Item 1: Enough with comments about what Fauci says or thinks. Fauci is a lying crook. A disgrace to humanity. WE ONLY WANT TO READ ABOUT FAUCI BEING TRIED AND SENTENCED TO LIFE IN PRISON, AND STRIPPED OF EVERY CENT HE STOLE FROM OUR GOVERNMENT.

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He was a scumbag in the 80s when he allowed tens of thousands of gay men to die in what would be found to be HIV. The fact that anyone listened to him after that is perplexing. FJB

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And yet, he still walks among us...and worse yet, shoots his mouth off in the media like he's an authority. Burning at the stake is too good for him.

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To those of us Americans of the Italian heritage persuasion he is a tutto disgraziati. A total disgrace.

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And the fact that he made MILLIONS from patents, while employed by the US Gov't (at highest reported salary, no less), should be criminal. Private sector employees do not realize $$ from their patents, why should civil servants?

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Not true?

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That's strange; I thought he was a f----t himself.

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Yes, we watched him on the SF nightly news pimping a vaccine that never happened. It gave false hope to those who wanted to justify continuing unsafe sex.

I was a volunteer in an holistic AIDs clinic offering adjunct therapy to Western treatment aimed at non-invasive practices to strengthen the immune system. We knew he was a sleaze.

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Not me, I want to read about how he was executed for mass murder.

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Fine with me if he can FIRST be injected with the concoction he helped create--in every available organ still remaining in his body. Followed by an open-air autopsy by would-be medical students. On TV.

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The SCOTUS just made Fauci powerless.

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IF ONLY, he actually took his 'jab' and all the mandatory boosters...NOW that would be poetic justice, it would be so very S.A.D.S.

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I’d add him to the list of names I never want to see again

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My dear friend, I am so grateful for your friendship. You have come to the right place, the Surber Nation Mental Health Support Group.

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Also known as the nation’s couch. (Jokes aside, my better half is a shrink. All she ever asks is , “Why do you hate your mother?”)

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Too lenient? Draw and quarter/public square. Evil toxic toad.

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He abused his tiny whitee nan privelege

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He is pond scum.

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Even pond scum has a purpose in the food chain. For Fauxci to rise to the level of pond scum he would have to be turned into fertilizer.

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I heartily approve.

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Item 28: “45 shot and 8 dead in Chicago.” Just wait till the DNC convention hits town.

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No kidding...

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I thought Item 7 was funny. But the truth is, whoever decided it was a good idea to break our long standing agreement with Russia and allow Ukraine to join the US funded free-loader group NATO should be fired for incompetence and trying to incite a world war. I believe the agreement goes back to the early 90’s and was part of a larger agreement. This decision to break our word………again, had Lyndsay Graham and the Neocons written all over it. Call me names if you want but we don’t need anymore damn wars fought by young people who had nothing to do with the decision. If the Neocons want another war for profit then their kids and grandkids need to be the first ones deployed. There are simply too many of these closet neocons in our government and congress. If they want war so badly, then the L. Grahams and Mitt Romneys and Hunter Bidens of the government and their families need to fight them.

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RD, the architects behind this screwed up policy are Victoria Nuland and the Vindman brothers. They will be in the express lane to hell.

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Nuland, yes. But the Vinman's are just wanna-be players and aren't setting policy. There are too many neocons here to mention and many are not currently on the payroll of the government. The other policy big name is the CIA. They will eventually morph into Big Brother unless we remove them from the field and reduce them to actual foreign intelligence. But congress is afraid of them so...........................

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And you know that a Vindman is running for Congress in VA right? 🫤

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Yes, let him run. Virginia is becoming a red state thanks to FJB and his policies. He wont get the votes.

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Ehhh, I admire your positivity but I can't say that I share it. I fear he will win and be another in the Squad (to replace butthead Bowman)

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Virginia is changing politically, fast becoming a red state..........again like neighbor WV. He has right to run but he has no experience in VA and from what I can see, he is not well liked except in Marxist and leftist camps. His mouth precedes him.

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The Vindman's are just chattering publicly to the marxist-dems what they'll do for them privately when hired.

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Spot on. Just minor leaguers who want to play “the show”. Also called tools.

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I pity the poor fool (h/t Mr. T)

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…AND the US State Department AND the CIA!

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Except that my senator, Miss Lindsey, will never reproduce.

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The Hawks in the Senate and House are always easy to spot and yet the voters keep electing them over and over. With our failing educational system, we are producing more dumb voters all the time.

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"With our failing educational system, we are producing more dumb voters all the time."

That is their plan, precisely.

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Gay graffiti is better protected than 12-year-old girls are from being raped and murdered by illegal aliens.

Classic Surber!

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Libs don’t like Trump’s children because they are well adjusted. On the other hand, they love Old Joe’s kids because they remind them of their own.

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…or of themselves!

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The fall of FJB is well deserved and a beautiful thing to watch. However the speed and coordination seem well planned. Is that Barack’s fingerprints on the knife?

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Yep, and the same prints they found of his chef's paddle board when the chef drowned in a pond. A pond...let that sink in.

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Probably saw "Michelle" naked.

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Nope - they'll be Valerie Jarrett's...

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But will he fall (except literally?)

It seems even odds that he will remain the nominee, and worse yet, will win via another steal. Based on his comments in last night's interview, FJB seems remarkably unconcerned that he might lose. Wonder why?

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And maybe Hillary's?? 🤔

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Some very great highlights and wise cynical comments by Sir Don. The best link: Pizza on the floor.

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Don't think the $264 million is enough to pay off the good Dr, nor Hunter, Ashley, brother Jim, Kamala and the hundreds of bloodsucking parasites hanging on for the last hoorah. The billionaires who bought this train wreck are now going to have to pay it off.

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Every item in today's lineup was a slam dunk.

Pizza on the floor was the perfect dessert.

Have a good weekend everyone.

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Item 27: “Biden says he’s ‘first black woman to serve with a black president..." Well, call him Aunt Jemima, and make him IHop's spokes person.

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Waffle House is a better fit for Joe's crew.

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Waffle House doesn't deserve such an insult...

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Welcome to the founding members.

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Republicans focus on campaigns.

marxist-democrats focus on elections.

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is not a lie

it's two lies.

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#9 “ President Biden is seven times more popular than former President Trump among Ukrainians.”

Too bad all those polled are dead now.

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They're more useful dead. Now they can vote for Democrats.

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Item 13: What are the odds that Biden is skimming ten percent off the top of political donations? I'm thinking 8-5.

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#26 - NYT whined, “There Is Apparently No Accountability — Ever — for Donald Trump.”

WOW! Lefty’s complaining about NO ACCOUNTABILITY while they have been on a lawless rampage for 8 years and not a single person has gone to jail for it!

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The left's arguments are so deep, they have gone from "what about" to "I know you are but what am i"

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Right out of the gate:

EXCELLENT MEME atop the article!!

Perfect. 👍

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Yes, perfect!

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