No chance at all that masks will reappear here in N.J. (other than the nuts who have been wearing them non-stop since 2000)...
"ITEM 6... “Biden blasted for walking out before end of Medal of Honor ceremony..."
DS: "He left early because there were no little girls there to sniff."
Oh, great. Here come the White House Medal of Honor ceremonies for 4 year-old girls.
ITEM 7... “Blackholes keep ‘burping up’ stars they [had] destroyed..."
DS: "The only answer is blackholes are recycling centers..."
Green black holes.
ITEM 11... “Chemists Develop New Way To Split Water.”
DS "I can just hear liberals now arguing that if the Manhattan Project had split water instead of atoms, we could have won the war with a giant water balloon instead of two A-bombs."
Nancy Pelosi, with her two giant water balloons, will win the argument.
And in other news, I sent this out... in haste... without proofing...
"South Carolina State's Only Hope Vs GA today Is...
"If one of the Georgia players drives the team bus to the stadium!"
(2nd message):
"THAT would have been funny if I got the teams right... Ball State played GA. OOPS!
"Next time, I am not letting a Georgia player drive me to the joke."
No chance at all that masks will reappear here in N.J. (other than the nuts who have been wearing them non-stop since 2000)...
"ITEM 6... “Biden blasted for walking out before end of Medal of Honor ceremony..."
DS: "He left early because there were no little girls there to sniff."
Oh, great. Here come the White House Medal of Honor ceremonies for 4 year-old girls.
ITEM 7... “Blackholes keep ‘burping up’ stars they [had] destroyed..."
DS: "The only answer is blackholes are recycling centers..."
Green black holes.
ITEM 11... “Chemists Develop New Way To Split Water.”
DS "I can just hear liberals now arguing that if the Manhattan Project had split water instead of atoms, we could have won the war with a giant water balloon instead of two A-bombs."
Nancy Pelosi, with her two giant water balloons, will win the argument.
And in other news, I sent this out... in haste... without proofing...
"South Carolina State's Only Hope Vs GA today Is...
"If one of the Georgia players drives the team bus to the stadium!"
(2nd message):
"THAT would have been funny if I got the teams right... Ball State played GA. OOPS!
"Next time, I am not letting a Georgia player drive me to the joke."