Mar 18·edited Mar 18Liked by Don Surber

Every generation of elitists think they are the chosen ones who will make Socialism work. Never did and never will. What it does do is guarantee millions and millions of deaths.

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Mar 18Liked by Don Surber

Governors Abbott and DeSantis need to start dropping off “migrants” at the home of Chuck U Schumer.

The so called “elites” need a dose of reality as we the people are living due to their policies and actions. In Chuck U’s case a few bus fulls of Palestinians would be in order.

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Mar 18Liked by Don Surber

The systematic policy failures that have their origins in an Ivy League grad are voluminous.

Every contemporary ill seems to have its origins in a New England college campus.

A diploma from any of them ought to be measured with skepticism of an alumni’s judgement about anything.

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Alissa is what I call a "High Rise Environmentalist". You know the ones who tell you all about saving the planet but have never dug in the dirt in their back yards. The gardener takes care of that. And the gardener knows how important that smelly manure is and how to grow a magnificent plant from seed that will produce food for your table. Alissa thinks it comes from aisle whatever in her supermarket. She wants rid of that smelly manure.

Only now a group of the wizards of the environs have discovered that low and behold manure is actually good for the soil, and cleanses the planet. Oh dear what is poor Alissa the wunderkind to do? I would suggest she get a real job except that she is uniquely qualified for NOTHING. She is what is known as a "stupid twit" pardon my language, all mouth, no brains but a lot of self esteem. She is a true example of a generation who were all given trophies but never, ever won the race. You will have a more interesting conversation with your plumber or electrician that is if one is available (they are in great demand, unlike Alissa). They are interesting men and women who have skills that we admire and are willing to pay a high price for because their skills come not from the Harvard Library but from years of experience and pain and failure and success. Many of them are vets returning from some pretty senseless wars and could tell a tale or two but probably won't unless you frequent their local bar.

So I feel for the family of Budweiser and their blameless stockholders who made a very bad mistake hiring this useless being but in time they may be forgiven. We are after all a forgiving nation. My guess is that Alissa will be awarded a professorship at some esteemed business college so no tears shed for her.

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We live in a country ruled by Star-Bellied Sneetches.

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Mar 18Liked by Don Surber

Say your child decides they want to be a doctor or lawyer or an engineer, just for a few examples, then they will need a proper education in order to acquire the degree necessary to qualify for such an important and valuable vocation.

The real tragedy is that in these times, the college you will pay through the nose to provide such an education will be providing anything but that essential education.

Instead, due to the “new social order” implemented at these colleges and universities, wholly created out of the perverse dogma of DIE, the only one they are actually teaching now, these institutions, have been transformed into nothing more than brainwash factories, and, as a result, are merely churning out mini-social activists, of subpar intelligence and totally lacking in any of the true and necessary disciplines which are the essential bedrock of all these studies.

Your children will be taught to think and believe only in external factors, emotional biases, and political premises, not the thoroughly unbiased and unforgiving elements of the laws of nature, or of the wisdom accrued over the ages.

Hence, what will be produced from these once hallowed halls will be by no means be a learned, disciplined individual, but rather an individual of a now twisted mind who will actually now be capable of causing great harm in the very occupation they aspired to, as they won’t know or understand how to truly build anything, how to scientifically or medically treat another human being, or how to justly advocate on their behalf.

So, bridges will collapse and planes will fall from the sky, people will become sicker and left to die, and innocent people will go to jail while the guilty are set free.

The world will become an ever more dangerous and frightening place.

The entire college and university system in its present form is dangerous and irredeemable, incapable under the pretentious auspices of its current policies of performing even it’s most basic of duties. They must be torn down brick by brick, and rebuilt from the ground up. They have thoroughly lost their way, and that to the detriment and endangerment of all society.

And new colleges, new alternative spaces for young eager minds to attend instead of these brainwash factories must be erected if we are ever going to produce the kind of people we will need who will actually know how to build something lasting, to genuinely heal or care for someone, or who can advocate justly on their behalf.

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Mar 18Liked by Don Surber

Education polarization via indoctrination indeed Mr. Surber.They have done a remarkable job of ruining thousands of little skulls full of mush (thank you Rush) but I feel the tide is turning and youth are waking to the fact college is not what it once was.Thanks to internet sites and videos the truths of life keep jumping in front of their eyes.Now to make the proper choices for safety and an income the decision is in their hands.Great post and assessment with a poll laced in snark.Carry on Poca-Man to A MAGA 2024 salvation of American freedoms and National Pride in America.

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Mar 18Liked by Don Surber

The only course necessary for republicans to take and master is: Vote Printing. Unless Trump wins this year nothing else matters. The Dems have a PhD in the course, but alas it’s from Harvard.

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Mar 18Liked by Don Surber

This was an outstanding column! Thank you!

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Mar 18Liked by Don Surber

There is a silver lining in those statistics about the Holocaust, climate change and LGBTQ+ — 60-80% of students don’t believe the woke propaganda. I didn’t think that meant much till I had a dinner with my fraternity brothers last week. We graduated decades ago when the PC nonsense had just started.

The chapter advisor told us the university is trying to eliminate fraternities and sororities, but are afraid to because the Greeks’ are the largest donor class. So, the University is making life miserable for the fraternities hoping the membership just dies and fades away. The tiniest infraction results in the membership being called to attend a disciplinary “hearing” where they are not allowed to defend themselves. They must remain silent as the heads of Student Life, DEI, Discipline and IFC berate them for 15 - 20 minutes.

I asked the chapter advisor, “How do they take it? Are they angry? Bitter?” He said, “No, the amazing thing is they keep their cool. Stoical, almost, and when it’s over they go about acting like normal 18-21 year old men. They know it’s bullshit.”

It reminds me of the WW2 prison movies and the sadistic camp commandant. These young men will not be broken, and they outnumber the snowflake wokesters. The future is theirs.

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Mar 18Liked by Don Surber

Over my 45-year career in finance I have worked with people of ALL education levels. I can say with absolute certainty that there is no correlation between education and intelligence. "college" has for many (!) years been a massive waste of time and money. The fraud of "education" is being exposed and that is a truly positive change.

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Mar 18Liked by Don Surber

"They live in neighborhoods that are mostly insulated from urban crime and disorder." - this used to be true, but not so much any more. The walls are closing in. I live in a very affluent "woke" community and I don't have to drive very far at all now to find the chaos inflicted by our so-called leaders. Ours and surrounding counties are declared "sanctuaries" that are being overrun. A few miles drive brings me to the American rendition of the third world now and the buffer is shrinking. It won't be long before the suburban white guilt types won't have any power and the illusion will be gone.

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" My favorite quote: It's not that I didn't like school, it was the principal of the thing."

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Degrees being required for jobs is waning.

Is that because they are becoming useless or always were?

Two of my family members are un degreed engineers.

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18Liked by Don Surber

“Republican candidates tried to maximize turnout among this electoral base, while adding a majority of independent voters to the GOP column. Presidents Nixon, Reagan, and the two Bushes used this strategy to great effect.“

Nonsense. The Republican establishment hasn't won an election since 1968. Hear me out.

It's true that Nixon had a historical sweep in 1972, but his opponent didn't even carry his own state. The Democratic party simply couldn't read the room. Alfred E. Newman could have beaten him. In 1984,there were 19 states in which not a single county had a Democrat majority, but that was Reagan. You would think that the GOP pols would see that and ask themselves “How did he do that?” But no, not they. They would rather lose to an establishment Democrat than elect a maverick Republican.

G.H.W. Bush “won” his election in 1988, but it was really Reagan's third win. Bush had Reagan's endorsement, and, to be honest, he ran a gutsy campaign, taking a boat out into Boston harbor and showing us all the trash in his “environmental” opponent's back yard. I watched the “read my lips” speech and was persuaded that Bush had learned the key lessons from his boss. His performance at the polls was underwhelming, but he did beat – what was his name?. I have forgotten. He had a goofy photo of himself in a tank to show us that he was not weak on military policy.

Then Bill Clinton won two elections, but in neither of them did he get a majority of voters to cast their ballots for him. In other words, the GOP establishment couldn't figure out how to defeat a man who couldn't really win.

In 2000 it was the Supreme Court who handed the win to Dubya. That's like when the refs gave the Superbowl XL game to the Steelers in 2006.

In 2004 we were in the middle of Iraq War II, which at the time was still popular, and Americans don't like changing horses in the middle of the stream. I don't count that as a win for the GOP establishment.

Only Reagan and Trump broke the mold (“mould”?), and neither of them was part of the GOP's OB club, and they were hated and reviled by those who were.

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Every time I read another article or post about the soi disant "elite" who dominate the upper echelons of society I am reminded of Marie Antoinette, who had an entirely artificial country garden constructed so she could revel in it as a similacrum of real life. It had almost nothing to do with real life in pre-Revolutionary France, where privation, inflation, unemloyment, crime and debauchery were the order of the day. Marie instructed her architects and builders to create a replica village, then had it populated with faux peasants among whom she would circulate and bask in their rapt devotion. Our contemporary elites are like this, living in a fantaxy world of their own creation, outside the world where reality holds sway, circulating among their sycophantic boosters and believing they have the world on a string, while looking down their aristocratic noses at us peasants. I am also reminded that Marie was only able to enjoy her fantasy world for about two years, because the real peasants who lived in the real world decided that "Vive La Revolution" was a keen saying, and beheading their aristo oppressors was the best solution to their problems. Marie soon made the acquaintance of M. Guillotine and her world came to a very sudden end, as did she.

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