“Baseless” and “no evidence” are now key tells that the journalist is full of shit. Virtually every shitstorm they stir up against Trump looks laughable with time. Ultimately, Jan 6 had two objectives: 1. To attempt to discredit Trump and MAGA. 2. To give them cover to do the House vote without the full membership laying out the issues in the four stolen states.

There is a reason Pelosi and Liz Cheney destroyed the records of the illegally constituted Jan 6 Committee.

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Entire thing was a set-up to discredit Trump/MAGA. It’s absolutely chilling how absorbed the media is in this “fascist dictatorship” meme, being that it exposes their constant projection onto him (Trump) of the actual fascism of them & their activities: locking up Jan 6 “protestors” & denying them due process, flinging totally bogus charges @ Trump, using law enforcement & intelligence services to spy on & prosecute their political enemies, using political power to bend corporations to their will…

Think it was Ronald Reagan who stated “if fascism ever comes to the United States it will be under the guise of liberalism” or something to that effect. The one constant thing about liberalism anymore is how illiberal it has become.

The “woke” movement is a Nazi movement; far be it for me to bring up everybody’s favorite Austrian Corporal, but the “Brownshirts”, the SA - the Stürm Abteilung (“Storm Detachment) - can be seen (search them up on SM) holding banners with the Swastika & the words “Deutschland Erwache” which translated means “Germany Awake”. Like the Nazis, the “woke” movement has its own crackpot racial theories & its very own “Storm Detachment” in the form of “Antifa”.

Can’t people connect the dots here?

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Education has been one of the primary targets of Marxism since it's beginning. A progressive line of Marxist ideology can be tracked by examining the school textbooks used over time. Socialist ideas spread particularly rapidly in the 1960s. Parents and teachers who protested about the Marxist-leaning ideas couched in textbooks were ridiculed as extreme Right Wingers who were all probably chronic mouth breathers at best. World and American History were systematically pushed into the incinerator along with American civics and our formerly common Judeo/Christian values. Today, many Americans have no idea how to think critically, don't know what The Ten Commandments are, and have no idea what the founding of America was all about. Sadly, they cannot connect the dots because they don't know how to. Much prayer is needed to reverse this travesty.

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All started with the takeover of the education system.

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Well said and so true !!

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My government teacher, senior year in high school, class of ‘60 thought Fidel Castro was the best thing ever to happen to Cuba and definitely let his feelings be known freely to our class. Years later another teacher who became a friend said , of course everyone in the faculty knew Mr. Young was a communist!

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Many of us were still innocent enough at the time to think people like Castro were just misguided in the way they went about helping make life better for their countrymen. Now, like you, we realize they were really just lying Communists trying to make life better for themselves at the expense of their countrymen.

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Yeah, remember all the Che Guevera t-shirts and posters? The people wearing them and posting them were clueless people so shortsighted in their thinking it's a wonder they had the personal initiative to get up in the morning.

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Yes, I remember thinking at the time they must be rebels without a cause. I now think they were stooges without a cause. ☺️

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Stooges without a clue .

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Another thing that Antifa and the early Nazis had in common were the dark shirts, brown for the SA and black for the SS.

Aside from that, a couple of minor linguistic comments: (1.) the SA was not the Stürm Abteilung but the Sturmabteilung, written as one word according to that German custom responsible for those extremely long words that Americans find funny; and (2.) the Sturm part of Sturmabteilung does not have the two dots on the u, which are called the Umlaut, and change the pronunciation of the vowel U from "oo" to "uuh", spoken with pouted lips -- more or less. But then, the name of the Nazi newspaper run by the fanatical Julius Streicher was "Der Stürmer", or the Storm Trooper, which does have the umlaut. I don't believe that complication contributed to Streicher being one of the Nazi crowd hanged at Nuremberg; more likely it was the outrageously anti-Semitic content of his rag.

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Thank you Sir. While I speak German pretty well I do not - @ this time - claim to be an expert on their grammar! The articles - der, das, die - alone can be very confusing. A German friend said there’s no way to figure it out you just have to memorized them.

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Yes, every language has SOME logic to it -- identified and enforced by the grammarians -- but in the end you simply must accept -- and apply -- the way things are said and written. 'Cause if you don't you may be misunderstood or, in some cultures, just laughed at.

That being said, every installment by Don Surber contains some linguistic mistakes that could be fixed by a proofreader -- but he gets his points across regardless.

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Nope, most can't connect any dots let alone see them.

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Yep, they are dot-challenged.

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Fake news and loss of trust in the government has created a crisis where even reasonable thinking people don't believe anything they see, hear or read today. We cannot continue this insanity indefinitely. The DNC media and government are out of control and not only lying but actually making things up. Yes, we are no different in that regard than what existed in the USSR and many other countries under communism. We are being "led" and there-by controlled by people who remain in the shadows. That isn't a conspiracy theory, that is fact. 2024 will see this come to a head, one way or the other.

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Just as slavery was a stain on America’s soul, the persecution and illegal imprisonment of J6 protesters is the scarlet letter on America’s constitution. We deserve better from the parasites in all three branches of government. Each branch is culpable in their “Dred Scott “ decision. Mr Trump may not be able to clean the stench of rot from the once great country that was America, we may have to wait for God to finally say he’s had enough of modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

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It's interesting to note that few, if any, Antifa and BLM thugs who injured (and occasionally offed) innocent citizens while wrecking urban towns, ruthlessly looting urban stores and systematically torching or otherwise destroying billions of dollars worth of small, middle-class businesses, most of which will never rise again. (No big businesses, though. Hmmm...) Few arrests here, even fewer prosecutions, and statistically insignificant fines and / or jail time for hundreds of these documented felons who were 2020s REAL insurrectionists. To this day, I've never heard a peep about this from the so-called mainstream media. They know, of course. But it's not part of The Narrative.

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“Tumulty’s column ended with so much foam from her mouth that you could have shaved ZZ Top with it.” This is why I start my day here

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“ so much foam from her mouth that you could have shaved ZZ Top with it.”…Stolen!…Sorry ‘Not Stolen’…Borrowed, I’ll give credit!

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Please be careful doing that or you could accidentally end up as President of Harvard. (Note: Don is a giver, and when he is giving, he gives it good)

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‘President of Harvard’…

I’m in as long as I don’t have to wear those stupid looking glasses and get that haircut!

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We called the glasses BCGs in the Navy. 'Birth Control Glasses'

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I am going to outright steal that one! BCG

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Go ahead. Its really really old saying. I joined the navy in 88? The BDG were the glasses they gave us in boot camp. They were ugly.


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The Army called them the same thing. That style actually kind of became popular for a time a while back. Dreadful designs.

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That's hilarious!

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I think Gay nailed the Al Roker look

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I’ve always thought that she was trying to be the black version of Rachel Maddow.

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On top of everything else you think she plagiarized being a woman?

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Except that she is thinner than Roker.

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Isn’t it just “duplicative language” and “inadequate citation”. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

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Seriously…it sounds like part of a stand-up routine.

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I was really glad I had put my coffee down.

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The Bezos Post should be renamed the Bozo’s Post. It’s a clown show.

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He doesn't care. It's his firewall and as long as it resides in DC it will keep its following who believe it the final word. I think the rest of us call those people "morons".

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I want the lectern because I don't need a pardon. And I want to compel Tumulty, Hanmer, Tapper, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and many others to listen to me for an hour or two. Is that too much to ask?

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Listen in the Clockwork Orange sense, maybe? I still don't see talking to people who set their minds on evil to have much of an effect. They covet power and it will not be until they understand the power of God that they will repent (if ever).

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I'd be there in the front seat to hear you speak for an hour. I enjoy all your posts.

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I also chose the lectern to pay homage to my high school psychology teacher who was also the football coach. He would throw his lectern at any wise guy boys acting up in his class and then send them out to run laps on the track. That would be a useful method to deal with the leftist rabble infesting “Our Democracy”.

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It is not.

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The slow shift in attitudes toward Trump and against the government ruse of election integrity is interesting. I believe it's root cause is people's growing distrust of everything about government that was started by COVID. People are looking back in horror at what our lying government did to our lives for more than two years. We watched in horror, or knew someone, who died alone in the hospital on a ventilator because hospital staff and the entire medical war machine locked us out and prevented access to proven repurposed medication. Government at all levels, the entire medical community, senior management of health care and private sector business MANDATED decisions that our Constitution protected. They did it anyway.

By year three, the comments on every article I read about COVID were full of ranting, angry people who wrote as if they had just awakened in the middle of a bad dream. They were shocked they were fooled, and fooled in a very big way.

I believe it was the ripple effects of COVID that are at play in the eroding Biden, J6, and election integrity issues involving Trump. COVID showed the world just how powerful and influential a corrupt government can be. What they did to us in COVID is what they have been doing to Trump. And, people are really pissed. COVID woke up the patriot class of citizens in all countries.

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Trump started pulling off masks in 2015-2016 and COVID and post-COVID has accelerated. I am hoping that collectively we are never that stupid and gullible again to be taken in by lockdowns and social distancing.

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Not sure of the rest of society but I will never get a vaccine or wear a mask because someone ordered it ever again.

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NNNnnyeah -- but the main thing I remember from the COVID publicity sessions is his just standing there while the White Coat Mafia was lecturing us. I so hope he's learned his lesson.

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That was early in 2020. By June President Trump had learned his lesson and had Scott Atlas of Stanford University, the top US specialist in Public Health Policy come to the White House for 3 months. Atlas informed the President about what was actually going on, attended the Working Group meetings and reported on how useless they were, and brought in 3 leading specialists to a conference and then to meet President Trump for a few minutes. Trump was so interested in their knowledge that he told them to sit down and explain things to him. The meeting lasted 45 minutes and he was thoroughly engaged with them.

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I did not know that, and I wonder how many people do. Just like me, they may remember only the first part, where he didn't look very good. And in politics, looks can be decisive.

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One more thing about the mandatory injections. I was nearing 80 when COVID first came up in our faces. The elderly were highly vulnerable (they said). Subliminally, I didn't fight this shot BECAUSE, back in 1950 our school nurse gave every student tetanus shots and Schick tests and polio shots. By the time I got to high school, the Sabin shot had become the little purple sugar cube. I'm more pist about the Covid-19 crap than any of the others. Our little church congregation lost 3 couples in one month! Had to CCTV the funerals for the timid. Did your song leader wear a mask behind the mic?? Is still is not funny!

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COVID was a very difficult situation - by design. I don't fault any individual for making the best health care choice for themselves given the information we were given. It is the hindsight - and the bold-faced lies we were told to scare us out of our minds in order to "follow orders" that bothers me now. It was a lie. Never in the history of our country has such a conspiratorial ruse ever been perpetrated against our citizens for nefarious motivations. Until COVID.

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I think you are on track Shrugged.

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Dead on my friend.

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"The deep state, Democrats and RINOs continue to promote the lie"

Of course, they do - and they can't help themselves.

Qualifications like this: "...a baseless conspiracy theory that has been promoted heavily in right-wing media and by Trump..." are dead give-aways that it isn't even the media any longer - it's the propaganda apparatus as it has been referred to by me for quite some time now.

I have news for the ink-stained wretches, and the "J"-school hacks and flunkies employed by any of the propaganda apparatus outlets - it's no longer a theory once it's proven to be true.

Rolling Stone magazine HAS to be among the saddest stories in American journalism, and pop culture, ever. Its fall from a publication that chronicled much (if not all) of the music industry, culture, sub-, and counter-culture to just another leftist rag that can't even hold Mother Jones' soiled Depends diaper is almost tragic.

Sadly, a pardon is the best that can be done, but I remain unconvinced that it expunges the charges from each protestor so-charged - the deep state will oppose Trump at every opportunity - especially when it comes to reversing the damage it has done.

Even IF all are granted pardons, they can never be made whole - the time incarcerated can never be restored.

Ray Epps ought to spend the rest of his life behind bars, with or without due process.

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Let's just throw Ray Epps into the same solitary confinement without any interaction for a full year. Then, after a year, we give him one chance to tell us his assigned role and who hired him for j6, naming names and implicating everyone involved in the coup.

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Ray Epps deserves punishment but even harsher punishment should come to those higher up that brought him in, gave him direction, and have protected him all this time.

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And then what? Expungement? I hope not. He should draw LWOPP "Life without possibility of parole." Attempted 1st degree murder (of Truth, Justice and the American Way).

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Epps is just a tool, not a mastermind or top leader. We need the guys who put him at that event hauled before congress under oath.

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You are absolutely right. The only problem is Ray Epps is our only link to finding out who those people are. Corner Epps and we might get the answers we are seeking about the perpetrators.

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I believe he may be sentenced to 6 months in some sham pre-indictment plea deal:


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And then he's quietly 'released for good behavior' after 24 hours?? 🤔 😡

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That is how you know he was a Deep State plant.

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He wont. The FBI has dirt on too many people in authority and they are now nearly imperialistic in their actions. They routinely go before congress and lie with impunity and there is no pushback. Wray is still running it like Hoover did. There needs to be a top down review of all the federal police agencies and some wholesale house cleaning afterward.

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“What is the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? About six months.”

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Along with Michael Byrd, Ashli Babbitt's executioner.

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Imagine the Insurrection Day Sales.

All items at CVS, Target, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Home Depot and Lowe’s are free!!

Simply walk in with a group of at least five celebrants and throw the merchandise you don’t want or can’t carry on the floor. on the floor. Then, walk out with whatever you can carry. No charge!!! It’s Insurrection Day!!!!!

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Sounds like what’s already happening in all those stores across the country right now, except all the “insurrectionists” seem to be black, and get away scott free.

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The Insurrection Day Sales bring this shopping experience to mobs across the country, not just those in sanctuary cities.

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Free Bud Light for every J6 sympathizer you turn in

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It's REPARATIONS, can't you understand that?

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In that case, ‘Insurrection Day’ is everyday in Democratic controlled cities like NYC, Chicago, San Fran, LA, etc where walking into stores and stealing but not being arrested for it, is the norm.

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As I read and re-read the 4th and 5th clauses of our 1st Amendment - "or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." - I will consider January 6th as rather a holiday. And as a historical marker as to how our precious 'government' staged an event(the backup was the two fake pipe bombs) to erase any delay of the certification of electoral votes.

Trump gained 12M votes and 'lost'. Right. Remember, democrat Molly Ball told us what they did:


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The fake pipe bomb makes Chris Wray look like the lying little munchkin he is. Where's the rest of the footage of the pipe bomber from a different angle that Revolver (Darren Beattie) showed was missing from the release? It would clearly show who placed the pipe bomb. Wray just drags his feet . . . .


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The job of the federal government is to cover up all of its actions. Nothing more.

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In a nutshell Danimal 11

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This is such an unbelievable tragedy it’s hard to square it with life in NA in the 22nd century (well maybe not). The first thing T needs to do when (pls Gd not ‘if’) he is re-elected is pardon these poor people, and then arrest every one of the perpetrators of this travesty from Shumer-Pelosi right down to the cops who beat that poor woman to death in the tunnel. Micheal Byrd gets his own thing and a plaque on the lamp post or parking lot back wall he breathed (gurgled?) his last.

And if they can give that pos george floyd’s family $27M, for what, f’ing up his upbringing, they better open the cheque book good and wide for the J6 Bros!

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And pardon the Floyd cops who are in jail for doing their job arresting a drug dealer. Chauvin should receive an 8 figure settlement and the opportunity for a new identity.

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Trump will only be able to pardon Chauvin for the Federal crime he plead guilty to. He will still have to serve his Minnesota sentence. However Trump might consider baring Federal funds to Minn. This would have to be done covertly however.

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Nothing can be done covertly anymore. Someone will go running to the NYTimes or Bezos Post.

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Probably! But Trump might consider shipping FJB’s illegal aliens to Minn pending their hearings.

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jimok - to paraphrase one of the esteemed congress critters - wouldn't that make Minn sink?

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I like it.

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The only truth about secretes is that there are no secrets.

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I would LOVE all that you say here to occur, but I won't hold my breath. 😢

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The illegal arrests and unconstitutional convictions of January 6th, 2021 protesters was the “Fort Sumpter” of the coming civil war. Historians will look back and see that was the day we effectively broke into two warring parties.

Personally , have been in combat, I’d prefer a national divorce over warfare. Give the left its leftist cities, excommunicate those cities from the nation, and tell them good luck. The rest of us can to go back to living with petty quarrels while they can implode with their newfound religion of self destruction.

But alas, I think they mean to kill us. So it’s off to war.

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No. Wars have consequences for innocent lives. “We are better than that.. there is another way.”

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Mark, with respect, if there is another way that shows promise, I'd like to hear about it because working within the system ain't cuttin' it. Corrupt judges are tossing out legitimate cases right and left. And it's not like actual Americans would choose a type of war, they're being driven to it. They're (we're) being put in a position of having nothing left to lose. By the way, that's the worst kind of enemy one can have.

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Gary, I understand your legitimate frustrations and feelings. Yet the Marxist have taken over the country without firing one shot. We need to be smarter and better prepared. War has consequences for the weakest and most vulnerable in our societies with loss of supply lines, power food energy etc. Tgere would be no health care for millions and rarely do the unorganized leaders of any revolutionary movement stay in power after a civil war. This scenario is the last resort. Most people on the Democratic side are recoverable. Their ignorance and evil are magnified by DC and a corrupt media. Thank you though for your heartfelt comments.

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There’s not going to be any healthcare or anything for you. The leftists and the corruptocracy will take everything from you and then kill your. History is replete with examples. Doesn’t matter how they get into power, they wield it harshly and forcefully. Our system is existed for 250 years without such means. They don’t care. They will destroy you if we don’t destroy them first. Only a matter of time. Be prepared.

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Greg, history is replete with tales of empires being built and destroyed. However, the obvious question is, what is your plan? How do you convince 81 million people, 1 million people, or even 1000 people to join together in this mission. Assuming you can get them convinced to participate in this adventure, what is this strategic goal? How is that achieved?

What armaments do you use? What supplies do you have to re-Supply the spent weapons? Have you thought about the fact that the opposing force is prepared and has contingency plans? They have weapons systems that can destroy any force. The only way to overcome there weapon systems is increased person power willing to die for the cause. I don’t see many Americans willing to do this. Mr. Surber analysis of January 6 is a good example of what happens when a committed group of patriots without a plan wander aimlessly into a trap, set up by individuals, who are more evil and committed. There are scenarios that would work, but these are not the forums to discuss them nor would I support them at this point since the political process is not dead yet.

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Jan 6th was no war, not a battle, not even a skirmish. It was a bunch of well meaning but naïve people trying to exercise their constitutional rights to assemble and protest while the government used its weaponized agencies to trap them and reverse the intent. We aren't going to have a war, we ARE at war because we now clearly see what our government has become and we will not accept it. How this war progresses is unknown at present but it will become much clearer during 2024.

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I don’t have a plan for war. I don’t want a war. I’ve fought my wars for America. I just want to be left alone. But I will defend myself and my loved ones. As best as I can.

I have no idea how one would try to organize in this environment. You can’t trust anyone. I don’t see a full scale war. I see ever increasing violence against opposing civilians with retaliation actions, resistance type covert action in hot spots around the country, independent attacks on government facilities, heavy handed government response leading to more covert actions until they lose control of the cities. Then you have refugees streaming out of big cities, ill prepared, dying along the highways, begging for help in rural areas where they simply won’t be accepted. It’s going to be a mess.

And the oligarchs and politicians will be sitting in their comfy chairs, watching the media covering it like a sporting event. Which it is for those depraved people

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A war response is a tough call and one with a good chance of failing, yet it seems to be the only shot we have left. As stated above, courts, judges, law enforcement (at the Fed level anyway), Congress, and dozens of compliant Fed agencies are working in lock-step to destroy us. There is nothing left in that "system" that can be used to fight against it. War is a tough call, but may be the only thing left. It will takes millions of patriots to give it a chance of working.

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Our Forefathers gave us a peaceful option to deposing the government since it’s the states who created the federal government: a convention of states. 33 states needed to call for a convention or just friggin meet since the Feds will disagree and try to shut it down. This is our last chance.

But alas, we don’t have enough statesmen in our state legislatures to take on this task. This is another pledging lives, fortunes and sacred honor moment. Most of us aren’t scared enough yet to place it all on the line.

So like I said yesterday, we have many more years of this crap to deal with.

Happy New year!

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On target.

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So what is your alternative solution to this nightmare?

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There's an element in this that hasn't really been analyzed becuase it's speculation. If the DC cartel really pushes matters to violence, how many police, sheriffs and National Guard units will side with the people, their neighbors? Expecially when the progressive freaks have shoved so much lunacy at us. Their entire premise is massivley unrealistic and 100% contrary to human nature. We would literally be fighting societal barbarians. Turns out, the Zombie movies are pretty close to our cuttent reality. The whole thing is downright surreal. It's like we're all living in a Salvador Dali's painting.

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The police and military are fully infiltrated by liberal Brown shirts. Expect no help. In times of civil unrest they will protect their family and property. We are on our own.

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This is a battlefield determined by geography. Cities and suburban areas are fully corrupted by leftists. Rural America is a different story. That’s why I say cut the cities loose and let them control their rabble. I’m tired of paying taxes to support these cities and their terrible ideology.

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I literally JUST posed this question to my husband the other day!

He is a retired Marine. He was cautiously confident that most of the LEOs, National Guard etc would side with 'us' and would be unlikely to shoot people they actually know.

At least this is what we hope, but hope is not a strategy, hence stocking up on ammo. 😳

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There is always hope. I see hundreds of people each day. Most are good people with the same wants and dreams we all have. How do we succeed? In small steps: Local elections, school boards, forums like this and others. Speak up have your voice heard. Talk to friends family strangers in understanding respectful tones. Prepare for the worst and expect the best. Find love , be good with God, live life and don’t worry. America has survived worse periods before we will survive this.

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Yes to that, Mark.

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Thanks Mark. I appreciate your optimism even if I'm unsure whether I can share it or not. And I'm not sure America has survived worse periods.

Even the Civil War didn't have one side with a fundamental difference of seeking to return to domination under the Crown; it was 'just' a difference over how slavery was viewed, which as we all know was widely the 'norm' at the time. But now it's a battle between individual sovereignty and liberty, versus totalitarianism, domination and ultimate tyranny.

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I do not agree with you on that one but I hate wars nonetheless.

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Just tweak a few words, like "Ukraine" for "Vietnam"…


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The psychological term is referred to as "projection" -- attributing one's own unacceptable urges to another. This is the "D's" playbook. It is all really quite simple. And yes, the truth to our intellectual superiors is always "chilling".

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Surely there is another term that reflects the malevolence of these behaviours. It’s beyond mere urges. It’s actions with malice.

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I’m leaning towards sociopathic.

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Psychopathic, really.

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I'm leaning towards "Demonic"

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I'm leaning towards "Demonic"

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Alinsky: accuse your opponent of what you are doing to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt.

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And where is Saul now? He's dead. And those who worship the same idols will share the same fate.

Psalm 37:10:

In just a little while, the wicked will be no more; though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there.

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Had to look that one up. Perfect.

Deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender.

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There must be a semester-long course in journalism school on employing the DARVO technique. It just rolls off the tongues of most talking heads.

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All graduates of the “Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Advanced Deception”.

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Well put!!!

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Mostly, they're just naturals – like athletes of lying and backstabbing. They have what the media mogul scouts are looking for.

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SL - thank you for the translation

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If the insurrection was the attempted overthrow of the government, and on January 6 Donald Trump was the head of the government, was he trying to overthrow himself?

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Amazing isnt it? They dont even hear what they are saying....

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I want to give YOU, Don, a lectern for Insurrection Day!!

AKA the day DJT incited an Erection!!

Jackass Schumer even said so!


We need a THEME song for this holiday!!

I nominate this one, if you just tweak a few words, like "Ukraine" for "Vietnam"... https://youtu.be/28DyLbPP4So

Wouldn't it be FABULOUS if EXTREME MAGAs TROLLED FJB's Gettysburg speech this Saturday and SANG that song over and over using bullhorns!!??

And held up posters that said things like: "TRUMP GOT US OUT OF ALL FOREIGN WARS/ BIDEN STARTED NEW WARS!!"

Or "TRUMP incided an ERECTION, not an insurrection! Even Schumer agrees!" and then play that audio of Schumer over bullhorns on a loop!

Extreme MAGAs need to MOCK the left with actions like this to change the narrative!

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You reminded me of a Saturday Night Live Skit - way back when they were funny - Gilda Radner as Emily Litella commenting on the news:

Emily Litella: What’s all this fuss I’ve been hearing about the 1976 presidential erection? Now, I know they erected a monument for Mr. Lincoln and President Washington, but that’s because they’re DEAD! Hopefully, the 1976 President won’t be DEAD! So he won’t NEED an erection! If Americans are going to spend money to erect anything, why don’t we tear down those nasty slums and erect luxury high rises for poor people and senior citizens! Not for presidents who can afford to pay for their OWN erections!

Chevy Chase: Miss Litella --

Emily Litella: I can’t believe the way things are turning out in this country -- what?

Chevy Chase: I'm sorry. That’s election. The editorial was about the presidential election, not the presidential erection. Election.

Emily Litella: Oh, that’s very different.

LChevy Chase: Yes.

Emily Litella: Never mind.

Chevy Chase: And that's the news. Good night. Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

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Forgive me for going off topic here, Don, but this current extraordinary attempt by the Left to grab unprecedented power requires everyone’s immediate attention and effort to stop!

Please read about here and contact ALL your representatives and all your friends and contacts to stand up against it!




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The Discovery aspect of Trumps Jan. 6th/ stolen election trial in DC should be explosive. It could potentially enable his Defense team to unload reams and reams of evidence (reasonable doubt) exposing the Lefts efforts to manipulate the Steal.

That’s if the whole case doesn’t get thrown out beforehand via his current appeals. Pray much!! 🙏

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I guarantee you that the federal judges will rule as inadmisssble much, if not all of the evidence that would exonerate Trump.

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Yeah, there is that, but that could open the way for another appeal.

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That's what the judge successfully did against John Durham with his prosecution of some of the perps in the FBI collusion cases. He had evidence and was forbidden to produce it in court.

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Yep - and they'll do it, again.

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The Jan 6 committee already destroyed a lot of it.

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