Gender dysphoria, a mental illness has been transitioned by the Left into a civil rights movement. In fact the emperor has no clothes and JK is one important voice pointing out the insanity that transgenderism really is. It is the most personally destructive crazy idea to come along since the repressed memory insanity of the nineties and certainly since the Salem Witch trials. Disgusting how medical organizations (AMA) have jumped to mainstream this criminal idea that gender is somehow different than one’s sex.

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Yes, the secret is shifting the abnormal into "civil rights". I have suddenly started getting popup ads from Planned Parenthood with the bold headline, "Abortion is a right". It may have added "civil" or "Constitutional" in the wording too.

Abortion is where much of this complete idiocy started. Transgenderism is following in its footsteps. Except for legitimate medical issues, America kills something like one million babies a year on the logic of women need it as a choice for birth control?!? Instead of putting tampons in boys bathrooms, let's put condoms and birth control pills in bathrooms.

My prayer for an early implementation of Trump's DOGE actions is to remove 100% funding from Planned Parenthood. Then, quickly follow that with NPR, Public Television, and all the "Arts" groups that hate our guts but greedily take our money and attend their wine and cheese enlightenment cocktail hours where they berate all of us.

<Post script edit: In the first post I stated there were 65 million abortions a year. In fact, there are about one million per year in the USA. The 65 million number was incorrect. My point still stands in the post. It is an unacceptable "convenience".>

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I don’t need to go farther. Yours is the comment of the day. It always strikes me that when we put this insanity to paper, it is so clear I wonder how so many people can not see it themselves. The clear answer is mental illness at so many levels.

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Let's go a little farther. Eliminate tax breaks for non profit organizations. These groups claim to be non political, not. We shouldn't spend tax dollars for blatant political non profits..

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Is being non-political a requirement to be granted non-profit status by IRS rules? No. Gov't gives tax breaks-not tax dollars.

How does the IRS define a nonprofit?

Organizations that are organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, educational or other specified purposes. Don't see a political requirement mentioned.

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GMTA Shrugged.

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I was watching a clip the other day from Dave Rubin and he referred to himself as an old time liberal (classical), you know the label he & Bill Maher types like to use to separate themselves from us “Christian-like conservatives”. He referenced this 2x & each time associated it with in the “pro-choice” position. As someone who did grow up in a classical liberal home that was vehemently opposed to abortion even in the case of the life of the mother (we were Catholic when that meant something), my thought was - since it is a well known fact that many of the Jews agreed to abandoning their homes & got on the trains to go to the concentration camps & walked into the gas chambers, could we apply the same “pro-choice” label to them? While I support JK (& Dave Rubin, et al) in these matters, I am not sure I would want to be in a foxhole with them.

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Sheila, I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying about the Jews agreeing to abandoning their homes & “got on the trains to go to the concentration camps & walked into the gas chambers,” My mother’s Auschwitz # was 74401. I can assure you that she didn’t volunteer and that my brother who was 4 years old was murdered in the gas chambers of that death camp.

Orthodox Jews don’t believe in abortion if that is your focus.

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Perhaps her reference deals with the event involving a rabbi being intimidated by the SS to give him the names of people in his synagogue. He naively thought they would go away if he cooperated. Instead, they were all 'voluntold' to move to the Warsaw ghetto... and then exterminated. My younger son, a USMC pilot, visited Auschwitz a few years ago, as he was in Poland and Lithuania for the start of Biden's war in Ukraine. He said the feeling there was haunting and terribly sad...still. Interestingly.... the world has just been through another 'Auschwitz' and continues to suffer from it: the mandate of injections of a bioweapon. Too many people got on that train - an estimated 20 million dead and millions more are suffering damage, including stage 4 turbo cancers. It is mass genocide of the Judeo-Christian west.

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To that excellent point: stop using the word “transition” to describe the process of drugging and mutilating children instead of treating their mental illness. Instead of that say “drugging” when referring to any chemical intervention; sterilizing, castrating or cutting when referring to the surgery steps.

It’s intentional use of vague terms that allow people to pretend that the children are not being mutilated and permanently sterilized, much less derived of sexual pleasure for the rest of their lives. Don’t help them.

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This fender bender craziness is satanic. A maniacal disparaging of the beauty of God’s creation. Another attack by the forces of evil against the most sacred grouping in our social order - the family.

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I obviously meant to write “this gender bender craziness”

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KJV ISAIAH 9:16 For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.

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Follow the money MLR.

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The symmetry with the repressed memory insanity of the ('80s and) '90s day care center "investigations" is remarkable.

One might be surprised to learn the hand that Bill Clinton's attorney general, Janet Reno, played in that mess with her prosecution, as Dade County, FL states attorney, of Grant Snowden, who was acquitted, retried, convicted, and eventually freed by a federal appeals court after 12 years in prison.

Beginning in 1985, Reno prosecuted many dubious cases--many ending in acquittals--yet was never asked in her Sente confirmation hearing to address the question, issue or cases.

Of course, Miami-Dade County was not the only instance of disgraceful abuses of the "justice" system.

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Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness; it is a judgment from God on society for a lack of faith. It is not punishment but correction, not just for the individual but for those around him. Do you care enough for those affected to speak the truth in love and not anger, even though you may be made to suffer for it? Or will you pretend it's OK and try to comfort him? Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.

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Some of these people are truly gender dysphoric, but many are just cross dressers or auto gynephiles, or just plain perves who get off on going in women's spaces, and peeping on women.

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Thank you. Neither my wife nor I have ever read or viewed a JKR book or movie. Now we will because of your column. You continue to benefit us in so many ways. Keep up the great writing! As for Trump and his two separated terms; they will effective "squeeze out" the Biden term. Trump has him bracketed.

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The books are really fun. Very creative. I can't watch the DVDs any longer since the (then children actors) grew up to be such woke sh*ts. She made them rich and famous and they trash her. Pathetic.

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Interesting. I am an avid reader so this is a good wake up call for me. I like having a good old paperback in my hands but I do have a Kindle too. Time to wake that thing up I guess. Your comment is appreciated.

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If you have any authors you recommend, let me know. I am looking for more. At the moment, I dont care what genre just not horror or nonfiction.

JKR books are great. She filled a niche and she is a very talented writer.

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Here is a site I use to find books; https://www.bookseriesinorder.com/

I find it quite useful and am set up to receive a regular update from them. When I decide to order an actual book (no hardbacks), I go to Thrift Books and Amazon after looking at our local library system to see if they have them. Just my way of doing things. A friend refers to me as an "eclectic" reader of books. I am not into horror; mainly am into fiction; but also do read some non-fiction. Good luck to you.

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A very good writer who I have just discovered is Wright Thompson. He definitely has a way with a phrase. The Barn is his most recent (which I own but haven't read yet), but I am halfway through Pappyland (yes, about bourbon, and family) and wowser, this guy is legit.

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Thank you. I will check him out.

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Thank you, I have been on their website to follow up on a couple authors I read but never thought to use their site to find new ones. Never occurred to me. I will go digging. All the thrift/2nd hand Book Stores in our area have closed. We had a couple good ones too.

If you like Sci-Fi/Fantasy you might check out Glynn Stewart. He has a couple of pretty good series, Starship Mage series and Scattered Stars. Characters are good, and pretty good plot lines. He has several other series going too.

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I have been recommending Devon Eriksen’s Theft of Fire as my favorite new ScFi author and I am impatiently awaiting part two of a promised trilogy.

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Thrift Books is a great source with a huge selection, inexpensive, and fast; I can't recommend them enough. Unless you expect books in totally new condition, although they have some of those as well.

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iris chang...the rape of nanking

aleksandr solzhenitsyn...the gulag archipelago

stephen ambrose...nothing like it in the world

laurence bergreen...over the edge of the world

good hunting

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Thank you. I will check those out.

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When her books came out I was in midst of work career, so I listened to them ‘on tape’ for daily commute and read a couple of them! The gentleman who read them was terrific and I thoroughly enjoyed them.I have not watched the movies because I have my on images of each character!old school ,I guess.

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We readers always feel this way. VERY few books get translated to movies with any integrity. I thought they did a good job with McMurtry's "Lonesome Dove" "I GOD Woodrow" But it was a mini series so there was time to create and let the characters live. Can't do that in 2 hours. My latest stray is named Gus. (GOD put a chi chi head on a Jack Russell body) I love Gus. :)

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Pete, be sure you read them in order. The movies are good, but the books are loaded with details not seen in movies. I loved it all!

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One of my favorite things about the books is that Rowling goes back to ancient mythology and Latin in the books. The spell names which just sound funny to kids are actually Latin words for what the spell does.

There are a lot more things in the books which go right over kids’ heads but which most adults will get. Example - Sirius Black is a wizard who can turn himself into a large black dog. Sirius is the name of a star which is referred to as the “Dog Star”. It’s the most prominent star in the constellation Canis Major. Canis = canine.

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Being a plant lover, I especially enjoyed the scenes with Professor Sprout’s Herbology class. There might be a few converts to Latin and botany today, because of those scenes🌱

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Our daughter and her kids, 7 and 10, are listening to the books on ride to and from school everyday. My husband is watching the movies so he can talk about them with the grands.

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Imagine how our nation would be if people gave the Bible the same consideration. For movies I would pick Charlton Heston in Moses and Ben Hur.

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The Bible-God's history of the beginning, Man, Man's Salvation, Prophesy-history told in advance with and without time lines with the freedom to believe or not believe.

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I had this thought just this morning. I was staring at Cecil B. DeMille's Moses clouds while saying my prayers. Stunning.

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Will do. I always read series in order; have done that scores of times. Thank you for all of your tips.

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Someone my husband & I have both enjoyed is C. J. Box. He has written some 20+ books about a WY Fish & Game warden - always a good different adventure. He's a good family man, has an acquaintance who's a falconer. One gets a good feel for WY. We even met him at an area library when he came to preview a recent book.

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Being a University of Wyoming grad I read them all in order. Try Paul Doiron the author of The Mike Bowditch series of Maine Warden books. Well done. I read them all this year to prep for a two week ARBB roadie with my two sons from Manchester, NH; up thru Maine; Bar Harbor and over via ferry to the Maritime Provinces (Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and of course the Bay of Fundy. That was a culture trip; no golf; no fishing; just good food, great Canadian people, museums, countryside, etc. Fabulous time

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Love both CJ Box and Paul Doiron. Also love the Longmire books by Craig Johnson--which are also set in Wyoming and centered on a "sheriff with integrity". There also was a Longmire TV series (first on A&E, then Netflix), now just available by DVD. From the middle of the series on (Season 3, especially the last cliffhanger episode, and Season 4) were literally the #1 best TV dramas I have ever seen in my life.

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You might want to break out the Kindle. They are all pretty hefty books :)

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To quote Rush Limbaugh "Young minds full of mush". Now grown up and still true.

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JKR’s books aligned with our daughter’s learning to read and growing up. We read the first book to her and took her to the first movie when it was in the theater. It was a greatly anticipated event. We told her she could see the movies only after she first read the books, explaining she needed to develop her own concepts of the characters and settings first. This is a lesson she has never forgotten. She devoured each book as it came out after that. The first few books are wonderfully imaginative (age related to the ages of the children in them), then, imho, grow a bit darker through the end.

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We did pretty much the same thing. We read the first one to her and by the second book she was able to read on her own. We all got so wrapped up in the story that when each new book came out we had to come up with a plan about who got to read it first. It wound up being my husband because he was the fasted reader. Then our daughter and finally me. I was, of course, a faster reader than she was but didn’t want to make her wait.

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Fun story! Our daughter had first dibs.

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Great comments and thanks to everyone today... starting with Don who got this ball rolling.

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Same here. B4 JK-R I read the Hobbit to my daughter. Then Harry Potter came out and we read that to her. As she got older I took a trip by car to Michigan from NYC and she read the next Potter book TO ME aloud on the car ride. That was before a movie was out because she did not know how to pronounce 'Hermione.' Her attempt was precious. When I corrected her she was astonished. it reminded me of reading my first Tarzan magazine years ago ( I'm 74!) and one day reading about How Tarzan got punched in his Stow- Match.. I was quizzical about this, then had a sudden revelation that the word was pronounced 'stomach' and he had been hit in the belly-region. When you are young reading is an adventure. Cell phones rob kids of much of this adventure. Even today when I click to read something on line, I am prone to click it off immediately if the link queues up a video. I prefer to read. And while movies are great and I love the special effects, I love plot and story more... 'Dune' is hard to re-create and my new favorite book "The Boys in the Boat' was destroyed by cinema. The book is so much better has so much context and development that the movie eschews. There is even a 'Progressive' insert (read 'Regressive,' please) as the 'Boys' wait to enter the Olympic stadium in Berlin and one talks to Jesse Owens about showing these Nazis a 'thing or two'. But NO... Jesse is there so to show 'the folks back home'... I almost threw up at that one. I bonded with this book-not the movie. I grew up in Detroit but my wife is from Olympia Wash and lived for a time in Sequim where the main character in the book is from. Here in the age of NIL money every college athlete should have to read that book. Getting on the Washington Crew team meant you got into college and they arranged a place to live and a job for you to pay for it. Different times. Not $12Million like the incoming Univ of Mich QB.

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My grandson has the set. A few years ago I read them all. I didn’t have to wait months for the next one so I read them all in about a month. They are basically mysteries like any other however these include magic, witches, and wizards. Rowling does a very good job of making it believable. She has an incredible imagination and I second Don’s suggestion that she earned every shilling of her vast wealth. Movies usually can’t do a book justice but I give credit to the producers of the Harry Potter Movies, There is a Harry Potter movie on TV just about every night . They did about as good a job as I have seen done. Mario Puzo’s Godfather, Dan Brown’s DaVinci code are two other books that were tranformed into movies very well. My wife won’t give Harry Potter the time of day. She says they are silly.

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One person's silly is another's pleasure. :)

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Have you seen the meme Trump posted yesterday of photos of all the presidents showing him with his 2 well deserved photos, 45 & 47? It was delightful!

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This discussion reminds me (off topic, I know) of reading J D Vance's "Hillbilly Elegy" and coming from that area of the country, I felt it well explained the culture. Then they did a movie and it was terrible. When people don't follow the book, it ruins the story for me. I am seriously motivated to read the first J K book. I have never read nor felt any interest in any of them just from what I observed, it didn't feel like something I'd be interested in. These comments were inspiring, that I need to check it out.

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I think the whole “transvestites” movement is more of the same of breaking down traditional society by getting society to accept the abnormal as normal.

The Communists started years ago by mocking and degrading this who thought religion and what it teaches were irrelevant in how to live your life.

Then the “normalized “ homosexuality so that today homosexuality isn’t considered all that abnormal. It is but society has been conditioned to accept it because it’s no one’s business but theirs, right? Except their is always grooming going on.

Now the camels nose is once again under the tent in an effort to “normalize “ transvestites.

I hope this one doesn’t work as well as the previous examples I put out there.

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"I think the whole “transvestites” movement is more of the same of breaking down traditional society by getting society to accept the abnormal as normal."

In secular terms, the second law of thermodynamics says everything breaks down and is reduced to chaos by a force called entropy unless external energy is imported into that system to keep it going. No permanent energy source exists, so all things eventually erode into randomness.

In Christian terms, the Creator God says satan is alive and working fulltime to destroy God's seed and His creation. How better to destroy His seed than to normalize anything NOT involving biological male-female families? Destroy every norm, practice, and institution from Creation, and life erodes into hell on earth. Just wait to see what satan does when the aliens show up. Today it is drones over NJ that somehow nobody can intervene to remove or stop (don't we have an air force?)!?! Everywhere I look today, I see satan, especially in DC.

My money's on the latter theory of explaining things. A reckoning is coming.

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Nikita Kruschev said “they would bury us” and they would do it from within. I now fully understand what he was saying all those years ago.

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The onslaught continues. Despicable!

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Isaiah 5:20-21 ESV

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!. Very alive today in world. not just USA. Except Islamic nations-they just kill them.

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Yep, there has been a war on everything wholesome. And an effort to shift the national consciousness to a default state of cynicism. Cynicism is ultimately hostile to anything good, happy, or hopeful. No wonder depression is rampant these days.

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Remember, all of this and I mean all of it, flowed from the 5-4 Supreme Court decision that allowed people of the same sex to get married. This after it was fully accepted that folks in ’Civil Unions’ had the same rights as married people.

The Gays, who don’t forget, brought you AIDS, monkey pox and those wonderfully artistic ‘Pride’ events as well as who knows what else, started getting uncomfortable with the whole T thing only after the word Groomer became common place as well as watching society reach for a community barf bag after viewing episode after gut wrenching episode of Tranny Story Hour now want us all to forget that it was originally LGBT, and now want us to believe it’ was ONLY ever LGB!

F that and F them. Take that stupid Gay Flag or it’s variants down off the flag poles. Take them out of the school rooms and board rooms.Teach my Grandkids the 3R’s as we learned them. Return Religion to schools.

Gay-dom and its variants are not in any way normal. May I remind you that if it was, mankind would cease to exist in 1 generation.

Enough of this Bull Shit!

There I said it and I’m glad I said it


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Their decision is a violation of the first amendment. Why? Marriage is a religious function and they interfered with the free exercise by mandating perversity.

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Actually it was Gorsuch, who wrote the 2020 Bostock majority ruling prohibiting employers from firing or otherwise discriminating against someone because they are transgender. That was the opening towards creating a new protected class, “Transgender Rights”,

He was conspicuously silent during Oral Arguments last week, for US vs. Skrmetti, the case revolving around Tennessee’s bill banning transgender “affirming care” for minors.

He was dead wrong on Bostock, and God only knows how he’s going to rule on the malpractice and mutilation of children.

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Thanks for fleshing that out Susie. He’s not stupid and unlike Robert’s, we’re pretty sure he’s not confused about his polarity. I wonder how someone of his stature climbs down off a pile like that without getting themselves dirty.

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Roberts also sided with that Bostock majority.

He did seem reluctant to wade into the US vs. Skrmetti issue, appearing as if he wanted to skate by sending it back to the lower court, (making a “we’re not doctors” comment), with some kind of instruction. A cop out if you ask me.

We shall see. The decision is due in June.

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But it was probably the right decision and much better than what could have been. I really miss Justice Scalia more and more.

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Maybe Schumer got to him.

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With the exception of one or two, our Supreme Court justices are either stupid (KJB), cowardly (Roberts), or both. Most of us could likely list lots more examples of stupid and cowardly on this court.

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Every word true. There is much wisdom here.

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I take it one step further.

We started down the greasy slope when we accepted 'gay is normal'

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YOU tell em Chuck //a hearty Amen.

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Im saluting you, Chuck. Great read.

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A legitimate query: Why are leftists/trannies allowed to get away with what amounts to terroristic threats, which is a crime in most, if not all jurisdictions? Answer: because the authorities in charge of law enforcement allow them to do so. This is of a piece with official law enforcement's de facto immunization of black criminals. Which is further of a piece with its de facto immunization of islamic criminals. Law enforcement, particularly in urban jurisdictions, has become a tool of marxist oppression against anyone who is thought to be a threat to their eventual takeover of civilized Western Christian societies. It's bad here in America, but far worse in England, France and Germany, and even Canada, where the government zealously prosecutes anyone daring to challenge the dominance of islamic radicals and black migrants over the native population, as well as that of the sexual perverts over normal people. All this is what has been described as "anarcho-tyranny," where government prosecutes the most minute infractions committed by non-favored group members while totally overlooking egregious infractions perpetrated by society's most vicious and dangerous outliers. Without the ability to defend oneself, fortunately enshrined in our Constitution, the native, normal citizenry has no choice but to cower in fear and remain silent and docile.

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I have always wondered that. If a conservative said anything close, we would be locked up for decades. The left says stuff, threats, beats people and more, and crickets. I am not sure when it became acceptable to allow for violence in 'selective' populations but not all. This two tiered justice system will be our downfall if Trump cant roll back the US to law and order. He is going to try. I pray God keeps guiding him.

I do know that a lot of it is due to Soros and his Dem support. He pays to create chaos so that he can make money. Him and those like him will have a special place in Hell.

Keep you S&W close, and your powder dry. oh, wait, I lost mine in boating accident.

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And it is cowardice and silence that allows it to grow and manifest.

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Well said, Steve.

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This JK article is great timing. Just last night my book club read a book with a trans woman as main character. Almost every woman there spoke about it from an emotional POV that the author was definitely trying to stoke.(I live in very conservative southern place). My response to all was that unless they had read the Cass report they were ill-equipped to balance their emotion with truth. Only 1 other woman had even heard of Cass and conclusions reached. Unbelievable. I left that meeting shaking my head.

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Find another book club! Life is too short to spend time with Karens reading crazy tripe.

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That emotion is called “Suicidal Empathy”.

It is a hallmark of the Left and the club they most frequently and usefully use to bludgeon those who refuse to go along with their insanity.

They rage that you’re heartless as they race toward civilizational collapse.

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Nailed it, Suzie.

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Female emotions are a weapon of mass destruction when released in the wrong setting. I tremble, even as I write this, thinking about it.

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It's amazing to see all the views and explanations expressed about gender. Is "look in your pants" no longer the answer?

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I asked my liberal, nut job cousin, "What is LBGT+++++, other than announcing who you'd like to have sex with? And why should that offer any special treatment?" She's still mad because she has no answer.

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I used to enjoy trying to engage lefty’s in a debate of one of their issues. I no longer do so because they can’t. They cannot face facts nor reality. So they refuse to debate on a civil level using quantifiable info. I realize now that they decide issues based on emotion. So the only way they can win is by demanding WE see things the same way. Hence the violence and screaming when they do not get their way. Or in broader terms, using or subverting the law to win. Just another form of childish tantrums. But in adults, it is normal no longer acceptable behavior. It is a form of mental illness in my mind.

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Read every JKR book out loud to my kids when they were littles a long time ago. Saw the movies when they came out. She deserves the rewards she earned for her creative work and introducing literacy to a generation of folks who jumped on board the Harry Potter bandwagon when it rolled around. The haters will never stop hating her for her independent sanity, and she’s fortunate she has that ton of money to spend on her own protection. It’s not a sane crowd she’s provoked, and although they’re relentless the tide is starting to turn. Don’t know if The Other Don’s reelection is the cause or the effect, but it almost feels like the clouds of delirium are parting and sanity is peeking through after years of shadows. CONgress critters Nancy Mace was “attacked” by a “tr*ns-man activist”(might not have the quote exactly right because IDGAS) in the Capital yesterday, which should provide more support for their agenda (NOT) any minute now. Jan 20 can’t come soon enough.

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That “parting of the clouds” is the result of the new permission people are suddenly now feeling as a result of Trump’s win to be bolder and speak out that is occurring across all spectrums.

Here’s a great article by Glen Reynolds, describing it as the “preference cascade”.


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Great link! I was familiar with the term, but Glenn’s explanation was right on point.

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That was an excellent link to Glenn Reynold's article. Everyone should read it.

There have been a number of articles trying to pinpoint the mechanics of the psychological manipulation that has ensnared America. There will be more, too. Each one helps clarify another prong of the overall psyops.

My two cents worth, is that the root of our vulnerability to it all was that we became impressed and intimidated with evil. Evil loved this, because it discourages us, makes us feel isolated, outnumbered, helpless, and hopeless. Then WE self-censor ourselves, and are afraid to speak up, to fight. So in the end, WE defeat OURSELVES. But the bottom line was, that evil's seeming 'power' was an illusion. It was a lie that got pumped up, and WE believed it was powerful, and WE permitted it to magnify itself. (In our defense, for a long time things were not clear, and we were decent people trying to be magnanimous.)

It's like the Bible account of Jesus's temptations in the wilderness. In one of them, the Devil sets Jesus on the pinnacle of the temple, and suggests to Jesus that he throw himself down, because ("It is written") that God's angels will "bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone".

The question has been asked-- "Why didn't the Devil just push Jesus off the temple?" The answer is, because the Devil couldn't--didn't have the power to--could only suggest that Jesus throw HIMSELF down. The Devil is exposed as not a powerful entity, but a liar, a seducer, that serpent, an accuser, a trickster. Our role is to be alert, and not be fooled into acting against our own interests.

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The LGBTQ movement would have been a fairy tale, had the destruction it is wreaking in the transgender area not been so real. As I wrote a few days ago, America went to the polls looking for leadership. The choice was between Trump and an insane asylum. The transgender movement was just one of the symptoms.

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After the sheep all lined up their kids for the clot shot, I thought there was no hope anymore for common sense.

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Yes. The leftist womyn running the NSD*AR treated members who dared to speak out about their ruinous bylaw (admitting men with amended birth certificates) pushed through in 2023 horribly. As an Honorary Regent of my chapter I asked the Regent for five minutes at the Sept meeting following that disastrous Continental Congress to share the video of the sham of the proposal, discussion, and highly unusual standing vote and to make clear what it meant and how easy it is in many states to change the sex designation on a BC. She first said I could, then said, no, but you can write it up for the newsletter, I sent my article to her, and she refused to include it. I, my two daughters, my mother and sister resigned D*AR that week. Other members who resigned have been chewed out publicly by members for being “mean and not inclusive”. Members who have brought the subject up in meetings have been shut down immediately and even chewed out in the parking lot after the meeting! This ALL comes from the top. No discussion or dissension was to be allowed. And now, after losing thousands of members over this evil bylaw, National is sending emails to us who have resigned offering perks to rejoin which they’ve never done before. Valiant attempts were made to get a new bylaw which would rescind the disaster on the ballot for 2024 CC but the board refused to allow it. Sorry - all this to say - now that public opinion on the Tranz subject is clear, thanks in huge part to free speech on X, my hope is that the womyn of D*AR who railroaded this bylaw through will see the destruction they have done to this once fine and noble Society. There is no saving it at this point however, the men who now are members will sue the pearls off of the Society and probably the entire Ex Board if their memberships are cancelled and membership will continue to nosedive. Oh! Also several wealthy women have taken D*AR out of their wills, the latest one said they can kiss her $500,000 goodbye.

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What is D*AR? When I googled it I got Newport School District of ArKansas.

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I figured it was the National Socialist Daughters of the American Revolution. They sure sound like it, because they've clearly been taken over by the Left; and the Nazis, although the Left denies it, were basically leftists. I got totally excoriated by one NSDAR once, when I happened to refer to "faggots", a term which is -- after all -- biblically based. See Romans 1:26/27

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Daughters* (I always put an asterisk with the D now) of the American Revolution.

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Thanks. That's what I thought at first but the asterisk made me pause.

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Referring to Biden as the 46th president should be accompanied by an asterisk that refers to the rigged and stolen election and more. What exactly should it say?

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For what it's worth, Ever since November 2020, I have never referred to Joe Biden as POTUS. He is illegitimate as far as I am concerned given all the shenanigans that took place in that election. PDJT has been elected President three times in my book.

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Thank you Jesus, for the clarity of Don. Thank you for answering my prayer and I'm certain, the prayer many others, to send us a president that knows how to run a country. Deliver us from evil, heavenly Father.

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Speaking of Lady Quiwdich Team, I see the Caitlin Collins caved into her basketball captors and has admitted her white fragility. She just killed the WNBA.

This must be what it is like in prison. Submit or get the crap beat out of you.

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Now do Nancy Mace.

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Also, JKR’s Cormoran Strike books are enjoyable as well. Published under the name of Robert Galbraith.

JKR is a hero in my eyes. She states truth out loud.

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I may be the only person to read the first three Robert Galbraith books without knowing JK wrote them. So my opinion is not clouded by that knowledge and I wouldn’t have continued to read the series if it wasn’t good.

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Nice shout out for Ray Charles

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