Variety reported, “Kamala Harris Is ‘Very Proud’ to Have Taylor Swift’s Endorsement: ‘She’s an Incredible Artist’ and ‘Stands Up for What She Believes Is Right.’ ”
The Biden regime flys Zelensky over here on one of our military aircraft so he can beg for more weapons and money and the lame stream media says zip about him campaigning for Harris.
Can you imagine the nonstop outrage if Trump had done the same?
The line about being as popular as a pager at a Hezbollah meeting is a great line.
I’m going to use it in the future…. with your permission, of course. Thanks Don!
09/25/24: There's hope for physical newsprint! Well, at least in Lebanon...
What with the Hezbos finding out that their phones, pagers, radios, TVs and all other electronics are exploding, the only way to convey news now will be in physical newspapers...
"Newsies" was merely a musical ahead of its time...
Had some of my hearing wrecked (Army accident). No need to wreck the rest.
Also on my No Floozy Fly Zone list is Beyoncé [please rename, "Bedunce," with no phony French accent "aigu é" on the final "e"] --- whose physiography is wonderfully maturing into "Blimp of The Year" status. Avoid The Shamu '24 Tour.
I was wondering: The Democrats are always on the lookout for new voters. Since the pagers blew off their balls, maybe the Republicans could recruit those guys ....
I believe Diddy Combs endorsement will be coming in soon. I love your "popular as a pager in a Hezbollah assembly". Great blog today, and they always are so entertaining.
Accent on politicians. There is tons of dirt here and many "powerful" people implicated. Some theorize that the occurred now to get ahead of the story before a potential Trump presidency.
OTOH, the Epstein tapes remain hidden; kind of like Hunter's laptop would have been absent a brave IT shop owner in Del.
I can think of one thing they haven't done, be honest.
Several years ago there were plans to rearrange the presidential busts in the capitol, the plan was to situate Barry's statue between Washington and worthless Willie. Thus we'd have Washington who never told a lie and Clinton who never told the truth separated by the SCoaMF who doesn't know the difference.
(SCoaMF= Stuttering Clusterfuck of a Miserable Failure.)
The Mayor of Pittsburgh, and I'm sure everywhere, negotiates with the government labor unions/panders for their votes by giving away the store to the detriment of the taxpayers.
This is another reason why my 9 year stint as a federal employee was so painful. It’s hard to be a hard working, reasonable, intelligent, and conservative minded individual inside of a hive minded, gimme gimme gimme , call in sick at least twice a month (if not more) blob. I really only ever enjoyed most of the veterans that I served while at the VA. Sadly, now even the real world employees are this way, and they don’t enjoy all that paid time off—they still don’t come to work, not caring if they get paid apparently. We lost two employees this week for giving “discounts” to friends and two more for “returning” items from found receipts and pocketing the cash. Like, what?? And they will just move on to their next victim stealing as they go. Shame.
there is little honor and pride in being an american anymore. i personnaly believe (simply speaking for myself you understand) that a lot of it stems from revisionist history coming out of k-12.
Yes. This all started around 2012-13 time frame. The people I car pooled with worked at DFAS(accounting & finance) and DLA (Supply). The reasoning was that if Gov't or Dept. of Defense sites were nuked or disabled, employees could sign in from home and keep doing their jobs. A good thing actually. Of course the unions fought to make it illegal for supervisors to check employees sign on times. Employees had an option of 1-3 days a week of home work. I retired in 2014 so not sure how it has become abused since then.
Thank you for the reply and clarification. You have helped stamp out ignorance. I hear what you are saying, understand, even trust you as a complete stranger and believe you. However I am going out on a limb and simply add optics and unintended consequences for consideration.
Not really, they are not that organized and they are spread out all over the country. Plus most are covered well by Civil Service rules thus not members of unions. Not impossible, but close too it, to terminate anyone.
Yeah, these endorsements , which are appeals to authority are not very convincing. An endorsement from a bunch of incompetent, dishonest career government hacks doesn’t float my boat. Parasites endorse more parasitism. Yay.
Kamala is hard to like. There’s zero authenticity. The voice is painful. The cackle is annoying. The lack of brain power is disturbing. And of course underneath all that she’s a dedicated radical Leftist toady.
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Say. Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Say. Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)
Listened to a news story yesterday that said there is an uprising of moms strongly objecting to Taylor Swift's recent endorsement of Harris, so much so, they are threatening to withhold spending on tickets and merch for their daughters. I hope it sticks and expands.
I look forward to seeing this entitled bitch fall from popularity as fast as a can of bud light fell from the hands of millions of hard working people. She needs to lose popularity as fast as John Edwards.
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Say. Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)
Admittedly, I have made more than several posts on this site suggesting only a Clinton or Obama could pull the Dems out of their Biden problem. It appears I was wrong, yet, I agree Hillary has probably been beating her horse to get to a viable position in DC. My OCD also does not forfeit the (minimal) possibility Harris won't make it to the finish line. I can't believe this is their best shot unless they have an unstoppable steal in play. We'll see.
As for Europe vacations, I'd love to get to Italy. Just got back from Scotland visiting my mother's birthplace - street and house - where she grew up 100 years ago. You sound like a world traveler.
At one time, I was (after the 80s, just the USA), and it is the fiftieth anniversary of my hitchhiking from SF CA down to LA and then east along I-10 to GA and then up to WDC (a wonderful experience).
Re your trip to Scotland, drop everything and order a hardcover copy of "Riding The Elephant, A Memoir..." by Craig Ferguson [1962- ]; Blue Rider Press [Penguin Random House LLC] (edited by Jill Schwartzman; 2019). I specify "hardcover" because it was a pleasant surprise to discover that both the book itself AND all of its "technicals" are excellent).
Wow! The National Security Losers of America, who have allowed over 12 million illegal aliens, gangsters, terrorists and spies to invade and infiltrate our country, and enabled at least two attempts on Trump’s life, have endorsed the Khameleon.
Good that they’ve all signed their names to that paper - it will make finding, arresting and trying them for treason so much easier.
09/24/24: I hope and pray that Trump's people THIS TIME will have everything squared away BEFORE Day One, instead of improvising like hallucinating acrobats AFTER Day One (in 2017).
I had to check. Vince Offer the Shamwow guy is still with us. But wait! There is more! Ron Popeil who popularized that catch phrase passed away in 2021
No, you're thinking of Billy Mays the OxyClean guy. Back in 2009 he hit his head getting off a plane a died a day or so later. Don't remember all the details.
Reagan eliminated air traffic controllers union by executive order. Trump should do the same for every union representing federal employees. Labor unions had value once. Now they are all Democratic Party money laundering operations. Within federal government, unions have no function other than political (Democratic Party) activism. They are a redundancy to civil service rules. Armed with the recent SCOTUS rulings, Trump should eliminate the unions, the thousands of IRS agents hired to harass citizens, and gut the population of every federal agency.. Taking those actions would deliver the bonus of some sanity to federal spending.
I posted this earlier but it bears repeating. Unionization of federal employees was JFK's executive order 10988. January 17th 1962. As far as I can tell it is still and EO and could be rescinded.
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Say. Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)
Your comment was probably for Jim. But if you hadn't sent it to me, I would never have seen The Stupidest Simile. Thank you for the first laugh of the day. You are so correct, as well as founding member. Don is truly worth it.
09/26/24: I do have reservations about "saturating" the comments section with the same item, but I feel it is justified because (oft due to insomnia) it's often 12+ hours before I can get to Don's column on the day that it's published. By that time, pretty much all of his regular readers have come and gone and just one post of something worthwhile would alert just one reader.
Hence, this was intended for you, as are all the other repeated postings of the above for others who have been his steadfast readers.
Humor is indispensable (particularly in politics, what a bare-bones barrel of bores infest that world!). What a sin it is that it is so often shunned, ignored, degraded and exiled.
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)
This post is like panning for gold. So many nuggets the two largest are all I will respectfully comment on and briefly.
Wow, the people who told us Hunter’s laptop was a Russian hoax are warning us that Donald Trump is a threat to national security.
Few have mentioned ‘national security' wrt the laptop. H is in bed, necked, smoking crack and if you BELIEVE they are ‘prostitutes’ I can point you to some oceanside property in Kansas. They could be spies. Just saying.
Another group of ingrates is the fentanyl industry. Sales have skyrocketed on her watch, as measured by drug overdose deaths. She deserves to be named their Sales Lady of the Year.
Another prime example of media censorship by omission. AND this is the direct result of the $650 MILLION war chest of ‘donations’. President Trump has no such supporters I have heard of.
Punishing post today and it makes me smile reading my feelings in your words. The Z ride to Penn. was clearly a panic and desperation indicator of dem internal polling. Now to the southern border to prove her chops on border security??? WTF ? Didn't do poll as don't really give a fig for T.S. Roll on Poca- Man and we shall see a MAGA 2024 too real to steal courtesy of alternative media.
The most alarming endorsement is the former US Intel and military industrial former leadership. Deep state puppets each. I would not cross the street to piss on the Gucci loafers.
Everybody has their hand in the till. Served as a Navy Intel Officer during the cold war - I'm beyond furious at the gutless cowardice in the ranks. A lot of the current 'leadership' was put in place under Obama; our war fighters were purged. Defense contracting has exploded over the last 30 years - most don't give a crap about the men/women who are maimed/killed. They just want their piece of the taxpayer pie. This interview is excellent on who the 'blob' actually is and why they want Trump gone:
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Say. Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Say. Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)
I missed the National Anthem at this year’s Democratic National Convention… oh wait! … I also missed the invocation and the American flags and the Pledge of Allegiance
IIRC, she was also trying a "crotch grab" while she "sang." Until that moment, she had been on my funny people list. And then Obama murdered comedy as surely as McBeth murdered sleep.
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Say. Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)
The Biden regime flys Zelensky over here on one of our military aircraft so he can beg for more weapons and money and the lame stream media says zip about him campaigning for Harris.
Can you imagine the nonstop outrage if Trump had done the same?
The line about being as popular as a pager at a Hezbollah meeting is a great line.
I’m going to use it in the future…. with your permission, of course. Thanks Don!
The democrats impeached Trump for less.
Talk about Hatch Act violation.
Does anyone even pay attention to that act anymore?
09/25/24: There's hope for physical newsprint! Well, at least in Lebanon...
What with the Hezbos finding out that their phones, pagers, radios, TVs and all other electronics are exploding, the only way to convey news now will be in physical newspapers...
"Newsies" was merely a musical ahead of its time...
[ ]
My vote: "Never heard her [Taylor Swift] sing."
Had some of my hearing wrecked (Army accident). No need to wreck the rest.
Also on my No Floozy Fly Zone list is Beyoncé [please rename, "Bedunce," with no phony French accent "aigu é" on the final "e"] --- whose physiography is wonderfully maturing into "Blimp of The Year" status. Avoid The Shamu '24 Tour.
I was wondering: The Democrats are always on the lookout for new voters. Since the pagers blew off their balls, maybe the Republicans could recruit those guys ....
...or just the balls.
On the ball! Not enough of those in DC.
I believe Diddy Combs endorsement will be coming in soon. I love your "popular as a pager in a Hezbollah assembly". Great blog today, and they always are so entertaining.
If he doesn't commit suicide before he reveals all the sanctimonious Hollywood a-holes that indulged in his "freak-outs".
Shouldn't "commit suicide" be in quotation marks?
Correct. A lost grammatical rule, sadly...
He is one dumb dead man walking if he hasn't given a trusted personal lawyer all of the celebrities and politicians' names. May get Arkancided anyway.
Accent on politicians. There is tons of dirt here and many "powerful" people implicated. Some theorize that the occurred now to get ahead of the story before a potential Trump presidency.
OTOH, the Epstein tapes remain hidden; kind of like Hunter's laptop would have been absent a brave IT shop owner in Del.
I read he is on suicide watch in convenient!!
The lawyer would be an easy mark too. Nothing ole bill and the hill haven’t done.
I can think of one thing they haven't done, be honest.
Several years ago there were plans to rearrange the presidential busts in the capitol, the plan was to situate Barry's statue between Washington and worthless Willie. Thus we'd have Washington who never told a lie and Clinton who never told the truth separated by the SCoaMF who doesn't know the difference.
(SCoaMF= Stuttering Clusterfuck of a Miserable Failure.)
q...why the hell does the irs have a union?
All federal positions have unions and they all will endorse the democrat who is running.
The Mayor of Pittsburgh, and I'm sure everywhere, negotiates with the government labor unions/panders for their votes by giving away the store to the detriment of the taxpayers.
Especially in the burgh.
DEI-burgh, Pennsylvania...
This is another reason why my 9 year stint as a federal employee was so painful. It’s hard to be a hard working, reasonable, intelligent, and conservative minded individual inside of a hive minded, gimme gimme gimme , call in sick at least twice a month (if not more) blob. I really only ever enjoyed most of the veterans that I served while at the VA. Sadly, now even the real world employees are this way, and they don’t enjoy all that paid time off—they still don’t come to work, not caring if they get paid apparently. We lost two employees this week for giving “discounts” to friends and two more for “returning” items from found receipts and pocketing the cash. Like, what?? And they will just move on to their next victim stealing as they go. Shame.
there is little honor and pride in being an american anymore. i personnaly believe (simply speaking for myself you understand) that a lot of it stems from revisionist history coming out of k-12.
but that's just me.
The History books today aren't even fit for the fiction section. Aesop's fables at least had a purpose.
We can thank JFK for executive order 10988. January 17th 1962.
They tried to do that with FDR and he refused said it would be a huge mistake.
And it was. We need to change it. Has Trump ever talked about it?
you're quite a well of information. i respect that and wish i had paid more attention in school and university.
Something is so WRONG about that.
My husband was outcast a FAA for not joining a union. Govt workers should NOT have them!
Gov't employees are not required to join unions as it is optionable.
Yeah, but since the management is sooooooooo bad, the unions basically run the employees.
09/25/24: So that they can continue to cheat on their own taxes with impunity.
That shocked me too!
I thought the same thing. Isn't there a law ... ?. Sorry for being stupid. Does anyone else see the dangers of this?
They cannot strike or bargain for wages. Mostly used for work related issues & firings.
You mean like working from home years after COVID subsided? DC is a ghost town.
Yes. This all started around 2012-13 time frame. The people I car pooled with worked at DFAS(accounting & finance) and DLA (Supply). The reasoning was that if Gov't or Dept. of Defense sites were nuked or disabled, employees could sign in from home and keep doing their jobs. A good thing actually. Of course the unions fought to make it illegal for supervisors to check employees sign on times. Employees had an option of 1-3 days a week of home work. I retired in 2014 so not sure how it has become abused since then.
No one comes to office after COVID. And yet the government continues to function. Weird!
Very well on the DOD /Supply side.
Thank you for the reply and clarification. You have helped stamp out ignorance. I hear what you are saying, understand, even trust you as a complete stranger and believe you. However I am going out on a limb and simply add optics and unintended consequences for consideration.
You are correct, but the reality is they can use slowdowns and other methods to bring the flow of government business to a halt.
Not really, they are not that organized and they are spread out all over the country. Plus most are covered well by Civil Service rules thus not members of unions. Not impossible, but close too it, to terminate anyone.
Yeah, these endorsements , which are appeals to authority are not very convincing. An endorsement from a bunch of incompetent, dishonest career government hacks doesn’t float my boat. Parasites endorse more parasitism. Yay.
Kamala is hard to like. There’s zero authenticity. The voice is painful. The cackle is annoying. The lack of brain power is disturbing. And of course underneath all that she’s a dedicated radical Leftist toady.
Great post.
Disturbing is the word alright. How could such an empty suit have gotten so far.
There is a reason some people refer to her as "heels up".
She needs to stick to wearing clothes that are crimson or raven colored.
"See the lady dressed in red...."
"See the lady dressed in Black...."
And Horizontal Harris in SF.
Glad there's no '?'. The casting couch has many shapes-and promises of a golden future.
' All the stars that never were, are parking cars and pumping gas'.
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Say. Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)
Very well put Tanto !
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Say. Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)
No speaking opportunities, but she never kept her mouth shut.
Listened to a news story yesterday that said there is an uprising of moms strongly objecting to Taylor Swift's recent endorsement of Harris, so much so, they are threatening to withhold spending on tickets and merch for their daughters. I hope it sticks and expands.
I look forward to seeing this entitled bitch fall from popularity as fast as a can of bud light fell from the hands of millions of hard working people. She needs to lose popularity as fast as John Edwards.
In case you forgot about John Edwards:
09/25/24: Who could forget John Edwards? (His swanky mistress had a face that only a Quaalude could love).
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Say. Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)
Admittedly, I have made more than several posts on this site suggesting only a Clinton or Obama could pull the Dems out of their Biden problem. It appears I was wrong, yet, I agree Hillary has probably been beating her horse to get to a viable position in DC. My OCD also does not forfeit the (minimal) possibility Harris won't make it to the finish line. I can't believe this is their best shot unless they have an unstoppable steal in play. We'll see.
As for Europe vacations, I'd love to get to Italy. Just got back from Scotland visiting my mother's birthplace - street and house - where she grew up 100 years ago. You sound like a world traveler.
At one time, I was (after the 80s, just the USA), and it is the fiftieth anniversary of my hitchhiking from SF CA down to LA and then east along I-10 to GA and then up to WDC (a wonderful experience).
Re your trip to Scotland, drop everything and order a hardcover copy of "Riding The Elephant, A Memoir..." by Craig Ferguson [1962- ]; Blue Rider Press [Penguin Random House LLC] (edited by Jill Schwartzman; 2019). I specify "hardcover" because it was a pleasant surprise to discover that both the book itself AND all of its "technicals" are excellent).
Could we delay election chatter for a year at least. Too long and boring!!!!
Wow! The National Security Losers of America, who have allowed over 12 million illegal aliens, gangsters, terrorists and spies to invade and infiltrate our country, and enabled at least two attempts on Trump’s life, have endorsed the Khameleon.
Good that they’ve all signed their names to that paper - it will make finding, arresting and trying them for treason so much easier.
Reportedly many of those "endorsers" are federal contractors and consultants that benefit from the War/War approach of Biden/Harris/Deep State/Blob.
Current estimate of the spoils for "rebuilding" Ukraine is north of $80B
740+ national security experts put their signature on that letter?
740+ people to revoke or deny security clearances on January 21, 2025.
09/24/24: I hope and pray that Trump's people THIS TIME will have everything squared away BEFORE Day One, instead of improvising like hallucinating acrobats AFTER Day One (in 2017).
I hope Bannon is spending his illegal incarceration wisely.
7 WOW's for a great blog today.
Who is the Shamwow guy endorsing?
Is he the TV salesman who died? Which doesn't mean he isn't endorsing and voting for Kamala!
I had to check. Vince Offer the Shamwow guy is still with us. But wait! There is more! Ron Popeil who popularized that catch phrase passed away in 2021
I had to look him up - but I was thinking of Billy Mays who died at the age of 50.
No, you're thinking of Billy Mays the OxyClean guy. Back in 2009 he hit his head getting off a plane a died a day or so later. Don't remember all the details.
He died emulating president Biden.
Reagan eliminated air traffic controllers union by executive order. Trump should do the same for every union representing federal employees. Labor unions had value once. Now they are all Democratic Party money laundering operations. Within federal government, unions have no function other than political (Democratic Party) activism. They are a redundancy to civil service rules. Armed with the recent SCOTUS rulings, Trump should eliminate the unions, the thousands of IRS agents hired to harass citizens, and gut the population of every federal agency.. Taking those actions would deliver the bonus of some sanity to federal spending.
I posted this earlier but it bears repeating. Unionization of federal employees was JFK's executive order 10988. January 17th 1962. As far as I can tell it is still and EO and could be rescinded.
Completely agree. It has been a while, but as I recall even FDR was against federal employees being unionized.
Please God let this happen.
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Say. Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)
Your comment was probably for Jim. But if you hadn't sent it to me, I would never have seen The Stupidest Simile. Thank you for the first laugh of the day. You are so correct, as well as founding member. Don is truly worth it.
09/26/24: I do have reservations about "saturating" the comments section with the same item, but I feel it is justified because (oft due to insomnia) it's often 12+ hours before I can get to Don's column on the day that it's published. By that time, pretty much all of his regular readers have come and gone and just one post of something worthwhile would alert just one reader.
Hence, this was intended for you, as are all the other repeated postings of the above for others who have been his steadfast readers.
Humor is indispensable (particularly in politics, what a bare-bones barrel of bores infest that world!). What a sin it is that it is so often shunned, ignored, degraded and exiled.
That makes me appreciate your comment so much more. Thank you.😊
God bless!
From Don Reed:16 hrs ago
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)
This post is like panning for gold. So many nuggets the two largest are all I will respectfully comment on and briefly.
Wow, the people who told us Hunter’s laptop was a Russian hoax are warning us that Donald Trump is a threat to national security.
Few have mentioned ‘national security' wrt the laptop. H is in bed, necked, smoking crack and if you BELIEVE they are ‘prostitutes’ I can point you to some oceanside property in Kansas. They could be spies. Just saying.
Another group of ingrates is the fentanyl industry. Sales have skyrocketed on her watch, as measured by drug overdose deaths. She deserves to be named their Sales Lady of the Year.
Another prime example of media censorship by omission. AND this is the direct result of the $650 MILLION war chest of ‘donations’. President Trump has no such supporters I have heard of.
Say again ‘Follow the Money’.
PS: A chuckle … poor Travis Kelsey.
See my post above with the link to the Shawn Ryan podcast with Mike Benz. The 'blob' and Burisma are linked. There are big fish worth frying.
Indeed. Thanks. Crushed by time at the moment but later for sure. Good day to you. WS
I’m watching it now. Thx x10. WS
How can we comm off this platform? I am not seeing a easy, quick and secure method.
One would think with all the billions of dollars Zelensky has stole from us he would at least bring his own and pay for his own security detail.
he is saving for his next mansion.. Figures the grift will dry up soon.
Regarding the poll: An FBI Whistleblower would sing better than Taylor-Not-So-Swift.
Punishing post today and it makes me smile reading my feelings in your words. The Z ride to Penn. was clearly a panic and desperation indicator of dem internal polling. Now to the southern border to prove her chops on border security??? WTF ? Didn't do poll as don't really give a fig for T.S. Roll on Poca- Man and we shall see a MAGA 2024 too real to steal courtesy of alternative media.
The most alarming endorsement is the former US Intel and military industrial former leadership. Deep state puppets each. I would not cross the street to piss on the Gucci loafers.
From the beach....
Everybody has their hand in the till. Served as a Navy Intel Officer during the cold war - I'm beyond furious at the gutless cowardice in the ranks. A lot of the current 'leadership' was put in place under Obama; our war fighters were purged. Defense contracting has exploded over the last 30 years - most don't give a crap about the men/women who are maimed/killed. They just want their piece of the taxpayer pie. This interview is excellent on who the 'blob' actually is and why they want Trump gone:
Thanks for sharing the YouTube link. I'll have a listen this afternoon.
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Say. Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Say. Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)
I hope Taylor Swift gets Dixie Chicked.
09/25/24: Better, used in a 731-yard field goal attempt. With the end zone being an aquarium full of piranhas.
Rosanne was my choice because she has a great talent for belting out the National Anthem.
I missed the National Anthem at this year’s Democratic National Convention… oh wait! … I also missed the invocation and the American flags and the Pledge of Allegiance
I didn't miss any of that because I didn't waste a minute of my time watching it
IIRC, she was also trying a "crotch grab" while she "sang." Until that moment, she had been on my funny people list. And then Obama murdered comedy as surely as McBeth murdered sleep.
09/25/24: Do you agree that this election has been going on much too long, as in "forever"? Unless Hillary Clinton leads a military coup and deposes Kamala and takes her place in the campaign ---
(And don't you think for a minute that she hasn't tried to drum up some support for this among her crazier friends --- "Who wants to be in my cabinet as The Secretary of Chardonnay?!") ---
Things are likely to proceed as monotonously --- minus the assassination attempts! --- as they have been in July, August, September...
Say. Idea. Let's mosey over to the Humor Department for a change of pace.
Ponza is an island off the coast of western Italy, formerly a penal colony and now an increasingly popular vacation destination. (I don't know why.)
Our vote for "The Stupidest Simile" in all 2024 Magazine Article categories is:
"Ponza’s houses, rising behind the curved rim of the 18th-century Bourbon-era port, pile up like scoops of gelato in shades of melon, strawberry, and pistachio."
( Originally nominated solely in the category of "Travel Articles." I then realized that it would be a sin to short-change the sheer scope and grandeur of this babbling nonsense.)