Good point, Don.

Can the Repubs (at least) agree among themselves not to worry about the rest of the world’s shitholes, while we’re racing toward the Cliffs of Shitholedome?

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Even more apropos would be Thunderdome.

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Thx- I meant Shitholedom, but Shitholedome is a fun thought.

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It worked for Mel and Tina

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Mei Gibson?

Tina Turner?

Never saw Thunderdome- were they in it?

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Yup. Good movie. Might be a reflection of what is coming to a country near you.

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See what is happening in Obamas and Hillary's HAITI TODAY- using our money...........it is brutal...........https://www.thetrumpet.com/29159-the-catastrophic-warning-from-haiti

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Two men enter. One man leaves. Great song by Tina also.

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As in Haiti, WE need to know what holes are using OUR MONEY FOR THEIR CIVIL WARS AND WHO IS SENDING OUR MONEY TO THEM. Haiti on Fire is a prime example of what Obama and Hillary started years ago, today the entire place is close to extinction by brute force.


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Our hands may be, probably are, dirty and complicit in this mess in Haiti.

All the more reason to stay out of it. Esp’ly now there’s no sanity in the White House, and very little in Congress.

Sometimes the best thing you can do when you stall an aircraft, is take your hands off the wheel and let the aircraft solve the problem. They’re designed to do that.

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03/12/24: Nuke Haiti. There. I said it, and I'm glad.

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A brief review of Haiti's history is quite enlightening, albeit monumentally depressing. It was initially just another Caribbean island with a small indiginous population, but it had the misfortune of being colonized by France. The French imported millions of Africans to work their sugar and tobacco plantations. In fact, the current population of Haiti is almost exclusively descended from those black Africans. When the Haitian slave revolt occurred, it was perhaps the bloodiest revolution in the Western Hemisphere to that point in time, with indiscriminate slaughter of the French population, causing many, if not most of the surviving Europeans to flee, leaving the mess it had created to fester. And yes, it incuded cannibalism, something that the imported Africans brought with them from their natal lands. They also brought their animist religion with them, which gradually morphed into the "voodoo/voodou" cult that predominates even today. Curiously, the French also brought Roman Catholicism to the island, and attempted to inculcate it into the slaves, but that resulted in an strange admixture of Catholicism and voodoo which remains the dominant "religion" among Haitians. And the Biden cabal has been bringing Haitians into our country in rather significant amounts. They can join their fellow former slaves in the urban enclaves to which they are imported, bringing all kinds of vibrant multi-cultural experiences to the beleagured Americans who have the misfortune to already live there. It'll be great once they take over. Just think; there'll be jerk chicken/beef/pork restaurants all over to satisfy the gustatory demands of our cosmopolitan gourmets! Only, the provenance of the meat in the entree might be somewhat suspicious.

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Steve - thank you for sharing your encyclopedic volume of history on so many varied subjects - you help keep us well informed

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In the article he mentions the Jamaicans coming to help. Thought I’d throw up on that one. The only country possibly worse than Haiti

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..but they have a great Bobsled team! 😏

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Take a look at HAITI, TODAY. All this destruction and killing is brought by Obama and Hillary..... see the details for this update...... https://www.thetrumpet.com/29159-the-catastrophic-warning-from-haiti comment if you have the time, thanks Gayle

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Isn't history awesome..........

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Could someone give us a number on how much we have spent on the South side of Chicago or for that matter Baltimore? Guess what folks, money is not the answer. There is a deep rooted culture of violence that, as far as I can see, is not something that sane people can deal with, let alone change. Best to leave the Beast to devour its own and keep it in the pockets of hopelessness that it has spawned. The only solution for those who ask for saving is to relocate them to a better place, but the chances of them surviving that transition is not a given either. Perhaps someone can set up an exchange program with all these nations who are sending their poor and wretched to our shores. Surely our poor and wretched could use a change of scenery.

No easy answers and they sure as heck are not going to be found in the hallowed halls of DC.

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you spelt degenerate wrong in the last line. You spelt it hallowed.

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THANK YOU, KEVIN! I nearly missed that misspelling! I was just watching what is happening in HAITI TODAY, brought by Obama and Hillary, using OUR MONEY. It is hard to watch and brutal, could be the end of that country very soon... if you have time to see this, let me know what your thoughts are. Thanks, Gayle


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For example, see what happens when they gather in Florida at spring break. No poverty no excuses just drunken ugliness.

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"Where there is no LAW, there is no LIBERTY"... by one of our Founding Fathers, Benjamin Rush. I am feeling the weight of this absence of LAW and ORDER in Georgia.

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POLL: I'd trust Haitian barbecue long before I'd ever give ANY donations to Hillary.

I would, however, support the Haitians barbequing Hillary.

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Rev FJB just donated on your behalf.

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Unless he'll guarantee that they'll roast Hillary, I won't give a dime (but yes- Biden is giving away our hard earned savings - and the potential earnings and savings of our children and grandchildren).

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I hate to hate, but Biden really brings it out.

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Maybe she's got good bones? Beauty is only skin deep--ugly goes all the way to the bone.

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TODAY'S UPDATE IN HAITI- BRUTAL...TAKE A LOOK IF YOU HAVE A MINUTE.... OBAMA AND HILLARY ARE GONE NOW, JUST LOOK AT WHAT THEY LEFT... A WARNING TO ALL OF US...........https://www.thetrumpet.com/29159-the-catastrophic-warning-from-haiti

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We're sending taxpayer dollars to help with "food security"? Sounds like the Haitians have that one figured out already.

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Haiti Update TODAY...BRUTAL....Obama and Hillary are both gone now, leaving this as their 'good-bye note"............https://www.thetrumpet.com/29159-the-catastrophic-warning-from-haiti

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How many times do you think you need to post this? Stop spamming!!

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Haiti, Schmaiti. Enough with the distractions. They want everybody to get their panties in a wad with another distraction from the border crisis. So let's get to the issue and pound it into the voters thick skulls. Every political asshole, whether Democrat or Rhino needs to be the subject of a wanted poster, like the ones on the post office wall. If you voted for open borders, you get a poster –– with your mugshot and a VOTE THE BASTARD OUT headline. The message is "This anti-American asshole voted to allow the illegal scum of the earth to be your neighbor; snd free to rape, plunder and murder. He or she will turn your life into a nightmare. VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE. It will take time, but the message will resonate and will help Donald J. Trump.

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Meanwhile a morning “News” show is using more air time on the Princess of Wales AI photo than Boeing jets falling

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Well, the Boeing whistleblower is no longer a threat. . .

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Eye candy for the masses

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Apt, Don. Are our seniors adequately taken care of in terms of monthly cash and medical care like illegals?

No. Taking care of our own is the last agenda of the assholes in D.C.

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"Biden said he threatened Netanyahu with a come-to-Jesus moment." Jewish Bibi's response was "I'm not familiar with this phrase". Classic.

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Yeah, well, Biden probably thinks that Jesus is the gardener who works on his Delaware beach home...

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LOL funny. I gotta remember that one.

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I can't wait for the "Save Haiti" signs and Haitian flags to start popping up in my "I support the current thing!" community here in Mao-aland.

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Yes- I suppose pretty soon we'll all recognize the Haitian flag - because it will be the avatar on a million Facebook and Twitter accounts.

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As Gilda used to say….”I don’t know Why the US is sending Steaks to Haiti’……

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https://www.thetrumpet.com/29159-the-catastrophic-warning-from-haiti THIS IS HAITI TODAY, AND COULD BE USA AFTER NOVEMBER..... WARNING, IT IS BRUTAL AND WAS BROUGHT TO HAITI BY OBAMA AND HILLARY

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Trump was right again about there being 💩 hole countries.

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I’m sick and tired of everybody making Hilliary and Willy their favorite punch.

What about those kids they were supposed to have saved the last time they visited Haiti, huh?

I’m 76 and I don’t ever remember Haiti ever being a place that got 4 stars on Trip Advisor. My earliest memories involved shrivelled Papa Doc Duvalier, his son ‘Fat Boy’ Baby Doc Duvalier, Fat Boys hot wife, Michele (My Belle), the Tonton Macute, Voodoo, a bunch of seriously weird looking old broads done up like African Witch Doctors running around waving dead chickens over their heads,the walking dead, cannibalism (even then), and it being the AIDS capital of the western hemisphere. And here is Big Joe implying it’s gone downhill since then!

I read where the F-35 can now ‘legally’ carry (I wonder who is in charge of that) nuclear ordnance. Why not try it out there and put these poor people out of their misery. I mean have you seen Hiroshima lately!

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Don’t forget they once had the Duke of Marmalade and the Count of Limonade involved in running the shit show called Haiti. This was decades ago but it shows how ridiculous the place has been. The French were fortunate to be forced out of the place.

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It’s always been circling the drain as far as a country goes. But it serves as a an object lesson in the fact that you can pore Zillions into so very few acres and still no-body knows what happened to it!

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Chuck, That's the name of the game. Any excuse to loot the national treasurey and leave US taxpayers holding the bag. The money? I"m sure it's going to NGOs. You know, those non-governmental organizations that get truckloads of government money with instructions to kick it back. When do we get to look at their books? And, what percent of Republicans are neck deep in this bullshit? That's why they hate Trump. He threatens the game.

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Gary, I must agree the NGOS are mini Ukraines.

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Thank you for the hearty laugh (coffee was long gone) I'm still grinning. Trigger warning: "it’s gone downhill since then!"

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Give it a freaking break GAYLE. Reported you as a spammer. WE SAW THE FIRST TWENTY POSTS. You are ANNOYING!!!

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Giving or sending money to Haiti is very much like flushing your money down the toilet.

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Except, when you do that, the swamp doesn't get their share.

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...after wiping your behind with it.

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That wouldn't stop those a$$holes in Washington from "laundering" it and transferring it to their personal bank accounts. They have no shame...until Trump (or We The People) shame them

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WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO BE PREPARED FOR THE WORST IN OUR STREETS THIS WINTER.... GET READY.... IT COULD BE BRUTAL. https://www.thetrumpet.com/29159-the-catastrophic-warning-from-haiti

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Well, Gayle, I agree with you about that. It's possible absolutely anything can happen. Riots or government false flag events...who the hell knows?

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TODAYS UPDATE ON HAITI.... BRUTAL... THIS IS WHAT BECAME OF OUR MONEY THANKS TO OBAMA AND HILLARY.............https://www.thetrumpet.com/29159-the-catastrophic-warning-from-haiti

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That Haiti money is intended for two things. The first and foremost purpose is to donate to Hillary’s Non-profit Haitians for Hillary/FJB/ANYBODY Who Can Beat Trump presidential campaign fund. If Trump wins, the remaining funds will be used to establish a Haitian sanctuary for US deep state exiles. Those folks need somewhere to escape to. Just saying!

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Deflection. This has been happening since time time immemorial, no? Part of the reason we are in the Ukraine. The other part being the continuation of the blackmail payoffs from the Biden Crime Syndicate. It is business as usual. And BTW, who is going to come to our aid when we descend to the burning down of cities, the rape and pillage of roving street gangs, and the cannibalism right here in what was once America?

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Absolutely no one. There will be a universal shortage of popcorn.

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But what those other countries don’t understand is that, if the US goes down the toilet, their countries will soon follow. Except maybe China.

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Because China is already in the sewer

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I think China is dependent on selling their shit to us. It's an international circle j**k.

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Trying to fix Haiti is like trying to train a cat to fetch the paper and your slippers. Neither one is within the bounds of reality and as a cat owner (if there is such a thing), Don knows this all too well. So why is the State Dept. sending troops and giving a few hundred million dollars to Haiti instead of admitting that this poor excuse for a nation is beyond salvation? As Don as surmised, it's just another distraction from their own failures and, in the best "liberal" fashion, to show how much they care about those poor, black wretches who desperately need Uncle Sugar's guidance and care. Forgive my sarcasm, but this just seems like another Hollywood sequel of a previous movie we didn't like the first time.

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The actual truth is: Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.

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GMTA Lawsy.

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