Salena Zito reported, “Democrats beware: These black voters are fed up, and looking for a political home.”
She is a fine reporter who goes out and talks to people one human being to another. That gets her insights the talking heads don’t get from talking among themselves.
Zito reported, “Ardell Martin of Duquesne says the Democrat Party has taken Black voters for granted for too long and no longer represents middle class black people; she is unhappy with Joe Biden and has no interest in Donald Trump.”
Duquesne is a suburb of Pittsburgh. It also has a violent crime rate 3 times higher than the nation. Need I mention it is 58% black? If that offends you, too bad. Uncomfortable truths are the most important ones.
And the uncomfortable truth for President Trump is he is not going to get many black votes, but that is OK because Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan won 6 presidential races without the black vote; 5 were landslide victories.
The key to all this is remembering there are three ways to vote, not just two. The first is to vote Republican, the second is to vote Democrat, and the third way is to stay home — or vote a third party.
In his first term as president, Donald Trump brought black unemployment to its lowest in history. Excuse me, paid unemployment. Democrats kept that rate at 0% under slavery. Trump also convinced Congress to roll back, just a little, Biden’s 1994 Crack Gets You 5 Years Minimum law that a Democrat Congress passed and a Democrat president eagerly signed to show what a law-and-order guy he is.
That Biden’s son is a crackhead is not lost on people. It underscores the double standard of justice in America, as does indicting Trump over and over and over and over again.
However, Democrats in 2020 offset Trump’s gains through a string of media-supported riots before the election that were billed as mostly peaceful protests. This tarred Trump as racist by proxy.
Of course, black people owe Republicans nothing. The party freed the slaves? So what? That was 160 years ago. You cannot dismiss reparations as irrelevant while pretending abolition was last night. That’s an uncomfortable truth.
Another truth that may discomfort some readers is Trump will be the nominee.
Newsmax reported, “The window has closed on those hoping to defeat former President Donald Trump, even a former vocal Ron DeSantis supporter has now admitted on Newsmax.
“‘No one in the Republican primaries is going to beat, defeat President Trump,’ Ed Rollins, a former adviser to President Ron Reagan, told Sunday Report.
“‘He has a strong, solid base. It's gotten stronger as he's gone through these terrible indictments. The fact that he's been indicted on 91 counts is just absurd.’”
No other candidate in either party — and that’s dozens of people — has had as strong a base since Obama because they are dull intellectually and spiritually. Trump won on his own in 2016 without much help from his nominal party. That took courage and insight. Republicans should learn from him instead of fighting him.
To win the black vote, Republicans need to do what Donald Trump did and stop pandering. Oh, that doesn’t get black votes — directly. Trump got many black voters to sit the 2020 election out.
In 2020, 70.9% of white voter voted while 58.4% of black voters did.
That is a gap of 12.5 points
In 2012, Obama had closed that gap to 8 points.
Now it may be that gap shrank because a black man did not lead the ticket but Biden’s running mate was a black woman (who is also Asian Indian). Trump is in a good position to widen that gap next year.
The National Desk reported, “Black voters are a core group for Democrats and the president’s rating with them is 52%, which is down from 82% when he first took office. Meanwhile, 27% of black people say they would definitely or probably vote for former President Donald Trump and 12% of black people voted for him in 2020.”
That 27% for Trump is delusional. He won’t get 27% of the black vote. The number that is important is that 30-point drop in black support for Biden. A drop of that size would mean most black voters will stay out of the election. Every Biden supporter who stays home in 2024 helps Donald Trump, so expect more racial strife and pandering by Biden and his goons next year too.
Last month, before the Atlanta indictment, Reuters reported, “Bahta Mekonnen, a 28-year-old in the key voting state of Georgia, is among the millions of black voters who helped deliver President Joe Biden the White House in 2020.
“Three years later, he is one of the voters who Democrats fear could cost Biden a second term in 2024.”
And what did Mekonnen tell Reuters?
This: “What I'm noticing across the Democrat Party right now is there's a lot of pandering to the black community. It seems like they do a lot to try to make it seem like they are the party for young black men or black men as a whole, but they don't back it with anything. They don't follow through.”
Dolly Parton did a song that applies to this relationship: Here You Come Again.
I am sorry to tell Republicans, but the song ended “and here I go.”
But the uncomfortable truth for Democrats is that pandering to black people does not always work. Ask Presidents Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, Kerry and Hillary how all that pandering worked out for them. Reagan, the Bushes and Trump did not win the black vote — directly. Many black people sat those elections out.
Biden is in trouble so deep that the meatheads in the media have noticed.
Jarvis DeBerry of MSNBC wrote, “The black vote is the soil that every Democrat needs for a candidacy to blossom into a presidency. Joe Biden won 92% of the black vote in 2020, and he needs a similarly large share of that vote if he is to win re-election next year. But a new poll suggests that, so far, he hasn’t properly replenished the soil. In a Washington Post/Ipsos poll of more than 1,200 black, non-Hispanic adults, almost half say Biden’s policies have ‘made no difference’ to black people’s lives.”
He was too busy arming the Taliban and opening the Treasury vault to Zelensky.
DeBerry pointed out, “The poll sums up the frustration that is a near constant for Black Americans: While rarely enthusiastic about the Democrats and what they do, they're often brought to the brink of rage by the personalities, policies and plans of the Republicans. It’s for that reason that a poll that has some bad news for Biden doesn’t necessarily translate into good news for Trump.”
I don’t know about that. When a party relies on one group for 25% of its vote, it has to keep that 25% happy. Democrats aren’t.
Which brings me back to Zito’s column in which she talked to Winifred Washington in Duquesne. Zito wrote, “She voted for Mr. Biden. Is she happy about it? ‘No,’ she said. ‘It’s just sad, he’s too old and he is out of touch.’”
Dairy Queen says happy tastes good. Biden leaves a bad taste to many of his 2020 voters. It will be interesting to see how Democrats save him this time. He has never lost a general election. He’s 9-0. I want to see how he does with No. 10.
Oh, he will get the black vote. The problem for him is how many votes will that be?
Your line about Republicans should learn from him instead of fighting him, I think, misses the true intent of the RINO Republican in Washington.
With rare exception the GOPe don’t care if they win in 2024. They just want their money( Democrats seek power) and to have a seat at the table. They are, for the most part the Bob Michael , former minority leader of the Republicans in the House who was happy to be minority leader with not thought or action of becoming majority leader as that would have required some heavy lifting and actual governing, happy to lose but retain their seats at the table and play foil to the plans of the Democrats. See Cocaine Mitch for the latest version of Bob Michael.
They hate and work against Trump because Trump isn’t owned as they are and they hate being exposed and called out for what they are.
It all depends where the blacks stay home live.
If they live in Mississippi and Alabama, it doesn’t matter. Trump would have win those states even if they voted.
If they live in the corrupt Democrat cities like Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia, etc., the fraud machine will vote in their place.
If they live in Duquesne, it won’t matter, the fraud machine in Philadelphia will make up the difference.
Todays post was encouraging, but to the corrupt democrats, blacks not voting for Xiden is just a speed bump they will overcome with fraud.
Job one is to limit (it can’t be completely stopped) the fraud in the corrupt major democrat cities. Until that is done, stories like this make me feel good, but not good enough.