Sep 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Your line about Republicans should learn from him instead of fighting him, I think, misses the true intent of the RINO Republican in Washington.

With rare exception the GOPe don’t care if they win in 2024. They just want their money( Democrats seek power) and to have a seat at the table. They are, for the most part the Bob Michael , former minority leader of the Republicans in the House who was happy to be minority leader with not thought or action of becoming majority leader as that would have required some heavy lifting and actual governing, happy to lose but retain their seats at the table and play foil to the plans of the Democrats. See Cocaine Mitch for the latest version of Bob Michael.

They hate and work against Trump because Trump isn’t owned as they are and they hate being exposed and called out for what they are.

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West Virginia Republican members of Congress think representation is the “angry press release” against the Democrat president, all the while signing on to the latest omnibus. All empty suits.

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You can leave out the first two words. All Republican members of congress...

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The whole concept of being owned and playing the party line has resulted in the mess this nation is in. TRUMP 2024

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You Sir, are absolutely correct.

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Yep - the late Bob Michel was the white House nigger to the Democrats during his time in the swamp.

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On target my friend.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

It all depends where the blacks stay home live.

If they live in Mississippi and Alabama, it doesn’t matter. Trump would have win those states even if they voted.

If they live in the corrupt Democrat cities like Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia, etc., the fraud machine will vote in their place.

If they live in Duquesne, it won’t matter, the fraud machine in Philadelphia will make up the difference.

Todays post was encouraging, but to the corrupt democrats, blacks not voting for Xiden is just a speed bump they will overcome with fraud.

Job one is to limit (it can’t be completely stopped) the fraud in the corrupt major democrat cities. Until that is done, stories like this make me feel good, but not good enough.

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Thanks for reminding us that we, in the year 2023, have to worry about voter integrity. Each and every time I hear this I'm triggered remembering our Comrade Josef Stalin, "It's not who votes it's who's counting the votes (paraphrasing).

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Well I would not give you false hope on the coming election day

But the voter fraud installment is just a ballot box away.

Brothers and sisters of mine

I can't for the life of me remember a sadder day

Than when results of elections are changed over and over again.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023

I agree. Georgia legislature has tightened the election laws in an effort to eliminate the fraud. We will see how that worked. Of course we still have the Dominion machines so there is that.

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I won't trust any election in Georgia while Kemp and Raffen-what's-his-name are still in office. Criminal RINO Republicans to the core.

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I’m afraid most, if not all, Georgia Republicans poised to run for state office have been inculcated by the corrupt Metro-Atlanta political machine.

On the other hand, even corrupt Republicans are capable of passing and signing a Pro-Life Heartbeat bill. As corrupt as Kemp is, I’m not sorry I voted for him--twice. Many babies are alive today because of that law.

I’d vote for him again for Senator if that unseats the snotty Ossoff. I shall always vote for the candidate who chooses to uphold a baby’s right to life even if the candidate only votes that way for his self-interest.

I shall never abandon the weakest among us to the likes of Molech worshippers such as Abrams, Warnock, and Ossoff.

If I had to scrutinize every political candidate with a “no corruption detected purity test,” then I would never vote again.

I choose to light a candle than curse the darkness and trust God for the outcome.

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Raffenspervert. Perverted the election system in a red state. I wonder if he is a homosexual lover of B Hussein O.

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As Cousin Eddie would say, " BINGO".

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All of that is very interesting but it doesn’t take voter fraud into account. Biden isn’t 9 for 0. I’d put it at 7 for 2 since I’m fairly certain that his second VP win was almost as fraudulent as his “win” in 2020. And here comes covid….

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You believe a nobody 29-year-old beat a Republican incumbent in a year when Nixon took Delaware

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Referencing Biden as the Senate winner out to, at the very least, make people aware that the corporations in Delaware got exactly what they wanted and needed, A VERY USEFUL IDIOT. Hence the financial industry, ie credit cards, has some of the strongest and stringent laws that perpetuate financial captivity. As a useful idiot that Biden is, how in the hell can't people see through this?

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If you think the gov and what is supposed to be our representatives are there because they want to help you instead of helping themselves to the trough to become millionaires and do what their sponsors want. Trump opened a lot of eyes, plus the Dems are not even hiding what they are doing any more. All of them are getting really sloppy so the curtain is being pulled away.

Just not sure what it will do to help, the UniParty and Deep State are too entrenched as far as I can see at this point

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They see it. They just don't care, and that is the part that is so distressing to all of us. Those people will not admit to the obvious, that Biden is well on his way to senile and totally corrupted. If they openly admit it to themselves, then it shakes their whole foundation of blindly following a party ideology that allowed it to happen. That is a lot for many people to accept. They are faced with questioning the rest of their ideology then so they just discount it and blindly go on their way. How do you think we got to this point in the decay of our government and culture. Moral and ethical decline.

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I'd say the big reason we got into this moral and ethical decline is apathy. We love our entertainment and cheap products. More Kardashians, Taylor Swift, Lionel Messi!!

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Can’t argue with that. In many ways we have taken life for granted and become lazy regarding the direction of the country. We trusted our leaders blindly instead of questioning their actions. And we let our education system become a liberal indoctrination pit. This isn’t going to be easy to fix and everyone has to help. Can’t be any people sitting at home and feeling like their voice doesn’t count. We are about to have our tea party moment that will be written about long after we are gone. Hope we are up to it.

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Last line nailed it !!!

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I never followed Biden’s previous elections because, really, why would anyone? So I didn’t know about that. Sounds like he’s 0 for 9. Thanks for the info.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I believe the GOPe surrendered the government to the Democrats by going along with the 2020 Election Steal.

To me, the 2022 election proved that conclusively, as did the reinstatement of McCarthy and the usual “act outraged - do nothing” performance art of the Republican held House, and perhaps most tellingly by the utter lack of any effort whatsoever by the RNC to shore up voting mechanisms, chief being to end mass mail-in voting.

They’ve done zero, zip, nada to actually fight back against the lawless Biden administration. And have allowed American citizens accused of trumped up crimes languish in jail - still being swat-arrested to this day - for January 6th.

We have no representative government fighting for us or this country.

The trials of DJT are extraordinary and will go on for months, if not years. They will attempt to bleed him dry, drain him, exhaust him. That’s their true aim. Any conviction will be pure gravy them!

There are now estimates of over 7 million illegal immigrants flooding our country - more every day - consisting of God only knows who.

But blue states are already making provision to allow them drivers licenses and thus automatically registering them to vote, and handing them their crisp, new mail-in ballot, which will be happily collected and paid for by eager young Democrat campaign workers.

It makes no matter who’s on the 2024 ticket - it’s all already in the bag.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

that makes me so sad but I fear you're spot on

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The GOP surrender to the Democrats re: ballot fraud occurred lonnnnng before 2020 - officially, that surrender was in the form of a consent decree that barred any local, county, state or national Republican party organization from challenging the Democrats on any scale.

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But they kept the “facade” of being an actual opposition party up UNTIL the election in 2016 of DJT. Then, all bets were off, and they went full alignment with the Democrat party, by any means necessary, to aid in crushing him and all he stands for, meaning you and me. They refused to allow even questioning the 2020 election, co-conspired to perpetrate Jan 6th , and sideline anyone within the party who dares to defend MAGA. They are not a party at all anymore: they are an illusion .

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Suzie you are so so correct in your assessment of the leeches and parasites in the sodom/gommorah beltway it hurts.

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If it is that, even...

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Demand a vacate the chair vote to oust McCarthy. Make James Comer the speaker. He is the only one getting to the bottom of things..

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Don’t replace Biden* with an ice cream cone, ice cream is far more popular and would get many more vote.

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"Another truth that may discomfort some readers is Trump will be the nominee."

That's not the least bit uncomfortable, for me.

"To win the black vote, Republicans need to do what Donald Trump did and stop pandering. Oh, that doesn’t get black votes — directly."

When Republican candidates pander - to ANY demographic - the result is an epic failure. That is how bad they are at it.

"The number that is important is that 30-point drop in black support for Biden. A drop of that size would mean most black voters will stay out of the election."

I hope that is borne out to be true - the typical black voter seems to all too willing to not only be taken for granted, but insulted as well. Remember, "If you don't vote for me, then you ain't black..."?

"'...a poll that has some bad news for Biden doesn’t necessarily translate into good news for Trump.'"

I believe that's true - but if that entire 25% is the bare minimum, and must be maintained, that's a tough spot to be in, as Don points out.

"It will be interesting to see how Democrats save him this time."

Oh, I think we know how Democrats will save him - see 2020, and 2022. I wish it wasn't thus, but it is.

An ice cream cone is magnitudes more appealing than the other two.

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Sadly, both Kamala and Gavin have been licked more than an ice cream cone...

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and have done their share of licking......

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I can't say I think much of today's UNscientifc poll. Kamala Harris is a stupid and sleazy bitch and Gavin Newsom will screw anything that moves--a polysexual. Do you really want the party of sex to be what you think America is to stand for ?

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Why do you hold back like that, Tony? Tell us what you really think!

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I kinda like that polysexual party, they've been screwing us a long time, so yeah lets include the gays, lesbos, trannies, the gender confused, and all the new talents that are coming across the border........oh yeah I've heard that they especially like our kids............

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Name one Democrat that doesn't escape you're rightfully casting of evil dispersions upon them? I surely can't TRUMP 2024

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I call them as I see them, amigo. They aren't democrats anymore, They are liberal which is to say communist who respect NOTHING.

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"Yellow Dog," up high in Banana Republic tree (trying to make lyric fit the tune).

1. a contemptible or cowardly person or thing.

2. a person who is inclined to support any candidate affiliated with the Democratic Party, regardless of the candidate's personal qualities or political qualifications.

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When was the last democrat who ran for office anywhere have ANY personal qualities you could be proud of.

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Change democrat to politician.

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Nothing but power.

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Tony, I think you were being overly kind with that comment:)

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Today the only black vote that matters is that of the black postal worker, delivering the fraudulent pallets of ballots to be tabulated.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Good column Don. Republicans would rather help Biden win by whatever means, like 2020, to keep their gravytrain at the Uniparty trough than go to prison.

All the talk about the ‘Budget/Debt Ceiling’ starting this week, juxtaposed to the projection of a “$2 Trillion Federal deficit’, illustrates my belief that paying Federal Taxes is not necessary - they can print all the money they want to waste & steal without my taxes, we just reach Weimar a few days early. Kamala would be best to fix that. She is so inspiring…..

bBw - has Biden ever had a Cabinet meeting? Or just even one this year?

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Probably not. Afraid to get them all in one room.

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Even bidet can't. herd cats

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

“How many Votes will that be?”… Aye, there’s the rub, as any high school grade 11 student who studied Shakespeare can tell you. I don’t think they make them learn Shakespeare anymore unless it’s Comrade Shakespeare.

Once again, this sounds like the same bull shit we’ve heard in 2020 and 2022. The only Blacks who are going to vote for T are the self activators, pull yourself up by the bootstraps types who don’t want and don’t need ‘free stuff’ in all its glorious ramifications. They probs already voted for the boy in the last 3 anyway.

So let me turn the question around, How many Votes will that be?

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Chuck, do they still teach classes on Shakespeare? I never appreciated it at the time, but I was a dumb kid. Et tu Pence? TRUMP2024

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No Will they do not! Don’t ya just want to grab one of these dept heads and smack em.

Ha! Et Tu Pence… perfect!

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William, I had a high school English teacher who used to start shaking when teaching Shakespeare. I swear she would get high on it. I once asked her in class if she was having a seizure or something when she did it. She never liked me very well.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"Another truth that may discomfort some readers is Trump will be the nominee." In a fair election with no fraud, Trump would be the nominee and the next President, no question.

I wish I could switch off my skepticism but I can't. The deep state communist takeover is one election away from turning America into the CCP. They know that and they are drooling. I have said here before, the deep state will stop at nothing to keep Trump off the ballot. After taking out two Kennedy brothers and MLK, do you really think our current DOJ will do anything different but pretend to look then cover it up? It will be as absurd as spilled cocaine on the Whitehouse floor where "nobody saw a thing".

I am hopeful and prayerful Trump goes all the way, but . . .


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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Who will vote for Biden? Let's expand that question: who voted for him last time? Truckloads of harvested ballots made possible in at least three states where the governor authorized unlimited mail-in voting because of the "Covid emergency." Will there be an emergency this year? Will Biden campaign? I think the answer to both is "no" with high probability. So how to Democcrats win? Change the nominee. Biden would be well advised to avoid open windows in high buildings, especially in Gavin Newsom is around.

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yeah pretty much my feelins, your last sentence says it all.........

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The higher the better.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

‘No one in the Republican primaries is going to beat, defeat President Trump,’

The GOP establishment could and probably will. They did it in 2018 with 30+ House republicans 'retiring' when incumbents win 93% of the time. They did it in 2020 by allowing their state election laws to be violated with ballots being accepted after 8 pm in the six swing states. They did it in 2022 with Cocaine Mitch purposely withholding Senate PAC fund from at least four MAGA senate candidates in AZ, AK, NV, and NH. The People chose those candidates and Mitch told Trump in August of '22 to fund his own folks.

Hell, twelve 'republicans' in the Senate voted to further infringe your 2A rights last year and then said "I don't listen to the mob." when voters question him(Cornyn).

I am very afraid that 'republicans' will exclude Trump in favor of their globalist donors. Money is their cause, nothing more.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

If not inciting riots, they may use the other ‘R’ for getting black people to vote. Reparations

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As a historical note, I personally believe that any group of people can easily find somewhere down through history that they've too been wronged. As ridiculous as this all is, if there's a buck in it for me, count me in. TRUMP 2024

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I find the whole Black American voting thing bizarre. In the article, a woman complained to the interviewer that the Democrats have taken black voters for granted for too long. What does that even mean? I thought we fought a long civil rights battle so black Americans had the same rights and advantages as every other citizen. They actually got those rights and more. Now they complain because Dems have taken them for granted? What does that really mean? Democrats have always taken people for granted. They are control freaks after all. It all seems to suggest that black Americans feel the government should continue to cater to them because................if they don't the black vote will go elsewhere. Something is very wrong with our system of elections and especially the black voting block if this is true. We all know that both parties deem to shower certain voter groups with special favors around every election cycle. There is no question that the Dems have this patented. We will never fix our ballooning debt if our politics have been rendered this simplistic. We will never fully integrate our citizenry if certain blocks of people believe they have to get something or be treated a certain way before they vote for the party who gave it to them. Why isn't the black American voter screaming for a balanced budget and reduction in our debt? Those two things would do more long-term for both black Americans and the rest of us as well in terms of economic security and buying power. We should all be protesting when we see our government catering to the youth vote by trying to forgive their student loan debt. Likewise, we should do the same when our government attempts to cater to any other voting block by giving them special favors. I don't want a thing from government except an even playing field, one judicial system for all, the reduction of corruption, and a serious commitment to balance the budget and a reduction in our debt to a level that maintains a strong dollar. Like Ronaldo Maximus said, "government isn't the answer, government is the problem". Time for voters in both parties to suck it up and demand accountability from our elected "leaders", and mean it!

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I like your utopian dream but how to make it reality?

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

the recidivism rate of re election ie Joseph R Biden is wtf is wrong with this entire system of politics. When you have absolutely no one with any morals running for office that even has no type of actual business or dare I say work experience, these are the assclowns that govern us. The people deserve the government that they elect! The uneducated masses are allowed to drive, reproduce and vote are the problem. As it's widely known that MSM is in the tank with them, the uniparty, the enormous amount of grifting ie pay offs is again dare I say to quote Pres DJT "HUGE", this fiat type of ruling by executive orders needs to stop. But when you have the so called elected representatives and senators do absolutely nothing I begin to see why it's done. It isn't the uneducated "black " voters that have caused this it's all the uneducated voters in total. Pogo, we have met the enemy and the enemy is us. I can't even imagine what a trillion dollars looks like, yet here we are 30 plus trillion in debt, there's no savior coming to extricate us from this looming financial shit storm. With what they've done to the election process I don't think that there can ever again be any election that isn't questioned by anyone of reasonable intelligence. I sometimes wonder what would the political landscape look like if those planes had made it to the capitol, no Pelosi, Schumer, McConnel, etal. I'd like to say well we will never know, but I do know, open your lyin'eyes and LOOK

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Well done. One question: why would any highly educated, high experienced, honest-to-a-fault individual with the ability to straighten things out, and get the country on the road to recovery, get involved with the DC cesspool? Answer: Only the narcissistic Wharton educated street fighter from New York. And can you begin to think of a similarly qualified person to be vp and extend the oval office effort for twelve total years? I'm stumped.

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Look to red states for all positions but analyze every one ahead of time.Someone is out there in one of these places.

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