If the Gopesters wanted to win, Ronna the Romney would have been out months ago. This confirms the Kabuki Theater Theory of modern politics. We live in an oligarchy, and elections are distractions for the rubes.
"Conservatives have Democrats roasting over a Dumpster fire."
Yes, a dumpster fire that has been burning since BLM took over Portland. May it sear them mercilessly in the upcoming election. This is an honest question: Can anyone tell me just one good policy Joe Biden has created to our quality of life? Just one.
Soros is banned from several countries, including Hungray for causing issues with their currency and almost killing the country. He should have been banned from the US years ago.
Soros has a lot of money but I think he is losing some standing as the Dems lose their influence. He's still a threat, but moving forward only happens one small step at a time. I hope we have enough time . . .
Great post, Donald. We have lost $1,000 per month for 24 months now due to Xiden - and GLOBALIST REPUBLICANS LIKE COCAINE MITCH and 15 other DECEPTICONS - cutting off new hydrocarbon energy and printing trillions.
I appreciate the encouragement here but I'm concerned with complacency from our side. I admit. I was complacent in 2020 when Biden was campaigning from his basement and drew a dozen or so followers when he did venture out. Meanwhile, Trump was drawing thousands every week throughout the country. I thought the election was in the bag. It was. It was in the bag of ballots harvested by the cheaters in the blue states.
Just because the black community passively declines to vote doesn't mean they won't vote. Someone will cast their vote appropriately for them. They just will save them the trouble of actually voting in person.
Before we take a celebratory lap remember the Republicans have been in disarray with RINOs never Trumpers and the Shit Romney collations for years. The Democrats may be F ups at everything from Slavery to Jim Crow to the economy. However they are great at one thing: printing votes. Don the pole left off the obvious choice: Satan.
The cat finally has an appropriate list of possibilities. A bowl of oatmeal is the perfect answer. Day-old oatmeal. With spoiled milk. And an unspeakable object left on top by the cat. Even that would be better than our current administration.
The Dems did this to themselves. They courted the likes of AOC and her gang of hate-filled terrorists to stir up the younger voters who think life is so bad for them, and now it has backfired. The crazy half of the party is trying to eat the slightly less crazy half, and the meal half don't like it. Remember, even with all their crazy diverse agendas, the Dems have always managed to come together to vote as a block when it mattered. Ironic that now, the party that hates religion is being spilt because of its stance on support for Israel. It almost makes one believe that there is some level of decency still left among some in the donkey party ..........almost. The Dem party cannot put the Genie back in the box here and remove the radicals from power without a huge fight they are unwilling or too cowardly to have. They are stuck with what they created and it will only get worse between now and election time. The Genie is out of control and no one can figure out how, or is willing, to contain it. The Dem minority leader is no leader at all. He can't even control Jamal Bowman, a rookie congressman who is so bone chillingly stupid he didn't think it was a big deal to pull a fire alarm right before a vote in a building with more security cameras than Ft. Knox. This is all good news for the GOP I guess but I don't see much effort to exploit the deep Dem divide from anyone. The GOP needs to put the Hunter/Joe Biden investigation on hold and let Trumps DOJ do it when he is in office. The DOJ can also figure out where all the money went in Ukraine and who benefited, right or left side, from it so it never happens again. The GOP needs to spend more time putting out quality spending bills that will help reign in out of control spending and help control inflation. It's time for the GOP to start working for the country instead of just against the Democrat party.
Great theory, in writing, BUT,(and with the UNIPARTY, there is always a BUT), the reality is that the Republicans and Democrats always work together, hence the UniParty.
“Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his.” ~Ronald Reagan.
Margaret Thatcher once said, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."
"You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
Even though, today many researchers do not agree that Lincoln or Barnum or any other famous, historical, (or otherwise), person actually said it, does that make this adage untrue in reality?
I've learned, in my life, that when the present reality hits home, right where it hurts the most, then eyes open wide and heads start shaking in disbelief. Thoughts of "How could I be so damn stupid for all of these years?"
Before Trump, how many thought in terms of the UniParty? How many figured out that Republicans and Democrats actually cut deals to pass legislation they knew would harm the poor and middle-class, (the backbone of our society), but would pay out big dividends to them personally, their families and their friends? (Just look at what happened with banking deregulation, under Reagan, with HW Bush leading the way.)
Perhaps, we are coming to a certain point in time when this naive illusion of "progressive socialism", which has put us here today, has opened eyes, ears and made people look at their personal lives, in such a way, that they are now beginning to understand that this life philosophy, drilled into our heads from "cradle to grave", does not make our "installed leaders" thoughtful, kind, good, decent, loving or even smart.
Pain, more pain for the poor and middle-class, will cause the reaction necessary for real change.
When a family cannot provide the bare necessities, and/or they witness and experience death of an unborn or mass genocide, eventually they resort to basic instincts and good ole common sense. For those fools who do not, they become the slaves or they die.
We ask ourselves, just how low can we go before we lose everything near and dear to us?
Well, I reckon we are on our way to finding that answer real soon now.
Good comment. While in Russia a few years ago I had opportunity to speak with a wide variety of Russians of all ages and economic position. When asked about Putin, they were unanimous in saying that they know Putin is corrupt, but he maintains order. They also indicated that Putin is merely the latest in a very long line of corrupt leaders. The people believe nothing they cannot verify and they are careful, even after all this time since the fall of the USSR, in what they say in public. Most who had lived under communism seem to be waiting for someone to tell them what to do like was the norm in the USSR. Their initiative was destroyed under the commie system. So here we are in America, on the verge of being the new Russia. You cannot take good people and put them into a system that is at the base corrupt and biased, but we do every two years here. Our congress is hopelessly compromised and cannot be fixed from the inside by so-called good people. It has to be fixed from the outside and that is where we are. We cannot even assure ourselves that our votes count any longer due to corruption at the polls. When a house gets as bad as it is today you don't fix it by remodeling and painting, you have to rehabilitate it or demolish and start anew. The GOP cannot fix this without the help of Democrats and vis versa. It's too big and there is too much money influencing the outcome. As evidence, I will point to the coming year in the runup to the election and say that America has never witnessed anything like we will see here. Our government is out of control.
I contend, from personal experience, that our votes have not counted for the majority of my lifetime, but people did not recognize that because they were sold on the "one man, one vote theory" that was taught in our civics classes as youngin's... (Which is rarely if ever taught in civics classes today).
Who would have thought that our country was ruled by the 4th branch of government? I mean, really? We were not taught that in our schools or in our families. So, we have all been fooled.
What we have learned is that after 9/11, our constitutional republic has changed dramatically via the Patriot Act, with Obama and Holder manipulating their oversight to go after and destroy their political opponents. This has been exposed only because we turned the tables on the UniParty and elected a non-club member overwhelmingly defeating the normal cheating operation.
Now, we are witnessing a near defeated UniParty reacting to the expose' of their lies and schemes, brought to us by non-other than that non-club member, Donald J. Trump and the Magadonians.
Question is how long will this self-destructive tyranny be allowed,(by the people), to continue and what will be the resolution?
All true. Remember how virtually every member of congress bought in to the Patriot Act? It was shoved thru, not reasonably debated on the floor. Now we see what happens when congress doesn't do its job and fails to go back and fix the mistake: a police state.
I often wonder, now a liddle bit wiser, if, that was the plan all along:
Make the deplorables believe that our "leaders" are just looking out for our best interests and ram the Patriot Act down everyone's throats, under the guise of protecting the USA from an invasion of "terrorists".
I don’t know. I fear I am second guessing every move this government makes. Im not a conspiracy guy, Im an engineer who deals in facts. But I have to tell you, the folks who gave the congress the outline for rhe Patriot act undoubtedly included the CIA and FBI. Not a good combination or history, eh?
Whatever! This kids is why ‘We’ don’t need any bullshit discussions about a second party on the Right! Let them punch one another out, giving our side good talking points and initiatives, because this is one way we can win.
We here in Canada know all too well what 2nd and 3rd political party’s are all about. You don’t need it, not now, not ever!
I respectfully disagree with you, Chuck. Watching the left commit suicide has never worked before because the GOP always manages to rise to the occasion and screw it up. There is no way this batch of GOP folks are going to change unless they feel their jobs are threatened. The Tea Party was successful in that regard with little resourcing to help them. I know these people, they are not going to see the light until the train is about to hit them. I get your argument, I do, but on this one I would bet the bank. They could have risen to the occasion when Trump was in office and didn't because they were lazy and there were too many RINO's in the leadership. Not going to be any different this time around.
Anyone else get the notice from Social Security about their 2024 increase? My SS payment went up--just as the press was boasting--but then Medicare went up too. Net is going to be less than I'm getting this year. Talk about inflation! Even the fixed portion of my income is decreasing.
My SS income too went down. It took me a moment or two and reading the letter a couple of times to finally figure out why, Medicare. I hope all the seniors that vote Democrat understand that the inflation caused by their votes for Biden did this. Also the Biden administration quietly increased the "charge" for Medicare by up to 25% this past year. I called my congress critter about it but got no answer. Maybe as these seniors will be receiving less next year they will realize the Democrats are the ones pushing Grandma over the cliff not Republicans and change their voting habits.
That poll is an insult to oatmeal.
Maybe, BUT it sure did get a whole lotta attention!
Truth has a way of doing that, right?!
I know, I love oatmeal.
Me too! I've eaten it daily for years.
"If this keeps up for another 11 months, Republicans may not be able to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory again."
This is the best line I've read in a long time. Sarcasm is the best form of humor . . .and truth.
The Poca-Man at his finest.
I still expect Republicans to screw up, somehow, someway. They do not know how to win.
It's not that, they don't WANT to win.
Yep. That's it. They have a roll to play in the uni-party.
Yes, it looks like that, NFT.
Dee double dittos
If the Gopesters wanted to win, Ronna the Romney would have been out months ago. This confirms the Kabuki Theater Theory of modern politics. We live in an oligarchy, and elections are distractions for the rubes.
Deeply agree.
"Conservatives have Democrats roasting over a Dumpster fire."
Yes, a dumpster fire that has been burning since BLM took over Portland. May it sear them mercilessly in the upcoming election. This is an honest question: Can anyone tell me just one good policy Joe Biden has created to our quality of life? Just one.
That's a trick question, right Shrugged?
He is one MF that needs to be properly and fully investigated along with his son and indicted, charged, found guilty and executed.
$150M.. WTF.
Soros is banned from several countries, including Hungray for causing issues with their currency and almost killing the country. He should have been banned from the US years ago.
He manipulated the British pound, too, and drove it down. I despise that man and everything he (and his son) stand for.
Soros has a lot of money but I think he is losing some standing as the Dems lose their influence. He's still a threat, but moving forward only happens one small step at a time. I hope we have enough time . . .
It's why he pivoted to DA elections in the most strife-ridden cities.
Time --I am not sure that we have enough of it.
What's with the "Bill Ayers" pseudonym?
Great post, Donald. We have lost $1,000 per month for 24 months now due to Xiden - and GLOBALIST REPUBLICANS LIKE COCAINE MITCH and 15 other DECEPTICONS - cutting off new hydrocarbon energy and printing trillions.
I appreciate the encouragement here but I'm concerned with complacency from our side. I admit. I was complacent in 2020 when Biden was campaigning from his basement and drew a dozen or so followers when he did venture out. Meanwhile, Trump was drawing thousands every week throughout the country. I thought the election was in the bag. It was. It was in the bag of ballots harvested by the cheaters in the blue states.
You aren't the only one who thought that, Epstein.
On target my friend. We all got screwed because we are too trusting.
"Mel Torme had chestnuts roasting over an open fire. Conservatives have Democrats roasting over a Dumpster fire." Damn, you're good Don.
The GOP may take credit for it but the Dems did it largely to themselves thru over-reach, something they are good at.
And they pretend that no one notices too.
Just because the black community passively declines to vote doesn't mean they won't vote. Someone will cast their vote appropriately for them. They just will save them the trouble of actually voting in person.
One vote, one inked digit!
That's the way to do it.
And collect some DNA at the same time, just to make sure.
Yes to that, Chuck.
Yeah, the dead have been voting Dem for yrs.
Exactly, Dennis.
I can’t eat oatmeal anymore, because it’s full of carbs.
I can’t stand democrats, because they’re full of crap.
I’ll take the oatmeal every time.
Before we take a celebratory lap remember the Republicans have been in disarray with RINOs never Trumpers and the Shit Romney collations for years. The Democrats may be F ups at everything from Slavery to Jim Crow to the economy. However they are great at one thing: printing votes. Don the pole left off the obvious choice: Satan.
The cat finally has an appropriate list of possibilities. A bowl of oatmeal is the perfect answer. Day-old oatmeal. With spoiled milk. And an unspeakable object left on top by the cat. Even that would be better than our current administration.
The Dems did this to themselves. They courted the likes of AOC and her gang of hate-filled terrorists to stir up the younger voters who think life is so bad for them, and now it has backfired. The crazy half of the party is trying to eat the slightly less crazy half, and the meal half don't like it. Remember, even with all their crazy diverse agendas, the Dems have always managed to come together to vote as a block when it mattered. Ironic that now, the party that hates religion is being spilt because of its stance on support for Israel. It almost makes one believe that there is some level of decency still left among some in the donkey party ..........almost. The Dem party cannot put the Genie back in the box here and remove the radicals from power without a huge fight they are unwilling or too cowardly to have. They are stuck with what they created and it will only get worse between now and election time. The Genie is out of control and no one can figure out how, or is willing, to contain it. The Dem minority leader is no leader at all. He can't even control Jamal Bowman, a rookie congressman who is so bone chillingly stupid he didn't think it was a big deal to pull a fire alarm right before a vote in a building with more security cameras than Ft. Knox. This is all good news for the GOP I guess but I don't see much effort to exploit the deep Dem divide from anyone. The GOP needs to put the Hunter/Joe Biden investigation on hold and let Trumps DOJ do it when he is in office. The DOJ can also figure out where all the money went in Ukraine and who benefited, right or left side, from it so it never happens again. The GOP needs to spend more time putting out quality spending bills that will help reign in out of control spending and help control inflation. It's time for the GOP to start working for the country instead of just against the Democrat party.
Great theory, in writing, BUT,(and with the UNIPARTY, there is always a BUT), the reality is that the Republicans and Democrats always work together, hence the UniParty.
“Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his.” ~Ronald Reagan.
Margaret Thatcher once said, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."
"You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
Even though, today many researchers do not agree that Lincoln or Barnum or any other famous, historical, (or otherwise), person actually said it, does that make this adage untrue in reality?
I've learned, in my life, that when the present reality hits home, right where it hurts the most, then eyes open wide and heads start shaking in disbelief. Thoughts of "How could I be so damn stupid for all of these years?"
Before Trump, how many thought in terms of the UniParty? How many figured out that Republicans and Democrats actually cut deals to pass legislation they knew would harm the poor and middle-class, (the backbone of our society), but would pay out big dividends to them personally, their families and their friends? (Just look at what happened with banking deregulation, under Reagan, with HW Bush leading the way.)
Perhaps, we are coming to a certain point in time when this naive illusion of "progressive socialism", which has put us here today, has opened eyes, ears and made people look at their personal lives, in such a way, that they are now beginning to understand that this life philosophy, drilled into our heads from "cradle to grave", does not make our "installed leaders" thoughtful, kind, good, decent, loving or even smart.
Pain, more pain for the poor and middle-class, will cause the reaction necessary for real change.
When a family cannot provide the bare necessities, and/or they witness and experience death of an unborn or mass genocide, eventually they resort to basic instincts and good ole common sense. For those fools who do not, they become the slaves or they die.
We ask ourselves, just how low can we go before we lose everything near and dear to us?
Well, I reckon we are on our way to finding that answer real soon now.
Good comment. While in Russia a few years ago I had opportunity to speak with a wide variety of Russians of all ages and economic position. When asked about Putin, they were unanimous in saying that they know Putin is corrupt, but he maintains order. They also indicated that Putin is merely the latest in a very long line of corrupt leaders. The people believe nothing they cannot verify and they are careful, even after all this time since the fall of the USSR, in what they say in public. Most who had lived under communism seem to be waiting for someone to tell them what to do like was the norm in the USSR. Their initiative was destroyed under the commie system. So here we are in America, on the verge of being the new Russia. You cannot take good people and put them into a system that is at the base corrupt and biased, but we do every two years here. Our congress is hopelessly compromised and cannot be fixed from the inside by so-called good people. It has to be fixed from the outside and that is where we are. We cannot even assure ourselves that our votes count any longer due to corruption at the polls. When a house gets as bad as it is today you don't fix it by remodeling and painting, you have to rehabilitate it or demolish and start anew. The GOP cannot fix this without the help of Democrats and vis versa. It's too big and there is too much money influencing the outcome. As evidence, I will point to the coming year in the runup to the election and say that America has never witnessed anything like we will see here. Our government is out of control.
You are right, of course.
I contend, from personal experience, that our votes have not counted for the majority of my lifetime, but people did not recognize that because they were sold on the "one man, one vote theory" that was taught in our civics classes as youngin's... (Which is rarely if ever taught in civics classes today).
Who would have thought that our country was ruled by the 4th branch of government? I mean, really? We were not taught that in our schools or in our families. So, we have all been fooled.
What we have learned is that after 9/11, our constitutional republic has changed dramatically via the Patriot Act, with Obama and Holder manipulating their oversight to go after and destroy their political opponents. This has been exposed only because we turned the tables on the UniParty and elected a non-club member overwhelmingly defeating the normal cheating operation.
Now, we are witnessing a near defeated UniParty reacting to the expose' of their lies and schemes, brought to us by non-other than that non-club member, Donald J. Trump and the Magadonians.
Question is how long will this self-destructive tyranny be allowed,(by the people), to continue and what will be the resolution?
All true. Remember how virtually every member of congress bought in to the Patriot Act? It was shoved thru, not reasonably debated on the floor. Now we see what happens when congress doesn't do its job and fails to go back and fix the mistake: a police state.
I often wonder, now a liddle bit wiser, if, that was the plan all along:
Make the deplorables believe that our "leaders" are just looking out for our best interests and ram the Patriot Act down everyone's throats, under the guise of protecting the USA from an invasion of "terrorists".
I don’t know. I fear I am second guessing every move this government makes. Im not a conspiracy guy, Im an engineer who deals in facts. But I have to tell you, the folks who gave the congress the outline for rhe Patriot act undoubtedly included the CIA and FBI. Not a good combination or history, eh?
Well said, Reddog.
I read uniparty back when the Keating Five surfaced following the trail to a deep state swamp so pristine until PDJT arrived.
OKAY.....You got me!
I still expect the GOP to screw up and the D's to cheat. Trump should win, but we just can't be certain of that given all that we know.
The R's are great at cheating too.
Really? What has it got them??
Lotsa $$'s.
R's want money and they don't mind losing control if well paid. It's all about the $$'s with the R's; always has been.
D's are ideologues and want control. They pay-off R's to make the deal to cheat.
Whatever! This kids is why ‘We’ don’t need any bullshit discussions about a second party on the Right! Let them punch one another out, giving our side good talking points and initiatives, because this is one way we can win.
We here in Canada know all too well what 2nd and 3rd political party’s are all about. You don’t need it, not now, not ever!
Yes, the third political party, the NDP, is propping up Justin's government and will do so until 2025, when an election must be called.
I respectfully disagree with you, Chuck. Watching the left commit suicide has never worked before because the GOP always manages to rise to the occasion and screw it up. There is no way this batch of GOP folks are going to change unless they feel their jobs are threatened. The Tea Party was successful in that regard with little resourcing to help them. I know these people, they are not going to see the light until the train is about to hit them. I get your argument, I do, but on this one I would bet the bank. They could have risen to the occasion when Trump was in office and didn't because they were lazy and there were too many RINO's in the leadership. Not going to be any different this time around.
Anyone else get the notice from Social Security about their 2024 increase? My SS payment went up--just as the press was boasting--but then Medicare went up too. Net is going to be less than I'm getting this year. Talk about inflation! Even the fixed portion of my income is decreasing.
My SS income too went down. It took me a moment or two and reading the letter a couple of times to finally figure out why, Medicare. I hope all the seniors that vote Democrat understand that the inflation caused by their votes for Biden did this. Also the Biden administration quietly increased the "charge" for Medicare by up to 25% this past year. I called my congress critter about it but got no answer. Maybe as these seniors will be receiving less next year they will realize the Democrats are the ones pushing Grandma over the cliff not Republicans and change their voting habits.
That would take a soul, and they don't have one.
Wishful thinking !
Like a dead carp, the Democrats are rotting from the head. I say, let's celebrate.
Like being married 48 years, it's almost too soon to celebrate and too late to quit!
Kinda amazing that a woman without a soul, heart, or functioning forebrain would accuse others of not having a soul. Well, takes one to know one.
She's also without a hair stylist. I'm no fashionista, but does she really think looking like a rain-drenched field laborer is a good look?
I think she's going for the wild lesbo look.
It was, back in the 60's.
You mean like a Janis Joplin look? Maybe Joan Baez?
Yep, you got it. DWS just never grew up, like most hippies failed to do. Today, they live in the man-bun.
At least Joplin and Baez could sing and entertain.
Well, DWS can certainly tap dance with the best of them.
I assume you are talking about Granny Mao jackets.
Meooooow! (heehee)
For her, it is.
I don't even like oatmeal, but I'd vote for it over any of the other options.