Looking at that red map of the US while waiting for dem districts to declare results a month after polls close leads me to ask why are we putting up with all the cheating in elections?
why does the supreme court allow this clearly anti-constitutional republic machination to continue is my question. one simple ruling by this supposedly 'conservative' court could go a long way in saving america.
The judicial branch doesn't enforce the law. They merely interpret it which is why we were so angry when they refused to hear the election evidence after 2020 on the basis of "standing". The enforcement responsibility is in the Executive branch and the Merrick Garland DOJ. That pretty much answers your question.
Looking back I think the court punted because a reverse ruling would have resulted in riots and anarchy. The justices are not immune from social and societal pressures. And they knew the issue would be resolved later at a time of less unrest. Probably a wise choice in hindsight.
The SCOTUS cannot unilaterally intervene in political matters. It requires a substantive case to be brought before it to adjudicate. Thus far, there have been no cases of that kind that made it up them that would address this situation. They are also loathe to get involved in matters that belong to the States to adjudicate, which is where most, if not all, election law Constitutionally resides.
Like all of us, the Justices are not immune from public and institutional pressure. Being conservative leaning or hard conservative does not mean they don’t see some issues in a nuanced manner. They also have a sort of institutional resistance to making very abrupt or far reaching decisions regarding the law. This court is definitely a right leaning court and we should be very thankful of that fact.
One (of many) reasons may be that dealing with it could be a legal nightmare. That's because running elections is a State, not a federal responsibility.
OK so the lunatic left LOVES that elections are all states' rights managed so e can't get simple direction on shenanigans -- but not abortion. THAT is a Constitutional federal right of every blood-born female. I get it now. /s/
If your first point is that Democrats only agree with laws that promote their pet causes, you're right. That is NOT news; they've always been that way.
But your second point puzzles me. The fact is that the SCOTUS determined that since the Constitution does NOT list abortion as a federal responsibility, it should be regulated as the States see fit. I can't see anything wrong with that, provided we ignore the hundreds of thousands of babies that continue to be massacred in the blue states. We can only pray that some day people will realize that this has been another human Holocaust, only with a different excuse.
Finally, the numbers of votes in the 2024 election strongly suggest that compared to the 2020 election, opportunities for fraud were limited -- limited enough to enable Trump to win. Let's be happy with that, and build on it.
Cheating in elections has a very long history. But the total politicization of our society has taken it to a new level, and one where everything is spun into virtual nonsense with no ability to debate or resolve. Both parties should be adamant about free and fair elections. Why wouldn’t they? Well, if your party is cheating or manipulating votes, you probably wouldn’t want to delve into the mess. Only one party is against requiring government issued voter ID. It should be terribly insulting to minorities that one party thinks that their poor constituents are so stupid they don’t know how to get a ID card. Only one thinks vote drop boxes are fine. Only one thinks allowing non-citizens to vote is fine. And that party is not us.
Defiant L's Post: "Don, something about Olbermann, Harris, the Bidens and liberals. (cough)... LOSERS!"
DPR: How about a Faux Thanksgiving Parade with all of the above assh*les represented by humongous hot-air balloons (appropriate) --- stabilized in high winds by the Democratic National Committee serfs whom they had callously fired after blowing (see Willie Brown) the election?
Perfect for an April Fools Day (April 1 2025).
Looking forward to seeing the Harris (nanny-banging) Husband Balloon (fully-clothed, please!) chasing the Nanny Balloon down Central Park West (arrest Fran Drescher if she attempts to interfere with the action!).
12/04/24: In other news, the White House press secretary this morning declared that "the results of the election are in, and that Hunter Biden will be sworn in on January 20, 2025. That is all. Return to quarters."
And - based on the CA outcome and the Senate attacks on everything Trump proposes, it truly seems Evil is fighting harder. I’d say the CA citizens have to fight harder to beat the corruption, but how could I ask anyone to stay there to fight? How big of a sacrifice of one’s family to sort it out? I can’t think of a single reason to get someone to stay. Great weather just isn’t enough.
12/04/24: The White House press secretary this morning declared that "the results of the election are in, and that Hunter Biden will be sworn in on January 20, 2025. That is all. Return to quarters."
A new measure has been filed in the Texas House that aims to block universities from accepting funding from the Chinese, Russian, North Korean, and Iranian governments. State Rep. Giovanni Capriglione (R-Southlake) filed House Bill 173 earlier this month. The new legislation lists certain specific countries and entities that higher education institutions in Texas will no longer be permitted to accept gifts and grants from, if it is adopted.
Need to take an additional step and not accept tuition from those countries either.
KSU has a lot of students from China and Iran as well as other anti American shit holes. I don't like the idea of America's enemies having spies that close to a military base. Hell, I don't want them anywhere on the continent and I don't want them remote schooling either. Let them attend the university of Havana.
Universities LOVE them, they pay full tuition. Trump needs to also start taxing perpetual endowments - spend 4% a year on college tuitions, and University EATS any defaulted student loans, not Joe Sixpack.
Sounds reasonable. But perhaps we need to look deeper into how higher ed works and perhaps treat it more like a business would be treated. Why do universities need billions in their foundation reserves yet their tuitions are so expensive they limit who can attend? Why do they endorse tenure for staff even though it is counter to the universities mission in many cases? Lots of questions need to be discussed and debated but it cannot happen when one side resists.
Any institution that takes federal monies ... and is also accepting money from foreign adversaries deserves to lose ALL federal subsidies. And it's time to eliminate/tax their endowments. We've 'educated' 430,000 Chinese students, some of whom have been allowed by their profs to 'steal' (take) research. We're done.
Here's an idea for Kash Patel who wants the FBI to get back to their role of on-the-street law enforcement.
Take every FBI person in the J Edgar Hoover building and assign them to a sanctuary city with the assignment of finding, arresting, and delivering illegal aliens to Tom Homan for deportation. Give each agent a performance goal of 100 each. Then, let them keep their job by assigning them to that city they will have come to know so well.
Get them out of DC and fighting crime in the field.
The FBI doesn't need a new building, they need to be broken up into regional HQs and placed out where the problems are. I believe the FBI is the poster child for what is wrong in the federal government today. They are too big and unwielding and far too heavy at the top. When Patel starts wacking, he needs to start at the top.
Great idea. I’d increase that quota to 1 illegal per day since there are million of illegals. Eventually the illegals will become fewer and harder to find as the FBI agents reach retirement or quit. Very symmetrical!
Defiant L's Post: "Don, something about Olbermann, Harris, the Bidens and liberals. (cough)... LOSERS!"
DPR: How about a Faux Thanksgiving Parade with all of the above assh*les represented by humongous hot-air balloons (appropriate) --- stabilized in high winds by the Democratic National Committee serfs whom they had callously fired after blowing (see Willie Brown) the election?
Perfect for an April Fools Day (April 1 2025).
Looking forward to seeing the Harris (nanny-banging) Husband Balloon (fully-clothed, please!) chasing the Nanny Balloon down Central Park West (arrest Fran Drescher if she attempts to interfere with the action!).
12/04/24: In other news, the White House press secretary this morning declared that "the results of the election are in, and that Hunter Biden will be sworn in on January 20, 2025. That is all. Return to quarters."
I think the first criteria in hiring a WH spokesperson should be a command of the English language. Second should be truthfulnesses. Third should be a brain.
Karine actually enunciates pretty well. Also, she has an impossible job: explaining and defending Joe Biden. It's hard to explain/defend a dim, vain, corrupt, addled figurehead who had become senile even before he became president.
If the people who brought the cities down (including the go along to get along sycophants) would remain in the rubble that they made, your prescription would be justice.
But the problem is the destroyers leave the ruined cities and move to “greener pastures”, where they set about repeating the very debacle from which they fled.
This is readily seen in every red state or jurisdiction that borders a blue one. Nearly all red jurisdiction’s school boards’, town councils’ and county supervisors’ meetings, feature arguments over issues that arise from newly arrived blue-voting urbanistas’ and suburbanitas’ attempts to impose their coercive-utopian, warped society and regulatory state upon the unwashed, ignorant and provincial natives.
Oh I like that term. I lived in New Hampshire. Once a red state the "locusts" from Vermont and Massachusetts came in and have turned it dark purple. My home state of Maine went all in blue when the hippies frm New York came up and settled in this "wonderfull Pristine Country". Then wanted all the free stuff that New York has. It infuriates me.
Your point is well taken Lloyd. But I like to deal in abstractions. My practical suggestions are way less…practical, so I try not to articulate them outside my head.
Gotcha. Trust me. It’s too soon to voice the most likely inevitable, practical methods to end the criminal mutiny and right the ship. That realization will more generally become apparent much later. And folks will say, “Why didn’t we think of this sooner?”
Defiant L's Post: "Don, something about Olbermann, Harris, the Bidens and liberals. (cough)... LOSERS!"
DPR: How about a Faux Thanksgiving Parade with all of the above assh*les represented by humongous hot-air balloons (appropriate) --- stabilized in high winds by the Democratic National Committee serfs whom they had callously fired after blowing (see Willie Brown) the election?
Perfect for an April Fools Day (April 1 2025).
Looking forward to seeing the Harris (nanny-banging) Husband Balloon (fully-clothed, please!) chasing the Nanny Balloon down Central Park West (arrest Fran Drescher if she attempts to interfere with the action!).
12/04/24: In other news, the White House press secretary this morning declared that "the results of the election are in, and that Hunter Biden will be sworn in on January 20, 2025. That is all. Return to quarters."
Don, the poll was easy today, we need one now & again, but the column rocked!!!!!! Knock out punch to the ridiculous Dems, whose totem pole just crashed in the desert, in the cities, on the coasts, and in flyover country (where it never really existed). Woke is officially dead, ding dong the witch is dead, the wicked witch is dead! I’m going to enjoy every minute, watching the in-fighting and praying the Reps don’t somehow ruin this golden opportunity. We won!!!!! MAGA
Sadly, the moron Rinos still don't get it; they've managed to sideline Matt Gaetz's nomination, now they're trying to stop Trump from nomination Pete Hegseth... these sorry SOB's all disgust me!
The Dem party is imploding, and the Rinos STILL won't do the will of We The People! Where are the pitchforks and tar for these losers?!
The Trumpster won't be done in four years. He will campaign against all of the RINO's that didn't support his nominees. He'll be a force to recon with.
I often wonder if JD Vance will keep the pressure on if he runs in 2028? There is some concern that is well founded I think based on his early resistance to Trump.
I agree. There really needs to be a strong term limit movement in the country. We give these people total ability to fix the problems and all they want to do is run for their next term. That is called being compromised.
It's supposed to be the people that limit terms by not re-electing bad incumbents. But it requires an "alert" population, and we had gotten too complacent, and that gave "bad apples" an "in". Most people still resist the bother of having to get involved in the state party apparatuses. But our population is waking up; many of the last batch of 6-year term RINO's in the Senate will be getting theirs in 2026.
Now what I would support is making sure every State constitution has a provision in it to Recall their Senator if they are not performing well. Easier recalls would solve alot of the problem.
Blanket "term limits" would throw the good ones out with the bad. I want Rand Paul to stay in the Senate 30 years if he wants. As others have said, term limits also would increase the influence of veteran Washington staffers, as continual newbie Senators and Reps would need to "get up to speed" in their new positions. I think we would end up with a worse situation under term limits.
Instead, if you insist on term limits, make it 3 terms, and/or they CAN run again, but are not eligible until 4 years after their previous term ended. That would leave an opening for someone new to get in.
Rejoice and then get ready because the left is already working on their next people control message. They haven't learned a thing because they never learn. Get ready.
I call this the "Democrat Hierarchy of Grievance" with everyone ranked except white male Christians who serve as the dirt hill upon which the whole edifice is stacked. Its collapse was always inevitable.
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) sets global standards for doctors and nurses providing health care to transgender patients, especially for gender-affirming care. Some say it’s as dangerous as DEI. As that care has become increasingly politicized and banned across the United States, the organization’s work has become more difficult. The writer thinks that’s a bug-I think it’s a feature and a harbinger of more to come-a man is not, nor ever will be, a woman.
My friend who happens to be my primary care doctor told me that if someone came in asking for transgender care the first thing he would ask them is “have you been involved in any mental health therapy”? In his view, and this is my take on his position, these people are likely better treated by mental health professionals than medical doctors. I would agree with that.
The totem pole features multipliers. If you are black AND gay, you are above just being black. Black lesbians hit a triple. This is Sammy Davis territory. He was black AND Puerto Rican AND Jewish. But Hamas knock his triple to a ground-rule double. There is no political satirist like our Donnie. There just isn't.
“In the event that the president pardons anyone in an investigation in which the president is a witness, the subject, or the target, those investigative files would all be turned over to the Congress. "The Congress ought to know whether the president is using the pardon power to obstruct justice. The American people have a right to know,” We might be able to understand why a heavily Democratic district would vote a representative to Congress. What's impossible to get my head around is that a whole state could vote to send a Democrat to the Senate; someone so totally dishonorable as Adam's Shitft. Yes. Adamn said that when DJT was Prez. I’ve asked Ted Cruz to introduce a bill to expel California from the. U. S. as the first order of business on Jan 20.
Amen. Last week when Kamala staffers were revealing that she never was actually in the lead in the polls, they said Dem insider polls had showed Trump winning the electoral college by 400-135. He only won by 313. I suspect there WAS more fraud involved in this election than we realize, and that the "Blue States" are alot closer to Purple now.
That makes sense to me, TPG. What is particularly galling for me is the polls that showed the race to be close that many voters probably believed. That is election fraud and interference.
You are right-- it is infuriating that the Media trumpeted the fake polls, and it IS a form of election fraud and interference.
And--they were deliberately trying to discourage us on the Right-- and I know most of did suffer some degree of anxiety over those polls. We were being "psyop-ed".
Defiant L's Post: "Don, something about Olbermann, Harris, the Bidens and liberals. (cough)... LOSERS!"
DPR: How about a Faux Thanksgiving Parade with all of the above assh*les represented by humongous hot-air balloons (appropriate) --- stabilized in high winds by the Democratic National Committee serfs whom they had callously fired after blowing (see Willie Brown) the election?
Perfect for an April Fools Day (April 1 2025).
Looking forward to seeing the Harris (nanny-banging) Husband Balloon (fully-clothed, please!) chasing the Nanny Balloon down Central Park West (arrest Fran Drescher if she attempts to interfere with the action!).
12/04/24: In other news, the White House press secretary this morning declared that "the results of the election are in, and that Hunter Biden will be sworn in on January 20, 2025. That is all. Return to quarters."
Interesting subject in California. Used to be a beautiful state but eccentric. Then they ruined it and moved to Oregon and Washington. Now all are hopeless. Virus maybe? Or just plain incompetence fueled by a lust for power?
Thx-all I know about Ca is when I was young, it was Paradise on earth-we all dreamed of living there someday with fame and fortune Later in life:🎵All the gold in California is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills
In somebody else's name, so if you're dreaming about California
Defiant L's Post: "Don, something about Olbermann, Harris, the Bidens and liberals. (cough)... LOSERS!"
DPR: How about a Faux Thanksgiving Parade with all of the above assh*les represented by humongous hot-air balloons (appropriate) --- stabilized in high winds by the Democratic National Committee serfs whom they had callously fired after blowing (see Willie Brown) the election?
Perfect for an April Fools Day (April 1 2025).
Looking forward to seeing the Harris (nanny-banging) Husband Balloon (fully-clothed, please!) chasing the Nanny Balloon down Central Park West (arrest Fran Drescher if she attempts to interfere with the action!).
12/04/24: In other news, the White House press secretary this morning declared that "the results of the election are in, and that Hunter Biden will be sworn in on January 20, 2025. That is all. Return to quarters."
Through November, more than 1,800 CEOs have announced their departures, according to data by global outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas. CEOs depending on Uncle Sugar are getting out of DOGE🎵Now you must wake up, all dreams must end. Take off your makeup, the party's over. It's all over, my friend🎵HT to Dandy Don
Your toilet paper analogy was just copied and pasted to my ‘Great Figures of Speech’ file. You may invoice me for the 30-40 I have purloined. (Or we could agree i should upgrade to VIP status. [When you next perform in Columbus, does that get me into the after-show cocktail party?])
I'll vote for that Steve, although Founding Member has lost some of its prestige. That's Equity, Substack? Depriving authors of income? It's in their best interest to restore the color. What possible reason? Save on purple ink? Be better, Subsubstack.
Indulge me for sharing some personal experiences about the Immigration system, because I was one once, now almost 60 years ago.
Back then there was an effective system in place, which was administered through American consulates all over the world. There were quotas, limiting the number of immigrants from each country. A medical exam was required. Most importantly, all would-be immigrants had to guarantee that once residing in the US they would NOT become a public charge -- there would be no such thing as coming in to suck at the financial tits of either the federal, state or city governments. Instead you were required to find a "sponsor", some American individual with sufficient means and a stated and signed willingness to support you financially should the need arise.
All of that seems to have been burned since then, on the altars of Non-discrimination and Equity and Fairness and more such slogans; I seem to remember that Teddy Kennedy, rightly notorious for sleazy and even murderous acts, was one of the leaders of that movement, proving again the truth of that common-sense political principle: "If it works, don't mess with it."
Having said all that, it was only fair that this country received, without formal procedures, all the poor Vietnamese who fled their communist oppressors after we threw in the towel. They had counted on America standing with them, so that was the right thing to do. Same thing goes for the locals who were on our side during the -- equally poorly conceived -- military actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, etcetera.
Well, thank you. Made my day! I do want to ask: Have you read any of my posts on Wim's World War II Memories? They are at: https://wimdevriend.substack.com/
Someday, I will. My schedule is just so overwhelmed, it will be quite a while before I can, but I'm sure they are very interesting. Summer is my quieter time.
Looking at that red map of the US while waiting for dem districts to declare results a month after polls close leads me to ask why are we putting up with all the cheating in elections?
why does the supreme court allow this clearly anti-constitutional republic machination to continue is my question. one simple ruling by this supposedly 'conservative' court could go a long way in saving america.
The judicial branch doesn't enforce the law. They merely interpret it which is why we were so angry when they refused to hear the election evidence after 2020 on the basis of "standing". The enforcement responsibility is in the Executive branch and the Merrick Garland DOJ. That pretty much answers your question.
Looking back I think the court punted because a reverse ruling would have resulted in riots and anarchy. The justices are not immune from social and societal pressures. And they knew the issue would be resolved later at a time of less unrest. Probably a wise choice in hindsight.
no it does not.
OK, cite the case brought before them and the outcome.
you are missing my point.
The SCOTUS cannot unilaterally intervene in political matters. It requires a substantive case to be brought before it to adjudicate. Thus far, there have been no cases of that kind that made it up them that would address this situation. They are also loathe to get involved in matters that belong to the States to adjudicate, which is where most, if not all, election law Constitutionally resides.
That happens to me sometimes. Sorry.
Like all of us, the Justices are not immune from public and institutional pressure. Being conservative leaning or hard conservative does not mean they don’t see some issues in a nuanced manner. They also have a sort of institutional resistance to making very abrupt or far reaching decisions regarding the law. This court is definitely a right leaning court and we should be very thankful of that fact.
One (of many) reasons may be that dealing with it could be a legal nightmare. That's because running elections is a State, not a federal responsibility.
OK so the lunatic left LOVES that elections are all states' rights managed so e can't get simple direction on shenanigans -- but not abortion. THAT is a Constitutional federal right of every blood-born female. I get it now. /s/
If your first point is that Democrats only agree with laws that promote their pet causes, you're right. That is NOT news; they've always been that way.
But your second point puzzles me. The fact is that the SCOTUS determined that since the Constitution does NOT list abortion as a federal responsibility, it should be regulated as the States see fit. I can't see anything wrong with that, provided we ignore the hundreds of thousands of babies that continue to be massacred in the blue states. We can only pray that some day people will realize that this has been another human Holocaust, only with a different excuse.
Finally, the numbers of votes in the 2024 election strongly suggest that compared to the 2020 election, opportunities for fraud were limited -- limited enough to enable Trump to win. Let's be happy with that, and build on it.
indeed but the sc does have some bite there if they would use it. the no standing edict is a prime example.
As could you, dbw, by using caps at least for AMERICA
if i did you wouldn't have anything to whine about.
Au Contraire-You'll always be a welcher, tho I grudgingly admit the button has lost value.
Half the voters don't think there's any cheating or their party is benefiting from the cheat.
Cheating in elections has a very long history. But the total politicization of our society has taken it to a new level, and one where everything is spun into virtual nonsense with no ability to debate or resolve. Both parties should be adamant about free and fair elections. Why wouldn’t they? Well, if your party is cheating or manipulating votes, you probably wouldn’t want to delve into the mess. Only one party is against requiring government issued voter ID. It should be terribly insulting to minorities that one party thinks that their poor constituents are so stupid they don’t know how to get a ID card. Only one thinks vote drop boxes are fine. Only one thinks allowing non-citizens to vote is fine. And that party is not us.
Defiant L's Post: "Don, something about Olbermann, Harris, the Bidens and liberals. (cough)... LOSERS!"
DPR: How about a Faux Thanksgiving Parade with all of the above assh*les represented by humongous hot-air balloons (appropriate) --- stabilized in high winds by the Democratic National Committee serfs whom they had callously fired after blowing (see Willie Brown) the election?
Perfect for an April Fools Day (April 1 2025).
Looking forward to seeing the Harris (nanny-banging) Husband Balloon (fully-clothed, please!) chasing the Nanny Balloon down Central Park West (arrest Fran Drescher if she attempts to interfere with the action!).
12/04/24: In other news, the White House press secretary this morning declared that "the results of the election are in, and that Hunter Biden will be sworn in on January 20, 2025. That is all. Return to quarters."
And - based on the CA outcome and the Senate attacks on everything Trump proposes, it truly seems Evil is fighting harder. I’d say the CA citizens have to fight harder to beat the corruption, but how could I ask anyone to stay there to fight? How big of a sacrifice of one’s family to sort it out? I can’t think of a single reason to get someone to stay. Great weather just isn’t enough.
12/04/24: The White House press secretary this morning declared that "the results of the election are in, and that Hunter Biden will be sworn in on January 20, 2025. That is all. Return to quarters."
A new measure has been filed in the Texas House that aims to block universities from accepting funding from the Chinese, Russian, North Korean, and Iranian governments. State Rep. Giovanni Capriglione (R-Southlake) filed House Bill 173 earlier this month. The new legislation lists certain specific countries and entities that higher education institutions in Texas will no longer be permitted to accept gifts and grants from, if it is adopted.
Need to take an additional step and not accept tuition from those countries either.
KSU has a lot of students from China and Iran as well as other anti American shit holes. I don't like the idea of America's enemies having spies that close to a military base. Hell, I don't want them anywhere on the continent and I don't want them remote schooling either. Let them attend the university of Havana.
Agreed. And many of those spies are working right here in military bases, and even our DoD and congress.
Like idiot Omar and Barry's handler, Val Jar?
Universities LOVE them, they pay full tuition. Trump needs to also start taxing perpetual endowments - spend 4% a year on college tuitions, and University EATS any defaulted student loans, not Joe Sixpack.
Sounds reasonable. But perhaps we need to look deeper into how higher ed works and perhaps treat it more like a business would be treated. Why do universities need billions in their foundation reserves yet their tuitions are so expensive they limit who can attend? Why do they endorse tenure for staff even though it is counter to the universities mission in many cases? Lots of questions need to be discussed and debated but it cannot happen when one side resists.
Make endowments taxable.
Any institution that takes federal monies ... and is also accepting money from foreign adversaries deserves to lose ALL federal subsidies. And it's time to eliminate/tax their endowments. We've 'educated' 430,000 Chinese students, some of whom have been allowed by their profs to 'steal' (take) research. We're done.
Here's an idea for Kash Patel who wants the FBI to get back to their role of on-the-street law enforcement.
Take every FBI person in the J Edgar Hoover building and assign them to a sanctuary city with the assignment of finding, arresting, and delivering illegal aliens to Tom Homan for deportation. Give each agent a performance goal of 100 each. Then, let them keep their job by assigning them to that city they will have come to know so well.
Get them out of DC and fighting crime in the field.
The FBI doesn't need a new building, they need to be broken up into regional HQs and placed out where the problems are. I believe the FBI is the poster child for what is wrong in the federal government today. They are too big and unwielding and far too heavy at the top. When Patel starts wacking, he needs to start at the top.
Great idea, is that 100 per week, 100 per day or 100 per hour?
Instead of giving them a salary, put them on a pay per pick, $100 a head paid the moment they are out of the country.
Now we are getting somewhere and using capitalism the right way!
I would prefer $200 per single and $150 per family. I want the singles gone first.
Family? Do you mean fake family? Lots of invasive species walked in dragging a prop err child. Let's not try to cherry pick when we can swath instead.
Great idea. I’d increase that quota to 1 illegal per day since there are million of illegals. Eventually the illegals will become fewer and harder to find as the FBI agents reach retirement or quit. Very symmetrical!
Full support for your proposal! 🙏
Amen Shrugged !
Defiant L's Post: "Don, something about Olbermann, Harris, the Bidens and liberals. (cough)... LOSERS!"
DPR: How about a Faux Thanksgiving Parade with all of the above assh*les represented by humongous hot-air balloons (appropriate) --- stabilized in high winds by the Democratic National Committee serfs whom they had callously fired after blowing (see Willie Brown) the election?
Perfect for an April Fools Day (April 1 2025).
Looking forward to seeing the Harris (nanny-banging) Husband Balloon (fully-clothed, please!) chasing the Nanny Balloon down Central Park West (arrest Fran Drescher if she attempts to interfere with the action!).
12/04/24: In other news, the White House press secretary this morning declared that "the results of the election are in, and that Hunter Biden will be sworn in on January 20, 2025. That is all. Return to quarters."
"Black lesbians hit a triple. This is Sammy Davis territory."
I guess this explains the canonization of the profoundly vapid spokesditz Karine Jean-Pierre: born on third base and thinks she hit a triple.
She adds retarded to the equation making her a home run hitter.
Steroids taking home run hitter!
I think the first criteria in hiring a WH spokesperson should be a command of the English language. Second should be truthfulnesses. Third should be a brain.
Karine actually enunciates pretty well. Also, she has an impossible job: explaining and defending Joe Biden. It's hard to explain/defend a dim, vain, corrupt, addled figurehead who had become senile even before he became president.
In other words, democrats need not apply.
I still prefer spokesditz Clarabelle the Clown.
So now some Democrats want to toss out the illegals who commit crimes.
They have all committed crimes starting with entering illegally.
So tossing them all out regardless of the severity of their crimes is in order.
Democrats who support removing illegals who commit crimes haven’t thought this one through.
Their new voting base is about to take a hike.
They only look at problems thru the prism of party affiliation or benefit. They really have no desire to evaluate an issue based on the law.
Let the Democrats cities collapse and burn. Isn’t that what their voters voted for?
H.L. Mencken said it best: “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
That goes triple for Democrats voters, morons all.
I’m with you in sentiment, but …
If the people who brought the cities down (including the go along to get along sycophants) would remain in the rubble that they made, your prescription would be justice.
But the problem is the destroyers leave the ruined cities and move to “greener pastures”, where they set about repeating the very debacle from which they fled.
This is readily seen in every red state or jurisdiction that borders a blue one. Nearly all red jurisdiction’s school boards’, town councils’ and county supervisors’ meetings, feature arguments over issues that arise from newly arrived blue-voting urbanistas’ and suburbanitas’ attempts to impose their coercive-utopian, warped society and regulatory state upon the unwashed, ignorant and provincial natives.
They ruin. They flee. They repeat.
Mark Levin refers to them as locusts.
Oh I like that term. I lived in New Hampshire. Once a red state the "locusts" from Vermont and Massachusetts came in and have turned it dark purple. My home state of Maine went all in blue when the hippies frm New York came up and settled in this "wonderfull Pristine Country". Then wanted all the free stuff that New York has. It infuriates me.
Well no wonder you are nicknamed "Maineiacs'"
Your point is well taken Lloyd. But I like to deal in abstractions. My practical suggestions are way less…practical, so I try not to articulate them outside my head.
Gotcha. Trust me. It’s too soon to voice the most likely inevitable, practical methods to end the criminal mutiny and right the ship. That realization will more generally become apparent much later. And folks will say, “Why didn’t we think of this sooner?”
Gooder and harder, for sure.
Defiant L's Post: "Don, something about Olbermann, Harris, the Bidens and liberals. (cough)... LOSERS!"
DPR: How about a Faux Thanksgiving Parade with all of the above assh*les represented by humongous hot-air balloons (appropriate) --- stabilized in high winds by the Democratic National Committee serfs whom they had callously fired after blowing (see Willie Brown) the election?
Perfect for an April Fools Day (April 1 2025).
Looking forward to seeing the Harris (nanny-banging) Husband Balloon (fully-clothed, please!) chasing the Nanny Balloon down Central Park West (arrest Fran Drescher if she attempts to interfere with the action!).
12/04/24: In other news, the White House press secretary this morning declared that "the results of the election are in, and that Hunter Biden will be sworn in on January 20, 2025. That is all. Return to quarters."
Don, the poll was easy today, we need one now & again, but the column rocked!!!!!! Knock out punch to the ridiculous Dems, whose totem pole just crashed in the desert, in the cities, on the coasts, and in flyover country (where it never really existed). Woke is officially dead, ding dong the witch is dead, the wicked witch is dead! I’m going to enjoy every minute, watching the in-fighting and praying the Reps don’t somehow ruin this golden opportunity. We won!!!!! MAGA
Sadly, the moron Rinos still don't get it; they've managed to sideline Matt Gaetz's nomination, now they're trying to stop Trump from nomination Pete Hegseth... these sorry SOB's all disgust me!
The Dem party is imploding, and the Rinos STILL won't do the will of We The People! Where are the pitchforks and tar for these losers?!
The Trumpster won't be done in four years. He will campaign against all of the RINO's that didn't support his nominees. He'll be a force to recon with.
I often wonder if JD Vance will keep the pressure on if he runs in 2028? There is some concern that is well founded I think based on his early resistance to Trump.
Their (Rinos) time will come. We can't expect it all to happen with a flip of the switch. Mr. Trump’s resounding comeback is just the start.
I agree but we no longer have the benefit of time. We are in the waning moments of the fourth quarter, not the first.
Great Coach's with talented quarterbacks know how to win in the 4th quarter.
Trump needs a kick Ass AG….got zillions of felonies on the books, GET TO WORK…
IMO, he hasn't got one yet.
I agree. There really needs to be a strong term limit movement in the country. We give these people total ability to fix the problems and all they want to do is run for their next term. That is called being compromised.
It's supposed to be the people that limit terms by not re-electing bad incumbents. But it requires an "alert" population, and we had gotten too complacent, and that gave "bad apples" an "in". Most people still resist the bother of having to get involved in the state party apparatuses. But our population is waking up; many of the last batch of 6-year term RINO's in the Senate will be getting theirs in 2026.
Now what I would support is making sure every State constitution has a provision in it to Recall their Senator if they are not performing well. Easier recalls would solve alot of the problem.
Blanket "term limits" would throw the good ones out with the bad. I want Rand Paul to stay in the Senate 30 years if he wants. As others have said, term limits also would increase the influence of veteran Washington staffers, as continual newbie Senators and Reps would need to "get up to speed" in their new positions. I think we would end up with a worse situation under term limits.
Instead, if you insist on term limits, make it 3 terms, and/or they CAN run again, but are not eligible until 4 years after their previous term ended. That would leave an opening for someone new to get in.
Reverend, you're not being very reverent.
Well, Jesus did say "I came not to send peace, but a sword." Matt 10:34
Hes human.
Rejoice and then get ready because the left is already working on their next people control message. They haven't learned a thing because they never learn. Get ready.
I call this the "Democrat Hierarchy of Grievance" with everyone ranked except white male Christians who serve as the dirt hill upon which the whole edifice is stacked. Its collapse was always inevitable.
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) sets global standards for doctors and nurses providing health care to transgender patients, especially for gender-affirming care. Some say it’s as dangerous as DEI. As that care has become increasingly politicized and banned across the United States, the organization’s work has become more difficult. The writer thinks that’s a bug-I think it’s a feature and a harbinger of more to come-a man is not, nor ever will be, a woman.
My friend who happens to be my primary care doctor told me that if someone came in asking for transgender care the first thing he would ask them is “have you been involved in any mental health therapy”? In his view, and this is my take on his position, these people are likely better treated by mental health professionals than medical doctors. I would agree with that.
The totem pole features multipliers. If you are black AND gay, you are above just being black. Black lesbians hit a triple. This is Sammy Davis territory. He was black AND Puerto Rican AND Jewish. But Hamas knock his triple to a ground-rule double. There is no political satirist like our Donnie. There just isn't.
“In the event that the president pardons anyone in an investigation in which the president is a witness, the subject, or the target, those investigative files would all be turned over to the Congress. "The Congress ought to know whether the president is using the pardon power to obstruct justice. The American people have a right to know,” We might be able to understand why a heavily Democratic district would vote a representative to Congress. What's impossible to get my head around is that a whole state could vote to send a Democrat to the Senate; someone so totally dishonorable as Adam's Shitft. Yes. Adamn said that when DJT was Prez. I’ve asked Ted Cruz to introduce a bill to expel California from the. U. S. as the first order of business on Jan 20.
If California keeps drifting red as seen in the recent election map, Schiffhead may be a one term senator. Not likely but these days you never know.
California wouldn't be blue at all if they weren't still counting "votes" and stealing elections!
Amen. Last week when Kamala staffers were revealing that she never was actually in the lead in the polls, they said Dem insider polls had showed Trump winning the electoral college by 400-135. He only won by 313. I suspect there WAS more fraud involved in this election than we realize, and that the "Blue States" are alot closer to Purple now.
That makes sense to me, TPG. What is particularly galling for me is the polls that showed the race to be close that many voters probably believed. That is election fraud and interference.
You are right-- it is infuriating that the Media trumpeted the fake polls, and it IS a form of election fraud and interference.
And--they were deliberately trying to discourage us on the Right-- and I know most of did suffer some degree of anxiety over those polls. We were being "psyop-ed".
Totally, TPG.
Defiant L's Post: "Don, something about Olbermann, Harris, the Bidens and liberals. (cough)... LOSERS!"
DPR: How about a Faux Thanksgiving Parade with all of the above assh*les represented by humongous hot-air balloons (appropriate) --- stabilized in high winds by the Democratic National Committee serfs whom they had callously fired after blowing (see Willie Brown) the election?
Perfect for an April Fools Day (April 1 2025).
Looking forward to seeing the Harris (nanny-banging) Husband Balloon (fully-clothed, please!) chasing the Nanny Balloon down Central Park West (arrest Fran Drescher if she attempts to interfere with the action!).
12/04/24: In other news, the White House press secretary this morning declared that "the results of the election are in, and that Hunter Biden will be sworn in on January 20, 2025. That is all. Return to quarters."
Interesting subject in California. Used to be a beautiful state but eccentric. Then they ruined it and moved to Oregon and Washington. Now all are hopeless. Virus maybe? Or just plain incompetence fueled by a lust for power?
Well until the voting goes more red, it's going to be gooder and harder for the Cali voters. It is truly the land of fruits and nuts now.
Thx-all I know about Ca is when I was young, it was Paradise on earth-we all dreamed of living there someday with fame and fortune Later in life:🎵All the gold in California is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills
In somebody else's name, so if you're dreaming about California
It don't matter at all where you've played before
California's a brand-new game🎵
Defiant L's Post: "Don, something about Olbermann, Harris, the Bidens and liberals. (cough)... LOSERS!"
DPR: How about a Faux Thanksgiving Parade with all of the above assh*les represented by humongous hot-air balloons (appropriate) --- stabilized in high winds by the Democratic National Committee serfs whom they had callously fired after blowing (see Willie Brown) the election?
Perfect for an April Fools Day (April 1 2025).
Looking forward to seeing the Harris (nanny-banging) Husband Balloon (fully-clothed, please!) chasing the Nanny Balloon down Central Park West (arrest Fran Drescher if she attempts to interfere with the action!).
12/04/24: In other news, the White House press secretary this morning declared that "the results of the election are in, and that Hunter Biden will be sworn in on January 20, 2025. That is all. Return to quarters."
"Democrats treat voting blocs like they were toilet paper to be flushed away after being used."
Indeed. Same with establishment republicans like Grahamnesty, Cornyn, Turtle, Thune et al.
Amen. I am a Texan. 🌽 yn is a snake fed by the Austin Texas RINO ESTABLISHMENT.
They are all hopelessly compromised now and believe their seats belong to them. I do not believe Thune will be any different than McConnell.
Through November, more than 1,800 CEOs have announced their departures, according to data by global outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas. CEOs depending on Uncle Sugar are getting out of DOGE🎵Now you must wake up, all dreams must end. Take off your makeup, the party's over. It's all over, my friend🎵HT to Dandy Don
Your toilet paper analogy was just copied and pasted to my ‘Great Figures of Speech’ file. You may invoice me for the 30-40 I have purloined. (Or we could agree i should upgrade to VIP status. [When you next perform in Columbus, does that get me into the after-show cocktail party?])
I'll vote for that Steve, although Founding Member has lost some of its prestige. That's Equity, Substack? Depriving authors of income? It's in their best interest to restore the color. What possible reason? Save on purple ink? Be better, Subsubstack.
Indulge me for sharing some personal experiences about the Immigration system, because I was one once, now almost 60 years ago.
Back then there was an effective system in place, which was administered through American consulates all over the world. There were quotas, limiting the number of immigrants from each country. A medical exam was required. Most importantly, all would-be immigrants had to guarantee that once residing in the US they would NOT become a public charge -- there would be no such thing as coming in to suck at the financial tits of either the federal, state or city governments. Instead you were required to find a "sponsor", some American individual with sufficient means and a stated and signed willingness to support you financially should the need arise.
All of that seems to have been burned since then, on the altars of Non-discrimination and Equity and Fairness and more such slogans; I seem to remember that Teddy Kennedy, rightly notorious for sleazy and even murderous acts, was one of the leaders of that movement, proving again the truth of that common-sense political principle: "If it works, don't mess with it."
Having said all that, it was only fair that this country received, without formal procedures, all the poor Vietnamese who fled their communist oppressors after we threw in the towel. They had counted on America standing with them, so that was the right thing to do. Same thing goes for the locals who were on our side during the -- equally poorly conceived -- military actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, etcetera.
I am glad you came to America, Wim de Vriend. You are a patriot and strengthen our country.
Well, thank you. Made my day! I do want to ask: Have you read any of my posts on Wim's World War II Memories? They are at: https://wimdevriend.substack.com/
Someday, I will. My schedule is just so overwhelmed, it will be quite a while before I can, but I'm sure they are very interesting. Summer is my quieter time.
The Democrat totem pole lasts about the same length of time as an erection. Both arise from America's crotch and end with, "Cleanup in aisle three."
You got a way w/words, Jester🤢
I think Schumer said something about an erection on Jan. 6th.