BTW, and please let's all breathe normally until this happens, there is no way that this Swift-Kelce [NFL PR-mega-orchestrated] "love" affair will survive.
This is a Made-for-Hallmark-TV-movie script about Star-Crossed Multi-Millionaires Weeping (or hiring others to do it for them)...
Never mind the office death pools. Start one on what date they are no longer commercially affiliated.
I was listening to Fleetwood Mac last night, and the thought popped into view to compare Stevie Nicks to Taylor Whatzhername (compare their singing voices and other talents).
Instant anticipatory nausea!
(Gallons of the stuff. The scene looked like a mad car driver had plowed into a gas station, busting all the connecting fuel pipes and hoses.)
Nope. I've never heard Taylor Swift and never will, until the next Michael Jackson Q-F**k buys the entire FM song list and sells off parts of it for theme songs matched with TV mortgage company and legit-marijuana ads.
Wait. I don't watch TV. Guess I'll never hear Swift's Pork Sausages being hawked to the tune of He Dumped Me Again, or Swift's other hits ---
("I Dumped Him Again," and later on down the road, "I'm &^%*$%^!!! 63 Years Old, Can I Stop Singing These Teenage Angst songs?")
--- being used to sell medical body parts on ABC/NBC/CBS.
Go with the Chiefs on Sunday... A better idea: call Lou "The Wrench."
This week, he gave me the NHL Las Vegas Golden Knights (vs Edmonton).
Thank goodness not burning yet, but House controlled by Rinos has not freed J6 political prisoners that never burned down the Congress, yet, no matter what the 30 daily WinRed crappy pleas for $$ implore. DO YOUR JOB MIKE JOHNSTONE AND RELEASE THE J6 PRISONERS. And shut down the Government until the BORDER IS CLOSED.
They can't even impeach Mayorkas! We have a foreign invasion at our southern border from Latin America, the middle east, and China. Our House Republicans are WORTHLESS!
The Republicans should install several mega-screen TV’s in the House chamber running an endless loop of the hundreds of videos of the millions of people flooding over the border daily for the last three-plus years, and just leave it on until the border is closed.
Way too harsh to castigate the House Republicans on the Mayorkas impeachment. The vote only failed by two votes-- and one was Steve Scalise, who would have supported it but was having a blood cancer treatment that day and was absent. 214 Republicans DID vote to impeach--98% of the House Republicans, and we need to appreciate each one that did. The House is NOT controlled by RINO's, it is in flux and moving to MAGA.
Of course we are furious with the 4 RINO's who voted with the Dems, but we shouldn't focus all our wrath on the RINO's. The DEMOCRATS voted 100% lockstep to NOT impeach Mayorkas. They have now gone on record as supporting the border disaster, and we shouldn't let them just hide safely in the shadows while we blast away at the RINO's. Aim some of your fire strongly on the Democrats.
There must be some Congressional Democrats in your state whom you can raise holy hell with. Burn up their phone lines-- call their local state offices if you get voicemail in DC. Make THEM feel the heat, don't just write them off as hopeless and let them get away with it. Some of those House Dems must be in iffy districts and vulnerable to sunlight being focused on them.
Find out the specific Democrats in your state who supported this treason and talk to the Democrats in your circles of acquaintance so they can't escape what their Democratic congresspeople are doing.
We are asking new Speaker Johnson to pull off miracles, given that it's a super-thin Republican majority and NOT ONE Democrat will budge and vote with the Republicans. Even if we get 100% perfection out of the Republicans, that is not enough to win this war.
From over in Memphis, Shelby County, crazy Congressman Cohen voted against impeaching Mayorkas. A co-worker of mine, who knows Cohen gave the age-old statement about a farm in Memphis and a home in Hell. Sell the farm and go home. Cohen will always vote against American interests. Glad Memphis has him and not Middle Tennessee. Whew.
All political theater. Scalise missing is offset by the ouster of Santose and retirement early by McCarthy and one or two others. There's NO REASON to leave early. Finish your fucking term! And he wants to be speaker.
Not sad, maddening and it didn’t have to happen. How corrupt does an employee need to be to impeach them today? They will never impeach Biden either. Real reason, just as one of the four GOP members who voted no said, because he didn’t want to set a precedent!!!!!!!! Guess he forgot Trump being impeached twice! Who are these people? We have been habitually given the members to vote on from the RNC. Enough. Get rid of that fat farm of an organization. We don’t need the RINO farm and their spineless members.
Don, brilliant article. Ironically written by a West Virginian and enumerates all the reasons in modern terms why the South left the Union in the mid 1800s. America needs DC today as much as Germany in the 1930s needed Berlin.
I have no expectation that DC will ever do the one job for which “we the people” gave them the power to do. Ours is an ambitious experiment that depends on men and women of virtue to survive. And we all know that the heart of man is desperately wicked without God.
Whatever seemingly insurmountable problem our country faces, God remains the answer. But there are fewer and fewer people in our bloated bureaucracy who live virtuous lives.
John Adams said "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” So now we all suffer.
Don’t fret, the end of federal careers is coming fast. The CBO just said that our current deficit of $1.3T a year will grow to $2.6T a year by 2034. If they don’t do something significant NOW to change this trajectory the country will crash soon. The first layoffs will be in federal employees…… a lot of federal employees. It’s only a matter of time.
When the Fed Chairman (see 60 Minutes) says that what the USA is doing fiscally is not sustainable, EVERYONE should listen. NO more added debt and start paying down the debt has to happen NOW- not down the road even ONE day. The day of reckoning is coming; when the dollar collapses and a loaf of bread that costs $4 today will be $400 tomorrow and $4,000 the day later and so on. Look it up; this happened to Venezuela, Brazil and other countries. What we are allowing the government to do is folly- absolute nonsense- and needs to be STOPPED right now. I agree with Don. His column today is a great one that puts it all in perspective. But, alas, the country will simply keep staring at their phones; betting on line; streaming; ear budding anything into their ever-mushing minds. And.... one day... they will wake up to total chaos. God help us.
Everything the government touches turns to 💩. They grift off the creativity and dynamism of the private sector. The entrepreneur and the American vision were not accidentally made to fit together. It was the great purpose of the founders to allow people to create their lives unfettered by government parasites and kings.
This country was made great by individuals working voluntarily to reach their goals, not by desk jockeys pushing regulations. And we are a generous country. We help our fellow man. More than any other nation in history. Americans don’t need instructions from second rategovernment bums who never worked an honest day in their lives on how to behave or how to solve problems.
I don’t know what the hell an AI brothel could possibly be, and I don’t think I wanna know. But as to “stereotyped” objects of sexual gratification:Duh! There’s a reason men like Sophia Vergara, Marylin Monroe, Sophia Loren, or Raquel Welch. Hard wired. In virtual reality they aren’t going to create their dream girl and she looks like Rosie O’Donnell or Corporal Klinger. LMAO.
I’ve got nothing to add except you’ve watched a helluva lot more TV than me. (Remember riding your bike to the hardware with a bag of vacuum tubes to find the culprit?)
Thanks for the reminder about the rights our constitution protects, and the limits it places on gov’t, and what’s it for in the first place.
Made that run quite a few times. Think about kids today having to wait for their device to warm up for a time before actually being able to use it. And, unlike today's devices that are always powered on, having to turn off the TV and watch as the screen faded to a small white dot that eventually disappeared. Or get out of the chair to switch channels . . .
Yes, and doze off in the chair to wake up to the test pattern and the horrible one note hum. And we only had two channels in our rural are. NBC and CBS.
I remember that happening at midnight. And I’m glad it was that way when I was growing up. Life needs boundaries, especially when it comes to screen time.
On a related note, I shake my head when I see my grands pitch a fit because they have to pause a program that they can watch anytime later — without having to wait for a rerun to see the end. They have no idea!
Plays with needles, I resemble that remark I meant resent. I'm only 75. And nobody mentioned anything about the Indian in the middle of the test signal.
My husband talks about riding his bike with the vacuum tubes to get the bad one replaced. You are the first other person I have ever heard mention it. Hmm, wonder if that was a possible fix when my parents got their first TV set.
I cannot believe how far & fast we have fallen as a nation. Our “elected leaders” do not even answer to the people. If we dare question or petition these degenerates then the full force of the government comes down on you via the Treasury or intelligence agencies. Our government is so corrupt I have no trust or faith in them. It seems like an altered state that I am living in. To aid, abet & fund our enemies & invaders and punish US citizens and make them pay for our own destruction is insanity. The only faith I have is in my creator. Your articles get better each day Don. I’m thankful for your brilliant writing & humor and for many of the highly intelligent commenters here. I was but a lowly college educated electrician in this life.
I agree BH, it is still a beautiful world and I thank God each day I awaken. I have some great neighbors & friends, my wife and daughter that I have faith in. I just feel sorry for the rest of the world that sees nothing wrong with what is happening and many who defend it. Thanks for the encouraging words.
My husband learned in the Army to be an electrician, when he wasn't following George Patton around in France and Germany. He was good at it, liked doing it.
Robert, I have the highest respect and appreciation for electricians! Have known some super-impressive ones.
Do have heart for our country, though. We're in the worst phase right now because the mask has been taken off a corruption that has been building for several decades. There's that saying: "Evil exposed is two-thirds destroyed, and the last third kills itself." It's awful to have to live through the discouragement of the exposure. But there is so much good right now too, as people of courage and clarity are rising all around us to fight this, too. People like you and your family, and the friends and neighbors you refer to, who serve as anchors of good in our world.
Tea Party Gal, I’ve grown up around the corruption in Chicago and know people have witnessed it throughout our nation, but I could not fathom how many people are asleep & have no awareness of how bad it was/is. I’m glad Trump exposed this to others and agree with the statement you quoted “Evil exposed is two-thirds destroyed, and the last third kills itself”. Thankful for people like you who fight for what is right and all that is good with this great nation.
Give me some men who are stout-hearted men, Who will fight for the rights they adore Start me with ten Who are stout-hearted men, And I'll soon give you ten thousand more (Sigmund Romberg) (1887 – 1951)
Wim, I believe it has been happening since our nation was founded. There were those who were probably still loyal to the King/Mother country and dwelled in the shadows, but problems really started to accelerate under Wilson & FDR. I’m sure much of this was planned out years prior, along with assassinations of our leaders and Black Swan events to take advantage of situations.
As for American innovation and AI, I propose that we gather the West Virginia Coal miners who were told to learn to code by our clueless government. We teach them to code AI with the commands to attack any action (and person) contrary to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Place AI robots in both chambers of Congress, the Oval office, and the Supreme Court and let them observe, always watching and listening.
Our patriotic West Virginia coal miners will be today's version of the Wright Brothers and all the independent inventors in our history. AI can become our unbiased - and unbribable - enforcement.
As for today's vote, I only knew of Mork and I never thought of him as a robot. My favorite was the Lost in Space robot at the top. For years, people imitated it by waving their arms and saying "Danger Will Robinson".
As if I would ever vote against Julie Newmar
Yesterday, today, tomorrow and 19 ways to Sunday
Julie was irresistible.
BTW, and please let's all breathe normally until this happens, there is no way that this Swift-Kelce [NFL PR-mega-orchestrated] "love" affair will survive.
This is a Made-for-Hallmark-TV-movie script about Star-Crossed Multi-Millionaires Weeping (or hiring others to do it for them)...
Never mind the office death pools. Start one on what date they are no longer commercially affiliated.
I was listening to Fleetwood Mac last night, and the thought popped into view to compare Stevie Nicks to Taylor Whatzhername (compare their singing voices and other talents).
Instant anticipatory nausea!
(Gallons of the stuff. The scene looked like a mad car driver had plowed into a gas station, busting all the connecting fuel pipes and hoses.)
Nope. I've never heard Taylor Swift and never will, until the next Michael Jackson Q-F**k buys the entire FM song list and sells off parts of it for theme songs matched with TV mortgage company and legit-marijuana ads.
Wait. I don't watch TV. Guess I'll never hear Swift's Pork Sausages being hawked to the tune of He Dumped Me Again, or Swift's other hits ---
("I Dumped Him Again," and later on down the road, "I'm &^%*$%^!!! 63 Years Old, Can I Stop Singing These Teenage Angst songs?")
--- being used to sell medical body parts on ABC/NBC/CBS.
Go with the Chiefs on Sunday... A better idea: call Lou "The Wrench."
This week, he gave me the NHL Las Vegas Golden Knights (vs Edmonton).
I went with the Oilers. Knights won.
Yeah, see The Wrench. Take his advice, not mine.
Rome is burning, the Treasurey is being looted, RINOs are selling us out, just like the collapse of another great Empire, so sad 😞
Thank goodness not burning yet, but House controlled by Rinos has not freed J6 political prisoners that never burned down the Congress, yet, no matter what the 30 daily WinRed crappy pleas for $$ implore. DO YOUR JOB MIKE JOHNSTONE AND RELEASE THE J6 PRISONERS. And shut down the Government until the BORDER IS CLOSED.
They can't even impeach Mayorkas! We have a foreign invasion at our southern border from Latin America, the middle east, and China. Our House Republicans are WORTHLESS!
The Republicans should install several mega-screen TV’s in the House chamber running an endless loop of the hundreds of videos of the millions of people flooding over the border daily for the last three-plus years, and just leave it on until the border is closed.
Then the squishes would ask for money to help the poor invaders cope.
An excellent idea.
IT IS ALL ABOUT THE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Agreed but “worthless” seems insufficient, doesn’t it?
Way too harsh to castigate the House Republicans on the Mayorkas impeachment. The vote only failed by two votes-- and one was Steve Scalise, who would have supported it but was having a blood cancer treatment that day and was absent. 214 Republicans DID vote to impeach--98% of the House Republicans, and we need to appreciate each one that did. The House is NOT controlled by RINO's, it is in flux and moving to MAGA.
Of course we are furious with the 4 RINO's who voted with the Dems, but we shouldn't focus all our wrath on the RINO's. The DEMOCRATS voted 100% lockstep to NOT impeach Mayorkas. They have now gone on record as supporting the border disaster, and we shouldn't let them just hide safely in the shadows while we blast away at the RINO's. Aim some of your fire strongly on the Democrats.
There must be some Congressional Democrats in your state whom you can raise holy hell with. Burn up their phone lines-- call their local state offices if you get voicemail in DC. Make THEM feel the heat, don't just write them off as hopeless and let them get away with it. Some of those House Dems must be in iffy districts and vulnerable to sunlight being focused on them.
Find out the specific Democrats in your state who supported this treason and talk to the Democrats in your circles of acquaintance so they can't escape what their Democratic congresspeople are doing.
We are asking new Speaker Johnson to pull off miracles, given that it's a super-thin Republican majority and NOT ONE Democrat will budge and vote with the Republicans. Even if we get 100% perfection out of the Republicans, that is not enough to win this war.
From over in Memphis, Shelby County, crazy Congressman Cohen voted against impeaching Mayorkas. A co-worker of mine, who knows Cohen gave the age-old statement about a farm in Memphis and a home in Hell. Sell the farm and go home. Cohen will always vote against American interests. Glad Memphis has him and not Middle Tennessee. Whew.
Total nutcase loser. Says a lot about his constituents. Scary.
All political theater. Scalise missing is offset by the ouster of Santose and retirement early by McCarthy and one or two others. There's NO REASON to leave early. Finish your fucking term! And he wants to be speaker.
This all just proves its a uniparty.
Yeah, they are really "gaming the system" getting Santos out and early retirements to reduce our majority margin. Sick.
The democrats AL Green puts those republicans to shame. Why can't our losers at least stick together like Dimo's.
Totally agree, and in this case uniparty is nearly the same as Kabuki theater.
Not sad, maddening and it didn’t have to happen. How corrupt does an employee need to be to impeach them today? They will never impeach Biden either. Real reason, just as one of the four GOP members who voted no said, because he didn’t want to set a precedent!!!!!!!! Guess he forgot Trump being impeached twice! Who are these people? We have been habitually given the members to vote on from the RNC. Enough. Get rid of that fat farm of an organization. We don’t need the RINO farm and their spineless members.
Don, this might be the best article you have ever written! Thank You
Ronaldus Magnus called it "Creeping socialism" It's not creeping anymore. It is damned near a full gallop.
And it is being brought to us by the entire Democrat party and most of the GOP.
Don, brilliant article. Ironically written by a West Virginian and enumerates all the reasons in modern terms why the South left the Union in the mid 1800s. America needs DC today as much as Germany in the 1930s needed Berlin.
West Virginia promptly left the South to be free of them
I have no expectation that DC will ever do the one job for which “we the people” gave them the power to do. Ours is an ambitious experiment that depends on men and women of virtue to survive. And we all know that the heart of man is desperately wicked without God.
Whatever seemingly insurmountable problem our country faces, God remains the answer. But there are fewer and fewer people in our bloated bureaucracy who live virtuous lives.
Perhaps we can find ten?
John Adams said "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” So now we all suffer.
Don’t fret, the end of federal careers is coming fast. The CBO just said that our current deficit of $1.3T a year will grow to $2.6T a year by 2034. If they don’t do something significant NOW to change this trajectory the country will crash soon. The first layoffs will be in federal employees…… a lot of federal employees. It’s only a matter of time.
Hear, hear, Don Surber!
…to the sound of thunderous applause!
When the Fed Chairman (see 60 Minutes) says that what the USA is doing fiscally is not sustainable, EVERYONE should listen. NO more added debt and start paying down the debt has to happen NOW- not down the road even ONE day. The day of reckoning is coming; when the dollar collapses and a loaf of bread that costs $4 today will be $400 tomorrow and $4,000 the day later and so on. Look it up; this happened to Venezuela, Brazil and other countries. What we are allowing the government to do is folly- absolute nonsense- and needs to be STOPPED right now. I agree with Don. His column today is a great one that puts it all in perspective. But, alas, the country will simply keep staring at their phones; betting on line; streaming; ear budding anything into their ever-mushing minds. And.... one day... they will wake up to total chaos. God help us.
So, the brain dead vegetable in the WH gets to appoint “the brightest minds” to deal with the challenges posed by AI. Oh, the irony.
Now you’re talking. 💯
Everything the government touches turns to 💩. They grift off the creativity and dynamism of the private sector. The entrepreneur and the American vision were not accidentally made to fit together. It was the great purpose of the founders to allow people to create their lives unfettered by government parasites and kings.
This country was made great by individuals working voluntarily to reach their goals, not by desk jockeys pushing regulations. And we are a generous country. We help our fellow man. More than any other nation in history. Americans don’t need instructions from second rategovernment bums who never worked an honest day in their lives on how to behave or how to solve problems.
I don’t know what the hell an AI brothel could possibly be, and I don’t think I wanna know. But as to “stereotyped” objects of sexual gratification:Duh! There’s a reason men like Sophia Vergara, Marylin Monroe, Sophia Loren, or Raquel Welch. Hard wired. In virtual reality they aren’t going to create their dream girl and she looks like Rosie O’Donnell or Corporal Klinger. LMAO.
Taylor Swift-meh.
Dittos Tanto.
I’ve got nothing to add except you’ve watched a helluva lot more TV than me. (Remember riding your bike to the hardware with a bag of vacuum tubes to find the culprit?)
Thanks for the reminder about the rights our constitution protects, and the limits it places on gov’t, and what’s it for in the first place.
Made that run quite a few times. Think about kids today having to wait for their device to warm up for a time before actually being able to use it. And, unlike today's devices that are always powered on, having to turn off the TV and watch as the screen faded to a small white dot that eventually disappeared. Or get out of the chair to switch channels . . .
Remember when the networks shut down by 11pm and then played the National Anthem before the test pattern came on?
Yes, and doze off in the chair to wake up to the test pattern and the horrible one note hum. And we only had two channels in our rural are. NBC and CBS.
Oh yeah. Those were the days we had to be home when the street lights came on.
I remember that happening at midnight. And I’m glad it was that way when I was growing up. Life needs boundaries, especially when it comes to screen time.
On a related note, I shake my head when I see my grands pitch a fit because they have to pause a program that they can watch anytime later — without having to wait for a rerun to see the end. They have no idea!
You are reminding me how old I am Plays.
They should bring back the getting out of your chair, as a weight-losing benefit.
Amazing we can still remember that! Almost a century ago,
Plays with needles, I resemble that remark I meant resent. I'm only 75. And nobody mentioned anything about the Indian in the middle of the test signal.
That Indian would be banned today.
Sorry about that! But I’m only 71 and I don’t remember the Indian at all.
Me neither.
Loved that Indian. Thx for the memory.
Bob Hope?
That’s a lovely memory, too. Esp’ly when Bing was there.
My husband talks about riding his bike with the vacuum tubes to get the bad one replaced. You are the first other person I have ever heard mention it. Hmm, wonder if that was a possible fix when my parents got their first TV set.
Nice to have that confirmed. Boy Scouts, paper route, and vacuum tubes. If he caddied AND was a hooligan, he’s my kind of guy.
I cannot believe how far & fast we have fallen as a nation. Our “elected leaders” do not even answer to the people. If we dare question or petition these degenerates then the full force of the government comes down on you via the Treasury or intelligence agencies. Our government is so corrupt I have no trust or faith in them. It seems like an altered state that I am living in. To aid, abet & fund our enemies & invaders and punish US citizens and make them pay for our own destruction is insanity. The only faith I have is in my creator. Your articles get better each day Don. I’m thankful for your brilliant writing & humor and for many of the highly intelligent commenters here. I was but a lowly college educated electrician in this life.
Have heart, RR. You can still have faith in your loved ones and closest friends, here on earth.
It’s still a beautiful world. Don’t let that get past you.
I agree BH, it is still a beautiful world and I thank God each day I awaken. I have some great neighbors & friends, my wife and daughter that I have faith in. I just feel sorry for the rest of the world that sees nothing wrong with what is happening and many who defend it. Thanks for the encouraging words.
My husband learned in the Army to be an electrician, when he wasn't following George Patton around in France and Germany. He was good at it, liked doing it.
Robert, I have the highest respect and appreciation for electricians! Have known some super-impressive ones.
Do have heart for our country, though. We're in the worst phase right now because the mask has been taken off a corruption that has been building for several decades. There's that saying: "Evil exposed is two-thirds destroyed, and the last third kills itself." It's awful to have to live through the discouragement of the exposure. But there is so much good right now too, as people of courage and clarity are rising all around us to fight this, too. People like you and your family, and the friends and neighbors you refer to, who serve as anchors of good in our world.
Tea Party Gal, I’ve grown up around the corruption in Chicago and know people have witnessed it throughout our nation, but I could not fathom how many people are asleep & have no awareness of how bad it was/is. I’m glad Trump exposed this to others and agree with the statement you quoted “Evil exposed is two-thirds destroyed, and the last third kills itself”. Thankful for people like you who fight for what is right and all that is good with this great nation.
Give me some men who are stout-hearted men, Who will fight for the rights they adore Start me with ten Who are stout-hearted men, And I'll soon give you ten thousand more (Sigmund Romberg) (1887 – 1951)
Actually, most or all of these problems you mention occurred during the FDR administration -- with a prelude under Wilson.
Wim, I believe it has been happening since our nation was founded. There were those who were probably still loyal to the King/Mother country and dwelled in the shadows, but problems really started to accelerate under Wilson & FDR. I’m sure much of this was planned out years prior, along with assassinations of our leaders and Black Swan events to take advantage of situations.
Certainly, the Founders were aware of the possibility. That is clear from the things they wrote and said.
As for American innovation and AI, I propose that we gather the West Virginia Coal miners who were told to learn to code by our clueless government. We teach them to code AI with the commands to attack any action (and person) contrary to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Place AI robots in both chambers of Congress, the Oval office, and the Supreme Court and let them observe, always watching and listening.
Our patriotic West Virginia coal miners will be today's version of the Wright Brothers and all the independent inventors in our history. AI can become our unbiased - and unbribable - enforcement.
As for today's vote, I only knew of Mork and I never thought of him as a robot. My favorite was the Lost in Space robot at the top. For years, people imitated it by waving their arms and saying "Danger Will Robinson".
I’m with you on Mork and the Lost in Space robot.
Your disgust with the totalitarians running our gummint is sound, Donald.
I’m reminded of a song by Bread: “This Isn’t What the Governmeant.”
I remember Bread. Now I must check out that song. Thanks for the memory.
Going forward it appears we'll have to ask "Is it real or is it AI"?
Say good-bye to Memorex.
It’s already here.
I voted for Bender- we need someone to tell Washington to kiss our shiny metal asses.