Where are all the "moderate" muslims from this "religion of peace" denouncing the barbaric atrocities exclusively on the Israeli civilian population?

I haven't heard one, let alone an outpouring of mullahs apologizing for the barbaric behavior or starting funds for the victims and their families.

And no one - not other religious leaders or government officials or academics - are calling on them to.

Think about that.

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The silence is deafening.

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On the bright side, I haven't heard any Republican Supporting Hamas or Hezbollah or whomever?

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That's because no one has sought W's opinion – and in a show of unexpected wisdom, he hasn't offered it, either.

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He's waiting for Zero's guidance and permission.

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Loud and clear S.L.!!!!

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I have. The Judeo-Christian ethos is one of love and forgiveness. The Muslim religion is one of conquest and submission. I think of it every time.

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That is exactly correct, yet the real teachings of the Koran are hidden. It's not a religion. It's a murder cult system of government unchanged from the barbarism of the 7th century.

It has not reformed.

Interestingly, our first war as a new nation was against Muslim pirates of the Barbary Coast ("to the shores of Tripoli")

John Quincy Adams studied Islam extensively advising Congress that Muslims cannot be trusted. Details here: https://apologeticspress.org/john-quincy-adams-on-islam-1142/

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They aren't hidden. It's there to read - in their holy books, it's pretty obvious what it is.

It seems we need to reconsider its status as a religion.

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Answer- There are no moderate Muslims because those people are dominated and controlled by the Radical Muslims and are, therefore, Radical Muslims themselves. 2 billion of them.

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It's more than that. Islam is NOT a religion. It is a genocidal cult stuck in the 7th century. The Koran - Islam's version of the Bible - teaches that faithful Muslims must divide the world into Muslim and non-Muslim. Non Muslims must be enslaved, subjugated or killed until only Muslims are in charge of the world.

Here are a few teachings from the Koran. Decide for yourself if Muslims want only the extermination of Jews or if the terror attacks on Europe, the US and Australia are in keeping with extermination of non-Muslims.

"Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them." Koran 2:191

"Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood." Koran 9:123

"When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them." Koran 9:5

"Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable." Koran 3:85

"The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them."... Koran 9:30

"Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam" Koran 5:33

"Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies." Koran 22:19

"The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them." Koran 8:65

"Muslims must not take the infidels as friends." Koran 3:28

"Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur'an." Koran 8:12k

"Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels." Koran 8:60

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"Islam is NOT a religion."

No, no, no...don't you remember W telling the nation repeatedly that Islam is a religion of peace? ;-)

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Islam is just bastardized Judaism. Take a dash of Judaism and throw in a handful of intolerance, hate and terror. Weird that no one remembers that detail.

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🎯 100% correct.

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I will clue you in on a little secret. Like the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus, moderate Muslims don't exist. Underneath, they all hate the infidels and Western culture. They just do a good job of hiding it.

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Maybe America should stop pushing its LGBTQ+ and pornography all over the world. Clean-up starts HERE!

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The "moderate Muslims" disappeared along with the Rockefellers ("liberal Republicans").

Only they had the good grace to keel over dead in Switzerland, in swank hotels, unreported, with their mistresses swiftly escorted out the side doors.

"ITEM 12... “Biden to discuss Israel-Hamas war in 60 Minutes interview.”

OH GREAT. Biden and Leslie Stahl, in the shower together.

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Congress without an official Speaker!!!???!11!!

"This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.” — Will Rogers

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Not meaning to stir up trouble but what's the difference between slaughtering babies for political points like Hamas and slaughtering the unborn for financial gain like the abortion industry and the career minded?

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This, of course, is an excellent point. A friend likened the image of the blood-spattered room in Israel, where babies were killed, to a typical abortion clinic back room. In one fell swoop, Democrats are losing credibility all over the place. The question is...will people see it and admit it? As they say, reality bats last. Reality...Kryptonite to a brain-dead Democrat.

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That’s a home run!

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I am 100% against abortion.

The difference is huge.

Hamas, not the mothers, chose to kill the babies.

For abortion, the mothers chose to kill their babies and found willing accomplices.

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Killing is broad, those mothers murder. The only difference is that murderous mothers don't shout allah akbar while committing their crime.

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In todays bizarro world, can we be sure?

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As was my Grandmother. She had my Mother 'born out of wedlock' and sued the dude for 'breach of promise'. How quaint.

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Polar difference of course but tragically the result is the same.

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Nice analogy. Shlongy.

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I used to be pro abortion, but only from the 51st until the 63rd trimesters which is roughly the time when most parents are ready to kill them. Especially when they wreck the car, or blare their music too loud.

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Horribly so, there's profit in securing the body parts. Other than that probably none.

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Ain't none.

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Perfection Rev. !!!!

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None, whatsoever.

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Another argument for a shutdown!!

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And truth lives on.

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"Government never censors lies; it dispenses it." Their purpose to protect the millions they have stolen from you with force to give to our enemies while they get a cut.

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Give me a shot at that Gavel! Ain't nobody gettin a penny until our beloved nation changes it course to begin representing the interests of the American people. Not a penny!

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Wish you could be elected Speaker!

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How to make Don Surbrer safer in WV:

Have mean wife allow him to purchase a Bentley! (Should have been a choice)

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I have that problem solved. I always drive in the country accompanied by my wife. She grew up on a farm and started driving at 12. She has deer radar, she can spot them 300 yards away. She yells DEEEER! At about 100 decibels.

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With a grill guard.

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1 (&3) - I expect some liberals to revert to form after a few weeks. It took asshole Sanders 5 minutes.

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Item 10: In regard to the ACT scores declining, it is enlightening to look at the actual Report, page 11, where the results are broken down by ethnicity. As usual, the average is dragged down by the scores of blacks, native americans and latinos; Whites, Asians and those declining to supply their race--guess who that would be--lead the pack in results, with Asians--no surprise--being well out in front. So after three generations of "affirmative action" a/k/a invidious racial discrimination against White people, the beneficiaries of that program are doing worse academically than everyone else. The conclusion is either 1) affirmative action doesn't work, 2) affirmative action is not being implemented properly or 3) there are inherent differences in the identified groups that have not been and cannot be eliminated by affirmative action. Please note that I do not say that these differences are strictly genetic; the differences are accounted for by a combination of genes and environment--"nature" AND "nurture". In other words, dysfunctional individuals who fail to establish nurturing environments for offspring, including intact families, with mothers and fathers instilling virtues of diligence, effort, avoiding drugs and crime, avoiding unwed pregnancies, etc. lead to dysfunctional families which create entirely dysfunctional societies, and so on and so forth in a never-ending cycle of dysfunction. Worse than the disparate outcomes in educational achievement are the moral and ethical disasters that the typical black/latino upbringing cause; wanton killing, theft, abortion, etc. If the morality improved, so would everything else, but teaching these groups to behave and disciplining the failures to do so is currently seen as "racist." With this kind of stupidity achieving ascendancy, I see no improvement forthcoming. The only way to deal with it is to separate ourselves and our posterity as far as possible from the segments of society that are responsible for the decline. This grieves me, but I see no alternative.

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There has been much peer reviewed research published on cognitive ability differences for more than 50 years. Much of it was falsely “debunked” by the liberal left in America to push the broad political agenda of affirmative action. Their brainwashing pushed the notion that all people are equal and only differ on their “social experiences”. Wealthier kids had an “unfair” advantage. It became taboo to look at ability score differences by group.

There has been clear -undeniable - evidence that on basic math and verbal abilities (ie IQ), Asians score a full standard deviation unit ahead of Caucasians, and Caucasians score a full standard deviation unit ahead of African Americans. Much repeated research has carefully matched social experience and economic differences and still get this basic result. Admittedly, there are always individual exceptions as this is group level results.

As a recovering attorney, you know better than me how difficult it would be to defend IQ testing in a court case with a mixed race jury. Public perception always defaults to “blame unequal social opportunity”.

To this day, the science still proves it is mostly a genetic difference. Social differences are a minor influence. Nature vs Nurture. If interested, check out "Bias in Mental Testing" by Arthur Jensen (1980). You will have to wade through a lot of "debunking" links.

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Actually, the cognitive ability testing differential can be traced back to the late 1800's in France. In the US, the Army started keeping track of IQ in 1919 and no matter how the tests are "tweaked" to remove cultural bias the results are always the same with the deviations you note.

This disparity is consistent in every country, on every continent.

Nicholas Wade wrote a great book delving into DNA and cultural differences called "A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History". He was the science editor for the NY Times but knew he had to wait to retire to publish the book.

It's a good read as well as being very insightful and thought provoking.

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You are correct on this history. Many of these tests were originally developed for the Military. Some here may recall the Army Alpha test that was used for many years to help the army quickly assign new recruits to positions for which they had proper skills. It was a matter of national defense. As this research developed, the testing was applied to other applications, but all were based on assessing quantitative and verbal abilities that compose IQ. As computer capability was advanced, these tests were validated statistically to demonstrate predictable success which enabled measures like the SAT, ACT, GRE, MCAT.

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On a good note, at least these Rhodes scholars will be piloting your planes, operating on you, and be governing our country very soon.

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Agree completely--those folks need to get their act together and start acting responsibly. But we do need to make one important distinction-- it is only LOWER Class / Ghetto blacks that are doing so poorly-- NOT all blacks. There is a vast black MIDDLE Class that DOES have it's act together and is doing well.

If I was black I would be furious at the Democrats for always highlighting and catering to the dysfunctional Lower Class / Ghetto blacks. What a smear job that is on the black race.

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Indeed. The greatest living American Intellectual is Thomas Sowell. He is black and had a messed up youth, but overcame all of the problems to become a leading contributor to economics, psychology, history, political science, sociology, ..., in his many articles and books. His Basic Economics textbook (in its 5th edition) is very readable and clear about all aspects of the topic.

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Agree, Sowell is remarkable, and the kind of role model that should be held up for black youth. The fact that the liberals won't promote good role models shows they actually DON'T want black youth to progress. They want them to stay dysfunctional so the liberals can use them as a phony "club" to bash whites.

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Suggest Thomas Sowells' Social Justice Fallacies, for thoughts of how test data could be parsed to explore additional understanding

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Excellent suggestion my fellow Surberite.

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Item 9-'For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.' Now it's official. Hakeem has called us the Caucus of Chaos. Monday 6 pm is High Noon. Jordan won the nomination by 124 to 'roughly' 80. Let's say 83. That's 207. Where were the other 14? Later, 152 said they would back Jordan, 55 said they would vote against him. Again 207, where were the 14?

The reason it's so important is because it doesn't take 217 to win. It only takes a majority of whoever shows up. Following that little piece of logic, whoever wins would need only 210 votes (433-14=419). 65 rinos need a come to Jesus moment over the weekend. Guess who already has 212 rock solid votes? The Republicans could have the first Democrat Speaker of the House with a Republican majority. The rinos would be a part of history. Someone please prove me wrong.

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Not to be argumentative but, how would that be different?

McCarthy made several promises to become Speaker and broke every one - acting in the best interests of the Democrats and Biden.

1. Where are the J6 tapes?

2. Where are the criminal referrals for Democrats that lied about the J6 event and destroyed evidence?

3. Where are the subpoenas for Biden family about millions received when he was VP and later?

4. Why did McCarthy ignore the Republican passed resolution NOT to lift the debt ceiling, going behind their backs to INCREASE it $1.7 trillion as Biden and Schumer wanted?

5. Why did McCarthy agree to "regular order" - passing 12 appropriations bills and a budget by Sept 30 only to send the House home on an unusually long summer holiday, then threaten the government would shut down if Republicans didn't immediately rubber stamp the Continuing Resolution that continued the Pelosi budget (which increased spending 40% during covid)?

6. How would the border be less safe under a Democrat?

How has it been different than if Pelosi were speaker? The weaponization of government hearings have been interesting but no one has been charged, no department defunded, no one forced to resign and the perps have lied their butts off with no repercussions.

We have nothing to lose by exposing the uniparty and everything to gain if we can diminish their control.

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I agree with PM--Jim Jordan HAS to make whatever deals are necessary with RINOS to get the Speaker job, and everyone burn up the phone lines calling RINO reps (even if they're not your Rep)(and call their local state offices if they don't answer the phone in DC) and lay down the law to them. Time for RINOS to be heavily jolted out of their bubble.

If Hakeem Jeffries gets the Speaker job, the Dems will "Arkanicide" Biden and Kamala, and hardcore Marxist Hakeem Jeffries will ascend to the Presidency. That can NOT happen!

He's SO hardcore, a year ago or so he's the one that said Congress will no longer use the words "Mother" or "Father"; and then just a few months ago said they would no longer the use the words "Husband" and "Wife". Supposedly because those words are insensitive to 'other' genders, but the real reason is the Marxist desire to destroy the nuclear family. All people will belong to the State, and have no other allegiance.

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Spot on. Gal. And he got minority leader by unanimous vote.

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Exactly. More evidence that Republicans are irrelevant. We already have a pack of Democrat liars. What do RINOs bring to the table for anyone with eyes to see? Private-label Democrats...the gift that keeps on giving.

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Good analogy Gary. I guess the dems have outsourced a lot of dirty work to the Repubs.

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Excellent comment. I suspect you know the answers. But the Dems are in disarray. Their reaction to the atrocities in Israel has caught the attention of the Indies/undecideds. Hoping for the red tsunami next year. Jordan has to make deals only w/the Pubs to be elected.

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There just was an excellent start in Louisiana.

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Twas a landslide. And NC just overrode the veto of a Dem Gov-stronger voter laws. Clarice put it all together today: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/10/time_for_wokesters_to_stick_a_sock_in_it.html

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Sic em Page! Let's imagine that President Trump is thrust into that chaos. We'd probably see a win with votes going along party lines. And importantly NONE OF THEM grasp the dire straits they themselves have placed this country into. Please note that parasite Pelosi is conspicuously absent here. It's much of her fiasco that she's orchestrated. President Trump's introduction would at least bring a decisive voice and direction.

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You'd better agree otherwise you've identified as one of them. A purveyor of greed and self-interest. LOL

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PM nothing will change. We get our hopes up and we get the same result. It is a definition of madness. The only solution to this problem is to level Washington, DC and rebuild it from the ground up. Our country is getting so bad that even Snake Pliskin wouldn’t be able to help us to escape from the USA.

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"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

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"...the Caucus of Chaos."

I LOVE that! T-shirts and baseball caps!!

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Thank you Mr. Surber for making one smile even in these grim times.Your wit when assessing the {news?} is sorely needed to make this crap palatable in any sense of the word.Only two genders? Who'd a thunk it other than a normal human?Great post and thanks for the extra polls.MAGA!!

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He is our Will Rogers and Clark Kent. Finally found out what FAFO from last week means-it's from Shakespeare:

'Fornicate and thee shall discover'.

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It really was easier than that Marian, we were guys, and everyone else was not, so really you just had to know ‘Are you like me?’

Similar to Ruprecht in ‘Dirty Rotten Scoundrels’…(Steve Martin) ’Not Mother??’ …..(Michael Kaine)’Yes Ruprecht, Not Mother’…..

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Federman deserves a Nobel Prize for “Ironic Statement” for his “Best and Brightest” comment. Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day.

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If he can bear the agony, he only needs to look in the mirror.

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Mister Perspicacity. Maybe he will channel Neville Chamberlin next.

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Biden sends him as Peace Negotiater to the Middle Easr.

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Agreed. Then I hope he qualifies for a Darwin Award.

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Sweden uses the 24-hour clock. So A stopped clock is correct once a day there.

Would he get the Literature Prize, or the Peace Prize?

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Damn Give ME The Gavel! Let me at that "The Gavel in the Stone" A Don Surber classic. Our federal government has continuously CHANGED how the rate of inflation is measured since the 70's when I as a new hire, I watched as co-workers discussed whether or not to purchase a home at 20%+ interest rates. On the foreign front if your hear the names Samantha Powers or Victoria Nuland (among other US reps) in a distant country, you'll expect a conflict of some nature will follow. It's in the DNA of our God awful Military Industrial Complex chaos generating machine.

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The government's inflation measure of the "basket of goods" looks a lot like a Vegas magic act. Instead of having beef or chicken in the typical basket of goods, they will replace it with crickets and grasshoppers we can catch in our backyards and eat for free - like a backyard garden.

To maintain the lie long term, they will have to base inflation on a completely empty basket that costs $0 so they can say there is no longer inflation.

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21 - what was in Krugman’s cart? Air?

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At least he has remained true to form and consistent, a trait not found in politicians. But he’s still a nut job.

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ITEM 10: “High school students’ scores on the ACT college admissions test have dropped to their lowest in more than three decades, . . . ."

I love it when liberal policies destroy liberal institutions and leave those liberals confused as to what happened. K-12 education is so bad, universities are struggling with admissions drops. Even for the students who they admit, many aren't able to perform the work. Higher Ed is suffering a vanishing market of their own creation. They forgot to teach the concept of free markets and supply/demand.

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Have any of you tried to work a common core algebra problem? They are making kids crazy.

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No. I think I was lucky that my three kids avoided that curriculum release. From what I’ve heard, doing common core math is like trying to make sense out of an MSNBC article.

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It's been a while since I laughed this loudly. Thanks, Don.

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Item 24: If Qatar or any other Muslim country are so worried about the “Palestinians’” then act with your deeds rather than your wallet book. It is clear that no Arab country wants the Palestinians. They are just cannon fodder for the the political purpose of the destruction of Israel. .

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Great round up as usual. I did hit a deer once in my car. Rather the deer hit me. On a country road, glancing blow, but the animal ran straight at the car from across a field at dawn. I saw him coming. I tried to swerve out of the way, but the deer swerved too. The deer survived, but banged up my car. Not sure what motivated the deer to do this. Probably a Democrat.

If you want intelligent long form articles about what’s going on in Israel, Tabletmag.com. Great writers like Lee Smith and others. In depth analysis and really well written. Almost as good as The Surb. It’s a Jewish publication. But the editors don’t like the ADL, ACLU, or wokesters.

The dysfunction of our government and our society go hand in hand. The stupidity of both leads to atrocities of all kinds in the end. Meanwhile the media lies to the sheeple and the universities and educational cartel indoctrinates kids with opinions so dumb you need a PhD to come up with them. If you can’t see the difference between Hamas and the Israeli people, you either have brain damage or you went to college.

Keep the faith.

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They are kamikazes


The deer are too

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Yeah. Unfortunately there’s more truth in that than there should be.

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"If you can’t see the difference between Hamas and the Israeli people, you either have brain damage or you went to college."

Despite my college education, the difference is crystal-clear, to me!

Granted, the small state-school from which I graduated unwittingly had professors and instructors that now would be a throw-back to a time when the purpose of college was to promote critical thinking, among other noble ends.

I doubt that is true of the institution, today.

When I attended, it was too small to attract much attention from the administration of the larger state university system.

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I should have specified that you went to college recently. I went to college too. But that was before everything became centered on insane Leftist politics and dogma. This week Stanford, my Alma mater, suspended an instructor, who asked students in class, who were Jews to identify themselves and go stand in the corner

because they were “colonizers”. I would have told this Commie to put his colony in a special place where the Sun doesn’t shine. This kind of stuff is not America .


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I fear that those like us are dinosaurs...

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Good morning, all.

Out here in the northern end of the Great Sonoran Desert, the sun is peeking over the houses behind me, the birdies are chirping, my tinnitus is...well.. annoying.

After a couple of days at a local cut 'n stitch, my Sweetie is home from a knee surgery; Fen and Louie, our shepherd/mastiff mix litter sisters, must be a bit more regulated than they like, for in their joy at seeing her again, they are large enough to put the hurt on their Mama in their attempts at showering her with affection. Louie is a little more self-contained, but when she leans on you...! Fen chills pretty quickly, but she will get up on her hind legs to deliver kisses...so, there's a little more kennel time than they are used to. Upside: her comfy cot is set up right next to their kennels; her arm is in kissable distance.

Thanks Don for the selection of things today. Some days, all I can do is shake my head. Present crew excepted, the way that the mob shifts with each distraction is mind-numbing(mostly for the mob! Can't let 'em focus on the important stuff for too long, right??).

I refuse to despair behind it, though. I had to come to terms long ago with the concept of taking care of the things directly in front of me; of personal responsibility being my first priority; and mainly the fact that my personal honor, based upon rigorous honesty, is the only thing outside of my physical self that is truly mine. I am grateful to be associated with a number of folks who see things the same way, as it serves as an anchor of sorts in this chaos of our current circumstance. We each affect our world, in some small way, by how we live; we certainly affect each other.

Have a great day, everyone.

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Lovely comment!

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