May 11Liked by Don Surber

As to that poll question: My first thought was Melania -- if she was the one who said NO -- is worried for Barron's safety.

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Well, she is a mom. Always will be

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And she may have good reason to worry as bad as TDS can get.

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My thought was that, just maybe, the SS detail assigned, suggested that it would be wiser and safer for him to forego this convention and he prolly gave up a date to attend. So, take the date and stay unharmed.

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I wouldn't worry about bodily harm as much as him getting suborned/extorted/blackmailed.

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If we could stop government overregulation of business in this country, we'd probably already have a car that folded into a briefcase. And $1.25 non-ethanol gasoline to fly it with.

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as many bad drivers as there are on the roads, the thought of them having that many more options for how to run into things gives me serious pause.

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The descent from altitude all but ensures they only do it once.

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small comfort if the landing zone is my house

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Substantively, the issues for our economy are to remove gov't interference (regulation and crowding out the capital markets) while unleashing demand via better fiscal policy. It may involve short term pain as we wean from the government spending teat, but remember Trump's golden years of 2018-2019.

Not sure how we can get the corrupt DC blob to understand that unlimited spending and cronyism via the Green New Deal (the real name of the Inflation Reduction Act) are ominous for the future of the USA. And indeed, for the corrupt blob reps' ultimate finances too.

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More like fifty cents

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May 11Liked by Don Surber

Item 5. Volenti non fit iniuria (or injuria) (Latin: "to a willing person, injury is not done") is a Roman legal maxim and common law doctrine which states that if someone willingly places themselves in a position where harm might result, knowing that some degree of harm might result, they are not able to bring a claim against the other party in tort or delict. Volenti applies only to the risk which a reasonable person would consider them as having assumed by their actions; thus a boxer consents to being hit, and to the injuries that might be expected from being hit, but does not consent to (for example) his opponent striking him with an iron bar, or punching him outside the usual terms of boxing. Volenti is also known as a "voluntary assumption of risk".

Volenti is sometimes described as the plaintiff "consenting to run a risk".

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May 11Liked by Don Surber

re: brain worm famine. Remember in grade school, when somebody said something stupid and their buddy would splay his fingers, grab the top of the goober's head and make slurping sounds? "Brain-sucker starving to death." I was beginning to warm up to RFK, Jr. until he started backing addadicktome and choppadickoffame surgery. It's like they say about girlfriends: they can only hide crazy for so long.

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RFK Jr. sounded good until he started speaking. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree but this one rolled down the hill into La La Land

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RFK has never been taken seriously by those of us who remember his shameful abuse of his eventual ex-wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy, who, not long after their divorce, committed suicide.

--- "Fred’s Plumbing Elementary School, home of the Fighting Leaks" !!!

--- Bob Iger returning to Disney trumps the previous all-time "TWICE I'm An Idiot" Award:

The Mets bringing Bobby Bonilla back to New York, forty years ago (no one has forgotten).

--- Did you say "Spaghetti"?!

Spencer Arrighetti marries actress Anna Maria Alberghetti.

The Arrighetti-Alberghettis honeymoon

Where else, but in the Alleghenies?

Then Anna returns to her role in "Pettit Larcenettis,"

Produced by the Foundation Gettys (directed by Dave Righetti).

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The girlfriend thing...very, very funny.

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And usually very very true, you cant hide cray cray.

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Like I told my two sons, don’t marry stupid and don’t marry crazy, both conditions are permanent! And crazy is the scarier one.

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My first thought to RFK's "worm in the brain" comment, was:

"Are you drinking that crick water again?"

Remember, once a Kennedy, always a Kennedy...

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Those damned creek-water amoebae are no joke. Turn your brain into jelly, and I mean Right Now. Saw a case back when the world was new; it took me back to those childhood days Up The Holler, when I would sneak a drink out of the creek sometimes. Fortunately there was nothing above us in the holler except cows, so I guess all I got was a small dose of cow shit.

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We played in a crick-pool created by a spring up the hill, rolling over a rocky ledge and caught the water to drink, while playing in the summer.....those were the days....cows and horses were in another pasture.

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Oh my God. Yes, those were the days. I'd give anything I own - well, except my tractor, maybe - to live just one of those days again. And then to go home as the sun hung low in the evening to one of my mother's dinners.

Gotta go. Something in my eye.

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Drinking water deer elk and other creatures release in never harmed me (much).I voted PDJT twice and will a turd time.

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No Kennedy now or ever

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I'll never forget a Canadian friend's comment when Teddy Kennedy ran for president: "Maybe somebody will pull off a hat-trick." Had to think about that one.

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#25. Kevin is spot on.

#34. Michael Byrd committed murder. A former Brasilian national now a Lt. with the Capitol Police ?

#35. Paul Ryan? Who cares Paul. You are a loser although we know your vanity mirror tells you otherwise. Get over yourself. You are done.

From the beach....


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After reading that quote from Carville, I found myself wondering if he was channeling Joe Biden.

Item 13 - how are they going to fix up JFK Airport with all of those illegal criminals camping inside it?

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Me too

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When I see Carville, I always think the same thing: I'd love to get inside his head for about twenty minutes, just to see how his thoughts work. I've a Jewish acquaintance - about sixty years old, for God's sake - who has absolutely terminal TDS, and I wonder about him in the same way. What led these people to think the way they do?

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I watched an interview Carville had with Bill Maher.

He shared a story about a visit he’d once made mingling about at a Trump rally.

His words:

“I coild not help but realize how superior I was to all those people.”

To which Maher replied:

“I know - that’s exactly right.”

Superior - that was his word, and that’s what he thinks, and all his ilk likewise. Hillary for another example, and Katie Couric said nearly the identical thing also in an interview with Maher.

We are dung to them.

They are brilliance itself.

All ya need to know.

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You know what? I think you nailed it. What do they think of us? "Flyover country." "Smelly WalMart shoppers." "Knuckle-draggers." "Deplorables."

They might want to read a little history. I recommend starting with France, spring 1789. Those elite thought they might be just a little cut above the rest, too. Then within a year they suffered the greatest cut of all.

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If you needed any more proof that the Dunning-Kruger Effect is real, just listen to James Carville for one minute.

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I cant. All you need to do is add a screeching voice and he could be on the View.

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Had to look up Dunning-Kruger Effect--cool--realized I'd observed this in some situations with puzzlement, but now have a name for it!

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Unbelievable that the crude, culturally abhorrent Carville sees himself as superior in anyway.

Our neighbors at our country place, not "elite" in any way, are titans compared to Carville.

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Women. They wanted the job. They got the job

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May 11Liked by Don Surber

31: The only thing that will help hospitals survive with required free care, fixed reimbursement with 20% Bidenflation, DEI nurses and doctors is another pandemic and increased government payments. Covid was a good economically to hospitals Big Pharma, Doctors, politicians and many businesses. It was not to many people including my family. Each day I am thankful that God will damn each and everyone involved to hell. FJB and F Fauci (both are already damned)

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There is a extra special place in hell for all of them especially Feeci and Brix.

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Fauci going to hell for what he did to all the young gay men in the late 80s. The Chinese are already in hell.

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...except the Chinese Christians who are being persecuted by the Chinese Communist government...

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May 11Liked by Don Surber

Another excellent Saturday read.

One of the hospitals that is up for sale is in Rockledge, Florida.

One of their unexpected problem that they spend close to $1,000,000 on was to rid the hospital of bats. They so far have stiffed the exterminator that did the work over several months. Now that’s unusual but treating the illegals - I doubt the hospitals get reimbursed for anything close to the cost of treatment-that’s on FJB and crew.

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i work as an accountant for a hospital in metro Denver. "undocumented patients" as we are required to call them by state government generally pay at about 5% of direct cost. never mind that hospitals by their nature have significant indirect costs. i wouldn't expect it to be much better in any other states.

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#1: Truth.

#2: Not sure why Panera would be the least bit concerned with repeat customers given that it's deep-sixed a fair number of its most popular items, and those that remain are made with ingredients of such sub-standard quality one risks illness if consumed.

#3: Colorado is demonstrating why you DO NOT allow Marxists ANY quarter.

Anyone who fails to see that danger needs to read, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie".

#4: The publicity and attention from those who bother isn't enough, it seems - they want it from those who couldn't care less.

I'm guessing Miss America's publicist suggested it after recalling the fawning over that privileged black female gymnast who put herself ahead of the US Olympic team.

The teenager is just a copycat.

#5: If you can't take it, don't dish it out

#7: Truth, again!

#8: "Hey Democrats, hire Alissa Heinerscheid to run FJB’s campaign."

Wouldn't THAT be a godsend?

#9: We'll see about that...

#10: Signs of intelligent life...

#12: A free-for-all among some Marxists and one less-than-nimble establishment Republican NeverTrumper - oka an undocumented Democrat.

Maryland is truly a lost cause.

#15 & #16: There was a time I might have allowed that Boeing was the target of some highy effective and sustained corporate espionage and sabotage, but no longer.

The sabotage is self-inflicted, and Airbus doesn't need to spy on Boeing - it is self-destructing all by itself.

#18: Ms. Kosinski must have really pissed off the wrong higher-ups.

#21: Ooooo...a contempt of congress charge from a "Republican"-majority HoR.

That'll show Garland who's in charge 🙄 ...if I were Garland, I'd be more afraid of Elmer Fudd.

#25: Truth, yet AGAIN!

#27: Clearly.

#30: I can't think of a better solution.

#32: I had no idea it was still around.

The correct option for the poll question isn't displayed - and that is Melania doing her job as a mother: protecting her son from the kind of people she'd give anything to avoid.

Thank you, for another week of keeping our sanity in check, Brother Don.

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I had a bucket list of stuff to do in retirement. Didn’t think I’d have to add “Stop Communist Revolution in America” to it. 🤷🏼

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WE CAN do this Tanto !

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Tanto, this statement you've made has kept coming back to me over the past few days--it was perfectly phrased: "I had a bucket list of stuff to do in retirement. Didn't think I'd have to add "Stop Communist Revolution in America" to it."

Very poignant, and very true. And a sentiment I think we all share.

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My future ain't what it used to be.

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May 11Liked by Don Surber

Item 32: There is an argument to be made that conservatives biggest problem is not the liberal left but the lazy, incompetent, complacent, do-nothing GOP. Any arguments in opposition?

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I read somewhere that actual conservative women would gladly give up the vote if it meant all the empty-headed, liberal, suburban twits couldn't vote either. God bless conservative women!

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Wholeheartedly Agree!

If we had any kind of robust opposition by our party things would be a heck of a lot different.

At the very least, just for morale’s sake, we would at least feel like someone is actually fighting against the insanity and for what’s right.

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That is so true. The GOP is just so lazy today.

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Thoroughly Compromised one way or the other.

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It's the swamp flu infecting nearly all who venture into the morass.

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The idiot Johnson said it was just "too hard" to push for R voters priorities (like closing the border, acting against lawfare, stopping wasted $$ to Ukraine....)

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He seems to be a nice guy but we dont need anymore nice guys. We need some blue collar brick layer and steel worker types in congress. People who know how to get things done and kick butts when required. Im so sick of the GOP today. They have forgotten how to fight and win. But they are great talkers and whiners and investigators.

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He may be nice but he is clearly a fool. The Intelligence Community has scared him to death. Where is his skepticism? Or wisdom?

I don't care what class someone comes from...I just want someone of courage. When I was growing up, it wasn't uncommon for those of substance (financially) to have guts, and what my family would call, "the milk of human kindness".

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The GOP has been very lazy for many decades, you're just noticing it today thanks to VSGPDJT and TDS.

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"Very Stable Genius" is one of my very favorite DJT phrases. :)

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Oh I have been aware of it for many years. Its just that my tolerance

and patience meter has finally gone to zero now. Time for a new party.

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No. That’s on the money. The GOP is united with the Commies in their opposition to Americans. They do love Ukraine tho….

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May 11Liked by Don Surber

"The Elmer Fudd Republicans are hunting wabbits again."

Every so slowly, Republicans are being exposed and ridiculed for the flip-flopping, uniparty rats they are. Never, ever trust one.

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May 11Liked by Don Surber

Great recap as always with quite well delivered barbs but the poll takes a toll on my gray matter.I would hope he turned down the role because the Trump Family are not political whores ala Clinton /Kennedy democrats.Meanwhile Argentina is regaining confidence in government policies courtesy of electing J.Milei and his chainsaw policy.This is an example of reforms needed in the U.S.of A. we can strive to achieve by electing PDJT a third time with ample votes to overcome the steal.Rock on Poca-Man to MAGA 2024 and Fjb.

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May 11Liked by Don Surber


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Come on. We cannot say the A-word out loud. Believe me, I think it is next

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was referring to barron's mother's reason for not wanting him to be a delegate.

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RFK needs protection. Trump unlikely.

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RFK needs protection from himself.

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Let his VP take care of that.

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May 11Liked by Don Surber

#6 "“13 federal judges said Monday that they would no longer hire law clerks from Columbia College or Columbia Law School..."

And we're supposed to believe federal judges? They're virtue signalling. Of course they're going to hire the sons and daughters of their friends. They're recant at the next DC cocktail party.

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War day 218. 5.11.24. I am up. Phone is on. No, I'm not ready for stupid questions yet. And in case you have forgotten, my name is MAD DOG Grrrrr.

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