"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." so said Winston Churchill. The only people not miserable are the globalist oligarchs and their mandarins. Globalism is just another Leftist euphemism for Marxism/socialism/communism.

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Bentleys vs indoor plumbing is a difficult choice.

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So install a sink in your Bentley.

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The 3 Maniacs of the Old Top Gear especially May would love that.

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Thought they came with a built-in kitchen.

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I got the economy version. Don't tell Don. He'd be insulted.

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Eartha Kitt in her song “Old Fashioned Girl”, had ‘a cerise Cadillac long enough for a bowling alley in the back’ on her list.

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Gonna need more than a sink.

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The world is my urinal. I would be able to stop a Bentley on any side road to pee. I can't drive my commode to the corner store, heck I can't drive it to the corner of my bathroom.

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I placed a trainer potty in a Lincoln Town car, one can have both.

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I voted Bentley for Don. My bucket list includes a Maserati.

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I couldn't stand it. Anybody who's eaten British cuisine knows why that's so funny. Of course you know the old joke, right? What's the definition of Heaven and Hell?

Heaven is a place where you have a British policeman,

a French chef,

a German auto mechanic,

an Italian lover,

and a Swiss to keep it all organized.

Hell is a place where you have a British chef,

a German policeman,

a French auto mechanic,

a Swiss lover,

and an Italian to keep it all organized.

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Hubby and I used to tell that joke after living in Europe for a few years.

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The simple version is a British cop,a French cook and a German train conductor vs a British cook a German cop and a French train conductor.

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Never had an Italian lover have you? My brother's neighbor married an Italian gal. It got so bad there was a sign by the curb reserving the spot for a cruiser. She could hit, throw, bite and knee. He never raised a finger, always went to jail.

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Growing up, I had a friend down the street who's mother was an Italian war bride. My friends mother was a real fighter. Had the Italian Army fought as well as she did in WWII and the outcome would have been different for them. She was a wonderful person when smiling and treated her kids and the rest of the neighborhood kids wonderfully, but lurking underneath that kind manner was a potential John Wick. Ah, the good old days.

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My psych prof used to rouse the ire of our now-majority female medical school class by saying that anyone who stayed in an abusive relationship was getting some sort of secondary gain from it.

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Two words about British cuisine: “blood pudding”.

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Don't forget British spotted dick - steamed sponge pudding with currants. I worked for H J Heinz and Heinz UK made it in cans that you heated/steamed in hot/boiling water.

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Made with suet (beef fat). Blech.

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I stayed with the Beryl and Steve Lee family of Pinner, Middlesex for the first three months of 1979 when I took college classes taught by Pete Steffens (son of Lincoln). Beryl made the best steak and kidney pie. She asked if I wanted anything special for my last dinner with them. Steak and kidney pie, of course!

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Nearly every thing you own today is from a white Christian male or his descendants. Not saying whites are superior or denigrating others, but the modern world exists due to white European brains making discoveries and capitalizing on it.

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Whoa, Greg, you said the quiet part out loud!!!

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They can. So can we.

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There are many, many [black] African Christians... more than you know

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Now...yes. And smart Africans. We all honor that.

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ones living here, too.

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The WEF, their acolytes, big Pharma c-suite types, anybody caught promoting a climate catastrophe and any d-rat who held office in 2020 and later who didn’t turn MAGA in the last 4 years needs to be hung or shot!

Ask the folks in Hawaii or NC if you need a second opinion!

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Yes. We will soon add destruction from a second hurricane - weather controlled events by the way - which will pretty much wipe out Trump territory in five states a month before the election. The Erectile Disfunctioning FEMA is doing all they can to exacerbate the damage to human life.

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I don't believe this is an innocent or honest dis-functioning of FEMA or the federal government. They are putting more effort to communicate that people are spreading disinformation about rescue and recovery efforts than the actual effort to save people.

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Me either. Incompetence is it's feature not a flaw.

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Like true communists, the left will sacrifice all those hurricane victims in a heartbeat if it gets them the WH. There is no debate on that subject needed anymore. Just look at their history and the comment writes itself.

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Then, they will commandeer the land of Chimney Rock because it holds tons of Lithium. It is LaHaina, Hawaii but in North Carolina.

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Not just for those wearing tinfoil hats any more, is it?

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MAGA and Patriotism are not 'mutually exclusive'.

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Long time ago, for presidential elections, Hitlery Rodman Clintoon uttered aloud mid-frustration for being called anti-American, really loud as she could do, "Liberal democrats are more patriotic." It wouldn't have occurred to me to wonder if she believed that.

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OK. We can call it population control.

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This post gave me a new perspective on the history I studied and read 6 decades ago when it was taught along with civics and geography. The new world order is a purely evil vision of slavery under a woke definition coined and promoted by [ useful idiots ] those unable to fathom the results of of the brainwashing by the mis=education of the last 50+years. Pity future generations if sanity and morals do not return to society as a whole. Interesting poll and I hated the old 2 holers. Roll on Poca-Man to a MAGA 2024 to a win too big to rig .

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You are correct. The NWO is just a scam, the latest one in a long line of increasingly disruptive scams to be thrust on the world by people who have more money than they can count and elite university diplomas on their walls. At some point in the acquisition of wealth, people apparently have nothing else they can buy so they decide to buy and run the world. Notice none of them ever try to work within their current governance system of their respective countries and run for government leadership positions. Rather, they choose to use their money and positions to buy a particular course of action that strategically reinforces their ideological position but that is rarely in the best interest of the rest of society. We are at the point where there are people trying to run the world.........literally. Remember all those movies like Robo-cop, i-Robot, and similar where a big corporation was trying to control everyone? What is going on today in our country is being repeated in many other countries as well and it is not what society needs or wants. Perhaps we have gotten to the point where enough money can actually buy someone the future of the world. I pray not.

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None of these international clowns advocating this realignment has shown any propensity to be able to do anything correctly. I doubt Clause Schuab could boil eggs.

The clowns currently running our government have shown themselves to nothing but incompetent bozos. But they check all the DEI boxes.

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The first time I heard "Imagine" I knew the commies were invading by popular music. Shades of Pete Seeger.

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Agreed. But at least it was music, not the unlistenable dreck that pollutes the ears nowadays.

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There's another song which comes to mind - Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose followed by a lot of la, la, la's that well fits this discussion - wasn't that written by Kristofferson who was a big fanboy of Castro?

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He may have been early in life but not after becoming an adult and shedding the drugs. Sooner or later, everyone has to grow up.

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Even John Lennon refuted his own lyrics later in life.

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12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs ago

What is the WEF, other than a group of vastly diverse people from all countries and cultures who all basically have one thing in common: power, either vested in them by their positions in governments or through vast accumulated wealth.

By virtue of their perceived power they have decided to take it upon themselves to solve all of the world’s problems by diktat.

You see, they conveniently fail to recognize that so many of the problems they seek to rectify are a direct result of many of their own government’s making, (bloated administrations and regulations, interference in free markets and other nation’s business), and some problems they even had to conjure up out of whole cloth, (Climate Change, mass immigration, etc.), to make bad into even worse.

But something else they have in common due to their positions of power and authority is a deep-seated detestation for people other than themselves, those unwashed masses outside the fences and walls within which they live.

They aren’t even bashful about admitting it: “deplorables”, etc. Why, they even hate their own lowly sycophants, and clingers-on, who worship at their feet, the “useful idiots” who they use to infiltrate and carry out their deeds and use to mingle amongst the grotesque and ignorant masses. But even these are “disposable people” when their usefulness expires.

But lately they’ve found they’ve run into all sorts of trouble, resistance to their lofty aims and schemes and dreams for that world they envision they will one day rule over.

One of the greatest impediments has been this bothersome and pesky thing called the Constitution, with all its “inalienable rights”, like free speech, blah, blah, blah. “Oh, what a wicked document, designed solely to thwart our ability to achieve complete control!” they exclaim (Hilary Clinton, John Kerry, and just about every Western government official).

They’ve come to the realization that we really are far too ignorant to go quietly into THEIR goodnight, and thus, force must be applied - for our own good, of course.

It is now Them vs. Us, as more sharply revealed than perhaps ever before.

They’ve become backed into their own inevitable corner, but, like cornered animals, will needs be become more vicious than ever to implement their plans.

They know we’ll all thank them in the end.

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Wanna put a face on that? Bill Gates comes to mind?

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They have their leverage in the world hell organisation err health. They will use plandemics to control us, once ratified the government will be powerless to stop them.

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Owning nothing includes your life.

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If presumption of innocence was a thing in the British empire, then that is certainly the correct answer.

And wow—hundreds of years of history in this one little article. Great job!

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I picked "indoor plumbing" because the British pioneered that. But it's a shame that one of the designers of the flush toilet, an engineer by the name of Crapper, is only remembered by a verb derived from his surname.

Other than that, the British stole and copied a lot of things the Dutch had pioneered. One was the idea of the corporation, which was first used by the fabulously successful Dutch East India Company, and next by its British imitation. Prior to that, merchants and ship owners ran the risk of personal bankruptcy if their ship was lost ... And the Dutch won most of the 5 Anglo-Dutch wars in the 17th and 18th centuries, except for the last one -- which, in retrospect, counted the most.

And about that moaning and groaning by the Danish politician: "We had all these terrible things happening: lifestyle diseases, climate change, the refugee crisis, environmental degradation, completely congested cities, water pollution, air pollution, social unrest and unemployment."

What a crock, baked by an addled brain. Lifestyle diseases, like obesity and addiction, are self-inflicted, as is the refugee crisis. Climate change is a hoax; for one thing, temperatures from about 950 to 1300 AD were warmer than today. Environmental degradation, at least in the Western world, is rapidly diminishing; today forest acreage is far larger than 100 years ago, at least in the western world. For one small piece of evidence, visit the woods in Westchester County, north of NYC, where you stumble into rock walls erected around cleared farm fields that are forests today. And congested cities? Check the sanitary conditions in cities in the Middle Ages and through the 19th century, and you may lose your breakfast. Water and air pollution have greatly diminished, and are still improving, except in Tampon Tim's favorite hangout, China. And finally, for "social unrest" we have the Left to thank, along with their enablers in feckless governments.

And on an unrelated but personal matter or, if you will, shameless self-promotion: Three years ago I posted the first installment of "Wim's World War II Memories", but then couldn't figure out how to post the next ones, so I let it slide. But thanks to my lovely daughter-in-law to whom this stuff comes astonishingly naturally, I'm back on track now, and have filed a dozen more installments. I expect to keep going at this pace for at least a year. Check it out; it's still free.

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Oh, how I wish I had the wisdom of your lovely daughter-in-law. Did she teach you how to cut and paste also?

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Actually, that I do know, as long as it's in Word, which I've used for many years now. But if you're talking about cut and paste in pictures -- I used to be really good at that, in MS Digital, but then Microsoft, cursed be their name, did something to make it unusable, and I have not found a program to replace it.

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"But it's a shame that one of the designers of the flush toilet, an engineer by the name of Crapper, is only remembered by a verb derived from his surname."

Mr. Crapper, then, achieved far more than Kamala Harris has in her lifetime.

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He really did achieve a great deal for mankind. I've read that in the Middle Ages, among city dwellers it was common to have a sewage pit right behind the back door.

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Oh - and that whole Industrial Revolution thing: primarily a Scots/Irish and private property thing. Also thanks to the Brits.

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And it became an Industrial Complex, along with the Military, Big Pharma, Media and Health Care. Should I add K Street?

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Maybe so, but I’ll take the indoor plumbing and the reliable heat. Oh - and my polio vaccine when I was 4 when all the parents in our neighborhood were panicked over the major outbreak. And my eye surgeon who corrected my crossed eye when I was four and my eyeglasses that have corrected the farsighted astigmatism. It’s up to humans to choose to reject bad behaviour.

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A few years before Salk and Sabin, while in grammar school I visited a home where their teenage daughter lived in an Iron Lung because she had polio.

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Like the chicken pox vaccine, the polio vaccine separated age groups. My cousin is 3 years older than I and contracted a minor case - his legs were affected but he was young and therapy helped and he had no life threatening effects. We were vaccinated and my parents were grateful. Even as a 4 year old I remember how panicked the parents were that summer. Our son got chicken pox, but classmates didn’t - separated by a year in age.

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Capitalism is a double edged sword. It is great when administered morally and ethically but not if it is administered in a corrupt or greedy manner without regard for the people.

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Just like Winston Churchill said about democracy--"that it is a terrible form of government, except compared to all the others".

The same is true of capitalism-- a form of economic organization that can be perverted by corrupt and immoral people, but STILL is the best, compared to all the others.

Capitalism enables individual freedom and innovation and a wide distribution of wealth better than any other economic system on earth, and includes "consequences"--in that unsuccessful ventures ultimately CLOSE. When was the last time you saw a government program terminate because it was unsuccessful?

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Perfect explanation Redd.

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I voted for indoor plumbing - add refrigeration and electricity, and you don't need phony (deadly) vaccines to "cure" disease - the human body is capable of doing that on its own.

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IOW, clean water, healthy diet and sanitation, - and most diseases will be eradicated.

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I remain thankful for Jonas Salk and his polio vaccine - which definitely was a vaccine that worked!

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If you want to see a perfect example of what Auken is talking about, take a look at western North Carolina these last 10 days. The government is absolutely deciding who gets every necessity of life and who doesn’t with the result being devastation.

I once spent a few years in a communist country and there is little difference between what Auken is talking about and what I witnessed. Globalism = communism. On steroids.

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We’re Americans! We can change this if we can somehow unite for a better way - to live the way the “Anti-Federalists” suggested - united as one republic for foreign matters and separate as 50 sovereign republics for all domestic matters. Real Federalism.


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Those "fifty small republics" lost much of their freedom to be independent when they started feeding at the federal teat and started taking billions of dollars in bribes from the feds. This is going to self correct itself shortly when our national debt reaches critical mass. No one is going to like the result, especially those states such as Oregon, and the others that use federal funds to offset their policies of restricted growth suddenly are without those resources. The reckoning is very close at hand now. As for the issue of abortion, I agree it will never be settled politically but it is not a political issue, it is a moral issue and thus politics will never settle it. But society, outside of politics will one day settle it when people realize it has been used as a wedge to divide society for far too long.

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Well said.

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