We have GOT to get these squatters out of the Oval Office.

Along that line, I'm revving up for Heels-up Harris to pick Mayor Peter Buttplug as her VP candidate. Christ, the jokes will just write themselves.

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Gee, one and a half females on the ticket.

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Two (both).

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That would take away a chunk of the black vote. In general, they aren’t too cool with homosexuality.

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i doubt it. that black guy with three islamic names 'served' two terms.

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He never came out so the voters were blissfully ignorant. On another note, now that we know the "Chicago Way" works in natioanl elections are we so sure Barry was actually elected?

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We are sure and certain of many things now, none of which have anything to do with elections. From my view of happenings, Black Satan "CAME OUT" a very long time ago.

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Obama won fair and square in 2008. How could he lose when McCain and the GOP took such an obvious dive?

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Fair and Square…ya sure about that!

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Fair and Triangulated.

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You forgot the eye roll emoji.

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But he is somewhat black and Pete Buttplug is pasty white.

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Depends which part of him you see.

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He is a limp wrist.

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BLACK SATAN'S GLARING FLAWS seem to be overlooked by black people, but they are NOT Racist, at least NOT in conversation.

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I guess you don't read X

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Not a lot of X.... Don Surber's column is more 'normal and real' for me. Thankfully, I am too busy to read that much raw data. lol

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Nor are Latinos.

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Unless it gets them the golden ring again.

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All I can say is that I long for the day that the Islam cohort seeks to destroy the LGBTQ cohort after this honeymoon of political convenience is over.

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I have several queer friends and I like them very much. They just want to be let alone. And the interesting thing is that male homosexual marriages fail at a lesser rate than hetero ones, and FAR less than lesbian marriages. Sort of tells you what's the common denominator, doesn't it?

Having said that, I'm pretty fed up with the LGBTQ+HDTV stuff, and so are my queer friends. Several have said that maybe the radical elements and the islamists will wipe each other out. They are particularly amused by the "Queers for Palestine" movement. They say it's like "Chickens for Colonel Sanders."

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I have struggled with how to witness to my friends who have sexual issues. But recently, I heard something from RC Sproul that really helped: he noted that Romans 1:24 starts with "Therefore." The issues they are having are not part of themselves but a judgment from God. And the correct way to solve them is not to try and fix the judgment but to fan the flames of their faith in a loving (but firm) God. If they believe in their heart, He will convict them of their sin far more effectively than we can.

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Convict or convince?

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Unless we are convicted, we do not repent. I know you are trying to avoid "convict" since it implies judgment; but they are already under (partial) judgment and that judgment will become final unless they realize the position they are in, through faith, and repent.

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Thank you again for this best explanation of the word "convict" as used in The Bible. Until we know in our brains and hearts that we are convicted by God of any sin, and that we must repent of that sin, and be sorrowful for that falling away, in order to change and grow in God's word, that we must accept His demands and expectations in all parts of our lives, we cannot move forward in forgiveness and FAITH.

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Thank you, David, for this enlightenng information direct from the Bible. It gives a clear answer to many questions.

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I'm struck today with the feeling that in the near future whites will be on the sidelines while Hamas, BLM and MS-13 tribes go after each other. The black community is pissed illegals are taking their jobs and government payola. Hamas doesn't like anybody that isn't them. Latinos are tough and won't back away from a fight. Politics won't solve these clashes of culture.

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This is beyond culture clash now. Not easily remedied. We need God's intervention, and President Trump's CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS to be re-installed and enforced.

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JAKE, your comment is spot on, and close to brilliant. No details needed as I live in the insane state of Georgia.

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Agree Jim. Most just want to live their lives like the majority of Americans.

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Jim, it is early and I am weary,, but..... WHAT??????????????

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07/25/24: Heels Up! Meanwhile, looking forward to Kamala Hangover BOOM! having a rough day today, and for Nancy Pelosi having a VERY tough time of it in the seven days.

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Maybe their plastic surgeons will make a boo-boo...

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Then two more Seth Riches might result!

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James Woods wants Mayor Pete /Campaign slogan =HarriButt

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Yes! Get them out! Then fumigate the place and put roach motels in all the corners and other dark places. It'll only take about 10 to 15 days to fumigate.

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I’m not sure Kamala is a woman. Her neck is huge. And the Adams Apple.

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I don't think a man can be taught to giggle like that. It's like a voice-box-size thing. I have never heard Mrs. Obama giggle, unless it was that day in their church when Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. shouted "God D...n America."

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Jews for Democrats

Chickens for KFC

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If Nancy says it was the worst speech ever we all know it is the exact opposite.. It is a must listen. 100% truth. Vintage Bibi.

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The sad part is that her dem tribe does believe her.

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They share the same mental illness, greed, arrogance, IGNORANCE, and hate.

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I AGREE 100%. A Must Listen.

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Bibi Netanyahu a world class orator and leader. And what do we have, an imbecile and a cackler.

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the cackler will soon replace the imbecile and she gets to pick her own replacement. we truly live in interesting times. it's amazing (to me) that america still stands.

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Hanging by a thread...

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A facsimile of it anyway.

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and spinning like a pinwheel.

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I keep thinking of Belshazzar having his big party while the enemy was at the gate. The end may come suddenly and unexpectedly as it did for him. Though not quite, for God warned him. (At least Bel honored the messenger instead of sending the FBI to his house at 6AM.) Still, no acknowledgment or repentance. God has been longsuffering with us and from my vantage point has warned us and offered us a way out many times, but we seem to continue to go on our merry way.

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And she is going to become the chosen one without winning a single primary vote. How does this happen in America?

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Nah. She will soon self-destruct. Her 15 minutes will be over.

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I just hope she lasts until she debates Trump. That will be her demise as they cut from one commercial break to another.

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Trump will insult her, and cut her to shreds. Great viewing entertainment.

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No charge.

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Time will tell.

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donald b welch - Dare I be optimistic now that the imbecile is MIA and very possibly gone forever? And.... the cackler Kam is not liked or even tolerated by Black Satan, so she could be the next 'coup victim'???. just my observational opinion. It's messy out there!

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she's going to get 70% of the female vote. how do we stop that?

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More women than you credit are smarter than that. Many wives see her as a home wrecker and a slut. Even dem women hate her.

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yes but...they don't tally the ballots.

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BiBi’s speech was a stunning speech for the Ages!! He spoke the unvarnished truth upon truth upon truth which are all undeniable in the face of reality. He pulled no punches and those in this government who fail to heed his warnings are willing to plunge this country and the world into its worst nightmare.

The enemy knows he has but a small window of time left to do his worst. Pray to God He will have mercy upon us all that there’s still enough time left for us to thwart those plans.

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THANK YOU, SUZIE, Again, you hit the nail perfectly. Is this the RUDE AWAKENING we need for all to recognize as deadly serious, or is this a small step on the downward stairway into hell? PRAYER IS NEEDED NOW, MORE THAN EVER. If we all pray, maybe our Prayers will be heard.

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Excellent post. I have a couple of additions. Putin didn't start the Ukraine war, we did in 2014. Yes Obama is a virulent anti-semite, which is in keeping with his virulent anti-white racism. The vast majority of Jews support him though, just like they did Stalin, even after he launched his own Final Solution of them in the early 1950's. The only thing that saved them is Stalin died. The "D"s are an anarchist/communist/islamic party now, underwritten by Jews and white gentiles who have more money than good sense. So, we should not be surprised that they ignore all laws, court rulings, Bill of Rights, the Constitution, stare decisis, traditions, or anything else that reminds them of Western and specifically, Christian/Judeo values. Pray for the Republic.

Danny Huckabee

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I always thought it funny how much Obama hated white people despite the fact that the only thing he got from his father was a dose of sperm; everything else came from his white mother and grandmother, including the other half of his DNA.

Then I realized what's up: like all Lefties, Hussein Obama hates himself. His only advantage over other progressives is that he only hates one half of himself.

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Self-loathing and projection go hand-in-hand. So while the lefties are declaiming how Trump will "destroy our democracy," they are the ones actively undermining the national structure, all the better to destroy themselves when the roof falls on them.

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Ask ten Democrats the definition of Democracy. Bet not more than half get it right.

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Obama's mother was a slut, he blames white America.

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Jim Wills, thank you! Very Well Stated! This is the mentality of a True Hater of Self. his ugly face displays that seething ANGER he carries.

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Correct. There was no other reason to invite Ukraine into NATO than to prod the Lion into a war.

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i sympathize with civilians who are caught up in war. i witnessed first hand the tragic events that are a result of war in vietnam dec1968-dec1969 101st. i'll leave the war stories for another time but no one can see what i saw and not understand that everyone loses in a war zone, both living and dead.

that said, the civilians of gaza are complicit and everyone except maxine waters knows it. the driver sitting in the getaway car gets the same punishment as the armed bank robbers going in, even murder charges when death occurs. recall the hangings after lincoln's death with just one shooter.

war is an ugly business and only those outside that arena ignore the truth.

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Maxine is so far beyond ignorant, she is the perfect big mouth patsy for the DEMS anti-America haters in our government. If she was sent to prison or hanged today, she would not know why. The Dems work hard to convert followers to that mentality.

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* Voting D = Debauchery, Devastation, Destruction

* Voting R = Restoration, Rebuilding, Renewal

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I listened to Bibi’s Speech and thought it was well worth the 60 minutes, I put into listening to it! Was it Kennedy’s ‘Ask Not’ speech or MLK’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech or MacArthurs ‘Old Soldiers Never Die’ speech at West Point, no but it got the blood moving!

Having said that, Scott Adams referred to the carnage… so much of it unverifiable, from unbelievable sources…as Israel playing its Holocaust card.

I’m probs going to take some heat for this, probs deservedly so, but…I think he’s right.

Israel has to do what it needs to in order to survive. And if that means killing everything in its path (after giving proper warning to the non combatants of course) so be it. It’s not well known that between 19K and 30K French citizens died during The Normandy campaign but War has a way of coming up with those numbers! And when you stick innocent, vulnerable and pathetic members of your own citizenry in front of your war machines and so called fighters just so you can run the numbers it’s even worse.

But Israel shouldn’t be held back by a false equivalency, conjured up by imbeciles, agent’s provocateur, democrats, liberals or any other communist or Muslims looking to weaken their position.

Believe me the Holocaust will never be forgotten in Israel or the millions of families like mine who had parents and Grandparents who saw it up front and personal.

So, while not putting it the rear view mirror, it should ‘never again’ be used as a factor in letting Israel do what it has to! If it’s uncomfortable for the rest of the world, I’ve got a solution, forget about it… Israel will get on with what it needs to without having the world’s hand wringing.

One line that Netanyahu said though, that is unmistakably true, ‘Our Fight is Your Fight’. If we let the savages win over there, we’ll have them on our door steps over here. If Israel is prepared to take that responsibility so we don’t have to, why not give them the tools they need to do it!

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I think many of the savages are already here. All you need do is look at the new arrivals crossing the border and even some of the college campuses.

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Or at the crowd gathered at Union Station yesterday.

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Subvet, you are right on point. They are here, they are everywhere now.

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Epstein, Thank You for this brillliant comment. We do not have ONE MINUTE TO WASTE. This is WAR....we had best pay attention.

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Epstein, yes and very scary people. Some are now walking through Georgia neighborhoods, well dressed and clean, with a bearded leader, asking to rent rooms in nice homes.

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That would be scary. indeed. So far, they haven't reached my area. Then again, I sorta live in the sticks.

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Are you kidding me!!! Our federal gov’t (election date, almost a year after yours) is making some very specific noises about just that sort of thing, only they’re looking to make it policy!

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Amen, Gayle!

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If you believe that 39k Palestinians are dead then you are a fool. The numbers are provided by Hamas therefore divide by 1000. While all life is important, how many Russians , Ukrainian lives have been lost? I believe the numbers are in the 100-300k. Yet Zelensky comes to DC like a rock star. Finally and sadly we are in a clash of civilizations as we see in Europe. We can live in terror with people who want to kill us or we can kill them. Sorry but the Muslims hate Jews, but they hate Christians more. The Jews are just in the way. FJB

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…”they hate Christians more.” I disagree. They hate them the same. They hate all things non-Islam and want the whole world to be under Islam. The Jews, historically speaking, are first in line (Isaac v Ishmael), and adding insult to injury have a country in their backyard which for them is noxious and maddening.

We are definitely in a clash of civilizations and I wish people paid more attention to history so they would recognize that what is happening is a continuation of the jihad that began in the 600s AD and went dormant for a long while after a hard and long fight to repel, ie in Spain, but with the toppling of Constantinople. I didn’t understand this myself. I knew almost nothing about Islam. I slowly learned why the attacks and terrorism. Then it occurred to me when the Muslims took those Russians hostage, that the Soviet Union had been a force that had kept the lid on jihad during my lifetime and when it broke apart, we began to see attacks and terrorism again. They have long memories and we have the attention span of a gnat.


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As BiBi stated it yesterday, we are not in a clash of civilizations, but a clash between civilization and barbarism.

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Absolutely true. Look at the signs of the Hamas protestors yesterday. Execrable ideology and an existential danger to the West.

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Sometimes the best answer is the most obvious.

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Musk is right when he says, People who have been lifelong Democrats refuse to accept the clear reality that the Democrat Party is rapidly become openly anti-Semitic."

Add to that, they are a disgusting, anti-American cancer that must be extinguished. Chuck the Schmuck Schumer and Nancy the Bitch Pelosi need to be held accountable and tried for treason. If that charge doesn't float, there should be a law against assholes running for political office. Gee, what a concept. Talk about a way to REALLY drain the swamp.

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Anti semitic ? They are fully embracing Islam. Why not? It’s a religion of authoritative control. Only the Mullahs live comfortably. Everyone else obeys the mullah.

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Basically they are voting for their own subjectation. Put your head right here zer it won't hurt a bit.

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But will they allow Mass in Latin?

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Are you kidding me, that's terroristic talk.

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No Hitting Below the Belt Nadler.

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Yeah, you could bruise his nipples.

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The NFL could use Nadler's belt to measure for first downs.

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They could use his bloated stomach as a landing site for people to jump out of windows in a burning building.

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The house of Reps should be alerted to this usage!

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Thank you Defiant Jester, Nadler could not find his belt if he has the SS to help him.

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You are so spot on, Greg, there are views of this everywhere.

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I'm loving Trump's nicknaming. For Nancy, I'm leaning toward either Grandma Boxwine or Bella Lugosi Pelosi.

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I like Bella Lugosi Pelosi - it's rather poetical

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maybe too nice for the old hag. How about LUGOSI PELOSI?

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I like Botox Pelosi…

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Botox Wine box Pelosi.

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I'm all in on the Pelosi handle. Heck, let's enhance it to Countess Dracula Pelosi.

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Keep it simple. Just use bitch.

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I'm kind of a fan of British satire and political polemic, except they are so much more acerbic and facile with the Mother Tongue than the average American. Calling her the "b" word or the "c" word seems like I'm being lazy, so I keep looking for better nicks.

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I feel as though we are living the real life version of the Twilite Zone. We have reached the bottom of the barrel if Harris is qualified to be president. Remember, this is the country who had the likes of Lincoln, Truman, Ike, JFK, and Reagan in the WH. Now maybe a Harris? God help us.

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I vascilate between Nazi P. Lousy, Nutsy P. Lousy and Nasty P. Lousy.

GOD will hold her accountable and her fans won't hear her eternal screams.

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Thanks, Jim! Lugosi Pelosi is my fave.

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And don't forget nutty Nadler with his hate and lie bloodbath comment at the hearing yesterday, liars all. Nancy should be in a home in a strait jacket. Three examples of term limits.

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Thank God no one lives forever. No one.

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The wokies made that "inhumane" but it worked in the past.

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Nancy is 84 years old and will soon assume room temperature. The problem is there is an endless supply of Woke knuckleheads to replace her.

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Jake, I will VOTE 'R' for REMOVAL.

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If TRUMP does not start the process of ARRESTING these CRIMINALS for TREASON, we may as well give up. THEY ALL MUST GO, PERMANENTLY.

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Biden’s speech was extremely forgettable, failed to admit the obvious, and offered the viewers nothing they haven’t heard before. While his error rate on reading from the teleprompter was better than normal (for him), it was delivered weakly. He didn’t adequately explain why he is stepping out of the race and why Kamala better than him.

This situation of Biden refusing to retire and hand the reins over makes Kamala look weak. She can’t even convince him he is too infirm to lead, how can she convince Putin or Hamas to end the wars?

A key component of this situation was the Dem party elders using the media to intentionally weaken Biden’s role as the nominee. They are getting the swap out they wanted at the convention, but now they still have to deal with his record of failure, and their standard bearer has to explain why he won’t resign every time he has another Biden moment.

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Once again all roads lead back to BHO. I'm thinking that the gallows should be constructed, there are plenty of treasonous actors running around. Biden his entire family of grifters, all of his cabinet secretaries, MSM print and broadcast. It could be a month plus of hangings. You cannot move forward without a full accounting of 2020 election. This country has gone far to lax in demanding accountability from all of government. I'd like to believe that most of this country isn't full blown insane, but again see what you see. I haven't liked what I've been seeing for quite awhile. I thought that the second amendment was there to prevent a tyrannical government, reality is that it's as harmless as a heel hound. Folks walk around peering into their electronic devices unaware of their looming fate, frogs being boiled. The FBI investigating the DJT attempted assassination has to be the utmost in idiocy. The actual arsonist investigating the fire he/she/them started. Oh yeah we are already getting the strongly worded letters flying, the impotent house of useless tits on a boar representatives holding hearings that never uncover anything, while we once again sit and watch them lie to our faces, with impunity. Why do we let it happen? 1963 all over again.

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November 5, 1605 became known as Guy Fawkes Day. The Gunpowder Revolution as it is called was an attempt to remove King James because he and Parliament refused to allow Catholics to freely practice their religion. The plot failed and Protestants have celebrated that failure ever since. Our totalitarian government fears Trump as a Guy Fawkes figure leading a majority of Americans hellbent on taking them down. Let us pray that November 5,2024 becomes a day freedom loving Americans celebrate for centuries to come. We could even call it Donald Trump Day

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Excellent post today Poca-Man and a sad indicator of how low American politicians of greed have fallen.The utter disrespect for Bibi and Americas only true ally in the mid-east was a disgrace be- fitting the shit show in D.C. in toto.As to the msm one can not loathe them enough. Treats time poll and lead on Poca-Man //FJBand BHOs crew.

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I might declare all middle east "country" borders open and throw the process open to the middle eastern folks to determine their own countries, since the present borders came from the brits anyway, in concert with a few american oil companies that should mind their own business and drill at home only anyway. Bibi's treatment by democrats while here is a shame to them but maybe american jews will stop supporting our liberals and realize where their welcome here resides.

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Arizona State University’s Center for American Institutions has a report out that everyone needs to take a moment to read and soak in the moment.

This is from a no-kidding actual professor from a no-kidding serious public university.

It is titled, “Civic Education in the Military Are Servicemembers More Prepared for Micro-Aggression or Macro-Aggression?“

It presents an open, clear-eyed view of the cancer we have allowed to take root in our military and how this sectarianism and division spawned by operationalized Cultural Marxist thought has manifested itself into the very highest levels of leadership.

As reported by The College Fix;

“The research reveals serious problems within our military complex. The U.S. military now has a well-developed, taxpayer-funded DEI bureaucracy dedicated to rooting out ‘white privilege’ and white supremacy, and that allows for (and sometimes teaches) the overt criticism of the United States, its founding, its founders, and its founding documents, alleging that they are all rooted in systemic racism,” the report’s executive summary reads.

Titled “Civic Education in the Military,” the 41-page report represents the culmination of findings from the year-long study led by Professor Donald Critchlow.

“I want to emphasize that DEI training is not your old time workplace sensitivity training. It is destructive and divisive,”

Let’s dig itto some of the parts of the report that focus on the Navy just to give you a flavor of what is there, but remember - there is a lot more in the report about the other services as well that we have not covered on DivThu.

The Navy Master Chief Petty Officer works with “affinity groups” based on gender, race, and ethnicity on retention, and develops performance metrics and procedures to remove any barriers to retention or promotion. Major Echelon 2 and Echelon 3 Commanders appoint DEI Practitioners. The Naval Education and Training Command is responsible for training materials for entry level up to the executive. The Navy Personnel Command ensures that DEI topics are covered in career development and that funds are available for sailors to attend affinity group national conferences. Coordination with DEI Practitioners occurs at the Command level regarding training, education, and assessment. Command Resilience Teams track demographic patterns by race, sex, and ethnicity in retention, duty assignments, promotions, and awards to alert commanders to issues that might affect climate.

The most recent DEI plan issued in 2022 prescribes the bureaucratic arrangement described above. The array of high-level meetings and conferences to maintain coordination and to review outcomes testifies to the priority the Navy has assigned to DEI. The Culture of Excellence Steering Council, consisting of representatives of major Echelon 2 commands and Chief of Naval Operations staff, meets quarterly. The DEI Council, chaired by the Vice Chief of Naval Operations meets semi-annually, and at times brings in “recognized DEI leaders” from business and academia for advice.

The plan calls for the creation of a four-component cycle: “development of annual engagement objectives, collaboration in production of annual DEI Engagement and Resource Plan, coordination of Senior Leader DEI Engagement Calendar and engagement assessments through return on investment (ROI) analysis.” The plan includes adherence to Critical Race Theory (CRT), which is stated as being “Designed for commanders to better understand factors impacting all command personnel through collaboration, command climate assessment and deckplate leadership engagement.” To better understand the impact of these directives, the document specifically states that all active-duty Navy personnel, both Regular and Reserve, midshipmen, and reserve personnel are subject to these rules.

The report, rightfully, spends time on what is happening at the service academies. We’ve discussed the Orwellian stew seeping into every corner of Annapolis, so let’s check in with USNA.

The Naval Academy’s Office of Inclusion and Diversity consists of:

1 Chief Diversity Officer

1 Assistant Chief Diversity Officer

1 Senior Chief Mass Communication Specialist, USN Command Climate Specialist

1 Deputy Directory, Equal Employment Opportunity

1 Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist

The office supports 13 Affinity Clubs, promotes 17 awards divided by race, gender, and ethnicity, and advises the Superintendent on issues connected with sexual harassment, equal opportunity, trainings, climate assessments, and formal complaints.

We’ve mentioned the weights on the scale in hiring staff. Here it is;

…the goal for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion is accomplished with “Trained Diversity Search Advocates (DSA) consistently used for tenure track faculty searches” and an increase in the number of DSAs. In addition, the assessment states that of the faculty candidates interviewed were “40% female, 25% minority” with tenure track hires “43% female, 14% minority.”91 To provide context, according to a 2022 demographics profile of Navy Active-Duty members, 79.3 percent were men, indicating the USNA’s likely propensity to socially engineer their professoriate as opposed to taking the most qualified applicants from their likely male-dominant applicant pool.92 A step toward meeting the goals were new hires posted in 2023 in History and English, with preferences for civil rights movement history in the first and Post-Colonial Studies in the second. These positions required applicants to provide diversity statements.

Special programs include “Civil Rights and Domestic Immersion programs focused on civil rights or themes of diversity and inclusion.”

Oberlin College on the Severn. When the correction comes, I used to think there would be a gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes that would make it difficult. However, what we’ve seen in the last year are some of our states like Florida have defenestrated their DEI nomenklatura - they’ve left with little more than a slight whimper. They know how unpopular they are … because Zampolits are never popular.

BZ to ASU, and again, give the report a full read.

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