A Christmas Story is on my list of favorite movies. Bob Clark made that movie. Clark and his son were killed by an illegal alien drunk driver. The killer did 3 years in prison and was deported. He was later arrested trying to return to the US. None of that undid the damage from the loss of Clark and his son.
100% agree - but living sans avocados isn't necessary - are there no teenagers in SoCal who could use a summer job?
Growing up, plenty of my friends earned their first paychecks detassling corn, or working the seasonal third shift at either the Green Giant or Bird's Eye processing plants.
I caddied at the local country club as my dad was not a member (nor did he want to be - seeing how a lot of those guys behaved away from home, I came to understand why).
That goes for just about every other venture. Once we fall away from God, the wheels come off society. If we had honest politicians, dishonest media companies would be held to account. If we had honest bureaucrats, elections would be fair and dishonest politicians would be held to account. We could go on about bankers, police, district attorneys, teachers, unions/employers (unions would be completely unneeded if employers were less mercenary), judges, etc. Sooner or later, it siphons down to you and me; I know I've been far too accepting of immoral behavior out of fear as well as laziness. But God is working on me and I am reaching out to Him as best I can. Hopefully He'll spare us from ourselves soon.
I agree DT, but a fair and honest media wouldn’t spread the lies, they’d expose them along with the corruption, etc. so that even the ignorant would understand what is happening to this country.
The reality these people are trying to get the rest of us to buy into--that if you just take guns away from nonviolent, law-abiding people, violent, non-law-abiding people will not be able to get them--is so mind-numbingly stupid it's hard to wrap your head around.
We need border control because once upon a time immigrating meant coming to a country for more opportunity and assimilating into that country's culture. In our culture, we don't shoot rifles in our backyards (especially in town) and we respect our neighbors' rights to some peace and quiet. We don't shoot them when they ask us to quiet down. We might give them dirty looks over the fence, play music really loudly, or run our mower at 8:05 in the morning to get back at them in petty ways, but we do not shoot them.
That's something you do in, oh, say, South America and Central America, where law enforcement is thin on the ground and might makes right. And that's the problem with what's going on here. It's not really immigration that we're witnessing, legal or otherwise. It's colonization by a bunch of people who have no intention of assimilating and are not here because they're looking for "opportunity." Not all of them, but a lot, and we're not allowed to keep out the ones who have no intention of following our standards of behavior.
And as for the gun question, it sounds like we need to be giving out Glocks with the green cards.
Well, we've outlawed nukes. The moment we decided that, Iran and North Korea immediately quit trying to make them so now it's time to dismantle ours. /Sarc.
Our legal system isn't. We let criminals run free and lock up those who object to the government misconduct.
Our government is in business with narcoterrorists. That includes smuggling adults, smuggling drugs, and smuggling little kids. All the people smuggled are abused and extorted. Some are sex slaves. All are indentured servants of one form or another if they have no money to pay for the trip. I say snuggling because this is all illegal. The USG is breaking it’s own laws every day. Superficially this means the Mexican cartels. Probe a little deeper and you see the associations run to the CCP ( supplies the fentanyl - why? To do to America what was done to China in the Opium Wars), Hezbollah - which operates extensively in Latin America, and assorted other unsavory characters from Colombia ( where the Mexicans learned all this crap, and which is not a safe place btw, current PR to the contrary), Italy (La Mafia), etc..
The Uniparty doesn’t care how many citizens and legal residents get killed while they meet their labor cost arbitrage goals and import future welfare recipient Democrat voters who never assimilate into the country. How importing unskilled labor is an economic boon to the United States beats me, but that’s a different topic. How bringing in what is essentially millions of poor brown people subjected to slave labor once they get here isn’t racist is beyond me.
In any event, some of these imported people are violent criminals who exploit the porous border and murder, rob, rape, and steal when they get here.
The lenient Soros DA posse and the lax border enforcement incentivize criminals to commit crime.
Then the MSM blames you for the crime wave. See how that works. You are bad because you want to defend yourself. Bad Americans! While they commit crimes against humanity, while they import tons of fentanyl, violent criminals, underpaid farm hands, slaughterhouse workers, and sex slave little brown 10 year olds from the offices of the DHS with help from religious charities (!) - you are the racist and the extremists. See how that works. While they destroy the Republic, it’s your fault. And where are the heroes at the front lines? They still collect a pay check and keep their mouths shut.
That’s where they are.
So exercise your legal right to defend your life. Learn how to safely and accurately use and store firearms. Learn situational awareness. Learn the law around defending your life. Don’t go to a place with somebody firing a rifle randomly. Call the cops and get out of there.
Either one is correct - alleged "journalists" are, in fact, evil - but they also are not very bright. Which one gives rise to the other?
"Chicago has the nation’s strictest anti-gun laws and thanks to that one of the nation’s highest murder rates. Gang-bangers do not need competition from illegal aliens because native criminals can get the job done without any help."
As a former indentured servant to the Political Class of Illinois, and a lowly serf in Chicago (before I fled to Texas), this is true. In fact, a steady stream of illegals into Chicago may be what temporarily stems the tide of black-on-black homicides as the Gangster Disciples focus on the Latin Kings, and vice-versa, while the illegals who AREN'T recruited into the Latin Kings will kill black men because they realise they're the targets of those hopeless black boys.
As far as the poll goes, stupidity is not an excuse for doing what is evil in the sight of the Lord. Simple people who are faithful to God have Him as a shield. The media are holding themselves high above God; they have crowned themselves and speak haughty abominations. And God is busy judging them now. How must it be for those prideful fools to be shown that the nation ignores their words? To be shown that they are nothing but mouthpieces for liars in governments and corporations? To be shown that they do not speak the truth to power but speak deceit for power? Will they humble themselves and return to God?
Excellent question! I wonder when market forces will drive the NYT, the Bezos Post, Chicago Tribune, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, LA Times, et al. out of business.
They are busy trying to eliminate market forces. Power > money. Notice how Chase bought First Republic yesterday? That sure saved the FDIC's bacon since their new (illegal) policy of reimbursing more than the first $250k of each account would more than likely exhausted the funds they have. So now the FDIC owes them a favor. And the purchase was illegal, in violation of Frank-Dodd since it gives Chase >10% of US deposits, so now they are complicit in a crime. Think Chase did that for free? They get power in exchange for all that debt.
Micah 7:2b-3 "... they all lie in wait for blood, and each hunts the other with a net. Their hands are on what is evil, to do it well; the prince and the judge ask for a bribe, and the great man utters the evil desire of his soul; thus they weave it together."
The New Testament has plenty of relevance, too. 😅 Just read Revelation 6:1-3 and tell me we're not there, with a bunch of global elites all suddenly thinking they can "win." It is also interesting that the second horseman takes peace from the earth but it doesn't necessarily say he brings war. That seems to exactly describe the lawlessness we're seeing all over.
Paper news, slowly then suddenly. However, most printed news companies have switched to an internet presence. More's the pity, and more's the advertising pop-ups and stickiness.
As I understand it, more and more content is behind a pay wall, and one reason for subscribing (premium level) is to have access to content ad-free (at least, the kind that disrupts one's reading). I wonder how that is sustainable.
There's a lot of monkeying with the free market where ads are concerned. Freemium sites put pressure on publishers to rely on advertisers. And with the internet, you aren't competing locally — you must compete against the best in the world. That puts pressure on publishers to consolidate and use their size to create high-production-value content to compete with high-innate-value content they are unable to produce. It is a vicious cycle and we are weak-willed enough (or cheap enough, if you want to be cynical) to support it.
I seriously think they all use it as a tax write off to counter other taxes they would have to pay. Plus, they can control content. Win win in their minds.
If we had a flat tax with no loop holes, then I bet a lot of this would go away.
When the politicians who push gun control and the confiscation of citizen owned guns give up their armed security people I’ll start to believe they believe what they say but until then.
As far as “journalists “ go they are either too stupid to put two and two together or they aren’t allowed to do so. I find it sadly humorous when a journalist is killed and all the nonsense about how terrible it is to kill a “journalist “. The bad guys just see them as easier than most targets like the badge “journalist “ is going to protect them.
For many years, a journalism degree was the easiest degree you could get. Why? Because you didn't have to take math classes after your 2nd year. THAT is why journalists, such as Don Lemon, appear so stupid because they really are.
If Mr. Bezos wants to push gun control, ask his one simple question. Name one government employee at any level (Federal State or city) who he would trust with his life, because that is exactly what he would want them to do. I loved what Charleton Heston once said and I will paraphrase it, "They can take my guns out of my cold DEAD hands......."
Arguments for, or against, gun confiscation is not advanced with logic, anecdotes, Dr. John Lott's (and others' ) professional research on the matter., or any rational dialogue. Those opposed to anything but the advance of THEIR "progressive/Soros-Beelzebubba/Oinkubus-nose glasses Shumer/Granny Boxwine agenda" to promote more power for them and further distort our income and wealth mal-distribution in this country. They are the enemy. They play by no rules save their self-serving rules. They are not to be trusted. I am presently reading the new biography PUTIN and find much historical political behavior there that I am seeing these days from the liberals in this country. They are of the same tribe and cut of cloth.
You know just because you’re not bright doesn’t mean you aren’t evil. This answer could either choice and still right.
I hate what’s happened to this country perpetrated by dumb, evil people in positions of authority. They should be in positions of “ don’t pick up the soap in the shower”.
Our border is not secure because politicians want it do. Voter ID and secure elections are a thing of the past too for the same reason. Same too our abysmal education system, crime etc. Time to fix this!!!
I can picture a scenario where Venezuela's Maduro sues Governor Abbott because some family he forwarded to beetle juice got forwarded to eternity by some of those feral yutes. Err misunderstood children.🙄
A Christmas Story is on my list of favorite movies. Bob Clark made that movie. Clark and his son were killed by an illegal alien drunk driver. The killer did 3 years in prison and was deported. He was later arrested trying to return to the US. None of that undid the damage from the loss of Clark and his son.
One of my cousins in Massachusetts also got hit by an illegal alien who was drinking while driving. She at least lived to tell the tale.
I didn’t know this. That’s very sad. Great movie.
My Recipe for a safer more secure Southern Border…
Of Course this requires a President not only fully in charge of his mental and physical faculties but with a set of stones.
Do we know anyone like that
1. Bring all American forces and equipment back home. No more NA kids need to die defending our interests anywhere other than NA
2. Close the Southern Border (and even the Northern one if it’s problematic, at least temporarily) down completely
3. Declare a 150 mile DMZ south of the border patrolled by Drones, with a rapid response unit to sort out… ‘issues’
4. Anything moving inside the DMZ that can’t be immediately ID’d as farm equipment get blown to hell and gone.
5 Boot out the illegals on a daily basis… never to have the option of returning again.
6. Tax money transfers out of the country at 50 %.
7. Learn to live without avocados… I do, believe me it’s easy
Shame there isn't some way to mark them so they can't even apply legally later. Laws should have punishments.
What’s wrong with finger printing/photo I’d etc? Any attempt to fudge those=an immediate and permanent adios
Brand them? Naw, that would be cruel, so as long as it isn't unusual......
100% agree - but living sans avocados isn't necessary - are there no teenagers in SoCal who could use a summer job?
Growing up, plenty of my friends earned their first paychecks detassling corn, or working the seasonal third shift at either the Green Giant or Bird's Eye processing plants.
I caddied at the local country club as my dad was not a member (nor did he want to be - seeing how a lot of those guys behaved away from home, I came to understand why).
The first requirement for getting a summer job was the will to work…apparently not a ‘thing’ these days!
Oh, yeah...forgot about that...it's a good thing we grow our own, then!
On their first uninvited visit, horse whip them. If they come back, castrate them. If you get a chance, read Harry Coyle's trial by fire.
I repeat myself, but if we had an honest mainstream media, many of our nations problems would not be problems.
That goes for just about every other venture. Once we fall away from God, the wheels come off society. If we had honest politicians, dishonest media companies would be held to account. If we had honest bureaucrats, elections would be fair and dishonest politicians would be held to account. We could go on about bankers, police, district attorneys, teachers, unions/employers (unions would be completely unneeded if employers were less mercenary), judges, etc. Sooner or later, it siphons down to you and me; I know I've been far too accepting of immoral behavior out of fear as well as laziness. But God is working on me and I am reaching out to Him as best I can. Hopefully He'll spare us from ourselves soon.
I agree DT, but a fair and honest media wouldn’t spread the lies, they’d expose them along with the corruption, etc. so that even the ignorant would understand what is happening to this country.
Nice point that we must do our part to seek God to change us first. He is our only hope.
And absolutely God.
spot on sclong. OMG-joined faceturbation & dont@me just to get the word out on camelot-Surber created a frankenstein. click early & often
hard to believe ur not a fm-this is ur platform-c'mon let's all our Surbs get my hero a Bentley
The reality these people are trying to get the rest of us to buy into--that if you just take guns away from nonviolent, law-abiding people, violent, non-law-abiding people will not be able to get them--is so mind-numbingly stupid it's hard to wrap your head around.
We need border control because once upon a time immigrating meant coming to a country for more opportunity and assimilating into that country's culture. In our culture, we don't shoot rifles in our backyards (especially in town) and we respect our neighbors' rights to some peace and quiet. We don't shoot them when they ask us to quiet down. We might give them dirty looks over the fence, play music really loudly, or run our mower at 8:05 in the morning to get back at them in petty ways, but we do not shoot them.
That's something you do in, oh, say, South America and Central America, where law enforcement is thin on the ground and might makes right. And that's the problem with what's going on here. It's not really immigration that we're witnessing, legal or otherwise. It's colonization by a bunch of people who have no intention of assimilating and are not here because they're looking for "opportunity." Not all of them, but a lot, and we're not allowed to keep out the ones who have no intention of following our standards of behavior.
And as for the gun question, it sounds like we need to be giving out Glocks with the green cards.
Well, we've outlawed nukes. The moment we decided that, Iran and North Korea immediately quit trying to make them so now it's time to dismantle ours. /Sarc.
Our legal system isn't. We let criminals run free and lock up those who object to the government misconduct.
Think this is new? https://www.youtube.com/live/DN7TPYrR0ck?feature=share
Been going on a long time.
Our government is in business with narcoterrorists. That includes smuggling adults, smuggling drugs, and smuggling little kids. All the people smuggled are abused and extorted. Some are sex slaves. All are indentured servants of one form or another if they have no money to pay for the trip. I say snuggling because this is all illegal. The USG is breaking it’s own laws every day. Superficially this means the Mexican cartels. Probe a little deeper and you see the associations run to the CCP ( supplies the fentanyl - why? To do to America what was done to China in the Opium Wars), Hezbollah - which operates extensively in Latin America, and assorted other unsavory characters from Colombia ( where the Mexicans learned all this crap, and which is not a safe place btw, current PR to the contrary), Italy (La Mafia), etc..
The Uniparty doesn’t care how many citizens and legal residents get killed while they meet their labor cost arbitrage goals and import future welfare recipient Democrat voters who never assimilate into the country. How importing unskilled labor is an economic boon to the United States beats me, but that’s a different topic. How bringing in what is essentially millions of poor brown people subjected to slave labor once they get here isn’t racist is beyond me.
In any event, some of these imported people are violent criminals who exploit the porous border and murder, rob, rape, and steal when they get here.
The lenient Soros DA posse and the lax border enforcement incentivize criminals to commit crime.
Then the MSM blames you for the crime wave. See how that works. You are bad because you want to defend yourself. Bad Americans! While they commit crimes against humanity, while they import tons of fentanyl, violent criminals, underpaid farm hands, slaughterhouse workers, and sex slave little brown 10 year olds from the offices of the DHS with help from religious charities (!) - you are the racist and the extremists. See how that works. While they destroy the Republic, it’s your fault. And where are the heroes at the front lines? They still collect a pay check and keep their mouths shut.
That’s where they are.
So exercise your legal right to defend your life. Learn how to safely and accurately use and store firearms. Learn situational awareness. Learn the law around defending your life. Don’t go to a place with somebody firing a rifle randomly. Call the cops and get out of there.
Karine Jean-Pierre opened a press conference last week declaring “Lesbian Disability Day”. I am a lesbian, but not disabled…
“Need I say it? Guns don’t kill people, illegal aliens do.” No kidding, my Glock 43 is just sitting here…
Todd Bensman reports there are 40 square miles of shantytowns housing illegals in Tejas… Think about that.
Either one is correct - alleged "journalists" are, in fact, evil - but they also are not very bright. Which one gives rise to the other?
"Chicago has the nation’s strictest anti-gun laws and thanks to that one of the nation’s highest murder rates. Gang-bangers do not need competition from illegal aliens because native criminals can get the job done without any help."
As a former indentured servant to the Political Class of Illinois, and a lowly serf in Chicago (before I fled to Texas), this is true. In fact, a steady stream of illegals into Chicago may be what temporarily stems the tide of black-on-black homicides as the Gangster Disciples focus on the Latin Kings, and vice-versa, while the illegals who AREN'T recruited into the Latin Kings will kill black men because they realise they're the targets of those hopeless black boys.
Some days, Don, you need a both button. Today you need a "both in spades" button.
As far as the poll goes, stupidity is not an excuse for doing what is evil in the sight of the Lord. Simple people who are faithful to God have Him as a shield. The media are holding themselves high above God; they have crowned themselves and speak haughty abominations. And God is busy judging them now. How must it be for those prideful fools to be shown that the nation ignores their words? To be shown that they are nothing but mouthpieces for liars in governments and corporations? To be shown that they do not speak the truth to power but speak deceit for power? Will they humble themselves and return to God?
Excellent question! I wonder when market forces will drive the NYT, the Bezos Post, Chicago Tribune, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, LA Times, et al. out of business.
They are busy trying to eliminate market forces. Power > money. Notice how Chase bought First Republic yesterday? That sure saved the FDIC's bacon since their new (illegal) policy of reimbursing more than the first $250k of each account would more than likely exhausted the funds they have. So now the FDIC owes them a favor. And the purchase was illegal, in violation of Frank-Dodd since it gives Chase >10% of US deposits, so now they are complicit in a crime. Think Chase did that for free? They get power in exchange for all that debt.
Micah 7:2b-3 "... they all lie in wait for blood, and each hunts the other with a net. Their hands are on what is evil, to do it well; the prince and the judge ask for a bribe, and the great man utters the evil desire of his soul; thus they weave it together."
Damn...you are correct. Old Testament scripure continues to prove itself more prescient, every day.
The New Testament has plenty of relevance, too. 😅 Just read Revelation 6:1-3 and tell me we're not there, with a bunch of global elites all suddenly thinking they can "win." It is also interesting that the second horseman takes peace from the earth but it doesn't necessarily say he brings war. That seems to exactly describe the lawlessness we're seeing all over.
"Just read Revelation 6:1-3 and tell me we're not there, with a bunch of global elites all suddenly thinking they can 'win.'"
No, I concur - that's about where we are.
Paper news, slowly then suddenly. However, most printed news companies have switched to an internet presence. More's the pity, and more's the advertising pop-ups and stickiness.
As I understand it, more and more content is behind a pay wall, and one reason for subscribing (premium level) is to have access to content ad-free (at least, the kind that disrupts one's reading). I wonder how that is sustainable.
This is the first only site I pay for, or will pay for.
There's a lot of monkeying with the free market where ads are concerned. Freemium sites put pressure on publishers to rely on advertisers. And with the internet, you aren't competing locally — you must compete against the best in the world. That puts pressure on publishers to consolidate and use their size to create high-production-value content to compete with high-innate-value content they are unable to produce. It is a vicious cycle and we are weak-willed enough (or cheap enough, if you want to be cynical) to support it.
They don’t depend on the market. Their owners have unlimited capital
I seriously think they all use it as a tax write off to counter other taxes they would have to pay. Plus, they can control content. Win win in their minds.
If we had a flat tax with no loop holes, then I bet a lot of this would go away.
That is both depressing, and frightening.
When the politicians who push gun control and the confiscation of citizen owned guns give up their armed security people I’ll start to believe they believe what they say but until then.
As far as “journalists “ go they are either too stupid to put two and two together or they aren’t allowed to do so. I find it sadly humorous when a journalist is killed and all the nonsense about how terrible it is to kill a “journalist “. The bad guys just see them as easier than most targets like the badge “journalist “ is going to protect them.
For many years, a journalism degree was the easiest degree you could get. Why? Because you didn't have to take math classes after your 2nd year. THAT is why journalists, such as Don Lemon, appear so stupid because they really are.
I believe teaching degrees are also very easy
They probably are now, but when I went through college both my first and second time, a teaching certificate was a bit hard to come by.
If Mr. Bezos wants to push gun control, ask his one simple question. Name one government employee at any level (Federal State or city) who he would trust with his life, because that is exactly what he would want them to do. I loved what Charleton Heston once said and I will paraphrase it, "They can take my guns out of my cold DEAD hands......."
Great article, Don. You're doing the work that a fellow named Rush did. I only wish you could reach as many millions.
Arguments for, or against, gun confiscation is not advanced with logic, anecdotes, Dr. John Lott's (and others' ) professional research on the matter., or any rational dialogue. Those opposed to anything but the advance of THEIR "progressive/Soros-Beelzebubba/Oinkubus-nose glasses Shumer/Granny Boxwine agenda" to promote more power for them and further distort our income and wealth mal-distribution in this country. They are the enemy. They play by no rules save their self-serving rules. They are not to be trusted. I am presently reading the new biography PUTIN and find much historical political behavior there that I am seeing these days from the liberals in this country. They are of the same tribe and cut of cloth.
You forgot to include mushbrain buden & brylcream Newsom in your list of evil ones
You know just because you’re not bright doesn’t mean you aren’t evil. This answer could either choice and still right.
I hate what’s happened to this country perpetrated by dumb, evil people in positions of authority. They should be in positions of “ don’t pick up the soap in the shower”.
Our border is not secure because politicians want it do. Voter ID and secure elections are a thing of the past too for the same reason. Same too our abysmal education system, crime etc. Time to fix this!!!
I can picture a scenario where Venezuela's Maduro sues Governor Abbott because some family he forwarded to beetle juice got forwarded to eternity by some of those feral yutes. Err misunderstood children.🙄