Walz was the crowning achievement of the Democrat party's reorganization. They are now the Rube Goldberg Party. The Democrats have become a cartoon. They emulate Rube because they perform simple tasks in convoluted ways. Donald J Trump and JD Vance are salivating at the chance to get the two nincompoops on a debate stage. If you think Joe Biden went down in flames, just wait. The Harris/Walz ticket will be revealed, once once for all, as the ticket to hell. God works in strange ways, first by saving our beloved former president from an assassin bullet. And now by turning a debate stage into an arcade game. Praise the lord, and his sense of humor.

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IDK, think Sundance this AM hit the nail on the head...

"Democrats will not be at all bothered to support a candidate who is a known liar with a sketchy background in manipulating children. After all, Walz went into teaching for a reason and the professional left now consider ‘grooming’ and youth exploitation as a part of the modern social norm.

I mean, seriously, think about it without pretense. Sexualizing children has gone all the way to cutting off genitals to make the adults around the children feel better. What we are discussing is the voting pattern of the people who openly do not see a problem with sexploitation of children. Do you think embellishing a military record matters to this tribe?"

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He taught in Communist China!

That’s probably what put him over the top as their pick!

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Yes-he’s a f-g Maoist Commie. The End.

Stop voting for Commies in the name of social justice, idiots. They destroy everything they touch. 🤷🏼

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First Bernie and Russia, now Tim and China.

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Perhaps we can identify a trend here...

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Off topic—Thank you so very much for providing the Vincent Everett Ellison interview link with Tucker. I’m a bit unsettled by the truths he revealed after decades of leftist propaganda to hide them. I may be shocked, but I’m grateful to learn the truth however unsettling. The truth really does set one free.

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“Do you think embellishing a military record matters to this tribe?"

To them that’s the feature not the bug.

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To them stolen valor would be claiming to have been a Hamas terrorist in Gaza.

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No - to have been a successful suicide bomber.

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It's only a flesh wound....

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Perhaps, but also perhaps its another feature of why there are fewer democrats than there used to be relative to republicans.

The act you describe is not much different than the old child sacrificers of Baal. In those days they just straight out killed the kid immediately, today they just draw it out over years.

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If one can justify killing an unborn child, they have little regard for human life to begin with. We aren’t going to fix these people. We need to force them to tell the truth about their intentions and that will be enough to marginalize them. They aren't going away.

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Satan worship is ALIVE & WELL in the democrat party. GOD is watching over us, and giving us ONE LAST CHANCE TO SHOW HIM WHO WE ARE. We are not baby killers, child killers or pedophiles. WE WILL VOTE THIS SATANIC GROUP OUT. one by one, beginning with the Obama/Biden/Kamala Harris tribe. GOD is helping us with miracles in modern day USA. WE MUST NOT TURN OUR FACES OF GREAT FAITH AND OBEDIANCE AWAY FROM GOD.

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Obamunism. We thought there couldn't be anything worse than communism, they are proving us wrong.

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Yes, it is. Sadly, I know self-professing Christians (some may be tares among the wheat, but I know at least two who aren’t) who will still vote for a person who runs as a Democrat despite their platform being anti-God. It disturbs me greatly. As I write this, I realize I should pray for opportunities to question and confront them on voting in accordance with God’s Word — as much as is possible.

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They sanction killing born babies and those that survived abortion. If the are successful in gender reassignment of their own children they will die out bc neither male or female will no longer be able to reproduce. We just need to pay attention to our own children and make sure they know the truth abt this fraud.

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We need to talk openly about it with our own so that they aren’t taken in unawares by the heresies and then taken away from their parents by a godless State.

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We live in a nation that has turned it's back on GOD. Unfortunately they are a vast group bent on living their death style because they believe the lies about evolution and live accordingly.

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True. For honorable people it’s a major red flag. For Democrats lying about one’s service to embellish the resume is politics 101.

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Trump is fighting for the middle of the road voters, not the Dems. The Dems are lost in their own convoluted world forever.

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I believe you are right. The rank and file Dem hasn’t changed much but they have gone silent. They have allowed far left nutjobs to take control of their party leadership. The JFK Dem is not in leadership. Trump appeals to many of them when he doesn’t act like an aggressive bully. Moderation of his temperament will make him a winner in 2024. Hope he has the will power to rein in is mouth.

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Charlie Kirk says the D strategy is Win More (i.e. bigger margins of their base) and Lose Less (eat into Trump's margin, even if only by 2-3 pts).

Crazily the D's think that Walz will resonate with rural voters because he is a "hunter" and was "in" the military. I"m not sure rural voters will flock to Tampon Tim

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Dims don’t understand Conservatives at all!! That’s a good thing really.

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Don’t underestimate the two nitwits. They will bait Trump/Vance to get them to attack. This is Trump/Vance election to lose. The Dems need to get the female vote back. Those women think Trump is a bully. Frankly, at times he acts like one so he needs to be careful here. Never underestimate your opponent.

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Interesting how no one responds to your post. I have been saying this for months. The Dems should never be under estimated. They lie, cheat, steal, plan, manipulate, raise money, and protect their power base far better than their opposition. Hard to beat that kind of power base.

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I have adopted a life long learning lesson: never ever believe a lefty. They are all warped by their belief system and they never learn. They just double down because they believe their own lies.

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They might not believe them, but they think we do. Saw a guy yesterday wearing a "proud Satanist" Tee shirt.

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This is very true, but I am seeing a new face on my democrat arrogant 'always spending' neighbors, and that is one of fear and possible signs of realization and intelligence. They are experiencing their $$$ go right down the drain, while the cost of living has become unmanageable. We have heard nothing from our governor in georgia, which is on fire in many areas. Will these people be courageous enough to think carefully and vote accordingly?

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Trump never served in the military, but then, those were the days of Vietnam, a war of very dubious utility -- if any. I wouldn't have liked going over there either.

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Trump respects the military. He made the military stronger, a more deadly, powerful force, one not to be reckoned with. When Trump salutes an officer, guard or soldier, he does so with conviction. Make no mistake, he loves Old Glory; he always stands proudly beside the American flag. Compared to Trump, General Milley was a disgrace...and Milley had a bunch of stars on his shoulder and a chest full of ribbons. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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I don't need that smoke; but I totally agree with you.

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Whether a person served or not is not my issue. Many served but more didn't. My issue with Walz is his dishonorable abandonment of his unit. It's really all you need to know about his character.

BTW: his wife appears to be a piece of work. She may be more of an influence on him than has been talked about. Nowadays if you elect one you get the other too. Jill anyone?

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Well said Jake !!

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God forbid, she sounds like a combination of Hillary, Jill and AOC, on steroids.

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But yet.

Trump has something that most men who actually fought have. An aversion to war.

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Quite. And since Korea we seem to have accumulated a stack of useless, wasteful, losing wars, with very few exceptions. Or if they started out successful, they turned into losers because nobody was capable deciding enough was enough.

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Because history is written by the liberals,our conduct in winning WW2 is considered shameful. Why? Because history is not taught, only sound bites. People today, even thirty years ago don't understand why it was necessary to go for unconditional surrender.

Students in Japan know nothing about the atrocities done by their grandfathers in China, the Philippines and other places.

Worse, our own children don't know either. So today it's this idea that proportional response is all that's allowed. Worse yet, the atrocities done by Hamas are glossed over.

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My impression is that most people still approve of WWII in the European theater, but a lot of people can't get over the nuclear bombs on Japan. Harry

Truman, a lifelong Democrat whom I really respect, had no hesitation in ordering those bombs dropped; and from what I've read the two nukes put an end to the internal dissent in Japan fomented by the diehards who wanted to fight to the point of mass-suicide. In other words, the nukes gave them -- and the Emperor -- an out. Seems plausible, because the Japanese had revived the medieval ethos of the fighting nobility -- which was a lot like the philosophy of the medieval European knights in shining armor, who by the 14th century were still unaware of their obsolescence and destructive irrelevance in war.

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“History is not taught, only sound bites.” Excellent!

A corollary: News is not reported, only soundbites.

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I would say we have lost wars because we didn't want to win them.

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Walz signed up, then conveniently “retired”.

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He also took a place in the Sergeant Major course which could have gone to a much better soldier who would not have chickened out when called to duty.

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Aug 8Edited

Exactly. I’d like to hear him verbally address this to his adoring crowds.

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I'd like to hear him address it to the veterans in the Bn he abandoned. They probably feel they dodged a bullet and got a better man to lead them.

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I initially joined the unit in Pipestone MN when I was in highschool. Went active duty just before they switched from light infantry to artillery. Several guys I served with were proud veterans of WW2 and Korea. Almost all the E6 and above were veterans, and my first supervisor became the oldest person called back for enduring freedom. I'm sure that Timmy is as loved as a chocolate covered cat turd

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Hah! When he was in Congress he was on the “Committee for Veterans Affairs”!

Talk about irony!

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It wont matter to flaming leftists. It only matters to people who care about the country.

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If he was doing the two year course then he was doing the correspondence non-resident version.

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True, but people are slotted based on needs of the service, so him taking the slot meant someone else wasn't offered it.

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.Click on the Jordan Schachtel link and watch the video. Pause it and read the letters that come up. Very informative.

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President Trump does indeed have a military background; check out his days at the New York Military Academy.

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Trump never claimed to have served in the military. And I could've respected Timmy The Tampon in this one respect if, upon resigning from the military to be sent to Iraq, he said that he quit because he did not want to be sent to fight a perpetual war in a foreign hell-hole that the U.S. government had no intention of ever truly winning. W-Bush, after all, got elected promising not to send U.S. troops into hostile combat for mere nation-building and, immediately, got us in a war in Iraq wholly unrelated to 9-11 just to engage in nation-building and we conservatives were not supposed to be upset at Clinton and Obama's best buddy W-Bush for lying us into that war. But, instead, Timmy The Tampon quit the military to avoid going to Iraq but first ran for office as an alleged Iraqi war veteran.

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Would you buy a used car from Tampon Tim knowing what you know now ??

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Far enough, but Tampon Tim is hardly the only Democrat who has lied about his military experience. Or HER military experience, like Hillary claiming she was under fire once.

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I have four brothers approximately the same age as Trump. Two volunteered and served, one was rejected because the recruiter had met his quota, and one was rejected for foot issues JUST LIKE Trump. Have you ever been on a foot march with a full pack? Our soldiers in Vietnam had to hump every bit of gear they needed for the mission including food and water from camp to contact, then if they survived, hump what was left back to the fire base. Feet mattered. Bad feet meant someone else was carrying your load.

I was in a light infantry unit. I know what it's like to hump across the hills. I was the unit commo guy. Guess what else I got to carry. The CO's radio and the guidon.

President Trump shows love and appreciation for our military. There are stories aplenty about him from long before he ran for president.

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Viet Nam was a poorly marketed war to the American people. Few saw a threat from the Vietnamese. Then the government started cooking the books and lying about results. We learned a lot from that war and then we forgot it all. Few today believe anything our government tells us. The people know when they are being lied too.

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I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Was the problem with that war that the government "poorly marketed" it to the American people, in conducting a bad advertising campaign? And that this was the reason few saw Vietnam as a threat? And that, if only that war had been "marketed" with a better sales pitch, it would have had greater popular support?

As I remember it, the sales pitch consisted of the "domino theory", the idea that one country at a time, Communism would take over the world, so we had to stop it in Vietnam. And there was some historical support for that notion, since at the end of WWII the Soviets had overrun the middle-European countries, turning them into obedient communist "satellites". However, there was a big difference between the two phenomena because that post-war domination by Russian communism had occurred with the (take your pick) approval, or encouragement, or connivance, of the FDR administration.

I think the reality on the Vietnamese side was that in the 1950s they had already beaten the French (Like most of Indo-China, Vietnam had been a French colony), and they saw the Americans as just another colonialist power bent on dominating them.

While admitting that hindsight is always 20/20, I believe history has shown the silliness of the American view of things. Since those days the Vietnamese have beaten the Red Chinese in a border dispute, and they invaded Cambodia to put an end to the genocidal communist Pol Pot regime; and to top all that off, in recent years American companies have been moving their overseas production to Vietnam, which seems to show that marching for peace doesn't come close to the effectiveness of working with your imaginary enemy.

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He never served, but he has never claimed he did!

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The "fiery but mostly peaceful protests" are going to look like child's play after Mr. Trump wins on November 5. The destruction in every big liberal city in the country will be encouraged by Dems and blamed on Trump. This will be their excuse to try and keep him out of office. Another planned insurrection. Only this time it will be quite obvious who planned what. Just watch.

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I'm dearly hoping of course, that

#1 Trump WINS, bigly! But then

#2, that Trump now knows what he had no way of knowing in 2016, which was that the left lunatics will riot, so he'll be ready to deal with them on a federal level.

Now, he won't have the power to do anything until Jan 20th, so from Nov 5 until Jan 20 it's on Biden-Harris's watch, so people better buckle up for those 2.75 months!

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Exactly. Can anyone imagine any prominent Dem speaking against the death and destruction? Of course not. This is their way of saving Democracy.

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Correction, it's Obama's watch. Maybe the Lawfare section of the Republican party will charge Obama with insurrection?? Asking for a friend.

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Yeah, copy that.

BO's 3rd term. 😡

Ugh, IDK if the "Republican" party has a Lawfare section.

*Maybe* the MAGA party does.

We shall see...

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Not going to let this happen in our neighborhood. Koreatown in LA is the blueprint.

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What happened in Koreatown, LA?

They lived the lyrics of Jason Aldean's "Try That In A Small Town"??

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The store owners sat on their rooftops with rifles daring the Rodney King rioters to loot their businesses. None of them gave it a try. Deterrence works.

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WOW! I don't recall hearing about that but I LOVE IT!!!! 🎉🎉🎉

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I had forgotten abt that. My son lived in L.A. in Echo Park and was often on public transportation as a freelance graphic artist doing jobs in the music industry. Never had the radio or TV on. I was working in SF and listening for the verdict. As soon as it came in I called him with the news and told him to “Stay off the streets white boy.” He hunkered down for 4 days until it was controlled. I sometimes wonder what happened to that trucker who was pulled out of his vehicle and beaten to a pulp.

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Me, too. And whether anyone went to jail for doing that.

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They pulled out nearly all the stops in 2020-2021 to crush all dissent regrading their Steal of that election. It was unprecedented up to and including the imprisonment of anyone so much as near the Capitol on Jan. 6th.

Should, by pure miracle Trump win in November, it won’t be just the rioting that will most assuredly occur, but the evil machinations of every member and agency in the entire diabolical Federal government will go into overdrive to make sure he never enters the Oval Office.

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Trump is not afraid to get down in the mud with the Dems. But he will need help.

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Nothing will change from Trumps first term if he wins. They cannot afford to allow him to be successful. The GOP stands to be the big loser if they don’t aggressively support him this time. I still don’t believe it will be any different this time. Our problem is the GOP.

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One difference this time, is I think the RINO's know they are history--the old GOP already IS the big loser and everyone knows it. And I think they know us MAGA-ites will go ballistic on them if they try to interfere.

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Democrats are so used to the media acting as their political secret service that they are too slow and too stupid to react to controversies like this. After Joe got elected from his basement with a lifetime of gaffes and baggage, the attitude at Kamala HQ will be to ride it out with Walz and figuratively knife him in the back with off record leaks to NYT and the WashPost if she is trailing in closing days of the campaign. He is acting as a security blanket taking criticism away from her and making her look like the more plausible leader and giving her the upper hand on their personal power dynamic. She isn’t going to dump on him now.

This was the most basic failure of Harris HQ vetting as this was not “dug up” from obscurity. They obviously didn’t consider the most basic opposition research that had already been thrown at him. The fact he was still citing his temporary (and subsequently revoked) promotion demonstrates a “lack of imagination” to wargame how their opponents would attack him. They are stunned it went viral or they would have had an effective counter ready.

Having the media on your side constantly makes a candidate stupid. They had to invent an attack vector on Vance out of whole upholstery cloth because he is so clean. Walz is radical beyond Bernie with an executive record of Gavin Newsome in a Dick Cheney body, married to a Hillary Clinton lookalike who went full Marie Antoinette in Apocalypse Now the musical on the victims of the Twin Cities (I love the smell of burning radials in the morning)

One can only hope the people are wise enough to demand better.

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One of the better posts I've read. As I posted earlier, Marie Antoinette Walz needs a closer look. She may be another Dr Jill/Hillary. How else does a guy join the military and become a communist lover? His daughter appears to be heavily influenced by her parents as well but leave her alone. She'll suffer enough because of her upbringing.

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Agreed Charles! I’ve thought for months that Dems haven’t truly grappled with the fact that X (twitter) is wide open and their censorship efforts are much more limited than in 2020.

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OH! They are “grappling”, make no mistake about that, as are every other Western government in the EU and the UK.

The significance- and timing - of Musk buying Twitter, is beyond measuring.

But they will not give sleep to their eyes until they can crush it.

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Elon needs to start his own Google or buy Google outright.

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Closest thing to Superman we have these days.

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💯 Suzie!

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🎯 Excellent!!

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Charles, your comment is a fine piece of word smithing. It's also a sensible take on the Dems, especially the hard lefty Dems. (There actually ARE a few that aren't sold out to Marxism). I especially loved your characterization of Mrs. Walz. Fun reading amongst a bunch of really good posts. Great work!

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All well said, Charles. And yes, whoever came up with the idea of calling Vance weird was way out of touch. What a lemon that was.

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“ [FACT CHECK: FLOYD DIED OF A DRUG OVERDOSE]” And Derek Chauvin has been rotting in jail and almost murdered. He is the lamb that has been sacrificed on the alter of the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party’s racial war on America. Until he gets justice this country remains a banana republic.

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And the J6 political prisoners too.

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And hundreds of people incarcerated for exercising their constitutional "right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".

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Liberals do not care about humanity other than their own welfare. They will sacrifice a million people and it wont phase them. If you have no soul, then its all about you and your ideology.

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Check my Blue button-Requiem for an Animal-Don was the reporter-Michael Brown was the animal

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A Walz is what happens when identity politics wins out over beneficial accomplishments and common sense.

Whoever vetted this guy focused on what his identity politics would bring to the ticket rather than any accomplishments he may have had. Seems he has no accomplishments outside of tampons in the boy’s restroom.

Maybe another way to look at this guy as a pick for VP is they didn’t want anyone smarter than Kamala on the ticket as it would make her look more hollow and clueless than she already is.

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The Dems have made a habit of selecting Veep candidates who are less accomplished than their Pres candidates so that they serve as "insurance policies" against any mishaps (assassination, impeachment, etc.). Their big mistake was the nomination of Obama who was so unaccomplished that they selected Biden for the Veep slot and then, even worse, allowed him to selected (not elected) for Pres in 2020. Who could they find even more vacuous than Biden? Enter Harris. And now, to back Cackles, they have Walz, perhaps the worst possible candidate in my 75 years on Earth.

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Not the least bit surprising since they chose Eric The Red Holder to do their vetting.

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Like picking an arsonist to put out a fire.

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Thank you for the first chuckle of the morning, Plays! Seeing Eric “the Red” Holder as a Viking. Too funny!

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I do think Holder is politically tone deaf.

Of course how many “top contenders “ got out in front and said no to the SS Kamala?

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As unjust as the imprisonment of Jan 6ers is, the conviction and imprisonment of Derek Chauvin is much worse. He handled the situation with that pos Floyd according to the textbook those cops were trained under.

Even Trump couldn’t pardon him now due to the lynch mob the black community up there has become.

Oh for a sea change in the politics of blacks away from their plantation bosses.

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“I’m gonna have them n——— votin’ Democrat next two hundert yeas!”

- Lyndon Baines Johnson

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So long as black Americans remain tribal, they will not evolve and prosper.

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That’s the whole idea.

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Sadly, even if inclined to do so, Trump could only pardon him for the federal civil rights charges which would not result in his release from prison. Chauvin's murder conviction was on state charges so he is at the mercy of the governor. Fat chance.

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Trump as POTUS would not be able to pardon anyone convicted by state courts. Only the Governor of the state can do that. POTUS can only pardon those convicted of Federal crimes (by, of course, Federal crimes).

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Agree, what happened to Derek Chauvin is a crime.

But I think Trump COULD still pardon him. The Left is going to be apoplectic about him if he gets re-elected anyway, and if Trump plainly made it all clear about the Floyd situation, there's alot more people even on the Left waking up now, who might be willing to at least listen to the reasons why he's pardoning him. Trump would have to make it crystal clear that the whole thing was NOT about race.

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The selection of Walz is interesting. It might be a big leap but say for a moment that Kamala Harris actually made the choice of running mate. Then add another item to her long history of really bad political decisions. Second point. Obama has a history of hiding negatives. There is no hiding Walz's negatives, making him an unlikely Obama choice. Obama would have chosen a better puppet story to sell. Can we conclude Obama does not have the same level of control over Harris that he does over Biden? If so, there is no one capable/willing to moderate her volatile revenge seeking actions. Her election would bring an evaporation of US support for Israel and a wider war in the Middle East. China would have a green light to take Taiwan. The good news: The selection of Walz is a gift to Trump and Vance. *** How bad is the Harris selection of Walz? The Dem media operatives immediately started choking on the Walz and nutty wife story. The Dems are placing two nutty people on the ticket accompanied by spouse #1 who makes his money from the CCP and PLO and spouse #2 who delights in the smell of an American city burning. Four rats the party and media will attempt to hide in the same basement.

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Apparently Obama was lobbying hard for Mark Kelly, so perhaps Harris went rogue just to assert her independence. We can only hope it puts the last nail in her political coffin.

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Yes, Mark Kelly would be a more logical Obama choice. He has a decent story to tell. Wife shot. He was an astronaut. He is also a partner is a spy balloon company. His partner is the CCP. Birds of a feather, so to speak. with Harris's husband. But neither logic nor political acumen are Harris's forte.

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Eric Holder was in charge of the vetting so be sure Obama is all in on Walz.

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Apparently Obama believes it’s time to go full on Communist. None of this socialist blather. Did Eric Holder actually recommend Walz or was this just planted to take the finger off of Obama? I’ve never thought Joey was ‘The Big Guy’ but was the way BHO has enriched himself through the CCP. He is their golden boy.

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Originally Obama wanted to WAIT for the OPEN Convention to be the determining factor.

Honestly, after reading what President Trump has posted on Truth Social, and Dan Scavino and Lt. Flynn have posted concurring with President Trump that FJB isn't finished yet in reality and the Convention will be the place and the time for him to raise a raucous.

Obama may indeed get his wish.

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Convention CONschmenken!

The timing is and has always been all about the Steal, and getting her (or whoever’s) name printed in time for early voting.

They will shove her and Walz through their farce of a convention as their new useful idiots to pretend they are actually the Prez and VP, and just continue their agenda apace, with them as their figureheads.

They picked two of the most empty, albeit likeminded, Communist Leftists they could find and they are more than OK with that. To them they are perfection.

They will try to steal the election again, this time at a far more sophisticated level than 2020, and I have near Zero confidence the Republicans are anywhere near prepared for what it is to come.

It will take a miracle, literally, to get Teimp a win, and even then all hell will break out.

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The Dems do play a shell game with voting strategies. Now you see it, now you don’t. If they manage a steal again there will be war…but I hope selective rather than general.

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That's quite a dose of Black Pills in the Morning, doncha think?

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We all saw with our own eyes what occurred in 2020 and since.

And what has been done to even come close to preventing it from happening again? Zip, zero, nada.

Even in every Republican effort to “SAVE Elections” in Congress and the 50 states, not ONE has included ending mass mail-in balloting.

Why is that do you suppose?

We are not being ruled by honest people, certainly not people who give a frig about our concerns.

To think somehow that this election will be “different” is delusional at best.

If one does not fully comprehend the enemy arrayed against it, it is doomed, except for the intervention of the Almighty.

I get that it is a bleak and terrifying picture, but it is the unvarnished truth. And we were warned not to put our trust in any man, only God.

He demonstrated that on July 13th by performing an undeniable miracle in sparing Trump.

We’ll need an even bigger miracle come Election Day.

Just sayin….

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But today is not 2020, and many more people can see that the country has been falling apart the last few years. Plus the Democrats have been making some serious mistakes. You are assuming they have a successful plan and will execute it well.

The situation IS dire, but don't OVER-estimate the competence of the Marxists to successfully pull off a SECOND installation of a puppet President.

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China attacking Taiwan is all deep state marketing. Made up threat. China has much bigger problems than Taiwan. Its a red herring. Don’t believe what the gov is selling.

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I think Obama wanted Buttigieg. And Obama's plan may be for Kamala to be replaced at the convention with Pete Buttigieg anyway, so it didn't matter to Obama who was Kamala's Veep.

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Keep in mind that Obama's Democrat Party instigated the George Floyd mayhem. It was all packaged up and ready to go, they were just looking for the kindling to strike the match. Facts didn't matter. Walz was just as controlled as the rest of the party apparatchiks by the Soros-Obama chaos machine. We can and should knock off the leaves when we can, but this country has no shot to survive unless we take out the roots, trunk and branches of that wicked apparatus.

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I truly believe Walz was the only option left as rumor has it that Shapiro declined (wise choice on his part) as did many others. God works in mysterious ways.

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Shapiro has an Ellen Greenberg skeleton hanging in his closet he doesn't want exposed. I wonder if Mark Kelly any too.

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Kelly does as well. His company has financial ties to China that look somewhat dubious.

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I believe he financed the company that made the Chinese spy balloon.

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Walz is coward - full stop - end of argument. He abandoned his soldiers, which tells you everything you need to know about his worthlessness. He needs to check his manhood in at the door. In that respect I'd guess he is the perfect white male democrat candidate because he doesn't believe in anything related to what white males and all the dead white males before them expected a man to be.

He thinks forcibly having the state grab your kid to potentially chop their private parts off, as some sort of civil rights victory, is a career enhancement. I hesitate to type what I'm thinking, as a means of not going completely off the handle. If you are democrat and vote for this devil's spawn, may God have mercy on your soul.

When this whole topic of "transgender health" dies down, and we realize how dangerously the population was manipulated by the likes of Obama and others in sexual deviance crowd, I pray they are all held to account, with long jail sentences and financial ruin.

They'd best better never get their hands on one of my grandchildren.

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My eight were homeschooled by their mothers so mine are safe for now. When they opted to homeschool I was a little hesitant about it since I grew up in a different academic world than exists today. Well, both daughters are a hell of a lot smarter than their old man and it shows. I'm very proud of what they've become and what they've done as mothers....

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Nor mine.

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This is where I borrow Don’s soapbox while he’s drinking his coffee; I saw this "ABC's Selina Wang: "[JD] Vance, who deployed to Iraq in the Marines and did not see any active fighting," I will introduce you to Megan Malia Leilani McClung (April 14, 1972 – December 6, 2006) a public affairs officer killed in the line of duty in Iraq. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megan_McC… This is one of the soldiers “who didn’t see combat” or "did not see active fighting" while in Iraq.

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I was shocked by the visceral reaction my son (2-1 yr tours in Iraq) had to this news. This is every bit as bad as what the Swifties had to say about Kerry.

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That group is who my husband deployed with when he was called up to active duty from the USMCR in '04-'05 to Iraq. I am grateful he made it back with all the same pieces in all the same places.

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There are no safe places in a combat zone anymore. Once you leave the base you are in "Indian" country (sorry). It's even worse now with drone warfare. They'll hit you at your base miles from the front lines.

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Yes yes yes

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Thank you for providing the link to this heroic woman's life ended way too soon

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PA soldiers go out and engage locals and troops among a vast number of other duties. In this day and age of high tech ordinance, no one is in a safe area when in theater.

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Don you are just encouraging me to do this again

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Wanger: media word massage therapist in the pocket of higher powers. Def 2: a power tool with no battery or cord.

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The link doesn't seem to work.

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I’m heartened to know that there are so many like-hearted, like-minded Patriots on this blog. (Is “blog” the right word? I’m only into this technology as far as I could be dragged over the hump of my paranoia. Lol)

And Don, you are among the best, writing in this vein. Thank you for the work and energy you pour into your columns.

But while I agree on the absurdity of every aspect of Walz, and KarlMala, I recommend caution in expectations and more sacrifice on our part, than normal. And especially more prayers.

Remember: The ridiculous basement dwelling troll, Bribin Biden took office in Jan 2021.

Despite the wide open evidence of all his faults and KarlMala’s faults, as candidates, as dishonorable con-artists and abject grifters, as anti-America subversives … THEY took office.

Despite Trump’s positive policy achievements and despite the Anarchic Left’s revolting, wanton destruction of historical monuments, exquisite beaux arts memorials, even desecrating and digging up graves of honorable historic figures, and even burning

cities to the ground, using the preposterous excuse of the drug overdose death of a no good thug … THEY TOOK OFFICE IN 2021.

Despite their promises in 2020 to do all that they have done since … They took office in 2021.

Despite Trump-Pence being credited as receiving more votes than Maobama-Bribin in their best showing … and more votes than any ticket in history … save the fantastic number assigned to Maobama-Bribin, … Bribin & KarlMala took office in 2021.

I reckon that we could all write for days, about our knowledge, suspicions and questions about how that “election” resulted as it did.

Have there been significant systemic changes to counter election fraud in the states that matter?

One survey suggests that 14% of the millions of illegal aliens are registered to vote. And most, maybe all states have no means by which to ensure that voters are indeed, lawful citizens entitled to cast votes for our very survival… or destruction.

Where are the counter measures to save us from defeat by such diabolically clever weapons on this unprecedented battlefield?

Most of us voted in 2020, confident that our ticket would win. We went to bed that night and slept like babes secure in the knowledge and grateful to God, that America had received a reprieve. But we woke up to abject horror and disbelief.

Repeating our efforts of 2020, won’t do. We can not afford to underestimate the Subversives, nor on the flip side, be overconfident… Nor like the USSS in Butler, Pa, presume the obvious is being taken care of… by somebody else. Can we do more? We better.

It’s not enough that “our people” see the other side as utterly, obviously, ridiculous and preposterous. Large numbers can not what they see…

It’s not enough in this bizarre era, to have more voters than the other side. We have to have margins so large that fraud can not prevail.

And we have to stop the fraud before it happens. Are we doing that?

I am hopeful but I have to admit that I don’t see much evidence of it.

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💯% 🎯

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Well said.

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Great news but one has to hope Aipac continues to unseat loony socialists and yet I would prefer they just backed PDJTs ticket to save Israel period. As for tampon Tim apt name for a wanna be dictator second in command to Commala the communist. Allowing them to self immolate is the best campaign but the msm is covering them with pumper trucks of retardant. Another snap poll as Dr.Cat mails it in but do lead on Poca-Man and MAGA 2024 victory shall be ours.

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I was also impressed with Don's creative name, Tampon Tim. It has a nice ring to it I think. Heels-Up Harris and Tampon Tim will try to weasel out of the debate.

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Aug 8Edited

Beautiful. Poll option #5 Not soon enough. Difficult where to start heaping the accolades. How slow is Waltz for starters got me chuckling. Tiny Tim indeed. Then all the supporting data was as usual priceless. His wife was reminiscent of the smell of napalm in the morning. Absolutely loonie. A college somewhere needs to build a Donald Surber School of Journalism. Perhaps your alma mater. The touché moment was ... (they)wanted her gone, did its homework and got it done. The SMART way.

Lesson learned: There is hope. Dollars do not translate or convert to votes. You don't fix stupid. Outsmart the bastards, finger them and exploit them when their knickers are near their ankles. I am ready to renew or increase my membership.

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What Walz is doing is rightfully known as “Stolen Valor”; claiming status/service one did not honorably achieve in the U.S. Military. As someone who works closely with Veterans (www.shotandastory.org) & - as many relate in their discussions - their apprehensions about being deployed & deployment itself. The rub is they answered the call & he didn’t. Walz is what is known throughout Military History as a “shirker”, someone who shirks his duty when the moment of truth arrives. Up front shirkers - if they got that far - we’re known as “malingerers”; guys who would find some excuse to avoid the firing line & hang out behind the lines. This was especially a problem during The War Between the States & the Northern forces enlisted the services of a provost marshal to bring up the rear of advancing troops to make sure nobody got “lost”.

This is beyond reprehensible.

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The wife is stupid, lying, or both. I’m betting those windows don’t even open.

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“ she is the only first lady in Minnesota's history to have an office in the Minnesota State Capitol. [Mrs.] Walz oversees a policy portfolio focusing on education, corrections, and gun control legislation”, with an office right down the hall from her husband’s and a full staff nearly equal in number to the governor’s.

Like I always say, beware the wives behind the thrones.

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"Dr." Jill, anyone?

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Hillery, Ellenor, and many nothers

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Thanks for the info. I knew there was something rotten about her. Looking forward to reading more about the new Dr Jill.

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