renters." One never knows do one?
Sorry Tony, I must gently disagree with your first conclusion.
While I am a rock solid conservative, that includes acknowledging "consenting" and "adults" to do what they choose to do - IN PRIVATE, with their PRIVATE parts. That's why they're called "private".
You can disagree with me all you want and I encourage it, but here are my thoughts. I never said anything about 'private' and I have never heard of a porn film, ESPECIALLY homosexual, being private anything. Homosexuals just love to show off and be the center of attention. As far as the property being "private" it most certainly is. I was commenting on what the owner of the property said about "If she had known what the property was going to be used for....." HA!!. I just love when liberal property owners complain. The owner was mad because of the exterior of the house being used for "Purposes she did not agree to."
Ok, I see the distinction of the hypocrisy of the leftist complaining about the use of the property. Point taken.
But if porn movies are legal (I believe, yes?) then I also support capitalism and the free market, again between 1. consenting and 2. adults for adults to freely consume legal entertainment as they choose.
If you want to advocate for changing laws to proscribe what entertainment people should and should not be allowed to consume, that begins a whole different discussion. Personally I am not into trying to control others any more than I want them to have power over controlling my choices.
But I'm happy to agree to disagree if need be.
Probably no different than the "Welcome" sign for illegal immigrants. I seem to recall Martha's Vineyard property owners earlier this year all in favor if illegals until they actually showed up. Fairy Barry Obama should have been waiting with open arms to greet all the illegals coming ashore. When has anyone ever heard of a liberal/homosexual/progressive actually practicing what they preach.
You are making gross generalizations here Tony. Are you aware, for example, that Trump appointed the first openly gay person at ambassador of a G7 country? (Ric Grennel. He is conservative by every metric as far as I'm aware.)
Also are you aware that it was a gay men's group (GOProud) who initially convinced to attend his first CPAC, apparently launching his path to run for president in 2016?
While I am neither gay nor have anyone close to me in my life who is,
I simply find it to be the confounding case that someone who hates (or condemns) a group (which has nothing to do with their own welfare or daily existence) says more about the person doing the hating than it does about the group.
I hate no one, but I do have lots of experience in dealing with homosexuals in cases you would rather not hear about. I spent 40+ years in the hospitality field. It is an area that is infested with at least 25% homosexual males and females. As a group, they are dishonest not only with their own sexuality, but as a general rule, thieves. Before you tell me I don't understand homosexuality, I not only lived with one, but he was my closest friend and business partner. I found out about his stealing from me from an unlikely source and I terminated our friendship and business dealings immediately.
Before you say "Not all homosexuals are like that." Maybe, but I haven't seen it. Or what about me getting sick at my ex-wifes "friends" Christmas party. Known as "Swishy Issey" even in homosexual circles, he tried to have sex with me as I was laying down because, and I believe it to this day, I was slipped something in my drink and was quite nauseous. Thankfully, I was just strong enough to snap his windpipe.
So, someone is conservative--so what. Almost half of Joe Biden's cabinet is homosexual. Someone's sexual preference has nothing to do with competence (OBVIOUSLY). If they happen to be good at their job, so be it. My point is that you are better off having nothing to do with them. If you want them as friends, so be it. I have learned my lesson.
"Dropbox account that contained several files of children under 10 [having sex with] BEING RAPED BY adult men.”
SHAME on the NEW YORK POST for that description! 😡
WHAT ?? Telling the truth?
If you don't grasp the distinction between "having sex with children under 10" and "rape" then I can't help you.
Children under 10 having sex with an adult is hardly consensual. I consider both as rape and certainly don't need help for someone like you.
On the poll: Option 3 - Lock 'n' Load; we're done with this B.S.
On Ben Shapiro: for a young guy he has a short memory.
Item 9. I did a spit take of my coffee this morning Don. Thank you for that reference but I might have to disagree. Gabby Johnson of blazing saddles fame is like Cicero, as a orator, compared to Senator Fetterman.
Blazing Saddles and History of the World and Monty Python would not get made in these times, lord I miss good comedy
#6. These kinds of abuses will continue, and escalate until we start taking those who spy on us and feed them, feet first, through a wood chipper pointed into a hog feeder.
This is what we get for tolerating the intolerable.
They backed off when swill drinkers rebelled against Butt Light. Did we really win? Nope, they'll be back. They will just move slower. Feed us that crap sandwich in smaller bites.
That would be indefensibly cruel to the hogs. But I get your point.
Until I read this roundup, I didn't realize what an utterly infuriating week it has been and appreciate your humor.
Durham report showing egregious misdoing by the FBI, but nothing will happen to them. Justice Gorsuch reminding us how much all levels of government let the people down. And then there's the utterly stupid items I didn't know about: caps on red meat and the WHO warning about artificial sweetener (actually, they're about 20 years too late; many of us already figured that out, so why do we have them again?). I do enjoy the karma of "sanctuary" cities being flooded by "undocumented" immigrants.
They ain't undocumented. The gov knows where they are. How and why? They are getting government aid and you can be assured that Xiden knows where the money is being spent.
They are illegal aliens or to use the correct term, deportable aliens.
1. Ateba is the Tucker Carlson of Africa.
6 - the current disaster of a mayor in NYC is a vegetarian who sometimes eats fish. He is bragging about this program because how cutting meat out of his diet was such a great thing. As the British say, sod off. As Americans say, fuck off.
There are actually several problems with his 'new' plan. The amount of sheer government in your business that monitoring that meat cap would take is astronomical and lends itself to the gov knowing every breath and pi** you take. The government is already way too much in my business.
And the fact is humans need meat. Especially kids. There are a bunch of amino acids and other nutrients that you cant get from plants. Unless you are religious about getting the missing ingredients from supplements, then it seriously impacts your health. Now the idiot mayor is probably getting them but the avg person? Doubt it, especially since everything has skyrocketed. So the kids end up with malnutrition and the amino acids a lot of them are the base for neurological building blocks..... /rant off
As you say SL, F off to him, his horse and all the other Brandons.
#20. What do Kim Jong Un and Zou Xiden have in common? When Xi says jump they do so without question or hesitation. No pausing to ask "how high?" They leap for all they are worth then ask, "was that high enough?" Hint, it never is.
Look at reparations. It hasn't yet passed in California and now these black activist animals want it to be a national law. "Give them an inch and they will take a mile" was the saying about welfare recipients back in the '60's.
Yep TN. The slaves were already given reparations. 40 acres and a mule. Plus, unless reparations are made for every nationality going back thousands and thousands of yrs. I dont want to hear about it. They are not special. Slavery has been a blight on the human race since time began.
The blacks in Africa SOLD other tribes of blacks/their enemies to be brought here. Make the original sellers pay first. Nobody talks about that. Whites did not go into the interior and grab blacks. The slave sellers brought the slaves to the docks to sell. Again, this has been going on since the dawn of time and its been wrong the whole time.
Also, if they were serious, they would stop the slavery going on now and they dont say a word about it, esp about China. They just want money. And the sad thing is, if they ever got reparations it will never be enough, next week they will want more.
I posted several comments on the exact points you bring up. I also posted posted online that I would be on favor of reparations of they promised to stop stealing from Walmart. Considering where it was posted, you'd have thought a comment like that would have promoted all sorts of nasty rhetoric, but not a word. I guess even blacks know the truth.
Everyone here complains about the food deserts around. Its been going on decades. Why are there food deserts? Well, the groceries up and left those areas because of thief and robbery. Then they bitch there are no stores. What is the saying? You dont *mess in your neighborhood?
I agree. There was a special on not a week ago about this black woman giving a tour of an absolutely trashed Walmart and loudly questioned whether these terrorists knew if they knew who they were really hurting
By the end of May, I don't believe there will be an open Walmart within 20 miles of downtown Chicago.
What IS funny is that Biden wants the DNC to hold next year's convention there. For what purpose? To show the world the true face of liberalism?
At the rate the New Mayor is going, there wont be anything left. Even the Chicago Mercantile Exchange is talking about leaving. They are already positioned to, having sold all their physical holdings.
The New Mayor is going to levy a tax on all transactions. I dont remember if its only stocks etc or covers more. The CME would be hit with a huge tax bill in the millions since their business is only transactions. Amazing, I didnt think that ChiTown could get worse. Chicago, said to Bud Light, hold my beer.
"Zou Xiden" --- perfect
Great Saturday morning reads. Not only from the great Mr. Surber, but also from the great supporting commentators on here. Thanks yall.
--- “When the goon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, he’s Somali.” --- !!!!!!!!!!
--- “Scott Adams is right.” Perfect.
--- LOCK UP Christiane Amanpour.
ITEM 25: Trump 62, DeSantis 17. And the completely dishonest NY Post is insisting that DeSantis is way ahead of Trump in the polls.
The ongoing Lachlan Murdoch fiasco is one hundred times bigger than the Prince Harry --- Princess Bitch traveling circus.
Today (05-20-23) is HELL DAY for Mark Zuckerberg. And so will be May 22, 2023, if not sooner.
This needs repeating. And this is exactly what happened back in 2016/17
"They spied on Trump during the campaign, using the FBI to listen to his every conversation. Russiagate was their cover story"
Where are the long prison sentences and firing squads?