90% of these pro-Palestinian protests are Astro-turfed, funded by a spiders web of dark money groups, NGO’s and foundations and other organizations who are all aligned with the Democrat party and the Left, comprised of anti-American, anti-Western, Marxist and radical Islamist leaning donors, founders, boards and members.

The shock troops on the ground are their useful idiots, many just well paid agitators often present at a variety of protests for various causes, who are trained to instigate and coerce unrest, destruction and division.

These are the very same people behind all of the “Climate”protestors as well as most of the other familiar Leftist cause protests.

They are the exact opposite of any purported grassroots movement, or spontaneous community action.

They are all very coordinated and orchestrated events by some very, very bad people with very bad intent, and with an awful lot of money to throw around.

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The Israelis have done the only thing they could have done because their backs were against the wall: wipe out Hamas and Hezbollah. The beneficial collateral damage includes the despicable Syrian regime ( although the new guys may be just as bad) and the Iranians are teetering on the brink. I don’t know the exact extent of the culpability of Netanyahu in the mismanaged prelude to October 7th, but it would not surprise me if his Left leaning opponents were trying to paint a misleading picture to use an attack against a Israel as leverage to take Netanyahu out of office. But once engaged, his management of an impossible domestic situation, a shockingly hostile international situation, and a multi front war simultaneously has been nothing but remarkable.

The ME looks very different from a year ago in October 7th and there is reason for some cautious optimism that Israel will not only survive, but be stronger for its tribulations. We still need to try and get the hostages back. As far as Iran goes, I don’t think

The regime will survive the next couple of years.

Trump will bring some needed sanity and leverage to the situation. I know we are all sick of endless war, but the Islamists never tire of killing the rest of us. This has to be dealt with. Israel’s experience shows repeatedly that appeasement and compromise is not the solution. They will come for the West again next. Our border debacle will not be in our favor at that point. Gaza started this war. Biden l’s policies drug it out. I see no reason to hurry to rebuild Gaza or to give the “Palestinians” a state. You don’t rebuild a cancer. You cut it out. Lies only work for so long, no matter how many Ivy League professors or Leftist politicians you have repeating them.

Erdogan is a problem. The West has created a monster with that one. And there are lots other serious problems domestic and foreign as always. But we’re better off today than 5 weeks ago and we can do this. We are winning.

For those of you who have remained on the side of decency and truth, God bless you. It’s not easy to hold unpopular opinions, never has been. Merry Christmas to you. Let’s hope for a great 2025 as we start your muck out the stall from 4 years of the Biden Simulation.

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Well stated, Sir. Thank you.

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The embrace of falsehood reflects a deep spiritual sickness that only faith in God can cure.


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Let's call this shit what it is, Don.

Muslim Jihad.

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Amen, Bro Don. Fake news on a global scale needs to be corrected, then and now. Thank you.

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Spent three years in the embassy in Tel Aviv as an Air Attache .. yup to all the above

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It is the curse for rejecting the Messiah. To those who have been given much, much is required.

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Drop Rob Reiner on the Hamas holes once and for all.

As far as the university feminist gals go instead of handmaiden outfits they should be forced to wear burkas around campus.

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The religion of peace.






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And this is where I learned the meaning of FAFO.

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Check this out. I hadn't heard of this and find it disgraceful and embarrassing.


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Keep on keeping on, Don.

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Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?

I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

Let the Canaanites deal with Psalm 139

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What a pleasant surprise-Thank You-Relax, remember, smile; we may be old, but our music is timeless-today, not so much--"I Had Some Help” is #1now-Remember 'The Sterile Cuckoo'-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icwPsVLdFEM

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Israel should occupy Gaza and create a secular 5 canton Gaza Confederation, where all religions are equally tolerated, and constrained.

No Muslim rulers can be trusted to do this. Israel doesn't want to do it -- but if they don't, it won't be done, and Israel won't have peace from Islamic fundamentalists.

Only capitalism and freedom and Rule of Law that respects Human Rights equally can overcome Islamic indoctrination and the Joy of Hate.

This becomes the third state in a 3-state solution. Israel remains Jewish & democratic. Occupied Gaza becomes secular, not-quite democratic, but with govt police who respect Human Rights.

The general superiority of democracy is the respect for Human Rights and Rule of Law -- none above the law. Occupying Israel can enforce such laws in the small Gaza area, in a way the USA could not do in Afghanistan, especially putting "democracy", and corruption, above enforcing human rights.

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