It is reported in this morning's news that Brandon has advised Israel to avoid Gazan civilian casualties. Too bad he did not advise Hamas to avoid civilian casualties before their sneak attack on that Israeli dance festival and nearby settlements.

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Usual weak tea from the mind of the leftist Joe. Not thinking things through. How about if the Biden brain trust (*cough*) came up with a different PR idea? Ask Egypt, Saudi A, Jordan, Lebanon, (hey, even Turrrrkee) to take in Gazan citizens so that they won't be harmed by the war with Hamas. Humanitarians all! Then, when they decline, say "okee doke"

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No point in doing that. Hamas won’t let the Palestinians leave. They need the dead bodies piling up so that they can blame Israel for it and further inflame the idiots who are protesting all over the planet.

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Still works. If someone did say yes, then when Hamas won't let them go we have the same answer.

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Rapists and molesters ALWAYS blame the victims. Oh, and the "sniffers" do too.

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That's a big hi-five and several Amens.

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Just had the decolonization explained to me: means Whites go back to Europe, Blacks go back to Africa, Muslims go back to the Middle East.

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Oh, good grief!

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Do you notice that no one EVER mentions the Jews that were expelled from the Arab countries in the wake of Israel's founding, countries where they had lived, in many cases, for thousands of years? The numbers weren't small; it was close to a million people altogether. The lucky ones were given a few days to leave with whatever they could carry. The unlucky ones, well.....

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The oldest buildings in the Middle East are Jewish Temples and Christian Churches. The Mosque in Jerusalem is deliberately built on the ruins of the holiest location for Jews and Christians - Temple Mount where Christ cast the money changers out of the Temple.

Jews have lived continuously in the area for 3,000 years and Christians for centuries before Mohammed was a gleam in his father's eye.

Case study in invasion, stealing land, genocide and colonizing.

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Oct 30, 2023
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Tony, Im not sure you are factually correct. While the Jews lived peacefully with their Muslim brothers for centuries there have been times when there has been a diaspora. Most recently after Mr Bush invaded Iraq which displaced both Christians and Jews. Unlike Christianity and Islam, being Jewish is both a blessing and a curse. To belong to the former two dominant religions essentially you can choose to follow those beliefs and can call yourself either Christian or Muslim. To become Jewish, is a cumbersome process. That is why there are less Sammy Davis Jr rather than Muhammad Ali’s today.

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Q. When do you say, so we are the chosen; oy vey, choose someone else this time?

A: The short answer is "Of whom much is expected, much is required."

1. Exodus 15, Moses' short recap of their journey so far.

2. Does Torah teach that testing will come, this side of the Flood and after Egypt?

3. Leviticus 18, living adjacent to the worst idolaters and nastiest enemies.

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The problem isn’t Israel finishing this Don. The problem is, if they do, the Arab world will likely join in to support the Palestinians. These people don’t know how to get along. The Turks are with us on Friday and against us on Monday. Arabs cannot get along, until someone threatens one of them, then they are best buddies. With Iranian money, and using the oil spigot, they will once again go tribal and then the rest of us have a big problem on our hands. I think it’s so ironic that Israel turned wasteland into a flourishing country where people are well fed and happy, they feed and provide power to the Palestinians, and yet the entire Arab world wants to bomb them back to the stone ages………..where the Arabs currently are. But just wait, this war is going to come to our land thanks to Bidens open borders Then what? When it is American men, women and children dying, what then? We are a failed state, hollow, and deluding ourselves by talking about how strong we are. All of this is dragging us closer and closer to a major world war yet again. We learn nothing because we have a corrupt government who are not working for the good of Americans. We spend more time trying to placate NATO than any good that comes from it. WE are NATO. Without us it is done. Lets have a national dialog about this issue before it is too late. Lets decide what we will tolerate and what we will not and then no more red lines in the sand. I don’t believe we have any plan past stopping Israel from destroying Hamas and its other groups. Watching this happen yet again and seeing first hand how our leaders have no answer for it is a little bit like watching an old Keystone Cops movie. We are leaderless, and it is rapidly heading toward another world war.

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Our open borders bring in unknown numbers of illegal jihadis and our colleges bring in thousands of legal “students”. I agree that there will be bloodshed on our shores.

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So obvious where this is going that it makes you wonder what our government is doing. Might be time for them to stop persecuting Trump and get the FBI and CIA and others working on preventing WWIII.

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What is sad is that we have been telling 'them' this for the last 3 and 1/2 yrs. And the number of military Chinese males entering has quadrupled if not more. What the left and the elites dont understand is that they are not going to be spared. China probably considers this treasonous behavior (and it is) and they shoot traitors first. So it will be the pro-Palestine people starting it and the Chinese finishing it is my fear.

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Those old colonial powers, Great Britain and France, knew how to control Arabs nations & tribes due too one common factor - Nobility.

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Please read today's Dov Fischer column "Jewish College Students: Stop Whining and Grow Some!" As the returning king said in Tolkien's trilogy, "Today we fight." Our elites are worthless. What we lack today are honorable, smart, fearless leaders. Anti-semitism is happening all over the world. This must be resisted and defeated! Who will be our King David?

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Yep - the heavy lifting and dirty work will be done by those who have nothing left to lose.

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Excellent article by Dov Fischer! Thank you for suggesting it. I love to read his stuff.

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Thank you for recommending his column! I have missed his wise writings and am delighted to see this latest one - what an inspiration

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Amazing article. He was an occasional read. Now, a must read.

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Can you put a link to that column. I do not belong to Twitter. Thanks in advance.

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I think they will, I think they have to, but I also think they smell a trap and That’s why they are using ‘an abundance of caution’. Lets also remember that we are dealing with an enemy that thinks this isn’t the real world, and their real life starts in Kingdom Come with the 72 whatever’s! Their so-called Holy Book even includes collateral damaged souls going to Paradise…a win-win-win if you’re that warped and you have all these civilians you can turn into shields!

Israel also has an enemy ready to go in the North so there is also that, not to mention the Iranians. Look what going off half cocked got the Germans in WW2 (Russia, Russia, Russia!),

I’d (at this point anyway) still put my Canadian $ on the Israeli Generals.

When you talk about Israel’s capacity to wage war, almost no one and certainly no one recently talks about one of its greatest Aces in the Hole…At least 5 Nuclear and Nuclear-Equipped Submarines that are…who knows where. Check out something called the ‘Samson Option”

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I agree about Israel Chuck.

What worries me is what is happening worldwide - the mobs celebrating the Palestinian butchery and calling for the eradication of the Jews.

How many illegal Arabs have crossed into the US, especially in the last few years? How many Arab “students” brought here legally so our universities could show their diversity will turn on Americans in a heartbeat? Europe has imported a massive Arab problem. Don’t Totonto and Vancouver now have massive Arab populations?

Have any of these groups distanced themselves from Hamas or Hezbollah?

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You are so right, Lardmaster. The Palestinian poison has spread everywhere and it has been super distressing to see it so vocal and ‘seemingly’ strong.

But just like the new Speaker process we just went through, it looked messy on the surface, but underneath it turned out to be an excellent exposure of RINO treachery and began to pierce the bubble the RINO’s live in, and diminish their power. AND we ended up with a MAGA Speaker!

This worldwide exposure that Hamas has become ISIS, and has built a presence in so many countries, has truly shocked people. It may be the catalyst for a lot of things we will be very happy about— clarification in the global mind that Hamas-ISIS is a death cult that will NEVER accept peace while Jews or Christians live; acute realization that it was a catastrophic mistake for all these countries to take in Palestinians; the beginning of deportation; tighter controls on our borders; hopefully successful efforts to fire university presidents, trustees, deans, and professors who have promoted this woke poison; further splintering of the Democratic Party, further red-pilling of the American population, etc.

And there are now reports that George Soros money is indeed behind some of these western Palestinian groups, and that as Tanto suggested last week, there is some deliberate political agitation manipulating this. So they sound noisy and look scary, but may not be as “strong” as they want us to think they are. If we marshal a serious police response to them, the portion of these demonstrators that are dumb liberal virtue-signalers will fall away first.

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Well said, TPG. Now is the time, more than ever since the Second World War, to stand in solidarity with our Jewish friends and all good people to condemn the barbarous acts of Hamas. If we cannot be the friends of Israel in this instance, in this importance moment in time, then I ask who are we? Silence is not the answer.

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Well said TPG. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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If you're in a crowd waving an flag other than the American flag, I have an issue. emigrate to the country that flag represents.

My Army vet version of get off my lawn.

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It’s a way bigger issue for the Jewish Community in Canada than it is even in the US.

We have all of 335.000 of us in a population of 33M or approx 1.4% of the population. 240,000 live in Ontario, where I’m from.

The other team has 1.75 M or 4.7% of the population. I’m sure you’ve picked up on the manifestations of all that.

Believe me they have. They already have approached the government about ensuring that the number of Muslims in public employment represents the % of them in the population at large.

We’ve seen some disruptive displays up here over the last little it but nothing like the blowouts in New York or Chicago where they have been pure excercises in intimidation. But I’msure that’s coming down the road too!

Incidentally, y’all have 3.45 M in the US. that’s 1.1 % of your population. Jews account for 7.6 M or 2.4% of yo it rs

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It's an issue in Quebec because many of our immigrants are French-speaking Arabs.

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French speaking Christians from Lebanon or other Muslim majority countries (the Copts from Elgypt$com here to rebuild their lives secure in the knowledge that they can do their thing without hindrance. See Bridgette Gabriel.

Muslim immigrants come with other ideas

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I know. I see what you are saying in Montreal and Quebec City. They come for peace and freedom and for better and secure lives for their kids. They are practising Christians. As I have said on this blog, my kids' nanny was a Muslim for Morocco. She and her family are fine people. Not everyone is the same.

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Montreal's Jewish community is still very vibrant. However, many left for Toronto after the election of the separatist Parti Quebecois in 1976. Others left due to the two failed referendums on Quebec independence (1980 and 1995). It was a movement that crippled where I live for about 40 years.

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Western cities and politicans , including Montreal and Toronto (I don't know about Vancouver's situation) have enabled this problem. These groups do not distance themselves from Hamas or Hezbollah. It is sad, shameful, and sickening to hear what these groups and their supporters say. But this is where we are at and it is a self-inflicted wound.

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We’ll not exactly us. We know where the issue lies don’t we!

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Yup, we do!

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I've mentioned it before, but if you want to see where our open borders and desire for "diversity uber alles" might lead, read William Forstchen's "Day of Wrath". Terrifying and totally plausible.

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I'll join the bet and put my devalued, bidenomic Yankee dollars on the Israeli Generals.

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Using a "doomsday" weapon at the right spot of a Hamas built tunnel under Gaza would be an appropriate action for Israel - “Baruch HaShem”.

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Humans.... nothing changes the Phillistines were there 3000 yrs ago the Jews were fighting them then. Hatred is their stock and trade which is why no one wants them. They are filled with hatred and they take it to every nation they go to. Their mothers are proud to brag about their children strapping bombs to themselves. I cannot feel sympathy for a people who have nothing to offer the world but bloodshed.

Money and supplies that are sent are used by the terrorists and their supporters. Anyone sending a dime is a fool and contributing to their own demise. They are an exporter of death and destruction, look around the world and you will see them fomenting hatred. I watched it back in the 60's and here we are again, same story different names scrolling at the end of this true horror movie.

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"Israelis are the only people in the world who give a rat’s ass about Palestinians."

No kidding. Golda was right.

Israel - Put these dogs down.

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“Jewish students at New York's Cooper Union have to be barricaded inside a library at the school to keep them safe from pro-Hamas protestors.” Anne Frank, redux- doubt if any Gen Z's ever heard of her.

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That’s why it’s time to learn how to handle a gun, how to defend yourself. Bullies like soft targets.

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I do think Israel will win this fight because Hamas and the Arab supporters have dropped the mask. This is all about killing Jews anywhere, anytime. Now it is obvious.

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With all due respect, but it wasn't obvious even before 10/7?

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It was, to anyone paying attention.

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Doesn’t matter with Arabs. Heard any of them actually repudiate what happened on 7 Oct? They can’t get along, but will join the fight if Israel starts killing too many Arabs. This is going to bring about a world war with the Arab world, and perhaps Russia may just side with them because it creates an opportunity for them. Frankly, right now, we are so divided and leaderless I wonder if we would fight back.

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My $ is on, No.

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No one in government cares what you or i think. They have an agenda, and it wont end well for us.

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Sadly, you are correct, I believe.

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Really? One would think the soy boys and the ********(my typist refused to type Trannies). would be among the first to volunteer.

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They might break a nail. No they wont volunteer, they talk big but dont back it with action.

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Not as long as Mom & Dad have a basement.

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The depth and breadth of the supporters has been a surprise. Many hid their hatred well.

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Just musing, but I am sure the actual Palestinians who are in the West and are now being vocal DO have a depth and breadth of hatred. But I’m not sure that many of the liberal / college youth who currently are participating in these pro-Hamas rallies actually carry that kind of hatred against Jews. I think they are more just mindless and dumb, and want to be part of the “cool crowd”. (And the campus environment these days definitely has made being anti-colonizer-Israel “cool”.)

These liberal youth are very much living in an ivory tower/artificial environment, where “woke” ideology is preached 24/7–and where they almost never even hear a word of reason that would counter the woke ideology. It’s all a rather abstract mental exercise for them—if they actually had to live in Gaza or were attacked by animals like the ones who committed those atrocities, they would rapidly see the light.

I have 3 nieces at Ivies right now, and could see any of them participating in a pro-Hamas rally because they honestly believe in this colonizer/apartheid crap and think that they are being “good” by having “compassion” for the Palestinians.

Meaning, if you are feeling overwhelmed by what appears to be a magnitude of people “hating” Jews and Israel, maybe it would be a little comfort to know that many doing that are just ignorant and young. It has more to do with themselves and their desire to feel virtuous, than it has to do with any actual hatred of Jews.

What did Jesus say from the cross—“Lord forgive them, for they know not what they do”.

But as to the adult professors and university administrators who have failed so badly and not provided a better moral environment for these young people— that is a different story. It is now time to seriously focus on BREAKING the toxic woke monocultures on college campus.

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You make a lot of sense TPG and I am pretty worked up by what is going on. Thanks for the rational perspective.

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Hi Lardmaster, it’s been a week since I posted the above comment, about how a lot of the young people participating in the pro-Hamas rallies probably don’t ACTUALLY have hatred in their hearts for Jews, but are just taken in by the belief being pushed that Israel is “being mean” to the Palestinians. I also mentioned that I have 3 nieces at Ivies right now, and I could see them being taken in by that woke BS and rallying for Hamas.

But, all week it’s been in the back of my mind to also tell you I am not trying to minimize or whitewash the danger of these Jew-hating Hamas rallies. I was actually empathizing with you in the deep dismay and concern (and actual fear for my safety) that I would have too if I was a Jew, to see this incredible outpouring of Jew hatred. I was trying to lighten your dismay a little bit by saying that for a segment of the rally-attendees, they don’t hate Jews, they just are politically ignorant.

I truly believe that even just 1 or 2 conversations with each of my nieces would be all it would take to pierce their ignorance and change their thought on this, and that after those conversations, they definitely wouldn’t participate in any Hamas rallies. They are essentially good girls and kind, and smart enough to recognize a good argument when they hear one. The problem is, they don’t get to HEAR the argument. My brother and sister-in-law don’t allow any discussion of politics when we’re together. And the girls only look at Leftist media, so they don’t hear a countering thought there either. But I suspect that right now, none of the 3 is actually quite dumb enough to participate in any Hamas rally— I think they are leary enough of the pro-Hamas views to stay fairly neutral so far. But I just see a vulnerability in them to being enticed to participate.

So, the young people’s involvement in these rallies cannot be waved away by saying they are just ignorant. Whether one’s motivation is ignorant or knowingly maliciously doesn’t make a difference— both can lead to the same evil of violent actions against Jews (and later down the line, the Hamas-types will be coming for the Christians too).

As we all know, many “ordinary” Germans tacitly supported the Nazis violence against Jews through their silence and ambiguity. So the “ordinary” Germans in reality WERE guilty. And my nieces will be, too, if something does not reach them to bring moral clarity to them about Hamas and Israel.

Anyway, just wanted you to know I was not by any means looking at things thru “rose colored glasses” when I said that a segment of the young people involved do not actually hate Jews. The promotion of the evil of racial hatred by these pro-Hamas rallies is a genuine and very serious danger.

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Thank you so much for this. I never felt you were looking through rose colored glasses. I felt the empathy in what you wrote. You did then and do now give me a little different perspective that I need and I very much appreciate. I admire your writing and value your opinion. Lard

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It wasn't obvious in the 1972 summer Olympics in Munich? Perhaps if we send more American troops to get slaughtered in that hellhole we call the mideast, maybe, but I hope not.

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I see a well-intentioned commenter here prefers the way of Jesus or Ghandi. First of all, please pick a side; either be a Christian or a Hindu, but straddling that divide will get you nowhere. Of course, the comment is purely hypothetical, since I suspect that it is made from the comfort of the commenter's safe and secure keyboard location. I urge said commenter to put her (I assume a female, or an effiminate commenter) preferences into action by going to Gaza and interjecting herself into the dispute. You know, like Jesus would have done or Ghandi, her preferred role models. Let us know how that works out. The phoney pacificism she suggests as the answer can never and has never been effective in the face of opposition from people who are not swayed by moral arguments. One can try to get people whose actions are predicated on emotions to "listen to reason," the same as one can get a rabid dog not to bite by appealing to its better nature. Either way, the result will generally be fatal. Even Jesus once recommended that His disciples sell a cloak to buy a sword, and when He returns, it is astride a white horse, with a sword in His hand to rule with an iron rod. Doesn't sound like the Jesus meek and mild the commenter recommends we emulate. And as far as Ghandi, I recommend reading “The South African Gandhi: Stretcher-Bearer of Empire.” According to the book, Gandhi described black Africans as “savage,” “raw” and living a life of “indolence and nakedness,” and he campaigned relentlessly to prove to the British rulers that the Indian community in South Africa was superior to native black Africans. The book combs through Gandhi’s own writings during the period and government archives and paints a portrait that is at variance with how the world regards him today. So as far as these preferred ways of dealing with the islamic killers of innocent civilians and the majority of mohammedans who support such atrocities, I am inclined to simply alow the Israelis who bore the brunt of the savagery deal with it in their own way, without our tut-tutting from our safe sidelines. As a man I was speaking with the other day suggested, we should "give them beans and bullets enough to do the job they need to do," and otherwise, stand aside.

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I, too, discovered that Gandhi had a decidedly less “saintly” side. And I suspect that’s also true of Nelson Mandela.

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If his Mandela's wife is any indication, yes he probably had a less than saintly side. The ANC are and were commies.

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The Rob Reiners and Never Trumpers of the world who cheered on the left's burning, looting and rioting were smugly satisfied as decent "Stop the Steal" tourists were set up by Nancy's Stasi and branded terrorists by the FBI if they dared to defend their children at school board meetings or attend church.

Now the Rob Reiners and Never Trumpers of the world wonder why masses of those same leftists they cheered are allowed to demand genocide without thousands of decent people in the streets opposing them.

It's got me stumped. Must be climate change.

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A quick glance at the reports of anti-Semitic riots and protests by the hundreds and thousands taking place in every corner of the world and you’ll realize that Israel is not just retaliating against Hamas, but is currently under attack by the wider world all at the same time.

Anti-Israel sentiment has been an under current in the geopolitical world for eons. It is now quite out in the open and more brazen than ever, even than it was in Germany during the 30’s and 40’s.

The world was then shamed by the revelations of the horrors of the Holocaust, but the enemy was not vanquished. It merely moved underground, only to pop up disguised as a “political” battle over “land” and “human rights”. But it’s every bit the same battle against the Jews very right to exist it has always been.

I am sure the government of Israel is not unaware of where they find themselves at this moment in history. They must calculate how to eradicate the vermin in their homeland, knowing they risk becoming a pariah to the entire world in doing so in the manner in which they also know it must be accomplished.

The current administration of the US is not an ally of Israel. Quite the contrary. It has literally created the series of events which have led us here today.

The great majority of the nations that comprise the UN are likewise in array against Israel. They just recently allowed an envoy from Iran to enter the US to speak before that body to not only denounce Israel, but to threaten the US itself!

There are approximately 14 months left in the Biden administration and that is, I am certain, being taken into account by every enemy we have in the world, who realize they have but a short time left to do their worst.

The war now occurring in Israel, the decisions and choices she must make with no true Allies, will affect not just the future of Israel, but the future of every country in the world. And they know that.

I wouldn’t be in a hurry.

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Since 1988, I have been advocating for the UN to close up shop and go where they are wanted, anywhere but here. Little did I realize that it was Eleanor Roosevelt who advocated on behalf of the UN, saying it was the one great hope for peace. Of course, after FDR died, she was the great Be-All-End-All for every liberal that could crawl out of the woodwork.

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Well put.

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Israel certainly has justification of taking more aggressive action following October 7 but I wonder if they hold back because they don't have a solid base of allies. Who are their wartime allies? With Biden in the Whitehouse, they can't really count on America if their response escalates. The Muslims in our Congress are way more militant against Israel than the Jews in Congress are in defending Israel.

JINOs = Jews in name only in Congress are silent.

This may be a stretch, but it seems to me that taking out Israel is a part of the same strategy as taking out Trump and his 75 million supporters.

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You may be right, but the despicable Chuckie Schumer spoke out that Israel should destroy Hamas. It will be interacting to seemit he waffles once the action starts and Xiden and his handlers call for Israel to stop short of their objective.

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First requirement of a politician is to speak out of both sides of his mouth. An exceptional politician can speak out of his *** also.

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Well put.

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Have to wonder how many of these world-wide pro Palestine protests are being engineered and financed by George Soros and/or the gang over at the WEF.

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All of them, directly or otherwise.

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Just like the BLM and the pallets of conveniently placed bricks in areas with no construction.

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Yes, Soros is helping to fund these groups and has been for a while.

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Yesterday a saying from the late George Patton - my father's CO in 1945 - came to mind: "the point of war is not to die for your country, the point of war is to make that SOB on the other side of the line die for his." Patton, for all his faults, was a civilized man. There is, as far as i can tell, damn near no civilization left among the subjects of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Fatah.

"Christians, you're next" is the reason the left supports Hamas. They want the biggest genocide in history.

"and using military purposes" seems to be missing a word or two.

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Wow. My dearly departed was in Patton's Third Army from D-Day onward. That was back when the Army still had Technical Sergeant as a title. One of Patton's great nephews saw husband's 13th Armored cap at a Fort Knox event and thanked him for his service. Husband later said, "What should I answer to that remark?" Thank you is about all a man can say at that point.

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Dad was in 13th Armored!

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Holy Smokes, Batman, we could be cousins! <grin>

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This is why, in the Biblical accounts, God commanded Israel to completely wipe out their enemies (Canaanites, Hittites, etc.) when they entered the Promised Land. These nations/tribes were like the Palestinians today; they sacrificed their own children to Baal and Molech; the Israelites could never expect to "coexist" in peace with them! God said to completely and utterly destroy them.

We see in modern times exactly why.

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So, can we blame Saul, then? 😉

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