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We women are forced to talk more because husbands DON’T LISTEN! After 44 years of marriage I know whereof I speak.

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Correction. Can't hear ( due mainly to trauma suffered from repeated head pops from one's mother for not paying attention ) 😁 .

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Lol, my parents had six of us, so anything handy could be used as a means of punishment.

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Why does every conversation with my wife begin "you never listen to anything I say"?

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My wife accuses me of not listening by putting her hands on her hips and saying, "Forty years for talking to a wall."

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Because it's true.

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Did you say something? 🦅👍😂🇺🇸

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Sure we’re not related? 😂😂🇺🇸👍🇺🇸🦅🦅😂

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I'm sorry - what was that? 😉

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Men have mastered the art of “short speak”. No sense talking in circles for an hour to get to a point Just say “take the garbage out” and let it go at that. 😀

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I hear my bride of 40 yrs talking and say,what honey I didnt catch that to which she replies ,just talkin to myself then accuses me of not listening//go figure.

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