Enough with the trannies. If you don't know who you are, look in your pants.

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Meanwhile: in far off Conway NH, the sorta almost famous Conway Public Library will sponsor - for the Community - the very infamous Rev Yolanda to “….capture(s) the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”

No - I don’t think they are giving up. Not when there are so many remaining enablers. Evil does not give up. They do want our kids. The Marxists, NAMBLA and the whole wretched lot of them.

The link is to the library and there are no graphics.


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Thanks! I have some friends - died-in-the-wool liberals, who live in Conway. They're always sending me news articles about West Virginia's problems. Right back at 'cha, Babe ....

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This is to a LOOOONG essay telling the whole sordid story.

The author cites very useful primary sources and lays out the whole (modern) history and long list of debased relationships. There is no limit to their depraved interests. Feel free to circulate.

Conway is an example of why I doubt NH will vote Trump: the older population is curiously intensely and irrationally liberal and facts have no bearing on their views. They do not live a reality based existence. Don't get me started on the Education Complex in state.

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Tell you a good Virginia story. The ex used to frequent a produce stand out in the country. One fine day as she approached the parking lot, a car with NY plates went roaring out, spraying gravel everywhere.

When she asked the ladies behind the table what was wrong with those people, one laughed and said, "They didn't like our sign."


True story.

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Easy on the NYers--some of us absolutely detest collards!


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Apparently, "See Spot, See Spot Run" has been replaced by "See Louie, See Louise, She's done."

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I followed the link you provided. Depraved and disgusting!

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Most reputable Plastic Surgeons do a psychological assessment on patients prior to cosmetic surgery to determine if the patient has body dysmorphia. However in gender “affirmation “ surgery all analysis goes out the window in the creation of the ultimate in psychological dysmorphic individuals. It truly is creating a class of freaks for political and financial reasons. FJB

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"Reputable plastic surgeons" is an oxymoron, like "trustworthy politicians" and "homosexual marriage," to identify a few. I concede that there may be, from time to time, individual examples that exhibit admirable qualities, but they are the exceptions that prove the rule. Having spent (misspent?) more than forty years laboring in the salt mine of the legal business, I will hasten to add the term, "legal ethics" to the mix, just so nobody thinks I am ufairly picking on them.

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And there is "senate ethics"... "military intelligence"... "leading from behind"..."affordable care act". When it comes to government the oxymoron is a gift that keeps giving.

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Even Billy Shakespeare was into it:

“O heavy lightness, serious vanity,

Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms!

Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health,

Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is!

This love feel I, that feel no love in this.”

By the way, the word “oxymoron” is itself an oxymoron.

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Most plastic surgeons do not do sex change operations. The field has been around for decades. Many institutions abandoned it. Some never did it. Some surgeons, including one I trained under, thought surgery could solve psychological issues. I disagree with that thesis although it’s not as crazy as it sounds, because sometimes it works. But that’s another topic. A very small percentage of surgeons are involved with “bottom surgery.” I have done a modest number of other surgeries on trans patients, facelifts, liposuction etc., mostly before all this madness started- to mainstream transsexualism - which is absurd. I always had the patients obtain a psychological assessment before doing a top surgery ( when it seemed to actually mean something and wasn’t a commercial or political effort). Before this became politicized, it was recognized that a very tiny percentage of the population was happier living as the opposite sex. It’s a fact. Gender dysphoria is a thing. I tend to agree now with psychiatrists who say it’s mostly mental illness affecting these people. But I have had several of these patients who are well adjusted and happy. Most are not however. They are miserable. Think about how miserable having this issue would make you. And there is no good solution, because surgery doesn’t seem to make them happier usually.

You probably won’t want to hear it, but I’ll also tell you that some of them are politically conservative. I kid you not. Some like Trump. Sorry. Not every gay person or trans person is a lunatic. Many gay people just want to live their lives quietly like everybody else. They aren’t militant and most of them do not like being lumped in with the trans community.

I stopped doing any kind of top surgery on these patients because there were a lot of them who setting aside their gender issues, were just not good candidates psychologically for any type of elective surgery. They had other psychological issues which contraindicated operating on them. And these issues came up with enough frequency when I would see these patients, that eventually I decided that it was a low yield proposition and it was better to not include this in my practice. Despite what our lawyer friend is saying, most of us want to help people and be ethical in going about it. Trust me, if I need ethics advice, I won’t be asking a lawyer. Look at the DOJ and all the lawyers in DC. Enough said. But there plenty more where that came from.

The point of all this is that like many things it isn’t as simple as it may seem superficially.,There is clearly a whole new group of psychologically disturbed people and attention seekers who are now saying they are trans because of all the political and media attention to the subject. But it is a real issue for a tiny percentage of the population.

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I worked with a number of plastic surgeons on a cleft palate/cranio-facial team for almost 30 years. Yes there are reputable, skilled and very caring plastic surgeons.

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"The exception proves the rule." Very few people know what that phrase really means: "proves" as in "tests." I'm impressed.

Considered law school after med school, but couldn't afford not working another three years. Doesn't sound like that much fun anyway ... Cheers.

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Thank you. I didn’t know that.

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It is the quintessential “tyranny of the minority”, and must be crushed by all and any means necessary, and tossed into the dustbin of history.



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It’s now as much of a profit center for clinics and hospitals as transplants. It will take a LOT (I do pray they are coming) of crushing lawsuits. The children they mutilate experience horrific life long medical problems, not just “issues.”

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The core problem is identified by that great philosopher, Wim de Vriend: “Every ideology, no matter how illogical, ignorant or insane, enchants a mob of fervent believers.”

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One has to fight these loonies at every level - particularly language. First of all, it is sex - not "gender." Nouns have gender, people are of a sex. Secondly, that sex is not "assigned at birth." It is DETERMINED at conception - a full nine months earlier - the moment his spermatic 23 chromosomes combine with her ovarian 23 to produce the normal 46 - and the blueprint determining the child's sex. Hasn't a thing to do with assignment and everything to do with biology. As I like to say, you can no more cut off your tallywacker, take drugs and suddenly be Susie than you can cut off your arm, wear a hook, say "ARRRGHHHH!" and become Long John Silver. You are just an unfortunate postop - and post-medical-malpractice - patient, nothing more.

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Thank you! The “sex determined at birth” thing always makes me roll my eyes. But if the left admitted that sex is determined at conception, they would also have to admit that the “mass of cells” growing in the uterus is actually a human being. Which they will never do.

As to there being all these dozens of genders, I have one question for the alphabet crowd…

If there are so many genders, why are there only two choices when one wants to “transition”?

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“We elected Republicans to repeal this in 2010.”

Yeah well if it weren’t for one Sen John McStain - who let his jealousy of POTUS DJT get the better of him - it would have been. Congress had the votes & he was the spoiler to his eternal shame.

Never see it mentioned - intentionally I’m sure - but part of the fallout of the LGBTQFU ideology/lifestyle/ whatever you want to call it - has been the faggification of the culture; everything’s fey & wimpy now: commercials/movies ( girl boss rules!), sports, etc. Testosterone has been intentionally deleted & wimpy, feminist ways have been pushed on males. “Get in touch with your feminine side!” “Explore different lifestyles!”

No thanks. Heterosexuality has been the cornerstone of civilization since God created the earth. I’ll stick with what’s tried & true. Don’t stand for this nonsense - push back. Celebrate rugged individualism & the time-honored Principles of Chivalry.

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I married a former Marine 43 years ago. I love that toxic masculinity!

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No such thing as a former Marine. Once a Marine, always a Marine.....

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Actually, there’s no such thing as an Ex-Marine. There are millions of former Marines. My husband will vouch for that.

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John McStain came from the "General Milley military" not the one that fought WWII and D-Day. And I won't thank him for his service.

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My question vis-a-vis Thoroughly Modern Millie always has been what’s all that fruit salad on his tunic for - losing wars?

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The Peter Principle is alive and well in the military as in business. What are his heroic battles and successes? Did his rise coincide with 8 years of Obama “fundamentally changing America”?

Just sayin’

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You're being horribly ungrateful. He deserves thanks for dying.

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But he left us his daughter who is still a haunting nightmare.

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Yes, an equally irritating splinter off the old blockhead

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John's legacy ?

Pee Gate.

It's well deserved.

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I want to clarify my statement on "I won't thank him for his service" so I do not offend the 99.99% of true military heroes.

Just because a person is enlisted and serving in one of our branches of the military should not automatically earn the hero status that emerged from the American people after 9-11 and America's efforts to stop Sadam Hussein. That was the start of thanking soldiers for their service. Pat Tillman was the poster child for giving that kind of service - and he is a hero.

However, there are also the soldiers who become traitors to America - there are more than the average person may know about. Just because a person serves in the military does not make them automatically revered and thanked. The vast majority deserve to be praised, but not because of their enlistment. It is because of their FAITHFUL SERVICE as an enlisted member.

McCain: As a former enlisted military member, which helped to propel his career in politics, I judged his "faithful service" as being contradictory to the oath he took as a soldier. Just like the soldier in the article below, some faithful service can be negated by one act of unfaithful service.

Case in point: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-army-intelligence-analyst-charged-with-selling-military-secrets-china-2024-03-07/

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Out here where I live in the country, I can't count the number of pride flags flying in front of houses or of bumper stickers on F-150s that celebrate the LGBTQ+ lifestyle. the reason I can't count them is that there aren't any. As in none.

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The same could be said for Biden/Harris flags and bumper stickers.

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But sure to get another record number of votes come November...

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Because their printing budget provided only for ballots.

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Ha! How refreshing to live in a sane place.

It sure would be nice for "normal" to come back into vogue.

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I wear a ball cap that says: “Normal” Isn’t Coming Back - Jesus Is.

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And he's pissed.

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Transgenderism is what happens when a mental illness is “transitioned” into a civil rights movement and endorsed by the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party. A mental illness cannot be cured with a surgical procedure even if it gets a Nobel Prize in Medicine, see prefrontal lobotomy. Doctors who endorse gender affirming care should have their licenses pulled and have the plaintiffs bar take away their money.

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when in doubt cut it out, a chance to cut is a chance to cure.....

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The tranny-drag queen invasion attacked us like mosquitos during a walk in the woods.

Many well known brands jumped on the bandwagon to squeeze out as much revenue and brand loyalty as possible. We can vote them out with our dollars. It was when our publicly funded libraries and school systems started targeting our children that I became furious. Hospital systems desperately trying to develop a revenue stream like the one they became drunk on from COVID had surgeons with scalpel-in-hand ready to go when needed. We can no longer trust the medical profession or their employers (ie. health systems).

As with COVID, what happened to "The science"? The answer is they keep changing it to fit their needs. There are only two genders: XX and XY. That is the science. Everything else is a self perception. The topic of furries is not usually included in these general discussions of transgender topics, but there are people who identify as CATS, DOGS, and RABBITS, etc. They wear a mask and dress like the animal to live and act like the real animal as they progress through their day. Are we to believe that these people are really cats, dogs, or rabbits? If not, then why would we subscribe to the notion that biological males can become a female? The "science" doesn't support it.

I keep getting a pop-up ad on my computer for a t-shirt that says (I paraphrase), "God created two genders. Democrats invented all the others". That t-shirt absolutely captures "The Science" of the transgender myth. Transgenderism is a mental illness. Liberalism is a mental illness.

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You reminded me of something that happened in infamous Loudoun County, Virginia where the father whose daughter was raped by a tranny in the school bathroom was arrested and jailed for demanding that the local school board do something about it. He was eventually pardoned by Governor Youngkin and the county prosecutor and the entire school board were fired in the next election

One of the local middle schools had one of those “furries” in their student body. It was a boy who identified as a cat. The furry’s mother, who had to have been a single leftist Karen, demanded that the school provide a litter box in the boy’s bathroom for her son. And the school went along with it.

I am not making this up.

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I saw that article somewhere. The government and system moved way too slowly in that well-documented rape case. There should have been prosecutions.

If our society certifies as "science" that a biological male can imagine he is a female, then we must accept that the same science has changed that boy you referenced into a cat.

I can't go there. I can only hope that child gets legitimate help.

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There was a time when a parent pushed this type of mentally ill nonsense and publicly promoted it, school officials would notify state medical/health officials. A hearing would be conducted, the parent(s) would be convicted of child abuse and the child would become a ward of the state.

Where are the parents (taxpayers) who are paying for these mentally ill school officials to justify the installation of animals litter box, located in a taxpayer funded bathroom, where state health sanitation levels must be monitored and maintained at all times?

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School boards have been taken over by leftists who make it very difficult and intimidating to confront them. I'm sure you've seen the video clips of angry parents trying to confront the school board about the sexually explicit books in school libraries available to grade school and middle school students.

They won't let a parent read from those books because they are "inappropriate" for an adult audience, but don't do anything to remove them from students who are in grade and middle school classes.

How can this hypocrisy be allowed to exist? They have built walls around their actions of destroying kids and families such that it is too risky for any one (or a few) to take on. The school systems have legal services (paid for by us) to thwart any attempt to shut them down. It is a "reverse lawfare" where they dare you to take on their legal system of protection. And, it is backed by the NEA - the teacher's union.

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I understand and agree with your analysis, however, there are other tax paying parents and community members who should be VERY concerned about the reality of an enrolled student, urinating and defacating in an open litter box in a public bathroom, which falls under the rules of the public health department.

Parents should be raising HELL and calling on the state and federal health department to take action, before serious illness spreads due to these unsanitary conditions, i.e. salmonella, etc.

This action goes way beyond placating the mentally ill board members, school officials or teachers' union.

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Yes, you are absolutely right. But, this avenue also faces political control.

Unless the local or state government agencies are in line with the "conservative" opinion (I doubt most are, even in Red states), it is usually a dead end.

It is the (1) School Principal and (2) the local school board who must be held accountable and their actions brought to public attention.

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Actually, I believe all this nonsense is preparation for legalizing pedophilia.

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The womyn of the D*AR will have to keep up. Maybe they have a new bylaw ready to go at Continental Congress in a few weeks clarifying that any life form with a “born again” birth certificate marked female and the required lineage will be accepted. Don’t think they wouldn’t do it.

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A good friend of mine just resigned her leadership position in the local DAR because of this insane change. She can't stand it!

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Yep, I, my daughters, my mother, and my sister all resigned last September when it was clear that the NSD*AR would not even allow discussion about their misogynist new bylaw. It got ugly all across the country. The only thing that might possibly make them change is tanking membership, money isn’t the issue for them, they have more than they can spend for the next 25 years easily.

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I do hate to see when conservatives leave organizations because they disagree with some woke problem, though. It's the same as surrendering, because once the conservatives leave, the woke people then own the organization (and its endowments), and can use that platform to further proselytize for the woke purposes.

The problem probably started earlier on, when there was casual talk at first, starting to shift or push the attitudes of the members of the organization in a woke direction. Especially if it was a group of women, I bet people were too polite to directly confront the woke point of view when it began insinuating itself into the organization. A collegial cordiality prevailed and the woke went unchallenged. Then there were were probably elections for chairpersons of chapters, for committees, for national officers, etc.

The good (conservative) members of these groups were probably too slow and reticent to stand up to the promotion of woke viewpoints, and the end result is the organization is captured by the Woke, and the conservatives quit, and another organization ends up subverted

I am sure some variation of this has happened all over the place in the last couple decades. From the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts to ritzy neighborhood associations. Also within churches; and within formerly respectable non-profits (CFP has an article up today about SPLC, Southern Poverty Law Center).

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Gee, I've been searching all morning for a transgender/queer Company in any Infantry Regiment that fought in the Revolutionary war and was a notable part of the American Revolution . . . but just can't seem to get a hit on that search.

I did find that some very brave women - dedicated to the cause of freedom - dressed as men so they could help fight in the war. It does not say they were transgender. It does suggest they "faked" their way into the army to help fight. Another reference said a person in Virginia was biologically mixed gender (genetic issue) which is not a decision to be transgender. It was a genetic issue from birth. Source: https://libguides.nypl.org/c.php?g=1176173&p=8789749#:~:text=Deborah%20Sampson%20was%20a%20Massachusetts,Ludwig%20Hays%3B%20and%20Molly%20Corbin.

Perhaps the transgenders stayed back to help Betsy Ross . . . or to groom children in the local schoolhouses for just this time in our history. 🙃 (/s/)

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Oh the NSD*AR has already sponsored an online presentation of Female Husbands, A Trans History. You can catch one more viewing on July 11th. Speakers include the D*AR Museum of Coatumes and Textiles, and the author, an obvious cross dresser, Jen Manion (Freudian possibly) professor of History and Political Economy at Amherst. The D*AR is sinking faster than they can bilge. Misogynists, they are. Also, nuts.

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They are being infected by the leftist playbook. Invade, change the bylaws, destroy the original glory and intent of the organization. Another notch in their belt.

F*ck them.

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I get confused with the tranny stuff. Is the DAR admitting biological women who believe they are men or biological males who believe they are women? Or both?

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"We can no longer trust the medical profession" seems unjust and simplistic. How many of us will claim that nothing good has ever come from consulting a doctor? I mean, not Dr. Jill but a real one? How many of us have not benefited from a few minor operations, performed by a skilled physician? The problem has always been that most people are too eager to submit to authority, and this is a universal problem of long standing. As sensible a man as George Washington trusted the doctor who killed him with the quack remedy of bloodletting. And since then there have been many more medical fads, eventually disproved, fads that victimized people but enriched callous doctors -- like the lobotomies.

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My statement may be simplistic but it is not unjust. It is an opinion that formed because of the medical community's behavior with COVID. They murdered hundreds of thousand of human beings. They did not follow medicine (natural immunity), they denied us of informed consent, they purposely prevented effective medicines from being prescribed which would have prevented most of those who died in a hospital alone from ever having to go there in the first place.

The medical community - and I include my physician who I respected until he acted this way during COVID - was really only following the Pharma industrial complex. They weren't serving you and implementing the "First, do no harm" commitment of their "profession".

It is a very just assessment of their unjust and criminal behavior

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By the way, if your birth certificate wasn't issued by the American Kennel Club, you're not a poodle.

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Many in the LGB community want to evict the T. It’s too weird, even for them.

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Too bad, they’re stuck with them. They couldn’t begin to speak out against pedo’s either.

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Call me pleased to read this good news and pray the trend continues.As more comes out about the Nashville nutjob it becomes clear the trans movement follows a pattern of violent hatred of normal people and society in general.As one looks into trans violence history it seems to be worsening each time(thank you social media) as if looking to become famous.Tough poll but do lead on Poca-Man as we need a too big to rig MAGA victory 2024.

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She had daddy issues, that much is clear.

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Imagine a couple of EMTs in the back of an ambulance rushing to a hospital and calling ahead to let them know what to expect. It's either, "We've got a 58 year old male..." or "We've got a 58 year old female..." It's one or the other. When the chips are down, reality matters. They are not going to ask the patient, "What are your pronouns? The hospital needs to know."

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Yeah - it's good to see people figuring this out.

However, we have a wide swath of kids, who weren't protected by their parents, that got indoctrinated with this rotgut - and they are suffering the consequences.

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I am flying my pride flag this month. It has 50 stars in a field of blue with 13 red and white stripes.

Many things we see developed have come from science fiction of the past. Things like rockets to the moon and beyond, flying cars etc. I have never seen science fiction where boys wanna be girls and vice versa. Well, at least not until lately where every story has a gay, trans, or otherwise confused induvial or two.

Back in 2008 when Obama was elected a friend of mine said that it was the end of the USA as we know it. At the time I thought we’d correct it at the ballot box in the next election and began working to make that happen. In retrospect I believe my friend was right. the 2008 election was stolen but McCain was such a fool that he either didn’t know or didn’t care since he would continue getting his slice of the pie. The Chicago machine learned in 2008 that rigging the elections was easy. Just get the cities to overwhelm rest of the state and there you go. They were blindsided in 2016. We were blindsided in 2020 but at least the cheating was outed. I just read an article this morning that the CDC is worried about a new covid variant. Another article has pointed out the voting machines in Puerto Rican election this month failed to count the votes properly and many cases there no votes. I figure it was test run for November.

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Spot on with test run theory Sub.

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I have no idea what to do with this poll.

What do you mean there is no tooth fairy?

Everything that the far Left tries to shove down our throats is nonsense. It’s all part of a desire to destabilize society, and the sad part is that works because of the complicity of people who know better.

Transsexualism has been a political movement, birthed in academia, for decades. It only got traction when it was adopted by the Democrats and their money and PR machines in the last several years. Because these people aren’t playing around, and if Johnny thinks he’s Jenny and it creates chaos then that’s an opportunity to grab more control. This is what they always do. Incremental normalization of fringe ideas until they think they have enough mindshare, then they go big- climate change, gay rights, racism, etc..

The point here is that they don’t mind hurting people. It’s a game to them, and they play to win. That means normal people lose. You’re the target. Collateral damage is fine unless it threatens their control. Look at the insane freak shows now getting violent because they’ve been enabled by the Democrats.

All roads lead to Trump. Trump 2024. Now or never.

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I don’t really buy the “I don’t have a problem with adult alphabet-lifestyle living people” theory. I don’t see it that way. And, I know, most everyone by now has a sister or a nephew or a best friend’s daughter who is alphabet. How do we think these adults came to decide to live that way? Breaks my heart to think of it. Adult perverts have been targeting kids since the dawn of time! Families and state governments fought this for a hundred years but after decades of Democrats, mainline “churches”, and media, now, we’ve also moved left and decided SSM is acceptable. The lgbt cult is 100% in league with the pedos and the cross dressers and the greedy surgeons, they aren’t better or less delusional or evil. Of course the left exploited the opportunity to send in the tranny clowns, that’s what they do, and they fully expect us to acquiesce on this, too. We’ll never see the l g b’s speak out in any effective way against the t’s and the pedos, excuse me, MAP’s. All this to say, it bothers me some when I hear people say they don’t care what adults decide to do behind closed doors. It never stays behind the door! And before you know it, you’re pressured by your family or coworkers to attend a SS “marriage” show or take your kids to Audrey/Aiden’s 10th birthday party. Ugh!

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We are told a lot of things. We (as rational conservatives) do not believe everything we hear. We seek out the truth and most of the time find it. Liberal Lemmings do not do this. They take as gospel everything the NYT, WaPo, CNN and the rest of the latte-sipping imbeciles tell them. Who exactly are the uninformed?

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