My take…sooner or later you’ll have to accept the fact that the only way the D-Rats can be controlled is with guns

Y’all didn’t learn your lesson in the last civil war!

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It is getting to where I may have to scour the lake trying to find the guns I may never have owned that may have been lost in a tragic boating accident.

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Only the Shadow knows!😊

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Aren’t we exhausted yet by Democrat intransigence and neglect of inner cities? Aren’t we all past caring? Avoid the cities and let the Dems and their constituents have at it. They’ve created hellscapes, so let them live in them. Enough is enough, I’m going fishing.

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CC I feel your pain, especially after reading this morning’s news about the disbanding of the IRS team investigating the Biden family bribes. But there is a school of thought that the Democrats engage in naked corruption not only for the benefits but to demonstrate their immunity from punishment so as to demoralize those of us who recognize their evil. I don’t know what we will ultimately do to stop them, but I simply ask that you NEVER GIVE UP!

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I am totally with you on NEVER GIVE UP. But having lived in NYC for 35 years, I realized no Republican can have any impact on that city. We have kept our apartment in the city but have moved our main residence to the countryside where life is safer and quite honestly happier. We’ve gotten involved in local politics - I am becoming to the Treasurer of the local Republican Town Committee, as well as a Trustee of a local historical church. That said, we fight the ‘woke’ Dems locally and at least we have a spitting chance to get good things accomplished. This could never happen in NYC where 85% vote Democrat. So as I said; Let them have at it. We travel into the city to see theatre & symphony but quickly leave so as not to come up against the street degradation, crime and a truly degenerate populace.

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Excellent CC. I encourage everyone here to get involved, no matter your age. I was criticized once for not using my real name. Long time readers know I am an elected official - an alderman in my tiny town. Keeping liberals powerless is job one, as some are moving here as they escape from larger cities. Easier here as there are no schools to worry about. We are winning on the local level. Get involved. It’s a start.

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Once again, I feel your pain. I grew up on Long Island and once upon a time loved NYC. Circumstances took me to Oklahoma in 1974 where I discovered a whole new and kinder world at age 25. Eventually I knew I would never again live in NY. Since then I’ve lived in OK, AZ and now NC. Unfortunately, the politics (Dem) of NYC has slowly infected much of the country, but there are more good, sane people outside of the Dem cities then inside. One of these days (perhaps today) the evil doers will go too far and sanity will return. (btw, I’m not generally an optimist so I can envision dying in the fight, but it’s a hill worth dying on, I will never give up!)

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It’s not just NYC either. I received an email from a friend in Florida who’s done a lot of construction for the federal government throughout the South. He was bemoaning the abysmal conditions of New Orleans as well. Let’s face it - over time - Republicans have been better business and fiscal managers overall and when they leave places, the Democrats apparently can’t keep things going…..

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Rock On Brother👍

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Not true, CC, watch the movie Fail Safe, the 1962 version. Then picture a real republican at the controls.

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Psalm 37.

They can't escape His justice.

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Right on cue with the Durham report & Merrick Garland halting the IRS investigation of Hunter Biden -- revealing that Obama was instrumental in the coup against Trump and also blessed Joe & Hillary selling out the country to our adversaries - Obama emerges to distract with gun control and the left comes out with another Giuliani smear.

See the puppet strings?

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The British taught us the importance of having a gun.

The first battle of the Revolutionary War happened at Lexington. Why? There was an armory there. The British didn’t want the colonials to have weapons. They knew an armed citizenry was much tougher to defeat than an unarmed citizenry.

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My parents thought Barry Soetoro was heaven sent. Now, they are looking down from above realizing he was a tool of satan destroying the country my father enlisted to protect in WWII.

Millions of others still see Soetoro and Big Mike as Saviors. Soetoro’s divisive race baiting, Chicago style election theft and destruction of our borders are making his dreams reality. Guns may be the only solution to this nightmare.

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The Democrat party and their legion of minions throughout the Federal government are utterly lawless. They have ZERO interest in upholding the law and in fact break it on a daily basis multiple times. We have no Justice Dept. to reign in such lawlessness as they are orchestrating and protecting all the lawbreakers, so there is no recourse for those being victimized by the lawbreakers. The Hoise may be “controlled” by Republicans, but they are rendered impotent because our Justice system is totally corrupted. Our country is being run by criminals who commit crime as part of their mandate. This is NOT a Constitutional Republic anymore. It is a criminal enterprise, and their ultimate aim is to confiscate the legally owned guns so they can finish the job.

The 2nd Amendment is the only, and last thing standing between us and their “final solution”.

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I was in denial for a long time about the liberals' mendacity, fear-porn, dogged incrementalism, and election stealing antics. I began pondering whether those people behaved like that as a way of life: whether they really meant literal harm as their ultimate goal for those in disagreement with their agenda. The evolved conclusion on my part is yes.

As an adult, I never thought I would live in a country where the great majority of its national leaders and their enablers - both above and below - would be consumed with such hatred, outrage, and outright malice to me and my world.; I do now.

I have responded to liberal establishment types who cry "crazy conspiracy theories" at those who criticize them with some variation of the following: "Here and there, aberrant behavior announces as an anecdote: a 'data point."' But anecdotes accumulate over time and, together become a 'data set.' As Bob Dylan once sang, 'You don't need a weather vane to know which way the wind blows'."

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As much as I seek to apply Hanlon's razor, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.", there is now too much evidence to conclude that it is anything but intentional.

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Yes. Witness the content of Durham's recent report. Another blogger commented that, "I am old enough to remember when (sic) there were consequences for illegal acts." Not in a world of liberals; they act with casual and arrogant impunity.

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Votes don’t matter, therefore no consequences.

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....and obviously.....no LEGAL consequences.

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Durham's report - which is more or less risible because he apparently concluded that no one did anything wrong.

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I have occasionally seen the question if Biden was intentionally destroying America what would he do different? At this point, nothing. His policies are effectively doing the job. This is why they push gun control so bad, once we are disarmed, we are totally toast instead of sorta toast. Xi got his money's worth that is for certain.

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bidet is merely the puppet on the end of the wires.It has no capability to reason so he can claim no part in the destruction of a great experiment in true freedom as set forth by our Founders.

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They are Not Democrats any longer. They are...Devilcrats. I saw that name applied to them in another place somewhere on the webz. It stuck. Devilcrats are instruments of Satan, minions of Evil.

From here on in what the LORD Christ-man Jesus admonished is good advice: "Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." In that sense "serpents" indicates Satan & Company: Devilcrats. Outwit them

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Devilcrats. Love it!! Hate them.

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Devilcrats, Devilcorps, Devilgov...three corners of Hell on earth. The corporations are as godless as the...Devilcrats and their criminal AFLCIO devil-bureaucracy. Demonic corporate agribusiness would absolutely manufacture Soylent Green without blinking. Aren't they already incorporating human remains in drugs and cosmetics? Why not food? All those carcasses going to waste! Think Green!

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"Guns? We need to control Democrats"

Perfectly stated. Once again, I am looking at my Glock 43 on the counter. What is it doing?

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I'm worried about you. That gun could jump off that counter at any moment and shoot to kill!

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Haha! Have a wonderful day!

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Seriously, that gun might do tricks.......

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Judging by the outcome of the recent mayoral election, I'd say NO, it can't be saved. They keep electing color, not competency.

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They refuse competence even when it's a black who is competent. Look at how they Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas and Dr. Thomas Sowell. If you're not completely for their progressive politics you are automatically persona non grata, period.

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Black tribal politics on display.

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I almost lost my breakfast when I read that San Francisco, already burdened by crime in every direction, wants to make it illegal for security guards to carry weapons (Remember that a Walgreens security guard in SF just shot and killed a shoplifter). My question is how stupid can people be/get--or should I just say POLITICIANS.

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I’m amazed that anyone cares what Mr. Obama/Valarie Jarrett has to say at this point. To them the only gun control needed is for white conservatives. There will be no gun control for the brown shirts in antifa or BLM.

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One typo, Mr.

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If I were speaking to Big Mike, I wouldn't omit the mister. I don't want my head casually ripped off.

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The Dem party must be made to diminish. They are apparently willing to do just that, coming from the Left. I say, let them continue. But do not prop up with federal dollars the idiot schemes they use to rule their urban subjects. Let them pay for such themselves.

The real enemy is the deep state. Keeping our guns is essential to combating it.

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As a preacher I hate to sound preachy, (or do I?), but we cannot save ourselves. Historical clarity and a strong sense of duty are much appreciated but won't restore the destroyed foundations. Only humbley turning to God and asking for His help will unleash His power to nudge us into being His instruments. The minimum is to gratefully acknowledge His Presence and honestly admit our mistakes. Communists and most politicians won't/can't do that.

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Respectfully, God doesn’t favor or love countries, only individuals. I’m sure there were good people in Sodom and Gomorrah when it was destroyed by God. Sadly, many of us may be able to commiserate.

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God might favor our nation if we humbley ask. We have not because we ask not. God would have spared Sodom if there were 5 righteous people. The three that God spared were reluctant to leave but His mercy is great, perhaps because Abraham asked.

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Personally I am asking God to favor our Nation as long as we can be useful instruments in His hands. Will we? Will He? We will see.

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32 Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?”

He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it

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I find myself praying for God to strike Chicago and all the other Blue Cities (are there any Red Cities?) with fire and brimstone like Sodom and Gomorrah. Send angels to warn the decent God-fearing people (probably not that many left) to LEAVE NOW before the apocalypse comes. Maybe God can spare sites like the Art Institute, the Museum of Science and Industry, and Wrigley Field (not Soldier Field - after that bizarre "Star Trek" addition was added to the classical structure, it needs to be RAZED TO THE GROUND).

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There are not - only red townships, and red rural counties.

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You need some serious lessons on how to Pray. Try looking up "The Surrender Prayer" on Google.com

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Mr. Surber your post is the perfect icing on the cake bidet andA G garbage just dumped last night.The gop in the house need to defund the alphabet agencies asap I do hope there are some dems starting to see the destruction of trust in the government and msm but I also buy a lotto ticket sometimes.

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Marlan, nothing will happen. All talk and bluster...no action. When the scales of Justice are tilted, society ends up with either Bernard Goetz or Donald Trump.

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Sadly you are right and i fear the result wii be the Goetz factor.

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