I have been told Monkeypox and Mpox are racial slurs. The only safe course is to call it DiversityPox.

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The Diversity vaccine is actually Cowpox as God and Jenner intended. The first vaccine was introduced by British physician Edward Jenner, who in 1796 used the cowpox virus (vaccinia) to confer protection against smallpox, a related virus, in humans.

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Cowpox is for sissies George Washington innoculated his army in Morristown with smallpox…as the CDC (when founded a few centuries later) would say, it was safe & effective too, as did SCOTuS about slavery, back in that day…so everyone was good..

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George got his smallpox immunity the hard way. He caught smallpox and survived on a trip to Barbados with his brother. It was his only trip outside of what became the USA.

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His brother had Lawrence had TB. They went to Barbados for him to recuperate. George got smallpox there and survived. The first medical tourists.

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We took the ‘special tour of Mount Vernon’ and toured the basement under the house & saw the original smaller house foundation stone, with initial LW and crossed spontoons.

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“Delta pushes strict underwear regulations for flight attendants in eyebrow-raising memo.”

I laughed at this briefly, until remembering that many flight attendants today are gay men. That image, or men wearing short skirts with nothing underneath, ruined my morning. So I'm passing it along to ruin everyone else's.

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“briefly” - ha!

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Yoiks !!

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Evil does not begin to cover what you did there, sir.

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I think you might have missed the point of what I wrote. I am not the only person to note that a number of gay men have started working as flight attendants in the last decade. The thought of one of them purposely showing off their junk is something I would find unpleasant, at best. Their lifestyle is not part of the equation except insofar as they seem to have found a niche in the profession of flight attendants, and it was flight attendants to whom Delta addressed their uniform requirements. So far, my comment has resonated with 43 readers.

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About that 44% of Jewish voters still going for Harris. First, nobody is more supportive of Israel in its existential struggle with its islamic neighbors than I. As far as I am concerned, Israel could drop the big one on Teheran today and I would shed not a single tear. Well, maybe one for the iranian Christians. Islam is not only Israel's enemy but ours as well. You know, "Little Satan, Big Satan" and all that. That said, I marvel at any Jew who still believes that Harris is a better choice than the man whose daughter married a Jew and is raising his grandchildren in that faith. Of course, I could say the same for any American citizen who also supports Harris and her political party over Trump. What is wrong with these people?

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John 1:5

“ And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”

1 Timothy 4:1-2

“ Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;”

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Jews like free things ?

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RE: the poll

I prefer Que Mala, for the hispanic vote, you know

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Did anyone bother to translate Que Mala?

Hate to have to explain my jokes, but my Google Spanish Translator gives it as “How bad!”

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“Que Mala” is THE MOST appropriate name for her, hands down.

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…but “Khameleon” is also good.

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I rather like Tucker's pronunciation - Karmela

Speaking of Tucker, have you seen his performance of the cha cha cha on Dancing with the Stars? I saw it posted last night on CFP and after who knows how much intensive practice, he was pretty good, definitely entertaining!

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Suzie- a snippet of Karma Chaleon’s lyrics

I'm a man without conviction

I'm a man who doesn't know

How to sell a contradiction

You come and go, you come and go

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I know! It should be played every time she appears!

The slithery thing she is. Ugh.

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Karma Chameleon

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Ted Knight and Rodney Dangerfield should have made more pictures together.


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'twas an interesting week, for me the 'splody things in Lebanon were the hilite.

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Hezbollah now means in English He's Ball Less

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Saw somewhere they now had to change their name to “Hezah” as they lost their “bolls”.


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Yes and the mastermind of the Beirut U.S. embassy bombing was one of the two "top" Hezbollah commanders killed this week.

He apparently had a $7M bounty on his head (from the U.S). Of course it required our ally Israel to take this terrorist out.

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#15 Ernie Anderson was the announcer’s announcer. He had such a great voice.

#16 Not too soon at all. Great idea, actually.

#22 Everyone here will enjoy this… https://youtu.be/NIz-aoZFzM4?feature=shared

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Excellent clip!

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many up votes. Thank you.

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Saw the parody on YouTube. I am still laughing----so excellent! Need more of this kind of stuff to show truth in a different way.

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Item 1 - Don. that's how he's hiding in the closet. Hitting on women he knows will say no. But now he has proof that he's a manly man... or something.

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Here're my thoughts regarding your various Highlights

#8. Amen!

#12 To anyone who actually thinks Karmela is a gun owner, I have a beautiful island for sale - might you be interested?

#16 I agree, pagers to replace all of our other generous giveaways

#20 The pets in Springfield have disappeared thanks to the practice of Haitian Voodoo and the required animal sacrifice. There was a terrific black pastor on CFP last night telling all about it

#21 There was a video of a very emotional gentleman speaking prior to one of Trump's rallies who had gone to same private school as Trump. His story was that his father had suddenly passed away, the school cost $2500 per year per student. Morning after funeral, there was a knock on their door, kid opened door, gentleman asked to see the mom and proceeded to let her know that he'd just gone to see the headmaster and arranged to pay for all 3 children to continue at that school through to graduation - the gentleman was Fred Trump, Donald Trump's father. PDJT was raised knowing kindness and continues that legacy

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“ ITEM 16: Instead of giving illegal immigrants with MS-13 tattoos a debit card, a room at a luxury hotel an EBT card, how about we just give them a pager?

Too soon?”

Sadly, we’re too late.

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Too funny Suzie !!

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Amen, and yes that was funny.

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Question: What’s the difference between these two?

Fanny Pack: “A waist bag, fanny pack, belt bag, moon bag, belly bag (American English), or bumbag (British English) is a small fabric pouch worn like a belt around the waist by use of a strap above the hips that is secured usually with some sort of buckle. It can be considered as a purse worn around the waist.”

Sporran: “The sporran, a traditional part of male Scottish Highland dress, is a pouch that functions as a pocket for the kilt. Made of leather or fur, the ornamentation of the sporran is chosen to complement the formality of dress worn with it. The sporran is worn on a leather strap or chain, conventionally positioned in front of the groin of the wearer.”

Answer: They’re the same. Tradition be damned.

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But if you are wearing a sporran, you are either in violation of Delta's brief policy or you're not a true Scotsman.

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But wearing a Sporran sounds cool (and does look good with the kilt) and a belly bag, low and behold, really does not sound cool at all or manly. =p

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#9. The only way to contribute positively to the LGBTQ community is to tell them matter of factly that their life style is self destructive and condemned by GOD.

We should love them, but love isn't telling a drunk to have another drink, or an addict to shoot up more heroin. Nor is it providing cover for an adulterer.

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Sep 21Edited

👍Or influencing anyone to butcher their bodies.

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You can edit this and remove "under 18" and be right on target.

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Kamala didn’t get the Teamsters endorsement but she did get this

The union that represents the nation’s Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents announced Wednesday that it is endorsing Democrat Kamala Harris for president in this year’s election.

Vice President Harris has played a role in “one of the most pro-labor administrations in history,” the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) explained in a press release announcing its decision:

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There’s a National Treasury Union??!!

Dear Lord.

This government needs to be exorcised.

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Originally part of the international brotherhood of shake down artists extortionists and thugs, along with the Italian and Russian Mafia , they were kicked out for being too ham fisted with people .

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Suzie, You need to read congressman Andy Biggs column today in Townhall for guidance. You may get as pissed as I did.

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The IC got to Johnson bigly a while back when there was a critical Ukraine spending vote coming up. I remember He’d just come out from a “secure briefing” with all the Intelligence Agencies and something had dramatically changed him on a dime. He appeared almost terrified, like deer in headlights. God only knows what happened in that room, but he’s never been the same since.

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You're very astute, ma'am.❤️

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Of course the IRS supported her. She gave them $80 billion to hire guns *cough *cough 87,000 more agents to collect taxes from the RICH......... or more likely, all those who cannot afford an accountant, like all the rest of the nation.

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"Jimmy Hoffa is turning over in his grave — laughing so hard."

How would you know? Last I heard, they'd never found his grave.

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Hard to turn over when you’re encased in concrete. Just sayin’.

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Trade Centers are gone now. He might have room.

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I heard he was under one of the end zones and Giant's stadium in New Jersey.

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ITEM 27: Politico reported, “Democrats privately worry the Teamsters non-endorsement is a warning sign.” Jimmy Hoffa is turning over in his grave — laughing so hard. He had the union back Nixon in 1972, which led to the first 49-state landslide.

I vaguely remembered the Teamsters (or another large union) supported Nixon in '72. So, I went looking on Wikipedia.

Can you believe it, Wikipedia does not list, much less describe the Teamsters' endorsement, in their entries regarding Nixon and the 1972 campaign??

Shocking. Not.

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John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers, was a Republican -- most of the time

Good move

Too bad crooks took over when he died

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Good morning, all.

Don, in that first poll, you spelled "twit" wrong. She hasn't enough discipline or humility to be a witch. I'm thinking, from her behavior, that she's leaning more towards "malicious idiot".

My Ma, who will be 93 this November, retired out of being a CSR (that's the newer term for Stewardess/Steward) at the airline she flew with. She has choice words for some of those entitled brats.

The best one of this week, for me, was "Operation Grim Beeper" as it has been waggishly referred to. You could say that, to pull that one off, took some balls...

Hey Ham-ass/Heezbonkers, remember this: Don't start none, won't be none.

JB gets his second series of puppy shots today! Filling out nicely, and The Grrls are closer than ever to accepting him. Time, and training, will tell.

Have a great weekend, all.

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Haha--"Operation Grim Beeper"!

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Good humor this am Kv.

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