Obama isn't running the country. He's not bright enough to run a lemonade stand. He is merely the liaison between Senile Joe and the real CEO of America, Emperor Soros.
Why is no one willing to just admit that this war waged against Israel is a religious war? Its target is not just Israel but Western Christian civilization! Radical Islam is at the root of this war. Europe has been conquered by Muslim immigration and only a matter of time before the chador becomes the uniform of the feminists. Here in America the useful idiots that inhabit the university have been fooled into supporting the head choppers on the premise of oppressor/oppressed. The Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party and its “leader” will sacrifice Israel for fleeting political expediencies. Trump is the only hope to reverse this catastrophe at least in America.
We have been grousing on that around here and just conclude that people ( especially people in power) are just afraid. In the most limited sense of being called a bad name in public but in an increasing awareness they are just afraid of being killed.
While not able to say it out loud, those in power know that Islam really does intend to conquer and suppress or kill any non believers. The most self-aggrandized or protected by station think they won’t be affected and hope to use the violence to further unified power (HAH!) but the average Joe or Jane on a small town council or school board doesn’t want a mob of Muslims showing up at their house with arms aimed at their family. They themselves seemingly have no beliefs worth defending so cower.
On the morning of October 8th, when I first learned of the savagery and barbarity enacted by Hamas on Oct. 7th, nothing, not anything that has come before it, shocked me more than the INSTANTANEOUS uprisings of support -AROUND THE WORLD - NOT for the victims, but for the savages who perpetrated it.
But that shock has only been progressively more inflamed by the stance of this US Administration’s flagrant and even feverish efforts to aid and abet those same savages at every turn, up to and including not just the cutting off vital armaments to Israel, but going an even extra measure to now allow the free flow of armaments to Qatar and Lebanon (read: Hezbollah), those very same savage enemies equally as guilty of that October day’s heinous slaughter.
Whatever is going on today, by this government, likewise in those of many the West, to say nothing of the irreparably diabolical UN, in the utter perversity, insanity, depravity, of their evil machinations, is simply beyond comprehension.
Like others before who had no beliefs, leadership in the West thinks that Islam can be appeased. It cannot. Appeasement never works. And Islam is not interested in tolerance nor accommodation. It seems conquest then annihilation.
“Moderate Islam is a Western fantasy.”, declared Turkey’s then-Prime Minister and current President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in 2007. He continued, “These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”
Give Erdoğan, himself a militant Muslim, credit for being, if rarely, honest on this score.
ALL (repeat: ALL!) Islamic authorities - written, oral tradition, scripture, adjunct “scripture”, dead and living - agree that ALL (that word again) Muslims must wage jihad against ALL infidels until the whole world lives under sharia.
Jihad is defined as WAR by ALL means necessary to victory. (It is decidedly NOT an inner spiritual struggle - another Western fantasy.) Jihad specifically includes but is not limited to “spread terror”, to “strike off their heads”, to take infidel hostages for ransom, to enslave infidels, etc. All the methods and tactics we have witnessed since ca 630 AD!!
It’s in their scripture!
The mass migration to Western Europe and the Western Hemisphere is often called “civilization jihad” and is described in multiple Muslim doctrines, including the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Memorandum of Understanding”, as necessary to overthrow the West by building up the Muslim population ( jihadis) numbers within Western borders.
CAIR is literally Hamas (!) and an unindicted co-conspirator in the famous “Holy Land Foundation” of post 9/11 period. Yet, incredibly, Hamas/CAIR members have official positions in our governments, in training and developing training materials for our military and law enforcement. This is suicidal DIE madness!
And sharia, by Judeo-Christian Western Civilization standards, is as completely totalitarian or more so, as anything Stalin, Hitler, Mao, or Pol Pot ever dreamed.
When all the world lives under sharia, say ALL Muslim authorities, the world will live in the House of Peace (Dar al Aslam). Non Muslims, aka infidels, in the meantime, live in the House of War ( Dar al Harb). That too is in their scripture.
This is the origin of the absurdity that Islam is a “religion of peace”.
No, THEY believe that WE live in the “House of War” and THEY are at war with us. Thats a 1400 years old reality, regardless of what we might wish to believe.
“To be warned is to be forearmed.”, said somebody blessed with uncommon, common sense.
You're not being helpful. I was talking about the border, which IS a national scandal that Biden deserves to be impeached for. And you carry on about the slaughter last October, which I deplore as well. BUT IF I MAY ADD A HELPFUL SUGGESTION, BESIDES STICKING TO THE SUBJECT, DO NOT RANT IN CAPITAL LETTERS. IT'S ANNOYING AND DISCOURAGES PEOPLE FROM READING YOUR STUFF.
And Biden, like Obama, has released billions of dollars of money to Iran, which manages to Hamas terrorists. We have sent more money and arms to Iran for its terrorist groups attacking Israel in the last 10 years than to Israel.
Thanks for the new word. I had to look up "chador". I did get it from context but just have never heard the word so I looked it up. I'm going to start using it. College students are too young to remember when Iranian dressed like western women everywhere. Therefore they can't see what is waiting for them. Mark Stein wrote a book "America Alone" in which he talks about the plight of women who will have to cover up. Chador
I remember that, and there were a handful of Iranians in the summer classes I had. They keep destroying the dorms. They had no anger management at all. Throwing chairs out sealed windows on the 4/5th floors in the common areas. There was also no reasoning with them and this was in the early 80s.
I knew a couple of Iranians in college, and they caused no problems except for their constant drooling about Dutch girls. But that was 20 years earlier yet, before the Ayatollahs took over.
I have read a great deal about human behavior in Europe during the Middle Ages, and the violence, cruelty and HONOR killings of those medievals were on a par with today's Muslims. It's a very different culture now, but that took centuries of religion and civilization to achieve.
Because normal people can see it. but not the elites. They embrace because it will help them ushur in socialism the new version of communism that hasnt been tried because, their version will work honest.
There were crusades for a reason. To free those Christians that Muslims had taken by force. A brutalized and cowed people dont fight back. Americans were born and raised fighting back from the earliest settlers. The only way they can take down America is from within.
Some of Dem elites that are Jews are seeing it and pulling back. It will be interesting (may you live in interesting times, a curse most foul) to see how long it takes the rest. The problem is those same elites think they will be at the top of whatever our society ends up as. They wont. Most places kill the traitors first and the Dems will be considered traitors by many standards.
Please on another note. I have a migraine most of the time. The Caps make it really really hard to read your stuff.
I understand I do. I have a friend that I fixed it so he could see it.
You might try adjusting your font size since it sounds like you are on a computer. If you right click on the home screen of the monitor, anywhere but a icon (picture) it should bring up a menu. at the very bottom is an option, personalize.
Depending on your version of windows, mine is 7, so there is a menu to the left and the word display at the bottom. This allows you to change the screen to 100%, 125% or 150%. On later versions you can actually do the font size itself. If you search for it there should be You Tubes that help also. Just be aware that if you change the font size, it sometimes makes other things wonky but you can at least read the screen. I set his to 150% due to his laptop and his desk setup.
Good luck. it sounds like you are news hound like me. It is very stressful given our current situation. I hope you have other hobbies that get you out and about or at least away from the computer. God's Blessings to you as well. tj
He's not the only one - but he would be a large help. Blue state's continue to make an argument for themselves that they can't run anything. No red states are having huge issues. Not even Austin could muster much against the State taking it all down.
Even Adolf Hitler and Tony Fauci would turn down Harvard Graduation at this point. The only truly repulsive Humans available who would probably say yes at this point are Kathy Griffin or the “ladies” of “The View.”
If they're really desperate, I'm willing to speak at their dog and pony show. On condition I get an armed guard, because they won't like what I have to say.
Keep it short and sweet. Tell them," the GOD who you do not know promised Abraham, the grandfather of Israel, I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. Depart now to the lake of fire prepared for Satan and his followers".
Make no mistake, most leftists agree 100% with these children (adolescence is still years away), but are just waiting for the dust to settle before renewing their love of detesting Jews.
AD, the only protected free speech in this world is Jew Hating verbiage and action. If you replaced the “Jews” with “Blacks” the national guard would be activated.
not the Christians. How many churches have burned due to supporting pregnant women? its in the 100s now but amazingly the FBI cant find any of the vandals. Its seems as though their work is done under cover of night and the FBI just cant find them......
After watching numerous graduates walk out of the Duke University commencement simply because Jerry Seinfeld, the main speaker, was a strong supporter of Israel, you can understand why schools like Harvard cannot find an A list person to speak at their ceremony. The far left loons had zero tolerance for anyone who does not walk in lockstep with them. Trying to reason with them is akin to talking to a wall. The best way to deal with them is to mock them constantly and vigorously.
“Maybe they can get Harvard hero General Qasem Soleimani. Oh wait, Trump had him thumped.”
Coffee spit… #No$hit. Trump was smart enough to realize you take out the leaders of your terrorist opposition rather than send armies to die in 20 year wars.
“Israel is the only safe place on Earth for Jews.” And peaceful Arabs.
Living in MN with the constant embarrassment of criminal Omar who violated immigration law by marrying her brother to get here is a ‘struggle’.
Do folks even try to venture off to find and corroborate information anymore? How do people give criminals like Omar any credence these days?
There have been rumbles about trying Trump in International Court for war crimes over that operation. I dont think they have gotten up the nerve as yet.
There was a couple of reports and actual proof that Omar was buying votes in MN. It all went away into a hole to never be investigated by any authority probably similar to the foreign rape gangs never getting charged in the UK.
"And peaceful Arabs." Yes. The number of Arab/Muslim citizens of Israel is about 1 million. They are free to practice their religion, and can make non-stop flights to Saudi Arabia for their pilgrimage.
Today's column is another great synopsis of a situation, that mercilessly pierces the hypocrisy. Some favorite phrases: "once-Great Britain"; "black privilege", "female privilege"; Harvard "a pariah". And YES!, Benjamin Netanyahu would be a superb speaker for Harvard. It would probably be the most valuable hour of learning the students get for 4 years of tuition.
As to these pro-Hamas demonstrations-- free speech and free assembly is fine, but these demonstrations--like the Antifa/BLM ones--go way beyond that into outright criminal behavior. Did you see the pictures of the building they took over at Columbia?? That is massive property damage. Who is going to pay for that??? And the "takeover" of private property for days on end (the college owns their campus lawns and buildings) is criminal trespass, especially when they are blocking entry and egress, and harassing passersby. And who is going to reimburse the police forces in all these places for the all the manpower and overtime to deal with these unruly crowds?
Also, I could swear I've read that there are laws on the books in America that forbid demonstrating with facial masks. It has been legally determined that masked demonstrating is a form of threat. Why are these laws not being enforced? The purpose of all those black masks and face coverings for both the Hamas and Antifa/BLM riots was to allow people to escape accountability while being threatening and intimidating.
You can have free speech and free assembly, but along with that freedom comes the responsibility to take ownership of what you are assembling and speaking for, by not hiding your identity by covering your face with a mask. "Free speech and free assembly" means people having the courage to express their convictions. It does NOT mean secrecy and anonymity. It does not mean masked mobs.
That would require a country that actually had the “Rule of Law”, not whatever it is we currently live under which in effect is, “Laws for thee, but not for me”, which just translates into no law at all, but more like the “whim o’the day”.
I think there are many locations where sheriffs would happily enforce the law, but the Marxist Democrats carefully pick their locations to be Blue-run and have Soros-financed prosecutors who will not hold them accountable.
But I think the "no masked protesters" laws should be publicized more and calls made for their enforcement--it would bring moral clarity to this situation. I wonder if those laws arose in connection with the Ku Klux Klan. You never see a public protest with people wearing those white hats and robes-- those are secret ceremonies.
People today would not tolerate public demonstrations by white hat-and-robe masked Ku Klux Klan-- but that is exactly what these black-masked pro-Hamas/Antifa mobs are--and for the same reason-- their "demonstrations" are intended as threats, and threats are illegal, and they want to escape legal accountability for their threats.
It’s not in the Constitution, but I was taught growing up “Your freedom ends where mine begins” or vice versa. Free speech and the right to protest does not include the right to stop traffic, force me to listen, or prevent students from walking freely on their campus. That is blackmail and harassment and should be treated as such.
In Canada when a protest crosses the line into being unlawful, or a person is committing criminal acts, it is a criminal offence(s) under the Criminal Code of Canada to wear a mask or disguise. Short story: You get arrested.
There seems to be no federal law prohibiting masked protests, and that's probably just as well; why create yet another federal crime? But several states have them; New York's was enacted before the Civil War. Interestingly, many of those existing laws were passed to counter the KKK with their white hoods ... Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, AntifaSCISTS!
depressing words from surber this morning. truth can be that way. ten thousand trumps wouldn't place a dent in the control the left has on america at this very moment. how many showed up on jan6th? half a million? a couple thousand went to jail and the rest ran for the hills, hoping to disappear.
congress is a joke, especially the gop. the only reference in this entire article to congress was to omar, a more odious creature i could never conjure up. i'm glad i am 76. i don't have to fake my way around work fifty hours a week, pretending to go along to get along when in actuality, i can't stand to even be in the same spaces as those who support the left and it's machinations of hate, lies and bs.
Yeah I had an interesting talk with my nieces yesterday. They have teachers who keep asking them if they are trans or bi just because they were jeans and a sweatshirt. and the teachers keep asking and hounding them about it. They just want to be comfortable.
a few years ago i had a niece show up at my house with a tee shirt that said: "boys are smelly". i told her to either change it or wait in her mothers suv. they both left.
Someone here mentioned it a few days back, how the college protestors were similar to all those young women who once upon a time were signing on to become Isis brides.
I think that nails them perfectly, and that should be their new nickname: the college “Isis bride wannabes”.
Absence of faith in the one, true God creates a vacuum, that craves to be filled. Hence the longing for a cause by these rootless and empty-headed mush brains.
Tragically, they’ve latched onto a cause - and that of a death cult -one that only guarantees them certain death or enslavement.
I believe there are many who have the guts to follow President Trump. I think that they haven’t had the money to not worry about failing to get elected or to survive lawfare. But I think they are out there and are attorney generals or governors and with President Trump in the White House the electorate will give them the chance. In my small corner of a blue town in a blue state I have been telling everyone I could that the holiday for vocal Jew Hatred is over. The Holocaust kept it quiet for a long time but it was there, just not vocal. After October 7, even before Israel went into Gaza the vocal announcement that Jew Hatred was fashionable again was proclaimed clearly on our college campuses and in the halls of Congress. Those that dismissed me in the past have discovered, for themselves, I was correct. But the awakening is slow. They may decide that safety is more of a priority than the liberal agenda that they have voted for all their adult lives. This will give those with the backbone to do the right thing a chance.
Guess Ilhan Omar's truth is something like NPR's CEO Katherine Maher, "...there are many different truths." And, " I'm certain that the truth exists for you. And probably for the person sitting next to you. But this may not be the same truth." LOL. This is what we are up against and where our hard earned money goes. It's no wonder she didn't show up at a congressional hearing.
And I kind of like "self loathing Jew". Has a better ring to it.
I’m not convinced that there are many truths. But if there are, I know for sure that my truth has a better earthly outcome for most than theirs. And I’m betting my truth has a better non-earthly outcome as well.
i have a truth. american men and the men of western civilization on aggregate have abdicated their leadership positions to women and their enabling beta male useless sycophants. that's a truth that is spreading across the globe faster than earth spins around the sun. will these women save the republic? well perhaps but to date .....nada. zip!
LOL! “Painful memories” & “outrage over a proposed Islamic center in Manhattan”? That’s akin to setting up a memorial for the Japanese Empire @ Pearl Harbor.
Obama is a two-faced commie with no balls. If he had the courage of his convictions, he'd speak at Harvard and say that he agrees that Israel should no longer exist. But he and Moo-chelle love the good life enough that he'll scurry away and she'll just keep complaining about her country. Voters sure got played with him.
Of course Obama doesn't have time to speak at Harvard - he's too busy running the country (into the ground).
And building bunkers to hide from what he created.
He's the SCoaMF for a reason. Best to have him remain silent and be thought a fool than to have him open his mouth, remove the foot and all doubt.
SCoaMF means "stuttering clusterfuck of miserable failure " for those not familiar with the term
Obama isn't running the country. He's not bright enough to run a lemonade stand. He is merely the liaison between Senile Joe and the real CEO of America, Emperor Soros.
Why is no one willing to just admit that this war waged against Israel is a religious war? Its target is not just Israel but Western Christian civilization! Radical Islam is at the root of this war. Europe has been conquered by Muslim immigration and only a matter of time before the chador becomes the uniform of the feminists. Here in America the useful idiots that inhabit the university have been fooled into supporting the head choppers on the premise of oppressor/oppressed. The Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party and its “leader” will sacrifice Israel for fleeting political expediencies. Trump is the only hope to reverse this catastrophe at least in America.
We have been grousing on that around here and just conclude that people ( especially people in power) are just afraid. In the most limited sense of being called a bad name in public but in an increasing awareness they are just afraid of being killed.
While not able to say it out loud, those in power know that Islam really does intend to conquer and suppress or kill any non believers. The most self-aggrandized or protected by station think they won’t be affected and hope to use the violence to further unified power (HAH!) but the average Joe or Jane on a small town council or school board doesn’t want a mob of Muslims showing up at their house with arms aimed at their family. They themselves seemingly have no beliefs worth defending so cower.
On the morning of October 8th, when I first learned of the savagery and barbarity enacted by Hamas on Oct. 7th, nothing, not anything that has come before it, shocked me more than the INSTANTANEOUS uprisings of support -AROUND THE WORLD - NOT for the victims, but for the savages who perpetrated it.
But that shock has only been progressively more inflamed by the stance of this US Administration’s flagrant and even feverish efforts to aid and abet those same savages at every turn, up to and including not just the cutting off vital armaments to Israel, but going an even extra measure to now allow the free flow of armaments to Qatar and Lebanon (read: Hezbollah), those very same savage enemies equally as guilty of that October day’s heinous slaughter.
Whatever is going on today, by this government, likewise in those of many the West, to say nothing of the irreparably diabolical UN, in the utter perversity, insanity, depravity, of their evil machinations, is simply beyond comprehension.
Like others before who had no beliefs, leadership in the West thinks that Islam can be appeased. It cannot. Appeasement never works. And Islam is not interested in tolerance nor accommodation. It seems conquest then annihilation.
Precisely. It is a death cult.
“Moderate Islam is a Western fantasy.”, declared Turkey’s then-Prime Minister and current President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in 2007. He continued, “These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”
Give Erdoğan, himself a militant Muslim, credit for being, if rarely, honest on this score.
ALL (repeat: ALL!) Islamic authorities - written, oral tradition, scripture, adjunct “scripture”, dead and living - agree that ALL (that word again) Muslims must wage jihad against ALL infidels until the whole world lives under sharia.
Jihad is defined as WAR by ALL means necessary to victory. (It is decidedly NOT an inner spiritual struggle - another Western fantasy.) Jihad specifically includes but is not limited to “spread terror”, to “strike off their heads”, to take infidel hostages for ransom, to enslave infidels, etc. All the methods and tactics we have witnessed since ca 630 AD!!
It’s in their scripture!
The mass migration to Western Europe and the Western Hemisphere is often called “civilization jihad” and is described in multiple Muslim doctrines, including the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Memorandum of Understanding”, as necessary to overthrow the West by building up the Muslim population ( jihadis) numbers within Western borders.
CAIR is literally Hamas (!) and an unindicted co-conspirator in the famous “Holy Land Foundation” of post 9/11 period. Yet, incredibly, Hamas/CAIR members have official positions in our governments, in training and developing training materials for our military and law enforcement. This is suicidal DIE madness!
And sharia, by Judeo-Christian Western Civilization standards, is as completely totalitarian or more so, as anything Stalin, Hitler, Mao, or Pol Pot ever dreamed.
When all the world lives under sharia, say ALL Muslim authorities, the world will live in the House of Peace (Dar al Aslam). Non Muslims, aka infidels, in the meantime, live in the House of War ( Dar al Harb). That too is in their scripture.
This is the origin of the absurdity that Islam is a “religion of peace”.
No, THEY believe that WE live in the “House of War” and THEY are at war with us. Thats a 1400 years old reality, regardless of what we might wish to believe.
“To be warned is to be forearmed.”, said somebody blessed with uncommon, common sense.
Why not just call it treason? Facilitating an invasion by abolishing the border is enough reason.
Too logical Wim.
Yes, maybe I should have been more poetic. Like "the reason for treason ..."
You're not being helpful. I was talking about the border, which IS a national scandal that Biden deserves to be impeached for. And you carry on about the slaughter last October, which I deplore as well. BUT IF I MAY ADD A HELPFUL SUGGESTION, BESIDES STICKING TO THE SUBJECT, DO NOT RANT IN CAPITAL LETTERS. IT'S ANNOYING AND DISCOURAGES PEOPLE FROM READING YOUR STUFF.
And Biden, like Obama, has released billions of dollars of money to Iran, which manages to Hamas terrorists. We have sent more money and arms to Iran for its terrorist groups attacking Israel in the last 10 years than to Israel.
Thanks for the new word. I had to look up "chador". I did get it from context but just have never heard the word so I looked it up. I'm going to start using it. College students are too young to remember when Iranian dressed like western women everywhere. Therefore they can't see what is waiting for them. Mark Stein wrote a book "America Alone" in which he talks about the plight of women who will have to cover up. Chador
I remember that, and there were a handful of Iranians in the summer classes I had. They keep destroying the dorms. They had no anger management at all. Throwing chairs out sealed windows on the 4/5th floors in the common areas. There was also no reasoning with them and this was in the early 80s.
Before you can reason with them you must remove the hate. Unfortunately that means removing 90% of their brain matter.
I knew a couple of Iranians in college, and they caused no problems except for their constant drooling about Dutch girls. But that was 20 years earlier yet, before the Ayatollahs took over.
I have read a great deal about human behavior in Europe during the Middle Ages, and the violence, cruelty and HONOR killings of those medievals were on a par with today's Muslims. It's a very different culture now, but that took centuries of religion and civilization to achieve.
Yeah when the Shaw was there, the culture eased up but now it is back to the more strict fanatical med-evil version.
Because normal people can see it. but not the elites. They embrace because it will help them ushur in socialism the new version of communism that hasnt been tried because, their version will work honest.
There were crusades for a reason. To free those Christians that Muslims had taken by force. A brutalized and cowed people dont fight back. Americans were born and raised fighting back from the earliest settlers. The only way they can take down America is from within.
Gayle, I appreciate that thought.
Some of Dem elites that are Jews are seeing it and pulling back. It will be interesting (may you live in interesting times, a curse most foul) to see how long it takes the rest. The problem is those same elites think they will be at the top of whatever our society ends up as. They wont. Most places kill the traitors first and the Dems will be considered traitors by many standards.
Please on another note. I have a migraine most of the time. The Caps make it really really hard to read your stuff.
I understand I do. I have a friend that I fixed it so he could see it.
You might try adjusting your font size since it sounds like you are on a computer. If you right click on the home screen of the monitor, anywhere but a icon (picture) it should bring up a menu. at the very bottom is an option, personalize.
Depending on your version of windows, mine is 7, so there is a menu to the left and the word display at the bottom. This allows you to change the screen to 100%, 125% or 150%. On later versions you can actually do the font size itself. If you search for it there should be You Tubes that help also. Just be aware that if you change the font size, it sometimes makes other things wonky but you can at least read the screen. I set his to 150% due to his laptop and his desk setup.
Good luck. it sounds like you are news hound like me. It is very stressful given our current situation. I hope you have other hobbies that get you out and about or at least away from the computer. God's Blessings to you as well. tj
If you are on a phone, I dont much about them.
Anti-theism is the core of it, the money changers in Davos worship themselves and are using the Islamists to get rid of faithful.
They will be after everyone once they decide to move past the Jews.
He's not the only one - but he would be a large help. Blue state's continue to make an argument for themselves that they can't run anything. No red states are having huge issues. Not even Austin could muster much against the State taking it all down.
Even Adolf Hitler and Tony Fauci would turn down Harvard Graduation at this point. The only truly repulsive Humans available who would probably say yes at this point are Kathy Griffin or the “ladies” of “The View.”
If they're really desperate, I'm willing to speak at their dog and pony show. On condition I get an armed guard, because they won't like what I have to say.
Keep it short and sweet. Tell them," the GOD who you do not know promised Abraham, the grandfather of Israel, I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. Depart now to the lake of fire prepared for Satan and his followers".
As it happens, I used the very same quote yesterday, in an article I'm working on.
Make no mistake, most leftists agree 100% with these children (adolescence is still years away), but are just waiting for the dust to settle before renewing their love of detesting Jews.
AD, the only protected free speech in this world is Jew Hating verbiage and action. If you replaced the “Jews” with “Blacks” the national guard would be activated.
…and against Whites and Christians as well.
not the Christians. How many churches have burned due to supporting pregnant women? its in the 100s now but amazingly the FBI cant find any of the vandals. Its seems as though their work is done under cover of night and the FBI just cant find them......
That’s what I was referring to. The attacks on Whites and Christians are akin to those now targeting Jews.
sorry read that backwards. They are coming after everyone but Muslin.
Gas the Nazis
After watching numerous graduates walk out of the Duke University commencement simply because Jerry Seinfeld, the main speaker, was a strong supporter of Israel, you can understand why schools like Harvard cannot find an A list person to speak at their ceremony. The far left loons had zero tolerance for anyone who does not walk in lockstep with them. Trying to reason with them is akin to talking to a wall. The best way to deal with them is to mock them constantly and vigorously.
“Maybe they can get Harvard hero General Qasem Soleimani. Oh wait, Trump had him thumped.”
Coffee spit… #No$hit. Trump was smart enough to realize you take out the leaders of your terrorist opposition rather than send armies to die in 20 year wars.
“Israel is the only safe place on Earth for Jews.” And peaceful Arabs.
Living in MN with the constant embarrassment of criminal Omar who violated immigration law by marrying her brother to get here is a ‘struggle’.
Do folks even try to venture off to find and corroborate information anymore? How do people give criminals like Omar any credence these days?
They are afraid of being labeled an Islamophobe. It is really as easy as that. Pussies.
There have been rumbles about trying Trump in International Court for war crimes over that operation. I dont think they have gotten up the nerve as yet.
There was a couple of reports and actual proof that Omar was buying votes in MN. It all went away into a hole to never be investigated by any authority probably similar to the foreign rape gangs never getting charged in the UK.
Shit like that happens when you have an Islamist like Ellison for AG.
Unfortunately it happens elsewhere too.
Yep, being an actual corrupt criminal politician is a feature, not a bug. It has always been so.
q...."Do folks even try to venture off to find and corroborate information anymore? How do people give criminals like Omar any credence these days?"
a....by living in minnisota.
"And peaceful Arabs." Yes. The number of Arab/Muslim citizens of Israel is about 1 million. They are free to practice their religion, and can make non-stop flights to Saudi Arabia for their pilgrimage.
Today's column is another great synopsis of a situation, that mercilessly pierces the hypocrisy. Some favorite phrases: "once-Great Britain"; "black privilege", "female privilege"; Harvard "a pariah". And YES!, Benjamin Netanyahu would be a superb speaker for Harvard. It would probably be the most valuable hour of learning the students get for 4 years of tuition.
As to these pro-Hamas demonstrations-- free speech and free assembly is fine, but these demonstrations--like the Antifa/BLM ones--go way beyond that into outright criminal behavior. Did you see the pictures of the building they took over at Columbia?? That is massive property damage. Who is going to pay for that??? And the "takeover" of private property for days on end (the college owns their campus lawns and buildings) is criminal trespass, especially when they are blocking entry and egress, and harassing passersby. And who is going to reimburse the police forces in all these places for the all the manpower and overtime to deal with these unruly crowds?
Also, I could swear I've read that there are laws on the books in America that forbid demonstrating with facial masks. It has been legally determined that masked demonstrating is a form of threat. Why are these laws not being enforced? The purpose of all those black masks and face coverings for both the Hamas and Antifa/BLM riots was to allow people to escape accountability while being threatening and intimidating.
You can have free speech and free assembly, but along with that freedom comes the responsibility to take ownership of what you are assembling and speaking for, by not hiding your identity by covering your face with a mask. "Free speech and free assembly" means people having the courage to express their convictions. It does NOT mean secrecy and anonymity. It does not mean masked mobs.
Enforce these laws against masked demonstrators.
How do you spell chickenshits?
Masked protesters. That's how.
Amen Gene.
That would require a country that actually had the “Rule of Law”, not whatever it is we currently live under which in effect is, “Laws for thee, but not for me”, which just translates into no law at all, but more like the “whim o’the day”.
I think there are many locations where sheriffs would happily enforce the law, but the Marxist Democrats carefully pick their locations to be Blue-run and have Soros-financed prosecutors who will not hold them accountable.
But I think the "no masked protesters" laws should be publicized more and calls made for their enforcement--it would bring moral clarity to this situation. I wonder if those laws arose in connection with the Ku Klux Klan. You never see a public protest with people wearing those white hats and robes-- those are secret ceremonies.
People today would not tolerate public demonstrations by white hat-and-robe masked Ku Klux Klan-- but that is exactly what these black-masked pro-Hamas/Antifa mobs are--and for the same reason-- their "demonstrations" are intended as threats, and threats are illegal, and they want to escape legal accountability for their threats.
TPG - spot on!
It’s not in the Constitution, but I was taught growing up “Your freedom ends where mine begins” or vice versa. Free speech and the right to protest does not include the right to stop traffic, force me to listen, or prevent students from walking freely on their campus. That is blackmail and harassment and should be treated as such.
In Canada when a protest crosses the line into being unlawful, or a person is committing criminal acts, it is a criminal offence(s) under the Criminal Code of Canada to wear a mask or disguise. Short story: You get arrested.
There seems to be no federal law prohibiting masked protests, and that's probably just as well; why create yet another federal crime? But several states have them; New York's was enacted before the Civil War. Interestingly, many of those existing laws were passed to counter the KKK with their white hoods ... Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, AntifaSCISTS!
depressing words from surber this morning. truth can be that way. ten thousand trumps wouldn't place a dent in the control the left has on america at this very moment. how many showed up on jan6th? half a million? a couple thousand went to jail and the rest ran for the hills, hoping to disappear.
congress is a joke, especially the gop. the only reference in this entire article to congress was to omar, a more odious creature i could never conjure up. i'm glad i am 76. i don't have to fake my way around work fifty hours a week, pretending to go along to get along when in actuality, i can't stand to even be in the same spaces as those who support the left and it's machinations of hate, lies and bs.
but that's just me.
Yeah I had an interesting talk with my nieces yesterday. They have teachers who keep asking them if they are trans or bi just because they were jeans and a sweatshirt. and the teachers keep asking and hounding them about it. They just want to be comfortable.
They need a tee shirt with "I'm female and I LIKE it".
a few years ago i had a niece show up at my house with a tee shirt that said: "boys are smelly". i told her to either change it or wait in her mothers suv. they both left.
Someone here mentioned it a few days back, how the college protestors were similar to all those young women who once upon a time were signing on to become Isis brides.
I think that nails them perfectly, and that should be their new nickname: the college “Isis bride wannabes”.
Absence of faith in the one, true God creates a vacuum, that craves to be filled. Hence the longing for a cause by these rootless and empty-headed mush brains.
Tragically, they’ve latched onto a cause - and that of a death cult -one that only guarantees them certain death or enslavement.
Be careful what you wish for.
While we’re at it, let’s move Harvard to Gaza. Anti-Semitic faculty and staff included.
Re: the poll
I think they all should get a one way ticket to Iran, the belly of their beast.
They’ll fit right in….until they don’t.
I'm guessing Harvard Law graduate Ben Shapiro is not on the short list.
I agree that it will take a dozen "Trump" Presidencies. Does anyone see someone with guts to follow Trump?
Boeing thumped two whistleblowers
10 more stepped up
And that's great that some stalwart blue collar guys showed up. Maybe they will run for President. ...Lech Walesa?
That’s truly most encouraging. God bless and protect them!
I believe there are many who have the guts to follow President Trump. I think that they haven’t had the money to not worry about failing to get elected or to survive lawfare. But I think they are out there and are attorney generals or governors and with President Trump in the White House the electorate will give them the chance. In my small corner of a blue town in a blue state I have been telling everyone I could that the holiday for vocal Jew Hatred is over. The Holocaust kept it quiet for a long time but it was there, just not vocal. After October 7, even before Israel went into Gaza the vocal announcement that Jew Hatred was fashionable again was proclaimed clearly on our college campuses and in the halls of Congress. Those that dismissed me in the past have discovered, for themselves, I was correct. But the awakening is slow. They may decide that safety is more of a priority than the liberal agenda that they have voted for all their adult lives. This will give those with the backbone to do the right thing a chance.
But They are choosing “safety” - for themselves, over liberty for all.
Hence, Ben Franklin words, “when you choose safety over Liberty, you end up with neither.”
I sincerelyhope you're right.
harriet hageman. gal has the chops of patton.
Vivek Ramaswamy
Guess Ilhan Omar's truth is something like NPR's CEO Katherine Maher, "...there are many different truths." And, " I'm certain that the truth exists for you. And probably for the person sitting next to you. But this may not be the same truth." LOL. This is what we are up against and where our hard earned money goes. It's no wonder she didn't show up at a congressional hearing.
And I kind of like "self loathing Jew". Has a better ring to it.
I’m not convinced that there are many truths. But if there are, I know for sure that my truth has a better earthly outcome for most than theirs. And I’m betting my truth has a better non-earthly outcome as well.
i have a truth. american men and the men of western civilization on aggregate have abdicated their leadership positions to women and their enabling beta male useless sycophants. that's a truth that is spreading across the globe faster than earth spins around the sun. will these women save the republic? well perhaps but to date .....nada. zip!
All you need to do is check who is made "college president". All women, and all clueless.
And who is procreating? Also wonder how abortion is tolerated by Muslims.
My son believes IQ is dropping because intelligent women are having careers instead of families.
and who controls msm. hell, whoopie has a larger bully pulpit than heather mcdonald.
But Heather isn't a dream date/sarc.
would be for me.
LOL! “Painful memories” & “outrage over a proposed Islamic center in Manhattan”? That’s akin to setting up a memorial for the Japanese Empire @ Pearl Harbor.
Professor Irwin Corey would have been a perfect choice for Harvard's commencement speaker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyz6J0ogFD4
Obama is a two-faced commie with no balls. If he had the courage of his convictions, he'd speak at Harvard and say that he agrees that Israel should no longer exist. But he and Moo-chelle love the good life enough that he'll scurry away and she'll just keep complaining about her country. Voters sure got played with him.
The muslim dude from Kenya is a cheap suit , already folded. Who killed your chef, Barry?
Thank you, Don, for your passionate, clear-eyed and unyielding campaign against hatred of Jews and related evils.